HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Delagation of City Council Authority for Payment of Certain Claims , ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCtL MEETING DATE: July 19, 1994 AGfNDA ITEM: Delegation of City Council Authority for AGENDA SECTION: Payment of Certain Claims Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA ��� � � � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Copy of Statute APPROVED BY: s Attached for your consideration is a resolution allowing the City Administrator the authority to pay claims prior to Council seeing these claims. On June 21 st, Council approved amendments to the City's Purchasing Policy. At that time, this issue of delegation was discussed. In 1993, the State amended their statute on disbursements allowing cities the authority to streamline their purchasing/payment process(see attached}. By passing this resolution, Council gives staff the authority to pay bills in a more timely fashion, eliminating penalties for Iate payments because of the timing of Council meetings and being able to possibly take advantage of discounts that have been unavailable to us before. By approving this resolution, we will not drastically change the way we currently operate. Our large ''bill" runs will still be done twice a month in direct correlation with Council meetings. The only difference will be that the bills will go in the mail after they are prepared, rather than the Wednesday morning after the Council meeting. Council will still receive the "bills° list like they always have but now it will be for informational purposes onlylsee statute). Certain bills, like applications for payment on construction projects, will still not be released before Council approval. This is a good example of the State recognizing an unreasonable restriction that they have placed onto cities that they are finally correcting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION DELEGATING CITY COUNCIL AUTHORITY FOR PAYMENT OF CERTAIN CLAIMS. � COUNCIL ACTION: � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA GOUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION DELEGATING CITY COUNCIL AUTHORITY FOR PAYMENT OF CERT/�IN CLAIMS WHEREAS, the City Council finds it more eficient and cost effective to designate its authority for payment of certain claims made against the City to the City Administrator or his/her designee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby appoints the City Administrator or his/her designee as the City Council's designated authority for review and payment of bills and claims made against or owed by the City of Rosemount in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 412.172, Subd 8. ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1994. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: ! 25 STATUTORY CI'fIES 412.641 CHAPTER 412 _ STATUTORY CITIES 412.371 Disbursemcnts. 41;.641 Managec 412.271 DISBliRSEI�IEtiTS. Subdivision 1. Method. No disbursement of city funds, including funds of any municipal liquor dispensary operated by the city, shall be made except by an order drawn by the mayor and clerk upon the treasurer. Escept when issued for the payment of judgments,salaries and wages previously fixed by the council or by statute,principal and interest on obiigations,rent and other fixed charges,the exact amount of which has been previously determined by contract authorized by the council,and except as other- wise provided in subdivisions 4, 5, and 8, no order shall be issued until the claim to which it relates has been audited and allowed by the counciL [For text of subds ? ro 6, see:LLS.1992J Subd. 7. Definition. For purposes of this section, a "city administrative official" means a city manager, adrninistrator, treasurer. senior fiscal of�icer, clerk, or cierk- treasurer. Subd. 8. Delegation of authority for paying certain claims.A city councii,at its dis- cretion, may delegate its authority to pay certain claims made against the city to a city admin;strative official.City councils opting to delegate their authority to review claims � before payment pursuant to this subdivision shall have internal accounting and admin- istrative control procedures to ensure the proper disbursement of public funds. The procedures shall inciude regular and frequent review of the city administrative ofTicials' actions by the council.A list of all claims paid under the procedures established by the city council shali be presented to the council for informational puiposes only at the next regularly scheduled meeting after payment of the claim. A city council that delegates its authority to pay certain claims made against the city must adopt a resolution autho- rizing a specified city administrative official to pay the claims that meet the standards and procedures established by the council.A city council of a city that does not prepare annual audited financial statements which have been attested to by an independent cer- tified public accountant, public accountant, or the state auditor, may not delegate its authority for paying certain claims against the city pursuant to this subdivision. History: 1993 c 315 s 11-13 412.641 NIANAGER. Subdivision 1. The city manager shall be chosen by the council solely on the basis of training,experience, and administrative qualifications and need not be a resident of the city at the time of appointment. The manager shall be appointed for an indefinite period and may be removed by the counciI at any time,but after having served as man- ager for one year the city manager may demand written charges and a public hearing on the charges before the council prior to the date when &nal removai takes effect. A : demand for written charges and a hearing must be made within seven days of notifica- tion of the council's intent to remove the city manager.The council shall set a date and a reasonable time for a public hearing, which must be held within 30 days of the demand and maynot be reconvened or recessed until a further date, absent approval of the council.The council shall notify the city manager within five days of the hearing, ' of the councii's decision to retain or remove the city manager.The decision of the coun- + cil is final. Pending such hearing and removai, the council may suspend the manager, ` with or without pay,at the council's discretion, from office.The council may designate � some properly qualified person to perform the duties of the manager during absence r or.disability. (For te_rt of st�bd�, see.l�l 5.1992J '• History: 1993 c 31�s 14 � � � i