HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Metropolitan Council Regional Bluepring Draft ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUbIlKA,RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 3 , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REGIONAL AGENDA SECTION: BLUEPRINT DRAFT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANNOUNCEMENTS PREPARED BY: RICHARD PEARSON, AGENDA N��� � i, ASSISTANT PLANNER ' ATTACI�lENTS: QUESTIONNAIRE AND BLUEPRINT APPROVED BY: DRAFT The Metropolitan Council has scheduled a Public Hearing starting at 7: 00 p.m. , Thursday, May 19 , 1994 for review of the propased Regional Blueprint. The Regional Blueprint is a policy document that defines strategy for the regional economy, regional investment, growth guidance and environmental issues. The Blueprint contains "action steps" that define Metropolitan Council' s probable reaction to Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendments. The policies will impact the City of Rosemount when requests for expanding the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) are made. The Blueprint action steps suggest that additional sewer capacity through NNSA expansion may be increasingly difficult to acquire. Interested Councilmembers should be eneouraged to attend the Public Hearing along with Planning Commissioners and City Staff. Participation could include testimony at the Hearing or a prepared resolution or statement regarding the Blueprint. RECOi�tENDED ACTION: No action requested. COIINCIL ACTION: 4/27/94 TELL US WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE METROPOLITAN COUNCiL'S DRAFT REGIONAL BLtIEPRINT In your comments you may want to address general directions of the Blueprint, various action steps and other suategies to consider. * * * * * • Regionai Economy: Develop a regional economic strategy to meet the chai[enge of globa! competition. • Redevetopment and Reinvestment: Revitalize distressed areas by lowering barriers ta economic development and jobs, targeting deteriorated neighbor�hoods with public do((ars for homeownership and housing rehabititation, and increasing housing opportanities region-wide. -over- . . • Guided Growth: Encourage devefopment to occur within an area that can readily be served with regionat services like transportation and sewers. Encourage communities to pian together on issues that go beyond their borders, and to plan for a variety of needs, like housing and economic development, not just land use. • Environmental Protection: Protect the environment before damage occurs through the Council's regional plans and cities' land use plans. � Other Comments: Name/Address (Drop this form in the box bv xhe door. You mav also mail it to the Council at 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paui, MN 55101, attn: ]an Gustafson, or vou mav FAX it to ]an at 291-6464.)