HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. 1995 Public Safety Dispatch Agreement CITY OF ROSEMOONT EXECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 7, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: 1995 PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH AGREEMENT CONSENT PREPARED BY: AGENDA ���� � � � ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE , ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: MEMO AND CONTRACT The Public Safety Dispatch Agreement between Rosemount and Eagan will expire on December 31, 1994 . Eagan is currently providing dispatch/911 service at a cost of $2.75 per capita. The 1995 Public Safety Dispatch Agreement offered by Eagan shows an increase of $.47 per capita. ($3 . 22) Based on the estimated population of 11,750 in 1995, the cost of dispatch/911 service would be $37, 835.00. Cost comparison of other cities in Dakota County that must contract their dispatch service found the average to be $3 . 68 per capita. City Attorney Mike Miles has reviewed the 1995 Public Safety Dispatch Agreement and found it to be in order. My recommendation is to approve the agreement with the City of Eagan for dispatch/911 service for the year 1995. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE 1995 PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN AT A COST OF $3 .22 PER CAPITA AS DETER- MINED BY THE OFFICIAL POPULATION ESTIMATE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. COUNCIL ACTION: PIIBLIC SAFLTY DISPATCH AGRELMENT THE CITY OF EAGAN AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOIINT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1994, by and between THE CITY OF EAGAN, Dakota County, Minnesota, (hereinafter "Eagan") and THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, Dakota County, Minnesota, (hereinafter "Rosemount") . W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Eagan and Rosemount are authorized by Minn Stat. §412.221 to establish, ecruip, and operate a police department to protect and safeguard life and property �and to furnish police protection in each of. the parties' respective municipality; and WHEREAS, Eagan and Rosemount are authorized b�r Minn Stat. §436.05 and §471.59 to enter into this Agreement for the furnishing of police and fire dispatch services by Eagan on behalf of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, Rosemount has requested and Eagan has accepted the provision of dispatch services, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein; and WHEREAS, police and fire dispatch services by the Eagan Police Department on behalf of Rosemount are required in order that emergency calls for police and fire services within Rosemount are effectively received and dispatched to the appropriate Rosemount public safety units; and WHEREAS, Rosemount acknowledges the benefit to the operation of the Rosemount Police and Fire Departments by the availability of such dispatch services and determines it is in the best interest of Rosemount and the public to provide compensation to Eagan for the ser.��c�s referred to abave. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by Eagan and Rosemount hereto as follows: A. POLICE AND FIRE DISPATCH SERVICES 1. Eagan Public Safety Answering Point ("EPSAP") shall dispatch Sunday through Saturday, 24 hours per day, Rosemount police emergency calls to the appropriate Rosemount police public safety units via radio or shall relay emergency calls by telephone to designated telephones when radio communications cannot be obtained. Rosemount shall install appropriate 9-1-1 telephone lines and radio equipment into the EPSAP for the receiving and Public Safety Dispatch Agreement Page 2 dispatching of emergency police calls as deemed necessary by Rosemount and shall be solely responsible for the costs incurred therefor. 2. Eagan shall dispatch, Sunday through Saturday, 24 hours per day, Rosemount fire emergency calls to the extent that EPSAP shall answer emergency calls and place the calls to the Rosemount Fire Department but shall not undertake any fire vehicle dispatchinr for Rosemount F���e Dspartment. � Rosemount sha11 install appropriate 9-1-1 telephone lines and radio equipment into the EPSAP for the receiving and dispatching of emergency fire calls as deemed necessary by Rosemount arui shall be solely responsible for any and all costs incurred therefor. 3. Rosemount shall provide for and answer all - its police business office and non-emergency telephone calls Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. , excluding those days which the City of Rosemount recognizes as� holidays, and shall not cause such telephone calls to be transmitted to the EPSAP. EPSAP shall be responsible for such calls during those days and hours not designated above as Rosemount's responsibility. 4. EPSAP personnel shall log all incoming police and fire emergency calls and set forth the time, date, event, public safety unit dispatched and name of complainant, when available, An audio-tape of all emergen�y caZ1s sh�I� be nad� and be raa�e available � to Rosemount to monitor at a reasonable time at the EPSAP. Tapes shall be kept on file for twenty- eight (28) days and then erased, except that tapes shall be kept on file for a longer period upon a written request from Rosemount for a specific tape. 5. All dispatching services performed and furnished under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the EPSAP policies and procedures. 6. The acquisition of radio equipment by Rosemount and, any modification thereto, shall be made at the expense of Rosemount. Public Safety Dispatch Agreement Page 3 7. Any Eagan police or fire personnel acting under this Aqreement shall not by reason thereof be classified as an employee of Rosemount. B. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1. Rosemount agrees to pay Eagan the following monies as and for the police and fire dispatch services as described in Paragraph A(1) herein: a. For Calendar Year 1995: l. $3 .22 per capita as determined by the official population estimate of the City of Rosemount. This number will be determined by projecting the estimated number of persons per household (3 .1) and multiplying by the number of building permits issued since the 1993 population estimate. 2. In January 1995, but no later than 30 days after receipt of invoice, Rosemount ' shall remit to Eagan an amount equal to $3 .22 per capita as determined by the official Rosemount population estimate. At the end of the year, but no later than 30 days after receipt of invoice from Eagan, Rosemount shall pay any difference to the amount paid in January as determined by the official population estimate of Rosemount. 2. Rosemount s?�ai 1 rei�urs� Eagan fcr any compensatory payments made by Eagan to its dispatch personnel for court preparation or appearances as witnesses for Rosemount police or fire dispatching matters. C. TERM AND REMOVAL 1. This Agreement shall become effective on January 1, 1995 and shall terminate on December 31, 1995. 2. In the event Rosemount terminates or otherwise cancels this agreement prior to its termination date, Rosemount shall, nevertheless, be bound by the terms of payment under this Agreement and shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any monies paid under this Agreement. _, Public Saf�ty Dispatch Agreement Page 4 D. LIABILITY l. Rosemount agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Eagan harmless fram any claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of any act ��or omission on the part of Eagan or its agents, servants or employees in the performance of or with relation to any of the work or services performed or furnished by Eagan under this Agreement. E. ALTERATION OR MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT 1. Any alteration, variation, modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid only after it has been reduced to writing and duly signed by both parties. 2. This Agreement shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and shall supercede all prior oral or written negotiations or � agreements relating to the subject matter hereof. IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF EAGAN Eagan City Attorney By: Thomas A. Egan Dated: Its: Mayor By: E. J. VanOverbeke Its: City Clerk Public Safety Dispatch Agreement Page 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount City Attorney By: Ed McMenomy Dated: Its: Mayor By: Susan Walsh Its: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1994, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared THOMAS A. EGAN and E. J. VanOVERBEKE to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and sai.d Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Notary Public Public Safety Dispatch Agreement Page 6 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1994, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personaliy appeared ED McMENQMY and SUSAN WALSH to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Rosemount, the municipality named in the foreg.oing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality �y auth�rity of its City Council anu said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Notary Public