HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of January 10, and January 25, 1994 Special Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 10, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Monda:y, January 10, 1994, at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Ha11, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Council Members Wippermann, Staats, Busho and Anderson present. City staff included City Attorney Mike Miles, Economic Development Coordinator John Miller, and Assistant Planner Richard Pearson. Commissioners ,present were: Planning - Cathy Busho, Bill DeBettignies, and Lorrayne Zngram; Port Authority - Kevin Carroll, Ed Dunn. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor McMenomy discussed the Business Park Zoning Text Amendment. This zoning would be for the whole of Rosemount, not just the city owned business park. The city owned business park can be regulated additionally by cavenants or development agreements. Port Authority requested directives from City Council to know how to market the city business park. Assistant Planner Pearson explained an alternative of including Conditional Use Permits (CUP) in the text amendment. This process wouid require a public hearing which allows City Council more control. Economic Development Coordinator Miller agreed the CUP pracess would allow for the maximum control by City Council with a 3/5 vote. The rezoning process requires a 4/5 vote by Council . Port Authority Chaix Dunn disagreed. In the past cities like Apple Valley and Eagan have used this method and after many years the mixed uses does not finall�r arrive at a well planned city. Dunn said this is not the answer. Planning CommissionerjCity Council Member Busho noted that the Planning Commission had thoroughly researched the Business Park designations. Many of the areas noted were near residential housing and so more restrictians were deemed necessary. Much time and preparation went into this text amendment. McMenomy noted that the Business Park (BP) designations of BP-1, BP-2, BP-3, and BP-4 is not fair to other businesses or developers. The Port Authority is acting as a private developer for the city business park and the issues need to be separate as the meeting intended. Mayor McMenomy requested additional time to study the text amendment and it was tabled until the next regular meeting. City Council Member Anderson requested that staff study the adult entertainment regulations in Rosemount and report back to City Council. � MOTION by Wippermann to adjourn. Second by Staats. Ayes: 5 Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :30 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CIT�' PROCEEDING� SPECI,AL MEETING JANtJARY 10, 19 9 4 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: E. B. McMenomy, Mayor The City Council Agenda Packet is C1erk' s File 1994-2 . 2 r, ROSEMOi7NT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 25', 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council duly held on January 25, 1994 at 7: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Council Members Staats, Wippermann, Anderson, and Busho present. Staff inembers present included Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund, Assistant Flanner Rick Pearson, Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh, Community Center Ma.nager Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold and City Attorney Mike Miles . Mayor McMenomy led the audience in the Pledge of Allegianee. Mayor McMenorny called for any additions to the agenda. Interirn Administrator Wasmund added Item 4 .a. Appointing a Minnesota Valley Transit Authority representative. Mayor McM�nomy introduced the Business Park Zoning Text Amendment. McMenomy felt there was not enough flexibility in the permitted uses at this time and that the amendment might be too restrictive to certain businesses. Rick Pearson, Assistant Planner, explained that if a zoning change is requested that more control is offered by using the Planned Unit Development pracess. This requires a four-fifths vote by City Council for approval. Councilmember Busho being on the Planning Commission for the past two years, explained how they selected the twenty-two permitted uses for the Business Park zoning. Some was limited in order to keep a h.igher qualzty or light ma.nufacturing uses for Business Park zoning. � Counci member Wipp nn noted tha city owned busi ss park should not c m te with e����lished busin�}"�Cs. �� Councilmember Staats wanted Council to remember that it is not known what type of businesses will bring proposals to Council . Staats stated the City shouldn' t be too restrictive. The city business park is not so special that developers won' t be comparing other locations. 3nterim Administrator Wasmund said zoning is the control. . Tf a developer requests re-zoning you have that control. If the zoning is not somewhat r�strietive you don' t have the right to say, °no" if it is one of the permitted uses. Pearson noted that a paragraph could be added, "or other uses as the Council deems fit. �� Discussion contiriued wi�h varied views. A compromise was made adding gasoline stations with accessory business, i.e. car wash, quick lubes, convenience store and adding day care, nursery, and Montessori schools to the permitted uses. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 25, 1994 MOTION by McMenomy to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B - CITY OF ROSEMOTTNT ZONING ORDINAN%E providing for the additions of a Business Park District as amended with associated definitions and minimum development standards . Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, Staats, Anderson, Busho, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy appainting names listed in executive summary to respective commissions and committees for length of term listed. Second by Staats . Ayes : Staats, Anderson, Busho, .McMenomy, Wippermann. Nays: None. These commission and committee appointments were as follows: Port Authority - Joan Anderson (1 year} , Cathy Busho (6 years) , James Staats {2 years) ; Planning Commission - Patrick McDermott (3 years) , Jay Tentinger (3 years) ; Parks and Recreation Committee - Michael Eliason (3 years) , John Howard (3 years) , Jeff Moser (3 years) ; Utilities Commission - Shawn Mulhern (3 years) . MOTION by Staats to appoint Councilmember Busho as Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Commissioner 'and delegate for the City of Rosemount. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Anderson, McMenomy, Wippermann, Staats. Nays: None. Present: Busho. MOTION by Wippermann to accept the proposal from CIT Incorporated to provide the networking for the Community Center utilizing funds from the Community Center Construction tunds (427-48000--01-586? . Second by Staats. Ayes: Busho, McMenom�r, Wippermann, Staats, Anderson. Nays: None. Community Center Manager Jim Topitzhofer noted that affices for staff were needed at the Community Center. It would be eleven work stations and two executive offices. Because of the large expense Topitzhofer agreed to furnish the two executive offices with furnishings from the city hall until such time impravements can be afforded. MOTION by Staats to approve the purchase of office furniture from Rosemount Office Systems, Inc. in the amount of $22,942 .48 . Second by Anderson. Ayes: Wippermann, Staats, .Anderson, Busho. Nays: McMenamy. Administrative Assistant Walsh introduced Jim Brimeyer, head of the selection firm looking for a City Administrator for Rosemount. Ma.yor Brimeyer had selected 12 candidates from 82 applications. Profiles of these 12 candidates were reviewed. Six candidates were chosen for interviews by the City Council. Brimeyer received a consensus from Council on negotiable items and issues if a candidate is selected following the February 12, 1994 interview session. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.rn. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS _ ..:, SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 25, 1994 Respectfully submitteci, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary ATTEST: Ron Wasmund Interim City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1994-5 . 3 y PR��Y G ROgF,t�iO�T C SpgCIP.L lo'E 19 g 4 �A�� e Ci�Y of th 10 , speciaL meeting JanuarY thereOf a r,el� on MHa 1, 28'75 145th S 1Ce 1 CitY G o due call f Ra emounil�ha�e s at a n t o the ��t Y in the C o u n C lm e�e rs th Councl taf f in;clu a e d .ci a t 6.32 p•m' o rde r wi Ci t y s � t 4 � west• eting t O rese n t• dina t o r Jo h re s e�. ,reet om �alled 5ho ana �a cr D�e°p sorit C CO 1 Lorr Yne p�gr�, May°e�arin� S�iKe' M11es , E er Ry�hard etti�nies� and lann 1 DeB �i p le tta�AssisCa hY$a�hoi B lEa Dunn• � Al1egianCe' Mil planning _ Kevin p1ed�Je o en�c,.ent. Po��� Auth°r'"tY a the group in the ParK Zoning riot �.ust the la ed or McMen°n`Y le d the Busi�e of Ros�oun.t ark �an be re� MaY dis e e 1neSs p or M�Men�m ould pe f�r e citY °�o m nt agreements' x w hoW to MaY ena ts �r evel P t� n° ThiS zoning W Council o�ed businesbY c�v• d f rom CltY ltionallY aire�tiVes cludinq add� . AuthorltY r b�i�S Park• an alterna�ent f 1 Thmorer�ontr° �r et the c1tY arso� explain he text �CitY Counc17-roCess wou ed .�er Pe �CUP) ln �h a17-ows the CUY P vote- Th istan Pla e perm ts ring whi reed 3/5 t i yJith As� tiona7- Us a pub7-ic he dinator Mllle Cou cil , a wouaa, re De e1oPTnen�co trOl SYvOte by Coun�il• ci �1Kthe pl t1es m, Economl� the ma.xim ireS a 4/ ast, ears allow ,n°rproceSs re� ed. In taeafter manyDu�n sald th rezonl `� Dunn disag�method� an ned citY- Auth�rlty nhha e aredV ha a we7-1 Plan' that the p�"a� Port and Eaga ally .ho n,oted deSi.gnatl° Va17-e aoes .not f in use not the an5Wer• Cilmember Bus1neSS Park and So m°wE is lonez/CltY eSe r�hed the tial housing eparation la,nning CO aa tb.oroughlwe e near reSMu h time ana p P iSSlon h no�ed eSsarY• of �p-1, the eas deem neC tions � ��r1Ctions We�e.n�en' r.k (BP) desi ora deve1oPitY�bu t in�o this text e gv.si.ness er buslnesse er f or the intendea th oth Q enomY n°te� isan°t f al as a prlV ara ee aS he meet1ng eXt �e� M�M 3 and BP is acting to be seP d the t P��t, Au g the issues need ltipnal t�'ar me�ti g ad� ark, an �.d 'P e t�the next regu that Sta f f 5 ba K toe Cit. enomY re� NiaY°i Mwas ta�led un so� reques�e�`t and rep�rt and ��ez Coun�ilmeT�e ulations ln R'ose�°un en ertal�ent r g CounCll' ROS,EM'OUN'T CxTy Non��N bY Wippe SPgCi RpCgEDr he mee� �5n as aad�aurn J��� 0 EZ 9 dJourned a�$3p bY S�aat . p'm• S` AYe�; 5 N ay�: Res�ect����y S�bm �t��d ATTEST. ' Linda R�Cord ng ��re f tary E_ B MCMenomy ' �Yor The Ci�y Cou�Cil Agenda Packe� ls C1erk'S Fi1e 19g4_ 2, 2 ROSEMD�T CITY PR���ETING SPECIAL 1994 J;p�iU,Agy 2 5. meeting of the s ecial � .00 p,m, in and notice thereof a P 1994 at call held on January 25 ' Street West' ant to dueCouncil duly 2875 145th ,mount City ers at City Hall, � Council Chamb to order with Council Meml��'rs resent. Staf f ine�erplanner called the meeting Assistant �yor McMenomy �derson, and Busho P Wasmund, unity Center ermann� lnistrator Susan Walsh, Co� City Staats, W1pp Interim A� Assistant gechtold and present included Director Rick Pearson, AdminisParks and Recreation Manager Topitzhofer, Attorney Mike Miles• the Pledge of Allegiance. led the audience in Interim Mayor McMenomy to the agenda. Valley called for any additions�ppointing a Minnesota Mayar ��MenomyWasmund added Item 4 .a. Ac3ministrator resentative. �en�ent. park Zoni.nJ Text uses Transit Authority rep Business in the pe�itted introduced thenough flexibility �yor McMenomy not ent might be too restrictive �o McMenomy f elt tYiere was time and that the amend� at this zoning change is certain businesses • eXplained that if aPlan�ed Unit Assistant Plannsroffered b� using thVote by City Rick Pearson� more control ires a four-fifths requested that This requ Development process. the past two Council for approval . �ommis�ion for Planning e�nitted uses for on the the twenty-two p to keep a higher Councilmember Busho b�ri�y Selected limited in order eXplained ho� gome was Park zoning• years, park zoning• uS�s for Business the Business ht �nufacturing business park should quality or 11J city ov,mea ermann noted that a er W1PP businesses. not known Councilmemb Wit.� established er that it is not compete wanted to rememb�o Council . Staats Council roposals er Staats will bring P The City business park Councilmemb restrictive• aring other locati.ons . what type of businesses be too stated the City shouldn' t Wo.�� t be comp that developers �he Control. If a is not so special �oning is If the zoning is Wasmund said Control. „na.�� if it lnistrator zoning you have that right to say► Interim A�e�ests re" ou don' t have the developer restrictive y the not somewhat e�itted uses. „or other uses as is one of the P be added► arson noted that a paragraph Could Pe fit. ° was made adding Council deems A Compromise with varied views• l.e, car wash, quick continued business, nurserY, and Montessori Discussion with accessorY , care, gasoline stations adding day lubes, conveniene�itted uses- schools to the P ROSEMpT�q, CTTY PROCEEDINGS SPECI�, �ETING QF ROSII►2pDNTMZnomy to pt J���Y 25, 1994 �N'ING ado Business Park � ��IN�CE AME,N�I minimum develoDistri��rN�CE Providin NG ORDIN,AtWCE B Staats, pment stand �ended withg f�r the additions o f �ITy Anderson, ards, associated definitians and Busho, McMenomsecond by Staats. MOTI0I+7 b�, McMenom y� Nays� None. Ayes: WzPpermann, respective comxnissiopp�lnting n�es listed Secand b a W�pP�rma nStaar�s. Ayes: h gtaatsttees for len thecutiv� summar ys� None. � �derson, 5 of �erm Zisted to These Ca Busha, McMenarny� Authoritmm1ssion a�d Co Staats y JOan A�dersori1ttee appo�ntments Jay Tentinyears) ; Plannin �1 yedr Cath were as follows: � ' Y Busho Eliason �3ger �3 years g �Omm1ssion �6 years) , Ja�esrt years) Jo � % Parks and ReCreatirick McDe Utiliti � hn Howard �ott es Commissio (3 �n Committee (3 y�ars) , MOTSpN b n ' shawri Mulherna(3 )yearsf Moser (3 Yearshael Transit y Staats to a ) . ) ; Author� PPoint Councilmem?�er Rosem o u n t. seco a b mm i s s ioner and Busho Wippe�nn, delegate for as Minnesota Vailey S�aats, y WipPermann, A Nay�; None. yeS' �derson e City of MOTION Present; �cMenomy, Busho. the cde he netw�kinto accept the °mmunity Center g for the co�pn°pOsal from CIT Inco Na S�aats. Ayes: constx-u�tion �' �enter utilizin �orated to Ys: No�e_ Busho, McMenom funds (427_48000- g funds Y, WipPermann, 01-58�a Sec aam Community Center Staats, erson. were needed at �nager J• stations and the CO�►unitm Top1tzhof2� noted T°Pztzhofer two executive y �enter. that offices furnishin agreed offices, would be eleve for staff Js from the° furnish the Because of n work afforded, city hall two executive the large e�ense . until such �ffices with MOT2pN b time impro�ements can Rosemount Staats to approve be bY Anderso�ffice Systems, the purchase of McMenomy. AYes: Inc, in the °ff1ce furniture Wippermann, amount of $22 9 from Staats, Anderson, � 42'48• second a�d I�N bY Busho t o Busho, $10, 642 aPProve the Nays� Center, tO MIGHTy .L,ITE e�Penditure �f Wippe�nn eCOva by Staats, for tables and $12' 795 to Adirondack A�'eS= Staats, Chairs at the Co ys= None. Anderson mmunity Administrative �S • ' Busho, McMenomy, selection fi sistant Walsh Brime � laoking for 1ntroduced yer had selected a C1�y Administr1m Brime of these 12 12 candid ator yer� head interviews b candidates were ates from 82 for Rosemount�f �he Y the City Counc i vlewed, aPPlications, Brime Six candidates Profiles yer received a t'"ere chosen for issues if a candi Cansensu inte date S from Council on �iew session, 1S Selected followz �9' theegotiable items and February 12 1994 . 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPEGIAL MEETING JANUARY 25, 1994 MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. Second b� Wippermann. Ayes: 5 . Nays: None. The meeting was ,adjourned at 10 :50 p.m. Respectfully submit�ed, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary ATTEST: Ron Wasmund Interim City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1994-5 . 3 �