HomeMy WebLinkAbout14.d. 145th Street and Canada Avenue 4-Way Stop s . • 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCI� MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 AGENDA 1TEM: 145th Street and Canada Avenue 4-Way AGENDA SECTION: Stop Department Head Report PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. L� City Engineer/Public Works Director �d_�� ' I� • �, ATTACHMENTS: OSM Traffic Study APPROVED BY: � Attached is a copy of a letter from OSM studying the possibility of instalting a 4-way stop sign at 145th Street and Canada Avenue. The results of the study show that warrants are not met to install a 4-way stop sign at this intersection. OSM's recommendation is to have "Adult" crossing guards for the children crossing 145th Street during school hours. My recommendation is to write a letter to the School District and work with them to get adults to be crossing guards. The Council can order installation of 4-way stop signs, however, the City Attorney should discuss installation that doesn't meet warrants. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion COUNCIL ACTION: __ � �r���: t _.�- , ' �.r--�...�-- _.�------... � Ql'X�__ _ �,�4�1 '� -`c'`. T�71 D�te to ' ,�.�^' '. Nat6 Prom � /`. April I4, 1994 �" post��� , aa �,� t� �' TO � Mr. Bud Osmundsofl cQ.,��,� Pn9►�#� -� ,.�� . C�ty of Rosemount p��� F�'# ��•► J . . � 2$75 - 145th Street West �� ��� �np�tneers Roseznount, MN 5506$ �'` "`� . Planners surveyors �te: 1�45th Street at Cas�ada Avenu� St�p Sign A�nalysi� QSM Project �To. 443$.SO � Dear �ud: As �ou requested, O5M has reviawed �khe �interse�uon of �41�e r s�t�of o�danalysisu� fox the possible instal1at�on of a 4-way sxop sign c+�ndat�on. and recommendations az� discussGd herein: A traffic caunt was conduct�d at the intersection on Ntazch �1�6, �a�4p.M. and 2 P.M. t� b conductefl over a ten hauac period, 6�.M, to 1�.0 A.lY1., �x �i. F.M. t�l vehicle, truek and bus turning movements�w�se counts we� the b�'s for ihe 4- count was also co�ducted duzi�g the same pe�.�d. way stop si� analysis. A sumznary of the traffic counts ar�d the actua�. couzzt workshe�t� are includad as an Appendix. '1'ha r� uirem�ents for 4-way stop sign installa,tions are outiir�ed in th� Mib ed o lvlanu�l " q on iJni.form Traffic Contrel T.aeviccs (N�NN/MUTCD}. '�'he warrants are accidents, vehicular volumes and pcdestria,z� vvlumes. Beiovsr as $ discuss�on o� each 4- way stop sagn warrant and the results af the analysis � �, Ac ' nt - Five or more aceident� in one y�ar must oecur of a typ� w��� �� b� corrected with a mult3-stop sign installatioz� (ie, right a.ngle, etC.,}. � Although fourteen accidents hav� occurred at this iaat�rse�tion in the past seven ' years, there has not be�n a year which has had �ve oz� mor� a�cidcnts. 2. ff' Vo es 'd i� - The followin$ vehicle and pedestrian Ie�►eIs must be abtaiaed in order to �zzeet this warrant. A. The tatal volume in thc intersection (al� aPP raaches add�d tog�the�) mus� average 500 vek�icles per haur �or each o� any �ig�at hotus on an avera$o . . da�►. B. ;� the carnbi.�ed vehicu�ar and gedestrian voI� 240 units�for�tb� same apgroach (�anada� Av�nue) must average at leas . eight hour pexiad. C. 1�Vk�en the SSth percenti.le s�eed exceed 40 miles P34%our ��n tWe�m�a�'�r street, the abave requirements can bc reduccd by � would not app1y in this intersection}. Equs�pppanuttit}'EmDiO.ver ., - ._-' � o a � ass�r rnssc � �•sa t � : � a � � •� ���'a � ' t _ i .—.._�. .� �. . � � . ' . . r � . � � • . � . . . � . � .. , . . � � . � � . . . � . Ye Mr. Bud Osmundson Agril 1�, 19�4 Page � Based on the requuements stated above, this int�rsecrion d+aur hours mcct tho requircd �requirc�ents far a �-�uvay' sn P�?�Q��af the hou.zs cou ted nneet th� requfrement of traffic volume (Requ�reme ) e uu'ement B.) combined vehiculax and pedestrian volume on the minc�r approach. {� Q h a 4-wa sto is not wasranted, it appe�rs t11at a safety p�ablem does es�ist at �vcn thoug Y p with th� amount of school pedestrian uaffic through the this intersectian espeaally intersection. Based on this, the fallowing recammendations are made: �„ The +�-way stap nvt be installed �t this time. .2. Schoo� crassing signs be installed or� 145th Str�et and Carxada Avenua 3. �onsxderation given to the ir�stallation of the �lashi.�� xights on ihe schoo3. crossiug signs. �Cost of approxirnately $S,OOO to $6>OQQ�. he crosswall� with zebxa type marking$ to rr�ake thezn stand aux. 'I'�is aeed.� �. Paint t to be w�ell maint�ined. 'Y'�affic s eed enforcemsnt, osp�ecially during those t3.mes wh�n sel�ool crossin$ 5, P guards and students are pres�nt. 5. Suggest that garents or adults be t�ie crossing guards at this int�rsectian. Tb ese m�asu��s would help to reduc� the speed af txa�£ic on 1�Sfihe section.d Cansda Avenue and �rould �lso draw attention to the ped�str�ans in the �.n ou hav� az� uestic�ns on. this matt�x or require any additional infoxmatior�, Shuuld y Y q glease feel free to give m.e a call at 595-5725. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELLN-MAY�R�N 8� A.SSOCIA'I"ES, iNC. . � � Charles 'ckart Traf�'iG Operatio�zs Engin�er c: Ran Bra�, OSM Brian Bourassa, QSM j:�.�m�,.����+.�o 2oa �ass�o► �sa� rr�a z 2-: �"a'" -� s� 'e t 'o � _ __ {� ° TRAFFIC G�UI�tT WflRKSNE�T a � 14�5TH STR�ET AT CAAiA�3A AVENUE - RtJS�NtC}Ul�t�'MN. C4UI�tf DATE:3/1bf94 EAS�4UND 145T�! STFtE�T [F.�? TFIROUGH it1GHT 7t�T14t. 9i► '1� N+DR-SOUT 1p1AE CARS TFttiCK5 BUS CAil5 TR41Ci(5 BUS CARS tHU�G1CS 8�� YE�LES T 0.5C�C5 B� PEQES['1�. 6:00-7:U0 A 1 0 D 177 1 TA�-B:Od A 26 � 1 324 2 19 0 0 2 374 0.53 �.88 1 1 5 5 0 7 201 0.5�3 2.99 8:00-�:Qf1 A 3 0 0 l 86 8 U � 174 0.00 4.O�t 1 4A0-1d:0aA 7 � 0 1�2 �l � 1170D-12:OQ A 5 0 0 142 2 ] 7 0 1 15B 1.27 1.27 1�:00-I�Oq P 9 U D i43 2 � 33 0 D 1G4 i.18 1.18 2AQ-��dDP 4 0 Q ]lb 1 fi 11 U � i9d 0.51 3.q3 � � 3�Da,4:00 P 18 D t� 213 2 � Q 0 0 2296 0.[X} 1.bq 10 � d:00-5�0�!P 12 0 0 27fJ 0 � �x10-6:0�P 11 0 il 758 l 1 S8 (i 4 189 0.53 U.53 � p 6 2145 i7..�i�i 2.87 23 . d 7dTA1. 96 0 1 1941 12 5h � � � 0 � � a ,-r �v .� �� o; s �' t rn� � ao i . �t � . �4 $1�8/94 ,-� � t , i - � _ _ .... � � • ri �. , zJ' � ° TRAFFIC CaU[�l�'WORKSHEE`i � 145TH S�tEET AT CANADA AYENUE - ROSEM�UNT MN. V�fESTBOUND 145�1 �TREET couNr���rE:3�l�rf9d LEFi 1HR�1fGF! R1GHT TOtAL �6 'J6 NOR SOITi 11ME CAltS '[�tUCKS BUS CARS 'fRUCKS 8o CAitS iRU�CKS Bo VEH�CtES 'IR�KS � PE 25Tlt. �00-7:OtF A 3 1 0 45 � � � 118 1 10 3 0 0 198 0.72 7.97 13 7:Q�-&.00 A 5 b � p 344 O.b9 2.78 27 a�o-�:ar�► �2 0 0 12i � 2 � � a �04 o.aa i.a3 � �.00-�o:oo� � a ° � ° �sq a v a a o ��� o.00 o.ao 1 i�00-12:00 A i � � � 7 p p �� 1.24 0.65 8 12:W-!�Q P 8 fl 0 737 � �c�o-s:oa� ti� o o �� 2 � 5 p i� 225 0.$9 0.44 10 3:U0-A�P 41 0 t� 297 1 27 11 (1 0 377 Q.27 7.16 � � n �� p 1 18 0 i} 363 �.QO 0,28 14 p 470t1-5:Q4 P 24 Q p 17 (} a 2�l4 O.OQ O.flU 2 � , S:[IO-6:00 P l] � � �j � � . 1 1648 7 46 8E1 � U �9b3 0.4fi 2.34 132 4 TCfTAi. �� � � � N 0 � � � � � d� o� �� rn,� , �� _. ,�� ::. , . . . O� 3J2gjg4 _ :: � � , j . , t , > , _ _ _ i � , . i. � ° �iA�FtC CQUNt WORKSHEEi' � I 1�.5TH STREET AT+CANADA AVEhlU� - RO►SE�IC�uh����. coun�T a��: 3�161�a hlORTHBOU�� CANADI�r AVEMUE �E+Qou�H u�K�' ��`a� �c � �►s-wEs �� 'fIM� CARS 7RUCKS BtFS CARS TiiIfCIC5 BUS CAB 'IRU�LCS �� YEH{�CLES T O� O� '�DESTR. ErA(!-7:Q�A 5 p � � � � �AO fl.C10 A � It � � 3? � � � � 7:00�-8.•00 A ti d fl � � 2p p � 3U 0.00 �.� B:Od-9:00 A 9 � � � �b � p �!9 O.OD 3.A5 0 � � � � 9�QLi-10:00 fs 1� Q.[IO a 3 � p 12 D 4 2B t7.00 I 11�0-12:tf0 A 13 n � 1� � D 27 0.00 3.70 12�ff0-1:D0 P g Q � 5 � 0.[l0 �.[� � � 2 p p l5 � � � 2:U�D-3:Q0 P �2 � � 2q p 0 51 0.04 �-� — 3 -- 3A[f-a:�0 P 16 � � �' � p {} 38 (?.D[l O�DO � � � � �v a o a.� a.t�o �.o0 2 Q 4:q�-�P b � �y p 12 U ii 27 �:OE1-6:tla P � � 4 �1 0.57 17 � �� � � 2 �7 p (� 203 0 D 351 D.[� Q m � N 0 � � a � � o� I � �i rn a�i . � . o j sJ�2814A � � - � � ;� ; _ I + � ia �0 ° �Fic oour�r wvR�csH��r � � 1d�Tf� STRE�T A�CA�IADA AV�MUE - RC3SEI1�lOUNT MN. 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