HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Resoulution Supporting Stopping Crime and Violence in out Cities ,. ` ' CITY OF ROSEbtOUNT '' FsXECUTIVL SUD�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL M�ETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: '�,RESOLUTION STOPPING CRIME AND AGENDA SECTION: �!VIOLENCE IN OUR CITIES AND TOWNS CONSENT PREPARED BY THOMAS BURT, AGENDA N��� A � 'CITY ADMINISTRATOR IVI ATTACfIlKENTS: �RESOLUTION APPROVED BY- Congress recently contacted the City to request support for a grant program , to help stop crime and violence in cities and towns. This resolution would ', help focus Congress and legislation on the high priority needs of anti- I, crime legislati'.on and resources. I RECOI�iENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION STOPPING CRIME AND VIOLENCE IN OUR CITIES AND TOWNS . COUNCIL ACTION• --- — -- � ', CITY OF ROSF3bi0IINT ', DAItOTA COi]NTY, MINN�SOTA 'I RESOLTJTION 1994- ' A RESOLIITION STOPPING CRIME li AND VIOLENCE IN OtTR CITILS AND TOWNS , WHERE��iS, America' s communities and families are scarred by incre�sing numbers of violent crimes; and , WHERE�S, the level of violence associated with criminal acts is I incre�sing; and TAIHERTs�iS, no community or family is untouched by incidents of crime�� or the fear of being victimized by crime; and �HPR,E�S, reductions in crime and in the fear of crime will requi�e enactment of ineaningful national anti-crime legislation as we�.l as work by local communities and state governments to develpp and implement long-term solutions that deal with both the causes and effects of crime; and �HERE�iS, implementing short- and long-term solutions to stop crime'�, and violence in our cities and towns is the National League of Cities' top priority in 1994; and WHERF�iS, the critical nature of the problem demands an end to Congr�ssional gridlock; and wI3ERF�iS, achieving an early partnership to reduce crime will requi�e immediate action by the Congress. NODJ, �HERBFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Ro�emount, Minnesota, urgently calls upon the Congress to enact' anti-crime legislation immediately so that the xesources and p�ograms which such legislation will provide can be utilized on a timely basis to deal with this critical problem now. BE ITI FtTRTHER RL�SOLVED that such anti-crime legislation should inclu4ie: 1. p, balanced approach that includes both enforcement and �revention programs. 2 . �irect block grant anti-crime funds to cities and towns �uith maximum flexibility allowed in the use of those funds. 3 . �reation of a federal anti-crime trust fund financed by dedicated revenues derived from licensing fees levies on �veapons, ammunition and weapons dealers. ' I��� ---___ __ _ � RESOLUTION 1994 - BE IT FIIRTBER RESOLVED that the City of Rosemount rededicates itself to crime prevention and suppression and calls upon its citizens to assist in these efforts. ADOPTED this 5th day of April, 1994 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor i ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: 2