HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.k. Code Enforcement Officer �� � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Code Enforcement Intern AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA ���� � � � Public Works Director, Building Official ATTACHMENTS: Memo APPROVED BY: Rosemount's housing stock is mixed with old and new in fairly even proportions. The average age is approximately 30 years old. Adopting a Housing Maintenance Code now would minimize the impact to any property owner. To create the Maintenance Code, I am recommending utilization of an intern. The intern would assist in writing the Maintenance Code as well as a myriad of other tasks as outlined in my attached memo. Money was budgeted in 1994 for an intern. I am recommending that we use that money for an internship for code enforcement. We will budget for full-time continuation of a Code Enforcement Officer in 1995. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION AUTHORIZING THE HIRING OF AN INTERN FOR CODE DEVELOPMENT AND ENFORCEMENT WITH PAY TO COME FROM 101-41910-99-103. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 /r � � MEMO TO: TOM BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: RON WASMUND, PUBLlC WORKS DIRECTOR ���" DATE: JUNE 1, 1994 RE: CODE ENFORCEMENT/HOUSING MAINTENANCE CODE Rosemount is fortunate to see a very strong housing market. That market creates an average of 200 new homes annually. thi`s has been the pattern for approximately 8 years adding 1,600 housing units to our housing stock. In contrast to the new homes, we also have some that date back to the turn of the century. The average age of home in Rosemount is approximately 30 years. It is the 30 year oid ramblers that start to cause health and safety concerns if not properly maintained. Now is the time for Rosemount to consider housing maintenance code enforcement. The housing stock is evenly mixed with new and maturing. Impacts of a Housing Maintenance Code would be minimal to most homeowners. I am proposing a minimal housing code at this time. Only the exterior of the structure and grounds. Key elements addressed by the code would include items such as rotted and deteriorated structural elements, chipping peeling paint in excess of 25%, missing elements of the building, etc. The items on the grounds would include the usual junk cars and other specific items such as brush piles, refuse, designated parking areas, R.V. storage, etc. Specifically, we would address appearance of property to protect the pride of Rosemount by addressing the health and safety of clutter, debris and peeling paint. To accomplish the creation of the Housing Maintenance Code and provide assistance in general zoning ordinance enforcement, I suggest we utilize an intern for the initial summer period and budget for full-time in 1995. The intern would research other housing maintenance codes and develop one locally that would maintain some consistency and uniformity. Once drafted the intern would accompany myself or other Staff for presentations to the Chamber of Commerce, Dakota County Board of Realtors, City Council and Commissions. Once endorsed and adopted, we would start enforcement. The intern serving as a Code Enforcement Officer would also do generaf zoning code enforcement activity addressing and inspecting complaints for general zoning conditions. That person would also assist a consultant or the City's legal firm in a rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance. An additional list of possible activities is attached. The person selected for this intemship will have a background in housing and planning or public administration. Money has been budgeted for a Planning lntern. I am proposing to utilize this money to hire an intern for Code Enforcement. f♦ . r comaviulv�rY nEv�.oPiv�rrr nv�rr I. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS A. EFFICIENCY STUDY B. DESIGN STANDARDS II. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE III. ZONING ORDINANCE A. GESJERAL CONDITIONS. B. ASSIST CONSULTANT OR LEGAL FIRM N. HOUSING M�►INTENANCE CODE V. MARI�ETING PLAN FOR BUSIlVESS PARK VI. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE VII. G.I,S. VIII. SITE INSPECTIONS FOR ZONING CONIPLIANCE IX. ORDINANCE REVISIONS & RFSEARCH r e � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REPORT TO MANAGEMENT December 31, 1993 r f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REPORT TO MANAGEMENT December 31, 1993 CONTENTS PA�, ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT 1 DISPOSITION OF PRIOR YEAR COMMENTS Pledged Collateral 2 Permanent Improvement Fund 2 Financial Statement Preparation 2 Fixed Asset Listing 2 CURRENT YEAR COMMENTS Grouping of General Ledger Accounts 3 Single Audit Funds ' 3 GRAPHIC ANALYSIS 4-11 a t Ba�c��v��v�r x��N��v� �u��R C E R T 1 F I E D P U � L 1 C A C C O U N T A N ? S To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Rosemount, Minnesota In planning and performing our audit of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1993, we considered the City's internal control structure to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the general purpose financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. However, during our audit we became aware of some matters that are opportunities for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency. The memorandum that accompanies this letter summarizes our comments and suggestions regarding those matters and includes some graphic analysis. This letter does not affect our report dated February 22, 1994 on the general purpose financial statements of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. We want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the courtesies and cooperation extended to us by all of the City's personnel during the audit. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, ' y/��� ,�?,�- -� . /�`� �� BOECKERMANN,HEINEN&MAYER Certified Public Accountants Minneapolis, Minnesota February 22, 1994 NIINNEAPOLIS,MN Norwest Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Avenue South,Suite 2200 B(aomingWn,MN 55431-I113 (612)84h-2500 Fau(612)844-2525 � � DISPOSITION OF PRIOR YEAR COMMENTS 1 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DISPOSITION �F PRIOR YEAR COMMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1993 PLEDGED COLLATERAL In our prior report, we noted that a deficiency in pledged collateral had been noted during the audit. We recommended that a review of collateral be done prior to year end to ensure the pledged amount was adequate. This was done during 1993. We noted that sufficient collateral had been pledged at December 31, 1993. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT FUND In our prior report, we recomrnended setting up a permanent improvement fund for small projects. The City is currently running these small jobs through the general fund and CIP fund. We encourage you to continue monitoring these small jobs, and, if necessary, consider setting up a separate permanet improvement fund. A separate permanent improvement fund will perhaps separate these smaller jobs for control purposes. FINANCIAL STATEMENT PREPARATION Last year, we recommended that the accounting department draft the City's financial statements. We developed a Lotus spreadsheet and felt the City would bene�t by having the�nancial statements drafted by the finance department. This was done during 1993. We will be meeting with the finance director to update the spreadsheet and discuss ways to make the spreadsheets easier ta work with. We encourage you to continue this process. FIXED ASSET LISTING In our prior report, we noted that our qualification on the audit opinion could be removed if the City would have a physical inventory of fixed assets taken. This was dane during 1993. We have removed our qualification in the audit opinion. We encourage you to continue to monitor and update the listing of fixed assets. We understand that you will be obtaining a computer program to keep track of your fixed assets. We encaurage you to monitor this area to ensure any purchase or sale of fixed assets is reflected properly in this system. Likewise, the general ledger will ave to be monitored to ensure the fixed asset system matches the general ledger balanc s. -2- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CURREN'T YEAR COMMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1993 GROUPING OF GENERAL LEDGER ACCQUNTS Currently, the general ledger accounts have to be manually grouped and added together for the preparation of the financial statements. This process is tedious and time consuming. We recommend looking into ways to designate grouping within your existing computer system. The system may have the option of grouping accounts and printing a summary report. If not, you could likely have such an option programmed into you system. We recommend looking into grouping accounts within your general ledger system. We feel that significant amounts of time would be realized by your finance department if your system would group the general ledger. SINGLE AUDIT FUNDS Any grants received by the City that contain Federal dollars are subject to separate reporting requirements under the Single Audit Act. These reports require detail transaction testing and testing of internal controls that are separate from the audit of the general purpose �nancial statements of the City. We encourage you to monitor any grants received in 1994 for Federal dollars. We recommend making a list of any grants containing Federal dollars. You may find that a phone call to the contact person named on the grant document will be the best way to determine if the grant contains Federal money. Keeping a list of these grants will help the planning of the audit. Knowing how many grants fall under the single audit and understanding the requirements of these grants will help your auditors eomplete the engagement in a timely manner. -3- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REVENUE BREAKDOWN 1993 MISCELLANEOUE INTEREST(0.8%) CHARGES FOR SERVICES(11.9°�0) LICENSERPERMITS(8.1io --•-� �•�� -��- -� —�-� -•• ��AXES(5fi.3%) INTERGOV'T(14.490 � FINES&FORFEIT(1.8°�6� --- '�� 1992 1993 B U DG ET rniscEunNEous p i^,o ��� �INTEREST(0.9%) �dISCELLP.NEOUSra7".6h CHARGESFORSERVICES(R.F"�bti { rPJTEREST(O.Fh) CHARGES FOR SERVICES(12.540 LICENSE&PER1drfS(10.6% -�--� ����>.. LJCENSE&PERMlTS(7.0% _} TAXES(55.54;) � � INTERGOV'T(15.8% - INTERGOV T(74.3% AXES(59.5°;) �� FINESRFORFFIT(1.49e}� �—w""`-' RNESSFORFEIT(1?°;)� ,__ _-- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXPENDITURE BREAKDOWN 1993 PARK& REC.(16.2%) �GENERAL GOV'T(31.2%) PUBLIC WORKS(25.9%) f UBLIC SAFETY(26.7°io) 1992 1993 BUDGET PARK&REC.(16.4°/ PARK 8�AEC.(17.6% GENERAL GOV'T(29.9%) �G ENERAL GOV'T(33.1%) PUBLIC WORKS(23.1%)— � PUBLIC WORKS(26.0°io, ' -�����.��C SAFETY(26.4%) --'""�.'r", '— �I'uL'uGSAFETY(27.4°io) ' '�'� CITY �F: R�JS�MOLTNT : GENERAL F�JNa - REVENUE vs EXPENDITIJRES ��.s �3. ---- - --- - ---- - -- --- -- -- - ---- ---------------------- -- --- -- -- --�-{_-- - -- - - -- - - -- --- -- -- $3.� - -- -----.---- -- - --- --- - -- - -- - --------- - .-, � c � �. -- -- - - -- - ---- - ----- ----- -- --- -- - - -- - --�' --- - - - - ------ -- - ---- - ---- - ---- - -- ---- _ . � � , $2,$ --------------------------------- -------- ------=--------------;------------ : ----- - , --- -- -------------------- �2. - -- - ---- - -- - - ---- - - - - --- --.' ---- -- ------------- - --- -- -- ------ - ---- - ---- - ---- - - - - u�- $2.4 �9$9 - -^._-1990 1991 : 1�92 �99� For the years ended Qecember 31 ; : -�-�-. Revenue --�-- �penditur�s M : �I�� �F �.C)SEMOUl\TT �E�ER�. �u�Q TOTAL FUND BALA('�I�E vs E�PENDITURES:& TRANSFERS $4.U� $3.50 ------------------------------------------------ - - -- - - -- - ---- - -- --- -- --- -- - - --- -��- - ---- - ,�_ - ------- ------ ----- ----- ----; .-= --- ---= .�..r:_ "_-------------------------------�-- $��(� �..� __ _ ___ _ _ �- - - - --- _ .a,_ _ � $2.5(� - ---- - ---- - -- - - -- - - -- ------ - - -- - ---- - ------ ------ -- - ---- --------------- ---- - - - --- - 0 � $2.00 ---- ------ --- - ---- - --- - -- - - ------ -- -- -- - - -- - ---- - -- - - -- --- -- --- -- - - ---------------- � $1.5t} : -----�f�.��`�o-------------------=----------------------=--------------- --------------------------- _4.52% 36.40% 3�.73°�� 33.�#°�a $1.(3t) -- ------ -- --- ---- ---- --- -- ° --=------''�------ - - -- - ---- - -- --- - --- -- -- -- - -- - - -- �f� #�$� ��9Q 199� 1992 1�93 For the �ears ended Qecember 31; __�-- Exp�nt�i#ur�s � Ft�n� Ba[an�e : ! �ITY �JF Rt�SEMOUNT : FUND BALANGE - �ENERAL FUNfl �� .� _ $1 .2 . : . .�_.. $�l .a � ---, -------- a - - - � $0.$ o � � $U.G � ; $�.4 : $0.2 $Q.0 1989 19�E� 1991 : 1992 1993 For the::yea:rs ended �ecember 3�; [� Reserved :: � Unreserv�d CITY CJF RO S EM�UNT UTILITY C�MMIS�ION 1NCOME (LOSS) : (BEF4RE TRANSFERS� $3� ------------------------- - - - - - - - - - $250 : � $�a0 ------ - ---- - - - - - ----------------------------------------- - - - - - - - $�5� � --- -------- �, --------------------------------------- --- ----�------- � $100 c � $5� ------- - - - -- ------ --------------------- - - ----- - - � ' o .: -� $0 ~ ------- ------ ------- - - - -- �$5O� - ------ - - -- - - ------------- - - - - - ($1 QO) -------------------------- . _ {$15�� ($200} : ��89 f99� : 1991 1992 1�93 : For the y�ars ended December 3�: ) CITY 4F RC.�SEMOUNT : � 993 ENTERPRISE FUND ACTIVITY Net income Before Trans#e�s:Plus D�pr�ciation on Contributed Assets $120 -----------------:-------------------------._�---------- $100 ---------------------------------- �g� -- -- -- - ---- ----------- - ..� --- i - - - -- --- - ------ - ---- - ,--, ,.� -=----=--- �-�--- ----` --------------------------------- '��; �b� � : �:: � � �4Q ---------- ------ ----- �------ � �20 ---- - - ----- ---- -- - - - ---- - --- - - --- --- : $Q :: __ _ � _ ($Z�}� Water �,���� Storm Community UUater Cente� 1 � �ITY OF RC�SEMOUNT : TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS : $25 . . . $20 � ��� ' 0 � �a - - _ $ • : : :$� :� $� : 198� 1�� 1991 199� 1�93 For the years ended Decernber �1 : :