HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. 1994 Bdget Approval Process c 3 CIT'Y OF ROSEMOTJNT EXFCUTIVE Si7MM�L�.Y FOR ACTI4AT CITY CfJUNCIL ME�TING I?ATE: JUNE l, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: 1994 BUDGE'T' AFPRC3VAL PRt"�CESS AGENDA SECTTQNs ADMINISTRAT�R`S REPQRT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, AGENDA � CITY ADMINISTRATOR � r •.l �� ���� � ,r. i t ` ATTACF3tMENTSs BUDGET APPROVAL SCHEDULE MEMU AP' Y: The 1994 budge� season is upon us. We shaulci commence our work �ogether on the 1994 operating budgets and the proposed Capitaz zmpra�vement Programs budget. I have already initiated budget preparation talks with degartment heads and suggested guidelines fc�r their work on the budget. In establishing a process that we can all wc�rk together an, I wou3d 1,ike to establish the meeting sch�dule for the budget dis�ussion and approval. Attached is a proposed schedule carrying us thraugh initi�l dis�ussion ancl to prelirninary approval dates. If tha.s appears to be an ambitious schedule, it may be, but I arn confiden�. that if we come tagether at the initial meetings and set a firm direc�ion we ean proceed through the pr�cess effectively to meet our apgroval dates. RECONIl+�ENDED ACTI4N: Motion tfl set a special City eQuncil meeting for June 28th at��-0 p.m. for th� purpose of beginning 1994 budget discussions. 7:�o cavrrc�L ACT�orr: MEMO T(J: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willeox, "Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk DATE: May 27, 1993 RE: 1994 Operating Budgets 1994-1998 Capital Improvement Program Budget I would request that we begin our discussion and review of the 1994 c�pera.ting and 1994-1998 CTP budgets. Staff has all ready begun developing a first draft of their propased budgets for review purpc�ses. I have given general guicieiines foz their work on the budgets as follt�ws: 1. Na new employees to be considered for 1994 that are not already budgeted for in 1993. The only exception to this wz11 l�e in coz�sideration of the new employees needed at the Corrimunity �enter. 2, Operating budgets are ta be increased no mcrre than 3 perc�nt over 1993 levels plus ernployee cornpensation costs. Based an current discu��ians, _ I expect thc�se compensation eosts to inerease no more than 3 percent over 1993. Together this wc�uld cause abt�ut a 5 percent averall increase. 3, T have asked each department to provide a "Wori� Plan" for 1994. This will be an c�verview of what respansibilities, programs and projects are being provided in 1993 and, hased on a preliminary budget, what programs, projects and responsibiiities will be carried on in 1994. Reviewing this "Work Plan" for 1994 at our initial budget rneeting wiii a11ow the council and staff t+�jointiy set direction f�r eantinuing o� in the budget process, Looking at the abjective we hape to reach in praviciing services, programs, etc. for 1994 rather than concentrating initialiy on specific proposed expe�ditures, I wouid hape that we will be able tc� coneentrate on a more consistent direction for our budget development rather than getting hggged down in d�tail, at least in the initial stages. . , t Page 2 At the first meeting we wiil also be presenting our first draft of the 1994-1998'CIP budget, Discussion on the�items in the budget, the priority y�u may giue to areas af expenditures such as roads, equipment, etc, will need tv be thoroughly reviewed and direction giv�n so that we can begin to pull that program together. I will provide additionai comments to you atdng with the paekets going out to you in preparatiQn for the 7une 28th meeting. I wanted to advise yc�u of the steps we are taking in begi�nning this year's budget process. dw • . t 2�1� O OS�'vYL(?ZLYZ� PHONE is�Z�423�44�1 2875•145th Street Wast,Rosemaurt,Mittnssota MkYOfl fAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward-6.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0570 COUMGtCMEMBERS Sheiia Klas�en Jamea(Red)Siasts Matry WN(r�Ox Pennis wippermann DATE: Mc�y 2 0, 19 9� aoMiN�sraaxoR Stephan Jiik TO; Scott Aker, Fire Chief Dave Bechtald, Park & Rec Director Li,sa Freese, Planning Director Lyle Knutsen, Police Chief Jeff May, Finance pirector John Mi11er, Economic Develc�pznen� Coordinator Sue Walsh, Administrati�re Assistant Ron Wasmund, Public Works Direc�or FROM: Steve Jiik, City Administrator SUBJECT: 1994 Budget S�hedule The following is a preliminary schedule to be used for the 1994 budget process. This is assuming that the preliminary levy deadline i:s September 15, 1993 , and that the final Zevy deac3la.ne zs December 20, 1993 (we have not received informatic�n confirming these dates ye�) . 05/21/93 1998 CIP items due from al1 d�partm�nts OSJ26/93 lst draft of 1994-1998 C�P Budget hancied aut 06/02J93 (Staff Mtng) Discuss 1994-1998 dra€t CIP and guidelines for Operating Budgets 06/11/93 2nd draft CIP & lst draft aperating Sudge�s due Q6I16/93 (Staff Mtng) IIiscuss C�P & Qpera�ing draft budgets 06/23/93 3rd draft CIP & 2nd draft C�perating Budgets due 06/25J93 Council` s lst draf� of budgets go ou� in packets �j 06/28/93 Special Counc�.l Meeting on CIP & Qperating Budgets � Q7/09/93 4th draft CIP & 3rd draft Operating Budgets due � 07/21f93 Special Gauncil Meeting on GIP & Operat�.ng Budgets 0?/30j93 5th draft �IP & 3rd draft Operating Budgets due � 08/1OJ93 Special Council Meeti�g - Preliminary Lev� discussion 08/24/93 Special Council Meeting - Preliminary Levy dis�ussion Q9/07/93 Regular Council Meeting - Adtipt Preliminary Levy and set Public Hearing D�tes �9/15/93 Pre�.iminary Levy & Hearing lJate must be certified to County 12/02/93 Public �3earing an Levy 12/09J93 Continua�ion of Public H�aring on Levy(Tf Necessary} 12/2�?/93 Final Lev� must be cerCita.ed to County �ver���is�g's �amircg ���i �os�mounPll