HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Family and Medical Leave Act Policy ,, � ' CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EBECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT POLICY PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA ��� � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ATTACHMENTB: MEMORANDUM, POLICY APPROVED BY: Attached for Council's consideration and approval is a Family and Medical Leave Policy for city employees. The policy has been written because of the 1993 federal Family and Medical Leave Act which generally requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide at least 12 weeks of unpaid parenting and family care leave to eligible employees. I have written this policy in accordance with the federal law. By adopting this policy, the Council is allowing employees to take unpaid leave or paid leave by using vacation, sick leave or compensatory time for a period of time up to 12 weeks. The federal law also requires employers to pay for its share of cost for health, dental or life insurance if the employee chooses to continue insurance while on family/medical leave. The employee would be responsible for paying his/her portion of the premium. I have summarized in the attached memorandum the basic elements of the policy. This is to advise you that I am working on a personnel policy handbook which would include this policy. This policy is being brought to you at this time because federal law mandates that employers have family/medical leave policies in effect, and the city has employees who will be going on family/medical leave in the near future. It my goal to have a draft personnel policy completed for Council review in approximately three months. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT POLICY, POLICY NO. PE-4. 6���i��'� � � � � CITY OF RO�SE�MOU NT � � � zs�s-`;TMt"�eetWest � P.O.Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemounc,MN 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax;612-423•5203 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Staat , Busho � �"�'� FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant �� � DATE: March 31, 1994 SUBJ: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy In summary the federal law and the proposed �ity policy provides the following: (1) Employees who worked for the city for 12 months and at least 1,250 hours are eligible for up to 12 weeks per 12 month period for parental care, care of family members who has a serious health condition or for an employee who has a serious health condition. (2) Employee must provide a 30 day notice unless it is an emergency situation. (3) Employee must provide medical certification of a serious health condition. (4) Leave may be taken intermittently . (5) Employee will be reinstated to his/her position or a position equivalent in pay and benefits. (6) If employee elects unpaid leave, the city will pay its share of cost for health, dental and life insurance if the employee wants to pay for his/her share. (7) Employees may elect to use accumulated vacation or sick leave. If the employee has accumulated comp time, the comp time must be used before unpaid leave is granted. (8) Family/Medical Leave will run concurrently with parental leave which is regulated by state law. For example, if an employee takes family/medical leave for 12 weeks, the six weeks of parental l�ave runs concurrently. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this policy. Pnnted on iecycled paper �, � � � � containing30q post-consumer materials. �__— —— — ——_ — _ .._. .. . .. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLB: FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT POLICY POLICY NtTMBER: PE-4 PROPOSED BY: ADMINISTRATION DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: PURPOSE I In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) unpaid job protected leave will be granted to all eligible employees (male and female) for up to twelve (12) weeks per twelve (12) month period for any of the following reasons: A. Birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child; B: To care for a spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition; or C. For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the position. ELIGIBILZTY An eligible employee is one who has worked for the City of Rosemount for a period of twelve months and worked at least 1,250 hours for the City during the twelve (12) month period prior to reguesting the leave. LENGTH OF LEAVE The length of FMLA leave is not to exceed twelve (12) weeks in any twelve (12) month period. The entitlement to FMLA leave for the birth or placement of a child expires twelve (12) months after the birth or placement of the child. LEAVE YEAR The leave year will commence the first day the employee is absent from work on FMLA leave. NOTICE Exce t in an eme p rgency, the employee is required to provide written notice of not less than thirty (30) days before the l$ave is to begin. If the leave is to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee shall provide such written notice as soon as practical. ' —_ _ _ _ ------- MEDICAL CERTIFICATION The employee must submit medical certification to support a request for leave because of a serious health condition of a child, spouse, parent or the employee. A "Certification of , Physician or Practitioner" form can be obtained from the Administrative Assistant. It is to be completed by the attending physician or practitioner and submitted to the Administrative Assistant within fifteen (15) days after requested, or as soon as is reasonably practicable. The City may require a second or third opinion at the City's expense. The City may require periodic reports on the employee's status and intent to return to work. The employee will be required to submit a fitness for duty report prior to returning to work if the leave was for the employee's own serious health condition. SERIOII3 HEALTH CONDITION � A serious health condition is an illness or injury that involves: A. An overnight stay in a hospital, hospice or residential medical care facility; B. Any period of incapacity that involves continuing treatment or supervision by a health care provider and that requires absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities for more than three (3) days; C. Continuing treatment or supervision by a health care provider for a chronic or long-term health condition that is incurable or so serious that, if not treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three (3) days; or D. Prenatal care. INTERMITTENT I,EAVE Leave requested because of a serious health condition of either a family member or the employee or for parenting leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule if such leave is deemed to be medically necessary. The employer may require the employee to transfer temporarily to an alternative position, with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the intermittent leave than the regular position. All requests for intermittent leave will be evaluated on a case by case basis. 2 JOB PROTECTION A. An employee returning from FMLA leave will be reinstated in • his/her former position or a position equivalent in pay, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment. B. The employee's reinstatement rights are the same as they would have been had the employee not been on leave. Thus, if the employee's position would have been terminated had the employee not been on leave, the employee is not entitled to reinstatement in a former or comparable position. In such circumstances, the employee retains all rights under the layoff and recall system under a collective bargaining i agreement, as if the employee had not taken the FMLA leave. �'� CONTINIIATION OF INSURANCE AND PAYMENT OF PREMIIIMS A. An employee granted a leave under this policy will continue to be covered under the City's group health, dental and life insurance plans under the same conditions and at the same level of City contribution as would have been provided if the employee has been continuously employed during the leave period. If there are changes in the Gity's contribution levels while the employee is on leave, those changes will take place as if the employee was still on the job. B. The employee will be required to continue payment of the employee portion of the group health, dental and life insurance coverages. The employee will be advised in writing at the beginning of the leave period as to the amount and � method of payment. C. If an employee's contribution is more than thirty (30) days late, the City may terminate the employee's insurance coverage (subject to COBRA requirements) . D. If the City pays the employee contribution(s) missed by the employee while on leave, the employee will be required to reimburse the City for delinquent payments, on a payroll deduction schedule, no later than ninety (90) days after return from leave. The em ployee will be required to sign a written statement at the beginning of the leave period authori2ing the payroll deduction for delinquent payments. E. If the employee fails to return to work after the family/medical leave, the City may recover the premiums paid by the City for group health, dental and life benefits unless the serious health condition of the child, spouse, parent or employee continues or for other circumstances beyond the control of the employee. 3 � IISE OF ACCRUED SICR LEADE, VACATION AND COMPEN3ATORY TIME DIIRING FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE A. During the family and medical leave, employees must use . accumulated compensatory time prior to taking an unpaid leave (except where the leave also qualifies for parental leave) . B. Employees may choose to use accrued vacation or sick leave while on family/medical leave. C. Benefits such as sick leave or vacation will not accrue during the period of unpaid family/medical leave; however, any benefits accrued prior to commencement of such leave will not be lost. PARENTAL LEAVE IN CONJiJNCTION RITH FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE Pursuant to Minnesota law, employees who work twenty (20} or more hours per week and have been employed more than twelve (12) manths are entitled to take an unpaid leave of absence in connection with the birth or adoption of a child. The leave may not exceed six (6) weeks and must begin not more than six (6) weeks after the birth or adoption of the child. The employee is entitled to return to work in the same position and at the same rate of pay the employee was receiving prior to � commencement of the leave. If the employee has any FMLA leave eligibility remaining at the time this leave commences, this leave will also count toward FMLA leave. The two leaves will run concurrently until the twelve week FMLA elegibility is exhausted. An employee who uses accured vacation, sick or compensatory time for FMLA leave is not required to use this time for any portion of the leave counted as parental leave. 4