HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #243 � �.� , � ia � � �� z�� o� osemouvi� � � � . PHONE (612)42&4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (6t2)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE �ames�a��staats Harry Wilicox SHANNON HILLS 5TH ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT.4�ennis Wippermanrt PRO�JECT L43 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jifk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ► Susan M. Waish, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On May 19, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, 1 posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, Project#243, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. S .an M. Wal City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �g�day of May, 1993. �� ClNDY DORNIDEN , ` � ,�.��� NQTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA � � ��� DAKOTA COUNTY � M1Y canatt.E�S aug.25. x ary Pu ic �verr�l�ings �oming `UL�i �ospmoun�// � . `=recvcted oaoer � . � . x. . .s 2�Z� O OseY12OZiLYt� ' PHONE (612}423-4411 2875•145th StreeF West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOA FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068•0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila kiassen James(Rec�Staats CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Ha�ryw�n�x DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA oe���s w�p��,3„� , • AOMINISTflATOR StepAan Jilk PUBLfC NC�TtCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS SHANNON HILLS 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 243 TO WHOM tT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, June 1, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements: Project #243 - Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the construction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewalk; street lights and restoration, The total estimated cost of said improvements is 5379,400. The total assessment cost of said improvement is 5379,400. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements wilt genera(!y be: Shannon Hills Fourth Addition, Outlot A which wili be piatted as Shannon Hi(!s Fifth Addition, Block 1, Lots 1-11; Biock 2, Lots 1-17; Block 3, Lots 1-13; Outlot A and Outlot B. Total of 41 Lots Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will beheard et this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 18th day of May, 1993. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. � S san M. Wa , ity Glerk City of Rasemount Dakota County, Minnesota �ver�l�ings �oming l(JC�i �asemounl�� � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) PUBLIC ��OTICE �. NANCY 1: GUSTAFSON, beieg duly swwn, on ooth soys ihat she is on Quthorized age�rt and '��d'tY Of R�EMOUNT OAIiOTA�N'o�NESo'fA employee of the publisher ot the newspaper known as Dakota CouMy Tribune,and h�fu11 knowiedge • '►w�fc�oF Pusut H�twN� o#the facfs which are stated bebw: OlIIMlROYEMENTS • SHANNON NILLS STN ADDITION STREET i UTILJTY IMPROVEMENT4 �����.� (A)The newspaper has tom hed with oll of the ro uiremeMs eonstituting qualificction os a legal TO WHOM R MAY GONGlRN: � P� 4 twtaCE a NErtesY pvEH, fhat'the G5ty newspaper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other a I�eoble laws,as omended. Councit of the GSty o[Itasemount,Minnesota pp' will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m.`or as aoon � tl�ereaftedas passible,Tuesday,June 1,1993, in t�Council Chambers af the CitY Hall,EB75 i4sth sa�eet west,to coffiider the foum�viog (B)The p.irMed improvemenfs: _ . �]�'"�`Shannon Hills 5th Addition S4�eet&Utility Impravements , The nature of improvement4 shaII include fhe twnsteuca��curb and gu�,street sur- faciag,sanitary sevver,§amtary sewer ser- vices,watera�ain and water services,storm drain.sfdewaik,street lights aad restoration. Tl� total estimated c�t of said iuf� ��°e°���,`�. which is atfoched was cut hom the eolumns of said newspoper,and was priM�ed ond published onee Tt�total asseasment eost for said im�we- ment is f379,400• The area proposed to be assessed f�fhe f�B�6�Pravemenfs will generaliy be: Shannon Hills Fourth Addition,OuUot A e� sui�eeiw.w�reks;it was which will be platted as St�sn�n Hills Fjfth Additioa,Block 1,Lots 1-il;Block 2,Lots 1-17;Block 3,Lots i-13;Outtot A and Outtot y��� B. '- _. first published on Thursdoy,fhe��^�dcy of Tdd of 4}LW� : _ — . Said person(s)as desires to be heard with ' reference to the proposed improvements will f;�.2 be6eardatUtismeeting.Writtenororalopin- 19 � . � , ond was fhereoher printed ond published on every Thursdoy to and iMluding ion will be coneidered. Dated this 18th day of May;1993. iY ORDER OF THE GITY COUNqL susan bt.walsh Thursda c;cy cterk _ _ _ r,rhe aar of ,t 9 City of Rosemouttf' `� -; �g���,.� � ond prinfed below is o eopy of the lower ease alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby sos �` . acknowledged as being the size and ki�of type used in tFre composition and publication of the notice: .�bodeft;ln jkhnnnpyixturw�x�z BY: TITLE:Seeretary to h.r Subscribed and swom to before m n fhis��'N''� doy of� ,�g�� , NoMry PuWie v' .v��t CAROI J.HAYERl.q�yp NOTARY pU8�,1�,�A �AKOTA COWNN �h�on Exph�oeG�,t99s . � CITY OF ROS�+iOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 'FOR ACTION CITY COUNC�L MEETING DATE: June 1, 1993 AGENDA =TEM: Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street AGENDA SECTION: & LTtility Improvements, City Projeet #243 Publie Hearing PREPARED BY: Bud Qsmundson AGENDA N���� „ Cit� Engineer/Assistan�" Public Works Directar [�f� �` �j � � ATTACBMENTS; Resolutions VED BYz . This item is a pubiic hearing for the publ.ic improvemen�s for Shannon Hills 5th Addition. The projec� consist o� the installa.tion of waterrnain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street and sidewalk. The purpose of the publie hearing rs td receive questions an:d comrnents regarding this project from the general public and '�or Council to publicly approve the project and proceed with plans and specifications. A legal notice of the hearing has been published as required by la:w and effected property owners have Y�ee� sent nc�tices. As previously discussed, tYzis projeet is 100o assessable. 'T�e entire project cost will be borne by the developer, Graund Development Corporation. Brian Bourassa, P.E. from OSM Engineering, will present a brief overview and along with Staff will be availabl� for questions. Staft recommends approval of project and ord�ring glans and sp�cifications. \ RECOMMENDED ACT�QN: MQTTE7N TO AI}UPT A RESOLUTION F{7R APPRUVAL U�' SH�NN(�N HILLS 5TH ADDT'T'ION STREE'I' AN7� UTTLZTY IMPRt7VENlENTS, CITY PROJECT #243 . M4TION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTTOI� ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFIC.�.TTQNS F4R 5H�IDTNON HILLS 5TH ADDITI�N STR.EET AND U'I'ILITY IMPR��MENTS, CITY PROJECT #243 . COUNCIL ACTI�N: 2 . r '�Y CtTY OF RQSEMOUNT DAKOTQ COUNTY, MINNESOTA RES�LUTIQN 1993 - A RESOLUTI�N FOR APPROVAL QF SHANNON HtLLS 5TH ADDITION STREET At�D UTtL1TY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #243 WHER�AS, the City Couneil of the City o# Rosemount by a unanirnous uote ordered a feasibility report for Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street and Uti[ity Improvements, City Projeet #243; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibifiity report on May 18, 1993 on City Project #243; and WHEREAS, the City Councii ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project, NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESQLVED, that the City Gouncil of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of Shannon Hi11s 5th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #243. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan. M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: ! {-,� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 7993 - A RESOlUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFtCAT10NS FOR SHANNON H1LLS 5TH ADDITI�N STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS GTY PRaJECT #243 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibi{ity report for Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street and Utility tmprovements, City Project #243; and WHEREAS, the developer, Ground Properties, Inc., has submitted a written request for the City Council to order the pians and specifications for City Project #243; and WHEREAS, the developer, Ground Properties, Inc., has indicated in writing they will be responsible for atl cosfis incurred for preparation of the plans and specifications for City Project #243. _ N�W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Counci! of the City of Rosernaunt orders the plans and spec'rfications for the improvements of the Shannon HiNs 5th Additian Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #243. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST; Susan M. Waish, City Clerk Motian bY- Seconded by: Voted in #awor: Votedagains`t: i�. � ._ � � � �` $t��',� x�X' r,m t�,«;��'`",n,,�r�' wa` �. .s� �'a� . � � ; . k� `L�,.�' t s W. � _ ���:{ �"�`� .� � „�,. � � ���v� ��� � P��a�,�'4`�'����gy+°�s,a � � � �' 3 �a . ,�€ �' e �.�� 'a��`,� �4 �'�'�"� � ^u��7.°. � �����Y��I���y�.�������" ,�„�r,F��i a: �t. _��'� '�� 6 ��`-'§w. � 4 A � �" � ��� . �,y �. .� �' .��• '� � � �� ��� � � ���i�r�i�c�� �;f���ls��:���� �,�.���.���c��. � �� �� �� ����� �� ���� � ��ilitie� artc� St�re+�t Irn�arc�v��;rr�en� � � : , �i�� Fr+c>�ect l�o. ��3 � f�r th� � � �. . a�� o � �5�.'Y12�G►21 Yt� �; P.C'1. Box S l U • 2857 - 145th Str�et W: � Rosernaunt, Mixutfe5�c�t� 5�8 � OSM Prc�ject Na. SE?96.bt� M�y, l�93 � - . . _ �� ��� ` � � �y. ��` . , � , .., , '. - ,..' - ,. ; , �' : `�"�� �i�.a„y�`�y'�r���,.a�" �tt. i� � , - �'. , ,. ,- . � . .: ,- _ _ _ . . . . � � � ` Orr Schelen � : Mayeron& Nssociates,Inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard � Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595 5775 1-800-753-5775 Ma.y 13� ��� FAX 595-5774 � Engineers Architects Planners Surveyors Honorable Mayor and Council � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesc�ta SSU68 � h A dition Re: Shannon Hills Fourt d Utility and Street Improvements �' City Project No. 243 - Rosemount;Minnesc�ta 4SM Project No. 5096.44 � Dear Ma or and Council: Y � Enclosed is the Feasibility Report for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project No. 243. This report addresses the sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain and street necessary for the area � _ We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call me at 595-5694, if you have any questions. � Sincerely, � ORFt-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASS�CIATES, INC. � ♦ ��y�G�1r �. �,:�''9�Gt.Lt,lt�G�... � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. : Project Manager jme � � Enclosure � c: Bud Osmundson, Ci of Rosemc�unt tY � , � E al0 ortunit Em lo er 9U PP Y P Y � � � CERTIFi�ATION SHEET � i � I fiereby certify that this plan, speci�catian or report was � prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the iaws af the State of Minnesota. � --, ���� .�� , - . ti � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. � Date: May 5, 1993 Reg. No. 21816 � � � � � � � � � � OSM Pro3ect No. 5096.OU P�ge i � � TABLE OF CONTENTS � TITLE SHEET � LETTER OF TRANSIVIITTAL � CERT'IFICATION SHEET i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii � _ E�CUTTVE SI7MMARY ui � I. IN'TRODUCT`ION 1 A. Authorization 1 B, Scope � � C. Data Available 1 II. GENEI�AL BACK+GR�UNI7 � � A. Location � B, Project Area 2 C. F,xisting Conditions � � III. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3 A. Sanitary Sewer � � B. Watermain � C. Storm Drain � D. Street Construction 4 � E. Street Lighting 4 F. Permits 4 � � G. Right-of-way Easements � IV. FINANCING 6 A. Cast Estimate 6 ,� B. Assessment Area b C. Cost Reca�ery � � V. PROJECT SCHEDUL.E g � � - � OSM Project No. 5096.4Q Page ii � � � �XEC;lU�3'IVE SLTMMARY � City Project No. 243 provides for the instaliation of city stre�;ts and utilities in the Fifth � Phase of the Shannan Hills Planned Unit Development in western Rosemoun�. The project includes the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, plus the � construction of the streets. The grading of the area will be completed by the develo}�r under a private contract. The impetus for the project was a petition from the developer, � Ground Development. � The ro'ec#is feasible from an en ineerin stand oint. This Feasibili Re ort ro ses P J $ i� P tY P P � the construction of agproximately 1,880 lineal feet of sanitary sewer, 2,030 feet of � watermain, 1035 feet of storm drain, and 2,020 feet of street construction to provide service to 41 r�sidential lots. The total estimated project cost is $379,4�. 'The funding � for the ro'ect will come entirel from assessments to the benefitted groperty. P J Y � : The project construction can be initiated in August, 1993 with construction substantially � complete in November, 1993. � � �' � � . � � OSM �'roject No. 509fi.t�? Page iii � � � � I. INTRODUCTION � A. Authorization-On Maxch 2, 1993,the Rosemount City Council authorized � the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for Public Streets and Utilities Construction for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition. This � project has been designated as City Project No. 243. The Developer subrnitted a petitian for these improvements, which constituted It�%v of � the benefitted property. � B. Scope - This ro'ect rovides for the construction of streets and utilities F J P in the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition in western Rosemc�unt. Sanitary � sewer, watermain, storm drain, and streets will be provided to the Fifth Addition. The Deveioper, Ground Development, is responsible for the � site grading in the Fifth Addition, which wiil be eompleted prior to the construction of the streets and utilities examined in this report. � C. Data Available-Information and materials used'in the preparation of this � re ort include- p . � _ • City of RosemQunt Record Plans. � • Comprehensive Water System Pian, October, i98$, � Camprehensive Storm Water Drainage Plan,West Drainage � . Area, May, 1989 • Shannon Hills PUD Preliminary Plat and ' Prelirninary � Grading Plan. • Construction Plans from the Shannon Hills Third Addition, � City Project No. 225. • Constructian plans from the Shannan Hills Fourth Addition, � City Project Na 234. � ' 4SM roject Nu. 5096.00 �'a�� 1 � � II. GENERAL BACKGROUND � A. Location-The project is lacated in the southwest quarter of the northeast � quarter of Section 30,adjacent to and west of the Carrollton Addition,and north o€Shannon Hills Third and Fourth Addition. The project locatiQn � is shown on the Location Map, Drawing No. 1, at the end of this report. � B. Pro'ect Area - The Shannon Hills Fifth Addition consists of 41 sin e- J � family residential lots. The Shannan Hills Planned Unit Development � consists of 75 acres of single-family residential lots. T'he Shannon Hills Fifth Addition is immediately nQrth of the Third and Fourth Addition. � The project area is currently zoned R-l. � • C. Existing Conditions - The project area is currently useti for agricultural purposes. The terrain is primarily rolling grassland. The area generally � slo es and drains from south to north and into an existin stormwater P � � pond (BIR 149) located within Shannfln Hills 6th Addition and Country Hills 3rd Additian. �� � � � . : � � � . � �SM Project No. 5096.00 Page 2 � � III. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � A. Sanitary S�wer-The proposed project will provide sanitary sewer service � to the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition. The proposed 8"FVC gravity lines will generally flow from the west to the east, then south to the existin� � extension provided in the Shannon Hills Third Addition. Four inch services wiil be provided to the lots within the Fifth Adclition. The � proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. � 'li i e shown on Dr win No. B. Watermain-The proposed watermain faci t es ar a g 3. The proposed project will provide water service to the Fifth Addition, � lus extensions to the future Shannon Hills Addition to the north. A 6"" P � watermain will be extended from Cracus Way and will connect to an $° watermain along Cobbler Avenue which wilT connect to th�existing 8"line � at Cobbler and 143rd Street West. A 8" watermain will also be extended to serve the proposed lots on Cobbler Av�nue and to provide for future � addition to the north. The proposed facilities include l" services to each of the lots. Hydrants will b� installed throughout the project to provide � adequate fire protection for the residential area. � C. Storm Drain - The proposed storrn drain facilities are shown on D�awing No. 4. The storm drain facilities will generally drain the proposed � subdivision from west to east and into the Shannon Hills Sixth Addition drainage system. The proposed piping ranges in size fr�m 12" to 18" in � diameter. In accordance with the City policy, all storm drain facilities are sized to transport nanoff from a 10 year storm event. The stormwater � runoff from Shannon Hills Fifth Addition will drain into a temporary pond � � , OSM Project No. 5�96.00 Page 3 � � located in Shannon Hills Sixth Addition. The temporary pand will r�main � until Shannon Hills Sixth Addition develops and improvements to Pond - BIR 149 are made. It is anticipated that Shannon Hills Sixth Addition and � the nec�ssary improvements to Pond BIR 149 will be completed durin�the 1994 c�nstruction season. � D. Street Construction - The praposed streets are shown on Drawing No. 5. � The streets will be constructed ta City standards which call for a 32' wide s#reet. The street section will consist of 3" of bituminous courses and 6" � of Ciass 5 Aggregate Base, based nn the soils infflrmation known at this time. The street will be flanked by surrnountable concrete c°urb and � gutter. The street sectiQn design and cost estimate are based on the assumption that an acceptable subgrade is grouided by xhe graciing � operation, for which the Developer is responsible. A small amount of . sodding is provided in this project for erosion control. � � E. Street Lighting-The praposed lighting units are the Type "A"units which are 15 feet high poles vuith post top mounted fixtures. TI7�feed points and � connector runs will also be installed. The local electric utility in this project area is Northern States Power Company, which will insta�l all of � the electric utilities for this project under a separate contraet with the developer. � F. Permits-Permits wili be required from the following agencies: Minnesota � Department of Health for watermain extension; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for sanitary � sewer plans;National Pallutant Discharge Elimination System(Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) for storm sewer plans. �' � ' OSM Froject No. 5096.00 Page 4 � � � G. Ri ht-of-wa Easements-The 60'ri t-of-wa and all necessa easements g Y � Y rY are anticipated to be dedicated by the Developer on the final plat: The � ' majority of the facilities are located within the right-of-way, however, drainage and utility easernents will be required from I,ats 11 and 12, � Black 2 for a storm drainage line. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � OSI�i Project No. S09b.00 Fag�e 5 1 � IV. FINANCING � A. Cost Estimate - Detailed Cast Estimates can be found at the end af this � report. The following estimates are based on 1992 construction costs and include a 10% conringency factor and related administrative costs. The � administrative costs are estimated at 30%fl and include legal, en�in�ering, interest, and other administration. A summary of these costs are as � follows: � A. Sanitary Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S' 73,600 B. Sanitary Sewer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 34,b40 C. Waterrnain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,300 � D. Water Services . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,4� E. Starm Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,dt� G. Street Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,70t1 � H. Street Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� TOTAL PRUJEC'I' COST' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $<379-,4�fl � � B, Assessment Area-The following parcels of land are located within the project � and assessment area: �hannon Hills Fifth Additior�: � Block 1, Lots 1 through 11 Block 2, Lots 1 through 17 � Block 3, Lots l #hrough 13 Total of 41 I.ots � � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page 6 � � C. Cost Recovery - � 1. Assessment: The sanitary sewer,watermain, storm drain, street lights, and street construction proposed for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition � is regarded as residential equivalent sizing and therefore will be 1(�?°lo assessable toward the benefitted lots included in the Fifth Addition. � The total estirnated project cost for the Fifth Addition is $379,4(�, � which,if spread over the 4l lots produces an estimated assessment rate of $9,30Q.00 per lot. � 2. Pending Assessments: There are no pending assessments ag,ainst the � project area at this time. � � � � � _ � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page 7 � . ' � � V. PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Receive Feasibility ReportJSet Public Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . May 18, 1993 Hold Public Hearing/Order Plans and Spec's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, 1993 � Accept Plans and Spec'sJQrder Ad for Bid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July b, 1993 Bid Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 30, 1993 � Receive Bids/Award Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 3, 1993 Begin Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August, 1993 � Substantial Completion of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November, 1993 Final Wear Course Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June I, 1994 � Assessment Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall, 1994 First Payment with Real Estate Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May, 1995 � � � � � � � � � � �SM Project No. 509b.00 P�ge 8 � � PRELIMINARY C4ST ESTIMATE SHANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION � UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSElVIOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 243 � OSM PROJECT NO. 509b.00 A. SANITARY SEWER � TTEM ITEM QTY' UNIT AMOLJNT N4. PRICE � 1. Connect to F.,lcisting 8" Stub 1 EACH $350.00 $350.t� 2. 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer 1880 L.F. $20.� $37,6Q0.� � 3. 4' Diameter Manhole (0'- 10') 10 EACH $1150.00 $11,SOU.00 4. Excess Manhole Depth 12 L.F. $100.00 51,200.U0 � 5. Rock Trench Stabilization 75 TONS $11.00 $825,00 � Sub-Tota1 $51,475.00 + 10°�o Conringencies $5,148.00 � Estimated Total Construction Cost . $56,623.00 + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $26,9??.00 � TOTAL ESTIMATED SANITARY SEWER PROJECT $73,600.00 COST � B. SANifiARY SEWER SERVICES � TI'EM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE 1. 4" P�C SDR 35 Service Pipe 1845 L.F. $12.Q0 $22,144.QU � 2, 8" X 4" PVC Sewer Wye 41 EACH �50.00 $2,OSU.flO � : Sub-Total �24,19fl.0U + 10% Contingencies $2,419.Ofl � Estimated Total Construction Cost $26,609.00 + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $7,991.00 � TOTAL ESTIMATED SANITARY SEWER SERVICES PROJECT' COST $34,600.00 � � - , � � C.WATERMAIN � TTEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � 1. Connect to Existing Stubs 2 EACH $500.00 $1,000.� 2. 6" DIP Class 52 Watermain 1014 L.F. $18.00 $18,252.00 � 3. 8" DIP Class 52 Watermain 1058 L.F. $19.00 $20,102.�` 4. 6" Gate Valve and Box 4 EACH $400.00 �1,600.00 � 5. 8" Gate Valve and Box 2 EACH $475.00 950.� d. Hydrant 3 EACH $1150.04 3,450.i� � 7. Remove and Replace F�isting 1 EACH $750.00 7SO.U4 Hydrant & Gate Valve � 8. Fittings 2500 LBS 1.25 $3,125.00 Sub-Total $49,2�9.Ot? � + 10% Continge�cies $4,923.� Estimated Total Construction Cost $54,152.00 � + 30°�'o Legal, Engineering, Administra#ive and Financing $16,148.00 TOTAL ESTTMATED WATERMAIN PROJECT COST $7U,3U0.00 � D. WATERIVIAIN SERVICES � ITEM TTEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � 9. 1" Corp. Cocks 41 EACH $55.00 2,255.00 10. 1" Curb Stop &Box 4 i EACH $100.0U 4,1OO.Q0 � 11. 1" Capper Service Pipe 1865 L.F. $8.00 14,92fl.U0 Sub-Tota1 $21,275.00 ,' + 10% Contingencies $2,127.50 Estimated Total Construction Cost $23,4a2.50 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $6,997.50 TOTAL EST'IMATED WATERMAIN SERVICES � PROJECT COST ' $30,4UO.UQ � � � � E. STORM DRAIN � ITEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � 1. 12" RCP 11� L,F. $21 $2,310 2. 15" RCP 815 L.F. $23 $18,745 � 3. 18" RCP 110 L.F. $25 $2,750 4. 18" FES 1 Each $700 $7�0' � 4. Std Manhole (0-10) 5 Each $900 $4,5� 5. Shallow CB 6 Each $1150 $6,9� � 6. 15" FES 1 Each $600 S60t} Sub-Total $36,505 � + 10% Contingencies $3,650 Estimated Total Construction Cost $40,155 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $8,44� TOTAL ESTIMATED STORM DRAIN PROJECT COST $48,600 � � � � � � � � � � �' � F. STREETS � TTEM ITEM QTY UNI'T ANiOUNT NO. PRICE � 1. Remove Existing Bituminous 350 S.Y. $2.50 �875.t� Pavement 2. Subgrade Preparation 21 R.S. $125.04 $2,625.00 � 3. Aggregate Base, Class 5 2830 TON $7.50 $21,225.� 4. Type 31 - Bituminous Base 690 TON $21.00 $14,49Q.00 ` Course 5. Type 41 - Bituminous Base 690 TON $23.00 $15,870.04 � Course 6. Bituminous Material for Tack 420 GAL. $1.25 $52S.ta0 � Coat 7. Concrete Curb & Gutter 5418 4030 L.F. 55.50 $22,165.00 � 8. Sodding 780 S.Y. $2.25 $1,755,00 Sub-Tota1 $79,530.{�U � + 10% Contingencies �7,953.00 Estimated Tota1 Construction Cos# $87,483.U0 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $26,217.04 TOTAL ESTIMATED STREET PROJEC'T COST $113,700.00 � � � � � � � � � � � G. STREET LIGHTS � TTEM ITEM Q'I`Y UNIT AMOUNT , NO. PRICE L Street Lights - Type A, Wired 3 EACH $1900.� $5,70Q.00 � Complete Inplace Sub-Total 55,700.� + 10% Contingencies $570.Ot1 � $�i 270.� Est�mated Total Construction Cost , � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $1,930.00 TOTAL ES'i'IMATED WATERMAIN PROJECT COST $$,Z00.00 � � � PROJECT C4ST , CATEGORY TOTAL PRICE A. SANITARY SEWER $73,600 � B. SANI'TARY SEWER SERVICES $34,600 C. WATERMAIN $70,300 � D. WATERMAIN SERVICES $30,440 E. STORM DRAIN $48,600 � F. ST'REETS $113,700 G. STREET LIGHTS $8,200. � $379,400 � � � , .. � � W . � . . . . . � . . . � � � . 7 Q ... w . � . . . . . � � . � ��. � . UPPER � . . H . . � . . . ... � . � 135SH ST. z a a O —� 136TH ST:W. m 137TH ST, . W. �1. DANV��� a � � . �. � � �� R0SEM0UI� T � ,3��`" U z J r � � �G�,� 199� POP . 8622 � � = a � Q ��� ec . ,Q 3 DPa Q TR. r� T PRGJECT .�r Q � o CONN EMARA ,� AREA <v o� � pER L Q ���P 7 � o� �. CO P�Q. ¢ WA� 6j � o � � � 0 6 A Qp.NE 3 � pAa�MOV��p 9�.,y AVE. nY. C� • gflRN 4 1 ST 19 20 1�42ND ST a � pE A� u Q C . 3!d 29 7 � � � DAVENP��� AqTH � 115N R19W Q 'T� Q � Z ANT ¢' 143RD Q 33 � _ � �wAY � ���o sr. z � <v o w UPPER a > �' 7� m 144TH � ST. ¢ � ���`TH ST. o W. Y 145TH u �, ST. u W. � 7�_ v�, "' �.�i > _ _ � � Y w 145T ST. j �� a ¢' 14bT Q ST. � °- Wn w Q 77 � ¢� o i.,_i ,�C1�¢ 146TH �a � LOWER > i,,r � ¢ � _ > �>,. w 147 T H "� Q a J � o a o a 0 ST. > 147T Q ST: � = Z �i � Q 79. ��� S� � \o W o } a o a o DA/y9�� , ���� , oc 148TH ST. � UPPER 147T �ST. � � � 3TH o � 9� �> a' � a � PER u 148TH ST. Z � - z u UP a �..� - 76. � �� w J � LOWER 149T cv 83: 84.� 1�9TH ST. � c � cT 33 s 6. > o z 8� a� ao w � � N � o' UPPER 149TH ST. 149TH 150TH ST. �°C ` 149TH ST: W. w " � S T. ¢i � ;. � � � u 42 W � � � � 1C1C`r Q � ORAWN BY DRAWING TITLE COMM. N0. '� R � o °scHE�Er, LOCAT I ON MAP 5��6 "�,YE�°" s� SHANNON H I LLS STH ADD. ASSOC IATES. I NC: oATE: C I TY PROJECT N0. 243 FIGURE , MAY Ej ENGINEERS■ ARCHITECTS• PLANNERS� SI�VEYQRS � . 1 ��3 308MINdEAPOLtS.CtN SS�a;�z�:"�;z 5�`�RD ROSEMOUNT, MI NNESOTA 50 bL N FU��RE pp�1Z4N 6�N P SHANNON HILLS . . . . . . . � N .ty . . . . . � � . � O . � � � . �� . �� � � .� . � . � . . J 3 �� a �P �..� . oYc C R C US A�i>�� a� � w 8" ,R V � � � = w � � z � '° • N O N '' - � � y w � z m Q � .� � _ � I I � � P SHANNON HI�LS a �, 4TH ADDITION �, . �� s . w � T'G �., �'2 � �. . .. � . � . . . N N , . . . . . . �.�+� � . . . . . � . . . . . � . � . . � J�+ . . . . � . � . . . . .. . � . . . r .� v . . . ,� . . . . . . . � . . . � . . . .. . . � ��� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . � � � . . �. . � . . . . . � � . . . . . � � . .. . . .. .� , � � . . 0 200 40P� ` , � SCALE IN FEET ' DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE CDMM: NO_ , R � a °scHE��N SAN I TARY SEWER s�96 MAYERON & ASSOC I ATES, I N�. DATE: SHANNON H I LLS STN ADD I T i 0 FIGURE MA Y Fj, Et�iINEERS• ARCMITEGTS� PLANNERS• SURVEYORS � j T Y P R O J E C T N O. 2 4 3 , 300 PARK PLACE CENTER• 5775 WAYZATf�BO�AEVAHD 1993 "'"��0115. "" 55„6-,22�.6'Z-5�-5"s ROS E M O t J N T, M I N N E S 4 T A 2 : 0 6 1: N' i � FUTURE DI� I�N � 6T N AD ; SHANNON HILLS N u+ , � s a �° �-' `� � �� a P ¢ . � n � CR CUS �--�'��_ � ' - _� , aW �� Ej" � �I{���E�.-' �2 s � � • oo ��Ti. � + a � �o N � � N p . . + � � � � . � O `" ' W � °° rz - � Q � � �� � � � � � a � SHANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION �, \� �, .. yG � w �" - a. � . . . � . . �.� \ . .. ..W. .' . . . . �� �. � . . . . � � � . � . . � � . W � . 3 N � �� . � � � . .. . � . � � N .. . � . . . � � . � � . . � .. . . � � . ��� � � . . . . . . .� . . . . '�� . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . �.� . � � . � . . . � . . .. ��.. . : . . . . . . � ' . � . f� 200 40P� ' � � � SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE COP�t. N0. ' R � o °scHE�EN WATERMA I N s�gb MAYfRON 8� ASSOCIATES, tNt. DATE: SHANNON H I LLS STH ADp I T I0 FIGURE MA Y �j, ENG I NEERS� ARCH[TEC75s PLANNERS• su��EYORs � I T Y P R 0 J E C T N O. 2�3 � 3Ai PAAK PLACE CENFER• 5775 M�Y2AIA BOULEYARD � 1993 "'""E„°°��5. �5�{,6-,2��.6,2-5�-5"5 R�S E M O U N T, M I N N E S O T A 6P2. N FUT�RE N ��` Pd�j� I� �^A a�p 6.�N � ,e SHANNON HILLS w . . N�. .w p. . . . . . � . . . . � � . .p . � . . '� � . Q � 3 ��, a J n K � � W r �_15' RCP 1� Q �R �U S 1y RG4�,,,./'�.. � a W co : s = � z 9 �7 .o � 'O� � . Z � + N � � � . �� � . � .. . Z. N � P . . . � . . . . . . N� .+. W � � . . � .. QT . � � , � � - � . � '.J^�. . � . �� � � � � �� � V/. � . v . . . . . .. v . . . . . � . . V . . . . � . � . . . P. . .. . SHANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION �, a �� ,� M # � ,,, ,., . . � � . . . . N.� . � . . N . . . . . � . .� . . . . .. . . . . � . � � . � *�� � � ��YJYJ �YJYf ���. . . . . .. . . . . �t. � � . i . �i SCALE IN FEET ORAWN BY DRAWING TITLE CON�1. N0� R � o °scH��EN STORM SEWER s�9s MAYERON & aSSOCInTES, [NC. DATE: SHANNON H I LLS 5TH ADD I T I 0 FIGURE MA Y 6, ENG I NEERS• ARCH I TECTS• PLANNERS• SINtVEYORS � I �Y P R O J E C T N�. 2�3 300 PhRK PL�CE CENiER• 5775 w,�rZ�i�BOULEv�itD ^ 1993 ntwwE�POtis, rfr 554i6-�228� 6�2-595-5775 RDSEMOUIVT, MI NNESOTA `'' I 5096P 3. DGhI � , FU7URE pI-� ION 6�N A� � SNANNON HILLS � � � . + � N . �++ � � � � . v � � . . . . . � . . . . . . � � � . . � . � . . � � . . . � r V. � . . . � � . Q �, o. � 3 • WP � , ...,:�...:; .. . :_ :.:; <: � C R U S .._.: . � '"`'`-,- Q W �' � a _ - ,._. s � : � ,� z � � O � "' � � Z N p N.. + w . � � � � � � . . Z . . . ' . .. . � � � . Q � . . � . � . . . . IZ^ . �. . �'•' � . � . . . � � ~ � . � . . V I . . ' .. . . .. . . ." � . . V '��� . � . � . 32' STREET B-B a 60' R. 0. W. SMANNON HiLLS °' � 4TH ADDITION � . �G LIGHTING + � w ( TYP. > w �•4�� N . � . ��� N. � �_ . .. b� 32' STREET ` B-B 0 200 400 � , SCALE IN FEET , DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE COMM'. NO_ R G o °scHE�EN STREET & L I GHT I NG sr�46 MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATE: HANNON H ILLS 5TH ADD I T I ON FIGtlRE ENGINEERSs ARCHITECTS� PLANNER'Ss Sl�ivEYORS ,1 MAY lS, 3@0 PARK PLACE CENTER■ 57]5 wAr1�T�BOu�Eve+tp C I T Y P R O J E C T NO. �`t 3 � � 773 M[NNEAPOUS, Mi 554t6-1228� 612-595-5775 R�SEM�UNT, �1�iVESOTYI 5996P 4. OC�lV