HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Tax Forfeiture Property , ,, CITY OF ROS�bSOUNT EXECIITIVE SII�+�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Tax Forfeiture Property AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson, P.E. AGENDA NO.�T�AA .1�/. � (�1 City Engineer, Assistant Public Works Director � 1Y1 7't' �,J ATTACF�IENTS: City Attorney Memo, Application APPROVED BY: Form, Letter to Norma Marsh, Ma.p The City Staff has been notified that a parcel has been given up as tax forfeiture property which the City should acquire. The parcel is PID #34-03700-172-06 . It is a part af the old Auditors Sub-division No. One and is actually within City right-of-way for Canada Avenue, immediately north of 145th Street. It is City Staff' s recommendation that Council take action as stated to acquire the property. The only cost to the City will be $26 . 00 in deed recording costs when the actual deed comes back from the State. RECOI+�lENDED ACTION: Motion to direct Staff to prepare proper forms and for the necessary signatures to be completed for the City of Rosemount to acquire PID #34-03700-172-06 as tax forfeiture property. CODNCIL ACTION: 4 r DA KO TA C NORMA B. MARSH ouNTY A�o,TOR (612) 438-4375 ;�E�;.�� DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER �56oHwY.55-HASTitvGs,MINNESOTA55033 .£ P.?� -�-,"�,�.�-� I �.-�;;�:�- ' DATE: May 5, 1993 FROK: Norma B. Marsh, Co. Auditor T0: All Township � City Clerks RE: Classifying Forfeited Lands At the County Board meeting held on May 4, 1993, the lands that have been forfeited for non-payment of taxes for the years 1986 thru 1988 were classified as non-conservation lands, in preparation for the sale that will eventually be held on these lands. Please have your township or city council approve this classification on the enclosed sheets and return one form to this office as soon as possible. If your municipality wishes to acquire any of these parcels, please contact this office for the proper form. PriMad on Recycted Paper e` • �./y� ����J AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � r�• .� �� (w�userv+dion I�� , Form No. 440A—LAND CWSSIFICATION.—}Noa-Conscrvelion �,�^� P.^..."lk�.1 s — CER.TIFICATE OF COUNTY BOA$D OF CLA�SIFICATION OF FORFEITED I � GANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTEft 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. Town To the Village Board of thP �TTY p(_ R(1SFM(IUNI -- Clty We,the members of the County Board of the County of DAKOTA , Minnesota, do hereby ce�rtify that the parcels of land hereinafter listed are all of the lands which have been classified by us as NOconservation lands,from the list of lands forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year or years���'�g g� as provided by Minnesota Statutes 194b,Section 28201 as amended. Sec,or Tw .or A raixd Value A rsised Value SUBD[VLSION � BI� Range Pp��� pq.rmber 34-01100-010-75 A STRIP OF IAND VARYIN6 IN WIDTHS (FORMERLY CRI & P RR) BEG C/L MAIN L � & N L SEC 11 S'LY THRU LOT 1 SEC 11 & SECS 14,23,22,21,28 & 29 TO INT WITH SE'LY L OF 11 115 19 34-03700-172-06 PT DF LOT 6 COM 60 FT W OF SW COR LOT 8 AUD SUB NO t N 203 FT W 20.63FT 5 53 FT W 4.37 FT S 150 FT E 25 FT TO BEG 6 I ; � � ! � � I I � � II ; I i i I , • .formNa�ae�LANDCLA381PICAlYON. � ���n��� R3XYSi5(� I!� ' -- _ • � SUBDIVISION � �. or I Twp. or( �a��Re I.�Appraisecl Value I Appraised Value ! Lot Block of Land of Timber III . :f � In witneaa whenof wa hava Iureunto subacribed o ncea thu..............!........................................._.........day of p� � � ��� ..........__.._.._......................i�.��L:�:..�1....__....................18....:/.�.�. - I � ............. .... .:. ........................... . ... ........... ................... kaiZncaa .................... .... ... . ........ ....__....�� .........................,........._ �, ............................. . ... .. ..... . ._....._ i . t � ....._l�(..._..Z::�............._Z�'."7.........._.._......._.............._.._ 1 / .... ._....... � Ti??Li r--'' yX 1�Ls^ 8ttt8E: ..............................................................................................._._...._._.. tlj �... ...1.0..�..�i}_........Cmr, Coun duditor,............................ ��.NJ.' . .. nty,Min.nasota. The fora�oin�alaseifioation and sale ia hareby mpproved. IDaftid......._._..........................................._..............:.........._....., 18_._....: Tourn Bythe Yillaga Bo¢rd of the......._.......................................of......._......._..._.........._........_._.......__ C� Approval of Timber Appraisai bq Commissioner of Conservation . �r . , � i�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612)423�a,41/ 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.MCMenomy P.O.Box 5�0,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0570 COUNCIIMEMBEFiS Sheda Kiassen James(Red)Staats May 24, 1993 ►+a�ry w�u�x De�nis Wippertn3nn j ADMINiSTRATOR Stephan Jiik ' Ms. Norma B. Marsh, Dakota County Auditor Dakota County Govemment Center 1560 Hwy 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Re: Tax Forfeiture Property within the City of Rosemount Dear Ms. Marsh: We have received the attached letter and property description of two parcels within the City of Rosemount which were classified as forfeited lands for non-payment of taxes for the years of 1986-1988. The first parcel P.I.D. # 34-01 1 00-01 0-75 is a railroad which we believe is owned by the Chicago-Northwestern Corporation. It is a heavily used track with approximately 8-10 trains per day on it. We feel there must be some discrepancy in the legal description or a mistake made on the ownership of the property, or taxes paid. The second parcel P.I.D. # 34-03700-172-06 is part of the old Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 . This description is within City right-of-way for Canada Avenue. Again we fee! that a mistake has been made in the description or in later platting of the property. In either case, this is definitely used as City right-of-way so please direct us as to our responsibilities in clearing up the ownership of this parcel. Thank you for your cooperation on these matters. Please call me at 322-2025 if you have any further questions. Sincerely, � �Osmundson, P.E. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director cc: Steve Jilk, City Administrator Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director Gary Stevenson, Dakota County Surveying Department Sue Walsh, City Clerk �vert��htngs �omtng `UC�i �osevnount�� � ��: � M E M O R A N D II M TO: Bud Osmund�on, City Engineer w FROM: Mike Mi� s Cit Attorne . Y Y DATE: March 14, 1994 RE: Procedure for Acguiring Tax-Forfeited Land This memo is in response to your inquiry as to how the City of Rosemount may acquire tax-forfeited land. Simply put, the following procedures should be utilized to acquire such land: 1 . Obtain the appropriate form for such acguisition from the County Auditor' s Office ( I have attached another copy of this form for your files ) . 2 . Complete the form and check with the County Auditor' s Office to see if Rosemount is the only municipality or . public body which has expressed an interest in the land. 3 . Present the matter to the Rosemount City Council for approval . 4 . File the form with the County. In closing, please remember that the City is not responsible for the delinquent taxes on the land. The only fee the City may have to pay is an approximately $25 deed filing fee with the State. If you have any questions, please contact me. ���, JMM:gmo I ._ _ _._.. . . . Fortn No.15H0—D ment ol Taxatlon Form rb.92 Poucher M a ' APPLICATION BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF I, TAX-FORFEITED LANDS Under Laws 1941,Chapter 511 - � �I In the Matter of the Appiication ', ot_7�� �t�aF��T L►4nJf� PtC 34 03�DU-t'?2'Dta ' a Govemmental subdivision,for a ��, Conveyance of Certain Lands. i con„es�oW P�D 34 0 3�o O t 1 Z o(� �I NAME OF SUBDMSION � � � and alleges: � 1. That appiicant is a(a)—_L'�LU N�G t P A�i T y -- C t Ty O F �O SE M�u�.1 T I� i 2 That(b)— �y C_tT� �t4m���sT2��r��J�J O(-�— — ('1T`, CbuNC.tL !' t-ry o� RosCrroU �,-r • 3. That there is situated within appl�anYs boundaries in the County of ' Certain tax-forfeited land described as foibws: 34-03700-172-06 PT OF LOT 6 COM 60 FT W OF SW COR LOT • 8 QUD SUB NO 1 N 203 fT W 20.63FT S 53 ' FT W 4.37 FT S 150 FT E 25 FT TO BEG ' 4. That said lands are(c) • ' � �. " ` � � _�a; G+- �v,��l ►�2�� � 5. That applicant desires to obtain said land for the foliowing purposes:(d) I�' �,TREE� R� Lu; r�� svA�t . ' 6. That there is need for such lands for the folbwin rea n • I, _ �ug�;Cr u�E FnR TQq� $� �42E� i S �r1 _ AN E�t�g-s�n; r. 5-rQEE� R�c�u-t or c�A`I , NE�o q�'�a ' _ 'fo_ ���F co�'�Ec.T R���t^" o� v�Ati �n,�oTu F �' ! Wherefore applicant prays that said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. By Its and I� STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) � ; ss. County of each being ftrst duly swom,depose and say,each for himself,that they are respectively the �d of the that they have read the foregang appiication and kncw the contents thereof;and that the matters stated therein are true. Subscribed and swom to before me this day of . 19 Notary Pubik, County,Minnesota My Commission Expires (a) Stats facts roletive to legai u9anizatiau . � (b1 State hacts showing au�honzatan of ac4uisitlon of IarW hareinaRer dexribed by reaakrlion of govxnin9 bcdY a DY voters,ete..aa the case �Y roquiro�atfaclfin9�D�es ol rosalutiona,if any. � . (c) Deacribe naNre of�ands.uae ot wrrauntlin9 woPeM and other aimiar tacta. � .. (d) Give statemem oi facts as a the use to be matle of sucJ�Wnds. � . . � � � ( ����� 00' It 00'0 1 ' Z 9 ' 00'S 9' 1 00'8S 00' 1 00'011 00' 00 9 IS'0 � � � _ 00'001 00 L 00' rS'1 � -�1S3M 133 N1561 � ss oo�ss si ,o� oo�ss cr�ss oo•oi i i oo _ '� i� oo'ss oo'sv 'a��ze c�ze oo�oi� oo�oi� oo�o�i oo�ssi oo•m� ' oo.yy - _ '�s0� Zr�� a o g�-o8/ � :� - - : ; s �� LO'S91 . £� .--� fS =:fS aFS E4 E9 _ � F5 � . �": :- ° 'g s zl- i o g �g �$ gg--�$ 0-091$ o� �-Pbl o � � � . �,� / � so-oo� � eo-oso s1 Ei-oio zi-zro - -- 8� rn t o 8 , w-aso g � so-ozi � � 8 C/ /� � ao� so-aco 90-OLO 90-016' 90-0FI � �D� 00 1 00'SSOO�SS 00'011 00'01 00' i 19'iS 00'SS p0'01 00'01 I 9f" 9 00'99 , S 00�S5�00'SS 00 SS 00 54 - � i � /� f i D_ 00 06E / iM - ,o-oiZ 1�Yd - a � - � - _ � v�lOiino , i ►. 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