HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Newletter/Council Minutes Discussion �- � _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E%ECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 1. , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: NEWSLETTER/COUNCIL MINUTES AGENDA $ECTION: DISCUSSION NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGEND�� ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT M � ATTACHIdENTB: LETTER FROM DOUG HEIKKILA AP ODED BY: STAFF MEMO Publisher poug Heikkila of the "Rosemount Town Pages" has requested an opportunity to address the city council in consideration af his newspaper getting the opportunity to publish the city's monthly newsletter and city cauncil minutes. Attached for your review is his letter addressed to the city council. Also attached for your view is my memorandum dated January 13, 1993 which outlines reasons why I feel the city council should continue its relationship with the "Rosemount ThisWeek. ° I am very pleased with the final product of the monthly newsletter and city council minutes provided by the staff of the "Rosemount ThisWeek. " Z also feel the cit� shauldn't switch back to the "Rosemount Town Pages" since it's only been ten months that the city has used the "Rosemount ThisWeek" as its communications newspaper. There needs to be some consistency in providing information to the public. Furthermare, Mr. Heikkila has quoted a cost of $200 for a half page ad. I'm assuming that means $400 for a fuli page. I feel a half page ad would be less attractive and would not grab the reader's attention as much as a full page; but going to a full page with a larger size newspaper would mean redesigning the newsletter and mare staff time. Although Mr. Heikkila's bids are lower per column inch far the newsletter and the minutes, I would like to point out that the "Rosemount ThisWeek" is a nonsubscription newspaper going to approximately 3600 hauseholds in Rosemount; and the "Rosemount Town Pages" cost $10-$12 a year and has a distribution to 1200 subscribers. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue publishing the monthly newsletter and city council minutes in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" (no formal action is necessary} . COUNCIL ACTION: M E M O TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Staats, Busho FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant � DATE: January 13, 1994 SUBJ: Rosemount Town Pages Attached for your review is a letter from Doug Heikkila, Publisher of the "Rosemount Town Pages. " Mr. Heikkila is requesting that Council consider the Town Pages for publication of the city cauncil minutes and the city's monthly newsletter. On December 21, 1993, Cauncil took action to renew its contract with ThisWeek Newspapers for the minutes and newsletter to be published in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" for the calendar year 1994 . The City Courtcil had initially entered a similar contract with ThisWeek Newspapers in Apri1, 1993 . I have had telephone conversations with Doug Heikkila and his brother, Toaa Heikkila, regarding their bid for the minutes and newsletter. I expressed to them city staff's dissatisfaction with the past service provided by the staff of the "Farmington Independent'� and the "Rosemount Town Pages" when the �'Farmington Independent" was the city's legal newspaper (Apri1, 1991 ta April, 1993) and when the "Rosemount Town Pages" published the city's weekly newsletter (April, 1991 through Octaber, 1992) . I also discussed with Doug Heikkila, since he was not involved with the newspapers at that time, and reiterated to Todd Heikkila the problems that city staff experienced with their newspaper. I also informed both of Heikkilas, which was prior to their sending the attached letter to the Council, that based upon the problems we had experienced with their newspapers and the poor service the city received, I could not recommend to the city council that the city publish a newsletter and its minutes in their newspaper at this time. I had suggested to them that it might be a goc�d idea to see how they do with the legals for a few months and then approach the city for the minutes and newsletter business. Of course, both brothers felt I should forget about the past and that a lot of problems were because the paper was so new. Tf I thought the problems were based on lack of equipment, office space or lack of staff, that's one thing; but when most of the prablems existed from poor attitudes and lack of cooperation, I fail to see how these problems will go away; or at the very minimum I need to see that the problems no longer exist. I've listed below some of the problems city staff experienced when warking with Todd Heikkila in the productian of the weekly newsletter, the publishing of the city council minutes and the legals: (1) Items would be included in the newslatter that staff didn't war�t included such as sports standincrs. Staff would insist they not be published there but they would show up there anyway. {2� There were typographical errors an a consistent basis. (3) Page layout was done poorly, and it was not attractive. (4) Wauldn't follow city staff instructians. (5) City staff provided, at Todd Heikkila's suqgestian, camera ready articles, and he wouldn't use them. (6) Newspaper staff was not accommodating and uncaoperative. (7) Almost every week there were mistakes in the newsletter. {8) Minutes were reproduced unattractively and not published the same week staff provided them to the paper. {9) Affidavits of publication were not provided on a timely basis and were provided in a poor manner. Therefore, because of my and other staff's past experiences with the "Rosemount Town Pages" and the problems we experienced and the attitude of not wanting ta accommodate and give us the final product we expected, I cannot recommend that the city enter a business relationship with "Rosemount Town Pages" at this time. I also would like ta point out that in comparison the staff from the "Rosemount ThisYJeek" is very cooperative, highly professiranal and provides the service we need. I rely on their staff to give me suggestions on the layout of the newsletter and to provide an attractive monthly newsietter. Since April, 1993, this has been dane and with not one problem. Finally, I would like to advise Council that I also like the idea of Rosemount having its awn newspaper, and I had some mixed : feelings when the city council designated the "Rosemount ThisWeek" as its source for communicating with the citizens. -But because of the distribution to all households in Rosemount and the final product of the published newsletter and minutes, I feel the City Council's objective of providing good cammunication to its citizens is being met. I am a strong proponent of using local businesses every opportunity I can, but city funds must be spent wisely even if it means using a vendor autside the city. � , . JAM-12-94 WED �70 : 19 ..... P. l32 �-�-j•, Su����1 To: 2y�ayor�nd�ity Council Prom:Roserr�unt Town Pages ' V4Te wauld li�l.ce to pres�nt a bid on the city minutes and ciry newsletter.It is our understanding that the eurrent conrract voted 4n by the last council can be cancelled an a week's notice. T'�e�ub�Zsher w'r11 be at the meeung to explain why we feel we�warrant serious considera�.on to represent the city on these bidded proposals.City staf�has re9uested reas4ns why we vc+aiat to bid on the nainutes and z�ewsl.etter.'I'�ree reasons will be listed with ihis request. They can be discussed in detail,aloz�g with other reasons at the n:ext council meetip$- . J.)We can do the job! kleik�Ca.la Publ�cations Inc.is tt�e affieial newspaper of Aakota Counry,�+o5emaunt, Farnaington,I.S.D. 1S2 and publishes many other legal notices with a yari�rY af legal firms and 'zndividuals. Our association with Dakota County,khe City of Parmington and ISD 1g2 has been far over five years.W�have proven our ability to get the jab done. �) Price of Bids. . Minutes-$4.50�er column ineh(This Week�$5,63). Monthly nevvsletter-1l2 page for $240–�3.33 per cc�lumn ineh(�'his Week$ST6--$6•7$per column in�h). Along with monthly newsletter bid—will pick up izxformat�an fror�city staf�>get general outline of page,retum proof to city staff of page,reecive finai approval from staff be£ore prinking,�u�ly guaranteei.ng mistake-free copy. 3) �up�ort of a Ioca1 business by tl�e city. In April, The Tawn Puges will be a three year o1Q publicat�on, and n.t�t yek a p�o�table one. Tlais added revenue will help v�improve aux praduct(I.E.added staff} and�ash Ilow.This is . the newest publica�.ion in llakota Cou�ty.T'he�'armington�ndependent(wtaich we awn) is the Second newest at 10 years.Ma►�y papers in the eounty have been publisJ�ing in excess o£100 years.We want this newspaper to have that legacy in 100 years. Covcrin�the Ii�stary af this city. More in the here and z�ow,we�eel we are near makiflg thas newspaper an award winning pub�ication. ,Along with this letter is a copy of a letter congratulaung The Farmington Inde,�enrlent on an award won in I993. � We�eel that thc added revez�ue,and a eomrx�itment from the city to work with the z��wspaper, wi3�accelerate the zx�ovem�nt of this newsp�per in that direction. Zk would b�great that revenue generated by Rvsemount's citizez�s would go toward a young Ros�mount bus�ness, an�nat to az�office in Burnsville. , Thanlc you, �� ����� L3oug�ieikkila, Publisher A��UI:lA�lV�v � ��s � . , x � ' Linda I.�al};man,Executive Director ��� ��� � ,�,azbarsTrebisovsky,Assistant Execulive Director � I 867 � Nnvember 19, 1993 At�u�Heilcha.�a ��t�gtoxz�nc�ependent PC��ox 192 �arrningtar�, MN 5502� � .,,-_. . Dear Ik3ug: ..- -----�.�..�_. �.. �__.. ��. .� . . e. .. .,.._._._.. — � Cc�ngratulataoras� ' Xvu ar� a'GY�I�tNER z�a MNA's Better I�Tewspa�er Cozatest. It's nQt possible for me to€e�1 you w�.ich�ward yau have won. Xou wi11 k�ave to wait until Tt�iursday,3azauary 27 when you arrive at the co�ivenaon.. V�e pZan ta kee� the wi.zazxers a se.cret unta�t�ie convention,but you'll get t1�e printed list of w�n�ers whezz you pick u�yous�registradon materials.'�b�award winning e�trieS wiU be disp�ayed in the Trade�how area. Please note tkaat your name and zaewspape�r narne w�l a�pear t�n yt�ur plaque Qr �erdficate as showra above. If anythvng zs i.�correct,notify Barba;ra at Centr�l Office �mmedtately. If you c�ztr�ot ba at th�awaz'ds breakfast cereznony on Saturday, (7anuary 29 at S a.zn.) wfluid you let us lrnow? �£it is not�ossibie to be there,wou�d you malse arrangements fc�z somehocip else &om your newspaper to pzck up the award? (Zf you or someor�e�iram your newspaper will be �reser�t at the awards ceremany,there's no need to notify us.) Congratula.tionst We're loakizag farward to seeing you at the conventiot�. Best regards, . / . � , . . , �1��;� , z�a��. ��� ���u����taT ��� 12 Souih Stxth Street,MR�tne�pc►f�s,Minnesota 5540� (612)332-8�44 Fax; (612)3d2-2958 YreSfoent: RvsEk3'L.tJRADFOR13.11,N��tt�fia�dNews,Vi�cePrcnlJrnta. P.�Hn��u,�.,s.r..v�agub�������1t�N.�'ai�o EG'A.NS.'Che Fxce Pcrss.Mankato:WILLtAht C.RAMIG�.Mal.�eod Gounty Ch�m*+icta•Gxet�ooc;Directors: Y�oneor CI�Al2LE9fi.ftU.7�'7',Tylar7C'+ibaco;REl%C�AlJFINSUN_ wif[+COW1ty 2vlot�it'7T'T�owb.'��"4T`'�a��a ia.' ��T.��nr�ald YR,�i N,OWS�C'I, D��o:c L.EJcca TribuneJ��.Cker COuri�ReGOtc�:I�1fi�t11At2 PASt�resi�dent; �.'ntt��.�.s+�.ro,rrrrevra, r� TAis stafi0ltFrY pllnted Ot+rxYcled payer. �St��17� �� ��l 1 �/� �� ��a� �� ��� d r� _ � � MY NAME IS � ' I LIVE AT ' . j�u D �Q G`S THE FOLLOWING IS A COTIPCSITE OF CONCERNS�FROI�I NUP�lEROUS f� CITIZENS & VOTERS LIVTNG IN THE CAi�EO, LOWER 1t,.7th AND 146th AREA PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OF THE SENIOR HIGH RISE. Vu'E ARE NOT OPPOSED TO SENIOR HOUSING, HOtiti'EVER WE DO OPPOSE THE SITE SELECTION. �HEN A DEVELOPER PROPOSES A PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IS ��� � REQUESTING T.I .F. MONEY FROM THE CITY, THEY MUST SUBP�IIT A � `� DETATLED BUILDING PLAN. WHY IS THIS WAIVED FGR THE DAKOTA I COUNTY H.R.A.. PROJECT? WHY TAKE OUT TAX BASE PROPERTY TO REPLACE TT WITH NON� - �f' TAXAB�E HOUSING? 1 HOV�' CAN � THREE STORY HIGY, RISE BE CONSIDERED A CONFQRMING STRUCTURE IN Anr ALL RESIDENTTAL AREA? WHY ARE VJE LEAP FROGGTNG THIS FROJE.CT ACRUSS HIGH�,`AY 3 FROM THE OTHER SENIOR ACCC�MOD�TIONS WITHOUT PROVTDING A BUFFER � . ZONE FOR THE PRESENT HOP�IE—OWNERS. T�7E BURMA SITE VuAS THE FIRST CHOICE AND THE LEAST EXPENSIVE. � SINCE THE GOVERNING BODY IS EXEMPT FRUM ALL TAXES, HOW WILL ' THE CITY BE ABLE TO RFCOUP THIS LQST REVENUE? THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY HAS DESIGNATED VACANT LAND BEHIND MEPIARDS AND FRANKS IVTUkSERY FOR THE COUNTY SENIOR PROJECT. THERE IS PJO CONCERN HEr�E FOR THE SE�tIORS WALKING T0 THE POST OFFICE �ND CHURCHS. WHY ARE wE THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE? t�'E KNOW THAT MANY OF OUR SENIOR"S NOW LIVING IN ROSEI�IOUNT TRAVEL ON THE PUBLIC BUS OR THEIR O�vN VEHICLES TO DO THEIR SHOPPING IN APPLE VALLEY AND BURNSVILLE,DU� TQ THE FACT THAT ROSEMOUNT .HAS .NOT PROVIDED TH� SHOPS TO BUY OUR NECESSITIES IN OUR OWN COP�iIUNITY. WH�T ASSTTRANZ`E� �O�iv`E HA�E T�A'� THE �ALU�S OF T�IE RET�1t�INING HOI�IEOWNERS �ND THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY HOME�WNERS GdILL NOT DECREASE? VdE FEEL OUR REPRESENT�ITIVES ARE NOT ADDRESSING OUR CONCERNS ON THE SITE LOCkTION. U�E ALSO FEEL THERE IS TOO NNCH DUPLICATION OF T�IEMBERS SERVING ON BOTH THE PORT �UTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL. THESE ARE G�UESTIONS �vE H�VE A RIGHT TG GET THE ANSVdERS TO BEFORE YOUR DECISTON IS FINALIZED TO FINANCE THE PROJECT. , ��G.� �� �_ � "� � �� � ATCE#VTIQN: ROSEM4UNT C1TY COUNCIL - THHE U�RSIGNED RESlDENTS ARE ORPUSED TO�hiE PR�POSED SITE 4F T#iE LO�V tNCOME S'�lVK3R HOUSING OW CAMEO AVENUE. NA�l� ADDRESS 1. '�'M�t�.,/: �Y1 a� �V r -2. J / � -��'�,�,�/J �l/-e�.'E'.��.J,`,��•C� �G'`T•a � �f � f:`? S 7�; �j �. ^ � � .� � W , , ` �:t --a/ � , _,� ;. l �. -� 4 � � . .. . . . �; ... . � . � � . . � � � . �. '•�� 'f / ` (JJ)�� �' /� � f . i/� �\ . .. �L i,y — \.`e`. "`�'R��'../ I �'! � /. ��. 1/ l r . / . q 1 � . . ... . . . . . ..,� . . . . .. . . . .. . . . � .. . � �� ����''.j����`�,�..� � �C�`�C� �,�C., �e.V C',��e � $. � �, � � � � � � ��� �� �� '. �� � 1 _ ��:, �� �'j��= � ,' � � �'�i�? -� • i�/'� �`' ,,.y� �� � � ��Ui. �c..'i i•� � /�f �._.�3�//C: �� • ���? �� � �. �` Cbt .4�i � . '�t,`�p �( / `7 � '►1.c3 E�2 � 7�{'L")�. }% �1 �� .`�� J ; • ' w�. 1_.. M�f�� ��� '�1. � _ �.:� 3! ?.s' �o�u:�� 7 a2. ���c� �'_ �—�l/�r,�� �l �,►, � 'I3. �' � � . 14. y ,-r�-a--�,�.,(� � � `f � C���� ���rn ��� 3 :� � � � �...-�� _ �- '��C�. �,'t-- � � �. 1�. -�= G' � �./s �° ,�� r �s. �' . � . " ��a .- 17. ,/'�. /� � , ✓ ��;.�.:�_�� � /�.• 1�,�./'� t .�-�;� •-.�� f .� (1 . ✓��/ t'7�`- C•d �: _.-T �$. � al',f� � �%����� �� 1,�t Gf��.r� -..�i.� 1�� ��t��; �- ,�. � �-,� ��`'� � '; �r�.� l,�/ �� �-- � Y 21 i � _ ,, � ' ,, � � �. f� ���'1 � ,z,.�`�CC��. ����-':�L/_.s°+�-r�.�+� ," �/.�+���/l/��--" 23. 'i� - ` 'r �. ,_. ��GG'� ,� , _!��;-� � , .��. � ;�i'..,.. ,'"�c:����:/f,.� i 1 � i�G��` R .9 � � � 24. � � � 7 ' J �� � � fj�.-�,,, N / � �� � ' vs C3 �.w,� 1'�� T r� 2�i. � ''>' .,1^ � �`I�_`—`� 27. ., ,.-•. � ,��Y-��-rt..�.-�C- 28. �. . 6-= . � �"' j} �-�a--,�.--t--o ,��----� -c� 29. `����� � . �l. . � � � � �� �A 1�'1�� a., l��• , �, �,�. -� �� � � � ,,�c, � ��,,� �3/ gs�` ,l r��/y�' -� �2 33 � � 36 37 �8 3� 4� 41 42 43 44 4,5 46 47 � 48 , i _ - JOSEP,H P. VVALSH � P:O.BOX t$8/3050 Loinrer 1,47th Street Wesf , Rosemount, Minneso�a 55068 (612)423-2880 • FAX(612)423-2130 _ : , � , I January 5, 1994 Concerns I have about the proposed Dakota County ' HRA Low , Tncome Senior Housing Project at the CameQ Avenue site. 1. Full financial disclosure on the cost of doing the ' " project. , I a. Cost to the City b. Cost to the Port Authority , ; c. Cost to the County HRA ' _ , 2 . Financial effect on nearby property. a. Will the neighboring proper.ty change it ' s value after the project is completed, either increase or ' decrease. � b. When Lower 147th is rebuilt, what .effect' will that have on neighboring property and taxpayers . c. Will this property pay future assessments that effects the property or wilL the taxpayers . , d. Will this property pay the City' s Storm Wa�er ' Utility fee? ' e. If this project is considered '.'tax free" , will the HRA make a payment to the City in lieu of taxes for the expense of operating the City, such as Fire and Palice services a.s w.e11 as snow removal and other City services? _ : 3 . Concerns that the November -17 , 1993 Special Meeting of the Port Authority may have violated the State ' s Open Meeting Law and City Ordinance . a . I was unable to find notice of the special meeting on the bulletin board at City Hall . : b. I was unable to find notic� of the special meeting in the office newspaper of the City. c. I was unable to find a notice of the special : nieeting ozi the :door of the' meeting place. c�. I was unable to find a copy of the materials distributed the members of the board before the meeting oz at the: meeting. � � � � � � � , � � � _ r , , . . . � e`. Robert ' s Rules of Order are the standard guide " for running meetings,`, these rules may have been violated ' : when a member o� the board made a motion to adjou;rn the meeting. and that motion was seconded. `The Rules =indicate that a motion to adjourn is , a �� ���� � � , privileged motion that can not` be discussed 'and must be voted on. At this meeting that motion was discussed, amended` and later withdrawn without a .' vote . f . I am concerned that one of 'the Port Auth.ority members may have had a conflict of interest on voting : on the motion to approve the Cameo Avenue site as the preferred site `for the Dakota County HRA project and ; . - other actions taken both' by the Port 'Authority and City Council . One of the' members should have disclosure that a relative is a property owner in �the project site. A member violating the City Code of Ethics should consider res.ignation. , g. , The letter that was sent out to some of the neighboring proper-ty owners ''indicated. that this meeting was an informational meeting where questions could be raised. The Chairperson of the meeting did � , not allow those present to ask all of the questions that they had. The chair placed a` limit on the number of questions . Th'is does not ` follow' the intent of the letter that was sent out inviting questions and the expressi:bn of concerns . After the adjournment of the November 17th meeting, I made these' concerns known to the C�ty Attorney and one member of , the Port Authority. I express these concerns in such a way ` that the attorney reviewed his copy of the ,open meeting 1aw as well as. the city ordinance. an ethics . . I am still waiting for some ,type o� response to the concerns that I expressed! Joseph Walsh � '; � � . \; l , ��� , � i� _ : ,