HomeMy WebLinkAbout14.c. Downtown Mission Statement/Appointments , . ,<� ` . City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meetiag Date: October 18 . 1994 Agenda Item: Mission Statement and Ageada Section: Appointment to Downtown NEW BUSINESS Develo ment Committee Prepared By: Ron Wasmund � Agea o. Director of Communit ���� # � Develo ment � � � Attachmeats: Mission Statement; Volunteer Approved By: List. � This item is being brought back to you for your consideration and appointments to a committee with the suggested name of Downtown Development Committee. The purpose of the committee is reflected in the attached mission statement. The committee would serve as an advisory sub-committee to the Planning Commission reviewing the plan to be developed by staff, incorporating the recommendations of �the Downtown Scoping Committee, and other reports. Their comments will be reported to the Planning Commission of their findings of consistency with the downtown scoping report. They would` also review and react to the details of the various plan elements for incorporation into redevelopment activities . Attached is a list of volunteers interested in serving on this committee. The list contains 17 names . The inclusion of the elected and appointed positions on the committee will help provide continuity between the volunteers and governing authority. It will also provide a communication link between council, planning commission and committee. The first meeting of the committee would be held to review and comment on the timetable for plan development. Recommended Action: A motion to appoint the followinq persons to serve on the Downtown Development Committee: City Council Action: 10-18-94.008 �, ` , Downtown Development Committee MISSION STATEMENT Tlie mission o� t�e Downtown Development Committee sliall�e to review as an advisory tas�i �orce to tlie Rosemount Plannixi� Commission t�e redevelopment plan t�at R.osemount city sta�will develop utilizi.n� tlie recommen�.ations o� tlie Downtown Scopin� Committee, M.cCom� �iroup, LTD reports, tlie �ompreliensive G'uide Plan, and otlier relevant in�ormation. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ► Report to tlie Plannin� C'ommission �inc�in�s o� consistency of sta�'s plan wit� recommendations o� downtown scopin� plan. ► R.eview details o� plan elements �or im.plementation and incoporation a into redevelopment activities. ► R.eview titne table �or plan implementation. .��- r • �, � e . DOWNTOWN SCOPING COlVIlVIITTEE VOLUNTEERS l. Ron Carlson 10. Sharon Johnson Carlson Tractor 12445 Chinchilla Ct. Box 69 423-1943 423-2222 2. Peggy Spadafore 11. Rix Skonberg 14580 Cameo Ave. 15661 Comell Ct. N. 423-7269 (w) 229-2326 322-5539 (w) 322-1442 3. Todd Franz, South Metro 12. Maureen Bouchard 1525 Dearwood Dr. 3130 145 St. W. Eagan, Mn SS 122 423-4603 423-2400 4. Brad Renn 13. Sally Renish 14765 Camero Lane 2$12 Upper 138th St. W. 423-2578 423-5975 (w) 661-6885 5. Renee Stevenson 14,/ Ena Cisewke 14600 Cameo Ave. 14675 Biscayne Ave. 322-4495 322-1300 (w) 423-5678 6. Randy Wood 15. Dennis Wippermann Box 367 12538 Danbury Way 423-4330 423-5728 7. Marie Jensen 16. Laurie Oliver-Boyd 14325 Cameo Ave. 3997 143rd St. W. 423-2350 322-1917 8. Shirley Doering 17. E.B. McMenomy Passport Travel 15872 Chippendale Ave W 14495 S. Robert Tr. ' 322-1715 423-5659 Aug. 24, 1994 9�/ Bill Droste 13832 Danbury 423-1944