HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Public Hearing - Mineral Extraction Permit for Solberg Aggregate , t City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: July 19, 1994 Ageada Item: PUBLIC HEARING: Solberg Agenda Sectioa: Aggregate 1994 Mineral PUBLIC HEARING Extraction Permit Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agen���� , � Assistant Planner �� 'r�",� � Attachmeats: Resolution; Application; Approved By: � Draft Mining Permit Conditions Document; Public � Hearing Notice; Mailing List. Mr. Loren Howard of Solberg Aggregate is requesting approval of a Mineral Extraction Permit for their ten-acre site on the northeast corner of STH 52 and CSAH 42 . The site is zoned General Industrial and mineral extraction is a permitted use with compliance to reguired standards . On June 28, 1994 the Planning Commission reviewed the request and recommended approval of the permit subject to restoration of the pit at the end of the season, conformance with required setbacks, increased landscaping along the western property line adjacent to STH 52 . A revised grading plan reflecting quantities and setback conformance will be required. The request is based upon the extraction of 20, 000 cubic yards of granular material that would be used for the 145th Street improvements . The completion of the street improvements at the end of the season is the reason for the requirement for restoration and seeding this year. The attached drawing shows excavation within setback areas. The permit will require conformance with setbacks. The restored site will provide additional outdoor storage area that will be screened on three sides by the slope of the pit. Recommended Action: MOTION to approve the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit as submitted by Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc. subject to a signed agreement stating the conditions for approval of the permit. City Council Action: 7-19-94.001 �- � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1994- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1994 MINER.AL EXTRACTION PERMIT RENEWAL FOR THE SOLBERG AGGREGATE CO. INC. D�iHEREAS, Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc. , property owner and pit operator, has requested approval of a 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit to allow for the mining of approximately 20, 000 cubic yards of granular material from their ten-acre parcel located on the northeast corner of State Trunk Highway 52 and County State Aid Highway 42; and D�HEREAS, the subject ten-acre parcel is zoned General Industrial and mineral extraction is a permitted use with compliance to required standards; and TnTfiEREA5, the Planning Commission reviewed the Mineral Extraction Permit request on June 28, 1994 and recommended approval of the mining permit subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing on July 19, 1994 and considered public testimony as required by Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit subject to the conditions listed on Exhibit A entitled Mineral Extraction Permit, 1994 Conditions for the Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc. Mineral Extraction Permit. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount requires that the owner and operator execute the permit prior to commencing operations. ' ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1994 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor �TTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• Solberg/MP.094 July 19, 1994 � . ' Permit #: Date of lssue• Expiration Date: ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT Minerai Extraction Permit Application APPlicant: So��er�a t-�ca a u ea 3�� �o . ��nc • Address: \32,,4-.S ���uv� �v�,. �ose�r,o vn�' �r. S�OI�g A...�'� - ree um er l.+y i�e- p o e one�- ��,��., Propertv Owner Person�Coraoration Conducting Extraction Name: So�be�ca �dY��,en��•� Name: �o��eYa �ac��c�aa.�e� �.a . `►tic. . Address: �lo �� ��11,.5 �`~ S� • Address \�a�!-�-'�- �eC,�a.,�-w� �.�e. . ��os��r.��..Y,.� �h• `'..�SOIoS �a��c�� Mr. .'+'J' �'"�O ls�� G+�y-'��a�e � i a e � Phone Number: �-3`'�- to�o`"�.2�, Phone Number. -4-3`1 - �.olo"�a .,�,.*************************************************«*********************************************************** �urpose of Excavation/Extraction: (Descrrbe in Detai!) ��. � �o �xCav �e,� �c cn-r ♦ S�� W��� `cah u�d`� O Y C/Lti) � �t � OS \rw� S'YY L'�'.�� �'�O �G S• i,.`�. `c�.0� - \ �� - � 8 j ��-5 i� cJ��cE.e. �`tcm-. C a��.o l�.v� �o e.a•��. �v e. . �x=************************************************************************************************************* Pro erty Information / Excavation Site Legal Description: Nc�r�� ..�e.s� �/4 Se.c. 3� �owr.s�.,o \�'v�,,, (Include P.�.D.�) ��a,�nae_ � � ,� �b�o�c�. �c��.�u k ��v��c,So�d TOTAL ACREAGE: \O •O �c.�cs Type of Material to be Extracted: ��ca�r,v��.Y Totai Cubic Yards to be Extracted: c'�O�O o� ���5 Estimated Number of Years of Operation: � ti e,a� Estimated Date for Compietion of Site Rehabilitation: Access/Transport Routes: �o��. �-c-� (Names of highways,sueets or other public roadways within the Gty upon which the material will be Vansported) ?7:is pemtit, upo�i authorizatio�s by City Council, is valid from January 1 dirough Decen:ber 31 of the year of isszcance. ?7te proposed niineral eztraction will be reviewed according to submitted pla�:s and description of the proposed operation as required u�ider provisions detailed in City of Rosernount Zonin Ordinance, Section 14.8 MINERAL F.�YTRAC'TION. In subn:itti�Tg t/Tis applicatiori tl:e applicant recognizes t/ze re ' rne set fortl: i�: tlie City of Rq,se�zount Zoi:irtg Ordi�:a�ice for the regcilatiat of ntining and agrees to meet thosg cand tions pn r ''reque ing a prova of :is pem:it. . _ �G . . � �.2'r�-- � ( Dare Signature of Appltcant (OVER) -FOR OFFJCE USE ONLY- ,• � Application Received By: /L-��i�i'=-5�� Date: � ���� �`�' Mineral Extraction Permit/Renewal Fee: � Zc70•°O ,tP/�t,�c.�rt�oa, ��u5 Date Receipted: �1 300• A.,,.vµ.�-i FEE� Surety Bond Amount: Expiration Date: Required Attachments . RE EIVED DATE y Phasing P/an Site Rec/amation and Rehabi/iiafion P/an Names & addresses of adjaceni/andowners wfihin 250 feet of extracrion site. Map showing physical relationship of excavation siie to rhe community and existing community development. Site analysis info�mation (trees, depih of fopsoil, adjacenf on-site structures and Jand uses, flood Ievels, watercourses and e/evaiion and percent slop wrthin 700 �eer beyond site perimeter. Depih of watertabJes ihroughoui excavation site. Plan of Operation Drainage, Wind and Water Erosion Controi Plan Planning Commission Action: Date: Councii Action: Date: Conditions, if approved: Authorization for Permit lssuance: - . City Clerk Date • r _ � J . Mineral E�raction Permit 1994 Conditions For Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal SOLBERG AGGREGATE CO. INC. A. Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc., property owner and operator, sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the area designated as on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the e�ibits. C. That the term of the permit shall extend from June 19, 1994 until December 31, 1994 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. A mining permit fee of $250:00 shall be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. That all required permits from the State of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "City") or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the permit. That failure by the Operator to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this paragraph shall be grounds for the City to terminate said mining perrnit. E. That the fmal grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordance with the attached grading plan labelled Exhibit B, or as approved by the City Engineer, and any other conditions as may be imposed by the City from time to time. F. All gravel trucks and other mining related traffic shall enter and exit the mining area from County State Aid Highway 42. It shall be the Operaxor's responsibility to obtain any access permits or easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the accesses and/or easements for ingress and egress shall be subject to approval by the City, as well as the County Highway Department or the Minnesota Department of Transportation if applicable or if any changes occur relative to the mining process. G. That a plan for dust control shall be submitted to and subject to approval by the City. The Operator shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from extraction or hauling opera.tions related to the Mineral Extra.ction Permit. After the Opera.tor has received 24-hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean- up at the Developer's expense. H. That the surface water drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere, contaminate, or otherwise effect the natural drainage of adjacent property. I. That no topsoil shall be removed from the site and that the Operator shall take necessary measures to prevent erosion of the stockpiled topsoil. The location of the stackpiled topsoil shall be indicated on Exhibit A the Phasing Plan. J. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing the location of existing public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures and sewer 1994 Mining Pernvt Solberg Aggregate Page 1 of 3 • infra.structure located within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of the operator. K. That all costs of processing the permit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by the operator prior to the issuance of the permit. That the Operator reunburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Public Warks Director or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting or enforcing of the permit. L. That the da.ily hours of opera.tion for the mining area shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. M. That the Operator and/or the Owner deposit with the Planning Department a surety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars per acre ($2,000.00/acre} or active phase in favor of the City for the cost of restoration, regrading and/or revegetaxing land disturbed by mining activities in the event of default from this agreement by either the Operator or the Owner. The required surety bonds must be: (1) With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the surety company to cancel the same upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfully comply with a11 the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the Public Works Director ar any other City officials. (4) Condit�oned that the Operator and the Owner will secure the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property ' through the fault of the Operator. (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from 7une 19, 1993:until January 1, 1997. Upon thirty (30) days notice to the permit holder and surety company, the City may reduce or increase the amount of the bond or cash escrow during the term of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. N. That the Operator furnishes a certificate of cornprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount of at least One Million and no/100 ($1,000,000.00) Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one 1994 Mining Permit Solberg Aggregate Page 2 of 3 i occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall remain in effect from July 19, 1994 until July 19, 1995. O. That no processing or mixing of materials shall occur on the site and construction of any ponding areas or wash plants shall require additional City Council approval and notification of adjacent property owners, except as approved by the Dakota County Environmental Health Department as incidental to a sand and gravel mining operation. P. That the Operator and the Owner shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the permit. That the Operator and the Owner shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees which the Ciry may pay or incur in consequence of such clauns. Q. That the Operator comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. R. Complete mining and reclamation is required by the end of the 1994 opera.ting season before any additional mining is authorized. Modif'ications or expansion of the muung areas must be approved in writing to the City. S. That the Operator shall incorporate best management practices for controlling erosion and storm water runoff as specif'ied by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. T. The Operaxor must have a copy of the Dakota, County Soil and Water Conservation District mining application completed and on file with the City of Rosemount Planning Department prior to the approval of the Mineral Extraction Permit. U. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided also that the minunum depth of topsoil shall not be less than two inches after reclamation. No restored slopes may exceed a gradient of 25% or four to 1 (4:1). V. The Operator shall install additional landscape screening along the westerly property boundary as reviewed and approved by the City's Assistant Planner. That Solberg Aggregate Co., a Minnesota resident, property owner and pit operator, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. Date: By: 1994 Mining Permit Solberg Aggregate Page 3 of 3 , CITY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5°TMthAeetWest P.O:Box 510 Rosemount,MN Everythinq's Cominq Up Rosemount!! 5so6a•osio Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 Public Notice SOLBERG AGGREGATE CO. INC. MnvExtu. E�cTTorr PEx�r - 1994 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCER'�T: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 19, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 28'75 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public Hearing listed below pertains to property located at 3615 145th Street East and legally described as follows: A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW'/a of NW'/a) of Section 30, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Northwest Quarter (NW�/a), 700.53 feet east of the southwest corner thereof; thence north perpendicular to the last described line, 50.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described. Thence continuing north on the last described line, 832.25 feet; thence west 646.79 feet to the easterly boundary of State Trunk Highway No. 56; thence south 16 degrees, 31 minutes east along said highway boundary 868.07 feet; thence east 400.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 10 acres. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Solberg Aggregate Company, Inc. for Mineral Extraction Permit for 1994 as required by Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Persons wishing to speak on this Mineral Extract Permit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesdav. .Tuly 19� 1994 at 8r00 p.m. Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the j City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this Sth day of July, 1994. � � i �� ��/ , e Su M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � � � � JnnrednnrenNeoPaNei :n•v.inr,ne;i�". ,�.vrri.ds. �:�� Solber� AgQre�ate Companv. Inc. - Mineral Extraction Permit (1994) Mailing List 1. Marlin W. & Joann Rechtzigel 34-02500-010-75 14727 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-2214 2. Raymond A. & Rosella Rahn 34-03000-010-09 3855 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-2223 3. Vemon J. & Roxanne Napper 34-02500-010-06 3405 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-5915 4. Kenneth & Barbara. Angerman 34-02500-012-07 1351 23rd Street Hastings, MN 5�033-3244 5. Myron E. & Ruth L. Napper 34-02500-011-07 3381 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-5917 ' 6. Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc. - PETITTQNER - 13245 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN SSOb8 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5-`;TMt"AeetWest P.O.Box 510 EVE'C tfllt� s Comin U Rosemount!! RosemoUr,c,MN y q� g 1� 55068-0510 Phone:612-423•4411 Fax:612•423-5203 Public Notice SOLBERG AGGREGATE CO. INC. MnvExaL E�►cTTON P�x�vmr - 1994 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 19, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public Hearing listed below perta.ins to property located at 3615 145th Street East and legally described as follows: A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW'/a of NW'/a) of Section 30, Township 115, Ran;e 18, Dakota County, Minnesata, described as follows: Commencina at a point on the South line of said Northwest Quarter (NW'/a), 700.53 feet east of the southwest corner thereof; thence north perpendicular to the last described line, 50.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described. Thence continuing north on the last described line, 832.25 feet; thence west 646.79 feet to the easterly boundary of State Trunk Highway No. 56; thence south 16 debrees, 31 minutes east along said highway boundary 868.07 feet; thence east 400.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 10 acres. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Solberg Aggregate Company, Inc. for Mineral Extraction Permit for 1994 as required by Ordinarace B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Persons wishing to speak on this Mineral Extract Permit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesday. .Tuly 19.'1994 at 8:00 p.m. Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting da.te. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this Sth day of July, 1994. � , ° .�.�/ � �..�-� Sus M. W , City Clerk � City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota. �.�«o�,���,���, ���a���io�;� � • � � � � � �conwme•.maienult. . C1TY OF ROSEMOU NT � 28�5-`�TMt"AeetWeSt P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOU�1t.►! Rosemount,nnN y C�� g (� 55068-0510 Phone;612-4Z3-4411 ,, Fax:612-423-5203 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice SOLBERG AGGREGATE COMPANY, INC. MINERAL EXTRACTION PERNIIT - 1994 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount; Minnesota. On July 8, 1994, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a Mineral Extraction Perrnit for mineraI extraction activities to occur on the Solberg Aggregate Company, Inc. property at 3615 145th Street East, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. �, � � � ; f , , , -� .c� � Susan M. Wals City Clerk City of Rosemount ' Dakota County, Minnesota . � � Subscribed and sworn to before me this —� daY of ,' l , 1994. ` / _ '; t i. j , �C.<� % � ' �� . Notary Public � � .. i..irv'%�.'v•:�.:Y9i�J'+•i.�,r�i/w`lS�Y'NY�« . . . � . � �� t:.�.�i��'.�f���1 UJ � . � ��' L ��,,���� "�J°;.tGN11NNESOTA :� �'r:i3T� �OUNTY . . � � . S i����; ,� .v':r�(�:r3L�une 7,1.� � Pnnted on mcvdedpane, � . � . � � ''�.v+hAAhly"� . . �ry,.,w.....,n�.y`,nh/yN�N1/�t• � tnmaimnRJO � . . . rxno-mnsame• rar.�rials. , . « � ' � Solber� Aggregate Companx, Inc. Mineral Extraction Permit (1994) Mailirig List 1. Marlin W. & Joann Rechtzigel 34-02500-010-75 14727 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-2214 2. Raymond A. & Rosella Rahn 34-03000-010-09 3855 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-2223 3. Vernon J. & Roxanne Napper 34-02500-010-06 3405 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-5915 4. Kenneth & Barbara Angerman 34-02500-012-07 1351 23rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-3244 5. Myron E. & Ruth L. Napper 34-02500-011-07 3381 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-5917 6. Solberg Aggregate Co. Inc. - PETTTIONER - 13245 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 r � � h Rosemount Town Pages � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Dawn Smith, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized City of Rosemount agent and employee of the publisher of the uewspaper, known as The s�„k�b°A�`�,�ca,oG . . MiMc'al8rttaett�Permlt-199�t� � Rosemoun[ Town Pages, and has full lmowledge of the facts which are stated below: �ro w►3oM rr�Y coNc�uv: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting xoT��s,.,�Y�� �ClIY COUOCII OF(bE qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues �ty�'R«����u naa,�bh�n�n$oo.,,�,d,Y 331A.02,331A.07 d other a hcable laws,as amended. J�sias`m�s `�`�°�°"°�'°�be1°�""��'H'w PP� �.�s�g u s:oo p.m.«„,� (B)The printed �(�,�"�� t t� ��'y'�°-1 � Urcneafter aa posaibk. '1Lo Pablic Fkaring listed beWw . . P�+��Pcoperty locaoed at 3615 343�li Su�et Fasc aud � . kB�Y daaen'bed as follows: � � - � . . � . . . . . . � . .. A traC of land iu r6e.Southwest Quacur of tbe Northwest � � . 'Qearter(SK'IN of lYW1/4)of Sacaoo 30.Towmhip 115. wluch is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was ��.lg•Dakota Counry,Miuuesots,described as printed and published once each week for 1 successive co��n�;o a�a weeks• it was first ublished on Frida the _N,d da of Nor,��,� g P�inboo We South line of said � �3 . }r� a,,_� }� . . �Qoartez(NWI/4).7UO.S3 feet east of We � 1�%: 19 and was thereafter rinted and ublished on� � °°°"�����t��o«nanh petpeadicnlat to the. � p � last described lipe,50.0 feet to the actual�poiot of .. � every ��aay, to and i;�cluding Friday, the _�day Of ����oe�x mm w ix e�y�d .ly��,�e��og u , 19'1�t ; and rinted below is a co of the °°"''°°'�'���ba�$��fa4 tLena wes[ � ` � � p py . 646.79 feet to.tLe easterly�beundary�of State Trnnk lower ea alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, whieh is hereby �s��y xa s�:�hanoe aaa�ti 16 degeees,31 miwres eaa� aclrnowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition Q°o�'��ey''�'°�8t�•�f�����=e=� . . . . . poiutoftreainoing.Coua�aingloac�ex. � and publication of the nodce: .���of�������Pub��a` � . � � . on the applicauon roceived tiom Solber�ABBrogate . . � abcdef lmnop�gatu� �Y.Inc.fa hfineral Etttaction Petmit For.1994 aa . . . �°� . �`� , reqaind�by Ordinersee B-City oJRo,remoarst Zoning . . , \ � o��. gy:�t(;� i����l�' �i�"����`�'`.,) y- Pers�ue wistrins w s�ealt w tbis 14Gneral Exr�t Rrurit �1C1�:Typesetter ��s�„�a���a,��a��z�«a�,.Jn� . . . . � 19.1994 at S:UQ p,m,.Writka comm�n�wiU also be � '� � uxpted prior to�tha meedng dab. Plaaae forwud sii Subscribed and sworn to before me on this —��„� day ��m�a��;«auxc;aorR��o�e�;a8 of �`,��o` , 19' n.�a u�s�n a8Y orr��,i�a - i�s��M.w�n . s�.w M.w�n.cay c� C5ry orR.oxmounc Notary Public �� n�.cw�,.,,�,;�,�, AFFIDAVTT c�!v�!� E �!FaREK .r'"•;.: . .,,, :�so�a �ao � NOt3ry f. .. . . . . *��"� 'J��.;Sif i..JJ�'•�Y li' tuly Comm Exp 5•15-96 +Ir e �.� � '�~ � GTY HALL � ��-� � �� C I TY� O F RO S E M O U�N T � � � z8�5—,45in st�eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOunt!! Rosemount,MN y g q p 55068-0510 �� �; � �� ':� e.s � � � � � � Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE CSAH 42 AND CANADA AVENUE TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #253 & #258 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On July 7, 1994, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 287;5 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notics of public hearing regarding CSAH 42 and Canada Avenue Turn Lane lmprovements, Project#258, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. � . , / r�:�� Sus M. W h City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this � � day of July, 1994. . 0 C1NDY DORNIDEN ' y � � ��'� N3TARY PUBLiC—M1MiESJTA Lrj�ti� DAKuTA CJUMY "'� ``�'=.. My Camm.�pfras Aug.25.1995 g otary Pu lic : � � ted n mc d€d vap«�� onta��qe30/ �o t� mafrriak. � , C1TY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5-`;TMt"AeetWeSt -.� P.O. Box 510 — �: Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 5so6a-o5io �":_� � � � � Phone:612�-�23-4411� � Fax:61 Z-423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 42 AND CANADA AVENUE TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #258 TO•WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, July 19, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements Project #258 - CSAH 42 and Canada Avenue Turn Lane Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the construction of approximately 1,500 feet of turn lane construction, roadway signage and striping and a traffic signal revision, trail and minor utility improvements. � The total estimated cost of said improvements is 5119,600. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements will generally be described as: • All of South Rose Park Addition Replat (Except Lot 2, BIocK 4); • All of Rosemount Market Square • All of South Rose Park 2nd Addition • All of South Rose Park 3rd Addition • All of Carrousel Plaza South � The NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 except the east 330 ft of the N 876 ft of Sec 31 , T115, R19 • The E 330 ft of N 876 ft of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec 31, T115, R19 in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 5th day of July, 1994. - , � BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ;' - �� �� .C-'���� �� �..Y��� �__ Susan M. Wal • City Clerk - City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . . . . . . �.�r nrrdm rc crrdPavrr� .. cont�ininR 7' >r-�onx teri�l,. , y MAILING LIST CSAH 42 AND CANADA AVENUE TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #258 PUBLIC HEARING: JULY 5, 1994 8:00 P.M. . 347115002802 347115004503 347115001 100 W L Detlefsen Clifford W Carlson Clifford W Carlson % Glenn L Detlefsen 15125 Robert Tr S 15125 Robert Tr S 15120 Chippendale Ave Rosemount, MN 55068- Rosemount, MN 55068- Rosemount, MN 55068 1745 1745 347115002902 347115005103 3471 1 5001 201 Godwin & Swarna Peris Clifford W Carlson Lyndale Terminal Co 357 Maple Island Rd 15125 Robert Tr S P. O. Box 1224 Burnsville, MN 55337 Rosemount, MN '55068- Minneapolis, MN 55440- 1745 1224 347115003102 Vermillion State Bank 347115006003 3471 1 5001 301 P. O. Box 28 Carlson Properties of Clifford W Carlson Vermillion, MN 55085 Rosemount 15125 Robert Tr S 15125 Robert Tr S Rosemount, MN 55068- 347115001003 Rosemount, MN 55068- 1745 William V1/ & Darlene Berg 1745 2840 170th St W 347115001401 Farmington, MN 55024 � 347115001004 Carlson Farms of Rosemount Bauer Bro�hers Ptnshp P. 0. Box 69 347115002003 11224 160th St E Rosemount, MN 55068 William W & Darlene Berg Hastings, MN 55033-9302 2840 170th St W 3471 1 5001 002 Farmington, MN 55024 347115002204 3438 Investments Bauer Brothers Ptnshp 3436 151 st St 347115003103 11224 160th St E Rosemount, MN 55068 Bill Berg Const Inc Hastings, MN 55033-9302 3329 151 st St W 347115002202 Rosemount, MN 55068- 347115003204 LeRoy C & Judy A Gunhus 1754 Independent School Dist 3450 151 st St W 196 Rosemount, MN 56068- 347115003203 14445 Diamond Path 1755 Bill Berg Const Inc Rosemount, MN 55068- 3329 151 st St 1!V 4143 347115002402 Rosemount, MN 55068- Detlefsen Prop 1754 347115004204 %Glenn L Detlefsen Independent School Dist 15120 CMippendale Ave 347115004403 196 Rosemount, MN 55068 Daniel E & Gayle S 14445 Diamond Path Huntington Rosemount, MN 55068- 347115002602 15724 Highview Dr 4143 Rose Park Mechanicaf Bldg St. Paul, MN 55124-7012 , 15185 Carousel Way Box 15 Rosemount, MN 55068- 0015 _ . 4 347117501001 347117603001 McDonald Corp (145/22) Carison Farms of Rosemount AMF Ohare P. O. Box 69 P. O. Box 66207 Rosemount, MN 55068- AMF Ohare, IL 60666- 0069 0207 340311001115 347117502001 Chippendale 42 Ptnshp Pizza Hut of Northwest Inc 14605 Johnny Cake_ Ridge 911 Douglas E Rd Box 428 Apple Valley, MN 55124- Wichita, KS 67201-0428 6882 347117503001 340311001215 Carlson Farms of Rosemount Rosemount National Bank %Carlson Tractor 15055 Chippendale Ave 15125 Robert Tr S Rosemount, MN 55068- Rosemount, MN 55068- 4639 1767 341645001001 � 3471 1 75041 01 Guetschoff Theatre Mgmt Carlson Farms of Rosemount Corp %Carlson Tractor P. O. Box 313 15125 Robert Tr S Cambridge, MN 55008 Rosemount, MN 55068- 1767 341645001000 Carlson Properties of 347117504201 Rosemount Patrick & Zelda Fahey 15125 Robert Tr S 2609 52nd St W � Rosemount, MN 55068- Minneapolis, MN 55410- 1745 2231 347117504301 Carlson Farms of Rosemount %Carlson Tractor 15125 Robert Tr S Rosemount, MN 55068- 1767 34711760100� Carlson Farms of Rosemount P. 0. Box 69 Rosemount, MN 55068- 0069 347117602001 Matthew Daniels Inc 15185 Carousel Way Rosemount, MN 55068- 1760 . ° Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kim Heikkila, bein dul sworn, on oath sa s that she is an authorized C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT g Y Y nnxorn coorv�rs;Mnv�vessara agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The e„nn�.,w,a�e Rosemount Town Pa�es, and has full lrnowled e of the facts wlucb are "`'°""°`�a'`H`a`'"g°"'"'P�°•°"k°� g CSAA 42 and Canada Arenue tUrn lane Impcoremmts stated below: �+t,p�o��r�ua (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements conscituting ,�o w►roM rr Ma,r rnxcm�v: qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Sta.tues NOTICE IS HIREBY GIVEN,that tLe Gly Cwncil of iLe 331A,02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. CSty of RoxmounG Mionesota will meet at 8:00 o'clock � �) p.m.ot as saon thereafter as.poasible.�Tuesday.July 19, . (B)The printecl � � 1 �� 't((�.���}w`{ i 9"L�_--_ 1994 io Ihe Council Chambers of Ux City Hall,2875 . . \\� . . � . �145th Strat Weat.�to c��dert6e following improvements: � . � . . � . � . Project�258-CSAH 42 aud Canada Avence Tym Lanc �. . . � � Imprdvements . � . � � W111C�1 1S.�taC11P+Ci, was eut from the.eolumns of said newspaper,�and was � � � rn�.�na�or�af;mpto�emeo„ shall�include�tLe� � consvuctlon of approximately(,500 feet oFtum lane printed and published once eaeh week for � SUCCCSSIVC conatrnctlon,roadway sigoage and atriping and a tmffic weeks; it was first published on Friday, the ___�__ day of �����w.hailandimnautlliryimpro�+emeuta. , 19� and was thereafter printed and pubiished on �,��,�5,;�,sa��or�a- . vnprovements is$I I9,600. eve Fr'd y, to' and including Friday, the __,L.��day Of �y�area proposed to be asseased for the rot�Bo;�B , 19.��.; and printed below is a copy of the ;�„�,��;ll�„Y��;,�a�: lowe ` ase al abet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby •��s�n�R�r�k A�aoo R�r��c���z Bi�a>; aclaiowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition •AllofRoeemoantMazketSquare •Ali of South Roa�Park 2nd Adrliflon and publication of the notice: •All of Sourh Roae Pazk 3rd Addirion . � � � � •Atl of Ca¢ouael Plaza Swt6 � � � � . � abedefgtri�lcl�opegsmvwxyz � � �'T��1/4 of NE 1/4 eacwpt the�esat 330 ft of�he N � . 876RofSec31,T115,R19� � . . •The E 330 ft of N 876 ft of N 1/2 of NE d/4 of See 3l. T115,Rl9 in the City of Roaeinount,Dakota Coonty, B}�•'�� Ivlinoesota � ifle:Typesetter . .. � . �suc6 pe�w(:)�as aesines co in heara witn cete�w�ue � � � � .�}n � propoaed impcove�nta will be heazd af this meaing. . . Sub cribed and sworn to before me on this �� day Wri'�°�°��m�n�llu��;a�a. Of � Daced tLis SW day ofJuly.1994. 19 - � BYQRDFROFIT�CTfYCOUNCQ.. !S/Sosan M.WaL9h � � - Si�san M.Wals6 � Notary Public �n�� . . . � City of Roaemonut � � � � � Dalcda Coanty.lMnneada � a�l'"IDl�V� 7/S.7/t5 �'':•.. CON3�tiE E FIFAREK �j� � Netan/..F'�uG�tG�!�"�n�esOtB . . . . . . . pakUtd CuuntY � Mv Co+*��n Exp 5-15�� .,��' July 15, 1994 City of Rosemount Po Box 510 Rosemount rji nnesota 55068 REF: Solberg Aggregate Co. rti.neral �ctraction Permit: To Whom It May Concern. I live at 4230 145th Street E, Rosemount, which is a short distance from Solberg Agoregates new facility. I have no objections to the removal of aggregate ma.terial from thier site. I belive that they have done an outstandi.ng job on thier new building and the way they have landscaped and maintained the grounds. Thank You: . � Raymond Ostertag 1� � �