HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Reappointment of Penny & Lenise Butler for Dakota Alliance for Prevention 4 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXLCUTIVE SUb�tARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: REAPPOINTMENT OF PENNY & LENISE AGENDA SECTION: BUTLER FOR DAKOTA ALLIANCE FOR PREVENTION CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA N�TEM 7l' �• � CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACHMENTS: CORRESPONDENCE FROM DAP, APPROVED BY: DAP BROCHURE Penny and Lenise Butler are now the Rosemount representatives for Dakota Alliance for Prevention (DAP) . They are filling out a term which will expire on June 30, 1994 . Staff has spoken to Penny about continuing with DAP, and she responded, "I'd love to! " She has much enthusiasm for the program. It is staff' s recommendation to reappoint Penny and.:Lenise Butler to DAP. RECONmlENDED ACTION: MOTION to reappoint Penny and Lenise Butler as the Rosemount representatives to Dakota Alliance for Prevention. COtTNCIL ACTION: � DAKOTA ALLLANCE FOR �lREVENTION 33 East Wentworth #345, West St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 D/� p Telephone: 612-450-2902 Fax: b 12�50-2948 1'�.l . i 18, 1�5� Thomas Burt . Ci#y Hall 2875 - 145th Street iJ�'est PO Box 510 R�sec�^��ant, MN 55t�63 Uc�; ��;. "�u�t, �vi�;��or �VlcPd enomti� ana Ccuncii PJlemb�rs: The term for yaur representative on the Dakota Alliance for Prevention wiil exp;�e :,:� ,�unA 3�, '��94. You may nominate any resident of your c�oice. This person wi1( serve for a one-year term. FEnn� �utl�r (w�th Lenise Butler as her altematej was appoi�ted to tt-,a DAP by the Co�nt�� Boarc� of Ca^,missioners on January 18, 1994 to c�m.�!ete the ;s�^-i vac3t�d �y � ���t::,� �z#ers�n. They aro inter�st�� in b�ing renominatPd for a o�e-year term. ���ey are activ�fy irvalved s:�� t�►eir lo�a� coalition, Rosemount Aciivities Program. Yaur nomi�::,t;��� wi;a b� c�.ivPn t� the C�unty Board of Commissioner; to �.on�ic;-��,r ��poir.tment on June 'ith. In order to meet deadlines and have the new repres�r;��i�2� �;���rt��� i': vi.��P tC� begin terms �n July 1, 1 would like to have your nominati�n by , May 2, 1994. To u�tlate you on the ?�AP's activities, we would like to make a brief presentatior. (15 � minutes} at or�2 of your futura c;#y ccuncil meetings. Our staff will be contactinC you tc make arra�gernents. !, If y�u woul� like more info�matcor, rlease call Mary Montagne at 450-2902 (before 'i April 8) anc 552-3114 after that. i he DAP office will be moving (see attached �otice in �',, brochure j. Thank you for your ongoing support of prevention in your communiiy. SincereiY, ��� �A� � Shari �rest ��;air � -- -- --_ __ _ __ ___ — . . .� ' ���c'rc �������i����! . . : - ; NEEDS IN DAKOTA COUNTY WVfio: Dakota Alliance fos Prevention We'd like to think that aicohol and other drug D3kOt8 C011llty 1C1eS --- .-- _ ---- —-- - ___' __ __. ---- -- - ---- ---— --- ------ ---- ----- - - _ _______ _______ P ----_ abuse�sn'f a probiem in our commumty. The �i Public Health Departmeat o���p W��i�j raccs,however,tell us that Dakota County,like I Northern Service Center� �G °�1'0 " other counties,has a serious problem with these ' issues. Based on the DAP's Needs Assessment ! ti� ��1' and the Minnesota Student Survey: � �rom: 33 East VPeatworth Avenue �� d�� i VPest S�Paul,MN SSi18 �' ■ The average age of first use of alcohol and � M81A PhOAe Numbel: (612)4S0•2902 DAK�TA other drugs is 12 years old. ■ Minors have easy access to alcohol C�Ta� 161 NOIth COI1COtd E=ChBilge �LLIANI,E F�R � � and other drugs. Sllit�4S0 O p � South S�Paul,MN SSOTS � 1 REVENTION � • Underage drinktng is widely accepted by �' Q WHAT IS THE DAKOTA y o u t h a n d o f t e n a U o w e d b y a d u l t s. Main Phone Number. (612)SS2•3114 �G � � , Faz Number. (612)5S2•3130 �?� {o ' E�L L I A N C E F O R p R E V E N T I O N. • Iuternal family conflicts and poor j � _ c o m m u n i c a t i o n rn n c e r n y o u t h a n d a d u l t s. C�q t¢5: A p I�l� -M o v e �f�oh ��,��'S • E i g h t y p e r ce n t o f 1 2 t h g r a d e r s h a v e u s e d. A p I'l l l l -N e w P h o n e N u m b e:s a n d �I T O b a C C O &' The Dakota Alliance for Prevention(DAP)is a alcohol,fifty percent of themby the ' gddr@SS b8C0ICt@ Eff@Ct17Q partnership of concerned citizens who represent time they were 15. �! cities,townships and various systems throughout 'This move does not aHect the PubOc Heafth�ce in the Dakota County. • Nineteen percent of 12th graders use to6acco Westem Service Cenfer,whicn wlil remain at its cunent daily. IocaUon in Apple Valley. DAP partners have a wealth of experience ia DAP is a county-W1dC education,social service,civic/volunteer • Forty percent of 12th graders report riding , organizations,healt6 care,government,housing, with friends who have been drinking. gi'OUp OF Cal'lrig all(I faith communities,law enforcement and business. pl'OaCt1V@ C1r1ZeI1S� They include parents,youth and representatives from culturally diversc popWations. committed to promoting .. Partnership members are dedicated to workiog CI1ClIl1Ca�h�t�l 8ri(1 : together to malce a difference in the area of � , pI'eVelltlilg 8�C0�10�� prevention and c6emicai healt6 promotion in our , county. tobacco and other drug ; ` ��`� The DAP is funded by a five-year grant from the ' :f �abuse in Dakota.Gounty��`'� US.Center for 5abstance Abuse Prevention � � through community t t�,.;c� (CSAP)to reduce and prevent alco6ol,tobacco;. , .,,.. � w,xj�,,,.t�� ' and other drug abuse and related problems. SiY eiI1POWCPiIlBri� `'�., '�.; �„�°-; grants have been awarded in Minnesota and 252" � <..,. -::;,$ ° ;"1� across the couniry. . and coltaboration. �;:`.::ty i . � °'r �,. � t �° � AWARENES�CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE A SINGLE ', _ , ''- MESSAGE: .�TO Ii.LEGAL USE OR ABUSE OF - � =.- .� � ��� ������t k R ALCOHOL�TOBACCO�AND OTHER DRUGS. � , .. . - - X.,� Y • . .: � " ,_ � ��_�-���� ' � ■,_COMMUNIT IPTITIATIVE FUNDS�SEED MONEY} •_---�9W--Y--O�-CA�I-BE��ME__INV-�LY-EQ------- ---- - - - — - , - , ; ,, , . .., , , . :.. . ... PREVENTION... ��V`ENHANCE ARENT�CHII.D COMMUNICATION � ORGANIZE A PREVENTION AC�'IVITY ` ' IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS " � ^ ,z 1N YOUR AREA � �,-y` . : • . � '._ � By combining'resources, � � � COALITIONS: .Yr WORK WITH LOCAL ' : _ ' ` ` G ('''' • " �, ,.1 ■ START OR JOIN A LOCAL COALITION , . � strengths,and expertise, ■ yOUTH SUMMIT � Dakota County citizens � � ■ ATTEND A DAP PARTNERSHIP MEETING • will 6e more effective ��• ■ pREVENTION PRESS 1vEWSLETTER : - in preventing alcohol, ��� ' ' ■ SERVE ON A COMMITTEE � - " , ' . '■ WORK WITH SCHOOLS�BUSINESSES�FAITH ` .; , , tobacco and other drug abuse. ., , . COMMUNITIES ■ BECOME A DAP PARTNER ���;+. ■ PROMOTE PREVENTION POLICIES --� '` • _ . , __ The DAP needs your talent and experience. �, , .! - - • NEEDS ASSESSMENT Call us to learn more about ways to promote ' - -_—__._..�- healthy communities in Dakota County. . . .' 4, �.<, }•.y"( W'Y - " ?- i-. � � � , � i� � � . . � . , �:` ��.. ��� � f �,�� � S a .� � �i f � q� . f,,�, � . ,.� �� ;� y '�, t�'� .; �i: � � '� � ��• BUII.D COMMUNITY CO ON9 ' a 4�y a'� �� `i� �:' E' . � . � _ � u, v F � N, . � $hL . '� �„}:$� �'� .� jelr'j± 'X � f :.; ��, {�F � {s+'F �,'Y�.': . ic +., � . � � ff � ■ SUPPORT PARENTS �'�' '� �`""'�"� �'�� A�.� �.� The DAP has been an excellent resource for people iq our area. �.��"�5= ' 3 ��;, k ;� � �,`�.� x � ����F�$�*. -Community Coalition Member � DT'��,�+"�'`�-�"��� t i� . G�,�p�./Y�"�a �t�3 pt<`�,� *h�.�i? �-r�� x fi �� `� ♦ . rta+� �' � � � DL` �OR�.� . wM.- � �1�ifVt�i+A iQVli1,�,,���5��1 �� fe l� Si'*�1k�R�� �Y". �f . � . �3},�� i . >-r 'v�.h : �u�� { ,n yr . � 'T�; t��,, ��.���r� ,� �� k�,v All of the youth involved thought that the sessions were very good f-��,����,;;��'����?.,' i�i�x':w � .s:;y�;�.RKsx�_ V(E ��y�„��{',a:t '"� :A�r ��,.,�a�G�M1�. ,�, { "`�.. , � ,� a ;_ , �r:3�rx� �.,a�r-s: and think that more of the same types of groups should be conducted.." �„�.��:'�' '���^�� � • .9 «.?; G s x.: �+ ,�■ I�vcxEasE Pc�s�c:AwnxE �;����'�� ��: ., � N ,6w� , �ss, ;` 7�;Y'� ���»��T ��.�"��'��+R�-�••,y �� -Hig)t School Student/Focus Group Moderator i .$EzI�o�.,i� >w�'� -, � ,i�� �� :M��r�: � ��. '�� � �;'. r ■ PROVIDE�ht����N�NF��It�41,KTIQNi:�?��`��'. "DAP has been invaluable in hel m to ull to ether resources and , f,��3''��:r"�"� ��-r :_, `� � - m. w'c � ,�r,.:. , ,..�� � s��,� , . P� & P K { :� ��,s,*������` �w �� ;�t,'K= � j��r:;s-,� }�� w'"��� � ��'� }s�'���� information to s� ort us to be more effective and efficient in our � M'f �� # '���"� I' � � #' 4� .ur : r.n �i.�„'�f* ���. �, pP � � a '�' ..• ���i ey ■ PROM01'�Cb�,�ORATtO ,,�. •ri r,�^�"�, �'�r, prevention efforts:' . ,r1�AKT.', � D�. � '€ r'� ._r s :.'s y tSl,n,f,�,;'^�,i"�k�'���l, f�xu;�? . ��': g���,,"� � �'� . � . � . . � ^.:�'�S i ".�s} ,...,�;.�,;;, ;,,,��' -Sc/iool C)tem�cal Health Coordinator F.���:'�v�rr� '