HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.e. Transportation Study Update CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECtJTIVE S'Ub�1ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Transportation Study Update AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARLD BY: Bud Osmundson 'AGENDA I�E�, � Q � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � ATTAC�NTS: Western Transportation Study VED BY: Draft by OSM Tonight we will provide you with an overview of the Western Rosemount Transportation Study. You have all been provided drafts of this study. After tonight' s meeting, we•. would respectfully request that al.l comments and/or further questions be directed to myself by June 15, 1993 . We will then bring the study back to the Council on July 6, 1993 for final acceptance of the report. The purpose of the study was to have a tool which will assist the City in guiding future transportation planning in western Rosemount. Emphasis was placed on a number of streets, including Connemara Trail, Bacardi Avenue, Akron Avenue, Biscayne Avenue and Diamond Path. The recommendatians resulting from the study are that Connema.ra Trail should be built as soon as possible from Shannon Parkway to Trunk Highway 3 . In addition, OSM is recommending that we request the reconstruction of County Road 38 from Trunk Highway 3 to Bacardi in 1998 as part of the Dakota County Capital Improvements Program. Furthermore, the Bacardi, Biscayne and Connemara Trail improvements required east of Trunk Highway 3 are dependent on development of that area. Chuck Rickert, P.E. of OSM, will provide an overview and along with Staff will be available for any ques�ions. . . . \ . C. . .. � ' �. Y.� ,.. . . RECOI�+SENDED ACTION: None at this time. COIINCII� ACTION: 1 { � � �„�O jsy"� g� . � v� • • Y �-f�-�-Prc,hme+�� � �:�51'TE�tN �.���]E:M{�jJNT TIi►��11T5►T���TATION STUDY I�RELIMINARY I�ZEPARE,D BY: ORR-SCH�ELEN-��IIAYERON L�t. ASSOC., INC. P:��a� FoR: CI-rY oF Ros�ovNr A�zu. 1993 O�t�' SC,ltelert Mayeron& Associates,Inc. . � , , . CALIBRATION CRITERIA -------r-------r------�-------r-------r------�-------r-------r------�-------� I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I i 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 55 � i i -Z-------�=-------�-------l-------� ------!-------! - -----� -------�------- i------ i i i i i' i i i � i i � i i i i i �p i i i i i i i i i i ----�-------�--------+-------+--------�--------+-------+--------�--------+- -----�+ _ i i i i i i i � i 45 i i iMAXIMUM DESIRABLE DEVIATION i i i i i - - ---r-------�-------�-------r-------,-------�-------T-------�------�-------1 i i � i i i i i i i �0 i i i i i i � r i ► - -- --L-------�-------J-------L-------�--------�-------1-------L------J-------1 Z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 35 � � i i i i r � � - ----- ------r-------�-------r-------�--------�-------r-------�------�-------y � � i i i i i � i i Q30 -----�------ � ---�- -- �NCHRP255CRITERIA -�-------1-------�------�-------1 j " i i -- i _ '� -_ _i � i i i i W 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I (� ZrJ � � � I I 1 1 1 --__- ' - -----L� ��---1���----'1------- �1�-----�-�----�--�---��---L���-r-J� �1 � � L I 1 1 I 1 a0 I 1 I"i�..u„ 1 1 1 I 1 20 � DAKOTA COUNTY CRITERIA i � � � � - -- - -r-------r-------r-------r-------�--- - -------r-------�-------� - - ' i i � i i i i i 15 � � � � � � � � ------ �-------i-------i--------�-------�-------�-- �"="J,�.-i i i i i i i i i i 10 � i i i i i i i � ------+--------i-- ---- -�' _ , , - , , , i i i i � , � , i , i � i i i 5 i i i i i i i i i i -------r-------�--------�-------r-------�-------�-------r`-------�------�-------� i i i i i i � � � � 0 i i � i i i i i i i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (iHOUSANDS) BASE YEAR COUNT FIGURE 4 >. WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTATION STUDY PREPARED FOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA I!, ; PREPARED BY: ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 300 PARK PLACE CENTER 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MI�OLIS, MN 55416-1228 (612) 595-5775 OSM PROJECT' NO. 4968.00 April 1993 w r TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. EXECUTIVESUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I. INTRODUCI'ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 II. STLTDY METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 '', III. DATA COLLEC'i'ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 IV. MODEL DEVELOPMENT/EXISTING CONDII'IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Land Use/Socio Ecanomic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1YipGeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1�ansportation Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1Yaffic Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Model Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 V. FUTURE YEAR TRAFFIC FORECASTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Analysis Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Land Use/Socio Economic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 15 1'ransportation Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Traffic Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 VI. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alternative 1 - No Build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alternative 2 - Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue Extension . . . . . . . . . 16 Alternative 3 - Akron Avenue Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .. Alternative 4 - Biscayne Avenue Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Alternative 5 - Diamond Path Extention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1�nnk Highway 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 VII. PEDESTRIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 VIII. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 IX. RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 APPENDIX (TABLES, FIGURES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATTACHED f i LIST OF TABLES 1. Existing Land Use by Tratfic Analysis Zone 2. Average Daily Trip Rates 3. Model Calibration 4. Prnjected 2010 Land Use Increase by TAZ 5. Imprnvement Guidelines LIST OF FIGURES 1. STUDY AREA 2. Z'RAI{'FIC ANALYSIS ZONE SYSTEM 3. TRANSPORTATION NETWORK 4. CALIBRATION CRITERIA 5. EXISTING 1992 ADT 6. ALTERNATIVE 1 - 2010 NO-BUILD ADT ALTERNATIVE 2 - CONNEMARA TRAIL BACARDI AVENUE EXTENSION - '7. ALTERNATIVE 2 - SCENARIO A 8. ALTERNATIVE 2 - SCENARIO B 9. ALTERNATIVE 2 • SCENARIO C 10. ALTERNATIVE 2 - 2010 ADT 11. ALTERNATIVE 3 - AKRON AVENUE UPGRADE - 2010 ADT 12. ALTERNATIVE 4 - BISCAYNE AVENUE UPGRADE - 2010 ADT 13. ALTERNATIVE 5 - DIAMOND PATH EXTENSION - ZO10 ADT � WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTATIQN STUDY EXECUTIVE Si;fMMARY The purpose of this study was to analyze the impacts of existing and future development on the City of Rosemount Transportation System. The scope of the study included the analysis of the eJcisting 1992 Transportation Network and five (5) future year, (2010), alternatives. These alternatives included: ALTERNATIVE 1 - No Build (no improvements) ALTERNATTVE 2 - Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue eactension �� AL1'ERNATIVE 3 - Akron Avenue upgrade ALTERNA'ITVE 4 - Biscayne A�enue upgrade ALTERNATIVE 5 - Diamond Path extension The study methodology included; collecting all available data, development of the transportation model, calibrating the transportation model, analyzing the future year altematives, development of study conclusions and recommendations, and coordinating the study with the City of Rosemount and all other governmentai agencies affected. The conclusions and recommendations for each future year (2010) alternative are as follows: ALTERNATIVE 1 - No build This alternative assumes no roadway improvements would be constructed, only the existing roadway system would be inplace. Conclusion• • 145th Street, Diamond Path to TH 3 would require three to four lanes. • TH 3, CSAH 42 to Connemara Trail will require three to four lanes. • CR 38, TH 3 to Blaine Avenue will require two lanes paved. _ 1 . • Biscayne Avenue, CSAH 42 to 160th Street will require two lanes paved. • 160th Street, Shannon Parkway to Biscayne Avenue will require two lanes paved. • Akron Avenue, CSAH 42 North will require two lanes paved. • Adequate access for future development does not exis� Recommendations: • Consideration sbould be given to the extension of the Connemara Trail from �', Shannon Parkway to TH 3. ' • A traffic monitoring program should be developed including; 145th Street, TH 3, Shannon Parkway, Biscayne Avenue, Akron Avenue, 160th Street, Blaine Avenue, CR 38, and Bacardi Avenue. ALTERNATIVE 2 - Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue Extension , This altemative assumes the extension of Connemaza Trail from Shannon Parkway to the east side af TH 3 and the extension of Bacardi Avenue from CSAH 42 to CR 38. Conclusions: • Provides signi�cant relief for the existing and future traf�c growth on 145th Street. • Provides access for future development. • Provides improved access to the high school. Recommendations: • Extend Connemara Trail from Shannon Parkway to TH 3. • Develop a traf�c monitoring program. • Extend Connemara Trail from TH 3 across the railroad tracks with at-grade crossing as development occurs. • Extend Bacardi Avenue frorn CSAH 42 to County Road 38 with a grade separated railroad crossing as development occurs. . � . I ALTERNATIVE 3 - Akron Avenue U ade II, P� Tlus altemative assumes that Akron Avenue would be upgraded from a gravel roadway to a paved two lane facility from CSAH 42 North. Conclusions: • Would increase the traffic capacity and safety on Akron Avenue. • Provides unproved access for future development. Recommendations• • Traffic volumes indicate that this roadway should be paved two lanes. • Develop a traffic monitoring program. ALT'ERNATIVE 4 - Biscayne Avenue Upgrade This altemative assumes that Biscayne Avenue from 160th Street to CR 38 is upgraded from a gravel roadway to a two lane paved facility. Conelusions• • Would provide increased traf�c capacity and safety on Biscayne Avenue. • Would provide improved access for future development Recommendatiom • Pave Biscayne Avenue (two lanes) from 160th Street to CR 38 as development occurs. • Pave 160th Street from Biscayne Avenue to TH 3 as development occurs. • Develop a traffic monitoring program. ALTERNATIVE 5 - Diamond Path Extension This altemative assumes that Diamond Path would be extended from CSAH 42 South to 160th Street. Conclusions• • Would provide access to existing development in Rosemount and potential development in Apple Valley. • Would provide relief to local street traffic between Shannon Parkway and the Diamond Path extension. . 3 w - � � Recommendation• • Maintain communications with the City of Apple Valley on the status of ' development. ' • Develop a traffic monitoring program. • Maintain communications with Dakota. County and Metropolitan Council with respect to the status of 160th Street. Trunk Highway 3 Conclusions• The proposed temporary roadway improvement to TH 3 (i.e., the continuous center left turn lane), scheduled for construction Summer 1993, will provide adequate capacity for future roadway needs. Recommendations: The temporary roadway improvement should be considered as a permanent improvement. PEDESTRIANS Conclusions: Pedestrian safety and access, especially crossing major facilities (i.e. TH 3, CSAH 42, Railroads, etc) should be studied in greater detaiL Recommendations: Initiate a pedestrian study to analyze the pedestrian patterns adjacent to major facilities and access to public park and trial systems. 4 � r . . . . � � � . . I. INTRODUCT'ION Extensive land use development (existing and projected) in and around the City of Rosemount is placing heavy demands on the City's transportation system. In view of this concern, the City authorized OSM to conduct a Transportation Study for the western one half of the City in order to determine the impacts of the future land use developments on the street and highway system. The area of the Westem Rosemount Transporta.tion Study is the City limits on the north, east and south sides and Blaine Avenue on the west. C�urently, another study is underway reviewing the impacts east of this area (TH 52 Study). Figure 1 in the Appendix illustrates the study axea. The scape of the Westem Rosemount Transportation Study included: A. Investigation of existing traffic data; existing city, county and state roadways; and projecting the traffic counts on designated roadways utilizing a City approved land use plan compiled from the City, County, Mn/DOT and Metropolitan Council data. B. Modeling the present and future traffic, compatible with the Metropolitan Council, Mn/DOT and Dakota County data bases for the Westem Rosemount roadway system utilizing a generally accepted software package. 1fie data disks will be provided to the City on request. A twenty year plan should be the basis. The plan should answer the question for the following issues. C. Investigation and recommendations for the following speci�c items including, but not limited to recommendations for timing of roadway improvements, depending on development of particular areas and f or traffic count perimeters; recommended street widths, number of traffic and - 5 . a . . � . � . � . . . paxking lanes; recommended routes for land use, terrain and property line perimeters with a general emphasis on railroad crossings; consideration of pedestrian issues, growth of pedestrian traf�c, and utilization of the City's comprehensive parks plan. L 145th Street east of T.H. 3, especially in relationship to C.M.C. property located north of CSAH 42 and adjacent to 145th Street� 2. Connemara Trai1 • proposed future route east and west of T.H. 3; proposed intersection of T.H. 3; proposed timing; use of this street for High School, Schwartz Park and Armory/Community Center access. Provide feasible concept plan/routes. 3. Relationships of Connemara Trail, C.R. 38 and Bacardi Avenue east of T.H. 3, with the emphasis on railroad crossings. 4. Bacardi Avenue - Route north of CS.AH 42 and its relationship to C.M.C. property, further development north of this property, C.R. 38 and the City of Inver Grove Heights and possibility of its being a north-south route to C.R. 32 (Cliff Road) in Inver Grove Heights. _ 5. Akron Avenue - Use of this route north of CSAH 42 as a north/south collector serving future development, plus Dakota County Technical Institute. 6. Biscayne Avenue - Use of this route as a north/south collector from 160th Street (C.R. 46) to C.R. 38. 7. Diamond Path south of 145th Street to 160th Street, included because of strong Rosemount deveiopment in the area and generally , 6 w � . .. � . . . � . . �� ; . . • �� a lack of development in Apple Va11ey. What affect does this have �I on timing, funding, etc, The following sections outline the methodology analysis and results of the Westem Rosemount Transportation Study. 7 s IL STUDY METHODOLOGY The following briefly describes the methodology which was used for the study. The travel forecasting process followed the format outlined in the report I "Recommended Practices for Reconcilin� Small Area and R�onal Forecast in � the Twin City Metropolitan Area" a technical report by the North Central Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, (NCITE) October, 1992. Data Collection All data available was collected from the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Mn/DOT and the Metropolitan Council. �Vlodel Development Based on the elcisting roadway, socioeconomic, land use and tra�c data, a computer model was developed using the TRANPI.AN modeling software program. Model Calibration Following the development of the model an initial (eausting) traffic assignment was run. Results were compared to the existing traffic counts on the cities street network. Adjustments were made to the roadway capacity and vehicle travel speeds in order to calibrate results to existing traf�c conditions. Fut�re Year Alternative Analysis Once the model was calibrated five{5) future year traffic forecast alternatives were developed and analyzed. The alternatives were: . g Alternative 1 - No build (no improvements) Altemative 2 - Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue extension Altemative 3 - Akron Avenue upgrade Alternative 4 - Biscayne Avenue upgrade Altemative 5 - Diamond Path extension �onclusions f Recommendations ��, � � Based�on the resulfis of the�future year alternative�analysis, conclusions and � � � � �� � � � � recommendations were developed as to the timing and scope of the specific roadway improvements. Coordination When determining the transportation impacts of an area, such as the City of Rosemount, coordination with other governmental agencies is essential. Therefore, meetings were held with Dakota County Engineering and Planning Staffs, Metropolitan Council, Mn/DOT, as well as the City of Rosemount Staff to discuss the parameters of this study. . 9 . III. DATA COLLECTION All available data was collected from the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Mn/DOT and the Metropolitan Council. Preliminary data was also gathered from the T.H. 52 Study being performed east of this area The data collected included: � of Rosemount Fxisting and projected land use and socioeconomic data Existing and Projected Population Development Patterns Traffic Volume Data Program and Anticipated Roadway Improvements Dakota CountX Traf�c Volume Data Programmed and Anticipated Roadway Improvements Dakota County Transportation Plan Traffic Forecast Data �1�T_ _ Traffic Volume Data Programmed and Anticipated Roadway Improvements Regional Transportation Network Data Metrat�olitan Council Regional Transportation Data 2010F Regional Forecast . 10 � To supplement this data, OSM conducted twenty (20) manual twenty-four hour traffic counts. These counts were used in the model calibration process. The counts were located at: 1. 132nd Street between Dodd Road and T.H. 3 ' 2. Chippendale Avenue north of CSAH 42 3. 160th Street east of T.H. 3 4. Akron Avenue north of 135th Street 5. T.H. 3 south of Dodd Road 6. CSAH 42 east of Diamond Path 7. Dodd Road south of 120th Street 8. 120th Street between Dodd Road and T.H. 3 9. 145th Street west of Biscayne Avenue 10. Biscayne Avenue south of C.R. 38 11. 132nd Street (C.R. 38) east of T.H. 3 12. 125th Street (C.R. 38) west of T.H. 3 13. 125th Street (C.R. 38) east of Shannon Parkway 14. Shannon Parkway north of 160th Street 15. Shannon Parkway south of CSAH 42 16. Shannon Parkway south of 145th Street : 17. Shannon Parkway south of 137th Street 18. Shannon Parkway south of 125th Street (C.R. 38) 19. Dodd Road south of 125th Street 20. Connemara Trail east of Dallas Avenue . 11 IV. MODEL DEVELOPMENT/EXISTING CONDITIONS ' Land Use/Socioeconomic Tr�c Analysis Zone System Land use and socioeconomic data for transportation planning purposes are developed and reported in traffic analysis zones (TA2). These zones are used to determine the origins and destinations to and from specific areas. The Metropolitan Council has developed these zones on a regional basis, which are typically quite large. Within the Westem Rosemount Transportation Study area, there are four (4) Metropolitan Councils TAZ's. Dakota County has also developed a TAZ system within the County. Their system has thirteen (13) zones within the Study area. In order to create a model in which specific roadways can be analyzed, a larger TAZ system must be developed. Therefore, the Metropolitan Council and Dakota County TAZ systems were used as a starting point. These zones were then subdivided into a more practical TAZ size. This resulted in a TAZ system of 35 zones. These zones are classi�ed as intemal zones. Extemal zones were _ also developed which include all the origins and destinations outside the study area. Figure 2 illustrates the City of Rosemount TAZ system. Land Use Data The existing land use data was assembled and field verified. This data was then developed into the TAZ system. The data was used as a basis for the trip generation. Table 1, located in the Appendix, shows this data for each TAZ. 12 1Yip Generation: Two trip types need to be determined when looking at the study area. Each is discussed below: Through Tri�s�. These trips do not have origins or destinations within the study area. For example, they would originate in Eagan, travel through Rosemount with a destination in Farmington. These trips for the purposes of the study, were developed based on the Dakota County Transportation Modei. Intemal Trips: These trips have origins or destinations within the study area. 'I'he trips are class�ed into three trip purposes; Home Base Work (HBW), Home Base Non-work (HBNV� and Home Base Other (HBO). Trip generation rates for specific land uses have been developed for each trip purposes. These rates have been developed for productions (origins) and attractions (destinations). The rates used for this study are based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (TI'E) Trip Generation Manual and the rates used by Dakota County as part of their transportation plan. Table 2 shows the trip rates, by purpose, for each of the twenty-�ve iand use types associated with the Western Rosemount Transportation Study area. - Transportation Network The roadway network used in the study area includes all collector and arterial streets, Some local roadways were also used in the model. The attributes for each roadway link (i.e. speed, number of lanes, etc.) were determined by a field review and visual observation of each facility. This network is compatible with both the Metropolitan Council, Mn/DOT and Dakota County networks. Figure 3 located illustrates the transportation network used for the Western Rosemount Transportation Study. � 13 1�affic Assignment A variety of assignment techniques can be employed for comniunities such as Rosemount. An equilibrium assignment provides the best results. Therefore it was used for this study. This type of assign�nent balances the number of trips on each roadway link with respect to speed, capacity, shortest travel time, etc. Two iterations of the assignment were required to balance all productions and attractions. Model Calibration The National Cooperative Highway Research Pragram (NCHRP) Circulax 255 is typically used to establish the maximum deviation between assignments and`actual tr�c counts. However, Dakota County has developed a stricter criteria for calibration. This stricter criteria was used for a calibration of Westem Rosemount Transportation Study Model. Figure 4 illustrates the NCHRP ' Circular 25S criteria and Dakota County criteria used for this study. Table 3 shows the 37 roadway segments and the actual and allowable deviations. Figure 5 illustrates the existing (1992) traffic volumes from the calibrated model. Figures 4, 5 and Table 3 can be found in the Appendix. . � 14 I , V. F'iITURE YEAR TRAFFIC FORECASTS Analysis Year The future year of analysis is 2010. All data obtained from Dakota County, Metropolitan Council and Mn/DOT was for this future year. The land use projections provided by the City of Rosemount estimated land use to the year 2010 MUSA line. Landuse/Socioeconomic In order to develop future year forecast, it was assumed that all vacant land within the 2010 MIJSA would be developed. Table 4 shows the change in land use from the e�usting (1992) to the future year (2010). Transportation Network All programmed and anticipated roadway improvements were assumed completed for the future year forecasts. 1Yat'�ic Assignment An equilibrium assignment was conducted for each alternative. Each altemative is discussed in the following section. - 15 . VI. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS Alternative 1 - No Build ' This altemative assumes no additional roadway improvements (other than program improvements) would be made. Figure 6 illustrates the no-buiid 2010 forecasted ADT volumes. The results of the analysis indicate that significant roadway improvements (i.e. paving, widening, additional lanes, etc.) would be required on the following facilities: 145th Street - 3 lanes or 41anes from Diamond Path to TH 3 T.H. 3 - 4lanes from 145th Street to CSAH 42 T.H. 3 - 31anes or 4 lanes from 145th Street to Connemara Trail C.R. 38 - 21ane paved from T.H. 3 to Blaine Avenue Biscayne Avenue - 21ane paved from CSAH 42 to 160th Street 160th Street - 21ane paved from Shannon Paxkway to Biscayne Avenue Akron Avenue - 21ane paved from CSAH 42 north Alternative 2 - Connemara 1Yail/Bacardi Avenue Extension This alternative assumes the extension of Connemara Trail from Shannon Parkway to the east side of T.H. 3 and the extension of Bacardi Avenue from CSAH 42 to C.R. 38. Three (3) scenarios were evaluated. A discussion of each scenario including the traffic flow and advantages/disadvantages follows. Each scenario is shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9 found in the Appendix. Scenario A: This scenario would extend the existing Connemara Trail at Shannon Parkway to match the existing Connemara Trail at T.H. 3. It would then extend across the Soo Line Railroad tracks, curving 16 . north, matching into C.R. 38 just east of Bacardi Avenue. The . existing C.R. 38 would then 'T" into this new roadway. Dodd Road would end at 132nd Street (no connection to Connemara Trail). Access to Dodd Road will be investigated as the Daily Farm is developed. Traffic: The majority of the traffic on this new roadway would be local traffic (i.e. tr�c that has origins and destinations within the area). West of T.H. 3, this facility would provide an al#ernative . route for tr�c on 145th Street. Approximately 15°i'o to 40% of the trips now on 145th Street would use this new roadway. However, most of this traf�c would then turn north or south on T.H. 3, only a small portion of the traffic would continue through on the new roadway. The tra�c east of T.H. 3 would again be made up of primarily local trips. Through traffic (i.e, tra�c that has origins and destinations outside the area) that would use this roadway could be diverted from 145th Street. Advantages/Disadvantages: Advantages: • West of T.H. 3, this roadway provides an altemative route for 145th Street traffic. Traffic would be reduced 15% - 40%. • West of T.H. 3, this roadway would open up a large area for development. • Provides a continuous east-west route from the City's west border to Blaine Avenue with the use of the existing C.R. 38. y 17 • Reduce the future need to e�and 145th Street to a three or four lane facility. Disadvantages: • De-emphasizes the elcisting C.R. 3$ from Bacardi Avenue to T.H. 3. Scenario B: This scenario would extend the eacisting Connemara Trail at Shannon Parkway north to the existing 132nd Street at Dodd Road. The existing C.R. 38 would be maintained east of T.H. 3. Traf:fic: The majority of the traf�c on this roadway would be local traffic. However, this route would oniy be an alternative for traffic on 145th Street which have destinations to the north on T.H. 3. Traffic would only be reduced 5% to 1Q%. This alternative would not have any impact on the tr�c on CSAH 42 due to iYs alignment to the north. �dvan a,g.Les f Disadvantag,e_� Advantages: • West of T.H. 3, this roadway would open up a large area for I development. • This roadway would provide a continuous east-west through route using the existing roadways (C.R. 38) east of T.H. 3. � 18 • This route would have the smallest cost associated with constructic�n. Disadvantages: • This roadway would not signi�icantly reduce the traffic volume on 145th Street. • This scenario would not provide any diversion of traffic from ,, CSAH 42. • Even though this route is a continuous east-west route, the through tr�c component would be very small due to the location of the route. S�enario C: West of the Soo Line Railroad tracks, this scenario is the same as Scenario A. East of the raiiroad tracks, this roadway would extend straight inta a "'T" with a proposed extension of`Bacardi Avenue. Similar to Seenario A, Dodd Road wauld end at 132nd Stree� Tr i • The traffic flow for this scenario would be very similar to Scenario A with respect to loeal trips. The traffic on 145th Street � would be reduced 15% to 40%. This route, together with an extension of Bacardi Avenue, would provide the opportunity for a large number of trips to use this road as a 'bypass" of the City (145th Street) and the signals on CSAH 42. Advanta es jDisadvan��,ges: Advantages: � 19 • 'West of T.H. 3, this roadway would provide an altemative route for 145th Street traffic. Tr�c would be reduced 15% - 40%a • West of T.H. 3, this route would open ug a large area for development. • East of T.H. 3, this roadway would have less impact to the existing properties. A roadway alignment that uses property lines can be designed • The existing traffic on C.R. 38 would not be impacted. C.R. 38 would have no alignment changes. • Reduce the future need to expand 145th Street to a three or four lane facility. Disadvantages: • This roadway does not have a good continuous east-west - orientation east of T.H. 3. Railraad Crossin�ss Connemara Trail Railroad Crossing�, As part of Scenar'io A and C, a railroad crossing of the Soo Lines tracks would be required. This crossing would be similar for both scenarios. Three alternative crossings were analyzed. Two grade separations, a tunnel and overpass, and one at grade crossing. Each is discussed below: � 2Q Existing Topography: The elevation of Connemara Trail, approximately 300 feet west of Brazil Avenue and the existing railroad tracks, is 950.0. The elevation of the road decreases as it approaches the railroad track and reaches a low point elevation of approximately 934.0 before turning south onto Brazil Avenue,just east of the tracks, where the road elevation increases. The proposed Connemara Trail extension to Biscayne Avenue is located in the vicinity of Rosemount ponds ROS 155, 156, and 159. All of these ponds are landlocked basins and have an estimated High Water Level (IHWL) of 947.4 (from City of Rosemount drainage plan). The elevation of the railroad tracks in the area of the future Connemara Trail crossing is approximately 950.0. ��: It is estimated that between 10(� to 2000 vehicles per day would use the proposed Scenario's A or C east of T.H. 3. G�nently the Soo Line track in this area has on an average of 2 trains per day. Pr��osec� Crossing Alternatives: The first alternative reviewed was to construct a tunnel/bridge at the railroad tracks to allow Connemara Trail to cross under the tracks. This alternative would require the elevation of Connemara Trail at the railroad crossing to be approximately 931.0 (19 feet of vertical clearance to the railroad overpass). At the 931.0 eleyation, the Connemaxa Trail underpass would be inundated with storm water during critical storm events. Therefore, this altemative is not recommended. The second alternative reviewed was ta construct a roadway overpass at the railroad tracks. This alternative would require that the elevation of Connemara Trail at the railroad crossing be approximately 975.0 (23 feet 21 of vertical clearance between the top of rail to bottorn of superstructure on the highway bridge). At this elevation, the Connemara Trail overpass is approximately 17 feet higher than the Biscayne Avenue connection and 41 feet higher than the low point in the road west of Brazil Avenue. The estimated vertical grade from Biscayne Avenue to the top of the overpass is 5%. In order to get the same grade on the west side of the overpass, it would require to extend approximately 550 feet before matching the roadway elevation on Connemara Trail. Due to the excessive amount of roadway fill required for this altemative and potential of future bridge maintenance issues, it is felt that this altemative is not feasible. The tlurd alternative reviewed was an at-grade crossing. This altemative would require that the existing elevation on Connemara Trail be raised above the HWL of Pond ROS 155 (947.4) and that only minor grading of Brazil Avenue and the east side of the railroad tracks be required. After a preliminary review, this appears to be the prefened alternative for the Connemara Trail crossing of the elcisting railroad tracks. Bacardi Avenue Railroad Crossing;, As part of all three scenarios, Bacardi Avenue would be extended from CSAH 42 to CR 38, thus requiring a railroad crossing of the Chicago Northwestem tracks. This crossing would occur in the future, as development dictates. Traffic: It is estimated that between 500 and 7(?0 vehicles per day would use the proposed Bacardi Avenue extension. Cunently there are, on an average, of 8 trains per day (4 in each direction) using the Chicago Northwestern track in this area. y . �� � . . . � . Pro�osed Crossing Alternatives: The location of the Bacardi Avenue Extension is highly dependent on the C.M.C. property development and availability of access to CSAH 42. For these reasons, looking at a grade separation versus at-grade crossing based on topography would not be practical at this time. However, based on the forecasted vehicle traffic and existing train traffic, strong consideration should be given to a grade separated facility. Recommend Scenario Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that any of the three roadway scenarios would provide a good traffic flow through the city. However, Scenario C provides the best improvement with respect to; east-west traf�c flow, projected development, traffic diversion from 145th Street and the impaet to existing raadways and properties. Figure 10 illustrates the future year (2010j ADT forecasts for this alternative. Based on the proposed traffic volume, train volume and existing topography east of T.H. 3, Scenario C should be constructed with an at-grade railroad crossing of the Soo Line track and a grade separation crossing of the Chicago Northwestem track. Alternative 3 - Akron Avenue Upgrade This altemative assumes that Akron Avenue would be upgraded from a gravel roadway to a paved two lane arterial facility from CSAH 42 north, with a speed limit at/or greater than 45 miles per hour. This alternative also assumes that the improvements of Alternative 2, Scenario C, were constructed as recommended (i.e. Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue extension). The results of this analysis indicate that the traf�c patterns would change only slightly. Sufficient north/south routes (i.e.; T.H. 3, T.H. 52) exist which provide . 23 good traffic flow throughout the area. Traffic would be diverted primarily from � Blaine Avenue and the new Bacardi extension (Alternative 2, Scenario C). Some diversion from Biscayne Avenue would also occur. Figure 11 illustrates the 2010 forecasted ADT volumes for this alternative. Even though the analysis indicates that tlus roadway would not be a high volume arterial in the future, the traffic volumes (both existing and projected) indicate that paving the facility should be considered. Table 5 found in the Appendix gives some recommended improvement guidelines for upgrading facilities. Alternative 4 - Biscayne Avenue Upgrade This altemative assumes that Biscayne Avenue from 160th Street to C.R. 38 would be upgraded from a gravel roadway to a twa lane paved facility with a speed limit at/or greater than 45 miles per hour. This alternative also assumes that the recommended Altemative 2, Scenario C is implemented The analysis results indica.te that traffic wauld be diverted from the new Bacardi Avenue extension and Akron Avenue. However, very little other impacts would occur as a result of this altemative. As in Altemative 3 significant north/south routes (i.e.; T.H. 3, T.H. 52) exist which provide good traffic flow in this area. Figure 12 illustrates the 2010 forecasted ADT volumes for this alternative. In all alternatives, Biscayne Avenue south of CSAH 42 to 160th Street and 160th Street to T.H. 3 will require paving. This is a result of the development potential in the industrial park south of CSAH 42, north of 160th Street between Biscayne Avenue and T.H. 3. These roadways should be two lane facilities with turn lanes at major intersections. The timing of these improvements is dependent on development. Table 5, Improvement Guidelines, should be used to evaluate when these improvements should be considered. . � . Alternative 5 - Diamond Path Eactensian This altemative assumes that Diamond Path would be extended from CSAH 42 south to 16Uth Street on the Rosemount/Apple Valley border. Cunently right of way (ROVf� exists for a portion of this roadway from CSAH 42 south to approximately 155th Stree� The roadway, in this area, would be entirely in the City of Rosemount. South of 155th Street, the roadway would be entirely in the City of Apple Va11ey. ROW has not been acquired for the southern portion (Apple Valley) of the roadway. It was assumed for purposes of analysis, that the facility would be a two lane roadway with tum lanes at the major intersections. The results of this analysis indicate that traffic would be diverted primarily from Shannon Pazkway and very little from Dodd Road. This tr�c is typically local neighborhood traffic. Figure 13 illustrates the ADT volumes for this altemative. This analysis does not assume any improvement of 160th Street. Should these improvements occur, with a connection to T.H. 52, it would be expected that the extension of Diamond Path from CSAH 42 to 160th Street would become an important link and should be analyzed in greater detail at that time. 'lYunk Highway 3 (TH3) Based on the existing and forecasted ADT volumes and number of driveway accesses on TH 3 from CSAH 42 to Connemara Trail, 3 or 4lanes are required to provide adequate capacity and safety (See Table 5). The ADT volume ranges from 12,000 to 16,000 in Alternative 1 - No Build and 12,000 to 14,500 in all other build alternatives. The siight reduction in the build alternatives is due to the Connemara Trail/Bacardi Avenue extension. . 25 . The City has recently entered into a Cooperative Agreement with MN/DOT to temporarily remove parking on TH 3 from CSAH 42 to 143rd Street, This, together with the proposed widening of TH 3 from 143rd Street to Connemara Trail, as a result of the Armory construction, provided the opportunity to stripe TH 3 from CSAH 42 to Connemara Trail as a 31ane facility with a continuous center left turn lane. This construction is scheduled for the summer of 1993. By constructing TH 3 as a 31ane facility, adequate capacity will be available through the year 2010, assuming the assumptions in this study are conect (i.e., land use). Therefore, the 3 lane facility should be considered for a permanent solution for future tr�c growth on TH 3. - 26 ' VII. PEDESTRIANS When analyzing the future growth of traffic, consideration must be given to pedestrian access and safety. Based on the forecasted ADT volumes, the following pedestrian issues should be addressed in greater detail. • Pedestrian crossing of 1'H 3 at 143rd Street/Church and Connemara Trail. • Pedestrian crossing of TH 3 at the High School/Armory. This could be a possibie grade separation. • Pedestrian timing, indications and erosswalks at TH3/145th Street signal. • Pedestrian timing, indications and crosswalks at TH 3/CSAH 42 signal. • Pedestrian access, from the C.M.C. property on CSAH 42 to dowatown. This could be a possible pedestrian bridge. • All at grade railroad crossing should accommodate pedestrians. • Pedestrian facilities should be provided crossing all major roadway facilities, connecting the park and trail systems. As traf�c increases on major roadways and development occurs, these issues need to be studied in more detail (i.e., pedestrian counts, etc.) in order to determine the exact need and location of the pedestrian facility. . 27 VIII. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was to address the transportation issues in Westem Rosemount. Based on the results of the future year 2010 alternative analysis the following conclusions can be made: • • Altemative 1 - No bui.ld,will require improvements of the major facilities throughout the City by the year 2010 and would not provide adequate access for future development. • The greatest improvement to traffic operations would be accomplished by extending Connemara Traii from Shannon Parkway to T.H. 3. The extension across the railroad tracks to Bacardi Avenue and the extension of Bacardi Avenue can be evaluated as development dictates. As development proposals are considered between Bacardi Avenue and Biscayne Avenue, these conclusions and recommendations should be considered as a part of any decisions. • Access to development areas such as the CMC property can be provided with minimal north/south roadway improvements (i.e. Bacardi Avenue - extension). However, the extension of Connemara Trail is essential to provide east/west access for future development. • Sufficient north/south routes exist today which provide good traf�c flow throughout the City. Therefore, upgrading Akron Avenue and Biscayne Avenue would have minimal impacts on the traffic patterns. • The proposed temporary roadway improvements to TH 3 (i.e., the continuous center left turn lane), will provide adequate capacity for future roadway needs. � 28 • The existing and projected traffic volume on Akron Avenue indicates that consideration should be given to paving this facility. • The development potential in the Industrial Park south of CSAH 42 and north of 160th Street between T.H. 3 and Biscayne Avenue will require the paving of Biscayne Avenue south of CSAH 42 and 160th Street from T.H. 3 to Bisca.yne Avenue as development occurs. • The e�ension of Dia.mond Path wc�uld provide a good alternative route for traffic on Shannon Parkway. However, if 160th Street would be upgraded and connected to T.H. 52, this could become a significant route. • Pedestrian safety and access, especially crossing major facilities (i.e., TH3, CSAH 42, railroads, etc.) shouid be studied in greater detail. - 29 IX. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis found in this Study and the conclusion discussed above the following recommendations are made: 1. Extend Connemara Trail from Shannon Parkway to TH 3 as soon as possible. This would have immediate positive impact to traffic on 145th Street. This should be a four lane facility with a speed limit of 45 mph, to match Connemara Trail west of Shannon Parkway. 2. Develop a yearly traffic and pedestrian monitoring program. As development occurs (especially east of TH3), roadway and pedestrian improvements may be required. Table 5, Improvement Guidelines, can be used to evaluate at what point a more detailed analysis of the roadway should be considered. The roadways that should be included in the monitoring program are: 1. 145th Street � 2. Shannon Parkway 3. Biscayne Avenue 4. Akron Avenue 5. 160th Street 6. Blaine Avenue 7. C.R. 38 8. Bacardi Avenue 9. TH 3 3. Extend Bacardi Avenue from CSAH 42 to C.R. 38 (as development occurs). This roadway should be a two lane paved facility with turn lanes 30 � at major intersections. A ra�ilroad grade separation at the Chicago- Northwestern track should be considered 4. Extend Connemara Trail from TH 3 east to the extension of Bacardi Avenue extension, as development dietates. An at-grade railroad crossing of the Soo Line Tracks should be considered. 5. The temporary improvement of TH 3 {i.e., addition of a conti.nuous center left turn lane), should be considered for a permanent improvement. 6. Pave Akron Avenue from CSAH 42 north as a two lane facility with a speed limit of 45 mph. This should be considered as soon as feasible. 7. Pave Biscayae Avenue south of CSAH 42 to 160th Street and 160th Street from T.H. 3 to Biscayne Avenue, a two lane facility, as development dictates. 8. Continue discussions with the City of Apple Valley to Coordinate the extension of Diamond Path. 9. Initiate a pedestrian study to look at pedestrian patterns adjacent to major facilities (i.e., TH 3 CSAH 42, 145th, railroad crossings, etc.), and access to public park and trail systems. 10. Review and update the assumptions in this Transportation Study every two to three years. This would provide the City a updated tool that can be used to evaluate potential developments. . �1 TABLE 1 WESTERN ROSfMOUNT TRANSPROTATION STUDY EXISTING LAND USf BY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ZONE (TAZ) TAZ LAND USE AMOUNT UNITS MET TAZ SEH TAZ --- 1 --- ------------SlNGLE FAMILY ---- - 41 --DWELL-- -- 6U -- ---200-- - ----- ------- 2 SINGLE FAMILY 5 DWELL ----2--- ---------LINKERT LANDSCAPING -------- --- 2--- - FARM U - -- 617--- ---200-- 3 IANDSCAPING 1 FARNI U 3 SINGLE FAMILY 31 DWELL b17 201 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 4 SINGLE FAMILY 40 DWELL 617 202 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 5 SINGIE FAMILY 11 DWELL 5 DAKOTA ROADS MASONARY 3 KSF 5 CEMETARY(CITY PARlQ 1 CEML --- 5--- ------------ APARTMENTS----------- ---72--- --DWELL__ __ 617--- ---202-- 6 SINGLE FAMILY 112 DWELL 6 MASTER TANK SERVICE 2 KSF - 6 LEIDNER CONSTRUCTION 2 KSF 618 203 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- --- 7-- ------SINGLE FAMILY --23--- --DWELL- -- 618--- -- 203-- 8 SINGIE FAMILY 9 DWELL ___ 8___ _____ MARKMAN SAND AND GRAVEL_____ ___ 2___ ___KSF___ __ 618_ _ ___204__ 9 SINGLE FAMILY 169 DWELL 617 201 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 10 SWGLE FAMILY 34 DWELL 10 SHANNON PARK SCHOOL 746 STUDENT 10 CITY PARK 1 PARK 617 202 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 11 DUPLEX 2 DWELL 11 SINGLEFAMILY 24 DWELL 11 GREEN HOUSE 2 FARM U. 618 203 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 12 GOLF CLUB 40 ARCE 12 WINR WAREHOUSE 360 IfSF 12 SINGLE FAMILY 8 DWELL 618 208 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 13 SWGLE FAMILY 260 DWELL 13 BAPTIST CHURCH 10 KSF 13 NURSERY } FARM U 617 206 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 14 SINGLE FAMILY 155 DWELL 616 207 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 15 SINGLE FAMILY 117 DWELL 15 ST.JOHNS LUTH. CHURCH 10 KSF 15 ST.JOSEPH CATH.CHURCH 10 KSF 15 ELEM.SCHOOL 573 STUDENT 15 MIDDLE SCNOOL 974 STUDENT 15 HIGH SCHOOL 1956 STUDENT 15 BANK 4 KSF 15 RETAIL 17 KSF 15 OFFICE 3 KSF 15 TELE.COMPANY 3 KSF 15 PIZZA RESTRAUNT 1 KS� 15 AUTO REPAIR 1 KSF 15 AUTO BODY 1 KSF 15 APARTMENTS 6 DWELL 616 207 . l OF 3 • 16 SINGLE FAMILY 1 DWELL 16 GAS STATION(AMOCO) 1 SITE 16 LUMBER YARD 10 KSF 16 CITY OFFICES 20 KSF 16 AUTO REPAIR 5 KSF 16 CORCORAN LAWN E61UIP. 5 KSF 16 TRAiIER COURT 182 DWELL 16 GAS CO. I 1 KSF 16 KNUTSON SANITATION 13 KSF 16 PARK 44 ARCE ---16-- OFFICE ----------- ----5-- ---KSF--- -- 616 -- ---�99-- - ------------------------ - 17 SINGLE FAMILY 14 DWELL --- 17--- -------- DAKOTACOUNNSHOP-------- ---29-- ---KSF--- -- 618 -- ---2�8-- 18 SINGLE FAMILY 9 DWELL 618 208 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 19 DAY CARE 100 STUDENT ---19--- ------------SINGLE FAMILY ----------- --- 2 _DWEIL-- ---618 -- ---209-- 20 OFFICE 4 KSF 20 SINGLE FAMILY 387 DINELL ___20___ _______OURSAVIOR IUTH.CHURCH __19_ __KSF___ __ 617 __ ___206__ 21 RETAIL W/TOM THUMB 15 KSF 21 TOM THUMB 1 STORE 21 SUPER AMERICA 1 STORE 21 SINGLE FAMILY 155 DWELL 21 TOWN H�USES 132 DWELL ---21--- ------------ APARTMENTS --64--- --DWELL- -- 616 -- ---207__ 22 CITY PARK ------------- - 5 ARCE 22 POST OFFICE 3 KSF 22 METHOD.CHURCH 10 KSF 22 GENZ RYAN PLUMBING 30 KSF 22 AUTO REPAIR 5 KSF 22 FINA GAS STATION 1 STORE 22 SUPER VALUE 10 KSF 22 AUTO PARTS(NAPA) 5 KSF 22 ROSEMOUNT MALL 20 KSF 22 BAR/RESTRUANT fi KSF 22 DENTIST OFFICE 1 KSF 22 AUTO PARTS/REPAIR(CHAPIOf� 9 KSF 22 DRY CLEANER 5 KSF 22 REAL ESTATE OFFICE 2 KSF 22 CONDOMINIUMS/TOWNHOUSES 12 DWELL 22 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL 77 STUDENT 22 SINGLE FAMILY 345 DWELL 616 207 -------- ----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- 23 GAS STATION(PHILLIPS 66) 1 STORE 23 APARTMENTS(ROSE PLAZA) 30 DWELL 23 APARTMENTS(RETIREMEN� 60 DWELL 23 AMERICAN LEGION 7 KSF 23 RESTRAUNT 8 KSF 23 LAWN MOWER REPAIR 2 KSF 23 MISC.RETAIL/VIDEO 5 KSF 23 GAS STATION(UNION 76) 1 STORE 23 GRIEF BROS. 135 KSF 23 OFFICE 6 KSF 23 BARBAR SHOP 4 KSF 23 FARMERS GARDEN 33 KSF 23 SINGLE FAMILY 13 DWELL 23 STORAGE 2 KSF 23 REAL ESTATE OFFICE 1 KSF � 23 FITZ TRUCKING COMPANY 3 KSF 61 b 199 20F3 • 24 SINGLE FAMILY 29 DWELL 24 DAKOTA COUNTY OFFICE 16 KSF ---24--- ------------TOWNHOUSES------------ ---20--- --DNVEI.I- -- 61b -- --_199__ 25 SINGLE FAMILY U1 DWELL ---25--- ------------- CIN PARK ------------- ---�4- - --ARCE-- -- 617--- ---210__ 26 ROSEMOUNT BANK 1 K3F ---26--- ------------SINGLE FAMILY ---------- ---109 -- --DWELL__ __ 617--- ---210__ 27 GAS STATION(HOLIDA� 1 STORE 27 EVERGREEN GARDENS 1 KSF 27 SUBWAY W/RETAIL 11 KSF 27 MISC OFFICE/RETAIL 20 KSF 27 FORD FARM IMPIEMENTS 15 KSF 27 DAIRY C�UEEN 1 SITE 27 MC�NALDS 1 SITE 27 PIZZA HUT 2 KSF 27 ROSEMOUM MARINE 10 KSF 27 SCHOOL BUS GARAGE/OFFICE 21 KSF 27 CAR WASH 3 KSF 27 TOM THUMB GAS STATION 1 STORE ---27--- ------------SINGLE FAMILY -- 3--- --DWELL- -- 617--- ---210__ ----------- - - ---------------U OF M __ 16_5__ _ FARM U - -- 617--- -- 212__ -- 28 -- --------- ---29--- ------------SIN_G_L_E_F_AMILY ----------- ---1_51--- --D_W_E_tL- -- 617--- ---210-- 30 SINGLE FAMILY 169 DWELL _______ CITY PARK _ 6_5 __ __ARCE__ __ 617___ ___210__ -- � - ------ ---- 31 NAT.GAS COMPANY 5 KSF 31 AUTO SALVAGE 37 KSF 31 KNUTSON SANITATION 18 KSF 31 RfSTRAUNTlBOWLING 25 KSF 3T LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 7 KSF ---31--- ------------SINGLEFAMILY _-- 3--- --DWELL�_ __ 617--- _-_211 __ ---32--- -------------- U OF M ----------- --16--- --FA_RM_U _ ___b_17--- ---��-�-- ' 33 U OF M -------------- - 18.5 FARM U ___33___ _________DAKOTA CO.VO TECH __3000__ STUDENT 617 __ ___212__ ------------- -- ---�--- ---------------U OF_M-------- ---�--- - FARM U _ ___6_17--- ---2_12___ 35 U OF M 11 FARM U 617 212 30F3 . � , , TABLE 2 WESTERN ROSMOUNT TRANSPORTATION STUDY AVERAGE DAILY TRIP RATES -. AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC RATES VARIABLE LAND USE DESC. UNITS PRQDUCTIONS ATiRACTIONS NO. NBW HBO NHB HBW HBO NHB 1 SINGLE FAMILY RESD DWELL 2.00 4.40 0,40 OA0 0.80 0.40 2 APART./MOBILE HM DWELL 1.10 2.40 0.30 0.00 0.40 0.30 3 COND/TWNH/DUPL DWELL 2.00 4.30 0.40 0.00 0.80 0.40 4 ELEM./MIDDLE SCHL STUDNT 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.60 0.10 5 HIGH SCHOOL STUDNT 0.� O.OQ 0.10 0.10 0.80 0.10 6 DAY CARE STUDNT 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 2.50 0.40 7 CHURCH KSF 0.00 O.QO 0.50 0.5Q 3.20 0.50 8 CITY PARK ACRE 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.� 0.20 1.00 9 GOLF COURSE ACRE 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.20 1.10 0.30 10 GEN. OFFICE(MED) KSF 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 11 GEN. OFFICE (HIGH) KSF 0.00 0.00 3.E� 4.60 4.60 3.(� 12 POST OFFICE kSF 0.� 0,00 19.60 29.40 29.40 19.60 13 MUNICIPAL CENTER KSF 0.00 0,00 3.50 5.30 5.30 3,50 14 GEN RETAIL(MED) KSF 0.00 0.00 8.00 4.00 20.� 8.� 15 GEN. RETAIL(HIGH) KSF 0.00 0.00 14.00 7,00 35.10 14.00 16 RESTAURANT KSF 0.00 0.00 6.60 3.30 16,50 6.60 17 FAST FOOD RESTR. SITE 0.00 0,00 100.10 50.00 250.20 1�.10 18 CONV./GAS STORE SITE 0.� 0.(� 225.00 50.00 500.00 225.00 19 AUTO SALES KSF 0.00 0.00 5J0 2.90 14.30 5.70 20 AUTO PARTS/SERV. KSF 0.00 0.00 10.00 5.00 25.10 10.00 21 BANK W/DRIVE UP KSF 0.� 0.00 21.00 10.50 52.50 2}.00 22 REAL ESTATE/FINC. KSF 0.00 O.QO 5.60 2.80 14.00 5.60 23 GEN. INDUSTRIAL KSF 0.00 0.00 1.30 220 0.30 1.30 24 GEN. LT INDUSTR. KSF 0.� 0.00 0.90 1.70 0,20 0.90 25 AGRIGULTURAL FARM-U 3.20 6.30 O.bO 3.20 6.30 O,bQ TABLE 3 WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTATION STUDY MODEL CALIBRATION 1992 COUNTED MODEIED ' % MAX.ALLOW. ROADWAY SEGMENT VOLUME VOLUME DEVIATION DfVIAT10N DODD ROAD NORTH OF CR 38 167 172 0.03 0.20 DODD ROAD SOUTH OF CR 38 249 228 0.08 0.20 CR 38 EAST OF SHANNON PARKWAY 2870 2892 0.01 0.20 CR 38 WEST OF TH 3 2701 3126 0.16 0.20 SHANNON PARKWAY SOUTH OF CR 38 1747 2033 0.16 0.20 CR 38 WEST OF TH 3 274 272 0.01 0.20 132ND STREET EAST OF TH 3 515 624 0.21 0.20 CR 38 EAST OF BISCAYNE AVE. 250 260 0.04 0.20 BISCAYNE AVE.SOUTH OF CR 38 77 112 0.45 0.20 BISCAYNE AVE.NORTH OF 145TH ST. 580 506 0.13 0.20 TH 3 SOUTH OF DODD ROAD 10036 9902 0.01 0.15 SHANNON PRKY NORTH OF CONNEMARA TR 2458 2468 0.00 0.20 DIAMOND PATH NORTH OF CONNEMARA TR. 4650 4835 0.04 0.20 DIAMOND PATH SOUTH OF CONNEMARA TR. 8100 8398 0,04 0.20 CONNEMARA TR.WEST OF DIAMQND PATH 5950 6299 0.06 0.20 CONNEMARA TR. EAST OF DIAMOND PATH 1967 1978 0.01 0.20 DIAMOND PATH NORTH OF CSAH 42 2800 2592 0.07 0.20 145TH ST.EAST OF DIAMOND PATH 7950 7778 0.02 0.20 145TH ST.WEST OF CHIPPENDALE AVE. 7530 7648 0.02 0.2(l 145TH ST.EAST OF CHILLE AVE. 6910 7403 0.07 0.20 145TH ST.WEST OF TH 3 8000 7711 0.04 0.20 145TH ST. EAST OF TH 3 4800 4842 0.01 0.20 145TH ST.WEST OF BISCAYNE AVE. 3150 3341 0.06 0.20 145TH ST,WEST OF CSAH 42 2565 2995 0.1? 0.20 SHANNON PRWY SOUTH OF 145TH ST. 2199 2680 0.22 0.20 SHANNON PRWY SOUTH OF CSAH 42 3290 3145 0.04 0.20 SHANNON PRWY NORTH OF 160TH ST. 1099 1000 0.09 0.20 CHIPPENDAIE AVE.SOUTH OF CSAH 42 4090 4070 0.00 0.20 CHIPPENDALE AVE. NORTH OF 160TH ST. 1510 1569 0.04 0.20 BISCAYNE AVE. NORTH OF CSAH 42 231 300 0.30 0.20 CSAH 42 EAST OF DIAMOND PATH 17100 15478 0.09 0.15 CSAH 42 WEST OF TH 3 13800 13539 0.02 0.15 CSAH 42 EAST OF BISCAYNE AVE. 9800 9280 0.05 0.20 CSAH 42 WEST OF BLAINE AVE. 9800 9474 0.03 0.20 AKRON AVE. NORTH OF CSAH 42 210 200 0.05 0.20 TH 3 NORTH OF CSAH 42 8300 9885 0.19 0.20 TH 3 SOUTH OF 160TH ST. 5000 5571 0.11 0.20 ' TABLE 4 WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROJECTED 2010 LAND USE INCREASE BY TAZ TAZ LAND USE AMOUNT UNITS MET TAZ SEH TAZ --- 3--- ------------SINGLE FAMILY ----------- -- 360 -- --DWELL-- -- 617--- ---201 -- --- 4--- ------------SINGLE F_AMILY ----------- ---�20-- --DWEL.L-- ---617-=�- ---202-- --- 5--- ------------SIN_G_LE FAMiLY ----------- ---92--- --D_W_E_LL_ ___6_17 -- ---202-- --- 9--- ------------SINGLE F_A_MILY ----------- ---96--- --DWELL-- -- 617--- ---20�-- ---1�--- ------------SINGLE FAMILY ----------- -- 796 -- --DWELL- ---617--- ---202-- ---�6--- ------------SIN_G_L_E_FA_IVIILY ----------- ---�56 -- --DWELL-- --_6_16 -- ---�99-- ' ---17--- ------------SINGLE FAMIL_Y_----------- -- 912 -- -_DWEL_l. _ 618 -- ---208__ --- 18--- ------------SWGLE FAMILY ----------- -- 880 - --DWELL__ ---b18 -- ---208-- 23 SINGLE FAMIIY 284 DWELL MULTIPLE FAMILY 100 DWELL ________ _____COMMERCIAL/RETAIL _ 150__ ___KSF___ __ 616 __ ___199__ ---- ------------ 28 SINGLE FAMILY 400 DUVELL -----------MUITIPI.E FAMILY----------- -- 210 - --DWELL- -- 617-_- ---212- -------- - ___31___ _________ COMMERCIAURETAIL __4500__ ___KSF___ ___6_17___ ___211__ 32 SINGLE FAMILY 400 DWELL 617 212 TABLE 5 WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTATI4N STUDY IMPROVEMENT GUiDELINES ADT VOLUME FACILlTY TYPE 0 TO 200 2-LANE- GRAVEL ._.._..................---......_........_...._._. .............._...._...._..�........_.._...._..........................._....__........._____................_..�. 200 TO 500 2-LANE - GRAVEL OR PAVED ..................................._...._............. ._...__....._....................._........_.................._.........._......................_..._._........�.._.. 500 TO 8000 2-LANE - PAVED ......................................................_ ............_..............._......._.........._.._......._...._..._..__...._.._._......_._........................ 8000 TO 10�0 2-LANE WITH TURN LANES .............._......................._.........._... ....�.�...__..._..._............._...............__._..._......_.._._...._...�..._...._..........._..__.._. 8000 TO 15000 3-LANE WITH CONT. LEFT TURN LANE 1 ................................................. ......_......... ......_.._............_....,....._....._...._..._.............._.......C._).._........ .. _�.. ._ ...... .. . .... 10000 TO 20000 4-LANE ..._............................_._..............._.. .�...._.._.........._.....�......_..........._....................._._..._..........._......_.__.................., 18000 TO 24000 4-LANE WITH TURN LANES (1)ONIY USE WHERE ACCESS IS PROVIDED AT CLQSE INTERVALS M s v � { ►' � N Z rn O`:•�,, � . . . . tO i i:: . . . . . . C�A� N�. 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C.T.R. . � Associetes Ina '��� • T R ROSEMOUN7 TRANSPORTATION STUDY �«o Y: . WES E N E e �.�o: (,� Bn�iaeers�ArcAitects �Plapners�Surveyors n.e.e. �t�0 P�rk Pt�«Gnter�sr/s���uta eou�e��rd ROSEMOUNT. MI NNESOTA r��Ro�Y ar� DATE i[in e�' N YN Im-I2Z!■ 1-6%-5TJ6 � v .h . . . � . . n H � N Z rn ; ' N` �:' . . . . , T i_,=•,•:,•, :i`;;.:.".:. . � . . � � - 'e��irJ9 ..= i:'+;=i€;.s`€`:�..s ,,.."" . . � �•.:.....,.._......._.... __. Z....1 ...___._.._....� ; ,.. _-� ._9.0 =� ��.; € :� �� �;.a: i . .- s e j,f.:...s: •-v::`:. . i :+.f.1:s.e. •g: P':�. .»3.:�;_:_i`?- � .. � . r : : , ..:Ft:5.}L.I:'s.......i. ' . - � 1...�...-�...�.'.�.:...:.:.:_ �'.. .i i " : . . ; ''"3149 ._.....:�..3921...._..¢.�_____.._.._........__.._._..._:.� ._... "'�-' �; ;� : 3628 ..._..._ , -•ti;,;:;;:. ..; o; = 3871 =`€�:;. �.:, :z: c.�: ;`-� ;� -;: ;:�=-=�•.:sw.� �: � '� ...�, �.....�c„ `��...`�.. 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WESTERN ROSEMOUNT TRANSPORTAT I ON STUDY GECKED BY� �.�o.: —� Ba`ipeers�Arehitects �Pisnners�Surveyors R•e•e• xo e��t vt�«eent�r�s�+s�re��t«eont�.+,�e ROSEMOUNT• MI NWESOTA �c«m coPr er• DATE � IH N 16-IEZE�612-69b-6776 . � , . � � N Z m i o=': �`;.,, . .: .. _-;�� „...� .... �•��w..:�...._.-.� . . . . s„ a'Yx'Pi wi s:i "'�A~+ . . . •'i„' . _...i............................r'.^. . . . .r...`�....... ...........�...�...�......«.... . . ' ��1�� : 9236�; `__ ,. : ��.; ` '� CT�S � ; N �_-' ; � � � ;;:,� e.e:.:w �,�i::�t.`;:=:`•; � � ::x> . . . '!5 t.s.i`!?�'.i.i -' i . . . i � ...-.. 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