HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Firefighter Resignation , s .. CITY OF R�SEMOUNT EXECIITYVE SUb�tARY FOR ACTION CITY CaUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: FIREFIGHTER RESIGNATION AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENDA �'�.��n � JE � �rr� 'Y ATTACP.�ENTS: LETTER OF RESIGNATION A VED BY: . Dave Henney, a prabatianary member of the Rosemount Fire Department, has submitted h�s resignatian effective May 18, 1993 . Dave has been a member of the Rosemount Fi�e Depa�tment �or aimost two �ears. As is indicated in his letter, he sights family and employment as h�.s major reasons for discantinuing membership with the fire department. At a regular monthly meeting of the Rosemount Fire Department held on May 25, 1993 the membership accepted Dave Henney' s resignation' with an effective date of May 18, 1993 . We look to the City Council to ratify this action. REC�DIl�iENDED ACTION: Mption tc� ratify the fire de�aartment' s action and ac�cept Dave Henney' s resignation from the �ire departmenC effective May 18, 1993 . "-ef�tiN'CIL ACTION. . . > May 18, 1993 To Membership Committee/ Grievance Committee; During the last year unfqreseen changes have occurred in my family life and in my place of employment. These changes have eliminated much of the free tirne I have previousty enjoyed. Given this situation and facing the likeiihood of not meeting the required percentages in the departments by-laws, T hereby give notice of my resignatian effective immediately, in closing I wouid like to say that i have enjoyed working with the department, and I would like to stay if I had the tirne to comrnit ta it. Thank you for your time and consideration. Res ectfull � rzz�J' David Henney