HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Armory / Community Center Engineering Testing Pay Request #6 1 cx�r oF Ros�o�n�r SXECUTIVE SU�+�iAItY FOIt ACTZON CTTY CO[TNCIL MEETiNG DATE: JUNE l, 1993 AGENDA ITEMs ARM4RY/GO1��R[3NITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: ENGIIJEERING 'PESTTNG SERVICES PAY REQ, #6 CONSENT PREPARED BY': ST'EPfi�N JILK, CITY ADMINISTRA.TOR A�END���/� � �, � 1 Y! ,G.�. ATTAGHNtENTS: BILLINGjPAY REQUEST #6 AF' 'VED 'Y. '_ This is a recommendation for payment of Pay Request #6 to Construction Engineering Laboratary, Inc. for construetion engineering testing services on the praject in the amount of $1,971.78 . This is a 5eparate contract for testing services on the project. This payment is City share anly. The billing is found to be in order and is recommendecl for payment. RECO1�IlrtENDED ACTI�N: Motion to apprQve Pay Request #6 in the amount of $1., 971..78 to Construction Engzne�ring Labora�ary, I�c. to be paid from aceountss 42�-48(300-01-3�3 for $552 .1�; 426-4$000-�1-3�3 for �1, 123 .91; and 427-48000-fl2-303 for $295 .77. GOUNCIL ACTTQNs PURCHASE ORDER P.O. # �17�� sinn.Tax Exempt Status No.5757275 -� _ Fed.Tax No.41-60Q5501 �a�� o� <`J�os���.ouszl Vendor ID.______ 28?5 145th Street West • PQ Box 510 �-�� Phorte (612) 4�3-4411 Invoice #: - --_--- Rosemount, ll�t� 55068-499� Date: ____.�'�__�.�'_'9',�----- �— J ---� Acct. #: _ � c..f'3N�;�vC.i�G1�U �/`�C�.ni�C�ri�f� �/.�L�JrA7'L�i^}/ �!,�t1C,i ...�c�%�'/ -�i�7'�r°N��/0�4!/�G. �/�/��Gtt/�-y At"1'iOUil� .��` _ To Acct #: ��Nu$,��'t� 5� � , n��1 � SS'f,�'a�� Amount $ F/C: DA7E Ga'E REQUiRED TcRf�nS S+�iP�'#A F.O.B: RE4UiSiTtOh N0. -- f1UANTlTY ETESCRiPTTON STOClC WCtWlBEFt __ _ PRICE AMC3lJNT. ,�,¢,���.y � C�,�� 7y C'��,Q ���,-��;c -���J �'��T�� ����� .� y`�'� -`t�000-Di- �Cz.3 3� . ft� �� --����o af.��.� ���3,yr -�a7- �C�dt�e ~c��-3v3 �9.�'; 7� 7�`r�4G �l 7/. 7� � F � � � . � By C.l ,� White:Vendor Copy �� Yellow:Accounting Pink:File i Gold:Department � ,�E� STATE C3F MINMESOTA,OEPARTMENT OF MIUTARY AFfAiRS �,�,.�,,�,'�1�,�, !IAlNNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL �'sUARD �`t'`�.�� a:� O� FACtUTIE5 MANAGEMEIVT 4PFiCE ���,`����g= P.O.sox 3a8.Comp R��ley Mrs. Engelhardt jce/ �..f Linle Falls,Minr�esoto 56345•0348 �: � �, `��� (b12}• 632-7303 �`��'�*is58*,3� May 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Observation and Testing 5ervices for the National Guard Armory and Com�nunity Center, Rosemount, Minneeota (Project No. 89!?9} Mr. stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2875 14Sth StreeL West Rosemount, MN 55�68 Dear Mr. Jilk• Subject Payment Certification No. 6 {PARTiAL) is forwarded for payment actian. Payment is reeommended based on our und�rstanding of the progress of the work. Request payment, in the amount of -$3,9T2.78, be made tp Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc., 55fi1 International Parkway, Minneapalis, MN 55428. In accordanee with State cantracti.nq grocedures, payment must be received by the vendar NLT 11 June i993. Copy af Payment Certification Nos. 6 (PARTIAI,) ($911.Q5 MSABC 5hare of Payment, and 52,733.1� Federal Stcare of Payment) , are furnished far your informatinn and records, no action ia required. If you have any questions pleas� contact Mra. Carol Engelhardt of thia office (612) 632-�3Q3. . Sincerely, � � � ��'s1'"/ Wa ne A. Johr�scan �`1%' � Golonel, IN, MN ARNG 4 Enelosure� Fasilities Managernent officer 1. Local Pymt Cert• 2. MSABG Pymt Cert 3. Fed Pymt Cert 4. Invoice Capy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Balmer 8909_l59 AN EpUAL OPFORTUNITY EMPl4YER STATE OF MINNfSOTA DBPIUtTMEMT Of KIt1TART AffAIRS FACILITIES #IANAGfMENT QFFIGE, CAMP RIPLEY P.O. B4X 348, L1TTtE FAllS, MIi!liES4tA 56345-�34$ SIJBJECTt CONTRACt PAYMEN? 6ER7IftChTIOM M0. b (PARTIAL) LOCALLT BONDED SKARf Of PA�MEN7 PROJECT NQ: 8904 PRO.IEGf TITkE; Obsarvation and iestir�g Servic�s fa� the Natianat Guard Anwry and COi1iRAC7 MQ: NG621-92-C-0051 f M-53b5 Carrn�nity Cmter, Rosemaur►t, Mimesafa GONTRAC7 A110UMT: S7T,555.00 Gt1MTRACTIMG OFFFCER: NG Eugerx Mdreoiti GOMSUIiANT: The Adjutant Gmeret, State of Mimesota Construction Enginrerinp Laboratory, ifrc, 5661 IMerr►ationat Farkr►ay ?AYMENT PfRI00 £IiDING: 25 April i943 MimeaPotis, kimesota 5542$ DATE THIS CERTIfIUTIOk: 14 May 1943 � ax-saa�axsxa==tmaasessa�s_s:s-�--�--as�aacs�:xaoa�s�as_xanaxma�ssasez�sasxsssas�xas�assss:saassaaam� . . � � . . PATNEAT DA7A: S?AT£MENT OF ACGOUWT: Federat Share (FG fl17 48.6675X S24,333.75 Original Gontract Art�a,nt S17,555.00 KSABC Bor�ded Shart tFC 14} 1b.2225X 5�i,111.25 tocalty Bcrxied Share fFC 96) 35.i1X SS7,555.0� Net Changes 8y Nadificaiion{s} SO.QO 550,000.40 Contract Price Ta Aate S17,SSS.00 7otat Payabte To Date 510,250,50 PERCEMTAGE OF tiiORK GOMPtETE AS OF THIS PATMENT: 58.39X Less OX Retainags SO.QO krtiaxit Payabte Ltss Retainsge 51Q,25D.50 PAYMEMT REGORD: No, Oats Anaunt Less Previcusly Approved Payments 58,�78.72 1. 17 Qec 92 SS,48�6.73 2. 2i Jan 43 31,946.b7 Net Naamt Due ihis Gert#fication 51,971.Ti! 3. 2 Mar 93 57,144.$t 4. 12 Nar 43 s4,Ti4.06 5. - 22 Apr 43 St,$TL45 APPRQVED FOR PAYMENT - fACIIiiIES MANAGENENT BFfICE: S8,2T8.72 f�,i�,,.�..s��f /'Y�„��' C:�a.wr �YIIT� JdHN3t3N, COt., IRf � M!I ARNG Facitities Mansgemertt flfficer kEMARKS: � � . ..:ax:ss- �ss�a=3v.:��=�mx�.ae:ssr=r�zsae--�=m�az�-----�sssxxaa�:sseaaxsssxas�saaa. � �� � �. . t. This peymmt srill he �ede by tfie Gity of Rosrmoant, Mimesota. 2. Gopy Furnisfied: Ca�strti�ction Enqineariny taboratory, lnc. AtLhur Dickey Architects MMAG-Pf�-P . MSABC 894'�LGEC SU7E GF MINNESOTA ' DEPIIRTMEM7 t1f lfIIITART /►ffA1RS FACIIITIES MIIMACEMEIlT OFFICE, CAMP RtPL£'f P.d. BOX 348, IITTIE FALIS, MINNESOTA 563+45-0348 SUBJECT: GONTRAGT PATMEMT CERTIFICATION N0, b <PARTIAL) M5ABC BOIIDED SHARE OF PAi'MENt PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJEC7 7ITLE; ObservaLion and ?estirg Services for the Nationat Guard Arwbry ard GONTRAGt N0: NG821-92-G-0051 I M-5'�65 Gomru�ity Center, Rasanant, Mimesota CWlTRACT AMtXJN7: - 58,11L25 - GONTRAGTING OFFtCER: M6 Et�gene Mdreotti COitSUtTAtFT: The Adjutant Ganeral, State of Mimesota Canatniction Fr�ineerinp Lsboratory, Inc. 5661 Interr►ational Park►ray PA1'MEIiT PfRIOD E1lDING: 25 Aprii 1943 Mirrxapo{is, Mimesata 5542$ DATf TNIS GERTIFIGTION: 14 l4ay 7993 ,. . � . .. zacsxxxxa=.:s__saa�axas��xs- -=�a=xa-xssass=saa-s.asassrzam.as�s-_.saaaasr� � � � PAYMENT DATA: STATENEMT Of ACCWNT: Fede�a! Share (FG 0]) 48.6675X s24,333.75 Originat Cortitract Acnax�t 58,111.25 MSABC Borxfed Share (fG 14) 1G.2225X 38,117.2S lxatly Borxied Sharc (fC ib) 3S.tiX 517,SSS.Ofl Net Chariges By Modification(s) Sp.QO S50,OOQ.40 Contract Price Ta Date S8,1i1,25 Total Payabte To Dat� S4,'T36.22 PERCENThGE OF 4C)RK COMPLETE AS OP TNIS PATMEMT: 58.39X Less OX Retaina9e Sp.pQ Amamt Payabte I.ess Retaina9e 54,736.22 PATMEMT RECORD: No, Date Mrant Less Previcusty ApQroved Paymmts 53,825.17 1. 11 Drc 92 S6tiG.94 2. 2i J�n 93 5922.Sb Net M�otnt Aue This Certificatien 5911.05 3. 2 Nar 93 s52�.% 4. 12 Kar 93 5822.01 5• -. . 22 Jlpr q3 S$b4.74 APPR4YED FOR PAYMEii7 - 1�AGtLtTIES MAKAGEMENT OFFIGE: S3,a25.17 5=�� YATkE A. JOli1t50N, Ct�l., Infsntry, MMt ARNG fscilities Manag+ewent Officer REMARKS: . aaess . � s. � . . . aaszaazssamasxamrsxsamaas:aaax � ' � �� . � . .. 1. 'This psywent wilt bc ieade by tha Kimesota Stata Aneory Buitdirg Gowrissioe� CNSABC>, St. Psut, Mimesota. 2. Copy furnished; Ca�slruetion Er�ineering Laboratory, Ine. Arthuw Dickey Architects MNAG-PfO-P , City Of Raae�ot+lt 8909MCEt SiATE Qf NINNESOU TL A3-541 DEP/IRTMENT DF MItiTART AFFAIRS FAGll1TIES IUINAGEiIEMT OFFiCE, CAMP RIPIEY P.t7. BOX 348, 4I7TLE FALIS, MJNNESO'fA 5b345-034+8 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PATMERT CERTIFICJtTFON N0. 6 tPAR7IAL) FEDEl2XL SH�,RE OF PAYMEM7 PROd€CT NO: 8904 FRWECT TITLEz Qbservation arx3 Testinp Srrviccs fo� the Nationat Gusrd Arwory rnd CONTRACT M0: MG821-92-C-0051 / M•53b5 Gannx�►ity Center, Rasawou�t, Mimesota tbNTRAGT AMOUWT: 524,333.75 CQNTRAC7IM6 OFFICER: !4G Eu9ene'Mdreaiti Lt�tSUl7ANT. The Adjutant Genent, State of Mimesote Go�stnrction Er�yir+eerir� l�orstary, Inc. 56b1 inttrt�etional Dsrkway PATMENT PERIOD EMDING: 25 ApriE 1493 Mimeapokis, Mimesota 55428 DATE 7BIS CERTiFIGTIOM: 14 May t993 FEDERAL 7AX IG N0: 41-1b1b221 . . . . xrsasss_saaxeazxa=_.sma�=e=as---,•-•--mrs=s=:sas=asmscx:xasssxss�txssssm�ssassexass---.�aea:aaa"sssz�a PATM€iiT �AU: STATEKENT OF AGCOUNt: FedereC share (FC 07) 48.6675X 324,333.T5 Original Contract Mwta�t i24,333.75 MSABC Bonded Share (fC 14) 16.2225X 58,111.25 Locatty Bc+�ded Share tfG ib) 35.t1X 517,555.00 Net thsnges ey Modifi�stion<s) SQ.00 i50,000.E10 Contract Prite To Date 524,333.7'S Totai Payebte To Date 514,2Q6.d8 PERCENTAGE OF 410RK COMPLETE AS OF THIS i'ATMENT: 58.39X Ltss tiX Retsinase S�.OQ M�ocnt Payabte tess Retainage Si4,208.68 PATMENT REGOROt Na. Dmte Mw�n# less P�evio�.sly Approved Payarents S11,t,75.51 1. 11 Dec 42 52,06d.83 2. 21 Jan 93 32,7b7.67 Net Amotnt 4ue This Certifiaatian 52,733.17 3. 2 Mar 43 SY,58d.88 4. 12 Mar 93 S2,�bf,.03 5. 22 Apr 93 52,544.10 APPROVEO fOR PA1"lIENT • iAClll?TfS MANAGE?iENT OFFICEs 511,475.51 .�.... „ :,.4.::!� I�AYNE A. �iONNSf1N, COI, infantry, MN ARNG Pacitities Mana9e�e�t {?##ittc REMARKS: 1, This prywent witt be �ie by the ktSPFO-Mimesats. Check �eiti bt issuad fraw fort MeCoy, Y3secnsin. 2. Copy Fumished: Construetfen En9inrerinQ Lebontory, i�c. Arthur Qickey Architects kSJ�BG � C i ty of Rosaa�ant a909�FCE4 � , ' = A�THUR D� �'` � �. MAY 12 1993 CONSTRUCTI4N ENGiNEERfNG lABC?RATC?R . p TESTING FC3R QU/�(.t1Y AND STRENGTN ���i 15 � � � I i�NO I CE Bi 1 1 ing Feriod: ��ii. S3 Date: S/3i 9� 3i11ing To: Facitity hfar�agement Office �.£J.Box 3�8 Camp Ripley L i t t I e Fa t I s , I��1 56345-0348 ?roject: �rny ►vational �uard r'lrmory Rosemont, Ivi�I Invoicar: �2155. 6 Attention: Craig J .�J�i�er 3iilin� services fram 3/26192 to 4/25/93 ►Yfase�►iry fieid test, soi3 field test, eoncrete slump, temperature, casting, Sample Collection a��� repor ts -rincigal Lngineer: 3 rrS � � " '�� . , . . . . . . �;�. vv. . , . . . . . . .S 2aS. U0 . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . Engineer 2.S.Pandian :Soil�oncrete 4f5/g3 ,414of�3 , 4/iii�.i ,4i2iJ��, ii:'r':rs � j o3. Gir . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .� 6��: fl0 . . . . . . . . Tecnr�ician Jeffrey Bessmeyer :Soli& Concrete 3I26J93, 3129{93 , 3i31 /93, 41719�, 4/9193, �112I9�, 4/13f93,4114/93, 4/1SI93 41 i o��i, �i 2"vi�3, �/2I /93, 412�/9'3 adi i��vrii:re�e 7u iir s �� a �5. J�. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .$ 3510. OQ Nlasonry: 4120193 13irs � 5 45. �0. . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .� 45, C0 sampie eallectior, Teehniclan. Jeffrey �issrncy�r: 3I31//93, 4f74/93, 4/ 16/93 5 hrs i� � 45: 00. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 22a. 5� Cyl i ndec �rc�ic�n:^.c�i►cret�: ' + Set # 2� to 32 - 9 x 3 x � i0. 2�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 27�i. 7S Brick Test : Load test ,water absorption test, IRA, Effldresience,�imenston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 13�.�0 . . 17 reports se�nt 4rom 4/G6I93 to �f28193 . 21 sneets x 4 x � . 5�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .� 42. 04 Secretarial Tirne � hrs e� � 35.C+�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 14O. OQ i�ti 1 eage 15 trips � 76 miles � $ .30. . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . .5 342. �0 TOTAL {�F TH I S INV�3I CE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� S G 16. +�fl �' ') �flf�?f►"1flfit'1nn1 Dr'+ri�ur��. �Ai�r�onnr+{ic 11Ainnnc'ra,.. C�A7A . r<ern G^l'? /1G9 R _ A11V r�i.,. ce� nr..r