HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Arbor Day Proclamation t, `' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 1994 I'I AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT PREPARED BY: AGENDA f��(�f� � � � DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION � � i}�� ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: COPY OF PROCLAMATION � Protecting our natural reso�rces must be of great importance to each of us. Tree City USA is an award given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and of our trees. Lacelle Cordes, Mark Joosten, and Dave Bechtold attended the award ceremony at the State Capitol on April 21, 1994, to receive the City of Rosemount's Tree City USA award from Lieutenant Governor Joanell Dyrstad. This is our second year of achieving this award. The attachment is a proclamation by the Mayor proclaiming the last Friday of April to be Arbor Day and the month of May to be Arbor Month. The staff inembers who accepted the award for the city have been completing projects for Arbor Day with the local schools for the past several years. This proclamation indicates that we would continue with theses types of programs and others in the promotions of tree planting and protection. This year we will also be using seedling trees donated from the Rosemount Jaycees to work with a planting program for our youth. It is our intent to join together with committees and commissions to further enhance our policies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest our city. This type of effort will help to qualify us for the Tree City USA award in future years. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to proclaim the last Friday of April as Arbor Day and the month of May to be Arbor Month and to officially accept the Tree City USA award which will be so noted on the plaque located in the councii chambers. COUNCIL ACTION: . Cl�TY OF ROSEMOUNT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Minnesota's forest treasures were a significant attraction to early settlers because of their usefulness and the beautiful environrnent they provided; and WHEREAS: Trees are a vital resource enriching our lives by purifying air and water, helping conserve soil and energy, serving as recreational settings, providing habitat for wildlife of a11 kinds and making Rosemount more livable; and WHEREAS: Human activities such as construction damage and pollution, as well as drought, disease and insects, threaten our trees, creating the need for concerted action to ensure the future of Rosemount's trees; and WHEREAS: The next decade wi11 be one emphasizing the environment and the citizens of Rosemount wi1l be able to positively impact the world problems Iike "global warming" by Iocally planting trees and ensuring that these trees are nurtured, protected and wisely used in the years to ahead; and WHEREAS: The message of Earth Day whose twentieth anniversary was in 1990 is sti11 strong, teaching children and adults alike that trees are related to aI1 components of the environment - air, water, soil and wildlife; and WHEREAS: Each year on the last Friday in Apri1 - Arbor Day - the citizens of Rosemount pay special attention to the wonderful treasure that our trees represent and dedicate themselves to the eontinued hea.Ith of our cities trees. NOW, THEREFORE, I, ��� . I � 1 C►�W'`�' r��X , Mayor of the Ci ty of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim April 29, 1994 to be "ARBOR DAY" and the month of May, I994 to be "ARBOR MONTH" In Rosemount, Minnesota. Further, I urge alI ci tizens to become more aware of the importance of trees to their we11 being, to participate in tree planting programs that will ensure a green Rosemount in decades to come, and to plant, nurture, protect and wisely use Rosemount's great treasure of trees. MAYOR DATE