HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Expenditure Approval From Donation Account - Police Squad Car Equipment . I '� , � 4 ; � . . . . . . . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE 3IIMMARY FOR ACTION I CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 20, 1994 , I i AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Ili EXPENDITURE APPROVAL FROM DONATION ACCOUNT CONSENT I PREPARED BYs AGENDA I, ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE 1 t LM # `•i. U ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: II REVENUE WORKSHEET AND INVOICES ' 'tu es from a I According to Gity Policy F-2, any request for expendi r designated donation account must be approved by the City Council, , Account number 101-22222 has been opened for donations received for the j Police Equipment Fund. Squad number 50 is a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. The emergency electrical I equipment (light bar) in this vehicle had to be replaced because of ', malfunctioning. The siren and other emergency lighting equipment also needed updating. Invoice #149788 shows the total cost of squad 5D's equipment including the labor ($2, 003 .26) . Invoice #149744 lists the cost of miscellaneous lenses, , filters and reflectors ($70.93) . Approval by the City Council to transfer $2 , 074. 19 from account number 101- 22222 is necessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF $2, 074. 19 AND APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO BUDGETS AS GIVEN ON THE ATTACHED DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET. COUNCIL ACTION: � DONATIOI�t REVENUB 1rORRSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt �� for' Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIP'MIIV'r F'CTND Account � for ponation: 101-22222 . (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Departmentj EBPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 2 074.19 - To be Spent from Acct �: 101-421I0-01-208 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Emer�ency li�htin� eQuipment AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETB Amend Donation Revenue Acct #i01-36230-00-000: $ 2,074.19 Amend Expenditure Acct � 101-42110-01-208 : $ 2,074.19 � � (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRN�L ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION I,IABILITY # Debit: 101-22222 {Donation Liability �) $2.074.19 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 2,074.19 Credit: 101-29300 $ 2,074.19 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on I2/20/94 . o- . < K . Road 1133 Rankin Street wvoicE rvo. 14s7$� . . Rescue� St. Paul, MN 55 i 16-5137 PAGE i DATE 1 f/30/'�4 . �j'�C. (612) 699�SS88 SALESMAN � REGU�f1R INV�ICE_.._ y�� � � ���+� .�. . .. . . . . . RQ�CMOU1vT P4LIC� DCPART. RO��NOUi�T f'4LICE DEf'ART_,4..: , 2�75 - 145T�� �TREET I:tCST �87'5 - 1�5T�-i STREET WEST _ � R�SEMOUIVT MN 550��3 ROSEM4UUT Mtv 55068_ _. • • . ••. •• •� 3�5t�6 JEEFCHCiRi1�=EE 0 .00 CU�T�]MER PICKUP NF,,,T. 3Q_;. e ••. . e . e ••. . • • 1 i .�c�o f .aoo .oc�v a�o ,000ac, a��,ao �,. I tzm LSPS- 180720 T _.__ -- Il.escr i pt i an LIG�;T BAft, PE SPEC^a. t�>.73'95RI � �.• , U n i t �f �S e a s u r E A .,� ._.,... . . Date ^h i pped 111-:;Ot9� ,:- J:✓ r' - . z i .c�oo i .00c� .00c� �ai .00vuo �a� .o� � ] �e m _20 00 .�, _ .. .}Zescr i p� i on �If2El� GODC 3 DBEL 38�ZL6._�,, Un i t of �easur_� EA .,;. �_..-- - Date Shipped !1l�0/94 ,;�,. _...s"`. .. 3 1 .QQ0 + ' f .QOa .t��� 42,OOOa� 42.00. .. Item �EXT-11S0�0 .�. ..._ __ . .,Qescription LIGF{T , 6RIt_LE BRITC EYE EBRR00_;,.. ri i t �f reasure SET „�. � Date Shipped IIl30194 ,�_ ,.�'". .. a� �. 000 � 2.oaa .00v �t.a��oo ��.oQ. � Itern LEXT-1ST650 ._ - .. �es cr i pt i an FOGLIGiiTS, AM E�t 10.OSb6�. „ n i t af tteasur EA � .__ � Date Shipped 11130l9� SALES AMOUNT MISC CHG SALES TAX PREIGHT • . i ____ ' R4ad 1133 Rankin Street iNvoicE Na 1 a�7 a s R e s c u e� St. Paul, MN 55i 16-3i3 7 P A�E � ,�- DATE 12/30l94 II�C• �6�Z� G9��Jr$88 SALESMAN ,.. REGULAR I NVO I CE=,_. .� 2573_ _ ROSEMOUNT POLICE DCAART. R05�=l�DU�{T t'OLICE DCf'ART,�.,_ „ 2875 - 1A�5T'rt STRCET 1•iCST 2875 - 1 r5TH 5TREET WEST _. � R�SEM4UNT MN 5506$ RUSEMIIUNI" MN 5546$,� : • • . ••. •• •• 395Qc J EEPCNERO�`EE 0 .04 CU�T4PIER PI CKUP NES 30 .., e ••. . e • e ••. r � ' 5 1 .000 1 .t1fl47 ,�44 5'90 ,00000 5�-+t�.OQ , .:.�-� - 1 tem 2300 .,:. __.. �.escr i pt i an It�STALL EOl1�f' Ei�T IN CE�Ef?af; E. _ � .. U i t of Tlzasur_ EA �. ...�. _ Date Sh i pped 11 /3t7l94_ ._ SALES AMOUNT MISC CHG Q�Q Q ' SALES TAX FREIGHT � P G "L b., ' Q.OQ � � � 2 003.Z6 _ _ -- - ___ - , .. I R4a� 1133 Rankin Street iNvo�cE No. i 4''7��. _' 1 �'' l MN 55116-3137 PACE �, Rescuei St. Pau , DATE 11::�:j��_�4 ,nC. (612) 699-SJ�88 SALESMAN �EGJS_Ac; INVOICE t57:� nU�CM}�J;�T �Pl3r��'J�C'f�'�t�'rt�'`' ;2���:.•:"!UJ�IT ;'�+l. �C[: Jt:;'.1n^T . �;�Z 1 .. �•�:�,T�-� ��i;yET i���� :=;;?1 - 1�t aT}fi •^.�,,EET WEST �i�7�Ei'i:�J;�T Mi�1 55'J' r.�.;:; ;�G:;t:MliJ�lT f•.Py 5Sv68 • • ••. •• •. ,�;�;;-�? �CE��3t� � .t70 : A�ES DLLIyi:R`( IET �4 e ••. . e . � ••. . � ' 1 : .O�u � ,C�`.�. .JJJ =�� .5;1J;�� '��.aQ I �em: !v;'S- 19i45� B�scrip� � v7 : i.Cyu, 1�rti, �:.::.�l; i�'�IU1 Ur� � � ,�P �#=asure: EA _ '�d�2 i11i �1Rt� d : ii /.'1�/{I'� ,_ i , :��.1:1 i ,�'iJ`j�, .;ii��.� iG .r�ilvrlv �E1,�Q Ite�n: ;_:U�S- 191Y��: _ ��5�t- � rr� i �ri : LCi�i'f i;;i r.'�;al"r: , CL.E:�� i��:�l lJr, ; t a-f !"!_:�sure: EA �aue 5hipp�,i: 1 � /.�;)i{i4 i� . � 1 . i1:F+� � i . t��i� � .�v v v . �� .t�cJ iJ�l i� � ��.��G . .. -L "3��� �1+?r � . . . f -�r I ve���: _r : � 1��� 4 � � _ � �. • . _ n �i 7�� r � r� � t . . . . �$S LI' 1 t c i C7:1 : il��`�.T.�� ��t r';r� i •J u.;.�'rtrJ" F �lti� � t af !"���.sure: EA �a'G 2 ,�'.'�i�'1 i ��'!$Si: � i l::�3 l 2� . � � � t}vU i ft�%� r . �y5 'y [ . 1 �) } •V •V�Y . t� •�V V�V . � V tGQ it$115: �..F'�..ci- I��Lst. 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(612) 699-SJr88 SALESMAN �: + � RE,.i1� A,•� INVOICE 2573 I RQ�EM��U?.1; r uLI�i ��;'"ftT. ��::E�"�:1JyT f'�L.IC� �C.r:1RT . ,I -?��T�1 � 1't•./ 1 1�1 J I 4�1���I F4CJ 1 »J�� � 1 T.� 1 f� J 1 IY�GT ���.IT . . �,,. {1���7C1`iIJUi41• � 1'l1Y +3v�.��{�i1i f\��i��i'is..�1/14� � {'t�. ��V�17 . . � � � . . � . . . � . ... •• .. . � .. . . . . �,I 4t�:;'�T EEL-'ER6 � .J� ';.4��5 �Cl_I!i1:R'� t�ET 30 e •�. . e . e •�. . � ' t'-. .. . i1JJ i ,:��i� .�,i�3�} i .�`.iJJJi3 �i.t�� 1i.t�lir: !._('�i'�..��- it�t�=b '�2SEt iP t t "vii : �1i.31�iiy i'�%t v�t I:'G�i;1'i f i�l_uL: T��i.�1�3 t1�� i t �f i�r2;�sur-e : EA Da�e �hipp2de a � /::�l�t� r' i , `_"i'v' i ,JJ�� .iJ13:: ' ..cJU:3:::J .".-+ .GO .,, . . .i b�3i1: i_�i'J� l��v'J 1 V � � . . � IJ25C�- i �r� � oi� : i II_Ttfif ;:�T?AIGii�1 � 1"•:;ti iz� TU:_i5L u�� : t of C:��:�sure : EA _ D-at2 ,-^�i i �tp2+�: i � ,''>t1I7� v r. `�.�{.1:' �r.vv�.l .�(�v � .i7'�.7�i� i .�?d i ter��: '.['YS- 1���?� ... 7�7T il�S ��� ( ff 4 I :7 i� i ,t�L h��: L L.t i�s l�'�./a . { � t i t ( . . . . . . � . . ��� i '� Of �"i:?15UR'8: EA .. , . . lia lL.C7 .:ifi i �}�C�� : 11 / ti�7+r..f���� � � � � . . . . . . ,��—__. � . . . . . . . _ . . . . .. � . . . . � SALES ��v.h J AMOUNT �� 0.04 sn�s rnx �.:;� fREIGHT O.O t� � . 7�.'�3