HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Receive Feasibility Report / Authorize Plans & Spec's, Wach186 A Outlet, City Project #257 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIbIlKARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 3 , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Receive F.R. /Authorize Prep. of AGENDA SECTION: Plans and Specs . Wachter 186 A Outlet New Business (Carrollton 4th) ; City Project No. 257 PREPARL'�D BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA c�A City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director �LIY9 � � � ATTAC�NTS: Feasibility Report, Resolution APPROVED BY: At the April 4, 1994 Council meeting, the Carrollton 4th drainage concerns were discussed in regards to possible solutions for a possible flooding scenario in the Carrollton 4th Addition. At that time, staff recommended that an additional outlet pipe be constructed southerly out of the 4th addition to the O'Learys pond area south of CSAH 42 . Staff recommended that council authorize the preparation of a feasibility report to further address the costs and funding sources for that outlet pipe. The attached feasibility report outlines the details of construction of this outlet pipe. As stated, an 1800 ft, 21 inch storm drain would be constructed to provide both a second outlet to the Carrollton 4th Addition plus an outlet for the Edwin Rahn Addition Pond and the entire drainage area. The total estimated project cost is $150, OOD with the funding for the project to come entirely from the Storm Core Fund. The timing for the project would that it could be bid in June and construction completed in July 1994 . Brian Bourassa, PE, from OSM Engineering will provide an overview of the project. Brian and staff will be available for any questions that you may have. Staff recommends adoption of the resolution as stated and proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications . RECOb�lENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDERING THE PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WACHTER 186A OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT N0. 257. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 CITY OF ROSEbtOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MIN1�T�;SOTA RESOLIITION 1994 - A RESOLIITION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDERING THE PROJECT AND AUTIiORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WACHTER 186A OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 257 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #257, Subdrainage district Wachter 186A Outlet as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. , Consulting Engineers; and Y�HEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said utility improvements, City Project #257, are feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on May 3, 1994; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #257 and places it on file, orders the improvements as described, and orders the preparation of plans and specifications for the improvements . ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 1994 . ' E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Wa1sh, City Clerk MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: VOTED IN FAVOR: VOTED AGAINST: orr Schelen Mayeron& Associates,Inc. Apri121, 1994 30o Park Place center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard w Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 I-800-753-5775 Mr. Bud Osmundson Fax s9s-s��4 Engineers Cl� Of ROSeITi011llt Architects ' 2875 - 145th Street West su�eyois Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Carrollton 4th Addition Feasibility Report City of Rosemount OSM Project No. 5414.00 Dear Mr. Osmundson: At their meeting on April 5, 1994 the Rosemount City Council reviewed the Carrollton 4th Addition Drainage Study prepared by OSM and recommended that staff prepare a Feasibility Report for the completion of an additional outlet pipe from Carrollton 4th Addition (Edwin Rahn Pond) to O'Leary's Pond. c e As stated in the Carrollton 4th Addition Drainage Study, the existing storm drain system within the Carrollton Additions is adequate for the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event. However,additional drainage from surrounding areas has created a situation that may cause flooding in the Carrollton 4th Addition. The purpose of the additional outlet pipe from ' Carrollton 4th Addition to the south is to provide flood protection for the drainage area and to improve the reliability of the existing storm drain system in the Carrollton Additions General Background The project is located in the southeast quarter of Section 30 and the northeast quarter of Section 31. The project location is shown on Drawing No. 1 at the end of this report. Information relating to the existing conditions was given in the Carrollton 4th Addition Drainage Study (see attached). Proposed Improvements The proposed storm drain improvements are shown on Drawing No. 2 at the end of this report. The proposed storm drain improvements include the following: - Minor grading in the Edwin Rahn Pond and at O'Leary's Pond. - 21" RCP outlet pipe from Carrollton 4th Addition to O'Leary's Pond. - Pipe jacking across C.S.A.H. 42. a:�saia.00�crvtt�coxxFs�oazi9a.so Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Bud Osmundson City of Rosemount, MN Apri121, 1994 . Page 2 Minor grading in the backyards of Block 3 of Carrollton 4th Addition in the area of the storm drain construction will also be completed to improve the drainage in the area. The minor grading at the Edwin Rahn Pond will include lowering the pond approximately 1-1/2 feet and excavation along the southem edge. The existing 12" outlet into the Carrollton Addition storm drain will be eliminated. The excavation at O'Leary's Pond will take place at the proposed storm drain outlet. Approximately 1800 feet of 21" storm drain will be installed from the Edwin Rahn Pond to O'Leary's Pond. The peak discharge from this storm drain into O'Leary's Pond is 18 cfs. O'Leary's Pond is capable. of accommodating this flow. This proposed storm drain construction may be a temporary outlet solution for Carrollton 4th Addition and the Edwin Rahn Pond. In the future, when the comrnercial property located south of C.S.A.H. 42 develops, the stormwater from Carrollton 4th Addition and the Edwin Rahn Pond may be routed to a different location on the site before discharging into O'Leary's Pond. Any future development of the commercial property will need to consider this stormwater flow in the drainage calculations. The storm drain construction will iriclude the jacking of approximately 140 feet of a 36" diameter steel casing pipe across C.S.A.H. 42. Permits A permit will be required from the Dakota County Highway Department for work within the C.S.A.H. 42 right-of-way. Easements The construction of the proposed improvements within the Edwin Rahn Pond, Carrollton 4th Addition and the C.S.A.H. 42 will be within existing easements or right-of-way. However, additional drainage and utility easements will be required from the parcel south of C.S.A.H. 42. The owner of this parcel has been identified as the Chippendale/42 Partnership. Temporary easements will be required from the e�sting property owners adjacent to the proposed construction to allow for the contractor's operations. H:\5414.00\CI V IL\CORRFS\042194.60 Mr. Bud Osmundson City of Rosemount, MN Apri121, 1994 Page 3 Fin� The following preliminary cost estimate is based on 1993 construction costs and includes a 10% contingency factor. The administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering interest and other administration. Preliminary Cost Estimate - Carrollton 4th Addition Iteuu Qty Unit Unit Price Amount 1. Pond Excavation 2500 CY $5.00 $12,500 2. 21" RCP CL III 1819 LF $27.00 $49,113 3. 3fi" Dia. Steel Casing 150 LF $200.00 $30,000 4. 4' Dia. Manhole (0-10') 5 EA $1,000.00 $5,000 ' 5. Extra Depth Manhole 5 LF $100.00 $500 6. 21" RCP FES 2 EA $1,000.00 $2,000 7. Rip Rap CL III 5 CY $50.00 $250 8. Sod Type Lawn 2700 SY $1.50 $4,050 9. Seeding 1 Ac $1,000.00 $1,000 10. Remove 12" RCP 8 LF $20.00 $160 11. Plug 12" RCP 2 EA $100.00 $200 Sub Total $104,773 + 10% Contingencies $10,477 Estimated Total Construction Cost $115,250 + 30% Legal, Eng.,Adm. & Financing $34 575 Total Estimated Project Cost $150,�0 The proposed construction is a system wide drainage improvement and will provide a drainage outlet for a portion of the following existing developments (see Drawing No. 3 at the end of this report): Edwin Rahn Addition, Broback lOth Addition, and Carrollton 4th Addition x:�saia.00�crnt�cotuux�aaziva.so Mr. Bud Osmundson City of Rosemount, MN Apri121, 1994 Page 4 The construction will provide an adequate outlet for any future drainage improvements made within the subdrainage area for which it provides an outlet. Therefore, the funding for this project would be considered a trunk cost and is proposed to be funded from the storm core fund. PrQject Schedule The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: Receive Feasibility Report / Order Plans and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . May 3, 1994 Accept Plans and Specifications / Order Ad for Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17, 1994 BidOpening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16, 1994 . Receive Bids / Award Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21, 1994 Begin Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July, 1994 Completion of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July, 1994 Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, ING ���� � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager Attachments c: Peter R. Willenbring, OSM � x:�seia.00�civ[[.�coxx�s�oanva.so EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CARROLLTON 4TH ADDITION FEASIBILITY REPORT The Carrollton 4th Addition drainage improvements will provide flood protection for the existing homes in the project area (Edwin Rahn Addition and Carrollton 4th Addition) and will improve the existing storm drain system reliability. The proposed grading in Block 3 of Carrollton 4th Addition in the area of the proposed construction will increase the backyard slopes to the outlet structure. The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. This Feasibility Report proposes the co i " nstruct on of a rolcimatel 1800 lineal feet of 21 diameter storm drain and minor PP Y grading at the Edwin Rahn Addition Pond, O'Leary's Pond and in Block 3 of Carrollton 4th Addition. The total estimated project cost is $150,000. The funding for this project will come entirely from the storm core fund. The project construction can be initiated in July, 1994 with construction substantially complete in July, 1994. H:\5414A0\CI V IL\CORRES\EJ��CSUMM Existing Conditions (From Carrollton 4th Draina�e Studvl The existing storm drain system that provides the outlet for the backyards of Block 3 of Canollton 4th Addition is also the outlet for the majority of Carrollton's 2nd and 3rd Additions, the Edwin Rahn Addition {including one pond) and a portion of Broback lOth Addition (see attached Drainage Area Map). Carrollton 4th Addition is located in the Wachter Pond Drainage Distnct as delineated by the City of Rosemount's Drainage Plan for the West Drainage Area(1989). The existing linear ponds located in the rear yard areas of the Carrollton Additions are identified in the Drainage Plan as WAC 186A as shown on the attached Drainage Pattern Map. The plats and grading plans for Carrollton 2nd, 3rd and 4th Additions provide for linear ponds in the backyard areas. The existing low floor elevation for the homes surrounding the Canollton 4th Addition stormwater pond is 954.8. The subdivision drains from east to west and into a trunk storm drain on Shannon Parkway. Ultimately, the stormwater from this area drains to Wachter Pond. As shown on the Drainage Area Map,the Carrollton Addition development is constructed within a depression which has no emergency overflow outlet to protect the homes in the event the existing storm drain outlet becomes plugged. The Edwin Rahn Addition is located directly east af Carrollton 4th Addition. Approximately 24 acres of the Edwin Rahn Addition are tributary to a pond located on the eastem boundary of Carrollton 4th Addition which has a 12-inch storm drain outlet flowing into the Carrollton Addition storm drain system. The Drainage Plan identifies the Edwin Rahn Addition pond as WAC 188D. As shown on the Drainage Pattern Map WAC 188D was proposed to be outletted to the east across Chippendale Avenue. The existing low floor elevation for the homes adjacent to the Edwin Rahn Addition pond is 958.2. T'he Edwin Rahn Addition pond is separated from Carrollton 4th Addition by an earth berm (top of bank elevation 955.8). In the past, the stormwater level in the Edwin Rahn Addition pond has risen and has encroached onto Cimarron Avenue during critical rainfall events. According to City staff, the stormwater in the pond drains out completely within a few days of the rainfall event. This indicates that the underlying soils have a good percolation rate. The City of Rosemount's Drainage Plan recommends that all trunk storm drains connecting ponds be designed to accommodate the 100-year rainfall event a:�d that lateral storm drains be designed to accommodate the 10-year rainfall event. The drainage plan also recommends that low floor elevations near outletted ponds be at least two feet above the 100-year flood level. The original storm drain design, for Carrollton 4th Addition, was based on a 10-year rainfall event. We modeled the existing storm drain system and analyzed the 10-year,50-year and 100-year, 24-hour rainfall events. Table 1 lists the results of this analysis. H:\5414.00\CML\CORRES\DRAINATT TABLE 1 CARROLLTON ADDITION EXISTING CONDITIONS �bwaterslied IO.Yrx 24=Hr Rainfall SO Yr,24 Hr Ratnfall 100-Yr,?A=Hr:Painfall Pesk: Peak < Peak <:Peak `Peak Peak I�(nq�sr � Xtunoff Disch�rge` Pond <ItunotY< Discharge Pond 12unoff Discharge <Pond Rate(cfs� ; , fAcj ;:(cis) ' HWL. Rate(cfs�' ;:;(cfsj HWI. Rate{cis); (c£s) ;HWL ' 1 24 3b.8 8.4 57.1 9S 67.6 10.0 2 4S 10.1 1.9 954.0 15.6 3.8 955.0 18A 49 9555 3 5.4 12.1 9.0 N/A 18.7 14.0 N/A 22.1 16.6 N/A 4 3.9 8.8 1.6 9505 13S 3.2 952.4 16.0 4.1 953.2 5 4.3 9.7 9.6 N/A 14.9 14.9 N/A 17.6 17.6 N/A 6 3.7 8.3 1.4 951.0 12.8 2.7 952.1 15.2 3S 4525 7 3.2 7.2 '7.2 N/A 11.1 11.1 N/A 131 131 NJA 8 2.7 6.1 0.8 949.4 9.4 2.0 951.5 111 2.6 952.0 9 5.1 11S 11.4 N/A 17.'7 17.6 N/A 20.9 20.8 N/A � As shown in Table 1, the e�usting storm drain system (with the inclusion of 24 acres from the Edwin Rahn Addition) has the capacity to accommodate the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event in Carrollton 2nd and 3rd Additions, however, it does not have adequate capacity to accommodate the 50-year or the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall events without inundating the existing homes in Carrollton 4th Addition. In addition to the potential for flooding in this area, the residents have expressed concerns relating to the duration of standing water in the rear yards of Block 3, Carrollton 4th Addition after rainfall events. As stated eaxlier in this letter, the plats and grading plans for the Carrollton Additions provide for stormwater ponding in the backyard areas. The result of allowing stormwater to pond in backyard areas is that the turf will remain wet for a period of time after rainfall ' events. The proposed grading plan for the Carrollton 4th Addition shows that a swale was to be graded in the backyards of Block 3 to drain the area to a low point between Lots 7 and 8 and then outletted to the west by the proposed storm drain facility. A field survey of the e�cisting backyards of Block 3 was completed in the fall of 1993. A comparison of the proposed and existing backyard grading is shown below: H:\5414.00\CML\CORRES\DRAINATT ;; ' ; > ; ;:: 'Y`able 3 :' < ; .. ` ;:. ,: �arroIIton 4fh tldditaon :;Block 3 Gradiug Informahon ' �rading Item Proposed�rading Plan Existang Grading; Outlet Elevation Between Lots 7 and 8 949.6 952.34 Baclryard Slope Lots1 - 7 0.7 - 1.2% 0.17 - 0.88% Backyard Slope Lots 7 - 17 0.7 - 1.2% 0.09 - 1.48% Table 3 shows that the actual grading in the backyards of Block 3 of Carrollton 4th Addition was not completed according to the plan. �, H:\5414.00\CI V[L\CORRES\DRAINATT � � 7 � � � Sf ST W � Z � � � � � � � Q Q � 46th � Q � Q � � Q � � Q Z Q � � j g �� 0 � 46th � `' LOWER o Q Q � � � oo� �z Sr � 4 � tnQ sr f M � 9Q : h S� � , �S � �, � �� � � � � 48th ST . �U PER � 47th � � � `" Q � � � 48 th ST ° � 3 Q �, UPPER z � � Q � LOW R � 4 9 th � 8 �3 . 84 .� OWER 8 6 � � z 81 � � _ � 4 th W � o �(JPPE � � 9fh ST . � 49th � SOtft � ST � S T . ,� 41 - PROJE T LOCATION � . 15 � s � � v W SJ- � Q � S � st ST . W � � � 4, � � � � �Q Q 1 S2nd � j � �, O � CARR � sr . cT � o � � J � � p I Z �u 154 � S w � � 54th � 3 �� � � � , CTo Wo o sr . w z sTowo � � � ssth sr w . � r � C0L UMBIA Q v� ', CORNELLTR . � Q , 1" = 500' cr . � � ' � 56 th ,ST Drawn By� , Drawing R�JE T T Comm. No. P.L.J. Schelen P C LOCA ION 54�4.00 n�� Mayeron & ' CARROLLTON 4TH ADDITION Date' Associates, Inc. Sheet no. Engineers� Architects . Plsnners . 5u�oeYo�g F E AS AB i L I T Y RE P 0 R T 4/14/94 300 Pnrk Plece Cmter� 5715 fayzate Houle�ard C I T Y O F R O S E M O U N T, M N � Yinneapolia.YN 55416-1229� 612-595-5'775 - -- __ __ - ' ° o � � ry , -��,�� �+(��� n;,=,.r ,,� :t„�.15L...� �,'„ I J�� ? ,r ^I �� �J 1"" -� \ s %. � ..y/Ji \�i..�.ty 1 �1.�"' S bP.��I i� � /^.. ��1 . / 1 �h 1�� I � \� 1 2'e � 1��^ t � '�� � d� e-�'1,�1% -,1����iLL,^ �i i �:��.✓j1�' � � �„ ���/,Y � �- � ��,—•� �� , �i�lr��'' I�4 I I / 'y�/•' p \` I I� �j''I� 11 T 0 L� B�a 9 � G��� li �I� e 7^Q 'r1: .�j �'�t .��I�'J ^' °'^ ; / �yi� : ♦` '/ f \ �..��� i � �� �f �'r' � G%� ` . ��� i� _� � !'lyll I I� / �i� w i'� r,Ap"i ��- -�Y'�S (��'l:■'(:�� 1�1'.,�{}'�, .�.�-Y ' � I„ l 1 k�Q ( 1�� 1� � r�� � , � • ..96� � ��l� ��{.����!3'!�'J•(�.,J� � t'. ����,.,.� .� _.x `:�5�� � �n1�� ( �� � / ;��- � " ���:. � �.-- /^����` -- ._�.x--. 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