HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Budget Amendments �: t ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Amendments AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA�� � `t � ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Council Memo, Resolution, Donation Worksheets This item is on the agenda for Council to formally amend the 1994 General Fund budget by resolution for donation items that Council has previously authorized, covering expenditures made between May and the end of September. Rather than bringing a resolution 6efore the Council each time there is a need to spend money from donations previously received, we have developed procedures that allow us to have you authorize the expenditure and amend the budgets at the time the expenditure is made and then periodically bring to you a resolution that formally amends the budgets for a number of these donation expenditures. The attached memo and donation worksheets support the figures given in the resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1994 BUDGET ITEMS for the General Fund as outlined in the attached memo. COUNCIL ACTION: . � . , DONATION RE`TENQS WORRSBE$T RECEIPT OF DONATION , Donation Received on: O S- / �"`9 `� Amount Received: $ �.��� •e n Receipt # for ponation: ° Purpose of Donation: t���c.�.�3e c;-f� �a.i,�( LS1�K�' �- Eg�,'p. Account # for ponation: % � % - T-���.?:� (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EZPENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ ,�3e T � �'� C� To be Spent from Acct �: 1(�i � - �!=�� � � '� � - �'�� (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditu=e: I'�.�.r...ct-/�-.� �, -� ���r�.C. f�,.lGz.� �(- ��«'�,�,z:'✓T AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �I01-36230-00-000 s $ :� � ���• � � � Amend E�cpenditure Acct # ! C! -U,-: l(�^ --^ �-:T c:.� $ s 3 0 �-i. . � G (The two dollar amaunts should be the same) GENER.AL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATI�N LI3�,BII�ITY � Debit: � Q I^ ����� � (Donation Liability �) $ a>o�• � � Credlt: 101-36230-00-000 $a y0at • tTU Credit: 101-29300 $r �C� � � Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on p[�- C 7--�y _ �---"• . 3� 1� C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tHSAt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOuilt!l Rosemount,Mrv y g� g p 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 DATE: October 11, 1994 70: Mayor McMenomy Council Members Anderson, Busho, Staats & Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director � SUBJECT: Budget Amendments This is a request to amend both the revenue and expenditure budgets for the General Fund and to formally approve the expenditures of donations previously received. This memo is to show the line by line detail of the actual changes to be made to the budget, of which the totals are summarized in the Resolution before you. GENERAL FUND DETAIL Detail for Revenues 101-36230-00-000 (Donations) $36,917.40 Total Revenues $36,917.40 Detail for Expenditures: 1 01-41 1 1 0-01-307 (Management Fees) $ 1,000.00 1 01-41 1 1 0-01-598 (Council Designated) 10,000.00 101-41940-01-530 (Improvements Other Than Buildings) 15,000.00 1 01-421 1 0-01-208 (Miscellaneous Supplies) 5,917.40 101-45100-01-530 (Improvements Other Than Buildings) 5,000.00 Total Expenditures $36,9t7.40 . . � . . . �. _� Rintedonrecydedpaper mnrornin¢�n- (JOSf-COlISu •�ll)t�;,,� J DOIZATION REPEIZ'II$ WORKS�ET • RECE=PT OF DOIZATIOH Donation Received on: April 21, 1993 Amount� Received: $ 7,000.00 Receipt a for ponation: 33324 - Pt,mose of Donation: Gymnasium Scoreboard for Communitq Center Account i for ponation: 101-22226 (Must be Li�ility = zssigned for each individua? Depar�ment) Eo?ENDITL'i'R?' OF D02�'ATIOH � Amount to be Spent: $ 5,000.00 To be Spen� f�oa Ac� � 101-45100-01-530 � (MLst be Exaen�i��e r cor�-es�onding to individLzl Depa�-�`�e�t} Fu�ose o= =x�eT7di�u=e• purchase of scoreboard A�'.'h'7�h''I' OF B�G�TS ... _ F�end Dona�ion �evenue Ac^� ���1-36230-00-000: $S,Od0.00 Amend Expenci:.L=e Acc� � 101-45100-01-530 $5.000.00 . (mI'c ��ro do'la= a�ot-�s s�au?d De �he s�e) C����� JOuti.��L �:c3'r: '='Q AD.,TIIST DQh'AT202i L�A32L2T.' z D�i�c 101-22226 (Dona�icn Lia�_?i�y �) $ 5,000.00 C_ecit: 1G1-36230-00-000 . $ 5,000.00 C_ed_�: 1G�-29300 $ 5,000.00 . vCtl�:iZ� �-L�7 �� ?'��L'C� C�=E==23, COIlZ��OZl .?'L'V2I1L'� ZT1C� lI2C=E2.58 -or�--�, __v--;t� �o z��uzl ��_ coLnc� 1 acL�on cn 9/20/94 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1994 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Councii recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1994 General Fund Operating Budget, the totals which are as follows: {1) General operating revenues, the total which reflects an increase of $36,917.40; (2) General operating expenditures, the total which reflects an increase of 536,917.40; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council af the City of Rosemount hereby approves the amendment of the above listed budget items for the 1994 General Fund Operating Budget. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1994. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: ', , . DONATION REVENII$ WORKB�ET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: �J�� �.S /g�/5� � , Amount Received: $ /G c�o. eo Receipt # for ponation: - � Purpose of Donation: - Z> Account # for ponation: __ /G/ - ���o� (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) E%PEI�DITURE OF DONATION � Amount to be Spent: $_��� �.F-i0 To be Spent from Acct fi: /G/ - ��///O- �/-_�-�1r�i (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: LJ ,c� c'i.�..�,J .� �NDMENT OF BIIDGETS _ Amend Donation Revenue A�ct �101-3623a-00-000: $ /t�, ���, �p � Amend Expenditure Acct # /�/-��///O-�'/-S%� : $_/L� �GC. �G (The two dollar amounts should be the same) '� GENERAL JOIIRNAZ ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABSLITY # Debit: /C/-- �.,'L��O (Donation Liability #) $ /�eCo, cG Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $/��, GD Credit: 101-29300 $ /C - ; ,; ,�, Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per cauncil action on �/�- c�. . DO�TION RE4ENIIE WORICS�;ET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donaticn Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: ' Purpose of Donation: Account � for ponation: � (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) Eg'PENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ J � . �� � To be Spent from Acct �: � C/- �a� 1 � �- 0 �-2'0� (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department� Purpose af Expenditure: � ���;E S�1 />/��i e�' AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 3�� �� Amend E�enditure Acct � ��l- �� 1/ G�-01-v-�.�l' : $ 3 O_ G'"O (The two dolla= amounts should be the same) GENERAI, JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION I�IABILITY � Debit: j��' o v�v�o� � (Donation Liability �) $ .��- � Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 30- C� Credit: 101-29300 $ 3 ��� Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council actian on OC�-47-g f • � b DONATIOH REQENIIE WORKS�ET RECEIPT OF DONATIOH Donation Received on: � v`✓ � /g!� .. Amount Received: $ / cri'GO„ �" Receipt � for ponation: � 7� �4- " Purpose of Donation: �i•� �.,�,���Tc,� � c.�.t� � �� Account � for ponation: /��-- .��2�.�- (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department} E%PENDITURE OF DONATION . Amount to be Spent: $ /�f�G.. `�"� To be Spent from Acct A: /C/- �///G--O/-.�C� (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: f--iR���,�5 AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue ACct �101-36230-00-000: $ / �G'C � �imend Expenditure Acct �f�/-�///C �- G/-�G,� : $ � OI�G', '�' (The two dollar amounts shoul.d be the same) GENERAI� JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABII�ITY # Debit: ��/-.�s2��S (Donativn Liability �) $ 1 ��4� '' Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $��E%�, � Credit: 101-29300 $� ,�, � Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on .T-��- 4�`: � � _ .. + � .. � . � . � . . . � � � DONATION RE?ENIIS WORRSHEET RECSIPT OF DONATION Donaticn Received on:� Amovnt Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: purpose of Donation: � Account # for ponation: � (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) � EBPENDITL3RE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ ��� • O C� � To be Spent from Acct �: /0�' �o2I! 0 ` o(- a2�d' -- (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department} Purpose of Expenditure: ��zGGn��, ��w��Ar,�.�� -�� �.es-__S�N�� A2�NDMEI+t'I' OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-3 62 3 0-00-000: $ S�0- b O Amend Expenditure Acct � /�/- �01 l L C?-�J"o�O� . $ S`? 0- c7 D (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTItY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: /0l- o2o�v2o2� (Donation Liability �} $ S�7a• 00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ S70• 00 Credit: 101-29300 $ S�� -O D Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual pe= council action on C��'-/�-%�/ . + DONATION RL�ENU$ WORRSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATI�N Donation Received on: Apr i I 20, 1993 Amount Received: $ 15,000.00 Receipt � for ponation: - � Purpose of Donation: Cab f e Cast i ng for C i ty (Jaycees) Account #� for ponation: 101-22225 (Must' be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EZPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 15,000.00 ' To be Spent from Acct � : 101-41940-01-530 (Must be Expenditure r corresponding ta individu�l Depzrtment) Purpose of Expenditure: Purchase Cabi e Cast i ng Equ i pment AI�.ENDHENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue A�ct r101-36230-00-000: $ 15,000.00 Amend Expenditure Acct � 101-41940-01=530 $ 15,000.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) : GENERAL JOIIRZIAL EI�ITRY TO ADJIIST DOIIATION LIABILITY � Debit: 101-22225 (Donation Liability �) $ 15,OQ0.00 ' Credit: 102-36230-00-000 $ 15,000.00 Credit: I01-29300 $ 15,000.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase _ donation revenue to actual per council action on �-5-94 � � DON7ITZON RE�TII2tQs 1►aR]CBHEET RBCE2�'1' G7}' DON7►TZOtt Donation Received on: Amcunt Received: $ Receipt � fvr ponation: Purpose of Donation: Account # for ponation: (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) E7CYENDITQRE OF DONATION 1Lmount to be spent: S_d, � 36 . 4�� To be Spent f rom Acct �: /(7/- �o�!!0 - O /-o2-O� (Must be Expenditure � cQrresponding to individual Dep�rtment) Purpvse of Expenditure: tvC'�O ���� 1�? S�r`l2�J" ]�iENDI�iENT OF BQDGETS Amend Donation Ravenue Acct #101-36Z30-00-000: $ 02,��3�0� �fl Amend Expenditure Acct # /�/'�o21lD -O/- 020� : $ o'�(� 3 C� • �a (The two dollar amounts shculd be the same) GENEAAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABZLITY # Debit: /0/- �a`Zv�v`Z� (Donation Liability �) $,����. y� Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ a�� Credit: ,101-29300 $ a��0 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenve and increase donation revenue to actual per council action ont` � 0�-�9 _. • a • . . .. � � �. . ` . DONATION REVENIIE WORXSffi'ET RECEIPT �F DOl�TION Donation Received on:� _ Amount Received: $ Receipt � fo= Donation: Purpose of Donation: Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EZPENDIfiIIRE OF DONATION '� "� %.. � Amount to be Spent: $ To be Spent from Acct #: i��'/ - ��� �l �- E' l - .:� C.�� (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: ��' �� ��:� �t�v e �2� �/�- !C(�c'S' AMENDMENT OF BIJDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �lOZ-36230-00-OAO: $ 3 �� ��` Amend Expenditure Acct # /�l '��;�t l L�-�1-.�-G�' : $ .S '�g� �' (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAI, JOIIRNAI+ ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILITY � Debit: ��� " �-� ��� (Donation Liability #) $ 3��a �' C=editz 10I-36230-00-000 $ 3�p �' Credit: 101-29300 $ ��• � Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on�� �'��' `�`� . � . . . . � . � . D023ATION RE4E2I'U$ WORRS�ET � RECEIPT OF DOI�TIOH Donation Received on: Anrii 21 1993 Amount Received: $ 7 000.00 Receipt � for ponation: 33324 ' _ PLi1'pose of Donation: Gvmanasium logo for CommunitY Center Account � for ponation: 101-22226 (Must be Liability 4 assigned for each individual Depa-t�ent) E�EZID=TIIRE OF DOHA'Z'ION � AmounL to be Spen�t $ 2,000.00 _ - --_ To' be Spen� fron Acc� A: 427-48000-01-580 � (Must be Ex�endi�u=e � coi-�-es�on�ing to individua� De�aar-`�ent) Pu�ose of Expendi��e: Purchase of gymnsium logo A�h�?i 2�HT OF Bt'iDG�.S :.. . Amend Dona�ion Revenue Acct =101-36230-00-000: $ � ,� \ - $ Amend Expenditure Acc�-r ' ('I'he -t�o dolla_ zmounts should be the same) GEh�RAL JOUs�L EI�'rRY TO ADJUST DaHATION Z�IABILST # _��� � �.�-2�� Debit: 101-Z�" (Donation Liability a� $ 2,000.00 � Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $2.000.00 �lti S � Credit: 101-29 3 Q 0 $�.000.00 , 3ournal en�ry to reduce deferred donation.revenus and increzse dona�ion revenue to actual per council zc�ion on 9/20/94 -��s,:; i �; � - 3t�13� _..v _",� ;�, .,,,,� ��,i � i., � - .�`i �..� .�,.,�� . . �, >.c'�.r •r.5 � '1 ; �;sc� ,� y � � � - ;� 1� � .,� , �.:w..� _ ��� ,� :Z`,��y•`�� �u�.c v+- �, i - � ., � ._ . ��'�S �+}�� �a�/ " �_ . — -�� � � � , . L��,�St<-.<-�•- �� ' . � � �v.� � _ 1 V-1 L.,_ - :., �. .. ` . . �. . � •� •:�� -.. .�' � ..� � �� ... � .. � ,l�h`{'- � ,� ,.. . '1, �:C_�> y� I - .2; ;v_ , . _y