HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. 145th Street Discussion - Decorative Lighting , ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , EXECIITIVE SIIbm1ARY FOR ACTION li CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 I AGENDA ITEM: 145th Street Discussion - AGENDA SECTION: Decorative Lighting Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson, P.E. AGENDA Ni��� � � � City Engineer, Assistant Public Works Director � � ATTAC�I,ENTS: OSM Letter APPROVED B • As discussed at the public hearing on March 2nd the Council directed staff to come back with recommendations and information regarding three items as discussed below: 1. At the public hearing there was discussion regarding the proposed width of the reconstructed roadway. The discussion centered on 42 verses 44 feet wide and MnDot' s interpretation of that issue. Staff had previously recommended a 44 foot wide street, but as outlined in OSM' s letter, MnDot would allow a 42 foot wide street. This would allow parking on both sides . Staff recommends that Council approve the 42 foot wide alternative. 2 . The public hearing also revealed that the majority of the residents wish to have a boulevard or green area separating the sidewalk from the street. The American Disability Act requires that the sidewalk be five feet wide for wheelchair accessibility. Staff recommends that a five foot sidewalk be constructed on the project . The resulting green area or boulevard in then 3 . 34 feet wide at its minimum width on the roadway. 3 . The City Council is requested to make a decision on the exact decorative light to install on 145th Street. This item has been discussed in the past . The Downtown Scoping Committee and the Chamber of Commerce sub-committee has chosen the acorn style light as the most desirable. This particular light is one of four that NSP has to choose from. The current acorn style is new last year for NSP and is the most efficient in directly light downward, making it more illuminating than other decorative lights. This is the light that was used in the cost estimates provided to the Council . Staff recommends that Council make a motion to approve a 42 foot wide street with 5 foot sidewalks on both sides and approve a particular decorative light . RECODIl�lENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a 42 foot wide street with 5 foot sidewalks on both sides and approve a particular decorative light. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 1 1 1 A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL OF DECORATIVE LIGHTING ON 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM CHILI /CHIPPENDALE AVENUES TO CAMEO AVENUE AND ORDER NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY TO INSTALL THE DECORATIVE LIGHTING CITY PROJECT #245 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 145th Street Improvements from Chili /Chippendale Avenues to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on February 1, 1994 for City Project #245; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on March 2, 1994 to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the installation of decorative lighting improvements of 145th Street Improvements from Chili /Chippendale Avenues to Cameo Avenue, included in City Project #245, and orders Northern States Powere Company to install the decorative lighting. ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 1994. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 94 M"t-ell E. B. McMenomy, Mayor an M. Wa h, City Clerk Motion by: W i pperma Seconded by: McMenomy Voted in favor: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy Voted against: None. S�c�helen Mayeron& Assoeiates,Inc. March 17, 1994 5�75 Wayzata BoWevard Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Engineers Mr. Bud Osmundson ,��n,te�ts City Of ROSemOUIIt Ptanners Surveyors 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: 145th Street West Improvements City of Rosemount City Project No. 245 OSM Project No. 4438.80 Dear Mr. Osmundson: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with additional information regarding the roadway width (42 feet vs. 44 feet) for the above-referenced project. A typical section for the 42-foot and 44-foot wide roadway improvement options is attached. The criteria that Mn/DOT uses to determine the geometric design standards for roadway construction are listed below: 1. Number of through lanes 2. Number of parking lanes 3. Projected average daily traffic (ADT} 4. Facility Function 5. Classi�cation 6. Speed Limit When the above-listed Mn/DOT criteria are applied to City Project No. 245, the required roadway width is debatable. It has been determined that City Project No. 245 will include two through lanes and will allow parking on both sides of the roadway and according to the Western Rosemount Transportation Study completed in 1993, the projected ADT for this project is 14,500. However, the roadway's facility function, classification and speed limit are questionable because of the following reasons: I - The posted speed limit for this part of 145th Street is 30 mph, however, ', according to residents living along the project, the actual speed of the cars in ', this area is 35 mph or more. ', - The roadway collects traffic from local streets and connects to arterials (major ', roadway) which is classified as a collector. However, the projected ADT ' would dictate that this portion of 145th Street be classi�ed as a High Density Arterial. �:�ao3a.so�crv«�coaxEs�a3iAa.so Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Bud Osmundson ' City of Rosemount, MN , March 17, 1994 , Page 2 � During the prelinunary design for this portion of 145th Street it was determined that a conservative approach in applying the Mn/DOT standards be considered and the 44-foot wide roadway was proposed. After receiving comments from the residents along the roadway and the City Council at the neighborhood meeting and the public hearing, it is apparent that the proposed roadway width should be minimized (42-foot width). Mn/DOT will accept the 42-foot wide roadway section if the traf�c capacity analysis demonstrates that a level of service "D" or better �is maintained and if the speed limit remains at 30 mph. We have verified that the level of service on 145th Street in this area is a"D" or better (see attached traffic analysis). As was stated at the neighborhood meeting and the public hearing, the key to maintaining the vehicle speeds along this portion of 145th Street at 30 mph is enforcing the posted speed by the police department. I have discussed this project with Mark Gieseke, Mn/DOT State Aid Plans Engineer, and although he encouraged the 44-foot wide street design for safety reasons, he stated that a 42-foot wide street would meet State Aid standards and would be eligible for funding. Due to the above information, the resident comments, and in order to avoid additional right-of-way acquisition that would be required with the construction of a 44-foot wide street, I would recommend that City Project 245 be constructed according to the 42-foot wide typical section shown on the attached drawing. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact me at 595-5694. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, ING ,� � ' 1���r�` �Z���/��� Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager Attachments J:\4438.80\CI V IL\CORRFS\031794.60 i i R�W 60'-66' (VARIES) R/W ' 22' � 22, VARIES 10' 12' 12' 10, 6, 0.67' � MAX• 2 y y 2 y ��ccR'� � �r ,f..��2 y. 2/� .�y "�--� 6' CDNCRETE SIDEWALK 8618 CONCRETE cuRa q q � W I DE AL TERNAT I VE 8 GUTTER (TYPICALI R/W R/W 60'-66' (VARIES) 4' , 21 ' � 21 ' .5 10' 11 19 ' 10, 5' ' •1 MAX, 27. 0.67' �- 2y 3' � —�- r_2 y 2 y _.� -�.---- 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8618 CONCRETE CURB 42 ` W I DE AL TERNAT I VE 4� BOU�EVARD , 8 GUTTER (TYPICAL ) AREA Drawn By� �rawing Title Comm. No. P.S.H. Schelen 145TH STREET WEST 4438.80 n�� Mayeron & ROSEMOUNT'. M I NNESOTA , Dote� Associates, Inc. Sheet no. Engineers■ erchitects • Ptanners ■ Surveyors ROADWAY/ S 1�E.WA�.K 3-t-94 �P��k Place��n��r� 57?S lfa�ute eo��e..rd I MPROVEMEN7 ALTERNAT I VES 2 Yinne�polIs,l[N 55418-1228� 612-5Y5-5775 � � -.145th Street - Chili Ave to TH 3 `-_��=. . ..._.�;,; >,___ �. _. I State Aid Comments ' The traffic volumes on 145th in this area are based on the Western �I Rosemount Transportation Study completed in June 1993 . This study � projected a 2015 traffic volume of 14500 with no proposed I improvements. However, the city is exploring the completion of Connemara Trail from Shannon Parkway to TH 3 . Should this occur the �, projected volume would decrease to approximately 8500 in 2015 . The I Level of Service (LOS) associated with the existing and projected ' volumes are shown below. � LOS Existing AM peak hour C Existing PM peak hour C Projected AM �eak hour D Projected PM peak hour D The projected peak hour E,OS reflects the worst case with Connemara Trail not being extended.