HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Expenditure for 1994 Police Training . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 1 , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: EXPENDITL7RE FOR 1994 AGENDA SECTION: POLICE TRAINING CONSENT BREPARED BY: ELLIEL KNUTSEN AGENDA ��� � CHIEF OF POLICE �, � ATTACHMENTS: 1994 TRAINING AGREEMENT APP E Y: AND INVOICE Z4�'!�'���� The Rosemount Police Department, along with all city police departments in Dakota County, has agreed for police training to be provided by the Dakota Caunty Technical College. The Law Enforcement Training Program will provide a minimum of 300 hours of POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) approved training for the periad January l, 1994 through December 31, 1994. The agreement indicates training will be conducted on a first-come, first- served basis with priority given to full-time licensed officers and if class enrollment allows, member agencies may register their non-licensed , (police reserves) at no cost. The cost for the 1994 program is $298. 00 for each full time officer. At 13 officers, our cost will be $3 ,874 . 00. This amount has been budgeted in account #101-42110-01-437 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE PAYMENT OF $3,874.00 FOR THE 1994 POLICE TRAINING CONTRACT WITH THE DAKOTA COUNTY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. COUNCIL ACTION• Dakota County Training Association 1994 Training Agreement al: The goal of this training agreement is to ensure that the Law Enforcernent Training Program of Dakota County Technical College continues to pravide quality, professional, and nece�ary training �ar 1aw enforcement personnel, Furthermore, that the training . program provides an equitable, broad based, current curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of law enforcement in the area Pronosal: -- � . � _;�-�.� �.. - . . . - . . -__ . ... . .; ' .J .. _. . . . Dakata County Technical College wi}1 engage in a contract with participating agencies to � provide POST approved, conhnuing education training for law enforcement personnel. Participating agencies will be known as the Dakota County Training Association. 1fie following terms are proposed: 1) The Law Enforcement Training pro,gram of Dakota County Technical College will . provide a minimurn of 3Q0 hours of POST approved training far the period January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. 2) The tra�ning provided at Dakvta County'I'echnical College will be continually evaluated by participating agencies and officers. Course evaluations will be completed at the conclusion of each training session, and program and curricutum evaluations will be requested from participating agencies. 3) In order to best meet the specific needs of Iaw enforcement, training officers from member agencies af the Dakota County Training Associadan will be invited to scheduled meetings to review past arid future curriculum and training concerns. 4) Registration for training will be conducted on a first-came, first-seived basis wi#h priority given to fu11-#ame licensed officers. The number of registrations from individual agencies may be limited in sc�me cases in order to accommodate all member agencies fairly. If enrollment allows, member agencies may register part- time or non-licensed perso;nnel at no cos� 5) Unless noted otheiwise in the course announcement, all caurses scheduled will be conducted regardless of enrollment numbers. 6) Courses not covered by this training agreement include the Fireanns Program. Any course which is nvt serviceable under this agreement will be designated as ' such in the training brochure. Training Agreement Page 2 Dakota County Teehnical Callege will not assurne a»y liability for r3amages incurred or as a result af conducting this training. A11 persons shall be eligible for enroliment in any prograrn at 7Dakota Countyr Techni�al Cc�llege re,gardl�ss af race, cc��ar, religion, sex, n�t�onal ori;gin, residenry, m�*-ital status or physic�I disabilities. ��st� In exchange for the services Iisted above, mer.�ber agencies of the Dakota County Training Association_agree to compensate the I.aw Enfarcement Training Pragram of � Dakota County Technical Cotlege the amount of$298.OQ per officer for the training pen�ci January 2, 2994, through December 31, 1994. This amount is to be paid prior ta Janu�.z.zy 31, 1994. ��: . - << . � - - � .. , !/ Name: ��L�iGL �iv��E'�✓ Janna McFazlane Title: �.�_,,, ,..����c Coordinatar � Department: ��✓r_ Dakata County Technical College /�r�� �-�..�..�.,.,,_.,__.. Signed:(�.,���r1,�. � Signed: Date: --��� l.�= 9...� Date: Number of Officers: �-� Please attach a list of the names and POST nurnbers of the o�5cers covered �y this : agreement and return signed contract by Friday, 3uly 30, 1993. . cras� at8it.��v3-tasd , r i o��eme�t� �C�pur�Te�'��''d Law Enforcement Trafning 3 0 � 7,�� Dakota County TechnicaJ Ca�oga �� � 1300145th St.E. (County Ftoad 42) co a�..�u�•� (p Raaamarnt•MN 55066-2989 �s�2�a2s-e3eo Fnx:�s�2�a2saoae December 9, 1993 Chief Elliat I�nutsen Rosemount Police Department 2875 145th Street West Rosernount, MN 55068 In Account With Dakota County Technical College Law Enforcement Training Dakota County Training Association membership dues for: • 13 officers at $298.00 each for a total of$3,874.00 (per contract dated 7/15/93) Payrnent in full preferred by January 31, 1994 Please send remittance to: Law Enforcement Training Program Customized Training Dakota County Technical College 130Q East 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn: Caroline Harris Thank you. Mkn�tota CTeeMkMCdNq�Sysleen Ao epuei oppoMunNy edueatoN�mptoyn �t�ly�oerediled by IM Nath GMrat Assoelatbn ot Colkpes�d 8d+ooh � 5 r COUNTY�CfTY/TOWN OF: ROSI�t�UNT Name ot QNicer* POST License Daies ot Employm�n# Nurnber Begfn�ing E'nding ' �• E1liel F. K�utaen 4922 12-25-72 �• ,Tames b. 4'Lear,y 59II9 02-Id-80 3 . �urayne K. Kuhns 7447 01-10-�I �. r�rk S, Robicteau b684 p5-17-82 �- Jewel C. Eric$on $914 10-C)�-�c .....:_ �� John E. Sommers �016 .. 02-09-86 7. 'grS,an A. 13urkhalter 9477' 06-2I-87 8. �Tilliam P. 0'Donnell 9953 09-04-88 9. I3ryAn W. Weatherford 9485 10-U2-88 1�. :�rant Ii. Tharstad 9915 Ob-11-90 11. � Tzmathy P. I�ur�hy 11294 O1-27-92 12. Stephen P. Beberg 11711 04-05-93 13' ��1�ra R�'��E�� �e-st-ar-�-G.*� �...A 14 . Joran D. Winters 119I5 09-27-93 15. I6. 17: 18,