HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Approve Ordinance Pledging Full Faith & Credit of City for Port Authority 1994D Bond Issue . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Ordinance Pledging Fuli Faith & AGENDA SECTION: Credit of City for Port Authority 1994D Bond Issue New Business PREPARED BY: , Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA I�.�� � � � ( � ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance APPROVED BY: Attached for your consideration is an ordinance that pledges the City's full faith and credit to the Port Authority's bond issue for the improvements in the Business Park. This ordinance allows the debt issued by the Port Authority to have the "General Obligation" prefix added to their bonds. What this means to the City is that, although the bonds are projected to be paid back through the safe of land in the Business Park, if necessary, the City may be required to levy taxes to make the debt payments in the event that land sales do not occur in a timety fashion. Having the G.O. backing allows the bonds to be sold at a much more attractive rate than if it is not included. And, if the Council does not pass this ordinance, the debt will probably not be issued at aIL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORtTY TO PLEDGE THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE CITY TO GENERAL OBLtGATION BONDS. COUNCIL ACTION: F���f BkI GGS & MOkGAN ST. PAUL 6 l 2-22�-66�� (THU106. 02' 94 l 3: 13/ST. i�:00/N0, 356U��617? P 25 crTx oF RasnKor�rr�r DAI�OTA GOUNTX, MII�NESOTA ORpINANC� NO. AN �R.DTNA1�tCE AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMaUNT PORT AUTHORITY Ta PL�GE THE FULL FAITIi AND CREDIx 4F THE CITY T0 ISSUE GENERAL 08LZG.'�TION BONDS THE GITY CGtUNCIL c7F THE CZTY OF ROSEMOUNT OR.DAIN: SECTIOI�T =, pursuant tQ and in accordance wzth the prc�visions af this ordinance and Minneso�a Statut�s, §46�.048 t� 469.065 and �469.p813 the issuance of gen�ral abligation bQnds by tize Rosemount Port Authority (the "Authority"} in the aggzegate pri.ncipal amount vf $1, 630,000 S.s h�reby au�horiz�d and faund to be pro�er; and said bonds shall be issu�d and soid for the purpose cf securing funds as needed, in said aggr�gat� amount, to dafray the costs �tnd expenses necessazily ir►curr�d and to b� incurred to finance sa.te pzeparation ccsts in connection with the creatian of a development park. The pl�dge of the fu17, faith, credit and resQuraes of the City as security for the bonds i$ hereby au�thorized. Additianal t�rms �nd condi�ions of the bc�Ilds� includiz�g intarest rate, datA, denomination, place of paym�nt, fazm, and m�:tur�ty scheduled and provision for th.e sale t2y:ereof shalz he d�termined by th� Board of Gommissianers of the � AuthQrity pu�suant to resalu�.ion. SECT2oN Iz. This vrdinance shaZ7. take effect and be in force ;fo2lowing its passage and publication. Adopted thi.s 7th day of June, ].99�k. E. S. MeMenamy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M, Wal�h, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: ----- - vo�ted against; ZbS350.1