HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Legal Fees - McDonough Litigation � , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXFsCUTIVE SIIbmlARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 21, 1994 AGTN'DA ITEM: LEGAL FEES - MC DONOUGH AGENDA SECTION: LITIGATION CONSENT PREPARED BY: LINDA JENTINK AGENDA NO�.�E`� � � ADMINISTRATION SECRETAR.Y i IVI ATTACf�iENTS: BILLING OV BY: Attached are the billing invoices for the professional legal services of Fredrikson and Byron on the McDonough litigation. RECON�IENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve payment to Fredrikson & Byron in the amount of $413 .20 from account 101-41810-01-304 . COUNCIL ACTION: + .. . "' � . � . . . � . I,I FREDRIKSON & BYRON ��� „' A PROFESSIONAL ASSO(:GTION � INVOICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 Page: 2 City of Rosemount Juns 7 , 1994 Michael McDonough v. draft order of dismissal; letters to clerk of court and T. Burt regardinq same. 05/25/94 K. Harbison Review Court Order of .3 42 .00 Dismissal and forward copy with explanatory letter to T. Burt . Total Hours � � 2 •9 Total For Services $406 .00 Disbursements, Costs and Other Charges Photocopy Charges 3 .00 Telecopier Charge 2 •00 Photocopy Charges 1.60 Total for Disbursements, Costs and Other Charges $6 .60 Total This Invoice $412 .60 BALANCE DUE BY JUNE 30, 1994 PLEASE REMIT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON 1100 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE,900 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH,MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55402-3397 TELEPHONE (612)347-7000 I,I TELECOPIER(612)347-7077 I„ TELEX 290569 FREDRIKSON MPS TAX ID NO.41-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE SHOULD BE REFERRED TO OUR BUSINESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 PLFJISE RETLRN PINK COPY WITH YOUR PAYMENT "' ` � ��� FREDRIKSON & BYRON „' A PROPESSIONAL ASSOCIA7fON INVOICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 REC.E�VE� City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 �J(jN -$ 1JJ4 June 7, 1994 2875 145th Street West Invoice No. 240456 Rosemount, MN 55068 C�1Y OF HU�tMUUNT ATTN: Thomas Burt, City Admin. For Professional Services through May 31, 1994 : Matter No . 1 Michael McDonough v. OS/04/94 K. Harbison Telephone call from 1.3 182 .00 Attqrney Albright to negotiate dismissal of claims against City and regarding status of settlement negotiations with Attorney Ostlund; review court order regarding sanctions to verify its scope and to respond to Attorney Albright's questions regarding motion to vacate order . 05/12/94 K. Harbison Telephone conference .4 56 .00 with plaintiff 's attorney regarding status of proposed stipulation of dismissal and his promise to execute the stipulation. OS/19/94 K. Harbison Review and execute .9 126 .Q0 stipulation of dismissal from plaintiff ' s attorney; PLEASE REMIT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON 1100 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE,900 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH,MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55402-3397 TELEPHONE (612)347-7000 "' TELECOPIER(612) 347-7077 ,,, TELEX 290569 FREDRIKSON MPS TAX ID NO.41-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE SHOULD BE REFERRED TO OUR BUSINESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 PLEASE RETURV PINK COPY WITH YOG'R PAI'ibfE�VT � "' III FREDRIKSON & BYRON ��� "' ,�PROFESS[ONAL ASSOCIA't70N � . � . . STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT �y Pey�ent�e�Y�t at�e�che t$sc business day of the preceding month (Summary of Invoices) is noc retlected on this stacement. F�age 2 Cli�nt No . 30395 City of Rosemount We request that the balance of $413 . 20 be recei��+d by our office before June 30, 1994. If you ha�e any qu�st:ions conc�rning your account please ca11 me at (612) 347-7057 . U�ry tru1� yours , Todd �To'Uma Cr�dit Assist�nt PLEASE REMIT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON 1100 INTERNATTONAL CENTRE,900 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH,MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55�02-3397 TELEPHONE (612)347-7000 ", TELECOPIER(612) 347-7077 „' TELEX 290569 FREDRIKSOti �IPS T�X ID NO.41-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS STATENIENT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO OUR BUSINESS OFFICE'AT (612) 347-7057 PLEASE RETL'R�I YELLOW COPY WITX YOUR PAY,�IENT i "' I:� FREDRIKSON & BYRON "' A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCiATION ' � � STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT �Y Payment received after the last business day of the preceding month (Summary of Invoices) is not reflected on t6is statement. Client No . 30395 June 8 , 1994 City of Rosemount P .O. Box 510 2875 145th Street West Ros�mount, MN 55068 ATTN : Thomas Burt, City Admin . Dear C1a.�nt : P1easF be advised that as of Tune 8 , 1994 your account a.s past c�ue . The invoices list�d q�lo�� ar� curr�ntly outstanc�ing . Your specific attenta.on is ca�.led ta the in�oices marked with an ast�r:isk whicM r�main unpaid for more than 60 days . F��s Disb . Total 1 Michael McDonough � . *In�oice 235399 4/05/94 3 , 892 . 00 70 . 50 3 , 962 . 60 Payrn�nt 4/21/94 (3 , 891 . 40) ('10 . 50) (3 , 962 . 00) In�oice Total . 60 . 60 In�oice 240456 6I07/94 406 . 00 6 . 60 412 . 60 Matter Total 406 . 60 6 . 50 4I3 . 20 Client Total 406 . 60 6 . 60 413 . 20 The fo].louiing payrn�nts w�r� rec�i��d by our office after Apri1 30, 1994, rec�ipt of which is grat�fully ackno�ledg�d . Fe�s D:isb . Total 238494 5/Y9/9� 4b2 . 00 21 . 20 483 . 20 PLE�SE REMIT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON 1100 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE,900 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55-t02-3397 TELEPHONE (612)347-7000 I,I TELECOPIER(612) 347-7077 I,I TELEY 390569 FREDRIKSUN `IPS � T�Y ID NO. 41-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS STATEVIEtiT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO OUR BUSINESS OFFICE AT (6121 347-7057 PLEASE RETURti'YELLOW COPY WlTK YOUR PAYr�lENT