HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, Biscayne Avenue Improvements, City Project #249 j " CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public AGENDA SECTION: Hearing, Biscayne Avenue Improvements, City Project #249 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ����/� � �r � City Engineer/Public Works Director iY! ( ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report APPROVED BY: Attached is the feasibility report for Biscayne Avenue Improvements from County Road 42 on the south to approximately 500 feet north of the railroad tracks north of 145th Street. Proposed improvements include storm drain, sanitary sewer, watermain and street construction. Previously the City had received a petition from the Military Affairs Department of the State and the CMC Heartland Partners for improvements on Biscayne Avenue. The "Executive Summary" within the report summarizes the proposed improvements, costs and funding sources. The total project will include approximately 4,000 feet of street construction, 850 feet of sanitary sewer, 4,000 feet of watermain and 5,300 feet of storm drain improvements. The total estimated cost of the project is approximately 2.4 million dollars. Of that #otal, 1 .3 million would be assessed to benefiting properties, 5280,000 would be obtained from State Aid funding for street improvements, 5172,000 would be obtained from the Watermain Core Fund, 5609,000 from the Storm Water Utility/Storm Core Fund and $8,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. The report identifies that an additional 587,000 is attributed to the Watermain Core Fund for a Trunk facility through the CMC proposed plat. This project could be broken into two separate projects or divided in some manner to provide the necessary irnprovements for the National Guard OMS facility and for CMC's preliminary plat. The OMS facility portion which they have petitioned for would be the extension of sanitary sewer� watermain and storm sewer north of the railroad tracks from existing lines in Biscayne Avenue. CMC's request is to have the roadway paved from CSAH 42 to approximately 1 ,000 feet north to allow them to have a connection to Biscayne, which was a requirement by the City Council for their preliminary plat approval. Staff recommends we have a public hearing for the entire project. The project could then be divided into segments for the necessary construction in 1994 for the OSM facility and CMC with the remainder being constructed in 1995. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT/SETTING PUBLIC HEARING, BISCAYNE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #249. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 � s' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT/SET PUBLIC HEARING BISCAYNE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #249 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #249, Biscayne Avenue Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Short, Elliott, Hendrickson & Associates, Inc., Consulting fngineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said improvements described in City Project #249 are feasible, and should aest be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on July 19, 1994; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made untiJ the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the Iaw. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #249 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #249, Biscayne Avenue Improvements to be held on Tuesday, August 2, 1994 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: � t Biscayne Avenue improvements Preliminary Report ; City of Rosemount Minnesota City Project No. 249 SEH No. A-ROSEM9406.00 July 19, 1994 y � �.,• � - � _ _ . .. - , ;� = 'a .. .i , � � � . .`; + , . =SEN.._ �i�ULi 13�J1Li?�.l4=D . ��V9!_ j0U3:c. � i � Biscayne Avenue Improvements � � � Preliminary Report 1 � � City of Rosemount Minnesota � � City Project No. 249 . SEH No. A-ROSEM9406.00 � � July 19, 1994 � � � � T HENDRICKSON INC . SHORT ELLIOT � =5EI�1 �_ MULTIDISCIPLINEO. SINGLE SOURCE. ' i .� � � Preliminary Report for Biscayne Avenue Improvements �; Rosemount, Minnesota City Project No. 249 . �' SEH No. A-ROSEM9406.00 � July 19, 1994 � � � � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under by � direct supervision,and that I am a duIy Registered Engineer under the laws of the e of Mi eso . . • � Date: Tuly 19, 1994 Reg. No. 19699 Reviewed ul 19 1994 Date , Short Elliott Hendrickson inc. 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 (612) 490-2000 ; __ _ � � � Table of Contents � Certification Page � Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents � Executive Summary � 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Authorization 1 � 12 Scope 1.3 Data Avaiiable 2.0 General Background � 2.1 Location 2.2 Adjacent Properiy 2.3 Site Conditions � , 3A Proposed Improvements � 3.1 Sanitary Sewer 3.2 Water Main 3.3 Storm Drainage � 3.4 Street Construction 3.5 Street Lighting 3.6 Railroad Crossing 3.7 Easements �, 3.8 Permits 4A Financing � 4.1 Cost Estimates 4.2 Assessment Area 4.3 Cost Recovery � 4.3.1 Assessments 4.3.2 Core Funds 4.3.3 MSAS Fund �: 4.3.4 Summary 5A Project Schedule � � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota page i I � �I � ` � � List of Appendices � Appendix A � Detailed Cost Estimates for Area 1, Biscayne Avenue (CSAH 42 to 145th) Appendix B � Detailed Cost Estimates For Area 2, Biscayne Avenue (Intersection af 145th to Propased Army National Guard Maintenance Shop) � APpendix C Detailed Assessments � Appendix D Drawings � � �: � � � � �; � � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page ii � � �' � Executive Summar Y City Project Number 249 provides far the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm �� drainage and street facilities on Biscayne Avenue. This improvement is located on Biscayne Avenue from CSAH 42 on the south to approximately � 1,500 feet north of 145th Street. The total length of the proposed street is about 4,000 feet. This segment of Biscayne Avenue is on the Minnesota State Aid Street(MSAS)System,and therefore, must meet the applicable design standards to qualify for MSAS funding. � The project includes a roximatel 850 feet of sanita sewer,4,800 feet of water main,5,300 feet PP Y rY of storm drain and 4,500 feet of street and sidewalk construction. � Street lighHng facilities will be designed, installed and maintained by NSP. Likewise, the C.P. Rail track crossing will be designed and installed by C.P. Rail. The costs for street lighting and � ; the track crossing are included in the estimates. The total estimated cost of the project is $2,380,530 including contingencies, overhead and � temporary construction easements. Of this total, $1,311,640 will be assessed to benefitting properties,$279,950 will be obtained from MSAS funds,$171,890 will be obtained from the Water Main Core Facility Fund, $609,000 will be obtained from the Storm Water Utility Fund/Storm Water Core Fund, and $8,050 will be obtained from the Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund. � ' In addition to these costs, the City will be responsible for the oversizing costs of the trunk watermain which is proposed to be installed through the Eastbridge Development. This trunk � main will be installed by the developer under a separate project. The City's share of this work is estimated to cost $87,300. � The project is scheduled to begin in the fall of 1994 and be completed in 1995. As a minimum, ' CMC Heartland Partners would like to have Biscayne Avenue paved between CSAH 42 and Bloomfield Path in 1994. Also, the Army National Guard would like to have utilities extended � to their site in 1994. The estimated cost to complete this much of the project is $937,900. � � � � � � � �' � July 19, 1994 � � � Preliminary Repor� � • Biscayne Avenue Improvements � Rosemount, Minnesota � � 1.0 introduction 1.1 Authorization �� On May 17, 1994,the City Council of the City of Rosemount,�pon petition by the developers(CMC Heartland Partners and the Army National Guard)authorized the preparation of a preliminary report � for construction of utilities and streets on Biscayne Avenue. This project has been designated as City Project Number 249. � 1.2 Scope The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this project based upon a review of the data available, � and to make recommendations and to provide cost estimates for the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and street facilities on Biscayne Avenue. � 1.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report � include: 1. Preliminary Plat and Utility Plan for Eastbridge by CMC � Heartland Partners (May, 1994) 2. Prelirninary Plans for Army National Guard Organizational � Maintenance Shop (May, 1994). � A-ROSEM9406.00 Page i � � � � 3. Wachter Pond Drainage Study{Dec., 1993) � 4. Armory Storm Draina e Im rovements Re ort(May,1992) g P P � 5. City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan (October, 1988) � 6. City of Rosemount Drainage Plan for the West Drainage Area (May 1989) 7. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings � 8. City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy � (March 1992) 9. 1993 MSAS Needs Study for Rosemount � 10. Site Plan for Dakota County Maintenance Shop Improvements (Oct., 1993) �` 1L City of Rosemount Storm Water Management Ordin�nce (1994). � 12. Section 29 Drainage Study Quly, 1994). � 2.0 General Background 2.1 Location � The project location is shown on Drawing No. L The proposed street and utility improvements are located on Biscayne Avenue from CSAH 42 on the south to approximately 1,500 feet north of � 145th Street. In addition, there will be a segment of storm drain required along the north side of CSAH 42 west of Biscayne Avenue. , � 2.2 Adjacent Property Land uses along the proposed project include agricultural, � residential and commercial/industrial uses. At this time, development on the west side of Biscayne Avenue is limited to the Knutson Recycling site located just south of the C.P. Rail crossing. � Developments on the east side of Biscayne Avenue include single family homes fronting off of Biscayne Way and the Dakota County � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 2 � �' � � HRA townhome units. 'The Dakota County Maintenance Shop is � also located on the east side of Biscayne Avenue. There are several proposed developments adjacent to the project. � CMC Heartland Partners is proposing the Eastbridge Development on the west side of Biscayne Avenue between CSAH 42 and 145th Street. This development will be constructed in four � phases with an estimated192 single familyresidential lots,l4 acres of cluster homes and 8 acres of commercial development. � Another proposed development will be located north of the C.P. Rail crossing. This is the Army National Guard Organizational Maintenance Shop which will encompass about 25 acres of land. This facility will serve as a vehicle maintenance hub which.will � generate most of its activity on the weekends. The future land use plan contained in the City's Comprehensive � Plan calls for the remaining undeveloped iand along Biscayne Avenue to be either residentiaI or business park. � 2.3 Site Conditions The existing roadway has a 30 foot wide gravel surface along the entire length of the project. The depth of gravel and the suitability � of the underlying soils is unknown at this time. The right-of-way width is 33 feet on each side of the centerline. The roadway has a rural section with ditches on both sides. The existing terrain is � flat. However, there is an overall grade of about 0.5% from the north end of the project to the south end. Biscayne Avenue is currently signed as a two-way stop at the following intersections: � CSAH 42, 145th Street and the railroad. There is inplace sanitary sewer from CSAH 42 to the C.P. Rail � Crossing. In addition, there is inplace water main from 145th Street to the railroad. � 3.0 Proposed Improvements 3.1 Sanitary Sewer � Proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. These facilities include the northerly extension of an 8-inch sewer from the inplace main at C.P. Rail to the northerly boundary of the � National Guard site. A subsurface crossing will be required beneath the C.P. rail tracks. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 3 � � ' � � Sanitary sewer mains are already inplace frorn the railroad tracks � southerly to CSAH 42. The existing 8-inch rnain located north of 145th Street is owned by the City of Rosemount, and the existing 12" main located south of 145th Street is owned by the � Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC). The manholes on these mains will need to be partially � reconstructed due to the proposed street grade change. The manhole castings will be lowered approximately 2 to 3 feet. One of the existing manholes will be removed and relocated to align � with a proposed street in the Eastbridge Development. The proposed developments to be served by these sewer � improvements are inside the Metropolitan Urban Service Area , (MIJSA)and are tributary to the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Facility. � 3.2 Water Main Proposed water main facilities are shown on Drawing Na 3. These facilities include a 16-inch trunk main hom the south side � of CSAH 42 to 145th Street,and a 12-inch extension northerly�rom : the inplace main at the railroad to the northerly boundary of the National Guard site. Subsurface crossings will be required beneath � CSAH 42 and the railroad tracks. A separate 16-inch trunk main will be installed by CMC through � the Eastbridge Development which will link the Rosemount Business Park and Biscayne Avenue. A stub will be extended westerly near Blackwell Court for the purpose of connecting to the � trunk main. This 16-inch connection between the Business Park and Biscayne Avenue is recommended in the 1988 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan. � The existing 12-inch water main between 145th Street and the railroad will need to be lowered several feet to provide adequate � cover below the revised road grade. The inplace 8-inch water main crossing at Biscayne Way and the inplace 12-inch water main crossing at 145th Street will also need to be lowered for the same reason. Fire hydrants and 6-inch service stubs will also be � installed at appropriate locations along Biscayne Avenue. � 3.3 Storm Drainage Proposed storm drainage facilities are shown on Drawings 4 and 5. These facilities include a trunk storm drain along the entire � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 4 � � � � length of Biscayne Avenue as well as an outlet westerly from I', � Biscayne Avenue#o a pond in the Eastbridge Development. The ' trunk main ranges in size from a 27-inch pipe at the northerly end to a 48-inch pipe at the downstream end. A subsurface crossing will be required at the C.P.Rail tracks. � The trunk main will begin at the National Guard facility and � continue southerly along Biscayne Avenue to a point near the north ditch of CSAH 42. From this point, the trunk main will follow the narth ditch of CSAH 42 westerly ta a proposed storm � water pond in the Eastbridge Development. This storm water pond is part of the Business Park ponding chain. An additional subsurface crossing under CSAH 42 will be included in this project , to convey storm water to the south. � The drainage facilities include manholes to facilitate maintenance of the mains, and catch basins with built-in sumps. The sumps � will be included for sedimentation purposes in accordance with the City's Storm Water Management Ordinance. � The proposed trunk main will be designed to collect and convey storm water flowing in the street as well as water coming to the street from areas outside the right-of-way. The area to be drained � by the proposed trunk main-is shown on Drawing No. 6. This drainage area closely follows natural drainage patterns except where the .natural patterns are' proposed to be changed• by ,� development. A separate drainage study was done on the drainage area � referenced above and on additional areas immediately to the west and south. This study was entitled "Section 29 Drainage Study'` and contains more detailed information on drainage boundaries, � storm water ponds, and storm drain sizing. The Section 29 Study encompasses Biscayne Avenue as well as the Eastbridge Development and the Business Park area. The study was done � concurrently with this report due to the broad drainage issues which affect Biscayne Avenue. 3.4 Street Construction � The proposed street for Biscayne Avenue is 52 feet wide as shown on Drawing No. 7. The street design includes a barrier #ype � concrete curb and gutter (B618) and an 8 foot wide bituminous trail on the west side of the street. The proposed pavement section consists of 5-1/2-inches of bituminous pavement over 8-inches of � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 5 � � � � aggregate base. In addition, a 24-inch deep layer of granular � borrow will be installed beneath the aggregate base. The boulevard areas will be sodded. This design meets the MSAS standards for a low density 41ane arterial with no parking on both � sides. The elimination of ditches and the construction of an urban street � section will necessitate a change in the grade of the existing street. Except for the connection to CSAH 42 and the intersection with C.P.Rail,the street grade along the entire project is proposed to be � lowered approximately 2-1/2 feet. This is necessary to allow drainage to enter the street from areas outside of the right-of-way. This grade change will also need to be made for a short distance on cross streets such as Biscayne Way and 145th Street. In � addition,existing utilities in some parts of the project will need to be lowered in order to maintain adequate cover after construction. � Based on a proposed width of 52 feet, Biscayne Avenue could be striped for two lanes in each direction or for one lane in each direction with a continuous center turn lane. Either way, � dedicated right turn lanes will be needed on Biscayne Avenue at 145th Street and at CSAH 42. In addition, a dedicated right turn lane will be required for westbound CSAH 42 traffic at Biscayne � A�enue. Striping and signing will be included in the City's construction cantract. Conduit for future traffic signals will be installed at 145th Street. Until 145th Street is reconstructed � between T.H. 3 and CSAH 42, the intersection with Biscayne will remain as a two-way stop on Biscayne. � 3.5 Street Lighting Street lighting facilities will be constructed and maintained by NSP � under an agreement between the City and NSP. Therefore, construction of street lighting facilities will not be included in the City's construction contract. However,NSP's costs for construction � will be invoiced back to the City. Accordingly, costs for street lighting facilities have been included in the estimated street costs. 3.6 Railroad Crossing � A railroad crossing and traffic control facilities will be installed at the C.P. Rail track. All crossing work will be done by C.P. Rail under an agreement between the City and C.P. RaiL Therefare, � construction of the rail crossing will not be included in the City's construction contract. The cost for this work will be invoiced back � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 6 � � � � to the City. Therefore, the cost for the crossing work and traffic � control facilities has been included in the estimated street costs. 3.7 Easements � Ultimatel , the existin 66 foot wide ri ht-of-wa is ro osed to Y g g Y P P be widened to 100 feet. Acquisition of the additional 17 feet on each side of the road is proposed to occur concurrently with �' development through dedication. The additional right-of-way will be obtained from the Eastbridge Development and the Army � National Guard Development prior to construction of Biscayne Avenue. Right-of-way acquisition in other areas will not be complete until development or re-development occurs in those areas. Until that time, temporary construction easements will be � obtained as needed to facilitate construction beyond the existing 66 I foot right-of-way. The estimated cost of temporary construction , easements has been included in the street costs. � 3.8 Permits � Construction perxnits will be required from several state agencies as well as from the County and the railroad. The following table summarizes the permits which may be required for this project. �' � � 5,c .�"3" . . . .����.����� � Minnesota Pollution Metropolitan Minnesota Control Waste Control Department � Agency Commission of Health Dakota (MPCA) (MWCC) (MDH) C.P. Rail County Sanitary Sewer X X X '� Water Main X X X Storm Drain X X � Street Grading X X X � � � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 7 � � � � 4A Financin 9 4.1 Cost Estimates � Detailed cost estimates for all proposed improvements are included in Appendices A and B of this report. These estimates are based on bid prices obtained in early 1994. The estimates also include � allowances for contingencies(10 percent)and anticipated overhead costs (30 percent). � A summary of these costs is as follows Sanitary Sewer $ 64,540 � Water Main 342,190 , Storm Drainage 683,640 , Streets 1,290,160 ' � Total Estimated Project Cost $2,380,530 � A breakdown of the costs attributable to each area of the project is given below: � Area 1: Biscayne Avenue frorn CSAH 42 to 145th Street Sanitary Sewer $ 14,620 � Water Main 225,650 Storm Drainage 490,860 Streets 612,600 * � Estimated Total, Area 1 $1,343,730 Area 2: Biscayne Avenue from 145th Street to the proposed Army National Guard Maintenance Shop � Sanitary Sewer $ 49,920 Water Main 116,540 � Storm Drainage 192,780 Streets 677,560 ** Estimated Total, Area 2 $1,036,800 � '� Street costs include street li htin and tem ora g g P rY construction easements. � ** ' h 'n th railr ad r in Street costs include street hg h g, e o c oss g, and temporary construction easements. � � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 8 � � � � 4.2 Assessment Area The following parcels of land are located within the project area � and are subject to assessments to recover the project costs. Area 1 � Parcel Identification No. Property Owner � 340370001065 Milwaukee Land Co. (CMC) 348005003000 Regents of U of M j � 348005002000 Regents of U of M � 348005017002 Sheryl L. Kendall 348005012001 Scott & Katherine Bennett � 348005001100 Dakota County HRA � Area 2 Parcel Identification Na Property Owner � 344120001000 �aymond William Kane � 340370002200 Northern Natural Gas Co. 340370002100 , Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion 340370006100 Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion � 344120008000 Heartland Partners 1 Ltd Ptnshp 340281001032 Heartland Partners 1 Ltd Ptnshp 340281001037 Dakota County Highway Dept. � 340370002600 Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion 340370002400 Larry Knutson 340370003000 State of MN.,Dept.of Military � 340280001025 Thomas L. Corrigan 4.3 Cost Recovery � 4.3.1 Assessments The proposed assessments have been calculated using the City's Assessment/Improvement Policy. The total assessable amount is � estimated to be $1,311,640. The main criteria for calculating assessments is frontage length and proposed land use. The table below displays the estimated assessment to each property. � Appendix C gives more detail on how these amounts were calculated. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 9 � � � � Pro e Estimated Assessment P rt3' � 340370001065 - Milwaukee Land Co. (CMC) $296,070 348005003000 - Regents of U of M $14(?,060 � 348005002000 - Regents of U of M $62,020 348005017002 - Sheryl L. Kendall 0 * I, 348005012001 - Scott & Katherine Bennett A * I 348005001100 - Dakota County HRA $69,040 ' � 344120001000 - Raymond William Kane $34,020 340370002200 - Northern Natural Gas Ca $19,540 340370002100 - Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion $18,310 � 340370006100 - Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion $23,200 344120008000 -Heartland Partners 1 Ltd. Ptnshp $38,280 340281001032 - Heartland Partners 1 Ltd. Ptnshp $37,280 � 340281001037 - Dakota County Highway Dept. $92,090 340370002600 - Robert M. & Lynn G. Sebion $84,610 340370002400 - Larry Knutson $59,730 � 340370003000 - State of MN, Dept. of Military $178,280 340280001025 - Thomas L. Corrigan 159110 Total $1,311,640 � * These arcels alread have utili and street service o�f of P Y t3' Biscayne Way. � 4.3.2 Core Funds A core faciliry cost is defined as the difference in cost between the � actual improvement and a residential equivalent improvement. The residential equivalent improvement is what is needed to serve only the subject property with no oversizing. Many improvements � need to be oversized to serve nearby areas which may develop in the future. The City has separate Core Facility Funds for the oversizing of sanitary sewer, watermain and storm drainage. � Far sanitary sewer, the cost to reconstruct existing manholes is ronsidered a City` core facility cost because this cost is not � assessable. With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, the estimated sanitary sewer core cost is $8,050. � For watermain, the cost of larger pipe diameter required to serve property outside a development is considered to be a City core facility cost. In addition, the cost to lower existing watermain is considered a core facility cost because it is not assessable. With � standard contingnencies and overheaed allowances, the estimated water main core cost is $171,890. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 10 � � � � The City will also be responsible for an estimated $87,300 for watermain oversizing in the Eastbridge Development. However, � this amount is not listed in the summary tables because it is not part of this project. For storm drainage facilities, the cost of larger pipe diameter � required to serve property outside a development is considered to be a City core facility cost. In this case, the cost of the trunk main I without catch basins is considered to be a storm water core cost. � � With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, the ' estimated storm water core cost is $609,000. This cost can be recovered from the Storm Water Utility/Storm Water Core Fund. � : 4.3.3 MSAS Fund Since Biscayne Avenue is on the Minnesota State-Aid Streefi � (MSAS) system, the project is eligible for MSAS funds. Although most of the street costs and some of the storxn drainage costs are eligible for MSAS funds, the City's current MSAS Fund balance is � limited. Accordingly, the amount to be recovered from the MSAS Fund was determined by subtracting the total assessments and the total contribution of the core funds from the total project amount. � The remaining amount which is not covered by assessments or core funds is proposed to be recovered from MSAS Fund. � � With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, the estimated amount to be recovered from the MSAS Fund is $279,950. ' � 4.3.4 Summa r3' A summary of the cost recovery for the project is given in the table � below. A more detailed summary of cost responsibility is given on the following page. , Cost Recoverv Assessments $1,311,640 � City Core Funds: Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund 8,050 � Water Main Core Facility Fund 171,$90 Storm Water Utility/Storm Water Core Fund 609,000 MSAS Fund: 279,950 � Total Estimated Project Cost $2,380,530 � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 11 � � �' Breakdown of Pro'ect Cost Recove I � � ry � Water Property Sanitary Main Storm Street Total � 340370001065 $2,900 $69,650 $7,410 $226,110 $296,070 Milwaukee Land Ca (CMC) � 348005003000 $4,980 $32,110 $3,200 $99,770 $140,060 Regents of U of M � 348005002000 $2,090 15,830 $1,370 $42,730 $62,020 Regents of U of M 3485001100 - - - - - - $2,980 $66,060 $69,040 � Dakota County HRA 340370002200 - - - - - - $630 $18,900 $19,540 � Northern Natural Gas 340370002100,Robert M. - - - - - - $600 $17,720 $18,310 & Lynn G. Sebion � 340370006100, Robert M. - - - - - - $750 $22,450 $23,200 & Lynn G. Sebion � 340370002600, Robert M. - - - - - - $2,740 $81,870 $84,610 & Lynn G. Sebion �' 340370002400 - - - - - - $1,940 $57,790 $59,730 Larry Knutson � 344120001000 - - - - - - $1,290 $32,730 $34,020 Raymond William Kane 344120008000, Heartland - - - - - - $1,450 $36,830 $38,280 ' Partners 1 Ltd Ptnshp 340281001032, Heartland - - - - - - $1,410 $35,870 $37,280 � Partners 1 Ltd Ptnshp 340281001037, Dakota - - - - - - $2,990 $89,100 $92,090 County Highway Dept. � 340370003000, State of $23,260 $29,570 $4,280 $121,170 $178,280 MN, Dept. of Military � 340280001025 $23,260 $23,140 $4,280 $108,430 $159,100 Thomas L. Corrigan � City/MSAS Cosf $8,050 $171,890 $646,320 $242,630 $1,068,890 Total $64,540 $342,190 $683,640 $1,290,160 $2,380,530 � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 12 � � � 5A Project Schedule � The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. This schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. The schedule assumes that all elements of the � improvement, including developer obligations and easement acquisition are completed in a timely manner. � R iv F r t Public Hearin ul 19 1994 ece e easibihty Repo t, Se g J y , � Hold Public Hearin , Order Plans and � Specifications August 2, 1994 � Approve Plans and Specifications, ' � Authorize Ad for Bid September 6, 1994 Open Bids September 30, 1994 � Receive Bids/Award Contract October 4, 1994 � Begin Construction Mid-October, 1994 � Complete Construction 1995 � First Payment Due with Taxes May, 1996 � � � � � � Pr li i e m nary Report A-ROSEM9406.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 13 � � � Appendix A � Detailed Cost Estimates for Area 1, Biscayne Avenue (CSAH 42 to 145th) � � � ' , � � , � � � � � � � � , ' � � Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue ■ Sanitary Sewer - South of 145th � � Est. Unit Description Unit �ty. Price Amount � 8" PVC 10'-15' Dee L.F. 200 17.00 3 400 P $ $ , Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 1 1,250.00 1,250 � Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 7 75.00 525 Connect to Existing Manhole Each 2 550.00 1,100 ' Reconstruct Existing Manhole, Type B Each 5 625.00 3,125 Remove Existing Manhole, Type B Each 1 b00.00 600 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 10 8.00 80 � Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 10 5.00 50 Replacement Backfill Ton 20 5.00 100 � Subtotal - Sanitary Sewer $10,230 Plus 10% Contingencies 1,023 � Estimated Construction Cost $11,253 Plus 30%o Overhead & Engineering 3,370 Total Estimated Cost $14,620 � � , � � , � i 1 . � ` Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue � Water Main - South of 145th � I Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount , � 6" DIP Water Main Cl. 52 L.F. 530 $13.00 $6,890 8" DIP Water Main, CL 52 L.F. 250 16.00 4,000 i 16" DIP Water Main, Cl. 50 L.F. 2,520 32.00 80,640 6" R.S. Gate Valve & Box Each 10 370.00 3,700 , 8"1R.S. Gate Valve & Box Each 3 490.00 1,470 16 Butterfly Valve & Box Each 4 1,380.00 5,520 Jack 16" DIP Carrier Pipe L.F. 160 30.00 4,800 � Bore 26" Steel Casing L.F. 160 150.00 24,000 Hydrants Each 6 1,270.00 7,620 ' DIP Fittings Lb. 3,800 2.00 7,600 Connect to Existing Water Main Each 1 350.00 350 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 400 8.00 3,200 � Granular Pipe Foundation Ton , 400 5.00 2,000 Replacement Backfill Ton S00 5.00 4,000 � Lower Water Servi�es Each 2 700.00 1,400 Remove 8" Water Main L.F. 200 3.00 600 ' Subtotal Water Main $157,790 Plus 10% Contingencies 15,779 � Estimated Construction Cost $173,569 Plus 30% Overhead & Engineering 52,081 Total Estimated Cost $225,650 , � ' � � ' � ' Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue ■ Storm Sewer - South of 145th i I 1 . Est. Un�t Description Unit Qty, Price Amount � 12" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 103 20.00 2 060 $ $ , 15" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 50 21.00 1,050 � 24" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 100 27.00 2,700 42" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 730 52.00 37,960 , 48" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 2,990 75.00 224,250 MH, Type D L.F. 10 250.00 2,500 MH, Type E L.F. 55 325.00 17,875 ' MH, Type F L.F. 12 425.00 5,100 Catch Basin, Type X L.F. 15 140.00 2,100 ' Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 5 150.00 750 R-1733 Manhole Casting Each 8 200.00 1,600 R3067V Catch Basin Casting Each 4 250.00 1,000 , 48" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each 1 1,650.00 1,650 24" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each � 2 625.00 1,250 , ' Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 100 5.00 800 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 100 5.00 500 � Replacement Backfill Ton 200 5.00 1,000 Random Riprap, Class 3 C.Y. 15 45.00 675 Grouted Riprap C.Y. 41 60.00 2,460 , Granular Filter C.Y. 31 25.00 775 24 Jacking L.F. 220 160.00 35,200 , Subtotal Storm Sewer $343,255 Plus 10% Contingencies 34,325 � Estimated Construction Cost $377,580 Plus 30% Overhead & Engineering 113,280 Total Estimated Cost $490,860 ' ' � , � ' Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue , Street Construction - South of 145th Est. Unit ' Description Unit Qty. Price Amount Common Excavation GY. 16,800 $1.80 $30,240 , Subgrade Excavation C.Y. 11,000 2.00 22,000 Granular Borrow (LV) C.Y. 11,000 3.00 33,000 1 Subgrade Preparation R.S. 36 100.00 3,600 Test Rolling R.S. 36 20.00 720 Agg. Base Placed, Cl. 5 Ton 6,135 7.00 42,945 , Binder Course Mixture, Type 31 Ton 2,400 19.00 45,600 Wearing Course Mixture, Type 41 Ton 2,070 20.00 41,400 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GaL 750 1.00 750 ' Adjust Gate Valve Box Each 20 120.00 2,400 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting Each 7 150.00 1,050 ' 2" Bituminous Walk S.F. 23,090 0.70 16,163 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 5,700 7.00 39,900 ' Salvaged Topsoil C.Y. 2,100 4.00 8,400 Topsoil Borrow C.Y. 1,300 8.00 10,400 Seeding Acre 2:16 300.00 648 ' Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre 2.16 200.00 432 Sodding S.Y. 10,600 2.00 21,200 Mobilization L.S. 1 15,000.00 15,000 � Paint Striping & Marking L.S. 1 4,700.00 4,700 Furnish & Install Sign Panels, Type C S.F. 405 30.00 12,150 ' Silt Fence L.F. 4,710 2.00 9,420 Lighting Unit, Type B Each 8 1,900.00 15,200 Secondary Wire L.F. 2,850 3.00 8,550 r Primary Feed Points Each 7 2,000 14,000 Maintenance & Operation L:S. 1 9,400.00 - 9,400 ' Temporary Construction Easements L.S. 1 19,126.00 19,126 � Subtotal Street Construction $409,270 Plus 10% Contingencies 428,396 Estimated Construction Cost $471,235 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 141,365 � Total Estimated Cost $612,600 � � � , Appendix B , Detailed Cost Estimate for Area 2, Biscayne Avenue , (Intersection of 145th to Proposed Army National Guard Maintenance Shop) � ' , , ' � ' , � � � , � � , � , Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue � Sanitary Sewer - North of 145th , Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount ' 8" PVC 10'-15' Dee L.F. 650 $17.00 $11050 II' P , Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 3 1,250.00 3,750 � Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 15 75.00 1,125 Connect to Existing Manhole Each 1 550.00 550 ' Jack 8" PVC Carrier Pipe L.F. 110 16.00 1,76Q Bore 16 Steel Casing L.F. 110 110.00 12,100 , Reconstruct Existing Manhole, Type B Each 4 625.00 2,500 , Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 90 8.00 720 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 90 5.00 450 ' Replacement Backfill Ton 180 5.00 900 Subtotal - Sanitary Sewer $34,910 ' Plus 10% Contingencies 3,491 Estimated Construction Cost $38,401 , Plus 30% Overhead & Engineering 11,520 ' Total Estimated Cost $49,920 , � ' , ' � ' , , ' _ Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue ' Water Main - North of 145th ' Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount ' 6" DIP Water Main, Cl. 52 L.F. 145 $13.00 $1,885 12" DIP Water Main, Cl. 51 L.F. 1,220 23.00 28,060 ' 16" DIP Water Main, Cl. 50 L.F. SO 32.00 2,560 6" R.S. Gate Valve & Box Each 3 370.00 1,110 � 12" Butterfly Valve & Box Each 2 730.00 1,460 16" Butterfly Valve & Box Each 1 1,380.00 1,380 Jack 12" DIP Carrier Pipe L.F. 110 30.00 3,300 '' Bore 26" Steel Casing L.F. 110 130.00 14,300 Hydrants Each 1 1,270.00 1,270 ' DII' Fittings Lb. 700 2.00 1,400 Connect to Existing Water Main Each 2 350.00 700 Insulation Bd. Ft. 300 1.50 450 , Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 200 8.00 1,600 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 200 5.00 � 1,000 ' Replacement Backfill Ton 400 5.00 2,000 Remove 12" Watermain L.F. 1,060 12.00 12,720 Lower Water Services Each 9 700.00 6,300 ' Remove 8" Water Main L.F. 200 3.�0 600 � Subtotal Water Main $ $1,495 Plus 10% Contingencies 8,150 Estimated Construction Cost $ 89,645 � Plus 30%o Overhead & Engineering 26,894 Total Estimated Cost $116,540 ' ' , ' � ' , Estimate of Cos# Biscayne Avenue I ' Storm Sewer - North of 145th � ' Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount , 12" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 155 20.00 $3100 $ , 15" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 70 21.00 1,470 ' 24" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 80 27.00 2,160 27" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 330 39.00 12,870 ' 36" RCP Storm Sewer L.F.. 1,181 47.00 55,507` 42" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 150 52.00 7,800 MFi, Type B L.F. 6 50.00 900 ' MH, Type C L.F. 10 200.00 2,000 MH, Type D L.F. 47 250.00 11,750 ' Catch Basin, Type X L.F. 5 140.00 700 Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 5 150.00 750 R-1733 Manhole Casting Each 6 200.00 1,200 ' R3067V Catch Basin Casting Each 6 250.00 1,500 24" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each 1 625.00 625 ' 15" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each 1 500.00 500 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 100 8.00 800 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 100 5.00 500 ' Replacement Backfill Ton 200 5.00 1,000 Randorn Riprap, Class 3 C.Y. 4 45.00 180 ' Grouted Riprap C.Y. 10 60.00 600 Granular Filter C.Y. 10 25.00 250 36" jacking L.F. 110 235.00 25,850 ' Subtotal Storm Sewer $134,812 � Plus 10% Contingencies 13,481 Estimated Construction Cost $148,293 P1us 30% Overhead & Engineering 44,487 , Total Estirnated Cost $192,780 ' , ' � ' ' Estimate of Cost Biscayne Avenue , Street Construction - North of 145th Est. Unit ' Description Unit Qty. Price Amount Common Excavation C.Y. 11,510 $1.$0 $20,718 ' Subgrade Excavation C.Y. 8,580 2.00 17,160 Granular Borrow (L� C.Y. 8,580 3.00 25,740 Subgrade Preparation R.S. 23 100.00 2,300 ' Test Rolling R.S. 23 20.00 460 Agg. Base Placed, Cl. 5 Ton 4,818 7.00 33,726' ' Binder Course Mixture, Type 31 Ton 1,719 19.00 32,661 _ Wearing Course Mixture, Type 41 Ton 1,358 20.00 27,160 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 502 1.00 502 ' Adjust Gate Valve Box Each 10 120.00 1,200 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting Each 7 150.00 1,050 ' 2" Bituminous Walk S.F. 14,695 0.70 10,287 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 3,835 7.00 26,845 Salvaged Topsoil C.Y. 1,400 4.00 5,600 ' Topsoil Borrow C.Y. 700 8.00 5,600 Seeding Acre 1:44 300.00 432 ' Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre 1.44 200.00 288 soaa�ng s.Y. s,�oo Z.00 1�,400 Mobilization L.S. 1 10,000.00 10,000 ' Paint Striping & Marking L.S. 1 3,140.00 3,140 Furnish & Install Sign Panels, Type C S.F. 270 30.00 8,100 ' Silt Fence L.F. 3,140 2.00 6,280 Lighting Unit, Type B Each 6 1,900.00 11,400 Secondary Wire L.F. 2,150 3.00 6,450 � Primary Feed Points Each 5 2,000 10,000 Maintenance & Operation L.S. 1 7,000.00 7.000 ' Temporary Construction Easements L.S. 1 19,379.00 19,379 Subtotal $310,880 � Plus 10% Contingencies 31,090 Estimated Construction Cost $341970 , Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 102,590 � ' Subtotal Street Construction $444,560 ' , � ' Street Construction - North of 145th (Continued) � Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount � Railroad Crossin ' g � Rubber Crossing L.S. 1 $83,000.00 $83,000 Signals & Crossarms L:S. 1 120,000.00 120,000 ' Subtotal Railroad Crossin 203 000 g $ . 15% Overhead' 30,000 ' Estimated Railroad Crossing Cost $233,000 � Streets $444,560 Railroad Crossing 233,000 ' Estimated Total $677,560 � ' � r � � � � 1 Lump sum figures for rubber crossing, signals & crossarms, include construction contingencies and C.P. Rail design costs. Accordingly, the 10% contingencies were elirninated and the overhead was redueed from 30% to 15%. ' � � � � Appendix C Detailed Assessments � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � Sanitary Sewer � � Property Item Cost Total ' 340370001065 8" Stub, 1/2 MH $2,900 $2,900 Milwaukee Land Ca ' � (CMC) 348005003000 Regents of Two 8" Stubs, 1/2 MH $4,980 $4,980 � UofM 348005002000 Regents of 8" Stub $2,090 $2,090 UofM � 340370003000 State of MN, 8" Stub, 1/2 8" Line $23,260 $23,260 Dept. of Military � 340280001025 8" Stub, 1/2 8" Line $23,260 $23,260 Thomas L. Corrigan � City Reconstruct MH's $8,050 $8,050 Total $64,540 � � � � � � � � � � � , � Watermain � Property Item Cost Total , 340370001065 1/2 8" WM Along Biscayne $69,650 $69,650 Milwaukee Land Co. (MC) � 348005003000 1/2 8" WM $32,110 $32,110 Regents of U of M 348005002000 1/2 8" WM $15,830 $15,830 � Regents of U of M � 340370003000, State of 1/2 12" WM $29,570 $29,570 � MN, Dept. of Military 340280001025 1/2 8" WM $23,140 $12,140 Thomas L. Corrigan � City HRA of Dakota County $18,760 1/2 8" WM � Diff. between 16"-8" WM $72 790 , Biscayne CSAH 42 to 145th - � 1/2 Diff. between 12"-8" WM $6,440 N. of R.R , � 12" WM N. of 145th to R.R. $79,990 $171,890 Total $342,190 � � � � � � � � � � Storm Sewer II�' � Property Item Cost Total 340370001065 Catch Basins & Stubs $7,410 $7,410 � Milwaukee Land Co. (MC) 348005003000 Catch Basins & Stubs $3,200 $3,200 Regents of U of M � 348005002000 Catch Basins & Stubs $1,370 $1,370 Regents of U of M � 340800500100 Catch Basins & Stubs $2,980 $2,980 Dakota County HRA � � 340370002000 Catch Basins & Stubs $630 630 Northern Natural Gas Co. 3403�0002100, Robert M. Catch Basins & Stubs $600 $600 � & Lynn G. Sebion 340370006100, Robert M. Catch Basins & Stubs $750 $750 � & Lynn G. Sebion 340370002600, Robert M. Catch Basins & Stubs $2,740 $2,740 & Lynn G. Sebion � 340370002400 Catch Basins & Stubs $1,940 $1,940 Larry Knutson � 344120001000 Catch Basins & Stubs $1,290 $1,290 Raymond William Kane � 344120008000, Heartland Catch Basins & Stubs $1,450 $1,450 Partners 1 Ltd. Prtshp � 340281001032, Heartland Catch Basins & Stubs $1,410 $1,410 Partners 1 Ltd. Prtshp 340281001037, Dakota Catch Basins & Stubs $2,990 $2,990 � County Highway Dept. 340370003000, State of Catch Basins & Stubs $4,280 $4,280 � MN, Dept. of Military 340280001025 Catch Basins & Stubs $4,280 $4,280 Thomas L. Corrigan � City Trunk on Biscayne & CSAH 42 $646,320 $646,320 Total $683,640 � � � � � Streets � Property Item Cost Total �, � 340370001065 1/2 32' Wide Street Tie into $175,190 Milwaukee Land Ca Existing (CMC) � Turn Lanes $7,190 Street Lighting $33,730 $216,110 � 348005003000 1/2 32' Wide Street Tie into $71,420 Regents of U of M Existing � Turn Lanes $2,930 � Street Lighting $13,750 Temp. Slope Easement $11,670 $99,770 � 348005002000 1/2 32' Wide Street Tie into $30,500 _ Regents of U of M Existing � Turn Lanes $1,250 Street Lighting ` $5,880 � Temp. Slope Easement $5,110 $42,730 348005001100 1/2 32' Wide Street Tie Into $47,240 � Dakota County HRA Existing Turn Lanes $1,940 � Street Li htin $9,100 g g � Temp. Slope Easement $7,780 $66,060 340370002200 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $9,550 � Northern Natural Gas Co. Existing Turn Lanes $200 � Street Lighting $1,440 R.R. Crossing $6,740 � Temp. Slope Easement $970 $18,900 � � � � Streets (Continued) � Pro ert Item Cost Total p Y � 340370002100, Robert M. 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $8,950 & Lynn G. Sebion Existing �, Turn Lanes $190 I � Street Lighting $1,350 � R.R. Crossing $6,320 Temp. Slope Easement $910 $17,720 � 340370006100, Robert M. 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $11,330 & Lynn G. Sebion Existing � Turn Lanes $230 � Street Lighting $1,720 R.R. Crossing $8,010 � Temp. Slope Easement $1,160 $22,450 340370002600, Robert M. 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $41,390 � &Lynn G. Sebion Existing Turn Lanes $850 � Street Li htin $6,260 g g � R.R. Crossing $29,240 Temp. Slope Easement $4,130 $81,870 � 340370002400 1/2" 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $29,220 Larry Knutson Existing � Turn Lanes $600 Street Lighting $4,420 ' � R.R. Crossin $20,640 g � Temp. Slope Easernent $2,910 $57,790 � � � � Streets (Continued) � Pro ert item Cos# Total P Y � 34412000100 1/2 32' Wide Street, Tie Into $13,690 Raymond William Kane Existing � Turn Lanes $400 Street Lighting $2,950 , R.R. Crossing $13,760 � Temp. Slope Easement $1,930 $32,730 344120008000, Heartland 1/2 32' Wide Street, Tie Into $15,390 Partners, 1 Ltd. Ptrshp Existing � Turn Lanes $450 � Street Lighting $3,310 R.R. Crossing $15,480 � Temp. Slope Easement $2,220 $36,830 340281001032, Heartland 1/2 32' Wide Street, Tie Into $14,970 � Partners, 1 Ltd. Ptrshp Existing Turn Lane $440 � Street Li htin 3 320 g g $ , � - R.R. Crossing $15,050 Temp. Slope Easement $2,190 $35,870 � 340281001037, Dakota 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $45,040 County Highway Dept. Existing � Turn Lanes $930 Street Lighting $6,810 � R.R. Crossing $31,820 � Temp. Slope Easement $4,500 $89,100 � _� � � Streets (Continued) � Property Item . Cost Total � 340370003000, State of 1/2 52' Wide Street, Tie Into $64,520 MN, Dept. of Military Existing � Turn Lanes $1,330 Street Lighting $9,750 SR.R. Crossing $45,570 $121,170 340280001025 1/2 32' Wide Street, Tie Into $45,330 � Thomas L. Corrigan Existing Turn Lanes $1,330 � Street Li htin $9,750 g g � R.R. Crossing $45,570 Temp. Slope Easement $6,450 $108,430 � City University Addn. Biscayne $23,810 Way, 1/2 32' Wide Tie-Ins '� University Addn. Biscayne $980 Way, Turn Lanes �` University Addn. Biscayne $4,590 Way, Street Lighting � Diff. Between a 32' Wide and $172,270 52' Wide Street, CSAH 42 to 145th � 1/2 Diff. Between 32' -52' - $37,020 145th to N. End � University Addn. Biscayne $3,1b0 $242,630 Way, Temp. Slope Easement � Total $1,290,160 � � � G � � � c � �� ' c c� L ao a a r�r r� � � � �r � rr rr � � r� �r +r � r� � � � � � � �i � � NO SCALE � �!t ite.� s. � ;,��e �d �u�L - !`Je . . , t. . .. . �—� --�-� i'i�_' .;� � _ � ', - _ .�V � I � � '�I y, _ . � I ` � •i '� . ,te,^. ��� . .b • . � 117��h L� �--� ` � �-=�.j . `a I . < < �/ �-! � \�� . �. .' � . . � + • :, \ � . . � � I• � � ' I ' < �� ' ` ; G � � i� � G ��, �� _ I : ` ' '°� c _ •�•r 'r e . i . i � tit�w •` i `' ,�' �;S� . � � � . . .. � . • •i I . . � . � �i _ � � D'� ' _ . � � . _. . . ''_ ..'_' '.'._._" _""1 _ — ___ • ' _ �7 .. � � � . � ,���w W�♦ t]o-n . —S� ! =' ` � . . ` �_��t.__ . .. . � � ' .111�t 3� � . �� .. _ . � •'7 r — 9 � �. o, ' ,u�.a a� .�_r:%. .._�_�. . ' . . 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' Orr Sdielen � ��& Associates,Inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard � Minneapolis.MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Engineers � July 11, 1994 Architects Planners Surveyors � H n r 1 0 o ab e Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount �' 2$75 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Re: Schwarz Pond Storm Drain Outlet City of Rosemount City Project No. 259 � OSM Project No. 5498A0 Dear Mayor and Council Members: � Enclosed is the Feasibili Re ort for the Schwarz Pond Storm Drain Outlet. This re ort tY P P reviews stormwater facility improvements for Schwarz Pond. � We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call me at 595-Sb94 if you have any questions. � Sincerely, � ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. � � .� � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager � � Enclosure � c: Mr. Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount � � � H:\5o98.0p\CMG\MISC�07119t.NMC l r[uni Em lo er � oPP� h+ P Y � � � CERTIFICATION SHEET � � � I hereby certify that this plan, speci�cation or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the � State of Minnesota. ��U�., , � � rian J. Bourass F.E. �, � Date: July 11, 1994 Reg. No. 21816 � � � � � � i � � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page i � � � TABLE OF CONTENTS � TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL � CERTIFICATION � TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � 1. IN'TRODUCI'ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i � 1.1. Authorization 1 1.2. Scope 1 1.3. Data Available 1 � 1.4. Background 1 2. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 � 2.L Storm Drains 3 2.2. Permits 4 2.3. Right-of-Way and Easements 4 � 3. FINANCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.L Cost Estimate 5 � 32. Assessments 5 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 � APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page ii , � � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Currently, Schwarz Pond (Pond SCH 151) is landlocked. City Project No. 259 provides � for the construction of a storm drain outlet for Schwarz Pond. The City of Rosemount has received a petition from Independent School District No: 196 for a public � improvement which would control the water elevation on Schwarz Pond and reduce the risk of flooding at Rosemount High School. � The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. This Feasibility Report proposes the construction of a lift station, 1,200 lineal feet af 12-inch diameter forcemain and � 1,500 lineal feet of 18-inch diameter storm drain. The total estimated project cost is 5344,000. The fundmg for this pro�ect will come from assessments to the benefitting properties and from the trunk storm dra.in fund. ■ The project construction can be initiated in October, 1994 with substantial construction � completed in November, 1994. � _ � _ � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page iii � � � L INTRODUCTI4N 1.1. Authorization - On June 7, 1994, the Rosemount City Council authorized � the preparation of a feasibility report for the Schwarz Pond Storm Drain Outlet. This project has been designated City Project No. 259. � 1.2. Scope - This project provides for the construction of st4rrn drain � improvements required to provide an outlet for Schwarz Pond. The City has received a petition from Independent School District N4. 196 for a public improvement which would control the water elevation of Schwarz � Pond. � In 1992 OSM completed a feasibility report for the Armory Storm Drainage Improvement (City Project No. 238). That repart discussed the improvements to the Armory Site Pond (Pond SCH 153) and praposed a � future storm drain outlet for Schwarz Pond (Pand SCH 151) through the Armory Site to Erickson's Pond (Pond ERN 190), located north of City � Hall. At this time, a portion of the storm drain improvements that were recommended in the Armory Storm Drainage improvements Feasibility Report have been constructed. This report addresses the improvernents � necessary to provide a storm drain outlet for Schwarz Pond. � 1.3. Data Available-Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: � • City of Rosemount Record Plans _ • City of Rosemount Aerial Photo/Topography Maps r • City of Rosemount Drainage Plan - West Drainage Area - May, 1989 � • Feasibility Report-Arrnory Storm Drainage Improvernents- , City Pro�ect Na 238 , 1.4. Background - Schwarz Pond is located in Section 30, west of State Trunk Highway 3 (STH 3} and north of Rosemount High School (see Location � Map, Figure No. 1, in the Appendix of this report). The southern portion of Schwarz Pond is located on the Rosemount High School property � � OSM Project Na 5498.00 Page 1 � � t approximately 35 feet from the e�cisting high school building whieh has a � low entry elevation of 930.2. � Schwarz Pond is delineated as a land-locked pond in the City of Rosemount Drainage Plan - 1989. In the past, critical storm events have � produced flooding conditions at Rosemount High SchooL � Schwarz Pond SCH 1S1 � Normal Water i.evel 921,5 �N�) � High Water Level 935.0 (HWL) � Storage Volume 140 Ao-Ft � Four draina e irn rovement alternatives were reviewed in the Armo � P rY Storm Drainage Improvement Feasibility Report. The recommended � improvement alternative for the Armory Storm Drainage project was to constxuct an 8.4 Ac-Ft. pond on the Axmory site with a future outlet to ' ' Erickson Pond (Pond ERN 190). After the outlet for the Armory Site Pond is constructed, the pumped outlet for Schwarz Pond into the Armory Site Pond could then be constructed. � At this time, the following storm drainage improvements have been � constructed in the Schwarz Pond Drainage District: • Storm drains within Armory site � • 8.4 Ac-Ft.storm drainage pond on the Armory site (adjacent to STH 3) � • 18-inch diameter storm drain outlet from Armory Site Pond �; to the east side of STH 3 (currently bulkheaded) � � OSM Project No, 5498.00 Page 2 � � � The City of Rosemount Drainage Plan - 1989, aLso delineates Erickson Pond as a landlocked pond. As is the case with Schwarz Pond, the HWL in Erickson Pond will continue to rise as development occurs. In the � future,a storm dra.in outlet for Erickson Pond will need to be constructed or flooding in its drainage area will occur. The City of Rosemount � Drainage Plan - 1989 lists the data for Erickson Pond as follows: Erickson Pond � ERN 190 � NWL 920.8 HWL 94Q.7 � Storage Voiume 110 Ac-Ft. � Further analysis of the Erickson Pond and surrounding drainage districts has led to revising the data for Erickson Pond (see revised pond data in � Section 2 of this report}. 2. PR4POSED IMPROVEMENTS � 2.1. Storm Drains - The following improvements are proposed as part of City ' Project No. 259. • Construct a storm drain lift station capable of pumping 5.8 cfs at � Schwarz Pond. The lift station would pump to the east and discharge into the existing storm drain catch basin located on the � west edge of the Armory site (approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12- inch D,I.P.). � • Extend the existin 18-inch diameter ravi storm drain outlet for g g LY the Armory Site Pond to the east to Erickson Pond (approacimateiy � 1,SOO lineal feet of 18-inch RCP). If the storm drain outlet for the Armory Site Pond is not constructed and the stormwater lift station � at Schwarz Pond begins pumping, in less than two hours the Armory Site Pond will become full and will overflow to the west � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page 3 � � � and back into Schwaxz Pond. This could result in flooding at the Rosemount High School. � The propased improvements are shown on Figure No. 2 in the Appendix of this report. When the above-described improvements are constructed, � the pond data for the affected gonds is listed as follows: � Schwarz Pond Armory Site Pond Erickson Pond SCH 151 SCH 153 ERN 190 � NWL 921.5 953.0 92Q.8 HWL 928.5 960.5 944.6 � Storage Volume 73.Q Ac-Ft 8.9 Ac-Ft 240 Ac-Ft � � As stated in Section 1.4 of this report, Erickson Pond is landlocked and the water elevations in this pond will continue to rise as development occurs. In order to control the water elevations in Erickson pond, a storm � drain outlet will need to be provided. The HWL listed above for Erickson Pond assumes that when the critical rainfall event occurs in the watershed, � the water elevation in Erickson Pond is at its NWL - 920.8. A minor amount of grading at Erickson Pond will also be required as part � of City Project No. 259. � A �ravity storm drain outlet for Schwarz Pond was considered, however, the deep excavation (over 4Q feet) made this alternative cost prohibitive. � 2.2. Permits-Permits will be required for this project from Mn/DQT for work witliin the STH No. 3 right-of-way. � 2.3. Right�f-Way and Easements-T`he proposed construction on the west side of STH No. 3 will be located on City or the Independent School District � No. 196 (ISD No. 196) property. The proposed forcema.in will be constructed along the cartway alignment. On the east side of STH No. 3, � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page 4 � � ' a permanent easement will need to be obtained from one of the following paxcels: � 34-02010-014-88 NHD Rosemount Woods Assoc. Limited Partnershi P 34-03700-010-00 Alliance Landscaping � Approximately 1.05 acres of permanent easement will need to be acquired , for the project on the east side of S'TH No. 3. Final design will determine the e�.ct location of the easement to be acquired. � Temporary construction easement swill also be required along the project route. Temporary easements will need to be acquired from ISD No. 196 � and from the property on the east side of STH. No. 3. 3. FINANCING � . 3.1. Cost Estimate-A detailed cost estimate can be found in the Appendix of � this report. The following estimate is based on 1994 construction costs and includes a 10% contingency factor and related administrative costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, � engineering, interest, and other administration. � The total estimated project cost for City Project No. 259 is: � $344,000 (including easement acquisition) 3.2. Assessments - The proposed improvements provide benefit to the entire � Schwarz Pond Drainage Area. Therefore, it is proposed to assess the improvements on an area-wide basis. Figure No. 3 in the Appendix of this � report shows the assessment area for this project. Also included in the Appendix of this report is the preliminary assessment roll for the project. , The total area of the benefitting properties is 15,078,161 square feet(346.1 acres). T"he assessment rate for the project is calculated as follows: i $344,000/15,078,161 Sq. Ft. _ $0.023/Sq. Ft. � ($994/Ac.) � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page 5 ' � ' Of the total$344,0(�to be assessed, the portion of the project assessments that will be paid by the Trunk Storm Drain Fund is estimated at$127,929. , 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE � 'The proposed schedule for the Schwarz Pond Storm Drain Outlet is as follows: ' Approve Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing . . . . . . . , . . July 19, 1994 � Public Hearing/Order Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2, 1994 � Approve Plans and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 6, 1994 Receive Bids and Award Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 4, 1994 , Begin Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October, 1994 ' Substantial Construction Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November, 1994 � Complete Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June, 1995 � Assessment Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall, 1995 First Payment With Real Estate Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May, 1996 � This schedule assumes that the required easements for the proposed construction can � be obtained. � _ , � � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page 6 � � � Preliminary Cost Estimate Schwarz Pond Storm Drain Outlet , City of Rosemount City Project No. 259 � It�m �uan�i�r �Tn�t Pri�e �t�ioun� 1. 18" RCP Storm Sewer 1500 LF $23 $34,5(� � 2. 18" RCP FES 1 Each $S00 $500 3, GB/MH 5 Each $1,(�0 $5,�0 � 4. Lift Station and Forcemain 1 LS $120,000 $120,000 � 5. Restoration 2.5 Acre $5,200 $13,000 6. Ericksan Pond Grading 1 LS $8,000 $$,000 i7. Tree Clearing 1 Ac. $5,000 $S,Q00 Subtotal $186,000 � +10% Contingencies $18,600 � Subtotal $204,600 +30% Administration $61,150 � Subtotal $265,750 Permanent Easement 1.05 Ac. * $65,000 $68,250 � Temporary Easement 0.50 Ac. * �20,000 $10,OU0 � Total Estimated Project Cost $344,000 � , � � � OSM Project No. 5498.00 Page 8 ' ��D f . .�,� . Q . �I� . rnn�l.�r� . '/ . J �/ LA � Fs" 2 —s e�r `' � > ? � t m RJIlN � /TI/SM AI}N � i] . �� 1� 1 I2BIh ST. �M.. � W /G �� ��GUN CLUBND. � � S��C`1�� . /JI � . . �t / � ~� .. �t 7 I .� w . . � ' f/AJ� ro n �e ` 7lISM RJfb QOe . /',/ � y . � Y � CS y�o�* J . h � . . , . it < .�� � � � . � �. . . . o Z `�~���r •+�� ST�� � � ` 125)h M," �' �''� � L� A . � ^� ��`�. 4 v . � �-�.J Oa� „� fT �i. � <�s . . � . . . �b�p . � �y . � \/ . . � 1 � � 57�. M. � � i u Sa . � . '" . 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Figure Engineera■ Arehitecta ■ Plnnnera .s��.�,o�� C I T Y P R 0 J E C T N�. 2 5 g � 7/,�,�/94 300 Parlc Place Ceater�57T3 Ifa�zata ���Q..�d ROSEMOUNT� M�'V�ESVTti Ninneepotia,MN 55418-i22B�512-596-5393 � � � � � � �,...� i�00 YCAR�06D 130.�A� � � � � � � � � r � FIGURE 2 . �� . � SCHWARZ POND OUT�LET - / � � � , ( � r,______� ��______=-� CITY PROJECT NO . ; 259 ( l � j �� , NATIONAL 1 �� � Z � i Z � �UARo = ROSE�MOUNT, MINNESOTA . �C�WARZ POND f � O . � � . O ARMORY t-- � � � c� � SCH' 151` � 1 o i ,¢ WL.=921 .5 I i w -' � i .� W � SCH 153 . 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Archileeb �Pl�oo�rs�3ur�e�on CITY PROJECT N0. 259 7�8�94 900 Park Pl�c�Gatar.5� ..,_.�. ���...�a ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 3 YlnneayoU�,YN SS416-1226�612•596-5775 ' City of Rosemount Schwarz Pond Outiet ' City Project No. 259 OSM Project No. 5498.00 , , ' Preiiminary Assessment Roll , P.I.D. or Parcel Estimated Parcel Assessment R Area s . ft. Amount emarks � 012-75 3,017,867 $68,851 Assessed 010-50 2,344,000 S54,618 Assessed 014-75 76,267 $1,740 Assessed , 020-80 63,263 $1,443 Trunk Storm Drain Fund 012-55 2,065,200 547,116 Trunk Storm Drain Fund 050-60 66,854 $1,525 Trunk Storm Drain Fund � 020-06 66,714 $1,522 Trunk Storm Drain Fund 014-55 705,394 $16,093 Assessed , 013-55 586,331 $13,377 Trunk Storm Drain Fund 012-01 1,926,626 543,955 Trunk Storm Drain Fund Shannon Hilis 350,267 $7,991 Trunk Storm Drain Fund ' Carroliton 432,800 $9,874 Trunk Storm Drain Fund Motz's 49,35Q $1,126 Trunk Storm Drain Fund , 040-06 2,996,400 $68,361 Assessed 140-06 12,295 $281 Assessed 210-06 268,533 $6,126 Assessed r , Totals 115,078,161 $344,000 5344,000 I 15,078,161 sq. ff. _ $.023 /sq. ff. ' ' ' ' , h:5498.00\civil\misc\PRELAS.XLS 7/14f�14