HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. White Lake Acres Outlet - Project Update � t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: White Lake Acres Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N��� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � � ATTACHMENTS: Correspondence APPROVED BY• This item is on the agenda to update the Council on the outlet for White Lake Acres. The attached information provides you with much background materiaL The basic problem in providing a new outlet to White Lake Acres is that the City must acquire easements as shown on the attached map through the Manseau property, and a ponding easement over the final destination for the water which is owned by the McMenomy Estate and the Wolfson properties. We have had discussions with al1 the property owners about easements and to this time have not yet made any acquisitions. Mr. Lockler's request to lower the water level is compounded by a number of factors. First of all White Lake is a DNR protected water body and has an ordinary high water level of 966.9'. The water level is currently controlled by a culvert under Mr. Erdrich's driveway, which has an invert elevation of 966.8'. Therefore, we cannot lower thaf outlet elevation which would lower the elevation in the pond unless we work with the DNR through their permitting process. This will entail a considerable amount of time and money. Second of all, the attached petition by a number of property owners other than Mr. Lockler request that the water level be maintained as high as possible. The actual construction which will provide a better outlet is very minimal. City Crews could excavate the west ditch of Bacardi Avenue which will provide an adequate outlet. However, the water would travel north in the west ditch to an existing culvert approximately 1,300 feet north of White Lake. The water would then travel easterly along Mr. Manseaus' property before ending up in the previously described McMenomy/Wolfson pond. Admittedly this project has not had a number one priority due to a number of factors. Staff does not feel that human life or safety is endangered and that we have many other ponds which are high and have come onto peoples property and damaged their sod. We have met with representatives from McMenomy's properties and the Wolfson's properties within the last five months. These meetings have led us to believe that the Wolfson parcel may be acquired by the City but the McMenomy property may provide more obstacles for acquisition of an easement. It is believed that Mr. Manseau will cooperate in acquisition of an easement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: 4 Sunday , July llth , 1993 _ Mayor E. 3. McMenomy ; Enclosed , please find our current invoice for City of Rose- ; mounti "Storm Water Fee" . We have been paying for this service for a year , and feel that it is time to receive somethin� in return for our money . Five pears ago , after obtaining permits and permission from the City of Rosemount and the DI�R, we raised the level of our prop- erty . t�fe Were assured by�the D21R and the excavator that the �+ater on �dhite Lake was at it ` s highest level then. The Water Which was approzimatelp 18" loWer than the present level , Was alloWed to flow through a series of ponds and culverts , bp , opening the blocked culvert under Mr . Richard rrdri.ch ' s drive— Wap , which was near the end of this particular drainage system . After Mr . Erdrich was forced to open his culvert , the water on White Lake receded to the normal level . Over the past several pears , the Erdrich ' s have again been • depositing debris and fill in the ditch along Bicardi Avenue. This has been uitnessed by a City of Rosemount'•.Maintenance Ozfic�al and Mr . Earl Marotzke , �rhose land is also being flooded by this . The efficiency o� �he cul.vert has been re- duced to a trickle , backing the uater up onto ou: yard , kil- ling trees and shrubs , and threatening our Nell . � At the time that I purchased my property on �+'hite Lake , 17 years a�o , the City of P.osemount approved the elevation to be suitable for building . Since that time , I have spen� over S2� , 000 . 00 to increase the e].evation of my property next to the lake , and to install approved erosion material to protect this investment . Over the past two years , we have requested assistance from the City oi Rosemount . The City Engin� and Mr . �aasmund have been out several times , and nothing has been done . .- . We feel that payin� a storm water fee , Hhen ue in sact are the neighborhood storm water reservoir, is rather counter-productive . We solicit your assistance in imroediate attention to our �rater prob:.e8�.. Our past attempts have been ignored - as our future storm Water service bills will be . .,� , Sincer�ly� � v '�-��� `G�'��Q-�=1����'..�Y� Dan � Barb Lockler Residence � 423-3053 ' 2187 128th Street Wes� Business � SSo-OS�S (3arb) Rosemount , MH 5�068 � � , � � ' � z�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423�i11 2875-ta5th Street West,HosemouM,Minnesota MAYOIi FAX (612)4235203 Maiiing Addroas: Edward B.MeMenomy P.O.Box 510,Hoaemount,Minnesota 5906&0510 COUNCIIMEMBERS Shsila Klassen James(Red)Staats MEMORANDUM ""ryw'"`°" Dennia Nhppsrtnann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Steve Jilk, City Administrator s`°p'""'''k Ron Wasmund, Director of Public Wo�ks/Building Official FROM: Bud Osmundson, Assist Director of Public Works DATE: July 16, 1993 tRevised 7-30-93) ' RE: White Lake Water Elevation Attachments: 1 . 1984 Council Meeting Minutes for Aug 21 , Sept 4, Sept 17 2. Letter to and from DNR requesting survey & result of survey 3. Three DNR letters to Locker (2), Erdrich Introduction The Public Works Department has had numerous calls regarding the water elsvation of White Lake for the past year. Specificaliy, Mr. Dan Locker, 2187 128th Street West, has been concerned about the water level of White Lake and its affect on his home and welL Backqround Information The White Lake water elevation (or Bacardi area pond as it is referred to in past council minutes) has been an item of discussion at least since 1984. The attached council meeting minutes document that it was discussed at three council meetings, and action was recommended to be taken, but due to funding considerations nothing was done. White Lake is a Department of Natural Resources protected water body with a DNR number of 19-8. Because it is a DNR protected water body, the City cannot work or . excavate lower than the ordinary high water level �OHWL) which is set by the' DNR. Prior to May of this yea�, the ordinary high water was assumed to be at particular elevations by visual observation. In May of this year we requested that the DNR survey and complete a study which would determine that OHWL. The DNR completed this study on July 12, 1993. This attached DNR hydrographic survey reports that the OHWL is 966.9. Further information which we have in house includes the November 1974 Aerial Photography which has the water etevation to be 964.5. The 1991 aerial photograph shows the exact same elevation. As part of the DNR survey, the water elevation on June 28, 1993 was 967.4 or approximately 6 inches higher than the ordinary high �ver�I�i�.g�s �omtrig ��� �osemoun��� water elevation.At the present time, water flows northerly through Dick Erdrich`s driveway through the Bacardi Avenue east ditch. It then proceeds northeasterly across the Erdrich property to Robert Manseau's driveway, then northerly through a 6" tile pipe to a point on Manseau's property where it outlets, then easter(y through a ditch to the pond on the Wolfson and McMenomy property. Recommended Corrective Action We are investigating the same corrective action which was discussed in the 1984 council minutes, which is to excavate a ditch on the vvest side of Bacardi Avenue north of White Lake. The excavation cannot not be lower than the OHWL of 966.9. Ramifications of the proposed work, are that the water will drain to the north, then cross Bacardi Avenue easterly through an existing culvert, and then easterly across Robert Manseau's property across a natural drainage way, to an end point at a pond further east in Section 16. At this time, we do not have easements for White Lake on the Locker property, or across the naturaf drainage way on the Manseau property, or final destination pond in Section 16 on land owned by Wolfson Properties and Mary McMenomy. Our recommendation is to acquire the necessary easements prior to any excavation which will take some time to complete. If directed to do so, we would try to acquire Rights-vf-Entry to allow us to direct water through the mentioned properties, while we are assembling the necessary easements. These easements should have been acquired when Bacardi Avenue was constructed and the flow changed, which was sometime in ,he late 1960's or early 1970`s. DNR METRO REGION 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Jul 12 93 17 : 15 No .029 P .01 t-, � � ' � NA-0263D-Q2 Rev.3/42 INNESOTA M�IdrC��r���IC �7UrV�y � Department of -�- Naturat Resources � Repart Division of i aters � Pro)act Lake NO, Whi te l.ake 29_8 C�h' County Re4. No. � t�r, Rosemount Dakota 93-109 Sea Twp. Rng. Wcr�ershed 16 115 19 Metropo]itan � SURVEY DAT�: 6/2$/93 • ; SURVEY CREw: Scherek, Ma1T , Woodrich � tAKE�2E n � �p11�13 I q�s i � ���`; ea dered Area Acres (�] Nan-meandered h ,a Planimetsred Are4 lI Acres ❑Unknown � JUI. �gg•'� DATUM ADJUSTMENT � RECEI��� ❑Assumed ❑ 1912 �X] 1424 Q 1988 Source: Dakota County �s REG1�N �'� COMRpL BENCHMARK r' �NP`���5 Locotlon; NE�NE-SW, Sec. Ifi-i15-19 ��� �� Elevotlon: 979.43 `���t���G�L'�". besCriptio�: Pk naii in top of westerly woaden guardrail post on south s9de of 126th Street which bisects the lake SURVEY WpRK COMPl,.ETED � leveia ❑topographY ❑cross sections (7�'�' proflfes �]OHW ❑ establish benchmarics p out�et e�evat�or,s � othe�: WATER LEVELS Highest Recorded: .�tr,.�+r,��pc�;� g 6/28/93 Lowest Recorded; OHG/Elev: 966.9 . • Ran�je: �t1TLE'f Generol Descrlption: at Nw Corner of the smal l portion of the basi n whi ch i s 1 ocated east of Bacardi Avenue (NE-NE-S41, Sec. 16) , north approximately 460' via the road ditch, thence NE via a ditch Runout Efevation & DEscription: 966.9, on a sand bui l dup 5' upstream of cu1 ver� through dr�veway east to address #12420 Bacardi Avenue BENCHMARKS SEf . Loccrtlon: N/A Fievotion; � Description: � . ' Locatlon: � . �levation: - �escnptlon: Prepared By -{��� rrtie Date John M. Scherek -J l+`i � Survey Crew Supervi sar 7/9/93 x •r t �.� �.� � � .��� " - . •� 1 �� NA-02684-03 � ae�.a,�o REQUISIT(ON FOR 1NNESOTA , SURFACE WATER/HYDROGRAPH(C Department of Natural Resources ° � SERV[CES pivision of ���aters Project Unnamed (White Lake) OHW survey - LakeNo. 19�_8W City County Req. No. �osemount Dakota Sec. -16 Twp. 1Z5N R�g' 19w Quad No. S 17d Inver Grove Hei h s Statement of Problem/Situation iProvide detaifed information) Wetland n19-8 (White Lake) is regulated under the Shoreland Zoning program. High water corr:plaints have been received by the City of Rosemount . Area Hydrologist has recently inspected. One house has its wellhead nearly inundated with water. City is interested in doing outlet work along Baca=di Aver.ue on the east end of the wetland. OHW needed to determine appr�pria�e outlet elevation and building se�backs . � Services Requested (Artach map as necessary) - Ordinary high water (OHW } determination and current runout elevation at northeast end of wetland under Eacardi Avenue. Note: Bacardi Avenue has been changed to Ba1d �Eagle Avenue efiective May 11 , 1993 . New street signs may or may not be up. Area Hydrologist available to assist. Landowner(s): unknown Permissio� obtained for access: � Yes C$ No ( approximately 7 - 10 homeowners ) r�equested By • `� Date Phone No. Pat Lynch ��` ��-v� . S/12/93 772-7910 ��prov�d/by(Regional or Unit Supervisor) I Date x•v ..Xf L�Ovr? Kn„racr,.� _ . . _ _ _ - ` DNR MtTRO REGIC�N 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Jul 12 93 17�15 Ne'.029 P .02 �• ' The O.H.W, l�vel is based on the avcragc reduccd elcvation of the 14 best trees of the 24 which were documented (oak, elrn, cottonwood artd ash�, We also recorded a washlineltoe in the lake at 966.8, .4 semi_distinct stainline on an ash trec was recordcd at 968.4, but it was not visible on numerous other small trees in water at this time. Somc sapling cottonwood and willows were recorded in 1.8' of water indicating a lower stage of water levels. White Lake is prescntly separated into thrce portions (aII of wluch arc at the same IeveI) by 126th Street which runs E-W and Bacardi Avenue which runs N-S. The cannecting culvert through 126th Street i6 a 24" C.M.P, and the connecting elevation is 963.54 (at the end of the south apron), The connectin� cuIvert through Bacardi Avenue is a 30" C.MP, located 285'nc,rth of 12th Street and the connecting eIevation is 964.03 (at the end of the east apron}. . Following are the pertinent elevations wc found at the outlet: Water level, White Lakc 967.36 - ^ , 0+00 Centertine at bc�inning of ditch 966.4 0+45 CenterIine of ditch 966.7 0+66 Centerline of ditch at sand buildup (present runout) 966.9 0+71 Upstream flow}ine of driveway culvert (l8" C,2vi.P.) 96b,S �- ���.f+'?��, � �7eadwater at drivewey 967.11 .�j µ: ;� .� � ;�;,,; .� O+S2 CenterIine of driveway 969.4 0+92 North invert of culvert 9G6.4? Tailwater at driveway 967.11 � (noticcable flow through cutvert) 1+17 Centerlins of ditch 966.G 1+67 Centerline of ditch 96b.2 2+17 Centerline of ditch 966.I • Water level at samc location � 9b6.52 3+1� Centerline ofditch 965.2 4+6? Centerline of ditch at bend to NE 9G4.5 Water level at same location 966.22 � Post-!t"brand tax transmittai memo 767'I r or Psos. ► T° s From � . Co. ` Ca � � 2����,.,,�- �,,y • . Dapt. . . Phon•X �k-� ��.a�.t� �a. b Fax� u�� fax r 7 -----�_ . ' , n M \I fI. ► \ \ j "� � �t�V� u� � �U B,�•. � a '?N. i� ___-._.-- �./, �► �03,�r,�'� .S,......�_ _ � � , .'� ,I''_ _ ._. . . -=—�- . . .- ---�u,;,';"'_'�.i�'`u'p� ����' -- ,,,�. •, . ----�r � . . ��! ' -- _ . _ 'p ,��l� +�p ` - � �r.ti ���I' l�'i8�'.�" /- ! ��„� 3�3�'j� � � �� ,, I I�IU '. � . � t q►1 unl ._._ '' -•--- dUrn��' - "�µ' .t I�.{ � r = � ' � I�N : , r•`1' . � - �----� i , ,.j ''HI►'-�-m �I�II �, �"u�� ��' �In� � ��'nE , \ ?�� r�•� V►�- •Id�l�. �I�r♦� yN...._ � el ---"-- --� '�-`�t � ..=.;� x ,�. --1� �'�, . � —3�L w °r�i ., ����b �.. a =-� ._ � 23`%yy ' �� ;., " .��a`' __ ��'`,F,:�`�" ��� i -� ��� � _._^ __ �� �� p, � �=-�_---_',�--- �Illlu I x 3 � �. �, , �.r. -- �, �.. 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I � / ! �i�x `� � / �/ 1�' \ \� � \`�\ . � j��� _ _�_*;-'�� `\ �'lf/� l j r�/��i / /i/ ii� li;/��� � �� j i� t . � � � �„ �' 1 � .�I�-- . ^ � '�'\� •l L�._ � r� � � ��/�/ �� ♦ � ( � � � �' i �} - o- — \ \ � , � \ � � � � � \ ! r � � rli,�"1 ��� - -.�. ol � il ��� , - - � i i � _� _ � � . . `�1,' Q �' ��� -- October 26 , 1993 Mr , 8ud Osmundson Public Works City of Rosemount . P .0 . Box 510 2875 145th St , W . Rosemount , MN 55068 Dear Mr , Osmundson= Re = Water Levels at White �ake We are writing this letter , to inform you• that as landowners around White Lake and as neighbors , we collectively oppose any plans to artifici�lly reduce the lake level . We have the following reasons : 1 . The current levels do not adversely impact our property . 2 . In the past , the lake has provided fishing opportunities for the neighborhood . Maintaining current water levels improve the oxygen carrying capacity of the lake through the winter months which helps to a�oi� fish kills . 3 . Current water levels provides a buffer for dry periods similar to the recent low waters of 1988 . 4 . Current water levels pr�vide aesthetic value to us . We acknowledgA that any increas� in the current levels may impact prnperties on the south end of the south basin that may need resolution . We would be happy to work with the City to determine potential alternatives . We request that we be consulted prior to any action . Sincerely : Rroperty Owners in White Lake Acres cc: Playor ��IcMenomy Dan Locklear Name � _Acts�re - Phone � ------���.� �r-� _ � ��Lf�'_�_� �������,...� -- �- � '-�' ------- - -- �ct�,t, ,`t' �� lT�cs� oZ��S 1��" S`�" 3�'z"�°�7 � �oo j�l�'� St ��3 -�S�a�s' P� �d � � � ��1�1 /�.lo � �rZ3 �l��r ��' �," ot-�� /�� � 3�a-/5��6 � ��, �Z- �� �3 � �� �/a �- 33d/ f��-- � � ��d �`��` _ � �� � �:� . y3 n o _ � y� S `f�.3 i��`— � , . / ,. 7 Pag� - i , �,.t.;�?` �l/��3"ri� �y,J;� %r-`,�;,6 � L�� " — / / `� � • . - � {�', { � ,c 5 . � �� C ; (�`�u ��� .� y/C' /�.GC�h�/ G U , �f � .� '�� O � � % �¢/� / Z� "� S�' Lc� QZ .� 2 �oS l Ol�. ��b'� 2 ' ... �.. �' : ~ ,-� r�. -�� = � -��� ` ; 535 GU N CLU B ROAD �r� ���� � - ,+G,i•�c , , . . . •!'n ��,.hN ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 `�'y �� ���-` � .R \• 1 j l� M' ,f ,J i� � fz� ��.. �_� • r-,f--+ J'"'��"'"' '��Y..�� . .f �,. s,,. ` t- � � � � � d.����" � � ;,��s �,� .:.���./'�c%,..��:�:�'�. ��'`�"'{'� � :.�t ��,f�.;,,, ,✓`;.i,, ,h 2�� �' '/ �:. v� � ' � � � � '' � yy �+ + �. ��•,�,,c,-1+',:,� �s="'4�„�.�t ��,�,,t;-i.f �1� ;��` �,,,•,,i�` ./�°�1 ''�'`�` �'`�=G 'f--u'.�.`'�'C�rz.r.-:�'�,,,,,,•F' �� �. 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C��,�+ ._ _,�`.. ,,..�.:�,.�� -'�:,.� ��. .'''� ( � ,. � , , I� '' ', +' ,�S � /} j y �![ i �{�,�{�} �,.5� � �' .l��� � ��y,�,P¢x"� _�Vr��.i._'�� I�S"i.."t�_�`!�G � �A�/' ��~� � ��:� ��� . 1 � � ���_ ,�!� .�-��' � � 'j �*l, ¢�f .1 p �fj � � �� � � � � �,,t� � '/ N'dF��'''�d� f � ,.,.k�"�>«� `L��^�����J ...^���� '�' r,,�:.,,a3t.�;�,8,, v��; ,�,- � ;�.: G� ' "' `„' ��„� f :t'' f � '��� �'' ,� /�'�'�.--�`A, �.-��,�r�� �.�� ..<-�, (�,.'',,,,,% ;���.,�,, ���� �-� v:...� � . _. ....�-� �._ �, j. / � R � ` �' . . � �}p � 1 ���j�+i�� 5 f,f��"��r". • � ��'� p ,• f � � '�. � •�. • MEMO . TO: Mayor McMenomy . Council Members: Klassen Staats Wii(cox Wippermann FROM_ Ron Wasmund Director of Pubiic Works - . ' - bATE: July 16, 1993 SUBJ: Dan Lockier Letter I have reviewed the file for documentation regarding grading permits issued to Mr. Lockler for filling in around his yard and into White Lake. I have attached this documentation �or your reviev��. Contrary to what Mr. Lockler may feel regarding his treatment or lack thereof, I think that the attached ma�erial demonstrates that a fair amount of hand holding and conferencing has taken place over the years that Mr. Lockler has been altering his shore front and lawn. Sud Osmundson has also provided you a memo regarding the more recent discussions that have taken place. In that memo he also provided you the ordinary higf�--uvater level as established by the DNR. — This a natura( water body that has no out(et, nor does it have any storm water piped to it. The drainage that is contributed to White Lake is influenced only by the development of houses such as Mr. Locklers, which have been built around it. With the help of the DNR, which controls this water as a protected water body, we are fooking at possible ways to controf the level of this lake. We have reviewed the drainage pattern through the Erdrich property and found no obstructions. In fact, there is reason to believe that this is r►ot the way White Lake ever maintained a constant level. The culvert under Bacardi has been cleaned by us, and the culvert under Erdrich's driveway has been cleaned by us. The only way to get more water to flow through them is to adjust their elevation. Since this is a DNR controlled water, we have na jurisdiction to adjust the elevation without their input. We have sought this so(ution by having the DNR establish the Ordinary High Water Level. It is our position that the unusually heavy rains are contributing to the.problems that Mr. Lockfer is experiencing. We have not ignored his requests for action at any time. Though the answers we've provided to date are not what he wanted to hear, I thinlc that Mr. Lockler is very much responsibfe for his storm water fee. : , i . - � �� .. �• BU ( LDING PERMIT � � ^ N° ��38 City of Rosemoun�t . � Rosemount, Minnesota, ��"N� 3 197� � � I Permit is ranted to _�A l� �BG K C.F ' � I to uild o i n� �l� 1 �� �• Lter � � t� 3'!?t/'� � , tion . � At: �/ g� /2-� d�'. �FS� . is . � . upon the properry described as Lot � . �---' � - . j Biock 2 � �//YI �.C� � -'' • Addition Worlc to be done in confo with the Ordinonces and Ciry Chorter of the City of Rosemount ond the taws of the Sbte of Minnesota pertoining thereta ' � Fees Poid$_����SO 3 �$;p O � ' � Surchorge$ !�5';00 ' ' .. �YILD�K Iwf1LCTOR � . • ' ...__. . ._�.._...-_ __. _.-.___._._"_ __r__ _'__._.__.' '..__'_. .. ._.._.... � �-� . . In add�.tion size o� ori�+�1 s�ruczure Number o�' stories f (k'iL�:n - Withou+ P3s�nen�) � ` �� Occupancy Clzssification �..- — � ' Type of Construc�ion: �O O� . (fr , masonsy steel, etc.) F,�terior su_rface ...t,�LL. 'd� (Siding, bri.ck, aheet metal, Etc. Type of roof C���.L.T 2`�e materia.l � .¢CT- Estimated cost oi pro j ect _ �...(�, Q'�-z� Off-Street Par�.ng will be #Ltrn.ished for z11 occupa.nts of the bu:i.ldi.ng covered .by this apglication. � In consideration for the permit issued on approval of this application, (I or�) izereby e.gree that the work to be perfor.ned sh�ll be in accord.a.nce with the above statements and as required by law. Construction 1 be staz�te 'w.�hin 90 days firom date of this permit. The work sha21 be sub'e t to insp c the Build- ing In,,,�ector. ' � ( . D�te ��-�1J, �. � _ � Signed Pezmit No. � Prope er - Contractor Fee _190,SD 3��";�O ' • � �lan Check Fee Surchas3e ��.OO , Tot�. 5`�6 a`� � � � ; ��sl�� � � . � . . . _ z �8 � tz�� s� ;� . ._... � . ._. .._ � - g - � . . . : � : . _ . . - . .. . . .. �: . . .. v�� s �� . �{-�- _ . - -- .� . _.... . - .� �t_ . �-�--- ��. . - ; � �� . -� :�,,;�-� �- - _.__. � . _ : --. �s - .-� �-� " . � . G�.�:.�.�,�, - . _ _ .. � . .---••- --- ---- - - . - - - - - • . •-. .._ . l'�-�n, C�.e�-�-�..% �.-�`�`� � . ��� C��� � � }�� �� �Q,� ���� � � 1�..��i�i�..- �.� —"" I�—�`� c.� ' ` c�-"G�--�,��� � v v�f-'� .--1�4 � . _ .._ _ .. . . . . _ ... _ _ . *`� ' • ��I(I.� � . ' ' S7. E O S eYYI O I.L YL�' • . . . _ 5506: . ).441: ; � ( 5_"7 ! zq� June �6, 1986 ; I �� Dan Lockler � — • 2187 128th Street West I .�Q. C��a'"' Rosemount, MN 55068 � �ro� Dear Mr. Lockler: I �� � , This letter is to inform you that the City of Rosemount will � not -�� issue a permit or allow any fi11 to be placed in your yard until such time as .the Department of Natui-al Resources (DNR) has been con�acted and had opportunity to stake the ordinary high water level mark along White Lake. The DNR will stake the ordinary high water level , establishing the limits or the fill that you can place on your property adjacent to this registered water body. They will provide this service at no cost to you. After this water level has been identified by the DNR and you have submitted a general plan to the City o` Rosemount Bui�lding Department, a permit will then be issued and you mzy proceed with the �ili . Any and all fill ac�ivity which has �aken place up to this point must cease and no further filling be done until such time as the • permit is issued. Furthermore, all junk and -debris that has been • placed along the water line on the south property line must be � � removed back to the point that was identified to you during our meeting on June 5, 1986, between yourselr, Barb McCarthy and I . A11 debris must be removed by no later �h�n 4:00 p.m. , Nonday, June 9, 1986. If you will con�act me at 423-4411, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. , I will provide you with the names and telephone numbers of contact people at the Departmont of Natural Resources, for your convenience. � Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Ron Wasmund ' Building Official � RW:dq . r`�C.� ' / �' � • . . . . .... . . .'.. . , � , . �. .. � . . ... . ' . , • . , 612/296-7523 1200 Warner Rd., St. Paul, Z�I. 55106 � July 22, 1�86 Hr. Dan Lockler 2187 - 128th Street G1est • - P.osemount, tiinnesotn 55068 . • � P,E: 19-8P - WHZTE LAI:E ' '.. Dear i�s. Lockler: ' Since our meeting of June 24, 19Sb, I have had discussions �.��th City �:� � staff regarding the wa�er lecel situatio: on FFnite Lake, t'`19-$. In - � . . order to avoid anp iuture aisunderat�ndings abaut the nature of your • filling� activities, We decided to �.'rite you this letter for the � � ' record. . � � ' - Our meeting revealed that the level of kThite Lake is sufEiciently high . • so that we Were unable to deterc..ine the .outlet eletiation �t Baczrdi Avenue. Hoc:ever, it is reasonable ta assu�e the level is at le�st �wo . . to three feet higher �han the outlet. In addition, you nave proposed � . � �1E:C�'�� .r.'1Z1 i:w�P.�iGiS �� Lflc a�dC O� YC'1i �CL'�:2 tG ,��.c�c'' Z v2=� S�Ec. 1'he fill :;ill encroaca izto the �:aters of �.�nite La�.e �or a distance oi �p�ro::�atelp 20 ieet to a degth of-two ieet at nost. I�o�lly, your proposed f illing would require � Dh'R peza�i.t. Howeve:, because the . level of the lake is above the ordinzry high c�ater, technic2liy your fill isn't in the la�e. Therefore, no Di�iR pere�it is required, althouglt adequate erosioa controls �ust be aainca�.ned during . • � the actual placement of f ill. I had e�rlier sent you some nzterials . _ � on �he installa�ioa of a silt fe�ce. • If you have any questions please feel free. to cali me. � � Sir.ceraly, . • . . . .. � �'� .. .' . . . - ' -',. . vi • . . . ... . 1 . , . , , . . �2',ike Mueller � � � : � ' . . . Area Hpdrologist • . • I�TRO REGIOIr DIVISION OF kTATEP.S � cc: Ron S,'asnund, Building Inspecto: - Ci�y of gosenount /��= • . MN,21 ~ /�i- � STA7E OF � �1 U V U`J� J��G=.� DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES� PHONEN�9b-7523 METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN SS10b FILENO. December 16, 1988 Mr. Dan Lockler 2157 128th St. kt. Rosemount, MN 5�068 �: t,'IiITE LAI:E, 19-8P . Dear Mr. Lockler: _ • . This letter will su�arize my observations of your fil.ling ac�ivities as noted on December 14, 1988• You have increased the side }ard area (west oi house) by the placement of fill and riprap. That activity was pretty mucli in accordance with my Julq 22, 1986 letter, althou�h the encroachment uas slightly . in excess of tne 20-iee� indicated in the letter. *iore importantly, there has been fill placed wate�.�ard of the edge oz the lake in the rear yard (north of house) . Clearly, this is not sonetning d:scussed or agreed Lo in 1°86. There is a very abrupt edge a� �he rE co`-ner wnere the fill extends in�o^ tne lakeoec� . There=ore, Z nust reauest cnat you renove this �i�l Lro� Zlong the norttt side. I i�dica�ed tne area on a stie�cn le=t witn Txs. Lockler. Tnere a�y need. to oe as much as 1�-=eet of �ill re�oved, in order to provide ior a continuous edge alcng the shoreline o� t:ne lake. In addi�zon, tne naterial you remove should be ;.al:en� somewnere ofi-site, as tnere is no room on the side yard to continue �illing ou��:zrd; you`re alread}• a� the edge o� the lake. I �on't have a concern witn tne placenent of this naterial on top of ^the previously placed iill, however, I caution }�ou to stay aw�ay �rom your well aad/or septic systen. Zn iact, the placement of ��11 nas already covered your well head, whicn is in �iolation o� tne _ _. . we�1 code. � A contact person �ro� the COL`At;v He21tn Department »as identi��ed ior your c.*ife oy City Znspector Ron �:asmund. I:: you have .�ny questions regarding this matter, please call me. Z understand thzt you aay wish to wait until next spring to begin this work, however, I'd apprecia�e it if you would f inist► by July I, 1989. Please let me know i� tnis is acceptable. Sincerel5, ' ' (' r , � � � ;� (�Q � �„�}' Mike Z.ue1�r Area Hyarolo�:st . cc: Ron �.'asWnnd, Ci�y o� Rosemc+unt 4?hite Lake (15-8) �i�e DAKOTA COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT fo�minglon Pro(�sai000l Bvi{di�g 82T Third Sue�t Porming�on,MN 5502� Phone:(612)ab1•8626 MII�INESOTA � SOIL Ar�D WATER COI�IS�RVATIOI�I DISTRICTS June 12 , i986 , TOs Ron Wasmund City of Rosemount FROM: Barbara McCarthy ',-���� �,,`� ���` 0 Dakota County SWCD � RE: Recommendations regarding placemen� of fill on Dan Lockler property. This letter is to follow-up our visit to the Dan Lockler proper�y on June 5, 1986 . Mr . Lockler Droposes to place fill on his property due to wet conditions and zo �lace riprap along White Lake . We recommend that the DNR be contacted since they have . regulatory jurisdiction over White Lake, a "Protected Water" of the State . According to Kent Lokkesmoe , hydrologist with the DNR, no fill can be placed below the elevation of the Ordinary High Water Mark of "Protected Waters" for the purgose of creating upland (drier) areas. The exact elevation of the Ordinary High Water Mark has not been determined at this time for White Lake . But to expedite the proposed project, the DNR can inspect the Lockler property and actually place stakes along the property to identify the Ordinary High Water Mark of white Lake (where fill can and cannot he placed by Mr . Lockler) . As far as erosion and sediment control is concerned, we recommend that a silt fence be installed along the edge of the Lockler property to prevent sediment from moving into White Lake . The silt fence must be properly installed (see Attachment) before any fi11 is placed . The silt fence should be taken down after the property is adequately stabilized with a grass cover . Also enclosed is information from the DNR regarding Permit requirements for riprap shore orotection . Z will check with local distributors to compile source and cost information for purchasing small quantities of silt fence . ..�`��.�.� .....,...�_,,,..._.,, , ,... ,..,_.. -j-+•-- - - — �—(���Zyi���� !� •(�� � - - �1,tj-J�3' ;�iyyh��-.- --_. •• .- -• - - -- - •/�'- �- - - - - �- -j �S './ .'__� --- f� / _7""�.-�i�� �''�' '/����i��.�-�j' � ��'�"' j-�l�j-�3���1'^ - i /. .. _. �� . --_. ---.._._---- --- - • •- � T��'� � ___S�,`� �:Y-�v s ,r - � ����,/ : {- ._..- ---- � � . _.. .... __ . >��i ' � _".��'��y,vr�--`� -�---f Y.�--Yrn"'L^/�j-�� 2-�:'- .. ... ••--- �' J J ; --.... . _. �� _ Q _ � __ -- �-J' .. . . ..---•--- �.s .: .. �,.��,t.�- � � � �� J ...��'-- - _ -----.--. _... __. �-�;------�- --..--- . . -�,,,/.�,-- -.. •--���a� � ��.�.��� �J� `� __.._._ ��y �-� -�.�-�,s�p-� �� �r.�.,�1j -� .�-� : -i � - -._. � � ��.. � � . ��. . _ . _.__.. .. 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Phone � o�� '' 3�0.� N ame o�0�-f i�l��1�1 � X f� �//-�I �.N.�? ----- � Cucit«ct��r Addresa tnioctnatiott --------•----- - •----- .- — �1fY State Zi�, Phone Vame rlrchitccC�Engn�ccr Address 1ntuRtiatiun ---- __._____ . CitY State 7i�� Phane C:LASS UF �VO�tli (circle Qt�e only) fl Neiv ��' Atteratiot�.�Remodel � Addition Q MaintcnancelRepair/Replace TYPE OF STRUCTURE (circte ane only) � O1 ingle Family Det�ctied �5 Recreation�I,Amtisement 02 Cit�gle FamityAttached .�}{� pifier Nnn-HouRkee in Sl�eher 03 Rcsidential Garagc p $ ` 34 T��o Famiiy AesiderrEial 6� Indus#tial Baildicig 31 ?hrce-Four Famity Residential 70 Aiblic t�'vri�r>and Utilities B�iiidin�s 3Z Muhipie FamilyReside�ntial � �f�lic Schools � 40 Ufiices, Bariks, Prolessionat , 81 Pt�ate Scttaols 41 titorefi, Restau�rtt, Warehouae �� ChurcheF and Retigiouc Bi�itdings a� Hutels,Motels 88 Ho�ifalS and It�stitutional 43 Farking Gara.ge a3 C�ther No�z-Resicienfial B�.iitrin��s �a Sc�vice Statiot�s and RepairGarages -j Fence4, S�gns, e'�ntetiiiaa 9�i Other Non-BuTldinp,�ttuch�t�es (PIeaee comPlcte other�icI i Estlmat.ed Gompletian Date: � Number of t;tiUic Yard� �- , Nc�vF.Ma���.�8 �P�.C..�...�Q�Y..�.s. Dcscripliun uf�V��k lu bc Donc_������nF �,QN�_�.��Q���_��� �..�'� �D r,v�4r�i�� ��.P����.�=R��.����1N_����( I hearby apply for a Gradrtig Permit and I ackno��lec�ge that the infom�atioti above is comptete anci ac��rate: ffiat the�vork�ill be m confottnance with ths orciinancas and codes oi the City of Itotemo�mt andwifh tl�e 1�2innesota �3uildinR Codes; that I nnderetand that this is not a permit but only an application for a pennit and«�ori; is not to s#art�e�ithouE a permit;,t}i�t the work�,zil be in accacdance withthe approved plan m ti�e case of altR�oiis�vhich requR-es revieR�atzd appro�al of plans. ---.-.- .�-_._.a� .�— ---: --/ ��-8.g.__._ _ App ' aril'sSigriatuz�e Da(e �����rr u■�wa��w UO N��ITE BELCt_«THIS.LIN E s.���a.c�rw�r�s.r� Hafi a pradi►�platl�een svbmitted? Yes No A.�proved7 Ycc No Has a pertuciiiance bonci or othe� s�n-ety been received? Yes No !'.cru�ucri S <:onctition:s of 1r�vance/IZemu�s: c;ftherFee: _.— - Amounf of Fee S --�g' .---- Pcrzt�it I:�ztaiiccA�provec3 F3y: L)�tc: o� 7� ...�- ��',, .. �J./.�'i� �/.i�,r- t./i��'.+..���� �. �. t Z� � ��:%�`/�.. ..�/...��. �. . ^ �. % , ! : ' � f��' �".w` ���' �(�..rf[�+'� `�g •b`� i Deacri:.ticn r'or::.••.,:�•: •. .�;�,.� -,•_ .• .;. .. • . . �/!� � /.0��. -• • - • t'7.•I. '� • •. ,.,,�. / '� � ;�.r' . simon ..r''•1 'y..y�', y- J;�+• {�jS,+e� .� .}:�u:l;���'�4. ��/ : .. •,�h ',`, , . 1 .•' '�'. ' • • . 1.I��9 Trini�y.T�O�C�O �n����•� � ��;' 'i`%^�.''.�^�. '.:,..:..' �'.�: ;�:•. ' . . �F1Ie► ' . . '^ . . _ .. .i ,..:.. . �' :.;�+% ,;•i. •.*''?:.'• " .. • �4- Inuisville;;.XJ.:: ,.. i,� :t�; , �,�' ..4 � ,;:►:� �,' ;�� . . � _�, �ilIY.SI1tOt�'� FIT..�T+ADD rt'?.^,2� ' ' ••+�i=��;' �; ;:•. .;;%' �.'. :':..,.:�1�=�• • • . . . . ... . • . �•'. � � '� � . . ';'����� :�i� '1. ,Ki �r'1"K•' fy�:'••:"'' 2.� . . , . . � . ,� � '�:i �` � .. • • . � . 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