HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Modification of the Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project and Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) #1-2 and a TIF Plan Therefor City of Rosemount � Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: December 20 . 1994 Ageada Item: Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Agenda Section: District & Redevelopment Plan PUBLIC HEARING Modif ication Prepared By: Ron Wasmund Agenda No: Community Development �I�� � � Director Attachments: Draft TIF P1an; Modification Approved By: of Redevelopment Plan; Resolution. The Carlsons desire to- redevelop the southwest corner of Highway 3 and County Road 42 into a series of commercial establishments. Their current business of industrial equipment sales will relocate to facilitate the redevelopment of the site. They are suggesting ' h onsists of a motel . r ' ct whic c that there will be an initial p o�e Second phase is suggested to be a sit down style restaurant. Subsequent phases will be other types of commercial services . They are asking the Port Authority to create a tax increment district and pledge some of the increment from this district to assist with the financing of the project . They have provided a list of eligible construction items and their assoc�ated costs . Those items and costs are identified in the attached TIF plan. It has been determined by staff and consultants that this projeet will not be able to be done "but for" the assistance provided by tax increment. The decision and findings that the Port Authority made was that this plan is something they want to do and that the project 'wouldn' t be done but for their help. The Council needs to decide that this type '` `.' redevelopmen:t is consistent with their philosophies and state laws irrespective of a specific project. As the specific projects are proposed they will each need to be presented to the Council for review and reeommendation in separate actions. Once you have determined that the redevelopment project is consistent with the laws and philosophies of the Council, you must pass a resolution supporting the project. The planning commission considered the plan on December 13, 1994 and found it to be in compliance with the comprehensive guide p1an. A copy of their resolution is attached. David Drown from Springsted will be in attendance and make a presentation regarding the plan. The city attorney will be present to review the modification of the redevelopment plan. Recommended Action; A MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANC3NG PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (REDEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT N0. 1-2 . City Council Action: i 1�-20-94.001 � . CITY OF RQSEMOUNT RESOLUTION NO. ________ RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFIED �tEDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE R.OSEMOUNT ItEDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (REDEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-2 BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council ("Council") of the City of Rosemount, Minnesata (City) as follows: Section 1. R.eeitals• 1.01. The City has previously established the Rosemount Redevelopment Project (the "Project") and a Redevelopment Plan therefor, originally administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Aosemount (TMHRA"), and Development District No. 1 (Development District) and a Development Program (Program) thereEDA"originally adminis°tered by the Rosemount Economic Development Authority ( ) • 1.02. The Rosemount Port Authority currently admin,isters the Project and the Development District, which areas have the same boundaries and the same,general objectives and public purpose. 1.03. In order to administer the Authority's development and redevelopment efforts more efficiently, the Authority has a� the Redevicelopment Plan for the Project and the Development District, and to m y Project accordingly, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Law )• 1.04. The Authority has also proposed t2he��Se bTI�D strict'� and a�Tax of Tax Increment Financing District No. ( Increment Financing Plan ( "TIF Pla.n") therefor, pursuant to the HRA Law and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179 ( the "TIF Act") . 1.05. The Authority has caused to be P velo em nt Project t1Rosemount�Po t of Redevelopment Plan for Rosemount Rede p Authority, City of Rosemount, Minnesota," and "Tax Increment Financing Plan�l�r Tax Increment Financing (Redevelopment ved thoseNdocuments by resolution dated of Rosemount, Minnesota, and has appro December 20, 1994. 1.06. The City Planning Commission has pro4ided a written comment to this Council finding that the modified Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Plan are consistent with the comprehensive City plan. 1.0?. Estimates of the fiscal and econ�o 96 and totDakota County ati le ste30 presented to Independent School District N days before the public hearing on the TIF Plan, and the Dakota County commissioner representing the area including the TIF District was duly notified atleast 30 days before the date of publication of the hearing notice in accordance with Section 469.175, Subd. 2a of the TIF Act. � sJsaoe9z 1 P9230-b . 1 1.08. The City Council has fully reviewed the contents of the modified Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Plan and on December 20, 1994 conducted a public hearing thereon, at which the views of all interested persons were heard. Section 2. Findings; Redevelopment Project. 2.01. It is hereby found and determined that within the Froject there is a need to develop and redevelop unused and underused land, correct blighted conditions and prevent the emergence of blight, and improve the tax base and ; employment opportunities, and to provide an impetus for commercial and industrial � development. 2.02. It is further specifically found and determined that: . a) the land within the Project would not be made available for development without the public intervention and financial assistance described in the Redevelopment Plan; b) the modified Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, eonsistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the Project by private enterprise; and c) the modified R.edevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for development of the City as set forth in the comprehensive murucipal plan. Section 3. Findin s; TIF Distriet No. 1-2. 3.01. It is found and determined that it is necessary and desirable for the sound and orderly development of the Project and the City as a whole, and �or the protection and preservation of the public health, safety, and general welfare, that the authority of the TIF Act be exercised by the City to provide public financial assistance to the TIF District and the Project. 3.02. It is further found and determined, and it is the reasoned opinion of the City, that the development proposed in the Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Plan could not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that therefore the use of tax increment financing is necessary. 3.03. The proposed public improvements to be financed in part through tax inerement financing are necessary to permit the City to realize the full potential of the TIF District and the Project in terms of development intensity, employment opportunities and tax base. 3.04. The Plan for TIF District No. 1-2 conforms to the general plan of development of the City as a whole. 3.05. The Plan for TIF District No. 1-2 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the TIF District and the Project by private enterprise. 3.06. TIF District No. 1-2 is a redevelopment district under Section 469.174, subd. 10 of the TIF Act, based on the findi.ngs described in the TIF Plan, which are incorporated herein by reference, and other records on file with the City. 9JB80892 .._ P3230-5 2 t. � � � � � . . . . . � � � . � . � . � � :. 3.07. The establishment of TIF District No. 1-2 and the approval of the TIF Plan therefor is intended, and in the City's judgment its effect will be, to promote , the public purposes aad accomplish the objectives specified in the TIF Plsn. 3.08. The City has relied upon the reports and recommeadations of its staff as well as the personal knowledge of inembers of the City Council in reaching its conclusions regarding TIF District No. 1-2. Section 4. P1ans-Adopted; Certification; Filing• 4.Ol. The modified Redevelopment P1an and the TIF Plan are hereby approved and adopted, and TIF District No. 1-2 is established. 4.02. The geographic baundaries of the Redevelopment Project aad of the TIF District are described in the Redevelopment Plan and TIF Plan therefor, respectively, which documents are incorporated herein by reference. 4.03. The Authority staff or consultants are authorized and directed to � transmit a certified eopy of this resolution together with a certified copy of the Redevelopment Plaa and the TIF Plan to the Auditor of Dakota County with a request that the original tax capacitY of the property within TIF District No. 1-Z be certified to the Authority pursuant to Seetion 469.177, subd. 1 of the TIF Act,-and to file a copy of-,the.R�e�development Plan and the TIF Plan with the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue as required by the TIF Act. Approved by the City Council of the City of Rosemount this 20th day of December, 1994. CITY OF R.OSEMOUNT Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 8JHB089Z R5230-5 3 . ATION OF I� MODIFIC , LAN I'� PMENT P , xIDEVELO FO R ROSIII�OUNT REDEVELOPMENT PR.OJECT . _ _ ,,,�.,.� ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHOBITY CITY OF ROSEMOUN'T, MINNESOTA Adopted: December 20, 1994 wy.. <. Drafted By: HOLMES & GR.AVEN, CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 33?-9300 sJseoaaa PSZ30-5 , I. DEFINITIONS The terms definEd below have, for purposes of this Bedevelopment Plan, the meanings herein specified, unless the context specifically requires otherwise: "Authority" means the R.osemount Port Authority. "Authority Law" means Minaesota Statutes, Sections 469.048 to 469.068. '+Bond" means any tax-exempt or taxable bonds issued bg the City or Authority and payable in whole or in part from Tax Increment to finance the Public Costs, and any obligations issued to refund such bonds. "City" means the City of Rosemount. "City Council" means the City Council of the City. "County" means Dakota County, Minnesota. "Development District" means Development District No. 1 originally established on March _, 1990 and incorporated into the Redevelopment Project as of December , 20, 1994. ' "Environmental Controls" means federal, state or lncal laws, statutes, rules, , regulations ar orders governing matters of protection of the environment as the same ,I ment Pro'ect. i the Redevelo J , ertain or a 1 to P p PP Y � ' } "Governing Body" means the duly elected City Council. "H8A" means the Housing and R.edevelopment Authority in and for the City of Rosemount. "HRA Law" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047. "Land Use Regulations" means all federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and plans relating to or governing the use ar development of the Redevelopment Project, including but not limited to pla#ting, zoning and building code laws, regulations and ordinances, but excluding Environmental Controls. "public Costs" means all legally permissible costs incurred or to be incurred by or on behalf of the Authority in carrying out the Redevelopment Plan, including but not limited to: (a) the costs of the R.edevelopment Activities set forth in the Redevelopment Plan as originally adopted or subsequently amended; (b) costs of � administering the Redevelopment Project; and (c} debt service payments on any obligations issued to finance Public Costs authorized by the Redevelopment Plan and any Tax Increment Financing Plan. "Redevelopment Project" or "Project" means the Rosemount Redevelopment Project Area, as modified, the boundaries of which are described oa the attached Exhibits A and B and a map of which is shown in Exhibit C. sssaoeaa 2 . P3230-5 . "Redevelopment Plan" means the 8edevelopment Plan for the Ftedevelopment Project, dated May 1, 1979, as subsequently modified, and as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment Financing District" or "TIF District" means the Rosemount Redevelopment Project TIF District, as originally established on May 1, 1979, pursuant to Minnesota Statute,s Section 462.585; TIF District No. 1-1 established March , 1990; TIF District No. 1-2 as established December 20, 1994; aad any 'I other TIF District that may be created within the Project. "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act" means Minnesota Statutes, �I Section 462.585 (1978} and Minnesota Statutes, Seetions 469.174 through 469.179, ,, as amended and supplemented from time to time. ' "Tax Increment Financing Plan" means the Ta�c Increment Fivancing Plan for I any Tax Increment Financing District within the Project as such plan may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. , "Tax Increments" means the tax increments derived from the Tax Inerement Financing District. i �! II. STATEMENT OF NEED AND PUBLIC PURPOSE . A. Back ^ound. . • In May, 1979, the City Council of the City of Rosemount and the Board of Commissioners of the HRA approved the establishment of the Rosemount Redevelopment Project and a Redevelopment Plan for the Project, pursuant to the . The u ose of the Redevelopment Project was to faeilitate commercial and w ase HRA La P x"P 't and to incre ' the Ci ui eruse d la nd Y industrial development of unused and un d employment and tax base. At that time, the City Council and the HRA Board of Commissioners found that land within the Project area was unused or underused for a variety of reasons, including fragmented ownership of property, inadequate t develo ment costs associated with clearance, grading zoning, excessive proper y p �� � �vements. de uate ub p and soil correction, and uia q P The original Fro]ect area was also certified as a tax increment district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.585. That area, described in Exhibit A hereto, constitutes a pre-1979 TIF District and is now designated as the 8osemount Redevelopment Project TIF District. _ . . .�.. In March 1990, the Rosemount Economic Development Authority ("EDA") and the City established Development District No. 1 ("Development District") and a Development Program for that district, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134. The area of the Denelopment District included all of the area within the R.edevelopment Project and additional land to the north and south. The . public purpose and objeetives for the Development District were substantially the same as for the Redevelopment Project. . _ .� , ; sJseoeaa , 3 , RS230-S ' il , Also in March, 1990, the City and EDA established TIF District No. 1-1 within the Development District, pursuant to the TIF Act. That TIF District is an economic development district which is expected to terminate in 2000. In 1991, the City created the Authority with all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under the HRA Law. The Authority assumed responsibility for the Redevelopment Project, aad the City transferred administration of Development District No. 1 (including TIF District No. 1-1) to the Authority. In September 1992, the City and the Authority expanded the boundaries of the , R.edevelopment Project to encompass the same area as the Develogment District, modifying the Redevelopment Plan to reflect that expansion. The City and Authority also adopted a TIF Plan for the R.edevelopment Project TIF District, in order to provide for the acquisition an� construction of a municipal ice arena. (The TIF Act applies to the Redevelopment Project TIF District only with respect to 'any activity after May 1, 1988 that extends beyond the scope of activity set forth in the Redevelopment Plan; the TIF Plan was adopted in order to comply with the TIF Aet to the extent applicable.) Simultaneous with the modification of the R.edevelopment Plan in September, 1992, the City and Authority modified the Development Program for the Development District and the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-1. Those modifications provided for the same activities provided for in the modified Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Plan for the Rosemount ftedevelopment Project TIF District. . C rrent Modification. B u _ The Authority and City have now determined that, given the common� ' gurposes, boundaries and objectives of the Development District and fihe lo ment Pro'ect the development and redevelopment needs within that area R.edeve p ] the common 'nisterin ro'ects and admi g onsolidatin the two p � can best be met by c g project area as the Rosemount Redevelopment Project under the �IRA Law. This modified Redevelopment Plan is intended to accomplish that consolidation and incorporate the Development Program for the Development District into the Redevelopment Plan for the Project. This modification also incorporates by reference the original Redevelopment Plan dated May 1, 1979 and all subsequent modifications, except to the extent clearly indicated otherwise. Nothing in this modified Redevelopment Plan is intended or shall be construed to impair or affect any obligations or contracts entered into by the Authority in the De velo ment District or TIF District No. 1-1. For the purposes connection with P e deemed the m ent Pro 'ect sha.11 b t the Redevelop J of the H BA Law and the TIF Ac , "project" related to TIF District No. 1-1, and the terms "Development District No. 1" and "Development Program" as used in relae t and I hei Rede elopm nthPlane ed to inc lude the Redevelopment Pro� deem respectively. lso at this time creating redevelopment TIF - thorit are a , Au he Cit and y T y ment Pro'ect, in order to facilitate edevelo ] 't the siodified R P , - v�n hin District No. 1 2 tersection of CTH 42 ent of ro ert at the southwestern corner of the in redevelopm p P Y and State Highway 3. That new redevelopment activity is also provided for in tYus Redevelopment Plan. s,�eoaaa 4 P3230-5 III. STATUTORY AUTHORITY The Authority��is suthorized under the Authority Law and the HRA Law to modify and administer the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project, and to finance Public Costs through tax increment financing pursuant to the TIF Act. IV. STATEMENT QF OBJECTIVES The Authority incorporates by reference all the objectives previously set forth in the original R,edevelopnnent Plan dated May 1, 1979, and in subs�quent modifications approved on March , 1990 and September 15, 1994. The Authority also incorparates by reference all the objeetives set forth in the Development Program for the Development District as approved on March , 1990 and in the _ modificstion thereof approved September 15, 1994. In addition to all previously stated objectives, the Authority intends to accomplish the following general objectives within the Redevelopment Project: � A. Promote the prompt development and redevelopment of property within the Project area in a manner consistent with the City comprehensive plan, which property is currently less productive because of lack of use, investment and public services. g. Promote the concentration of appropriate commercial and industrial development within the Project area in order to maintain the area in a manner compatible with its prominence in the City. C. Construct, acquire or finance anY public facilities, including sanitary sewer, water, storm drainage and roads, deemed necessary and desirable for the development or redtvelopment of the Project area. D. Assist in development or redevelopment through provision of public services, demolition and relocation, soil and terrain corrections or site improvements, or land aequisition, all in cases deemed appropriate by the Authority. E. Specifically target development anda�e.�°osed TIF D strict No.Tl-2 Center," in the Authority s industrisl park, an P P F. Employ any powers of the Authority under the Authority Law and the HRA Law for the benefit of the Projeet in such cases and upon such terms as the Authority may deem appropriate. V. PROJECT AR.EA This modification does not alter the Project boundaries, which remain as specified in the expansion of the Praject approved September 15, 1992. The Project boundaries are described in attached Exhibit A and illustrated in the map attached as Exhibit B hereto. VI. PRaPERTY ACQUISITION The Authority may acquire such property, or interests thereiu, as the Authority may deem necessary or desirable to carry out the objectives of the _ arseoeaa 5 asz3o-s � Redevelopment Plan. Acquisition may be accomplished by aegotiation or by the exercise of the Authority's powers of eminent domain. VII. REDEVELOPMENT P80JECT FINANCING The Authority and City have previously created the Redevelopment Project TIF District, TIF District Na. 1-1, and is now creating TIF District No. 1-2 in order to finance Public Costs of the Project. The Authority aad City may also create additional TIF Districts in the future. Specific development and redevelopment activities and budgets have been and will be set forth in the respective TIF Plans for the TIF Districts, which TIF Plans are deemed incorporated herein by reference. In addition to tax increment, the Authority may finance a portion of Publie Costs through special assessments, federal or state grants, contributions from the City, and any other source of revenue available to the Authority. s�aoaas aszso-s s , FJ�HIBIT A Description of the Redevelopment Project 1. eVarratire Deseriptio�i of tire f'rojeet Bvwidary Besinning at a p�int formed by the intersection of the northeriy riaht-of-�vay line of Dakota Coccnty ; - State Aid Hiohway 42 and the southwest corner of-l.ot 66 of Marian Terrace; Thence northerly alo�g the westerly Lot Line of'said Lot 66 0�Marian Terrace extended to a point - • formed by the south�vest corner of Lot 12 Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition; _ Thence Easterly along the southerly!ot line of said �ot l2 Marian Tecrace Replat 2nd Addition con- ' � . tinuing aton;the southerly tot line of Lot 9 Mariin Terrace Rep(at 2nd AdcliUon to the southeast corner of Lot 9 of Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addicion; The�ce northerly on the East �ot Line of Lot 9 Marian Terrace Reptat 2nd Addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 13 �larian Terrace Replat; Thence southeasterly along the southerly !ot tine oF said Lot 13 extended to its intersection with the westerty lot line of Lot 14 �larian Terrace Reptat; Thence southerty to the southwest corner of said Lot 14 i�'tarian Terrace Replat; Thence southeasterly alan; the southerly fot line of Lot 1� �larian Terrace Replat to the southeast corner of said LUt 14 �tarian Terrace Replat; Thence northerl}• alono the eastcrly lot lines of Lots 1� throu;h 27 Marian Terrace Replat to the north- easteriy corner of Lot 27 Marian Terrace Reptat; ` Thence �vesterly alonothe sautharly ri�hi-of-way line of Lower 147th Street West to a point formed by ihe extension of the westerly line of Lot 61 Auditors Sufsdivision No. 1; Thence northerly along the westeriy line of Lot 6,1 Auditors Sub�ivision No. 1 extendcd to the south- east corner of Lot 4,Auditors Subdivision No. 27; Thence westerly along the southerly Lot Line of said Lot 4,Auditors Subdivision No.27 extended to _ the �vest rioht-of-way line of Cameo Avenue; Thence northerly along said �vest ri;h�-of-wzy line to its intersection with the southeast corner oftot 1; Bfock 2,T.T.Conley Addition; Thence easterly across Cameo Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 13 Schoo! Addition; . I� �-1 ' Thence northerly along easterly right-of-�vay tinc of Cameo Avenue to the northwest corner of �ot 12 School Additian; 7 Thence easterly along the northerty lot line of�ot t2 Schoai Acldition to the northwest corner of said Lot 12; � _ . . Thence northeriy on the east line of thr Schoot Addition to the northwest corncr of Lot 20,Auditocs Subdivision No. 1; Thencc easteriy a(ong the northerly lot lirte of Lot 20,Auditor�Subdivision No. l to the northeast corner of said Lot 20,Auditors Su6division No.l ; . Thence easterty to the northeast corner of Lot 23,Auditors Subdivision No. l; � Thence easte�Iy along a line extended from said northeast corner of Lot 23 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 to easterly right-of-way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 3 (South Robert Trail); Thence northerly alon; said easterly righi-of-way line to a point formed by extending the northerly lot line of Lot 8,School Acldition; Thence easterfy alon;said extended northerly lot line of Lot 8, Schoot Addition to a poic�t focmed by its intersection with the centerline of Burma Avenue extended; Thence southerly to the northerly right-0f-wgy line of 145th Street West; Thente easterly along said northerly right�of-way line to the easterty right-0f-way line of Biscayrte . Avenue; Thence southerly along said easterly rioht-of-way line to the northerty right-of-way tine of Daf:ota County State Aid High�vay 42; Thence westerly alona said northerty right-of-way line to point of beginning. � . � 1 ,_� ' • EX�iIBIT B . . OESCR1PTiON QF PROPERTY 2992 Expansion of Project The boundaries ot the Oevetopmeni Oistrict are as folbws: Begin at a point tcrmad by the inte�seC•iott ot the canter Grie of 160th Sireet and t�e yYestem right of way Gne cE Chippendale Avenue; Thenca ncrth along the westem cight of way 1'ine ot Ct'tJppendale Avsnue to the nortt��riy tight ot way at Qakata Counry St�te Ajd H'i5hway 42 (CSAH 42�; � Thenca ezst aiong the ncrtt�ern right oi way Qne at DaScota CSAH 42 to the westerty tot t�ne ot Lct 66 af Marian Terraca extended to a point ?ormad by the sauttiwesi camer oi l.ot �2. Marian Terraca Reptai 2na Addttion; ' Thance east aio�g the sautherty bt 5ne oi sald �ot t2, Marian Te�raca Reptai 2�d Ad�itsm cantinuing along tha sc�rtherty la: Cne ot l.ot S, Mariz�terrace Replai 2nd AddiGcn; � Ther.ce north an the e2si tot line of E.at 9, Marian Terrace Replai 2nd Additian to fie southwest camet ot Lot 13, Marian Te:rac�e Fepta; _ Thanca sautheastacty aJong the southarfy lot Cusa o! s�d Lct 13 exiendad to its inters�ction with the wesierly !ot line af Lot 14, Marian Terraca ElepSai; Tt�encs south te tha souL�wesi C�met ot s2id Lat 14, M2rian Terraca Regta� Shenca sautheastety alorig tt�,� sauther�y lot lina ot Lc�t 14, Mariart Terc�ce Re�tai to �e - sou�'�east carner e: sai� ic: 14, Marian Tectac: Rept2i; 'rhs.^.ca north a!ang the ezsterty toi Gnes af Lots 14 thrcugh c7, Maciart TeRace Raplat to the s,�uti�easi ccrner of sztd bt 1�, Marian Terrace Reptat; Thencs west' along the seuihecty right of way line of Lower 147th Strest.west to a pdint tormed by the e�ensia� oi ttZa westa�ly fine o( C.ot 61, A,uditor's Subdivision Numbet 1; Thenca nocfh along the westerly Gne ei Lot a1, Au�to�'s Subdrvision Numhet 1 extended�to the southeast rarne� ot Loi 4, Auditor's SubdivEsian Number 21; r 27 'or SubdN'sio� Numbe f a!d ot 4 Audd s i T h e n c e w e s i a l o n g t h e s o u t h e�t y l o t G n e o s L � , extanded to t1�e west dgt�t ot way Gne ot Cameo Avenue; The�ca no�th alon9 said wast right ot vray Une of Camev Aven�e to its ini�rsaction wiih {he southeast carner af Lot t� Btock 2, T.T. Coniey Addition; Thencs east across Cameo Avenue to the southwest cornec ot (o! 13, Schoo! Addition; Thenca north along e�steriy right of way Gne o( Camed Avenue to trie nocthwest comer�ot Lat i 2, Schoot Additicn; +- -- __ . B-1 . Thence east along the nonherfy lot (ine ct Lct 12. Schooi AddiGon to the nonhwest corner ', ot said Lot 12; • . ' ' Thence ncrth ort the east fine ol the School Addition to tNe northwest comer ot �ot 20, � Auditor's Subdivision Numbe� 1; ' il The�ca east atong the northerly lot line o( lot 20. Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 to the I�I . �onheast co�ner ot said lot 20, Auditot's Subd'rvision Numbet 1; i Thence east to the noRheast co�ner of Lot 23. Audto�'s Subdivision Number 1; Thence east atong a line extendad from tha northeast comer ot Lot 23. Auditor's 5ub- d'Nision Numbe� t to Wasteriy right ot way tine oi Sta.a Trunk Highway Nunber 3 (STH 3); Then�a nocth afong STH 3 to a point 1.� rods south of the south line ot tha Southw�st � �vartar ot Section 20; ; The�ce west 51� faet along a Gna 1.5 rods south ot an paratlai to the sau.� tine of the Southwsst ��aRer o� Section 20; . . . Tnence north 88�.2o taat to a pcint 729.05 faet west of tha west=rn ri�h; ot way et Do�� Bcut2vard; Tt�2nce east 72Q.09 taat paratiet to the souih line ot the Sout,`�west Q�sa:tar o� S_�:ion 20 to the wes��m right of v�ay Gna of Dodd 8outevarC; Tne�ca souih �!ong ;he wss;erty right o: way Gna ot Dodd B�ulevatd to fia wes;arly rignt of r-:. :.,�. ..;. W�y tine o; v7 I�7 ,�� . . . . ihenca norh a!ong tha w�stariy richt o� way f,�e ot S i H 3 to the norhem rigr�; ci way "na ct Dakota Counry Roa� Nunber 38 (OC Ad 38); Tnance easterly along tha northem cight cf way line of DC Rd 33 to the eastam rieh[ o� way line ot 3iscayne Avanue; Tnance south along Gtie easta�ly right ot way line ot 8iscayne Avenue to the sou;harn right ot way fine ot 145ih Street (CSf,H 42); Thence east along tha southem right of way Gna of 145th Street to the point at whic:� 1;3th SUeet and Cou�ty Sat� Aid highway 42 intersect; • Thence southwest alo�g the northwest right oi way Gne ot CSAH 42 to the easterty �ight of way line ot Biscayna Avenue; Thence south along the easteriy right ot way line ot Biscayne Avenue to a point tormed by the eastern right at way line ot 8iscayne Avenue and the center line ot 16Cth Streat; _ Thznce west alang the centzr line o( 160th Street to;the point oi beginning. . �-� " i 1_1 I i" — — = ' � ,ss.. EXHIBIT C ... ,a:�. ;.,�.; Ct. :.:::;.•:.. �t� � � •il►.�we�.w.v. . � '��� �. . . ►��b � � .. . .�'a. . . � "� . f• 'LI•.w...t.•t::' 1ii .,.,.=shNl .�: t � ` t � s •�w G, � � • a - 77. �:�::�:} St . � � . . ;r, . . . C� '�:.�:�:�:{{-:-:{�::{�:�r' . . y� :�Q.:.:::+�+�':•2. i •t�.� : Cia)7► ;t�. �� � . . e7 . � � . a,Q: t�.w r � '"',. . � E- �. ���xu. �....� .• � :�:�s z"'M :r � �� ' �f�- AMENOED ( EXpANDED L _. , . .. .. � . .._. ..� ::'��O1LrOY�17 ' �'•y�•. ..:•:•::::•::::�;ca .. -� REDEYELO � "'°.:" :::.:. � _ . 1979 PMENT � . �-- �c�;;'o�o`�`;�::::::: :_ • ���:�:. �DiSTA1CT �� ... . .•;>::•:•:•::�:?:�:�::��:�:�:'%� � � .{.� •.�I .. .. . �I4 + Z� tj �Z •.�(/ •��"�'::.;.''".. � . � . . . /7� • Y +i.oa}r .:�.. .'.`1 ; C, • � : � : ic�rool . . .. .a[! i � • ..... . . r > � . ..�� . .•�.•.•.•.•.:• V � �.e..w� �< ta2.s 1 .s... 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(Carlson Project) Dated: December 15, 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' �S�14Q Paaelsl ADefinitions ............................................................................................. 1 B Statement of Need and Public Purpose .......:......................................... 1 C Statement of Authorization .................................................................... 1 D Statement of Objectives ........................................................................ 1 E Designation of Tax Increment Financing District as a RedevelopmentDistrict ................................................................... 1-2 F Du�ation of the TIF District .................................................................... 3 G Property to be Included in the TIF District ................:............................ 3 H Property to be Acquired in the TIF District.............................................. 3 I Specific Development Expected to Occur Within the Tlf District ........... 4 J Findings and Need for Tax Increment Financing ..............:.................... 4 KEstimated Public Costs ......................................................................... 5 L Estimated Sources of Revenue.............................................................. 5 M Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness ........................................ 5 N Original Net Tax Capacity ..................................................................... 5-6 O Original Tax Capacity Rate ................................................................... 6 _ P Projected Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity and Projected Tax Increment ................................................................. 6=7 QUse of Tax Increment............................................................................. 7 R Excess Tax Increment............................................................................ 8 S Tax Increment Pooling .......................................................................... 8 ,,� T Limitation on Administrative Expenses .................................................. 9 U Limitation on Property Not Subject to fmprovements ............................. 9 V Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ............:...................... 9 W Local Government Aid Penalty .............................................................. 10 X Prior Planned Improvements ..............................................._................. 10 YDevelopment Agreements ..................................................................... 10 Z Assessment Agreements ..............................................:......... ....... 10 AA Modifications of the Tax Increment Financing Plan ............................... 11 AB Administration of the Tax Increment Financing Plan ..........:.................. 11-12 AC Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements ................................ 12-13 Map of the Tax Increment Financing District................................,......................... EXHIBIT I ' Projected Tax Increment Repo�t............................................................................ EXHtBIT II ' Projected Loss of LGA/HREA Report .................................................................... EXHIBIT III Estimated Impact on OtherTaxing JurisdictionsReport ............ EXHIBIT N I� �'I ' � City of Rvsemount, Minnesota '' Section A Definitians � • �, The terms defined in tfiis sectian have the meanings given herein, unless tMe context in which they are used indicates a different meaning: ' " ' " means the Port Authority in and for the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. ,� �� ,� �� Citv means the City of Rosemount, Minnesota; also referred to as a Munici ao litv . , ",C�Council" means the City Council ofthe City; also referred#o as the"Goveming^Bodv". �, ,� �� i Countv means Dakota County, Minnesota. � "Redevelopment Plan" means the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project Area{as modified December 20, 1994). , "RedeveloQment Prolect Area" means the geographic area of the Rosemount Redevelopment Project Area (originally established May 1, 1979). "School District" means Independent School District No. 196, Minnesota. ° „ means the State of Minnesota. - "TIF Act„ means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.479, both inclusive. "TtF District" means Tax lncrernent Financing (Redevelopment) District No. 1-2. "TIF Plan" means the tax increment financing plan for the TIF District;(this document). Section B Statement of Need and Public Purpose ' See Section II of the Rasemount Redevelopment Plan. Section C Statement of Authorization See Section 111 of the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan. Section D Statement of Objectives • See Section IV of the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan. Section E Designation of Tax Increment Financing District as a Redevelopment District Redevelopment districts are a type of tax increment financing district in which one of the fallowing conditions exists and is reasonably distributed throughout the district: (1) parcels comprising at least 70°!0 of the area of the` district are occupied by buildings, . streets, utilities, or other improvements, and more than 50% of the buildings (not including outbuildings) are stnacturaHy substandard requiring substantial renovation or - G'� SPRINGSTED Page 1 . City of Rosemount, Minnesota . clearance. A parcel is deemed "occupied" if at least 15% of the area of the parcel contains some type of improvement; or (2) the property consists of vacant, unused, underused, inappropriately used, or infrequently used railyards, rail storage facilities, or excessive or vacated railroad right- ' of-ways. The T1F District qualifies as a redevelopment district in that it meets all of the criteria Iisted in (1) above. The supporting facts and documentation for this determination wiU be retained for the life of the TIF District and are available to the public upon request. "Structurally substandard" is defined as buildings containing defects or deficiencies in structural elements, essential uti(ities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection (including egress), layout and condition of interio� partitions, or similar factors. A building is not strueturally substandard if it is in compiiance with the building code applicable to a new building, or could be modified to satisfy the existing code at a cost of less than 15% of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same size and type. The City may find that a building is structurally substandard without an interior inspection or an independent expert appraisal, if there exists "reasonably available evidence" to support this conclusion. Such evidence may include size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar information. A parcel is deemed to be occupied by a structurally substandard building if the following conditions are meet: 1 the arcel was occu ied b a substandard buildin within a three- ear period prior to the � ) P P Y 9 Y parcels inclusion in the district; and (2) if the substandard building was demolished or removed within the' fhree year period, such demolition or removal was performed or financed by the Authority, ,or was performed by a developer under a development agreement with the Authority. In addition, the Authority must have found by resolution before such demolition or removal " occurred that the building was structurally substandard and that the Authority intended to include the parcel in the TIF District. In the case of (2) above, the County Auditor shall ce�tify the Original Net Tax Capacity of the parcel to be the greater of (a) the current tax capacity of the parcel, or (b) a computed tax capacity of the parcel using the estimated market value of the parcel for the year in which the demolition or removal occurred, and the appropriate classification rate(s)for the cu�ren#year. At least 90 percent of the tax increment derived from the TIF District must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation as a redevelopment district. These costs include acquiring properties containing structurally substandard buildings or improvements, acquiring adjacent parcels necessary to provide a site of su�cient size to permit development, demolition of structures, clearing of land, and installation of utiiities, roads, sidewalks, and parking facilities for the site. The allocated administrative expenses of the Authority may be included in the qualifying costs. , ,� G� SPRINGSTED Page 2 I i' . � City of Rosemount, Minnesota Section F Duration of the TIF District' Redevelopment districts may remain in existence 25 years from the date of receipt of the first tax increment. This term shalt be reduced to 20 years if the Authority elects to delay receipt of the first tax increment until a minimum market value for the T!F District is reached or exceeded, or four years have elapsed from the date of certification, whichever is ea�tier. Modifications af this plan (see Section AA) shall not extend these timitations. The Authority does not elect to delay receipt of the first tax increme�t. The Authority also does not anticipate at this time that the TtF District will remain in existence the maximum duration allowed by law, but reserves the right to aHow the T1F Dis#rict to exist for such a duratian. All tax increments from taxes payable in the yea�the TIF District is decertified shall be paid to the Authority. In addition, no tax increments shall be paid to the Authority from the TIF District after three years from the date of certification unless within that time period: (1) bonds have been issued in aid of the Redevelopment Project Area (except revenue bonds issued pursuant to M.S. Sections 469:152 to 469.165); (2) the Authority has acquired property within the TIF District; or (3) the Authority has constructed public improvements within the TIF District. Section G Property to be Included in the TIF District ' The TtF District is a two parcel area located within the Redevelopment Project Area. A map showing the location of both the T1F District and Redevelopment Project Area is shown in Exhibit L The boundaries and area encompassed by the TIF District are desc�ibed below: , Parcel ID Number Legal Descri tp ion ��, 34-71150-021-04 Part of Lot 2 Lying N of Line Drawn From � Point on E Line Lot 3 360.21 Ft S of NE ' Corner SE to Point on E Line Lot 2 260 Ft NE of SE Corner Lot 2 and There Term All in Blk 4 Ex N 15� Ft of W 50 Ft of Blk 4 Lot 2 34-71150-032-04 N 360.21 ft of �ot 3 BIk 4 as Measured Along E Line of Lot 3 Blk 4 The area encompassed by the TIF District shall also inciude all street, alley and railroad right- of-way and utility or drainage easements located upon or adjacent to the property described above. Section H Property to be Acquired in the TIF District The Authority may acquire and sell any or alt of the property located within the TIF District. GJ SPRINGSTED Page 3 City of Rosemount, Minnesota ` _ Section I Specific Development Expected to Occur Within the TIF District At the present time, proposed development in the TIF District inciudes construction of a 46-unit hotel and associated restaurant in 1995 (Phase I). Additional commercial construction is anticipated in 1996 and 1997, but has not been specifically identified at this time. It is anticipated that existing structures in the TIF District will be demolished in 1995 or 1996. At the time this document was prepared there were no signed construction contracts with regards to the proposed development. Section J Findings and Need for Tax Increment Financing In establishing the TIF District, the City makes the following findings: (1) The TIF District qualifies as a redevelopment district; See Section E of this document for the reasons and fact� supporting this finding. (2) The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably ; foreseeable future, and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed ' necessary; I The reasons and facts supporting this finding are that the developer has � represented to the Authority that it would not undertake the proposed development without the assistance of tax increment financing because of prohibitive costs, including existing building demolition, relocation and soil contamination cleanup costs. The developec has submitted a need statement to the City which is available and on file at the Rosemount City � Hall. It is necessary to finance these development activities through the use of tax increment financing so that this and other development by rivate enter rise will occur within the Redevelo ment Pro'ect Area. P P p J (3) The TIF Plan conforms to the general plan for development or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and The reasons and facts supporting this finding are that the TIF District is properly zoned and the TIF Plan will generally compliment and serve to implement policies adopted in the City's comprehensive plan. (4) The TIF Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with #he sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the Redevelopment Project Area by private enterprise. The reasons and facts supporting this finding are that the development activities are necessary so that development and redevelopment by private enterp�ise can occur within the Redevelopment Project Area. F1 SPRINGSTED Page 4 � City of Rosemount, Minnesota Section K Estimated Public Cost� The estimated public costs of the proposed developrnent in the TIF District are listed below. Such costs are eligible for reimbursement from tax increments of the TIF District. Land Acquisition /Writedown $ 653,000 On-Site Street Utilities 225,000 Soil Contamination 150,000 Building Demolition 125,000 Site Grading 50,000 Relocation Costs 250.000 Subtotal $1,453,000 Public Improvements (outside TIF District) 159,375 Capitalized Jnterest 300,125 Administration 212.500 Total Public Costs $2,125,000 The Authority reserves the right to adjust the amount of any items listed above or to incorporate additional eligible items, so long as the total estimated public cost in not increased. Section L Estimated Sources of Revenue The Authority anticipates providing financial assistance to the proposed development through the use of a combination of intemal funding and pay-as-you-go reimbursement. As tax increments are collected from the TIF District in future years, a portion of these taxes will either ` be distributed to the City as reimbursement for public costs internally funded, or distributed to the developer as reimbursement for other public costs incurred. Reirnbursernent may include accrued interest, but in no event will the total reimbursements exceed`the fotal public costs incurred plus such accrued interest. The Authority reserves the right fio finance any or all public costs of the TIF District using pay- as-you-go assistance, internal funding, general obligation debt, or any other financing mechanism authorized by law. The Authority reserves#he right to use other sources ofi revenue legally applicable to the Redevelopment Project Area to pay #or such costs including, but not ` limited to,special assessments, utiliry revenues, federal or state funds, and investment income. Section M Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness II The Authority does not anticipate that tax increment bonds will be issued to finance any of the estimated public costs of the TIF District, but reserves the right to issue such bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,125,000. Sect'ron N O�iginal Net Tax Capacity The County Auditor shall certify the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TfF District, which will be the total net tax capacity of all prc�erty in the TIF District as certified by the State Commissioner of Revenue. For districts certified between January 1 and June 30, inclusive, � this value is based on the previous assessmen# year. for districts certified between July 1 and December 31, incfusive, this value is based on the current assessment year. G� SPRINGSTED � Pa9e 5 City of Rosemount, Minnesota ' The Estimated Ma�lcet Value of all property within the TIF District as of January 2, 1994, for taxes payable in 1995, is $619,100. Upon estabiishment of the TIF District, and subsequent reclassification of property, it is estimated that the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District will be approximately $26,879. Each year the County Auditor shatl certify the amount that the Original Net Tax Capacity has increased or decreased as a result of: (1) changes in the tax-exempt status of property; (2) reductions or enlargements of the geographic area of the TIF District; (3) changes due to stipulation agreements or abatements; or (4) changes in classification rates. Section O Original Tax Capacity Rate The County Auditor shall also certify the Original Tax Capacity Rate of the TIF District. This rate shall be the sum of all local tax rates that apply to property in the TIF District. This rate shali be for the same taxes payable year as the Original Net Tax Capacity. In future years, the amount of tax increment generated by the TIF District will be calculated using the lessor of (a) the sum of the current local tax rates at that time or (b) the Original Tax Capacity Rate of the TIF District. At the time this document was prepared, the sum of all local tax rates that apply to property irt the TIF District, for taxes levied in 1994 and payable in 1995, was not yet available. When this total becomes available, the Counry Auditor shall certify this amount as the Original Tax Capacity Rate of the TIF District. For purposes of estimating the tax increment generated by the TIF District, the sum of the local tax rates for taxes levied in 1993 and payable in 1994, is 125.668% as shown below. 1993/1994 Taxing Juri�diction Local Tax Rate ' City of Rosemount 32.297% ' Dakota County 27.474% �' Independent School District#196 60.933% Other 4 4% �I Total 125.668% Sectio� P Projected Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity and Projected Tax Increment Each year the County Auditor shall determine the currenf net tax capacity of all property in the TIF District. To the extent that this total exceeds the Original Net Tax Capacity, the difference shall be known as the Captured Net Tax Capacity of the T1F District. For communities affected by the fiscal disparity provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 473F, the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District shall be determined before the appfication of fiscal disparity. 1n subsequent years, the current net tax capacity shall either G'� SPRINGSTED Page 6 City of Rosemount, Minnesota (a) be determined before the appiication of fiscal disparity or (b) exclude the product of any ' fiscal disparity increase in the TIF District (since the Original Net Tax Capacity was certified) , times the appropriate fiscal disparity ratio. The method the Authority elects shall remain the same for the life of the TIF District, except that a single change may be made at any time from ' method{a) to method (b) above. The Authority elects option (a) in the determination of the , current net tax capacity of the TIF District. ' The County Auditor shall certify to the Authority the amount of Captured Net Tax Capacity each ', year. The Authority may choose to retain any or all of this amount. It is the Authority's intention ' to retain 100%0 of the Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. ` Such amount shall be known as the Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. The projected tax increment generated over the anticipated life of the TIF District is shown in Exhibit 11. Section Q Use of Tax lncrement i The Authority has determined that it wilf use 100% of the tax increments generated by the TIF I'', District for any of the following purposes: i (1) Pay for the estimated public costs of the TIF District (see Section K) and County ' - administrative costs associated with the TIF District (see Section '�; (2) pay principal and interest on tax increment bonds or other bands issued to finance the estimated public costs of the TIF District; (3) accumulate a reserve securing the payment of tax increment bonds or other bonds issued to finance the estimated public costs of the TIF District; (4) pay all or a partion of the county road costs as may be required by the County Board under M.S. Section 469.175, Subdivision 1a; or 5 r t rn excess tax increments to the Coun Auditor for redistribution to the Cit , eu ri y O County and School District in proportion to their local tax capacity rates. Tax increments from property located in one county must be expended for the direct and primary benefit of a project located within that county, unless both county boards in�olved waive this requirement. Tax increments shall not be used to circumvent ievy limitations applicable to the City. Tax increment shall not be used to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, operation, or maintenance of a building to be used primari(y and regularly for conducting the business of a' ` municipaiity, county, school district, or any other local unit of govemment or the State or federat government. This prohibition does not apply to the construction or renovation of a parking structure, a common area used as a public park, or a facility used for social, recreationaf, or conference purposes and not primarily for conducting the business of the community. If there exists any type of agreement or arrangement providing for the developer, or other beneficiary of assistance, to repay all or a portion of the assistance that was paid or financed with tax increments, such payments shaN be subject to ail of the restrictians imposed on the use of tax increments. Assistance includes sales of property at less than the cost of acquisition or fair market'value, grants, ground or other leases at less then fair market rent, interest rate subsidies, utility service connections, roads, or other similar assistance that would othervvise be ` paid for by the developer or beneficiary. GJ SPRINGSTED Page 7 City of Rosemount, Minnesota ' Section R Excess Tax Increment In any year in which the tax increments from the TIF District exceed the amount necessary to pay the estimated public costs authorized by the TIF Plan, the Authority shall use the excess tax increments to: (1) prepay any outstanding tax increment bonds (2) discharge the pledge of tax increments thereon; (3) pay amounts into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of the tax increment bonds; or (4) retum excess tax increments to the County Auditor for redistribution to the City, �, County and School District in proportion to their local tax capaciry rates. The County Auditor must report to the Commissioner of Education the amount of any excess tax increment redistributed to the School District within 30 days of such ', redistribution. ' Section S Tax Increment Pooling In general, at least 75% of the tax increments from the TIF District must be expended on activities within the district or to pay for bonds used to finance the estimated public costs of the TIF District (see Section E for additional restrictions). No more than 25% of the tax increments may be spent on costs outside of the TIF District, but within the boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area. All administrative expenses are considered to t�ave been spent outside of the TIF District. Tax increments are considered to have been spent within the TIF District if, within five years after certification, such amounts were used to: (1) make payments to a third party for activities performed within the TIF District; (2) make payments or reimbursements under binding contracts to a third party for activities performed within the TIF District; or (3) pay bonds that were issued and sold to a third party, the proceeds of which are reasonably expected on the date of issuance to be spent within the later of the five-year period or a reasonable temporary period or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund. Beginning with the sixth year following certification of the TIF District, at least 75% of the tax increments must be used to pay outstanding bonds or make coniractual payments obligated within the first five years. When outstanding bonds have been defeased and sufficient money has been set aside to pay for such contractual obligations, the TIF District must be decertified. The Authority authorizes the use of tax increment pooling from the TIF District, as identified in the estimated public costs of the TIF District (see Section K). G� SPRINGSTED Page 8 • City of Rosemount, Minnesota Section T Limitation on Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses are defined as ali costs of the Authority otherthan: (1) arnounts paid for the purchase of land; (2) amounts paid for materials and senrices, including archi#ectural and engineering services directly connected with the proposed development within the TIF District; (3) relocation benefits paid to, or senrices provided for, persons or businesses located within the TIF District; or (4) amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount, tax increment bonds. Administra#ive expenses include amounts paid for services provided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, planning or economic development consultants, and actual costs incurred by the County in administering the TIF District. Tax increments may be used to'pay administrative expenses of the TIF District up to the lessor of' (a) 10% of the total estimated public costs authorized by the TIF Plan or (b) 1a°!o of the total tax increment expenditures of the project. Section U Limitation on Property Not Subject to Improvements ' If after four years from certification of the TIF District no demolition, rehabilitation, renovation, , or qualified improvement of an adjacent street has commenced on a parcel located within the TIF District, then that parcel shall be excluded from the TIF District and the Original Net Tax Capacity shall be adjusted accordingly. Qualified improvements of a street are-limited to construction or opening of a new street, relocation of a street, or substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an existing street. The Authority must submit to the County Auditor, by February T '� of the fifth year, evidence that the required a�tivity has taken place #or each parcel in the TIF 'i District. il If a parcel is excluded from the TIF District and the Authority or owner of the parcel subsequently commences any of the above activities, the Authority shaH certify to the County Auditor that such activity has commenced and the parcel shall once again be included in the - TIF District. The County Auditor shall certify the net tax capacity of the parcel, as most recently : certified by the Commissioner of Revenue, and add such amount to the Original ,Net Tax Capaci#y of the TIF District. Section V Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions Exhibit IV shows the estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions if the maximum projected Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District was hypothetically available to the other jurisdictions. Th� Authority believes that there will be no adverse impact on other taxing jurisdictio�s during the life of the TIF District, sinee the proposed development would not have _ occurred without the establishment of the TIF District and the provision of public'assistance. A positive impact on other taxing jurisdictions will occur when the TIF District is decertified and the development therein becomes part of the general tax base. F1 SPR(NGSTED Page 9 - - City of Rosemount, Minnesota • ', Section W Local Government Aid Penalty I''� Tax increment financing districts established or expanded after Aprii 30, 1990 may cause a ' reduction in n ' the local govemme t aid (LGA/HACA) received by the Ci nom the State. Such � reduction is an offset to the decrease in state aid the School District would otherwise receive, ' due to the manner in which the Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District is ' treated in the school aids formula. Exhibit III shows the projected loss of LGA/HACA payments to the City given the anticipated life of the TIF District. $ection X Prior Planned Improvements The Authority shall accompany its request for certification to the County Audito� (or notice of district enlargement), with a listing of all properties within the TIF District for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding approval of the T1F Plan. The County Auditor shall increase the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District by the net tax capacity of each improvement for which a building permit was issued. There have been no building permits issued in the last 18 months in conjunction with any of the properties within the TIF District. � Section Y Development Agreements . .,� If more than 25% of the acreage of a project (which contains a redevelopment district) is to be , acquired by the Authority with proceeds from tax increment bonds then, prior to such acquisition, the Authority must enter into an agreement for the development of tF�e property. , Such agreement must provide recourse for the Authority should the development not be ' completed. The Authority anticipates entering into an agreement for development. ' Sectio� Z Assessment Agreements The Authority may, upon entering into a development agreement, also enter into an ' assessment agreement with the developer, which establishes a minimum market value of the ' land and improvements for each year during the life of the TIF District. ', The assessment agreement shall be presented to the County or City Assessor who shall review ' the plans and specifications for the improvements to be constructed, review the market value ; previously assigned to the land, and so Iong as the minimum market value contained in the �I assessment agreement appears to be a reasonable estimate, shall certify the assessment I agreement as reasonable. The assessment agreement shall be filed for record in the office of , the County Recorder of each counry where the property is located. Any modification o� ', premature termination of this agreement must first be approved by the City, County and School I� District. � II I G� SPRINGSTED Page 10 �', � r � .. -�.�ity of Rosemount, Minnesota Section AA Modifications of the Tax lncrement Financin Plan 9 Any reduction o�eniargement in the geographic area of the Redevelopment Project Area or the TI F i ' i the a mount of bonded indebtedness to be incuRed� inc�ease in the D stnct; increase n , amount of capitalized interest; increase in that portion of the Captured Net Tax Capacity to be retained by the Authority; increase in the total estimated public costs; or designation of additional property to be acquired by the Autharity shall be approved only after satisfying a0#he necessary requirements for approval of the original TIF Plan. This paragraph does not apply if: (1) the only modification is elimination of parcels from the Redevelopment Project �� Area or the TIF District; and (2) the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcels in the Tlf District's Original Net Tax Capacity, or � � the Authority agrees that the TIF District s Originaf Net Tax Capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcels elimfnated. The Authority must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of the Redevelopment Project Area or the TIF District. The geographic area of the TIF District may be reduced but not enlarged after five years following the date of certification. Section AB Administration of the Tax Increment Financing Plan Upon adoption of the TIF Plan, the Authority shall submit a copy of such plan to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. The Authority shall also request that the County Auditor certify #he Original Net Tax Capacity and N�t Tax Capacity Rate of the TIF District. To assist the County Auditor in this process, the Authority shall submit copies of the TIF Plan, the resolution establisl�ing the TIF District and adopting the TIF Plan, and a listing of any prior planned improvements. The Authority shall also send the County Assessor any assessment agreement establishing the minimum market'value of land and improvements in the TIF District, and shall request that the County Assessor review and certify this assessment agreement as reasonable. The County shall distribute' to the Authority the amount of tax increment as it becomes available. The amount of tax increment in any year represents the total praperty taxes generated by the Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District: The amount of tax increment may change due to development anticipated by the TIF Plan, other development, inflation of property values, or changes in property classificatian rates or formulas. In administering and implementing the TIF Plan, the following actions should occur on an annual basis: (1) prior to July 1, the Authority shall notify the County Assessor of any new development that fias occurred in the TIF District during the past year to`insure that the new value wil! be recorded in a timely manner. (2) ifthe County Auditor receives the request for certification of a new TIF District, or for modification of an existing TIF District, on or before July 1, the request shall be recognized in de#ermining lacal tax rates for the current and subsequent levy years. Requests received after July 1 shall be used to determine local tax rates in subsequent years. (3) each year the County Auditor shall certify the amount of the Origina! Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. The amount certified sha{I reflect any changes that occur as a result of the follawing: G� SPRINGSTED Page 11 City of Rosemount, Minnesota ' (a) the value of property that changes from tax-exempt to taxable shaii be added to the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. The reverse shall also apply; (b) the Original Net Tax Capacity may be modified by any approved enlargement or reduction of the TIF District; (c) if the TIF District is classified as an economic development district, then the Original Net Tax Capacity shall be increased by the amount of the annual adjustment factor; and (d) if laws goveming the classification of real property cause changes to the percentage of Estimated Market Value to be applied for property tax purposes, then the resulting increase or decrease in net tax capacity shall be applied proportionately to the Original Net Tax Capacity and the Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. The County Auditor shall notify the Authority of all changes made to the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District. Section AC Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements The Commissioner of Revenue shall enforce the provisions of the TIF Act; however, the responsibility for financial and compliance auditing of the Authority's use of tax increment financing lies with the State Auditor. The Authority must submit to the State Auditor, on or before July 1, an annual financial report for the TIF District. The repo�t must also be provided to the City Council, School District Board and the County Board. This repo�t shall: (1) provide full disclosure of the sources and uses of public funds in the TIF District; (2) permit comparison and reconciliation of the accounts and financial reports; (3) permit auditing of the funds expended on behalf of the TIF District; and (4) " be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the report shall contain the foltowing information: (1) the Original Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District; . (2) the Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District, including the amount of any Captured Net Tax Capacity shared with other taxing jurisdictions; ' (3) the outstanding principal amount of bonds issued or other loans incurred to finance public costs in the TIF District; ' (4) for the reporting period and for the duration of the TIF District, the amount �I budgeted under the TIF Plan, and the actual amount expended for, at least, the �, following categories: I (a) acquisition of land and buildings through condemnation or purchase; (b) site improvements or preparation costs; F1 SPRINGSTED Page 12 ` City of Rosemount, Minnesota (c) installation of publiE utilities or other public improvements; and (d) administrative costs, including the allocated cost of the Authority. (5) for properties sold to developers, the total cost of the property to the Authority and,the price paid by the developer, and (6) the amount of tax-�xempt obligations, other than those` reported under clause (3), that were issued on behalf of private parties for facilities located within the T1F District. The City must also annually report to the State Commissioner of Rsvenue, by March 1 of eact� year, the fotlowing: (1) for#he entire City: (a) the total principal amount of nondefeased tax increment bonds outstanding at the end of the previous calendar year; and (b) the total amount of principal and interest payments that are due for the cuRent calendar year on tax increment bonds. (2) for each tax increment financing distric# in the City: (a) the type of district; (b) the date the TIF District is required to be decertifiecl; (c) the Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District, by property class, for taxes payable in the current calendar year; ��;�=t� . (d) the tax increment revenues for taxes payable in the cunent`calendar year; (e) whethe�the TiF Plan permits tax increment revenues to be expended for activities located outside of the TIF District, and (fl any additionat information that the Commissioner of Revenue may require. G� SPRINGSTED Page 13 EXHIBIT f � Rosemount Redevelopment Project Area Q Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-2 _ iRedevelopment) " . __ �.-. ' ' � ► �� � �1 � � I� �. -• • � w M � � 1J� . . , �. , _' � . . �'.... .. ...� ( �• �\ •• ,�.�,�.+. ` • . : �. . . . . /,( . , . . � ' � � . ' � .. . . ��� - ----� �J � .. I- T''1 + M � `-'� '/,• � � . : -- �-- - -� • �r' ;! � �' �✓ � ' ' _ � r •n��r� _ . �� ...-�' ...,. - 3�r�F�:�n'c� �f� ,� _• � , ',~. � �. �•_ .� ' �. .�.�. .- ,, `�� � 'I• .I L�� ' .•, ._ � � f �:j���- —�• -} _.� .�� ��. __ � ._.� -- -- -- • - I � . —• . ' :.. . • .. ;zsrre ' ' ��- ' ... 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" � , -.. ..�. u.�__���-•-—=�. � � • I '�, _ I Pro'ected Tax Increment Re ort � City of Rosemount, Minnesota Tax Jncrement Financing (Redevelopment) District No. 1-2 Carlson Project (Over Anticipated Life of Tlf District) Less: Less: Retain�ed Times: Less: Annual Total Origi�al Fiscal Captured Tax Annual Adm./Pooling Annual Period Net Tax Net Tax Disparities @ Net Tax Capacity Gross Tax Retainage Net Tax Ending Capacity Capacity 0.0000% Capacity Rate Increment 17.50% Increment (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ��) �8� --------�9�-------- -------,----- --------------- ----------------- ---------------- -- 12/31/95 22,389 22,3$9 0 0 125.668% 0 0 0 12/31/96 22,389 22,389 0 0 125.668% 0 0 0 12/31/97 94,733 22,389 0 72,344 125.668% 90,913 15,910 75,003 12/31J98 117,733 22,389 0 95,344 125.668% 119,817 20,968 98,849 12/31/99 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2000 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2001 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2002 t84,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,63T 35,636 168,OOt 12/31/2003 184,433 22,389 Q 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2004 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2005 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2006 184,433 22,389 0' 162,044 125.668%0 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2007 184,433 22,389 0 1fi2,044 125.668% 203;637 35,636 t68,001 12/31/2008 184,433 22,389 0 162;044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2009 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.66$% ' 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2010 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001' 12/31/2011 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31/2012 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668% 203,637 35,636 168,001 12/31 J2013 184,433 22,389 0 162,044 125.668%0 203,637 35,636 168,001 '�" 12/31/2014 184,433 184,433 0 � 0 125.668% 0 0 0 � --- -------- ---------------- --------------- _ $3,265,285 $571,418 $2,693,867 � � Prepared by: Springsted Incorporated ( 12-Dec-94} Projected Loss of LGA/HACA Report City of Rosemount� Minnesota Tax increment Financing (Redevelopmentj District No. 1-2 Carison Project (Over Anticipated Life of TIF District) � Retained Times: Qualifying Divided,by: Adjusted Times: Annual Captured Captured f.S.D. Captured I.S.D. Projected Period Net Tax Phase—In Net Tax Sales Net Tax Equalized Loss of Ending Capacity Percent Capacity Ratio Capacity Tax Rate LGA/HACA (1) (2} �3) �4) �5) �6) �7) (8} 12/31/95 0 0.00% 0 94.20% 0 39.28% 0 12/31/96 0 OAO% 0 94.20% 0 39.28% 0 12/31/97 72,344 0.00% 0 94.20% 0 39.28% 0 12/31/98 95,344 0.00% 0 94.20%0 0 39.28% 0 12/31/99 162,044 0.00% 0 94.20%0 0 39.28% 0 12/31/2000 162,044 0.00% 0 94.20% 0 39.28%p 0 12/3f/2001 162,044 6.25%� 10,128 94.20% 10,752 39.28% 0 12/31/2002 162,044 12.50% 20,256 94.20%0 21,503 39.28% 4,223 12/31/2003 162,044 18.75% 30,383 94.20% 32,254 39.28% 8,446 12/31/2004 162,044 25.00% 40,511 94.20% 43,005 39.28% 12,669 0 0 0 12/31/2005 162,044 3125/0 50,639 94.20/0 53,757 39.28/0 16,892 12J31/2006 162,044 ' 37.50°fo 60,767 94.20% 64,508 39.28%4 21,116 12/31/2007 162,044 43.75%0 70,894 94,20% 75,259 39.28% 25,339 12/31/2008 162,044 50.00% 81,022 94.20% 86,011 39.28% 29,562 12/31/2009 162,044 56.25% 91,150 94.20% 96,762 39.28% , 33,785 12/31/2010 162,044 62.50% 101,278 94.20%0 107,514 39.28%' 38,008 12/31/2011 162,044 68.75% 111,405 94.20% 118,264 39.28%0 42,231 12/31/2012 162,044 75.00% 121,533 9420%0 129,016 39:28%0 46,454 12/31/2013 162,044 81.25% t31,661 9420% 139,768 39.28°10 50,677 rn 12/31/2014 0 87.50% 0 94.20%0 0 39.28%0 54,901 = $384,303 � _ � ` Prepared by: Springsted incorporated (12-Dec-94) � �, ,€, 'x.. . Estimated Im act on Other TatiFin Jurisdictions Re ort City of Rosemount, Minnesota � Tax Increment Financing (Redevelopment) District No. 1-2 Carison Project Wrthout TIF District With TIF District -- ------ ------r --- ---- ------- -------- Projected HYPothetical 1993/94 1993/94 Retained New Hypothetical Hypothetical Tax Generated local 1993/94 Local Captured Local Adjusted Decrease ln byAetained ' Taxing Net Tax Local Net Tax + Net Tax Net Tax Local Local' Gaptured _ Jurisdiction �_ Capacity (1) Tax_Rate Capac�y_(1), _Capac�y _Capacity _Tax Rate _Tax Rate _ __ N.T_G____ City offlosemount 7,281,254 32.297°� 7,281,254 162,044 7,443,298 31.594X 0.70396 51,196 ' I�� Dakota Count 197,911,016 27.474°k 197,911,016 162,044 198,073,060 27.452%0 0.022°k 44,484 - X ISD #196 68,891,791 60.933% 68,891,791 162,044 69,053,835 60.790% 0.143% 98,507 Other (2) —-— " 4.964% ——- 162,044 -—- 4.964°k —-— ——- ---- Totals 125.668°k 124.799°k 0.86996 Statement 1: If the projected Retained Captuted Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District was hypothetically available to each of the taxing jurisdictions above,the result would be a lower locat tax tate (see HypotheticaF Adjusted Tax Rate above) which would produce the same amount of taxes for each taxing jurisdiction. In such a case,the total local tax rate would decrease by 4.869°� (see Hypothetical Decrease in Local Tax Rate,above). The hypothetical tax that the Retained Gaptured Net Tax Gapacity of the TIF District would generate is also shown above. Statement 2: Since the projected Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity of the TIF District is not available to the taxing jurisdictions, then there is no impact on taxes levied or locat tax rates. � _; � (1) Taxable net tax capacRy equals net tax capacity less captured TIF,fiscal disparity contribution and powerline values. "{ (2) The impact on these taxing jurisdictions is negligible since they�epresent only 3.95% of the total tax rate. ! Prepared by:Sringsted Incorporated (12—Dec-94 ) r � � . � . � �� . � � . . . . � ��.. City of Rosemount i Dakota County, Minnesota Planning Commission Resolution 1994-1 A RESOLUITON F[NDING THAT THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE REDEVELOP.�NT PROJECT PLAN FOR TI�EXISTING ROSEl�10UNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CREATING A NEW Tnx It�tct�MENT F[Nntvc�tG DISTtucr NO. 1-2 ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITEI THE Ros�ouNr Co�x�Ns�GtrmE Pi.1w WxEREAs,the City of Rosemount, Minnesota has prepared modificarions to the Redevelopment Project Pla.n for the existing Rosemount Redevelopment Project by the proposed crearion of a new Taac Increment Financing District No. 1-2 (collecrively, the "modifications"); and WHEREAs, the modifications are required to be submitted to the Planning Commission for written comment pursuant to Minnesota Statues, §469.028 and §469.126; and WHE1tEns, the Planning Commission has reviewed the modifications to determine conformity of the Rosemount Redevelopment Project, as proposed to be changed by the modificarions, to the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan; and Wt-�RF.n�, the Planning Commission is in agreement with the modifications as they relate to current and long range land use planning considerations. NoW,1�ttEFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, the Plann�ng Commission finds that the Redevelopment Project Plan for the existing Rosemount Redevelopment Project, as modified by the proposed crearion of a new Taac Incrernent Financing District No. 1-2 and Taac Increment Financing Plan, are in conformance with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide P1an; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Planning Commission forwards the modifications to the City Council of the City of Rosemount for their approvaL ADOPTED this 13th day of December, 1994. William Droste, Acting Planning Commission Chair AT'TEST: Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary Motion by: DROS1� Seconded by: TENTINGER Voted in favor: INGRAM, DROSTE, TENTINGER Voted against: NONE ' TIFlAmendment 1)Jl 3/94(P.C.) � t , c-.` "^1 . . . . . . :�'-�:�; � . . . . . ,.�: . � �, . � � . � CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Z8�5-`;TMt"aeetWest P.O.Box 510 � Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOUni'�.► Rosemount,MN � y g� g p 55068-0510 �� , Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) § CITY OF ROSFIVIOUNT ) I, Susan M. Walsh, duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing on the creation of Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") District No. 1-2 (a redevelopment district) and a TIF plan for that district, and modification of the Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project to be held on Tuesday, December 20, 1994 at Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of December, 1994. C_ ��,� Q-�� ,/ us M. Walsh ' City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � � � � � . . . � . . Prinred on recYcled Paper Il�i � � ... � containing 30°�b � II posaconsumer marerials. � . . . � . ._. ___ � .. I r� , , Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristin Franck,being duly swom, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts wluch are stated below: . (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements consfltuting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues 331A.02,331A.07 and other appli le �as ended. (B)The Printed which is attached, was cut from the columns Qf said newspaper, and was • printed and published once each week for \ successive eks; it was first published on Friday, the�s�_ day of 9��and was thereafter printed and p blished on ery Friday, to and including Friday, the _�day of 4 e��,�(�1,� , 193� and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the nodce: , ,�a�rsm���n Byy���ti��.���_ Tide:Typeseaer Subs ibed and sworn to before me on this�day of 19 � . � Notary Public AFFIDAVIT r,_` CONNIE E FIFAREK !,i NOiFy Pub11C-M�nnesota Dakota Goun�y : Mr Comm ExD 5-15-96 .t > . R r . � � ' . �� . . . . � � . . J . II � . ._ - , -- . " . , _. . . � . . .. . ...: r- . - - , ' �:. _ . . � . . .�.,.. ._- • �:.., . ,_- � .. ��. �-' - ��..� . • `,. . . . _ _ - . . - . ,� __."_ .:-.:��':� '.. � .. .�:�.�� � :� � .� � - F�.� . . . . .. . _.. . .. . _ . . . - �.. _ � _ � . � . . . . . .... � - . . � . . . � : : . � . : � ,- -.'�:. . , �. NOTICE OF PUBLIC . HEARING _ - � ,BOM Tf MAY CON(76R1� haa1.re�tancmt md dhr e�ndal�arias.Dedb m � � ` : . . ' . _ . _ . - the gopa�d aro�in 1he Redavebpmeot PJm aod _ Naia is heaeby pven Uut me f5ty Co�dl af tLe 6q 77F Pfm.a dmA arpy a�w�LieL wiH De a�ailabb ta pobio • - of Rosemwnt in Dataa Comty.Minoaon w�71 meet io iospeeHoc u the Rosamocnt City HaII dorina mplat . . � _.. . . .. �Le Rosemonut CYty Na11.loca�ed u 2875 l45�h Sneel bmi�e bouo. . . - � Weu.Rosemoum.Minoewts.at 7:30 p.m.a a won _ p�P�w�i�hing a expes m opiuoo oc tba metlas thaeafler u parn'ble.ou Toadqy.Deoembet 20.1994 eo W te oodideted at�6e pabfic Lesritg w�l be he�rd asllp. � ' eoadoct a public Leaio6 an�a aeaHon otlbc Toacment a!n wrilmg. ° , Faanang(T�')Distrlct No.1-2(s rederetopmant p'��2latdayofNwembw 1991. dietria)acd a TII+pLn for�et dutia.aod mo�6wtiou d � the Redevelopment Plan for the Roaemoout y Redevclo�meot Projea So�en M.WaleL 13e boaodaria of the exiainB���o►�� (Iqr C1p1c _ _ and prqwsd 17F District Na I-2 m�hoao in iLe m�p aqr of Ro�emou� below.1Le parpa�e of tLis pmpored aaim is W 6�a'ihb Uakaa Comp.IMomrob _ _ ndevelopment of property located aeoerslly at tLe I� . - S aaothaut arner of 16e in�ction af Comty Road42 md . . iSax I�&gha�ay 3. Propwed new development inalodu a . . �. . . . -� . � . -: ... . . Tax Incrament Rnaneing Dtsaict No. 1-2 � - . - - (Redevalopmerttf - _ - - � _ i � _ . './' • - _ � C.Sa.K xo. 42 : _ . � . —� �..:�_ss3.s° I ao � aI`'`�. ..., f� /. � Q Pareel�F_ . � .25620..�� / . .J •.v . . . � . . _�- � � � . �. . . . �� �. . �.. 1 ; ;, / � : .: � :�� . _ � � - . , �2� � , � /�� � �/ _ - : _ _ i -! -- � - . . . ; �; y� �. _ � _ i � � . � - - _ � _ f . - _ - . � � / � . � - . -_�-- --..�. _ . . ::.:� � � . - � —� �-•�-- DEC-16—'94 FR I 15:23 I D�BDS I NC. TEL NO:786-90�4 , i3776 P02 ,..._ a . . • . . � . . � , � . � ' . , • � , '.. , . • ' . . � • � � . � � PUBLI�C RESOLIRCE�� � � � �. � � �� � � � � --- -- - _ . . . . . . . , � .� � , GRC�UP, I�1C. . � �. .. . . DeC�mbtr�16. 1�94 ; Markearcg, Development�Finance Spe�:iat�ts , , Mr. Tom Burt ' � � : , � • Cir,� of Ro�emount . . � City Administrator . .. .�.4..Box S 10 ' . . , _ . Rosamaunt� IvIl�T 55068-OS l0 � . . _ , Re: Redevelopment bi'strict Qualifications . � � . � � Dear Mr. Burt: � . . In:response to, the city's request, the` Carlsons have retained GNI-� Architects and Bay West Incorporated to rcyiew the existing Carlson Tractor facility for deterrq.ination of'the statutory qualiflcations as a structural. "sub-standard" faciiity. , . � bG�nition of�"�1�{i�iadj�,,y Sub-star►dat'd" ' . . . The Minn�sota�5tatute covering Tax Increment Pinancing has the,following lan�uag�: "structurally sub-standard shall mean cantais►irig defxts u�t structtual � elements or a combinadon of deficiencies in essenti2�t �utilitie:s and ' facilities; light and ventilation, fire protection including ade�uate egress, � . a�nd condition of interior partitions, or similar factoxs. which.defccts oir doficiencies are of .sufficient total _significance to justify. substantial . renavatio�i or cicar�nce, . . `+� • . . � A building is not structurally subst�ndard if it is in c�mpliaiice v�►ith the � , building c�io applicable to new buildings or coultl be modified to, sad�fy � the bullding eode at a cost of less than 13 peYcent af the Cost of � . consiructing a new.sxructur� of the same square footage and type.on the Sl{+cN• , OvoraU, the redevelopment district consists of twa sites, both of which are occupicd by buildings and impmvcmcnts. For purposes of the structural sub-standard determinat�on, we have focused on the main �azlson Tractor building. Ti�e report from CNH Architects desails thos� local building code, and ADA requirements for renovation of the facility.��.You will not� that th�SC are prelimi�ary estimates and a,re there were two items which did not contairi cost estimaus. � , � 41U5 Lancaster Lane North� Suire IlOQ ♦ Minneapolis,Minnesota 5�441 ♦ (6I2)550-7979 .�.(6I2)550-9221 Fax III� _. . . DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:24 ID:BDS ,INC. , TEL N0:786-903a #776 P03 .... , � . - . • . , . . in addiaon Bay West Incorporated has �denttfled an esdmated cost of�523,000 - 580,000 co . investigat�and monitor the anticipated soi1�contaminarion. The�iee esdmate�o re�► �aliate the soils � wo�a � sso,000 - asoo,000 a�d� u�n �C ��y. � u�.�r� �um�► � esdmates thc an�alysia to moet the test will..be as fallows: � � : � - . . • Bw3ldia� ropl�cament cost: � .� � � � .. . • � . , Repair Bays - 10,800 square feet at $40.00/squate foot � � , •. - �5432,000 OfficelShowroom - 7,600 square feet at �SD.00/square fpot , . :3$O,U00 SOorage - 1,80U squa.re feet�at �35.00/square foot ��. ' � . . � .�..QQQ . Tatal R�placement Cast ' � � • , � �3873,000 � ; 1�96 of Replaccment Cost � � , . . �13� . Total Renovation Costs-CNFi Archicects � � $238,70Q Total Soi1 Investigarive/Monitoring Casts- � • � 40,000 ' Totat Renovation/Soils Costs � . $278,700 � . T�tal Costs-As. a�pc�cens ef raplacem�nt cost .. � • ' ., - 32�6 Please nota that these estimates do not include the additional eosts ass,�xiated with up�the insulation and adding th�.required fire hydrant or any additionai esrimat�s for spil remediation. Plcase revi�w this informadon and contact me if you have additional quesdot�s. . !� S�ncerely, � _ ' . � � . • . . , C O, Cfi �RQUP, INC. . ; � . � : � , : �: , . : � . . . Patri.ck�V. Ptlatnng ' � . � . : • ..� . . . . .. . Chief F.�ocutive Qf�ices � PWP\dp . . • . :. , � � . . �_ • � , DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:24 ID:BDS INC. TEL N0:786-9034 �776 PO4 •• • , , , • . • • �� HA r i c� te c �s :; Cardt�g�N�tvvlek��prt Arc�ttaeta� Inc. �:� ��oo w.t4�m sae�,su�te soa , sc Pwl. ll�+t s11Z4-7sgo � (613)431.4433 � D�cembec 1S� 14A4 . �, ll+ir. Rott Csrlsvn .. Carlaan Tractor&Equipmcnt Co. Rasunount, MN 5546$ Re: Cade Complianc.e Issues � D�ar Mr. Carisan: Tha purpps� of thia rcpart ia to review code complianca;ss�ses as th=y relste to the C�rtson Equipm�at Casr,pany bui�diag located sn Rasemount, Minaeaota on the carnor otHwy 3 stid Caunty R,oad 42. �3#ate�ni�dfn�Cadt Revlew SuromAn► .. � . . w+�+ww��.�ww�..r.+�.�s�n� ��� . 'Tha follawing codos warr uaed in pre�'arinB this informatlan: • 14�4 Udform Bsu1�Ccda • S�nasat�t 5tate$uild�ttg Codo, 1990 O�cupa�uY TYPes: H4-R�pair Bays - B•Offica • , '•` S�-StarAgt Ooaupaary Soparsriow: H��S2 - 2 Hour -� . H4 H ur 1 Ho 8 -►52� 1 Hour Cartstruction Types: IIIv-for 5hQ s P V:�I•fior Qffic�� ,II .._... . - . _ � l . ..._. . . ._.. ... .... DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:25 ID: - - , �C 16 '9•1 13:� CNN ARCH I TECTS WR I T I tJG 612a31.i863 TO: • �P0� ,� . . �• � Haiic Altowable Mea H4 ! 3,100 sq. 8. —+ 7,500 (IIN� � H � 8,000 aq. t!. '' S2 = 12,OOO:q. ft. Arous ExisanQ H4� I0,800 ' B � 6�600 R: S2� I�SOQ . � A two hour ueu sepustioa wsll is requirad batween repair ahopt�ud mAin btaildiB�. Th3a wa2l will be a new 12" C.B. wa11 from finish floor to tha roof an x new footin�. All • op�nl�s 1n t,he wa1!will be 90 minuce�. This includas new doors�fiame:� and hardware - te�embliea at doo». Windows will eithar be biocfced up or be f:tted with 90 minuta Sre • ahutttra. 6a'-0° of the two hour wall will requira atl�ew coastru�sion. 84'-0" vf wa11 wt71 roquire new ratr.d ope�in$s. . � A one hour occup�cy sepan►tion is requlred between thr storage�ra and the of�ces, . 'ihis wdil e�ba echioved by adding a naw metal studw�il with SJ8"D.W, bcslt aidCs ►: . A�om floer to roof. At1 openings!n the wall witl nquira a b0 sninute r�ting, i�ciuding . daors, wiadows, eu�d panetruions such as mechenical ductwork :. • Ro�emaunt haa adopc�d A�pendix Chagter 38 • H-4 Repair garagea wi�I roquire a n�w _ autosn�tic sprinkla aystem. Naae of the office or storag�areas s�equire aprinklers iFthe $ont nrea ia ctaasiflaf a�►oP�ces 9-Z. if it ia considared mercantile or mtsif space . 3ptinklers vrautd be required. Uader this scenario a�l wncr.s,ted spacas eu�lose�i whally . or partly by exgosed cambustible constzuctioa witl also require spri�er covers�e. • 1'�e second story spsce has 1,Z00 sq. R, of space used for conferance.luach room and .. kitehea spa�e. T'ha oecupant load wili require 2 new scatrways. Tha rxistia�aing2e �t�lrway ia too as�rrow� the riser he�ght�are tod higt:� the railiu�s are lasufi�c�e�nt, ortd Lhe ,, �landings at top $nd botiom are too �mali. Signage jndic�i�ng r,apecity af tha raoms wili �� �-r • A Ii��le locYer room�re�i�provid�d for the m�l� cmployces. No tocicer room�r�is ._. . pravided tbr t�a worlurs. . � • There are ao hazidicap access{ble toilet rooms at any lac�tion in the bw'l.ding. Sea AAA requirements. , � Minrtesots Code requires 3 waterctosets, 21av�,tories for each sex far the faciIity, paly, oao of each Is provided for females, Males are currently provided with 2 lavatotics and 3 watercloscts. This means providing addit�onal area or using space withir�the existing ` bulidir�g ca bu�ld aus new toil�t rooms. • Pro�+idc an exit&om storage ar�a so exserior. 2 ► DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:26 ID:BDS INC. TEL N0:726-9034 #776 P06 — - - . , DEC i6 '9� 13:33 CNH ARC1a I T�CT�a LR I i't NG 51��313883 . T0� . • ; ;� • , ,� '� . :.i!w, K'i . . � . . . . . . . � .'-'<.1'•w L�Y-MN . ♦ � JY�amted�odt tightt�re.required��t v1 ex�ta. . . � . .. . . - ;� :� ,a. �' ' ���Y��8 P�to ba�tdded ta ili�cmiaata a!!t�equlrad exiu i�c�ae of powet , ��. att��, , � :, �` • Bn�r�y�ode co�s•Tc camply the lxu�ding would a�sd wiadow reDt�tcement�nd �� . � �tdd�d itsailation. s�� • 8otb H-4(ra�air ahop}arw bava insu�cfe�t 8resh air 1r�tt�e system. Fresh�ir ia of�ce r� ��p!!l,�p 8l08S 3}LOu��130 bC CalCt11Qt0i�. :,•, �� • Wlth e�dstit�mech�ic�t1 tusits on tha roof, roof�cas by wuy of ahips tadd�r will�Q � ` ,:�.�! requircd ta those raofb. . ►� • S�Ita protecxioa concerns. It may be aeceaeary to add firr hydrant prott,�tion to serve the . . . �: aiso. Rtquuameut�ah�ouid be discussad with locaf Fire M�trrsha�ll. �,• �; • The old�r ant roofs prabably dd not mces current dt.�d load snow . � etsuzture a►ould nsed to b4.�r�fcrced. ( )��ents aad tha , ,� ;; �� � The axistiag p�rt3 stora�c mezzaAi�e systtm doasn't agpear to maet cuireai stor��e �" ��n8�4�elAanta u�d would�eed to bc replaced ar rmnforced. . N . . . . . . . . � ' • FZoor draisss in tha old s6op area Bead to be replaced and cvnnected to�holding taajc or . �,����• r' �� ,. . . . �, �+ :'`�:f�'- �...;:=., �• :,,. , .. , .;. .;�;. :�,::..,; ,;�'t;y''';: :�A. . � . . . . . . . . . . . ��. .. � .. - � . � � . . . . . . � .. .. . .. . � � � . . . . . . ' .. DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:26 ID:BDS INC. TEL N0: - 0 4 • DEC 16 '9� 13:34 Ch�hi ►aRCH I TECTS WR I T I NG fi1243138@3 Y0: ^ PO�: �: . :;�, ., , � K ;� AmeHcsa�wtth DUabilides Aet[ADA)Ravfew����=_„���� �I � The ADA l�gfalation u tha l�daral dvfl rtghts ie�statian passad ia 14411hat protacts indieiduals . gom d�=ctymiast�on b�d cn d�sab�ty. Thia protectsoe ran�es�o�a hir� e�tss�i�des the p�ys{cdl bus�diags. Sl�ce this compuny employe raoce t6us$Reesi iac�ividu�L, tbe buildiag tequiremants includ��!I employee meas as well as ueas open to the i�ub�ic.��tioa � summarizes tha main urAa where tbe ea�tiag facility does nat m�et tk4 ADA uid � y Cot�equeruly would r�quita nerttode�tlg. ThC�t'ee ate most likety other anall il+e�s not noted here -; wluch upoa a compre�ensive st�dy would be ta�ged tbr remodrl�tQ. �: � w ai�!'�Qr � • Tha e�dsting h�dicxp parki�g space does not have eorroct signa,ge aad i:not�tdjaeent to � the tndltt aitry, ;. • �l eacond handltap parkinB sPace is raquired based on ihe tota!m�of p�g spuas -G`- arres�tly�uovided. • Qr�a af the two hsndicap spaaea should ba"Van Accessible". � • ?b�e eritry doors h,�va I�ps an�d/or threshoids that exceed 2/2"ia h�i�. � ; - Interior Atc��ible Rouce " ' 'ihcre aro sev�ara! anas that h�,vt raised floors which dre n�t sccasaed by ramp:aluch , would be roquired. �tfn�R�mpa • Handraila are nequired at�Fu existfn�ramps since their tat�t rise rxceeds 6•, � The flat tandiaga �t thz top of tha camp to the ma'sn 9hop is 36N long arut would aead ro bo o�ccanaed to 6a N. Esbtid�$tnin ' + The lread �ad riae�r dimraaios�a og eech of the two st�irs do not nte�t minimum rtquire. meats uid t�ho�-�r aood replacemaut with longer staira. • The noeiag af tke mezz,u�ina atair has a Up which does nat meat aodi, • Barh bta3rs bave noa comptyirig hat�drails. . ' Doaey . : �' • A!1 tbe office area da�ra at�wnder sha minimum width of 36"and c�d to be repl�ced. • Sovaral doers do not have cha correct clearat:ces to the sida requiring excenaive remade!- Eng at tboae locstion to altow maneuvaring cle8sa�ce. • All the lcnob hardw�re on the shop area doors needs to be toplaced with Itver hu•dwRrc:, . Drinkln�Fount�tAs � Neither of the existing drinkin;g fountains aro of handicap �tyle, One is raquued tn i�c e�s1c� ��� would nead � to be reglactd, . ' � ' ► � � - -- .. _ .. ,_ ,_, DEC-16—'94 FRI 15:27 ID:HDS INC. TEL N0:?86-9034 tt776 P08 • DEC '16 '94 13�34 CNN ARGHITE�TS WRITINt3 5124313883 TQ� P0� r ' �, ToWt BA01o�s • Tlt�e e�datfttg to�et rooms ie the o�ice�ee�ara roo t�ul1 for�t�dlc�ep a�cco:s to at!pf the � �atsd tbe door�e�r�es aiso t ead t�� t�ttke addi ' ��w�tty totally ., now cr�trooma woul need to iu bwl they woWd ke tion�t floor ma ccmp4red :. to t�,edr eurre�s si�se• � ;; Larkee�aoa� � . i � • The endati�l�lcer roam does not prcvicle enough cle�xaca to�ead m�a�ouver '� � within it;doe�a't bavo acceasibla showors,urinal,watar dases,or s�sad doe;tYt � provide�+�Ces�ible loc�c�ers Or beach. Mucl�of the lacloet room woula th�br aeed to b� :� tesnodeled probably rsquiria�additionat ttaor area. `' • There is nat a womcr�'a Iocker room aa roquired. ►� ,; ., 8��=� x i The r�stroom$�nd rerxp�ionista sign�do not m�t th�visus!�tid braille requiremaata and ;� asMd to ba rept�atd. �� 8a1a Cooaten r • The p�rta counter and the rectpt{onis�'s ccurner are required w 1�tve s portion which Is " 3d"sbove the Qovr maxfmum which means that aach woutd aeed to be reworked�r at �: :: laert a 36"wids aection. ,, �; ' . x.{,tw�co�ar�r:rxr �. ;, ;: � .i ,�. r � . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . � . . � '� . . . . � . . . � . � . . .. � - : .. . . ... ��}� �. � � � . . � � . . � � �.. . � � . � . . ,;� . . � � � � � . � . . � . . . ..� . . � . .� . . . . . . . . . . 1 'r . . . . . . J . . � � . . � . � . � .. . IIII.... . . . � -'•' . •�.. .... .. ... ... • � . '� . . � � . ' . � . . .. . ., -lb- �c • �' DEC 16 '94 13:33 Ch�M ARGHITECTS WRITIh[i 612431388� T0: - p0t �.►:' '�''� DEC$1Vi8ER 16, l994 R •y .r � � PRELIMINA►RY Gt�ST ESTIMA'TE �, �" CARLSON TRACTO�i ANb EQUIPMENT � .:; . � ?ho foUo co�admAtea an �' nec co fl�ll undaracat�d t!u oaent o th�e r�. More resear+ch o�t sevrral ot tha Items will be �' , as�+ Y equired work. Zh.�e mutsban do nat ta�ce�uto :• aacoum desfgn fee� Permit� �ec. �� .. ;,. o��p�nry s��t�on w� 20,000 . _� Area Ss asatian watls at Repair BaY 40,Ofl4 �� � Y Raplaca Doora witb 90 Minuta Doors S�ppp I, �' Automatic 3prinkiu 3ystcm-Repsir Bays �1,64Q � �'�� j� Ne�w $t�irwdys to Secand I�ioor l��ppp ,, ,, . PJaw Locker Room� i S,OOt3 ' : �.. New Rettraoms aith Z Ffxturea 1Q000 � �._ New Exit$om 3tbrAge $00 ' ,. . Bxit LiQht3n8 3,dOQ ,: Emagaicy Lfghtiti� Z,000 � Wiadow Rept�mmt 30,440 „ ��: Insulation Upgrade � .. 'r� M�1ce-up Alr Sy�om to Re�sir Haya 30,ppp .� �►. � Roof A�c�ss :r� 4.000 • P�re Hydr�t ? � Rdt�'orce Mezzatiine Stonge F1oor 15,000 - � F2oor Drain an�Hotding?ank 15,000 ' ,i�andlcap P�trkin,� S00 Bntry Threshald 100 � ltsraove Ptatfcrm Not Accesuble S00 ' - Replace Ram to N'ew Sho � 5,000 i •` DEC-16-'94 FRI 15:28 ID:BDS INC. TEL N0:786-9034 #776 P10 • . DEC 16 '94 13:35 CNH ARCHI?ECTS 41t�ITihIQ 6124313883 T0: . , '� . . ti�� . � • : . ':.�: :;;;N; �f,�`� , 1� IO Natrow Doora ia O�ee s pp� . " I6 ICAObt whh La�►�t�e Qn Door� � • 1.60Q �� Dt�t�ldt�Fou�R�epLaad 1�,�00 �' 8f��t0 MNt ADA a �� �' Revla S�Counter � i.� a� 70TAL � Z3E�,7pq � �� .� �.• «.�.� �; ,• :�. . ., , ;�: . . Y� 7! . � P! , �I �� � - . . . � � . . . . i� • A' W .'. ' � �. • �. �. , :p 4 ..� � d •�- ��'r: . . . . . . . ''�. '• . . . . . � •K..1 ♦ •.:.:�� . . . � � �. .. ..'�� . . • . . . � 1f1ti�ti}�' . . . . � . . s . ��.I. •a••.. . . . . � �'.. • � � � . �. � . � � � . � I�I I .. � � • � � � . � � . .. I, . . � . . . . .. . . � � �........r�.� - . �. . ..�u.���.�. .,_ � � � � . � .� . . _ .+DECo18�'9�t j�U�l�16�,03 �D+BD�y I�Coo o;EL��lOi 786,9034 ##781 P02 ��Z��— :� • � t + I�'.. becemb�r 16 1994 � ' � ��� . D►[r. �ton C,�rlsoa '� Ciriwn Tt�,co0r �ad Equtpmeat Compaay , . 1512� Rvb�t Trsi2 Sout� • Rosamotisnt, Minr��oti 5St�6a 1t8r Ettrjrona�eaqi Camidesstioas for the Cat�on Traet�r a�i $q�ipme�t Co�r, 1��4 , �obeR'1�'ail 3outh, R�o�mt, l�t'iim�sots Dett Mz, C�claoa: Ac yovz cequat, H�+ West garformed �limized w�ik•tl�rau�hh ot your faciltty on Decambe� ls, 199a. � 'Ibe purpoae of the ws�k-thmu�h w�+ ta fdamily areas ahich may aurmt �biur�aca �, invaatigaticcJrcmedlatioa. 1'his lesr�r summariZea environmencal obsarvation, made durin� t�e walk- thrau�h. Hay Wcst appraiatcs d�o ume and file acccssibiliry you and your staff provtded tn us duriag thf� visit. Based on this examinuion, we have ideaafiu! areas shat should be targ�tcd ss p�t of a �� subdequat�t envuonmcntal subsurfa+x investfgacion. ,. F.�a�r �dar�z�nd_ �.��a.?� _ Ya Doc��bec 1992. tbrme undsrgmuad storage tanks co�isting o�a.l�000-gallon steel A�die�ei��t 1,000- �ttloa atael gasaline, �ad a 2,��allaa waate oiI taak aera removed �nd 150 cubic y�rds of poaoiaua fmpacsad eoii axcavated. A subsaqtieat iavesti�atio� tnd'u�ted that posroleum-impacted a+oil� wrre �ot withia the depth Interval� of ths so31 borings (0 ta 26 feet beloa �rada), �triil,.S11s�Il T7i� rstali shnp haa b�an ia oper�tio� since 1975. 5peat cnotar oil {w�ste oil) �oui �atiftoaz�r'(e�hYlme �lyeol) aro produc«i ia�i�past of ihe f$ciliry fmm vrhicic�crvice operacions. Alon�t2�s souttt�vall o! the resail shap, arast+a ail ia sto=ed in Q 265-ga�ion sceel taak tbat tacks socandary contaiament. ?ao 55- �llon drums conr,aiainY usad oiI fllsers arc tocated �tan�che aall r�rha aest of the canlc. �he aaete oii �ad filtars ara transpested by Edel O!I Co. of Northffeld.Miaaosota. A SS-�alloa drum eoutaining u�od �nti�teeze eQjoins tho iwo oth�r �. All ttuee dru�s lack se�ndary coatatanne�c. TbQ�atiBreeze is transported by Schlomka Sarvkes, Iac. of W4odbury� Minnesota. Catch paa9 end sorb� aera obsorved oa thc coucrcta floor that was oil-staiaad az savarai loc�tions. � SIx floar drai�s �mpry lnc� a cast iroa pip� thaz ltows luto a 3,300-�allon Caaczeza hoIdin��c. The Crest Precast tanSc aas cartitied for usa in Deceaber 1993. Prlor w t�at tfma, t�e arascearss� floaed :' Oo s drsin fiold lacated a= she south sida of the retafi s�op. ' �,: : {' '1'h�ratail shop also concalns a st�amar/high prassure Raaher uait aud throe utf-�antaineti parts��ttats (�at use laa vol:uiliry toIvents). aad aras the former locatlan af a paint booth. Z'he parts washers are sarviced by Cotaa Itetail Servic.es of Sc. Paul. Minnesore. • I:amediarely souch of tbe retail shop is s 26�•gallon abovegrouad A�1 t�iel oil t3�]c thst is tued far tha steamer/high gresaure washer untt. ?his ts�al�c also lacics secondary contaiument. A subsequenc lnveatigatioa shouid examine tihe vtcfnity ef rho forraer drain field for the prrseuce of halogeaated selveucs (d�greasers}, pecroleum hydrocarboas� cthylrne glycol� and RCRe'! m,etals. H"" aaRlr s�� _ Dtums of hydrautia fluid, eaatne (mowr) oil, �ear oil, aad transm�ssiou fluid �d ona pares washer ware � observed in tfte back rcpalr shop. 1�rain (wasu) oil is ptaced ia aa aboveErouad a•asu vu t�ulc thaL I�1cks axondary concalnn�nc. The beck teQair shop contains two sets ef scacka�!S3-Qsllon opea-eaded drnms that drair► dirertly into the soil bzlow, The nor1� �loor drain contaias a riser pipe beneath the gratfng; . . ���:�1�:'94aSU�lo16y�4 II��BD3�IN�:... �TEL„N,Q;?8�,-9034 �_ ..rt'r'�31 re� �.vasr�'�s"--- r " 5 •----- . D►ds. �tna C�ariaaa r- .bsc�mba 15, 1994 ���T P�s Z . it u noc k�w►a arhere th�� pipa coaa�c�. lhe concreae ftaor 3a thia p�t af tha bu�diag 3s staiAod in plac�c a►ith p�ral�uu�pro�ts. Oil-adaas�ing sacks war�s present cn d�e A�r. 'The dru�-typa dststns sE�ottld b+`re�lacad �h a self-cv�taiaed dr8�iystsm. Soilt �d gc�tmd watat beaeatb thts gart of tha i�ct�ity s�odd be ft�veatig�ted fnr the gr�seace of pe�ol�tt�t hyQtOt�rbaa�, �ato�eaacad,�Olvears, and RCrRA mec�ts. A�n.��V_�rshaLe '!ba oytsi a�r aarehouaa is tocaud ac t�,e west sida of the faCility. A portioa af th�e facility is wvd fiu tLe�emporary storaga of used lcad•ecid batte�ies. The battaries are placed ia a PolyethYk,uo wb• Used .. battarias are ttansportad by Diversiftcd Mecals of St. Pant, Minnesota. Numcrous empry 33-galloa 8t0e1 drums ara stackad along che south ext�rior wall of the bui�ding. Paimt sappt3�s Mere 5ormerly amrad . witll�u tt�e opeu air wat�house sa we1i. �e ftoor of this sked stnicxura r�ansisa o!�dry loose {aa�tban) �ai1. Sos� u�mples shculd ba catle�cd $om rapresentatfve areas aad �slyzsd 5or sol� pH. p�ttoleum hydrocacboas, sad�lCRA motala. Sou�es� Oe�lri A r S?f4d '1he southwest vpan ait stied conrains a 1,000-galtoa, stbave$round, diesd f�ud t�n�that lacics secA�dary con�aina�mn. Yhe 1�000-gatlan caalc aad 2ba-gaJton {�ctail shopy t�ilcs �ra a�ned iad i1�+rl f� :upPlied by L.ocAi Oli Cernpaay af H�sciags,Mia�oca. 'T't�e sauthwr,sc open air sbed�ao roiaalns autzurmua SS- �Iloa drutt�a fiilal with dioaet-rygs fud that ara stackod oa gnllas tta�d lac.�second�ry watsinm�aG This s�rcuture also canraias au earthca fioor. Soil sau�plcs sh�uld bt collected sad saalyzed fbr petrol�u,m hqdrocarbans. D=er �ons�deracions - _ Gadiost Trs�xa�r azid Eqalpmaat Campany has boea operasin� at tha Rasemount sits siaca 1963. Tbe l�c3lity is aoc a�anectdd �o ths city sau3taiy uwar nor the city watar suPP1Y. The propecty corittains �a u�cfve septic wtic aad cfstern that ia tocated ac the aorr� end of ehe pa�ce dep� b�i3di�, Zhe � �tOparLy alsp Cantaias a 2Z4-foot decp(?) wall that is 2acat«! sourh-southwsac c�F tha COt�t O!tti4 n3tta d�p�eat�d resail shop. 'i'his weii is urvtced bY �Jet Pump. 'I]�e aell �►ss lfloe�r,ia�lled in 1964. ?�p asmplm from the woll should be periadically collocoed aad analyzod �or airratati a� caIifo� :. bsater�a. Shauld either af thesa ba eru;�untered, tddix,ioaal�round watar samplas should be collected and := aa�tyr-0ci Por volatile orgamic compvund9 (VQCs). ' Rasemoune Sebaol District# 196 opernees �(bus}transporcarioa 9enrice censrs ia�tttediately tottth of the subject groperty. Th1s school bus tcrminal aas formnrly a trucking f�,nlity. Aay environmental subswrfaca iavestigauon is likely to�e compounded by the presence af simllar vdiicle•relatod products. ■ao�Q¢�r�onditianc . 5upetior Loba (l�osnmount} C}ucwas$deppsSts consisting mo5tly of fine-W-�ceurse saacis with graval and cobbiss: Such sedim@ats are anticipat�d to hava r�iativety bigh permeabilitits. Grouad aace�r is ast3maced j tA Oc�ur at depths of�a to SO feet btIow grade. � Fccfrr�a��1�Rn,yi��ttn,Qnt�1 S�6surfase i�tves�acion and Remafiacion Co9s Cont�mifl�tioa uf seils arld groand water ls �possiblllty from past activicies in LSis area, ThereYore, a � m}rtimum of four soil borings and monitoriue weils should be placeti in the vicinity of thc cetail shog drain fiald and back shop f�oor drain cfscerns; sampIcs should be collected and :,nal��ed for the groups , D�iiv�%��r� � t�N��6'�s4.ti I3ii�l�ai� aa . � wp �86—.g034 #t781 P03 � � � 7��L' . ._ . 1�'OOij00i .� • .s .�t. �OII�;�l�iOII � ���� I�° � s�, i� P�p 3 oi ma�polmdt �pec�fled praviously. Additioa�l :hatIow soil bosL�,s6oW�d Os pticed widtia t�e two � sluds �d�A�ly�od tor eh�o0mpouad3 cired �bova 8e�cawa of ti�a dr�Jiag doptI�s 3a�oIved sad the number of��iyt�pi �mpi�s r�nir�d�.a �eoe�i quc raa�pe Ear a wbsnrf�ca tav�ig�t#ca of tbis sypa wil!rea�e ba�vr.ca SZ5,000 Aod 380.000�uld�+amd Msar be i�ay�cted��iddltte,aat aa�la md sAmDJin�be raqnired. Rame�fuloa4 r.a� (�tr�nd)oould t�mg�beeween SZ0,000 for a aimple aail venttn�system to 5300,000+�or a sy�requirta�bo�h srotutd � a�d saii tem�di�tion. Swy �Yeat appcxistas thc oppart�uuty t�psovide you with�is service. 3bould ya� bav�a u�y q�u�t�oas da mst�rial pres�ated tn this letut, plaase teei to call me st 291-04Sb. . 9iac.as�ty jtvbott t�ria Arc�ea A+tanagar/�iydrojeoiosies - .,.: . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. _� f'• . � . � . . . . � . . � . .. y., � , � . . . . . �-`. . . . . . . . .. . . • . � . itiy ::i. . . . . . . . . . : ..� . . . . . • . . . � . . . � . � .. � � . . � . � . � . �� . � � . � . . . � . � . .. � .. . . � .I . . . . . � . . � . . � I