HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.j. Reorganization � f � , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIb�iARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 7, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: REORGANIZATION AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BUR.T, AGENDA 1�:E M � 7 � CITY ADMINISTRATOR � � ATTACI�tENTS: ORG.ANIZATIONAL CHARTS APPROVED BY: During meetings with the City council an item identified as needing review was the existing organizational structure of departments . With the help of City Staff and Council the attached organizational charts represent a reorganization of departments . All staff was very helpful in' this process in sharing their ideas and concerns of the organization. The reorganized departments will facilitate the development process to improve the "one stop shop° concept . Because of this reorganization and merging departments, there will be the layoff of one department head. I recommend the employee receive two months severance pay and outplacemnt services be made available to the employee. The outplacement services will cost $4,200 and will help the employee during the transitional period. The organizational charts attached are long range and will be used as a guide for future growth of departments as service demands dictate. Any vacant position on the charts will need Council approval before hiring. RECONIl�IENDATION: Approve recommended organizational structure and authorize the City Administrator to implement, including severance pay and outplacement for the effected employee. RECOrIlKENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve the organizational structure and authorize the City Administrator to implement the plan, including severance pay and outplacement for the effected employee. COUNCIL "ACTIONs CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ►+�yor a ncy co��,� L�gal Citiz�ns Advisory Co�n. _ Planning Commission - Parks 8 Recreation Advisory Committea - Cammnity Center Advisory Committee - Utility Commission . � �� . - - Port Authority � [ity lld�iMstrasor City Cl�rk P�r:onml Pubtic Morks Parks i R�erqtion Poiic� Fir� Financ� Caw�mity Gwlopn�nt - Engineering - Recreation Programs - Patrol - Prevention - Budget PreparaYion - Plann9ng � - Streets - Commnity Center - Investigation - Suppression - Financial Maoagemant - Buitding Inspectioo . - Utitities - Sports Facilities - D.A.R.E. - Investigation - Auditing - [ode Enfrcement - fleet Mainienance - Ice Arem - Records - Medical Rescue - Investments - Econanic Development City of Rosemount Public Works P. W. Dir. City Engineer Secretary Engineering Consultant Project Engineer Public Works Coordinator Engineering Tech. Building & Grounds Sup. Streets/Utility Sup. Fleet Supervisor E�gineering Intern Maintenance Workers Mechanics City of Rosemount � � . � . Comnunity Center/Parks b Recreation . . . . . � . �Com. Ctr/Pka. b Ree. Dir.� . . � � . � .. . . � �.� � . � � � � � . Secretary � [onsultants � � � � � � � � � . � Recreation Supervisor � � � .. . Buildi,g Maintanance Sup. � � . � � � Receptionist . � Receptionist/Secretary �� . � � Park Specialist Rentel [oordinator Programer Athletics/Youth Programer Mena/Ply Grnd Part Time N.0.0.'s Building Attendanta Custodians City of Rosemount . . Polica Department � � . � � . � . � - � . Police Chie� . . . . � . � � � � Secretaries Secretery/Dispatch � � � � � � � . � � �. � Dsta Eotry Clerk . � . .� � . . � . � Lieutenant/Imestigtor � . � � � � � � Seryeant � � �. . . . . . . , � . .. .. . . . � . Patrol � . . . . . � . Mimal [ontrot � � O.A.R.E. Officer School Liaison Crime Prevention Spec Reserve Officers � � � �Coianunity Service Officer � . City of Rosemount Fire Departmeot Firr Chief Safaty Coordinator Fire Pravantion/Education Assistant Fire Chief i� Secretary Training Coord4nator taptains Lieutenants Firefighters Probationary Ffrefighters , City of Rosemount � � � � Finence OepartmeM � � � � flnance Oirector � � � . � � � � . � � � �. financial Consultant Secretary � � � � Accountent MIS Coordinator Peyroll Clerk Utiltty Billing Clerk II GIS Spacialiat . � Accounts Payable tlerk � � �Utility Billiag Clerk I AssesameM Clerk Deputy Registrar . � . � . . � � � � � � Accounting Clerk � � � � � � � Asst. D¢puty Reglstrar � � � � � � � . City of Rosemount �.,,.,��,����t � . � � . ..CaxnitY Oev.Oir. � . . . � � . SeereLry . � . � . . . � . � tuildfns OPfielal . Pi�mer � Eooiw�lo Oav.Ceardlntx � . ���wy . �Seon4ry . � � Piu�ltng i�peetor Contraet Eletuto Iropeot BuLAL�g Iropeetr Flre N�rprll [ode EnYxoa�mt� . NssLSLnt Pl�mx � � . � � � � Pluning I�trn Eaona�le Ow.�Intarn .