HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.f. Appointment of Legal Counsel ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ` EXECIITIVE SIIbmlARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: APPOIN'TMENT OF LEGAL COUNSEL AGENDA 58CTION: PREPARED BY: TOM BURT, AGENDA NO. CITY ADMINISTRATOR � �. ATTACFmIENTS: LETTER WITH CONTRACT APPROVED BY: After careful consideration and interviews with five different legal firms the City Council and City Staff recommend Holmes and Graven to represent the City of Rosemount for Municipal Legal Services including the Port Authority and for special projects . Charles LeFevere is the attorney who will work closely with the City and be present at all city council meetings and port authority meetings . Attached is a letter of intent outlining conditions and expectations . RECOI�IEN'DED ACTION: MOTION to approve the legal firm of Holmes & Graven Chartered, 470 Pillsbury Center, Minneapolis, MN for the Municipal Legal Services for the City of Rosemount. COUNCIL ACTION: 5 HOLIY�S & GRA'�EN C�ARTERED A►ttoene7s at I,aw 4TD PiUsb�rP CeeOet,Mmoe#Pd�411fisueaoha 55�2 1208ERT A.AA.SOP (612)397-9900 RoBaRx C LorG RONALD�.�TTY LAiJRA K.NXOY.I.ET S7'EP�t].BL�Bt1UL Y+acsimile(612)337-96]0 B�RB�►1Rw�P'on7'Woon Jos�v 8.D� J��s M.��sor�a MnxY�.Do��aYtvs .i�+�s 7 1�o�sor,�. sr�ewr�rt G.a�[,�Y I.�xxx i�-'wFsr�n►t rasnn�rE.�.H�,Y� B°x�na z.'wa�s ����L� WRx'XE12'S DIREC'I'DIf�L GaBy P.wII+'x1P� Dk�m I.K�rstv�nY (iu?�'t.�xss Dwvm L.G�wv�rr tioa9.�y� JoS[V R LAits4� `— �4LA�GTON H.LA'GV Olr'C4CINSE[. Ca�utILIFs L LEFevCx� , Ral�c C C�so?� 30�M.L�v�7&. Ros�rr L.Dn'�ti�ox RosaxT 3.1L1R%�a. ^f.J+�S Su.� July X9, 1994 Mr. Thom�s D. Surt City Administr�tor City o£ Rasemonnt �. Q. Bo� 510 Ros�mount, Ml�T 55068-0514 RE: Municipal .Legal Services J]ear 1VLr. �urt: This lette�r�s intended to serve as a memorandum of ux�derstanding concexni.n�the scope of le�al services to be pxovided by �olmes & Gza.yen, C�artered (the "F"'�rm") to the city of Rasemount {the "City") an,d the fe�s which wi11 be ck�a�ged for such searvices. T�the couricil concuzs �vith the provisior�s contained in this letter,please arrange to have xt signed at the�pgropriate spot and rett�rn a signed copy ta zne. 1. '�Ze City appoi.nts the F"urrx as city attorn�y wi�tk� Gharles Y.. LeFevere acting as primary legal caunsel wztk�respeet to the sezv�ces described i.� this letter- 2. 'Z'he Firrn a�rees to perfozzn all usual and cuska�nary lE�ai se�vices for the C�ty in accordance with the texz�r�s of this Ietter. 3. Tkxe CS.ty agrees ca compensate the Finn far s�rvices as follows: a) A,z� annu�l �etai.ner fee for cxry civil legal sezvitces af $�4,�0 pa�able in anonth3.� installments o� $2,540 per mont,�, at the end of each month, cammencin; for services rendered be�ynning Aagust 1, 1994. S�rvices to be covexed b� the retaiuer fee az� as follows: 1) Attendance at al� couneii meetings, regul,ax and speci.al; CLI,73211 FIRM-li 0L/9 3�'dd 0SE6GE£�L9'QI N3(1H2i� Pu'e S3Y1'TOH°W02[3 L0= 6S 66-SL-'II1t` Mr. "1'�i�amas D. �urt �uly 19. 1994 Page 2 2) As requested by the counci,I or city administrator, attendance at rneetimgs with staff, �ublic groups, and public heariz�gs; �) Review and pXepara.tion�af con�b�acts,ger�ornnance bonds,iz�surance az�d other rourine legal docume�.ts; 4} Revievv and pxeparation of ard'a�ance code amend�nents a�.d resolutions exc�pt in thos� s�tuations ,�vhese the City attoxney has requested and th�cxty administtator as consented to designate such matters as special pxojects; 5) �or�mal and informal legal advice to canncil and staff,commissians and comrnittees; 6) �ublic i.nqt�az�es on non-police mattexs, i.e., m�atLers not �rela.ted to cximinal prosecutivn actavities; 7) Advising baards ar�d camrnittees of the CxtY frorn tizzie w tirne as xa�uired; � 8) �'eriodic meetxngs with st2�£f called by the city adrninistrator to co�asxder allacatio�o�staff effozt and city auorney effozt on various znatters with the objective o£establishing proceduxes and�aro�ams to more fully �.t�lize staff in such matters; 9) Tra�un.ing SesSibri5 with offici�als and sta£f, as necessary or as requir�d, to discuss topics includiz�g, but not Iimiced to �rnportant iegzslatzve or judicial de�velopmez�ts; and lp) Fornaai and in�oz�a� advice oa persor�z�el mattexs includin�g interpretatians of federal, state and local z�ules and zegulations relating to personnel matters. b) Fox all other C�ty services, inc�uding those described below, except for those serv�ces described in para�apk�s 5 and 6, compensation at an houzly rate of$X00 for F'um attorneys licensed to practice law in N�innes4ta and $60 pez haur for law clerks and $70 per howr �or ie�al assistar4ts: 1) �teal estate trazzsactions; 2) Labor 2►zzd ernployme�t matters other than xoutine or general advice; cr.x,�szz� EIP.M-11 0I/G 39b'd 0LE6G£EZL9=QI PI311K2[� 'Pu'e S3I�I"IQH°L�iQ2i3 L0° 6L b6-6L-'Sfii' �v�r. Thornas Y7. �urt 7uly I9, 1994 Page 3 3) Qrd'uzance code upd�ti.n� and revievv arid prtparatioc� of ordinance code provisioz�s of unusual cofn.�Iexity or length; 4) Workers' cornpensatidx� rnatters; a�d � Special p�ojects which are so desiazzated by the city adminxstrator. 4. The Firm s�a.11 also be sepaza.tely reimbt�sed for any costs aud disbursements �vhich it i.ncurs in cozan.ection r�vith providing any of the services deseribed in �aragzaph 3 of this Iettez; including cox�iputer assisted legal research at the rate charged by the provider. lteirnbursahle costs and disburseznents sl�all not include Ck����S for SeGietaTi�.l Q� wPrd praCeSSi�� S�TviCeS. Billin�s by the city attorne� to the Ci.ty for services, cosss and disbwrsements sha�� b� made manthl.y. The bil�iz�g statement shall be of suff'icient detail to adequately infarm the City concerning the t�s�Cs pe�rformed, the auorney�ezfox.�.ing them, the tirne spent on each such task az�d the nature and t�e extent of Costs and disbuxseinents. Tlie sratement shall also shorx�the cotal tix�e spent and the�ees,eharged under cate�ozy 3b and the total time spent under categary 3a '1�itlun t�e limits of i.ts billing syste�s, the city attorney's billi.n� stateznen�t shall a1sa, as requested by the city adn�az�stratqr, sYzow the iypes af work done xn �varions cat�egories and the time spent and fees arnibutable to each of such cate�ories. 5. In instances wl�e�e the Firm is autlxoz�zed to act as approvin� bond counsel, fees for services xendered by the F'u�na i.n such capacity shall be those usually and customarily cha3rged b�' rhe Firm fox such sesvices. No f�es whieh t3xe F�iam receives as compensation for services as approvi.ng baz�d counsel s�zal,l be � aurzbuta.bl�to services which t,�xe Firm previously ze�dcred in its separate capacity as city attorney. 6. The houriy rate for aJ� attor-neys of the Firz3n for services fo� which cosrs are passed tbxough to a developez or applicants wi�l. be $130,Q4. �'ar all civil litigat�on or formal administrarive proceedings, C4ri�mencing wit� the Service on the City af a suminons and complairat a�r formal chazge or notice of admi�r�isuative proceedings, �e hourly rate for atto�nne�s af the Firm wxll be $110•00- 7. The FYrm will grovide, vvithout cost to the City, any relevant summaries of �egislation of recent couzt decisions,so long as the Firm continues to provide such service geneza�3.y to its clientso $. �t is the imtez�tzon af the parties and it is �e�reby agr�d by t�xe c�,ty attorney, that the "primary legal counsel" as used here�a means and ref�rs to Gharles T,. �,e�evere who will, except i� t.lxe case of exiraordiriazy circumstances ix�vol�ving CLL?3211 FIAM-11 0L/B 3�ttd 0LE6GEE�L9'QI N3[1'd21� Pu'e S3W'IOH'WOZI3 80' 6L b6-6L-'IfII' < Mr. 'Thomas D. 8uz�t �uly 19, 1994 Pag� 4 dxsability, unavoidable coz�lict or other good and subsrantial reasons, perf�rm, supe�'vise and be xesponsible to the City fox the legal services hexein agreed upon. Ths Firm s�a�., upon request,provide t�e Gity with the names and qualifications of ather attozz�e�s em�loyed by the Firm who may froxn time-to-time be directed to ge�ozzn services desczi.bed in thi.s �ettear under the snpervi,sion of Chaxles LeFevere, '�`he Firm shall not assign any F'�x�m attorney not approved by the C�ty w �erforrn se�vices for the city_ 9. 'I'he Pirm agze�es that it will z�ot undertake tl�e re€rresentat�on of any pe�on or orher entity duza�g iu appointme,r�t a� city attorne�' in instances where such repzesenration may create a potential coz�flict vf interest, tanless: a) The Firm reasonabl� believes the repz'es�tation rv�Jl not adverse�y affect its relatioz�ship with the city; and b) The City and such oxhes person ar ez�tity have consented after consultatian, � 14. The Firm agrees that it wx)1 not,dnring its appointment as city attorney,u�denake thc representation o� any elected offiicial af the City o� the city adz�ninistrator in cannectio�with any pers�onal legat zrta.tt,ex of such person; and wzl�not during such appointzzxent, absent the consex�t of the city adr�vnistrator, ur�dertake the representation af az�y other ernployee of tk�e Gity. 11. 'Z'k,.e appoinunent of the Fiz-�n as city attorney zz�a� be terminated by the City at aray 'ti�me 2�nd by the �um upoz�6�days written notice to the City. ATathing in this letter or tk�e Ci,ty's accept,ance shaJl be deemed to �reclude the oppomuai.ty of the City to rexaiz� az�d appoint legal counse� ather than the Firzzz ta represent the C`it� in azxy �egal matters. 12. Subject tQ the z�ghts af termination desczibed in paragrapkz x�, the provisions of this letter shall be deez�zed to be automarically extended from year-to-year or extended with such modifxeations or adjustr�ez�ts as the Cifiy az�d the Firm may from time-to-time mutually agree to. HOLMES & GRAVEN, C�IARTERED S� Charles T�. T,eFevexe �:.r.��211 FIRM-11 0L/6 3`J'dd 0LE6GEEZL9'4I N3l117c'S`J P�+E' S3W'IOH°1�IO2t3 60° bL b6-6L-'IflL' Mr. Thomas D. Burt July 19, 1994 Page 5 'Tk�e provisians o�this letter a�e understood and accepted. �atect: C�.TY dF R4�EMOUNT By Edwa�td S. McMe�aamy �ts i�a.�►or By Susan M. Wals� Its City C�.erk c;.z.���li Fz�M-�� 0L/0L 3�'dd 0LE6GEEZi9=QI N3l1`d?.I� Pu� S3W'IOH°W02I3 60' i�t b6-6L-Zflf