HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Payment 4, Business Park Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #256 { � � •. . . .. . < CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 1, 1994 � AGENDA ITEM: Payment #4, Business Park Street & Utility AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project #256 Consent PREPARED BY: Doug Litterer AGENDA IYQ'�!►�1 � � � Civil Engineer � � ��1 ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #4 APPROVED BY: This item requests the fourth payment to Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount of 5140,60$.82 for construction of City Project No. 256, Rosemount Business Park. Phase 1 A Street and Utilities. Work completed and represented in this amount as of October 15, 1994 was 77% of the contracted work. Work performed to date consists of �ond, site grading, installation of all utilities, roadway base and concrete curb installation. The work has been inspected and is in complianee with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the Pay Estimate for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fourth payment request. ; RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT NO. 4 TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 5140,608.82 FOR ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK, PHASE 1A ; STREET AND UTILITIES IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #256. . I A TION: I COUNCIL C 2 •� . � � � � - . . . . . - . . . . � . � . ' . . . . . t = MEMORANDUM �ST.PAUL,MN ❑ MINNEAPOLIS,MN ❑ ST.CLOUD,MN ❑ CHIPPEWA FALLS,WI ❑ MADISON,Wf TO: Bud Osmundson Ci En ' eer , tY � FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: October 24, 1994 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park - Phase IA - City Project No. 256 SEH No. A-ROSEM3164.05 Attached is Application for Payment No. 4 for the above referenced project. The amount due this application is $140,608.82. This brings the total amount earned on the project to $784,601.00, which is about 77% of the total contract amount: The work performed to date consists of pond and site grading, installation of all utilities, roadway base and concrete curb installation. Please call me if you have any questions. tlo Attachment } CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 4 CTTY PROJECT NO: 256 SEH FILE NO: A-ROSEM3164.05 PROJECT: Rosemount Business Park - Phase IA CONTRACTOR: Richard Knutson Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 12585 Rhode Island Ave. S. APPLICATIQN bATE: 10/24.94 Savage, MN 55378 FOR PERIOD ENDIlVG: 10/15/94 Total Contract Amount $1,014,881.69 Total Amount Earned $ 784,601.00 Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ , Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ ' ' Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ j � — GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 784,601.00 LESS 5% RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 39,230.05 AMOUNT DiJE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 745,370.95 ' LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . $ 604,762.13 - AMOUNT DLJE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 140,608.82 APPROVED: Bu smun son _ City Engineer/Director of Public Works 'I SENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr 70P0 :10-25-94 : 14�27 : 6128808346� 4802150.# 2 ; - . , _ . APPUGATION FOFi PATMENT � pr0�eCt ��489 tUNIT PRICE CONTRACT} . N0. � � OWNEfi'S PROJECT NO. QWNEA: Ci of Roaamount '_ --• ENG.PROJECI N0. A-i�O8EM3164.03 tACATiON� R oen,ount 9usiness Paric•Pnase 1A CONTRACTOR q ard Knutc�on.ino. CONTRACT OATE .�.� 1. 85 Rhoda loland Avenus So. ' CQNTAACT AMOUiV7 Si.014.881.68 ,.,,._...-_—... S vage.MA!55378 . . ,,.;_._....�......_.....�..�._..- . CON:R.FOA U�ility 9nd Street Gonstt+�e:tien . _ ' � ADPLIC.OATE PE�I�D fND. �!..���4ber 15.__1994.------ I ------ I APPI.lCATION FOR PAYMENT � GUN7RAGT QURNTI'�` UN{T lTEM NO. ' DeSCRIPTiON UNIT QtlANTtTY TO DATE PAICF TOTAI .... --- i ..--..--- ' . I • : SCHBDULS A �A ART 58W8R Ql`6,�llU 8I PvC Sewer,20'to 2T Dee� LF. �aff_ Z40 - 5�3-90. 11�916.QO U:.•0.411 :1 'DiY 5ewei.S0'to'L"Deop LF. 337„��Q� 596.30 �.�...�J.�O_•�Q O2.'b.932 . itt"DIFS�wet.0'to 10'Da�p t,.F 186 525.6U o:�6.i19 "DIP Sewer�io•�ts t�p tF. ` 3� 458 �ie.ao 12�27 4.4 0 Ow'fi.�k14 :"DiP Sewer,IS'w 20'De� 1„F; 1Wi 193_ 533.80 6��23.4� ' U:�C.i15 }'"RCP Sewee.Cl�V,t5'!e 20'Peep L.F. 7u 80 s3d,70 Z►920.00 i� O:.;G.�36 �3"RGP Sowar.G!.V,ID'ta 25•1?oop LF. . 1V 54b.80 0.'S6.Si8 S"RCP SMwee.C.'1.V.2f1'te 25'Deep L.F. 97� li9.60��Z,.�fl a±cE lzt 1"RCF 5ewer.CL 4400D.iS to 20'Ueep L.F. t12 146 s55.so $,14b.80 I . d:.;b.i22 1"RCP Sewer,�i.4WUU,tU'co 25'Deep GR 58t .:. �72 47070 47.51U.40 ' Q�.;6.423 1"KC:P Sawtt�Cl:400bD.27'to�0'Deep L.P, 177 �77 540.3��s�,�.•S� . «.•�,r�i IManDole,�o�v�p � � �ACK �a I3 51.�s.uu 14,157.00 � �.F t30,�1.Q._ 567:3t► 7,403.00 p:,`o.7d2 IF.xtn�Mauhole Oep:6 . ' i P�g�t oi 7 SENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr 7020 :10-25-84 : 14=28 : 6128808346� 4902150c# 5 . u2i6.9o1 .Cwue�ceroE�nsc4�Sewet 3ACt[ 2 a� t26laoo,�,��0.00 OZi9.dQ1 Cr�had Rvcic Pipa Poundadnn l�t S30,�. li.50 � 0239.d03 �cutular Plp�Poundstlo�t TON 150�,� l3.00 0?J9.607 fteNlaasined Daalfill 1'ON 300 S3.00 xsa4.sot R���t:cr t� s9 12 �r+.en 456.U q . ... , i 9CIiQDtJLII 9•wA�'4IZMAIN — ovasoi �n:�-s��c�,g tp. teo 140 saa.m 11.,298.00 � 0.+30.5I1 �aek 13"DiP Cani�e f..R. I30 140 516.70 2•338.00 �I i I OZ9.60t � wheci Rack Pip.frn�ndaHen 'l'ON 150 56.50_.....--•• 025ot.�x .ranuluPEpeNoundatlon TQN 350 ......r 53.W f125�.tt17 IacementBackfill TON 3W 53.00 zr�o.ena �"DtP Watetss+ain.Q.52 LP. uz i3� su.so 1.5I8:00 � �,aos '�'DIPWat�rmain,CLS2 Lr. x�a 253 si�.io 3,567.30 z�o.au �tz��tr w.r��,c�.si c.F. ias� 1422 ��9.ea 28.155.60 Z66iI.4I6 �lb"U!Y Watermain,Gl.50 L.P. �s:+:, 5.374 s2�.�o 3$,059.80 za�w.aw lotPflscu,gs ta. izaoo 5777 sx.aa 23�?87.10 l�u.�oe I6"Gate Ynlve Qc Oox BACH 10 g t356.90 2,85S.20 �ao.soa 1r eare v,�..s aox� F.,ai � a 4 e��s�s 1.873:80 2be0.722 I12"liulla�tlr Valva fc Dox EA�I s 4 4686.70 Z.746,�3U Z66G.'76 1C'8uteerfly Val�e de Box EACFi 2 4 57,7�itt.fY1 5�0413*00 x�r,o.coo xya:� fiAcx in 8 si.iaZoo 9,456�.00 ' 2660.800 Insulatioe Ai7.FT. 656 4U 54.� 160,0� :660.930 Connxe to inplaea wotormnin RAL'H 1�, 5290.0�?9�.0� ' SCIiT.DLfLB C- ORM SEWEA 220+1301 Ramav�C.MO L.F, 56 SS.40 2tf�t.502 (RemoveRCP LF. 6 6 i5.44 32•40 ' 2511.501 t2andom Riprag.�tass 3 (:.T. 7 S�i3.o0 7331507 Crouted Ripr�p C.Y. 28 4a l�.70.00 �,ooa.00 2SI3Si1 I Granv�arttlt�r C.Y. t� I9 s�.3o I38.7� uxss.�►u ; 12"ItGP StoCm Sewer,ci,v LF. s9s 343 su.so 7,374.SO i ' Oi38.+i3 j �3-iir x zr Rc�r,ci.v �.F, �s 10.8 sa�.eo 406.08 � � 0258,41S S5"RCP 6tonn 6cwca,Cl.Y � L.f. 3b6 36 b s�n.xn �.b l a.$0 OZ5A.42e � 2a''RCP Seos�n Swar.Cl.Ilt t..F. 116 1�3 S23.fiQ�8 Q ( ' I . PaQa 2 of 7 i , , � ._ .._.__.... .—._. .. ._. _.. .._.. .---... _. SENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr ?020 :10-25-84 : 14�28 : 6128908346� 4802150;# 6 . s - . ., 5,� p�5S,a26 �xCr sme�m sewer,a.v LF �s 153- s33.aa 5,018..40 �58.s33 ^xc:r stom►Sewer,C[.i1t T„F aos 408 saO.a6 16.50 7.b 8 o�ss.�az �u.:r swrms.we�.a.iv �. ' s�s� s�s.�o 71,4g4•40 o�sa.a� -�tcr seoe�,sewer,u.tu c.r. a�_.1g_ sn.ao 4_Sgr�.,go russ.4� ' "acr srorm sewv.a n► �.1+ !9�- _ ,. _����li'75 o�s.�so -�r sm�+s�er,ct.v c.F. i�o�?� sio6.ao i 2_828.00 02l6.494 lrs�{e dt huuR 12 x 19"RCAC I�R 66 � 515.30 9 a.•a� � � 0258.512 R�I'Apxeew/Trast'tCwed EACFi 1r,.� 53Z0.00 SZO.OQ 3 sno.00 2.1.60.fl0 r.x i _.. .,� Tcaeh Ctiurd 8A.. "RCP A ton 1 Q258.52+ P �-. ozsas�a °�cp tip�„W�z�t►c+�.�a s,�cx � 1 S�.oaS.00 ; 1.085.00 CH a�ss.eoi �.ryp.a tF �� 4I,83 �i.uu 3,388.23 =s � 7. �O.S 42 15 . g.�1 ' e:+t�ole.T .B.t LF. 15 1 SBS.30 . .. 0]5 YP" _ � : � � 21.1 aiss.so 2,312.63 � Menhol e G . 4F. �..._ 088.80. a 7�'P J i I t�sa.sod �fanhota.TypeC.l t.,�. �� 5.67 �i:,�.oa $$4.52 � o2l6.BOS �+ianhot..TyPoGiI t�t'. it 9.0 st36.so 1,328.5f3 0256.806 Type D-J • �F. �0 31.27 s�ss.eo fi.328.45 . ozse.� ����� , �. �6 iz.o �s.� 3.�2o.aa . ot56.soa Mani+olt.'rype t�f , . , G.P. . 48�Q_,.1 �s�36.o0,3,,f,p5.:20 ' �+. 3= 14.S sn�.00 4�-465-5a 475B.EYIi �vliMoll.Type 8-1� Y!9 02i8.811 I aod�Dasfn Type X t.P. �5 15 soo.5o 1.357..50 ; ozsa.a�a ��a,H..M,Tr�Y c�. i9 13 ss�.sa 1.216.80 I ' t2 12 �s13i.0o OQ - 0278.620 iMu�hola Casdng,Type It-16�L2 �►� ��� i p17g,83d �Catch Besin Castiny T�e R,3a67V : BACX 12 1 Z 5198.00 2•3 7 6•O Q OZ7&901 iConneee se Inpiaea 6eoeR+Sowee 8 A�'f 1 3 3 5265.00 �95.�� 02i7�601 ICivshadRxkPtqaPouadaHon TON S00 ZO 56�5d 13Q.�� � 02'04.603 •�GranularPip�Foundetim� TON1 100 _ 53.�! i 023D.609 'i Repfae�msnt RRekfili TON Z00 �3.� • CCfIflOUtE D.S RRT$ .�. ' • � • 2021So1 ' Moblttzatton 6�9. i 1 99,300.00 4.500;.00 � ' E�Z60J01 I Adiust Frama�Kieg te�tu+g EwCti Ss Si3o.o0 i : 6160.703 i wdjua�vaWe�oY EAa� � stao.00 tTJ6+.602 I Pumi�h 6e Icatatl Sliaat Name Sigs+s , ��N t ��'S�.� � j U:b3�t+02 I l`YC lin�hoie(Mete[Fntn�lCu+rer) 6ACi�1 7 /i 4700.00�•a� II i � i I ' I . Psge 3 017 . ', ( ' . I __.__:__..._. .... .... _ .._...::. , .. .... .... SENT BY=Y.crox Tclocopicr 7020 :10-25-84 : 14�28 : 6128808346� 4802150:# 7 � o�.eos +�tug�asaucaawc �F. �so 188 su.w__t,azo.00 uo�.�x nng ' �rxss . 6 6 y�s.a 450.00 uo�.�a� bc� t� a 6 s�.00 450.00 z��.�►� '.�ri„g 9ilun�iweve Pavcn�+e LF. 9S0,]„�,Q�_ fI.00 3.850.ao ; � sins�ot M�n���.��„ c.Y. �o0 94.9Qt1 si�s t49,942.00 . . _. . Z105.50? b`rade 8zeavadan t:.Y. 25�0 S15R 2105.521 nulae Bonow(L�/1 C.Y, 1000 S3A0 21t}5.525 T D9oil Bonow(L� GY. !00 58,00 z1t15.s35 �i�eRedTopaou C.Y. isf78 7,789 50.60 3,894.50 . � uu.5oi T etcouu►� . RD.STA. zz 44. 9io.00 , ;44Q.00 Z112�D3 gradePrepa�adon Kl1.�'7A. 22 22 3100.W �. �1.0U 2I70.�01 aaz for Dus[Co:+trol 1.000 GAG 30 SiJ.00 rni.soi �a�e�.cs.,.s so�v ouo =..'►9Z w.zs 28L087.50 Z221S01 A�gngta Shoulde�inp,,Cla65 Z TCN 95 S10.OQ I" 29:i1.508 Type�1,Weari�g Cour�e MS�auz� SON 14?1 fiT.GO Z333S14 T s 31,B�Couraa Miuture TON 1?O6 514.00 3357.5�2 B tuetineue Matceivi f�Tacic Con: C�L i44 S1.a0 2521.501 t�Conerata Watk S.F. ,7900" 51.60 252t.511 �Bihienin�uaWallr SF 1talYi S11.bp ? Z531.501 IneretaCurl�kCutnr.l�e.Al+iB I.F. 4273 Q•367 54.45 z1.6�b,65 tssi5o2 �te Cnrb de Gueter.Da.H6Zi L.F. fi7t1 1,Q�4 s�sn 4.54 i.�0 , � 255C.602 mish dc ln�tall Pensun�nt Barricades L.F, 16 332»� 2554.b03 eall Oweer fumuhed Permanent Harcicadee LF. 24 55.00 , ��soz v�►R rence �,F. i�o 1�250 ss.00 3,750.00 ', I ,� ', 'L557.519 1'�mpotary l�ence L.F. Suu SZ.3U _ I � p,7o Nr� _ I 2363.eoi �1�arncconnot Ls. l� lil.�0.u0 70Q,Qp 2364.731 P�mts�6c Insatt 5ign Pansls.Type"�" S.F. ZW 3 t8,50 II Z7T3.901 9ele Check E.jCli , 30Q � ES.00 �r�.� �s�[t r�„«.r��,�,b��a �.r•. isoa 800 : si.�o I.120.00 3373,511 I7uekConetruchon6ntrsncc £ACbi 2 1 6400.00 4��.Qn 25�.soi �d�rg aGRE u 1U� swa.ua 41.6U0.00 zs�.scn �a.M�:w�� r A. . 9�s 6d0 �a n�� 1.8oa.00 � 2575.505 9�ddlrtY.Type A 5.1'. 25240 ii.40, »_ ") Pay�a ot 7 I _.....-•---.... .-----•--- -n�---. .,._..._.... .. ...__ _ _ . . . ......___. .._ .. . . ....: ..... .._.._.... ... ' : SENT BY�Xerox Telecopier 7070 �10-25-94 : 14�29 � 6128808346� 4902150�# 8 �- . .� . � ' - �Sz� �u��,,��,T�r ro� � 1� �z�o.� �,�ao.aa 2S7S.S19 L�isc Anchodttg A� 13 8 550.00��.QD 2575.3Z1 PblypropylaH Pl�eie Netdng S.Y. 1400 i0.63 2S80.b01 �'vetraenr Mesuge(Lt aerow)-i�ainr EpCF{ 2 S35.OQ 2680.602 veeaes+e Messag�{Rt wrrow)•Paint EAG�I 2 S95.OD . . �. • 2380.603 I vemens M�setge(RR trosslag)-Paint £ACH 2 St95.00 25�.600 4i 5olid Line�Nkf ta-Paitit LF. 2400 S0.3I"_ Zi80.605 8I Solid Eine Whica•Paint C.F. 9Q SQ.64 2580.b06 4i Broken Lin�White-Psint LR. 50Q S0.3Z 2580.607 4�'Sofid Li=t�Yollow•Paint L.F. 750 50.32 � 258G.604 s�Double Soltd Line Yeilow-pafnt L.F. 150 50.64_� SCHEDtJLE E-PLAIVT INSTALLATION I • Deciduous � � 2904.SQ2 L�Mpleaf Ltadtn EACH lI 5225.00 I 290Q.503 C�reesaspin Linden EACH 7 SZ45.00 � 290050� R�d Qak EACH 12 S2G5.OQ -II � 2900.505 E�d Mapie SACH 4 3I90.OQ 2900.5d6 Notway Maple EACH 4 -' SI90.00 2900.307 C'�rada Red Choke Cherry EACH 9 5150.OD � . 2900.5fl8 C�fnb Rayaiiry EACH 9 �150.06 2900.309 ab Red Jewel EACH 10 S150.�0 Z900S10 � b Pintt Spire9 EACH 1 S15Q.00 Ew�green 2900.511 vl�ktite Pine EACH 3 5130,90 2940.513 Ried I'ine EAGH 5 5130.Ob i Sitrubs-8vergreea � � _ � 2900.513 zgent Junipar EACH 50 530.00 • Shruba-Decidaow 2900.314 R�d?wig Dogwood EACH 150 520.00 � 2900.5I5 t�uich.Tyge 6 S.F• . 8950 �.25 SCHEDULE F•NOR1iH80UND 7URN LANES , , i � 0260.701 Ajdjust Frame dc Alttig Castitig : EwCI-I l SZOQ.00 � 055�.602 F(�mish de Inatail Peeenanent tiaczicadea L.F. 32 525.00 � i i Pege 5 of 7 � � SENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr 7020 :10-25-84 : 14�28 : 61P8908346� 4602150�# 6 • •, _. . .� ; • o�.�x wc t�»��w��co„er► sP►c� b�fy._ s�oo.00_?„gII�_ao : os�s.�o;� 4 i ftigid Steel Cutnluit �R 2u 203 �tt.00 4,263.00 uo4.so� `.,�t�g at�,tc►oua rave�s►atc LF. 640 1,904 t+2,00 3,818.QO 2�a�.sox t�,o�.�cr �.g. s-.. 6 s9.sa 57-Q0 { 3305.581 �nunon bxnvarion G7. 1600 51.bU _ ti_. 2105.335 Ilva6tdTopeoil GY. 322 . •51.W _ : 2���scz r' r aou�� x�.sr�. a.D 4.8 sio.uo 48.00 x ' ?,1t7,.SOl , bgradaP»gaeadon � RD.STA. �.8 4.8 SIOO.CO 480.�� ' ]2]1.St11 A�r�gato 8uo.doaa 5 TON t975 I�689 f6�37 j��7Z5•15 2221.50I A�n�ato S}unildering.Clase 2 . 'I�ON 85 57.00 �- - _ �i� r� 41.Wpi'v+g Cnu�se Mixhtre TON ZZ4 SZO.� 2331.314 �e 31.Bue Ccune Mi:tur� 'I�ON 344 9�S1.S0 7357.50Y I ' oua Macettal for Tack�oec Gat. 106 i1.5p _ 'Lt33.�u1 '�te Curb de Gutter.De9.H618 LP. T! 8 6 Sb.aO s1 s-D O .: zsaz.�z cy�ecec:,usa�cyN�.�e.et�a �.P. i�8o 1,Q14 s�.nn 6,084.00 i aao ,��� Z�63.681 S�atlEcConaol LS. 1_,_� 51.000.00 7OQ.00 , 25?5.505 � ding,Type A S.Y. 3822 SI.40 2580.607 Psvemmzt Meeeage(Lt.Airow)-Paint EACFi 2 535.00 2590.G02 Pivrntent Mosag�(Rt.Arrow)-PaU1t BACE! Z _.... • 535.00 - :588.6C4 i"�Soiid iwi�Wlute-Psins {.F. 1it10 50.32 ..... ,_ 2480.606 8"ISo1ld Line 1Nhiee-Caint L,! 90 i0.e4 � i 15B0.606 �"+Bmken Linc Wttite•Peint LF. 90d 50:32 2580.607 +�"Soiid Linc Ycllow Paint 4F. 7J0 30.32 i 2580.609 3"iDoubls Solld Lina YcUow F'alne L.F. iS0 30.b! Q25R.a1R i Rr_rs�ormsetia:.ct.s �.F. zzo Z08 �.6� 4.923.36 ' 4258.499 �vage 6e Inohll 7�^Y)a^�qp GF. 30 517.20 �I � 0259.5I8 1�'RCF Apron w/Treah Guud HACId 2 Z SS96.00�y�_00 o�s.stl tauhaaain.Troex r_a. a 1..5 si6a.io 252.15 otss.aso i.�tc�,�uin cuan�,Typa R 3o67v SACH t 1 ston o0 198.UO OZ78.9Qi [ulnnacc to tnplace�torm Sewer £ACF! 2 Z 526�.tHI 530.DO 0239.GCf Gtuaha+d ttock Pipe Fuundanon 7UN 50 , 56.3¢__, , ! 0250.603 C��nuiu 1'ip�Foundaciuu Z�ON 50 _ 53.16 - i1959/.117 . Plaeatnen:f3ackfilt TQN iW 53.to I'eQ!6 Of 7 i . i .. . ' � I � .� . � � � � � � . . . ..�...._. .«.�.__.. .� _...._.... .�.��_.......... ... --- . ..-'-_. .. � .. . ..........__.... � � � � � � ._-.. . . ....__ � . SENT BY�Xerox Telecopier 70Y0 �10-P5-94 ; 14�30 � 6129908346� 4902150�#10 �•' ?atal- Cantract Amount $1,014, 881.69 Tata1 Amount Earned $ 784�6fl1.00 Material Suitabiy� 5tored on Site, Not Incoporated into Work $ � Contract Change O�der No. �, Percent_Complete $ i Contract Change 0 der No. � Percent Complete $ � Cantract Change � der «o. Percent Complete $ . , ., , � � GROSS AMOUNT DE1E. . . . . . . . . . .. . $ 784,6o1.OQ , I � ' LESS �' � RETAINAGE. . . . . . . . . $ 39,230.0� IAMOUNT DUE T0 DATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . � 74s,3�a�.g5 . i . � .� � I.E55 PREVI4US APPLICATIONS. . . .. $ 604,762.13 I � AMOUNT DlJE TNIS APPf.FCATION. .. . $ Ik0,608.82 CONTRACTOR`S AFFi AYIT � he undersigne ntractor hereby swears under penalty af perjury that {1} a11 previous progress. payments receiv.ed' from the Owner on account af work perfiormed und�r th� contract referred to . above have been a plied by the undersiqned to discharge in full all obifgatfons of �he under- stgnad �ncurred i conn�ctian with wor.k covered by prior Applfcations for Payment under s�id ; contr3ct, end (2) al� • materiai and equi�ment fncorporated in saia Project or atherwise listed in or covered by this Application for P�yment are free and clear of� aTl Iiens, ciaims, secur,ity interests and encumbrances. .� ; Oated Octohe,�r 24 , �9 q4. Ric rd utson Inc. ; . Cdn ractar : , ,� gYC . `� � f T ure� : I ,/ ame � d Title � i 1 COUNTY 0� Scott ) S5 � STATE OF Minnescta } . � : � 6efore me on this 24th day of Octobe= � , I9 94 personaily appeared Sheri Jo Bo known ta me, w o being�y sworn, did depase� : and say t at �e i the su of the Contractar above mentioned; : Offic� that he executed �he above Applicatian for Payment and Affidavit on hehaif of said Cantractor; and that ali of t�e s ' e'n are true, correct�nd. cemplete. : c�+.SB��DfW�,wA��n�s 7 ; My Cor�missian Expi;res: NOT�R+rPklBElC-iul�It+�QTA 1 �?/f,� �- .� �•� � '�-�. ,,,-� . � OAKDTACOIJ�ITY Not� ry Pubi.f � : �rca�on�,�ae n.�eae � . : The undersigned h.a�s checked the Cantractor's Appllcatfon for `Payment shown abave. A part of � this Applicatian ��s the Cantractor s Affidavit stating that all previous payments to him � � under th�is Coi�tt-a t have been applied by him to discharge in full a11 of his obligatians in connection witlz tf�e worlc covered by all prior Applications for Payment. . � Fn accordance witt� the Contract, the undersiqned approves payment to the Contractor of the � i� Amount Due. i � �,i i ' ¢ SNORT LIOTT ICK , INC.. Date /a — � �q '8y ` ���,.�, , ' Pa^e _. 7 of� 7 . ; .