HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Amendment to Star Cable Franchise Agreement t ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment to Star Cabie Franchise AGENDA SECTION: Agreement Consent PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGEND��� � Public Works Director/Building Official �. � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Letter from Star Cablevision APPROVED BY: Letter from Brian Grogan --- On June 6th, a letter was received by Tom Burt from Star Cablevision Group informing us that the cable franchise transfer has not been concluded due to changes in the'FCC Rules and Regulations covering rate structure. In their letter, they are asking us for a 60 day extension to conclude the sale. They expect to close on the sale on or before July 29, 1994. Since they failed to complete the transaction within the time previously identified in the Agreement approved by Council on March 15, 1994, that Agreement must be modified by resolution. I have attached the amendment to the Purchase Agreement for your review if you desire. I have also attached a copy of the resolution. I have had telephone conversation with Brian Grogan, the attorney with Moss and Barnett, who has been representing us in this transfer since the beginning. Brian represents that the only � material difference in the Agreement is a lower purchase price. This means that there will be less debt carried by Marcus Cable Partners so less impact on the subscribers. Brian's letter recommending the approval of the resolution is attached. Basically there is no reason to not pass the resolution since we found no reasons to not allow the transfer at the first request. The Utility Commission considered this matter at their meeting on June 13, 1994. They passed a motion in support of the resolution and recommended Council pass the resolution allowing the 60 day extension. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RATIFYING PRIOR APPROVAL OF A SALE OF ASSETS, THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AND THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE ASSETS AND THE FRANCHISE AS COLLATERAL. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION RATIFYING PRIOR APPROVAL OF A SALE Of ASSETS, THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AND THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE ASSETS AND THE FRANCHISE AS COLLATERAL RESOLUTION 1994 - WHEREAS, the cable television franchise in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("Franchise") is currently owned and operated by Star Mid America Limited Partnership (the "Franchisee"); and WHEREAS, the Franchisee entered into a Purchase Agreement dated November 12, 1993 (the "Purchase Agreement") between the Franchisee and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. ("Marcus"�; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("City") received and previously approved a request from the Franchisee for approval to assign and/or transfer the Franchise from the Franchisee to Marcus pursuant to Resolution No. 1994-27; and WHEREAS, the Franchisee and Marcus have entered into Amendment Agreement Number One to the Purchase Agreement, dated May 31, 1994, and have requested the City to ratify its prior consent to the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as now amended. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the sale, transfer and assignment of the rights, responsibilities and benefits of the Franchise fram the Franchise to Marcus preuiously approved by the City pursuant to Resolution No. 1994-27 is hereby ratified, permitted and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City hereby waives any right of first refusal which it may have pursuant to the Franchise, State or Federal law, to purchase the Franchise or the cable television system serving the City, but only as such right of first refusal applies to the request for approval of the transfer of control of Franchisee now before the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 1994-27 remain in full force and effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the consent to transfer herein provided shall be effective upon and only effective concurrent with the closing of the transactions described in the Purchase Agreement, as amended, and Marcus shall notify the City promptly upon the closing of such transactions; and Resolution 1994 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, City's adoption of this Resolution is subject to Franchisee reimbursing the City for all reasonabfe costs, expenses and professional fees incurred as a result of the approval of the transfer of control of the Franchisee. ADOPTED this 21 st day of June, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk . Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 [ 1 254 Winnebago Drrve P.O. Box 1167 Te/ephone Fond dutac, W/ 54936-t 167 (414)923-6335 J,�e 6, 1994 � Sfar Cab/evision Group Bngnt • Ciea� • Exc'!:ng Mr. Tomas Burt - City Administrator Ms. Susan Walsh - Clerk City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Purchase Agreement By and Among Star Cablevision Group, Star Mid America Limited Partnership and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. , Dated as of November 12, 1993. Dear Mr. Burt and Ms. Walsh: This is to inform you that Star Cablevision Group and Star Mid America Limited Partnership ("Star") and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. ("Marcus Cable") have executed an Amendment to the above-referenced Purchase Agreement for the purpose of extending, by sixty (60) days, the sale of cable systems owned by Star to Marcus Cable and reducing the purchase price. The projected Closing Date of the sale is now scheduled for July 29, 1994. A copy of the Amendment has been enclosed for your review. On March 15, 1994, the City adopted Resolution No. 1994-27 approving the assignment of the cable television franchise to Marcus Cable. As the Amendment represents a change to the original Purchase Agreement, it will be necessary for us to again ask you to review this transaction. However, since the terms and conditions of the Amendment do not materially affect the criteria upon which the Council's earlier decision was based; that is, Marcus remains legally, financially and technically qualified to operate the cable system serving your community, we are simply asking the City to ratify its earlier approval and waive its right of first refusal to purchase the cable system. I have enclosed, for the Council's consideration, a draft of a proposed Resolution for this purpose. I am also providing a copy of this letter, together with the Amendment and proposed Resolution, to Mr. Brian Grogan at Moss & Barnett, since he was consultant to the City during the earlier approval process. We respectfully request the Council's formal approval of the proposed resolution at its next regularly scheduled meeting in order that may conclude this transaction in a timely manner. Meanwhile, if you have any additional questions concerning this transaction, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-933-6335, ext. 127. We greatly appreciate the City's understanding and patience during this process. Sincerely, (�A - `� \h���\` V�� � Gary Nadolsky Manager - Administrative Services cc: Brian Grogan, Esq. Jane Bremer, Esq. Ms. Lisa Washa SE�T BY�DL� � 6- 3-9� � 5=16P� � DLa- �1� 92a �369:� 3/30 AXENDKEHT �1L�18EZt O�tE TO PQRCHA88 ]�iGRBEaLE�1T THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO PURCHASE AGREF1�fENT (this �'Amendzaent°) , dated as af the 31st day of May, I994, by and amonq STAR CABLEVISION GROUP, a Wisconsin general partnership {"SCG"} , STAR MID AMER=CA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Wisconsin limited . partnership ("SMALP'� and, tcgether �ith SCG, the '�Sellers") , and MARCUS CABLE PARTNERS, L.P. , a Delavare limited partnership ("Buyer'�) . WHEREAS, the parties hereto are all of the parties to that certain Purchase Ag�ceement, dated as of Nevember 12, 1993 (tha "Aqreement") ; and i WHEREAS, the pa=ties hereto desire to amend the Aqreement as hereafter set forth; and WHEREAS, all capitalized terms usad hesein and nct others�rise defined herein shall have the same meaning as assigned � to them in the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and other qood and valuable consideration, the re�eipt and sutficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, tha parties hereto agree as tollovs: 1. Concurrent with the execution ef this Agresment, Buyer and Sellers shall execute and delive= to the Escrev Aqent a written notice instructinq tha Escraw Agent to release ta Sellers (at such accaunt as is desigriated by Sellers} the entire $2,980,Ofl0 Deposit, togethez with all interest thezeon (the SE�T BY=DL� � 6- 3-94 � 5�16P� : DL.�� 414 923 �369�� �/30 - 2 - "Escrow Amount") . Notwithstandinq anything to the contrary contained in the Aqreement or the Escrow Agreement, in the event the Closinq fails to occur for any reason whatsoever, sellera � shall be entitled to ratain the Escrow Ataount as a nonrefundable . pay.ment to Sellers and as a reasonable astimate of a portion of �he expenses and damages incurzed by Sellers in connection with this Aqreeiaent and not as a per►alty and Sellers shall have no cbligati.on to return such amount to Buyer and Buyer shall have na claims against 5ellers vith respect to such amount. In the event tha Closinq does occur, the Es�row Amawnt shall be credited against the Purchase Price pa3d by Buyer at C�oainq pursuant to Section. 2 .2." Z. Section 2.2 of the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the foSloving substituted in its place: . "2.2. Purchase Price �nd Cavenants Not to Compete. The consideration payab2e to Sellers and the parties listed on Exhibit F hareto tc the Covenant Not to Compete (the "Covenant Not to Compete") , substantially in the farm oP Exhibit G h�reto, for the Assets and �t3�e Covenant Not to Competa shall be the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Seven l�illian Dollars {$137,000,000) (tha "Purchase Price") , vhich amount, subject to the creation og the Indemnificatien Fund (as defined in Section 8.2 � (by {iv) hereof) , and to the� adjustments provided for in Section 2.3 hereof, shall be payable by Buyer in full at the Closinq by confirmed wire transPer or immediately available federal funds to such party or parties as are rlesignated in rariting by SCG, as agent for Sellers and the parties listed on Exhibit F. The allocation of the Purchase Price between the Assets and the Covenartt Not to Compete shall be as Bet torth in Section 2.2 of the Disclosure Schedule. It is understood and aqreed that Buyer sha21 2�ava na responsibility er liabflity for the app2ication of the Purchase Price. Upon delivery of the Purchase Price by Buyer (and the Escrov Agent} in accordance �tith the taritten instructions of SCG, Buyer shall be deemed to have satisfied its obligations hereunder SE:'�T BY�DL� � 6- 3-94 � 5�17P'� � DL�- �l� 923 �369�� 5/30 - 3 - and under the Covenant Not to Compete and the Indemnification � Escrow Aqreement (as defined in Sectian 8.2 (b} (iv) j with respect to the payment ot the Purchase Price, and Buyer shall have no other liability to Seliezs, the parties Zisted on Exhibit F or any other person with respect te the makinq of such payment. " 3 . (a) Section 2. 3 (a) af the Aqreement shall be amended by deleting subparagraph (a) in its entirety and substituting the folloving in its place: *� {a} Adjustment for Certai� Exnenditures. (i) The Purchasa Price� payable under Section 2 .2 hereof shall be adjusted by adding ther2tQ an amount equal tfl the aggregata expenditures for plant, equipment or other capital expenditures, as determined in accordance With Sellers' past capitalization practices or policies (the "Additional Expenditures") made or committed to be made by 5ellers with respect ta the Systems durinq the period beqi�ning on June 1, . 1994 and endinq as of 12 : 07. a.m. on the Closinq Date (the ' "Adjustment Time") ; provided hovever, that no ad�ustment to the Purchase Price relatinq to Additional Expenditures shall be made until such Additional Expendittues in any one moath period excesd S10O,000 and, in such event, only to the axtent of such excess; and provided further, that no ad�ustment to tha Purchase P=ice relative to Additional Expenditures in excess of $Za0,00o per mortth shall be made. {ii) Fcr the purpose of determininq the aggregate amount of Additional Expenditures as cf the Adjustment Time, Sellers shal2 deliver to Buyer, not lsss than tiwe (5) business daya after receipt of the Closinq Notice (as defined in Saction 3.1 hereof) from Buyer, a certificate (the "Expenditures � Caztificate"} , to be siqned at tha Closinq by an appropri.ate efficial of each Sellez, after due inqviry by such official, but without any personal liability to such official, Which specifies Sellers' good faith estimate of the aqqreqate amount of Additional Expenditures, calcu2ated as of the Adjustment Time. � Such certiEicate shall be delivered toqether uith such approgriate supportinq evidence as Buyer may reasvnably request. The Purchase Price payable at the Closing shall he increased, based upon the agqregate amount of Additional Expenditures set farth in the Expenditures CertiPicate." (b) Buyer hereby acknowledges and agrees that no ad�ustment to ths Purchase P=ice or other claim shall be made an . SE1� BY=DL� � 6- 3-9� : �=17PK � DLa� �l� 9?3 �369-= 6130 _ 4 _ acaaunt of tha number of Tatal Basfc Subacribers served by the 3ystems. . d. (a) Rpr.tion 2.3{d) of the AqroQmont chall be amanded by deletinq ths last sentence thareof in its entirety. (b) section 2.3 (e) ot the Agreement shn21 be further amended by daietinq the penultimate sentsnca af subsaction (n} in itg entirety and sub�titutinq the folloWing in its place: "For C?1� puryose ot Getermininq the amount of Receivahleo aa of the Adjust�nent Time, S�ller� Shall deliver to Buyer, not less than fivn {5) bueiness days attar rsceipt af the Ciosinq Natice trom Buyer, a certiticate (the ��Rec�ivables Certificate") , to be siqned at the Closing byjan appzvpriats � official or each Sallar, aftnr duo inquiry by �uah official, but without any personal liability to such ofPicial, vhich spacifies Sellers' good faith eatimate of the 3ubscriber Receivables and the Advertisinq Receivablaa, calculatod as of the �djustmBnt � Time." � � (c) Section 2.3(q} of thn Agreement shall bc amcaded by deleting the words "RPMt3 Peat Marwick" on the ninth line oL subparagraph (11i} theraoP, and substitutinq the woz'8s "a nationally recoqni2ed iadogQndont pub2ic accountinq ffrm saith expericnae in the cable taleviaion industry and reasonably acc�ptable to both 8uyar and Se11QrS other than XPMG Peat Mars.►ick and Err�st and Young, provided that if tha parties fail to aqree on ruch accounting firm within 90 dt►ya after the Cloaing Date, such nccounting firm shall be cYivsen by the American Arbitration Association" in their place. 5. Section 3.1 of thQ Agreement �hall be deletcd in it3 entirety and tha folloxinq aubstituted in its place: S '�7 BY=DL� � 6- 3-9� � �=18P�i � DL3- �1� 923 �369�� 7/3Q - 5 - "3 . 1. Time and Place of Closina. Subject to {a) the provisions of Sectian 6.10, {b) satisfaction or, to the ext�nt permissible by law, waiver (by the party for whose benefit the closinq cendition is imposed) , on the Closinq Date of the closing conditions dascribed in Article VII, and (c) tha provisions of Article IX hereot, the Closinq (includinq the Initial Closinq, it applicable) of the transactions �ontemplated by this Agreement �ill take place at the otPices of Do�, Lohnes & Albertson, 1255 TWenty-third Street, N.W. , Washington D.C. or at such other place as the pa=ties shall mutually agree, at 10:00 a.m. , lacal time, on a date �ahich shall be a busineas day, specified by written not�ce {the "Closinq Notice") f=om Buyer to" Sellers given by facsimile, �rhich date shall be l0 business days after delivery of such Closinq Notice to Sellers and which Closinq Nvtica shall in any evant be qiven by Buyer not later than July 15, 1994. Zf Buyer fails t� give a Closing Notice, the Closing (including the Initial Closinq, if applicable) shall take place on, and the Closing Date shall be deemed to ba, July 29, 1994. In no event ahall the Initial Closinq take placa 2ater than July 29, 2994 . Failure by Buyer ta qive tha' Clcsing Notice by July 15, 1944 shall constitute a material l�raach by Buyer of � its obligations under this Aqraement. The "Closing" , "Initial Closinq" and "Closing Data" shall be dePined in Sectian 6.10. " 6. In the event Buyer fails to censummate the Closing on or prior to July 24, 199a Por any raason other than as a result ef a material breach by Se].lers aP their obliqatians under the Agreement, then 8uyer promptly shall pay to Sellers all ieqal fees and expenses =easonably incurred by Sellers from and after June � 2, 1994 in connectian vith the Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby; provided, however, that Buyer shall not be obliqated to reimburse Sellers for any such leqal` fees and expen9es in excess of $500,000. 7. Section 4 . 17 oP the Agreement shall be amended by deletinq subcl.ause (a) (ii) (A) (i) thereot in its entirety and substitutinq the fellovinq in ita place: " (a) with re�pect to subscribers prior to Juna 1, 1994, who hawe rendered payment either (Z) for installation at SE�T BY=DLa � 6- 3-9� � ��18P�f � DLa- �i� 923 �36s�� 8i30 - fi - such System's standard rate Eor such installation and far on� {1) full month�s billing or (II) Zor at least two (2) month's billinq as billed, and (b) with respect to subscribers on or after June 1, 1994, whv have rendered pa�ment elther (I) Lor installation at such System's standard rate for such installation or (II) Po= at least one (I� month's billing as billed, and" 8. (a) Section 6.1 of the Agreament shall be amended by deleting subparagraph (e) in its entiraty and substitutinq the following in its place: " (e) wi21 not, and vill nat permit any Subsidiary to, change in any material respect their billing or collectian practic�s f=om thosa deacribed in Section 6.1 of the Disciosure Schedule, it heinq understood that not�aithstanding anythinq else contained herein to the contrary, the Sellera and each Subsidiary shall be able to enqage in tha billinq o= ca-llection practices listed in Se�tion 6.1 of the Discl�sure Schedule;�" s � . (b) Section 6.1 of the Agreement shall be further amend�d by addinq the follawinq new parag=aph at the end of such Section: "Natvithstandinq anything to the contrary contained in . this Ag=eement, Sellers and the Subsidiaries sha11 be entitled ta engage in marketinq activities in the ordinary caurse of business consistent �ith past practices; provided, hovever, that, from and after J1�ne 1, 1994, Sellers shall not otfer subscribers or prospective subscribers arty quaranteed service rates for a conti�uinq period of time other than (i) the "Cabla Valua Packaqe" (which vould not, however, eutend any quaranteed rates beyond December 31, 1994) ; and {ii} senior citizen and other discounts offered by Sellers and the Subsidiaries in tAe ordinary coursa of business cansistent With past practices; and provided further th3t actions taken by Sellers or the Subsidiaries to comply with the Cable Consumer Protectian Act of 1992 and any FCC or state or local rules or raqulations promulgated thereunder ar in connection thereWith (t�rhether promulqated prior to the date Y�ereof or promulgatad hereafter) shall not ba construed to be the offer o! guarantaed service =ates; although notwithstandinq the foregoinq, Selleza shail not valuntarily offer any rate freezes or guaranteed service rates that weuld extend for a period ef more than one year." SE�"£ BY�DLA � 6- 3-94 � ��19P�i � DL.�- �l� 923 �369�� 9130 _ 7 _ 9. (a) Section 6.10 of the Agreement shail be amended by deletinq the introductory clnuse therecf in its entirety and substitutinq the fcllo�rinq in its place: "6. 10 �artial Closincs. On the date of the Initial Closirsg as provided in Secticn 3.1, it is underst�od and aqreed • that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if appropriate, the Pollovinq shall apply:" (b} Section 6.10 of ths Aqreement shall be further a�nended by deleting the text of subgaraqrnph (d) in its entirety, and substitutinq the follo�ir.q in its place: " {d) At the Initial Closing, Buyer shall pay to Sellers the entire Purchase Price pursuant to 5ection 2.Z of this Aqreement." t (c} Section 6.10 of the Aqrsement shall be � further amended by del�ting the text of subparagraph (e) , subparaqraph (f) , subgaraqraph (h) and subparag=aph (i) in their entirety, and substituting tha words "[Intenticnally Omitted] " in their place. (d) Section 6.10 of the Aqreement shall be further amended by deletinq the text of subparagraph (j) in its entiraty, and substitutinq the following in its place: " (j) For a period ot twelva (12) months after the initial Closinq, Buyer and Sellers shall cooperate fully in abtaininq any required consents which have not been obtained and 8uyer's aqreement and abliqations under Section 6. 6(b) , {c) and (d} shall be fully app2icable in seeking �uch required consents after such Znitial Clasing. After the Initial Closing, as reqni�ed censents are received, Sellers shall give to Buyer notice of a Subsequent Closinq �ith zespect to those Retained Systems operated pursuant ta Franchises to which such required consents relate, Which Subsequent Closinq shall be on a date wf.thin ten (10) days aftar receipt of such notice from Sellers, and the partiss hereto sball take all steps nacessary or appzopriate on their respective parts to proceed to such SEti'T BY=DLa : 6- 3-9� � ��29P� : DLa� �1� 923 �369:�10/34 - 8 - Subsequent Closinq on the terms and conditions provided for herein. At the end ot the twelve-month period after the Initial closing, (i) Sell�rs shall tran�fer tc euyer, and Buyer sha21 accept from Sellers, any Retained Systems that were not transferred to Buyer at or priar to such time; and (ii) Sellers shall have no further liability �rith respect to the Retained systems.�� (e} Section &.10 of the Aqreement shall be tu�ther amended by deleting the text of subparaqraph (n) in its entirety, and substitutinq the words "jlntantionally Omitted� '� in its place. 10. (a) Not�rithstanding any provision aP the � Agreement ta the contrary, if any franchisinq authorities for System(s) �located in Minnesota exercise theirl=e6pective rights of first refusal to purchase the appllcable System(s) , then such System(s) and a12 assets related thereto shall not b� trans�'erred to Buyer at the Closinq. Buyer shall neverthelesa be obligated to cansuzamate the Purchase Agraement, but the Purchase Price .payable pursuant to Section 2 .2 of tbe Agree�aent shall be reduced by the amaunt paid by such franchisinq authority or authorities � to Selless for such System(s) . (b) In the event the Closinq occurs priar to the expiration of the riqht of first =efusal for System(s} located in Minnesota, Suyer shall deposit in escrow at the Closinq, on the terms sat forth herein and to tha extent necessary such other terms to be aqreed upan by Sellers and Buyer each acting reasonably, the portion cf the Purchase Price represented by the number at Total Basic Subscribers tfl the app3icable System(s� . ' SE�T BY�DLa � 6- 3-9� : 5=20P1! � DL�- �1� 9?3 �3fi9�=11l30 - 9 - In the event a Lranchisinq authority exercises such riqht of t1z'st L^etusal, the particn of the escr.ovod funds reprasentinq the applicabl� Sycto3a shall ba g�id to Duyer. In tlle c�vent a franchisinq authority does net exarcise such right of tirst' retusal, Chen the applicable System and all assets relat�d the=eto shall bs transfcrr�d ta Buynr and the portivn or the escroxed funds representing such Systen shal2 be paid to Selle=s. 11. 5ection 7_� of the AqreemQnt shall be amcnded by changinq thQ raferance to tha number of Total Basic Sub�cribers ae:ved by the 9yatems to 70,000 and deletinq the clause ", as disclased ort the BasiC Subsczibers Certificatg,��. 1Z. Section 7.3 of tha ?,greemcat shall be amended by deleting the .text of aubparaqragh � (b) and subparaqraph (e) in their �ntlrety, and substitutinq the vords "[Intentiona2ly Omittpd]n in•their plac�. Subparaqraph (f) of 3ection 7.3 shall be aascnded by chanqinq the retarence to the numbe= Of Total Basic Subscribers served by the Systems ta 70,Q8� and deletinq tha clausa �, as disclased on tho Basia Subscribera Certificate,". BuyBr hercby acknvvledgea and aqrees that (i) a11 Material . Con�ents (as derined in Sectian 4.3) have been obtainod. by 5ellers and that all such l�tatarial Ccnseats are satisfactory in fox�a and aubetaaae te Buyer nnd 8ellers have rult�llad all obligationa of any nature with respect to Such Material Cansents; (ii) the condition Drscaclent set rcrth in Section 7.3 (b} has been satisfipd in full; and (iii) such aondition precedant aha21 no • S�T BY=DLa � fi- 3-s� = 3�2QP�! : DL�� 41� 9?3 �3fi9�=12:30 - 1Q - longcr bc a vondition precedent to Suyer's obliqation ta vlv�e the transactians contemplated by this fuzChase Aqr�ement. 1:3. SQction 9.1 of tha I►qronmont Qhall ba amendad by deleting subparaqraph (b} in its eatirety nnd aubstituting the followinq in its placa: "(b) by eithar party it the Initial Closirig hnrQundar haa not taken place on or betore July 29, 1994;" 14. Exhibit J to the Aqreement shall be deleted in itQ antiraty and the Words ^[Intoationally Omitted�" subatitutea in its place. 15. Section 2.Z af the Disclosure Schedule shall ba � deleted in its antirnty and Section 2.1 oP the Disclosurc Schedule attached h�reto as Exhibit A shall be substituted in its place. 16. Swctiori 6.1 a£ the Diaaloeure Schedule shall be deleted in ita entirety and Section 6.1 of the Disclosuze Schedule attacheQ hereto as Exhibit B shall be suhstitut�d in its place. i7. Buyer ncknovledqea and agrees with Sellers that (i) to the best of Buyar's kno�rledge, as of the aate hereof, Sellers ara in campliancs With all of their obliqations under the '� Aqrca�nQnt; {iij to the bnst ot Huyer'a }cnowledge, as �f t.2ie date hereot, Sellers are not in breach ar any of the reDresentations, t�arranties, covenants or aqreetnents of Sellers set forth in tho Aqraamont; and (iii) Buyer hereby irzevocably waives ahy claima it may no�+ or hereafter have aqainst Sellers for any allegeC ' S�iT BY=DL4 � fi- 3-94 = S��1P� � DLa� �1� 9?3 �3fi9==13l30 - li - breaches ot any representation, warz'anty, cavenant or aqreemant o� Sellers ta �hich Buy�r haQ knovlsdge ba�ad on mattera relating ta or aricing out of the period priar tu t,tie date hereot. Without limitinq the qenara2lty of the fcreqoing, Buyer hnraby Withdraws its lstters dated May 6, 1994, Kay 22, I994, May 23, 1994 and May 27, 1994 to 6ellers and acknowledqes and aqrees that the �alleqations cont$ined therein or d br88Ch by Sellers of their representations, varranties, covenants or aqrnnmante set forth in the AqrnQmant ara no lonqer operativ� and that such allegations do not constit•sta such a breacia by Sellera, and Suyer hereby irrevocably vaives any clnim ot a breach by Sgll4rs of their obligations baaQd on the mattars refesred to in such Ietter or a failure o£ any condition precedent to 8uyer's obligations ta ba tulYilled as a result ot such matters. . 19. Buywr horaby acknos�lcdges and agrees that notwithstandinq anythinq to the contrary contei2fed in the Agreement, any matters reiatinq to er arisinq from, or any actions taknn prior to the date hereo= or to be taken after the date hereof by 9ellers ta co�ap3y vith or in an attempt to comply withi {1� the Cable Consumgr Pretection and Competition Act of . 199Z, and any FCC or stata ar local rulea or regulatioria promulg�ated therauz�der or in connectien t�arewith (vhether promu].gated prior to the date Aez'eof or pramulqated hereafter) ; or (ii) any investiqation, certification, praceeding, inquiry or the Zika by or baforc the FCC, a.ny franchisinq authority, other ' SE�IT BY�DL� < fi- 3-9� � �:21P� : DLa� �1� 9?3 �369�=1�l30 . - ia - court or qovernmental nuthority ar aqency or othpr persons or entities arisinq from, relatinq to or .in connoction r.rith auch laws, rulec or requZation� daacribed in Lti�s precedinq claus8, includinq, vithout limitation, (l) any rate reductions, rQ£unda • or the like (or. irtvestiqations, cnrtitications, proceedinqa or inquiries relatinq� thereto} inatituted ar imposed by Sallers, the FCC, any franchisinq authority, other qovernmental authority or aqancy or other persons or entities or (2) changes to proqrainminq, billinq or marketing practices instituteci or implemented by Sellers (pzovided that Sellers snall nct, trithaut the Consent of Buyer, �rhich consent ahall not;be unraasonably �ithheld, voltuztarily aqtee to any rate freezas or quaranteed rates (ekcludinq those permitted under tt�e last pataqrap�i of Section 6.1, sub8aragraphs (i) and (ii) , vhich shall bs qoverncd � by theair o�rn tarma} that wau2d cxtend for a period of more t11an . one year) , aha12 not {a) cause or constitute, directly cr indizectly, a breach by Sell�rs aP any of thair repreEantations, �rarrantiaa, covenants or ag=eeaents aet forth in tha Aq=eement (and auch representations, warranties, c�verlants and aqreements shall 2'lereby be deemed io ba �adified appropriatnly to retlevt and permit the impact and �xiater�oc of such lavs, rules or requlatioao and inwestiqations, certiLicaticns, proceeQingB, inquiries or the like nrisinq tiierafrom, relatinq theretc or 3n conriection trierewith and to penait ariy actions taken by Sellers to comply with or atte�apt to comply t�rith such laws, rules or S�tT BY�DLa : 6- 3-9� � 5�21P� : DLa� �i� 923 �369:�15�30 - 13 - . requlations or such invAstigations, certifications, proceedings, inquiries or the like) , (b) otherr�ise cause or constitute a default or breach by Sellers under the Agreement, (c) result in the failure of any condition precedent to Buyer's obliqations under the Agreement to be satisfied (and 8uyer hereby irrevocably waives any lailure ot a condition precedent to be satisfied as a result of such matters or circumstances) , cr (d) otherWisa excuse Buyer's pertarmance ot its abliqations under the Aqreement. 19. The equipment listed en Exhibit C hereto which is not used in the operations of the Systems shall be treated Zor all pu=poses of the Agreement as part or the �xcluded Assets. 20. It shall nct be necessary in any of the documehts, certificates or aqreementa ta be delivared or entazed into at any Clasinq pursuant to the Aqreement to make reference to thia Amendmer►t, and any reference to the Agreement in any such docum�nts, certifi�ates or aqreements shall be deemed to include ret'er�nce to this Amendment. The Exhibits and Schedul8s to this Amandment are an integral part of the Aqreement and this Amendment and are inco=porated by reference in this Amendment and � the Agreement. 21. Except as modified hereby, the provisions of the Aqreement shall be unchanged and shall remain in full in full force and effect. 22. This Amend�nent shall be qovarned by the laws of the State ot Wisconsin (but not the laws pertaining ta choice of • SENT BY�DLa : 6- 3-9� = 5=?2PM : DLa� 41� 923 �369:»lfi/30 � ld - law} as to all matters, includinq but not limited to matters of vnlidity, constructiont eftect, pertormance and remadiea. 23. ThiQ Amsndment msy be executed in une vr ma=8 counterpsrts, each ot xhich �hal2 be deemed an oriqinal, but all oP which toqatner Shall constitute one and tha same instrumerit. f , SE�('f BY�DL4 � 6- 3-94 � 5=22P� � DL�� �14 923 4369:�17/30 - I5 - I� W2THE5S WR�pp, Sellers and BuyQr havt caused this �e��t to be siqned by th�ir racpect:v� duly authorizad partners or o�ficers aa ot Chs dste fitSt �bav� �itttrt. STait CASLEVISTON GROfJr 8Y: Star �abisvision paztners�ei�, G�nQzai Partau ey: Stsr CaDlevicion, i�c, Genaral � PartnBr BY: �� D-�,s�e..� otsa d G. Joa�s Pr�sidsnt . � STAR I�ID J1?S�,RZG LI1�iZ?ID P�R?!tL"RSIiZP $Y: star Cablavision �roup, Genenl � �at'tnar � sr: Star Cablsvieion partnereRip, � Gsns=a1 Partne,r 8Y= atat Cablavision, Ine. , G�=al Partn�r By: � .. Dona . oMs Fresident S�'T BY=DLa � 6- 3-9� � �=22P� : DLa- �14 923 �369��18/30 - 16 • 1�RCQ3 C7�3LL PR�i� L.p, �pt Mtl"aCs CibSs Caapariy, L.D, , C�sarat Ptr'C=iar DYi 1�Sasau� Cabl� �sop�rtisa, L.P. , Oin�rtl partass syt xateas �sb�� pre��sti�a, St�a. , a2 parttsar ay� . eus t _ . . ` . � � � � . . . .� .l � � ��, / / SE�'T BY�DL.a : 6- 3-94 : 5�22PM : DL�� 414 923 �369:�24/30 , section 2.2 Allocation of purchase Prica Pursuant to section 2.2 ot Purchase Agre�aaent The purchase price shall. be allocatsd as follo�ts: Assets $iss,9oa,oqo* Noncompete Z Ogg 13�,000�OOOf *Sub�ect to adjustments as provided in the Purcha'se Agreement � • SE�T BY�DLa � 6- 3-9� = 5�23PM : DLa� �1� 923 4369��?2/30 Saction 6.1 Buaines Pr,�ct ces A. Billina a�d Co lection Pra�ti���. seiler may engaqe in one or mora of thn billing and colleotion pract3cea described on the attachments to thi� Section 6.1 to tha Discic�ure Bchedule. 8. Was end Unaradg. sel2ers have conduCted franchise renewal neqotiations with the City ot West Bend. In discusgions �ith the City, Snllers p=oposed upqradinq the system to a minimum 50 Channel capAcity. SQllcrs requQatod threc (3) years in xhich to cvmplete tha upqrade. 5uch reneval nov haQ been affeeted. 9ellers have agreed to upqrade t21e system to a minimum 55 channal capaaity by Auguat 31, i996. `� ' 9ellers further propos8d an immediate upgradn oE approximats3y 150 milea of cabls plant frvm 300 1+IIiz to 360 MHz tor tha purpose of adding sevan (7j channels. � The cost to complete the chanrjel additians �as exp@cted to bo approximataly $240,000.00. Such upqrnde was Complet8d i1i Janual�j 1994. SE\� BY�DLa : 6- 3-94 : 5�23P� : DL4� �14 923 4369��23/30 EXHIBIT C 544 D Di=t Loader 4�b4 Hours 960 Mustanq Loader �a/blade/forks 960 Mustanq Loader w/blade/bucket Woods HD315 , : SE'�."f BY=DL4 � 6- 3-9� � ��23P1� : DLr1� 414 923 �369��2�/30 June 1, 1994 VIA TELECOPY AND CERTIFIED MAIL. RETVRN RECEIPT REQU�S'r'fin Waller Capital Corpvration 30 Rockefeller Plaia. Suite 4350 New York, New York 10012 Attention: Mr. Richard Patterson Dear Mt. Patterson: � Referenc� is made to that ce=tain Esoro� Aqreement r3ated as af November 12, 1993, by and amonq Stat Cablevision G=oup, Star Mid America Limited Partn�rship (collectively, ths "Sellers") , Marcus Cabla Partners, L.P. ("Buyer") and Waller Capital Corporation (the "Escroti Aqent"} . Capitalized terms used herein and nat othervise defined shall have the meanings ascribad to them in the Escrout Aqraement. Buyer and Seliers have hereof ente=ed into Amer�dment Nwaber Ona, dated as cf May 31, 1994 (the "Ame�ndment") , to that cartain Purchase Aqreement, dated as oP November 1Z, 1993, by and among Sellers and Buyer. Pursuant ta the Amendment, Buyer and Sellers have aqreed that the Deposit, together vith a1.1 interest and earnings thereon, shall Porthwith be delivezed to Star Cablevision Group, as aqent for Sellers. Accordinqly, pursuant to Section 2.1(c) vf the Escro�r : Aqreament, Buyer and Sellers hereby jointly instruct you to forward the Deposit and all interest and earnings theraon to Star Cablevision Group, as agent fcr Sallers, by vire transfer as fol2ows: � Wire To: National Exchanqe 8ank of Fond du Lac ABA/Routing #0�590076b Further Credit To: American Bank of Fond du lac Account #010006 For Final Credit To: Star Cablevision Group � A Wisconsin Partnership Accaunt #8621-5829 SE1+T BY=DL�1 : 6- 3-9� � 5=24PM � DL�- �1� 923 �3fi9��25/30 � wall4r Capital Corporation Jurie 1, 195� 8aqe Z Vsiy t=uly Yours, S?�R C�lBI.EV28 ZOti..GROVP Sys Btar Cablevi�S.on partnership� 6aru=al Partner , ny: stsr Cablevisian, Zne. , Gsnara�, pzrtnar . ,� r'"'�°r"'' Dy. . Donsld G. Jones Pz�sidant SR7l'� l�t�D A�It�1 LS3�I2?ED ' � � pKtSbtHRSSZP � Sy: Star Cabl�visfcn Group, Gan4ral Part�e= . �ys Star Cabls�visian Partressnip, �anazal Partne= Hy: 8tar Gblavisioa, Z�o. , Gsrt�ral paztner Hy: C��e��.�✓ Dortald a. Jones Preaideat SE�iT BY=DL� : 6- 3-9� � �=2�P� : DL�� 414 923 �369��26/30 wallar Ctpitsl Cot'po�atSon J1�1ne l, 1994 paqt S �Q! C�3Ls �711�s� L.p. � �aa�ral blasta�s �. L.F., �; �a�al�aitriss�Zppistita, L.p. , sy: star+a�u� eabl• 3�rvp�s'tiss. Z�a., sY� ' � � t � oCs i�Et. Js�ttsy �. ��rse�ta �vi� aad �t�ti2�ad sail) � c�risr.�,� 9. 11a�a�ss. IIa4• (via *.. �ad a�zti�i�d s�il� �oe. Mir�s�1 �. xareaa� tvia talaaopY crttittsd a�il� , . . , , i , � . . LAW OFFICES � MOSS & BARNETT � A PROFESSiONAL ASSOCIATION � � � . Q�SOO NORWEST CENTER � . . 9O SOUTH SBVENTH STRSET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-4129 BRIAN T.GROGAN TELEPHONE �612) 347-0300 T&LECOPISR (612) 339-6686 (612� 347-0340 REC.EIVED June 10. 1994 '.lUN 15 1994 CiTlf 4F K��cMOl�o��" VIA TELEFAX 423-5203 Mr. xon Wasmund Interim City Administrator City of Rosemount, City Hall 2895 145th Street West P.O. Bos 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Re: Transfer Transaction Between _ Star Cablevision and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. Dear Ron: On May 31, 1994 Btar Cablevision Group, Star Mid America Limited Partnership and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. entered into an Amendment to the original Purchase Agreement of November 12, 1993. The Amendment reduces the overall purchase price and estends the proposed closing date of the transaction. Your City was informed of this Amendment by Mr. Gary Nadolsky, Star's Manager of Administrative Services, by letter dated June 6, 1994. Within Mr. Nadolsky's June 6, 1994 letter, a draft Resolution was enclosed for your City's consideration. Because the amendment results in a material modification of the original Purchase Aqreement, ratification of your City's prior approval of the proposed transaction is required. I have reviewed the draft Resolution prepared by Mr. Nadolsky and have discussed the Resolution with Star's leqal counsel, Ms. Jane Bremer, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren. Pursuant to my review and subsequent discussions with Star representatives, T have enclosed herewith a slightly revised Resolution for your consideration and City Council actioa. In particular, I have changed the orderinq clauses to clarify the Franchisee's ability to subsequently transfer control of the franchise to an affiliated company. MOSS & BARNETT � A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION . � xon Wasmund Paqe 2 June 10, 1994 After you have had an opportunity to review the enclosed xesolution Please do not hesitate to contact me. Otherwise, I do not believe the Amendment to the Purchase Agreement presents aay issues which should alter the City's prior approval of the transaction. I base this statement on the fact that the overall purchase price was reduced by approgimately 89+ which means the debt �hich Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. will derive from the transaction will be accordingly reduced. This ultimately should have a positive impact on the system and the subscribers which it serves. I therefore recommend adoption of the enclosed Resolution by the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Once aqain, should you have any questions please feel free to contact me. In addition, should you feel it necessary for me to personaliy attend a City Couacil meeting to advise the City regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss this further. Very truly yours, MOSS & BARNETT A Professional Association „���/ ' Brian T. Grogan BTG/slo Enclosure 155ZBTG cc: Jane Bremer, Esq. (via fag) Mr. Gary Nadolsky (via fas) � � _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - 76 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING PRIOR APPROVAL OF A SALE OF ASSETS, THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCNISE AND THE QSSIGNMENT OF THE ASSETS AND THE FRANCHISE AS COLLATERAL WHEREAS, the cable television franchise in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("Franchise") is currently owned and operated by Star Metro Cable Inc. (the "Franchisee"); and WHfREAS, Franchisee is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Star Mid America IV, Inc. which in turn is wholly owned by Star Mid America Limited Partnership ("SMALP"); and WHEREAS, SMALP entered inta a Purchase Agreement dated November 12, �993 (the "Purchase Agreement") between SMALP and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. ("Marcus">; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("City") recei�red and previously approved a ' request from the Franchisee for approval to assign and/or transfer the Franchise pursuant to Resolution No. 1994-27; and WHEREAS, SMALP and Marcus have entered into Amendment Agreement Number One to the Purchase Agreement, dated May 31, 1994, and have requested the City to ratify its prior consent to the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as now amended. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the sale, transfer and assignment of the rights, responsibilities and benefits of the Franchise from the Franchisee to Marcus previously approved by the City pursuant to Resalution No. 1994-27 is hereby ratified, permitted and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the City hereby waives any right of first`refusat which it may have pursuant to the Franchise, State or Federai law, to purchase the Franchise or the cable television system serving the City, but only as such right of first refusal applies to the request for approval of the transfer of control of Franchisee now before the Gity; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 1994-27 rerr�ain' in full force and effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the consent to transfer herein provided shall be effective ' upon and only effective concurrent with the closing of the transactions described in the Purchase Agreement, as amended, and Marcus shall notify the City promptly upon the elosing of such transactions; and ..A � � . . � . � . � . . . . ♦ . . � . . � . . ,- , . . . . . . . . — Resolution 1994 - 76 BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, City's adoption of this Resolution is subject to Franchisee reimbursing the City for all reasonable costs, expenses and professional fees incurred as a result of the approval of the transfer of control of the Franchisee. ADOPTED this 21 st day of June, 1994. � E. B. McMenomy, ayor ATTEST: � Su n M. W sh, City Clerk Motion by: Wippermann Seconded by: Staats Voted in favor: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy Voted against: None. � 2 . � � . . � � . � LAW OFFICES . . . � . . � . . MOSS & BARNETT � . � � . . � � . A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION. � � . .� . � � � 4$OOI NORWSST G&NT&R 9O SOUTH SSVBNTH STR&ET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-4129 BRIAN T.GROGAN ` TscHrxoxs �612) 342-0300 Tst.scoPtsx (612) 339-6656 (612� 347-0340 June 20. 1994 VIA TSLEFAX 423-5203 �4=. �;� �rtws:::�3 Interim City` Administrator City of xo�emount, Gity Hall 2875 145th Street West P.O. Bos 510 xosemount, Minn�sota 5506$-0510 Re: Transfer Transaction Between Star Cablevision and Marcus Cable Partners. L.P. Dear Ron: On June 10, 1994 I sent to your att�ntion a letter recoymnending approval of a Resalution which ratifies your prior approval of the propo�e8 `traasaction between Star Cablevision and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. Within that Resolution I inadvertently misidentified the current Franchisee of your franchise. I have made the necessary corrections to the xesolution and have attached a copy for your review and action. The chanqes I have made do not in any way effect the substantive provisions of the Resolution but simply correctly identify the Franchi�ee. Should you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me. Please discard the xesolution I forwarded to your attention on June 10, 1994 so that no misunderstandings arise. Very truly yours, MOSS & BARNETT A Professional Association �l ' ! Brian T. Grogan BTG/slo Enclosure 155ZBTG cc: Jane Bremer, Esq. (via U.S. Mail) Mr. Gary Nadolsky (via U.S. Mail) _ - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOWTION 1994 - 76 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING PRIOR APPROVAL OF A SALE OF ASSETS, THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AND THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE ASSETS AND THE FRANCHISE AS COLLATERAL WHEREAS, the cable television franchise in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("Franchise") is currently owned and operated by Star Metro Cable Inc. (the "Franchisee"); and WHEREAS, Franchisee is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Star Mid America IV, Inc. which in turn is wholly owned by Star Mid America Limited Partnership ("SIuIALP"); and �WHEREAS, SMALP entered into a Purchase Agreement dated November 12, 1993 (the Purchase Agreement ) between SMALP and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. ("Marcus"); and ' WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("City") received and previously approved a request from the Franchisee for approval to assign and/or transfer the Franchise pursuant to Resolution No. 1994-27; and WHEREAS, SMALP and Marcus have entered into Amendment Agreement Number One to the Purchase Agreement, dated May 31, 1994, and have requested the City to ratify its prior consent to the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as now amended. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the sale, transfer and assignment of the rights, responsibilities and benefits of the Franchise from the Franchisee to Marcus previously approved by the City pursuant to Resolution No. 1994-27 is hereby ratified, permitted and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City hereby waives any right of first refusal which it may have pursuant to the Franchise, State or Federal law, to purchase the Franchise or the cable television system serving the City, but only as such right of first refusal applies to the request for approval of the transfer of control of Franchisee now before the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 1994-27 remain in full force and effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the consent to transfer herein provided shall be effective upon and only effective concurrent with the elosing of the transactions described in the Purchase Agreement, as amended, and Marcus shall notify the City promptly upon the closing of such transactions; and a__---- , � RESOLUTION NO. CITY 4F ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION RATIFYING PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE WHEREAS, the cable television franchise in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("Franchise") is currently owned and operated by Star Metro Cable Inc. (the "Franchisee") ; and WHEREAS, Franehisee is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Star �ti� Mid America IV, Inc. which in turn is wholly owned by Star Mid America Limited Partnership ("SMALP"} ; and WHEREAS, SMALP entered into a Purchase Agreement dated November 12, 1993 {the "Purchase Aqreement") between S�� and Marcus Cable Partners, L.P. ("Maxcus") ; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("City") received and previously approved a request from the Franchisee for approval to assign and/or transfer the Franchise pursuant to Resolution No. ; and WHEREAS, SMALP and Marcus have entered into Amendment Agreement Number One to the Purchase Agreement, dated May 31, 1994, and have requested the City to ratify its prior consent to the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as now amended. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the sale, transfer and assignment of the rights, responsibilities and benefits of the Franchise from the Franchisee to Marcus previously approved by the City pursuant to Resolution No. is hereby ratified, permitted and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City hereby waives any right of first refusal which it may have pursuant to the Franchise, state or federal law, to purchase the Franchise or }::Q c�ble televisior. �ystem servina the City, but only as such right of ��fist refusal applies to the request for agproval of the transfer of control of Franchisee now before the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of Resolution No. remain in full force and effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the consent to transfer herein provided shall be effective upon and only effective concurrent with the closing of the transactions described in the Purchase Agreement, as amended, and Marcus shall notify the City promptly upon the closing of such transactions; and