HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Receive Feasibility Report - 145th Street Improvements, Chili to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , � ` EXECUTIVE SUMMARY �OR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 1 , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report, 145th Street AGENDA SECTION: Improvements-Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue, City Project New Business #245 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA City Engineer/Assistant Pu61ic Works Director ��� 6 � ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report, NSP Letter APPROVED BY: This item is back an the �genda to receive the updated feasibility report and to discuss options and provide Staff further direction prior to a Public Hearing. We pian on ordering the Public Hearing at the next Council meeting and set it for the first Council meeting in March. OSM's updated feasibility report reviews alternatives which were discussed at the January 4th Council me�ting and alternatives for the overhead utilities. Counci! Members Anderson and Busho were provided a copy of last year's Project #235 Feasibility Report to supplement information in this upd�te. The table below summarizes the description and costs of these alternatives. Major reasans that these cost are higher than previously discu�sed are that we are taking precautions in assurning that the underlying material in the roadway is totatly unsuitabfe for road construction, thereby causing the use of a large quantity of replacement material. We are hopeful that when constructed, this quantity is much less and therefore the cost will be much fess. In addition, decorative Jighting and enhanced street scaping are estimated. NSP �estimates that decorative lighting on this segment of roadway would cost anywhere from $9$,000 to S 126,000, depending on the size of light provided. Street scaping can be estimated at approximately an additional 540,000 - $60,000 depending on type of tree grate and number of trees which would be installed. Both of these items are fimited in the amount that can be funded by MSA. Therefore, cost for decorative {ighting, street scaping and overhead line refocation would have to come from other sources. Therefare, an estimated 5186,000 could be added to the costs in the table below if these items are to be added. Brian Bourassa, P.E. from OSM and myself wif! pravide an overview of the report. Then 'Brian and Staff will be available for que�tions from Council. Alternative Description Project Cost � � 40' Wide & O'Head Utility Relocated + 5' sidewalk S 1 ,134,000 � 40' Wide + NO re(ocation + 5' sidewalk $1,049,000 2 44' Wide + 0'Head Utility Rebcated + 6' sidewalk $1,177,000 3 44' Wide + O'Head Utility Relocated + 8' sidewalk 51,200,�00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT, 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS-CHILI AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE, C1TY PROJECT #245. �►- C.�c.t,�.,k5 CC � ���nv,-`'c�c- cr�-�, a. 4�{� �, (,� C O U N CI L ACTI O N: ����� (�-� l�,-1-� �Q,�._ 1��w�e„�enf.. N� !1- fhr,,�,Z ��� �-t-�, '(`�1.w�. Z� J 2 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 10 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE,FEASIBILITY REPORT 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CHILI AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE CITY PROJECT #245 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #245, 145th Street Improvements, Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Orr Schelen Mayeron Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said utility and street improvements, City Project #245, is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on February 1, 1994; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #245 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #245, 145th Street Improvements, Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue to be held on Wednesday, March 2, 1994 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 1994. ATTEST: Susan M. Wal City Clerk Motion by: McMenomy Seconded by: Anderson Voted against: None Mze E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Voted in favor: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy Nortt'►em States Power Company Maple Grove Materials Complex 8701 Monticelio lane Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369-4550 Telephone(612J 493-1500 Mr. Bud Osmundson, PE City of Rosemount 2875145th Street Rosemount, MN SSQ68-OSIO Jan. 25, 1994 Mr. Osrnundson, After reuiewing the map arcd your plans for upgrading the City of Rosemount's street ughting alvng 145th Street from Cameo Ave. west to ap�rox. Dodd Blvc� I have come up with the following recommendation. �arrived at the recommendation by taking intd consideration �he following: 60'R�.W., 44'curb to curb, bituminous road surfac� appro� 1,800'in length and installrng High Performance Acorn cznd Square Shoebox style luminaires. I considered this roaclway to be "Intermediate Collector"CICISSIfICtItiOJZ. 14ccording to ANSI/IES specifzcations, that classifzcation requires 0.9 Avg. F/C and 3:1 Uniforrnity levels. The Average Maintained�'ootcandle and Uniformity le�vels were mrived at using the following types of luminaires: at intersections - STERNER EX.ECUTIVE 25, 250 Wa1t Luminaires mounted on 25 foot aluminum poles, mui-block - KING, HP 100 or I50 Watt Acarn Styie luminaires mounted on fiberglass 'Designer Series"14.5 foot poles. Using the KING 100 TWatt Luminaires, spaced 74'apart and staggered will give you an avg. F/C level of.94 and a uniformity level of 2.15:1. (Exceeds IES specs.) Using the KING �SO Watt Luminaires, spaced 105'apart and staggered will give you an avg. F/C Ieve1 of 1.06 and a uniformity level of 2.89:1. (�ceeds IES specs.) Given the above you will require approx. 43 - Z00 WattKtng or 33 - ISO Wczit King fixtures and 4 Sterrcer Executive 25 fu�tures + poles. The�pro�imate cost for the above are; $2,736.00 ror each King Acorn installation and $2,108.D0 for each Sterner Shoebox installation. (I did not consider Acom units on any corner, only one shaebox unit per corner.) 1411 of the above quantities and costs are to be corrsidered approximate estimates� for your use to get a good idea of what the cost range of a project like this will be in. There may be other costs involved so if you should decide to pursue this further please contact Steve Schmidt at 458-1228 and he will be happy to assist you in getting startec� . Sincerely, � IZoger PiPP, an �, Street Lighting Material Standarris Committee Northern States Power Company 493-1604 c: Steve Schmidt \ o� Schelen Mayeron& January 25, 1994 Associates,tnc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 Honorable Mayor and City Council 6�2-s9s-s��s City of Rosemount i-soo-�sa-s��s 2875 - 145th Street West Fnx s9s-s��4 gngineers Architects ROSemOUIIt, MN 55068 P►anners Surveyors Re: 145th Street West Reconstruction From Chippendale Avenue to Cameo Avenue . City of Rosemount City Project No. 245 OSM Project No. 4438.80 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: In 1993 OSM completed a Feasibility Report for 145th Street West from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue and the Chippendale/Chile Avenue intersection realignment(City Project No. 235). The actual project construction included only the reconstruction of 145th Street West from Shannon Parkway to the Chippendale/Chile Avenue intersection and did not include the portion from Chippendale/Chile Avenue to Cameo A�enue. This letter will provide you with an update of the Feasibility Report for 145th Street West Reconstruction from Chippendale Avenue to Cameo Avenue. General Background The general background information reviewed in the original Feasibility Report (City Project No. 235) for 145th Street West from Chile Avenue to Cameo Avenue including project location, project zoning, project history, existing eonditions and traffic analysis has not changed. Proposed Improvements The Proposed Improvements for sanitary sewer,watermain and storm drain reviewed in the original Feasibility Report (City Project Na 235) have also not changed. Updated construction costs for each of these proposed improvements are included with this letter. Roadway jSidewalk In 1992 the City of Rosemount reconstructed the portion of 145th Street West from Diamond Path (County Road 33) ta Shannon Parkway (City Praject Na. 206). The typical roadway section for this improvement was 40 feet wide with no parking allowed on the south side. In 1993, 145th Street Wesf was reconstructed from Shannon Parkway to Chile Avenue and the Chippendale/Chile Avenue intersectian was realigned (City Project No. 235). The typical roadway section for the 1993 improvement was a 40-foot wide roadway with no parking allowed on either side. J-�4438.80\CML\MISC�01?S94.HMC� Honorable Mayor and City Council City o€ Rosemount, MN January 25, 1994 Page 2 The proposed roadway/sidewalk improvements for City Project No.245 include three different alternatives Alternative L• 40-faot wide (face-to-face) roadway with 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks with a boulevard. Alternative 2: 44-foot wide (face-to-face) roadway with 6-foot wide concrete sidewalks with no boulevard. Altemative 3: 44-foot wide (face-to-face) roadway with 8-faot wide concrete sidewalks with no boulevard. Drawing No. 1 shows the proposed roadway/sidewalk improvement altematives. The following are parking and boulevard details for each of the proposed roadway/sidewalk unprovement alternatives: Parking Allowed* Boulevard Area Altemative No. 1 1-Side 3-b Feet Altemative No. 2 2-Sides 0 Feet Altemative No. 3 2-Sides 0 Feet *According to Mn/DOT State Aid Standards. The proposed street section consists af 4-1/2 inches of bituminous and 8 inches of Class 5 gravel and will be flanked on both sides with Bb18 cancrete curb and gutter. C?verhead Utilities The overhead utility information reviewed in the original feasibility report regarding telephone and cable television has not changed. Electric Utilities � � � � � � � � � The four alternatives that were discussed in the original Feasibility Report (City Project Na 235) regarding reloca.ting the existing overhead electric utility along 145th Street West have not changed. However, one additional relocation altemative was reviewed for City Project Na 245 and is described as follows: . �:����.��ot�xM� � Honorable Mayor and City Council , `City of Rosemount, MN January 25, 1994 Page 3 Alternative No. 5 • Th� existing overhead power will be relocated to existing poles on 144th Street from Cameo Avenue to Canada Avenue and will remain overhead. The existing overhead power from Canada Avenue to Chippendale Avenue will be placed underground. • The existing residences can be served by two methods: - Install a system along 145th Street underground to a 20-foot high residential pole outside of the road right-of-j..Tay, then overhead to the existi.ng service on the house. This method will require the acquisition of a utility easement from each of the residences for the instaltation and maintenance of the 20-foot high residential pole within their property. . - Install an overhead system along the back lot lines, then . overhead ta the existi.ng service on the house. This method will require the acquisition of utility easements �1ong the back lat lines for the installation and maintenance of the relocated overhead system. • With either of the two methods described, the homeowner can request that their service be installed underground to eliminate the overhead service entirely. • The e�usting overhead transmission line crossings shall remain in place at Cameo Avenue and at Chippendale Avenue. Totai estimated cost for Alternative No. 5 = $60,000.00. (This cost does not include the cost for revising each house service but it does include credit from NSP for existing facility re-use.) Ri t-of-Wa�asements As with the original feasibility report (City Project No. 235), right-of-entry agreements will be required from all of the properties along the project route in order to match the existing yard and driveway areas to the proposed street and service construction. The estimated project costs listed in this report update do not include easement costs and it is also assumed that the right-of-entry agreements will be acquired at no cost to the City. . ,:�,a3a.so�crviL�►.asc�oi�a.t�u�,c Honorable Mayor and City Council , "City of Rosemount, MN January 25, 1994 Page 4 Permits/Approvals The permits and approvals that were required for the original Feasibility Report (City Project No. 23S) have nat changed. Detour Route During the majority of the construction operation it will be necessary for the contractor to keep traf�ic off of 145th Street West from Chippendale Avenue to Cameo Avenue. Therefore, it will be necessary to set up a detour route a.round the proposed construction. Prt�visions will be made on a daily basis to allow 145th Street residents to drive close to their homes. The major detour route for 145th Street will be STH 3 to CSAH 42 and then to Chippendale Avenue. Fin� Cast Estimates Detailed cost esrimates are attached to this Ietter. The estimates are based on 1993 construction costs and include a 10% cantingency factor and all related administrative costs which are estimated at 30%. A summary of these costs are listed as follows: _ Project Cost Summarv A. Sanitary Sewer $ Z6,800 B. Sanitary Sewer Service 36,800 C. Watermain 107,800 D. Watermai.n Service 55,200 E. Storm Drain 24,100 F. Streets " 646,404 G. Sidewalk/Trail * 92,2pp H. Street Lighting ** 1p,ppp L Overhead Utilities*** _,$5.000 Total $1,134,30t1 " The cost summary assumes that Roadway/Sidewalk Alternative Na l is constructed. ** The cost summary assumes that cobra style street lights will be installed. **" The cost summary assumes that Altemative No, 5 is constructea for relocating the overhead electric utility and that the existing overhead telephone and ca.ble T.V. lines are placed underground. J.�«���.���o��.�c � Honorable Mayor and City Council , City of Rosemount, MN January 25, 1994 Page 5 S`ost Recoverv This project will be funded from assessments, Street and Core Fund (includes Mn/DOT State Aid Funds), Storm Sewer Core Fund, Waterma.in Core Fund and the Sanitary Sewer Core �'und. Included with this letter is the General Funding Overview for 145th Street West. The City of Rosemount Council has modi�ed the Assessment Policy to assess single family homes a flat fee of $2,000.00 for street reconstruction on residential streets and $1,SOO.OQ if that street is a collector street such as i45th Street West. This $1,500 flat fee is the only cost that the residents would be assessed even though the project would include the replacement of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm cirain. Project Schedule The proposed project schedule for this improvement is as follows (assuming all right-of- entries and easements are obtained prior to May l, 1994): Receive Updated Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing February 1, Z994 Hold Public Hearing/Order Plans c� Spec's. March 1, 1994 Accept Plans and Spec's/Order Ad for Bid April 5, 1994 Bid Opening ApriI 29, 1994 Receive Bids/Award Contract May 3, 1994 Begin Construction June, 1994 Substantial Completion of Construction August, 1994 Final Wear Course Installation June, 1995 Assessment Hearing Fall, 1995 First Payment with Real Estate Taxes May, 1996 J.�4438.8D�CNQ-�I`fISC�01299C.FiMC Honorable Mayor and City Council •City of Rosemount, MN January 25, 1994 Page 6 If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this letter, please contact me at 595-5694. Sincerely, QRR-SCHELEN-MAYEROP�i & ASSOCIATES, INC. ��-�`' ` :/�'i�.bd.� � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager Enclasures c: Bud Osmundson, City af Rosemount nm �:\aa�a.so\ctvu.�Misc�oi�a.xhte Riw Riw ' 60' -66' (VARIES) ' � 3-6' (VARIESI � � 20' 20' i 5' 27. g:1 MAX. • Z 7— �____._ 2 7. 2 7. _�.6 7� �- ...._-- 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8618 CONCRE7E CURB AL TERNAT I VE NO• � BOULEVARD 8 GUTTER (TYPICAL) AREA ' R/W 60'-66' lVARIES) R/W � -- VARIES 22� ( 22� 6� 0.67, MAX; 2y 2y 3:1 � � -_'�• ,�,__ 2{. 2/. "'�'__- 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK B618 CONCRETE cuRe ALTERNAT I UE N0. 2 8 GUTTER (TYPtCAL) R/W 60'-66' (VARIES) R/W � 0.67' VARIES 22' 22' S' 2y 2y 27 27. 3�� µ�X. ` ^ __.� r �� ��� 8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK e6�s coNCRErE cuRe AL TERNAT I VE NQ. 3 8 GUTTER (TYPICAL ) Drawn By� Drawing Titie Comm. No. P•��H- Schelen � 145TH STREET wEST 44�s.so � Mayeron & ROSEMOUNT� M I NNESOTA aate• Associates, Inc. ROADWAY/ S I DEWALK Sheet no. Engiaeere . ArchiLecis ■ Planners ■ Surveyors 1-74-94 300 Park P►.����o<«. 5775 Tapxata floule�ard I MPROVEMENT ALTERNAT I VES � YSnaeapoth,YN 55410-t228 i 6i2-SC5•57�5 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION FROM CHIIE AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE ESTIMATED GENERAL FUNDING REVIEW- ROADWAY SIDEWALK ALTERNATIVE N(?. 1 STORM SANI7ARY ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT SEWER CORE WATERMAIN SEWER CORE STREET CORE TOTAL COST FUND CORE FUND FUND FUND* REVENUES Sanita Sewer $76,800 $0 $0 $0 $76,800 $0 $76,800 Sanita Sewer Serv(ces $36,800 $o $o $o $36,800 $o $36,s0o Watermain $107,8t)0 $0 $0 ' $107,800 $0 $0 $10T,800 Water Services $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 Storm Drain $24,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2d,100 $24,100 Street $64&,400 $55,500** $0 $0 $0 $590,9d0 $646�400 Street LI htin $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $t0,Ofl0 $10,000 Sidewalks raiis $92,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,200 $92,2pp Overhead Utilities $85,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $85,000 $85,000 TOTALS $1,134,300 $55,500 $0 $163,000 $113,600 $802,200 $1,t34,300 * Street Core Fund includes Mn/DOT State Aid Funds ** 37 lots * $1,500.00/Lot = $55,500.00 (Revised Assessment Policy) �:�oaaaeo�crvtt�Mrsc�rwa�c?s.Rsr 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION FROM CHILE AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE ESTIMATED GENERAL FUNDlNG REVIEW - ROADWAY SIDEWALK ALTERNAT(VE NO. i & NO OVERHEAD UTILITY RELOCATION STORM SANfTARY ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT SEWER CORE WATERMAIN SEWER CORE STREET CCIRE � TOTAI COST FUND CORE FUND FUND FUND* REVENUES Sanita Sewer $76,800 $0 $0 $0 $76,80Q $0 $76,800 Sanfta Sewer Services $36,800 $0 $p $p $36,gpp $p ��,�pQ Watermatn $107,800 $0 $0 $107,800 $0 $0 $107,800 Water Services $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 Storm Drain $24,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,100 $24,100 Street $646,400 $55,500** $0 $p � $5gp,gpp �,qpp Street Li htin $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $Q $10,000 �10,000 S(dewalks raiis $92,200 $0 $0 $0 �t? $92,200 $92,200 Overhead Utilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p $p TOTALS $1,049,300 $55,500 $0 $163,000 $113,6Q0 $717,200 $1,049,300 * Street Core Fund includes Mn/DOT State Aid Funds ** 37 Lots * $1,500.00/Lot = $55,500.00 (Revlsed Assessment Policy) l:�M38.80\CI V I L\M ISC`�TAD LES.RST 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTtON FROM CHILE AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE ESTtMATED GENERAL FUNDING REVIEW- ROADWAY SIDEWALK AL.TERt�.'�TIV� MO. 2 STORM SANITARY ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT SEWER C(JRE WATERltdl,4iN SEWER CORE STREET CORE TOTAL COST FUND CORE FUNC1 FUND FUND* REVENUES Sanita Sewer $76,800 $0 $0 $0 $76,8Q0 $p $7g,gpQ Sanfta Sewer Services $36,8p0 $0 $0 $0 $36,800 $p �g gpQ Watermain $107,8(nl $p $0 $107,800 $0 $0 $107,800 Water Services $55,200 $U $0 $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 Storm Drain $24,100 $0 $Q $0 $0 $24,100 $24,100 Street $689,100 $55,500** $p gp $0 $633,600 $689,100 Street L1 htin $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 �10,000 $10,Od0 Sidewaiks rails � $92,200 $0 $Q $0 $0 $92,200 $92,200 Overhead Utilfties $85,000 $0 $p $p � �,� �,� TOTALS $1,177,d00 $55,500 $0 $163,000 �113,�"�(3 $$44,900 $1,177,000 * Strest Core Fund Includes Mn/DOT State Aid Funds ** 37 Lots * $1,504.04/Lot = $55,500.00 (Revised Assessment Policy) �:�aa3s.so�crnc�M�sc�Twe�.:Es.Rsr � . , � 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION FROM CHILE AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE ESTIMATED GENERAL FUNDING REVtEW- ROADWAY SIDEWALK ALTERNATIV�,NO. 3 STORM SANITARY' ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT SEWER CORE WATERMAIN SEWER CQRE STREET CORE TOTAL COST FUND CORE FUND FUND FUND* REVENUES Sanita Sewer $76,800 $0 $0 $0 $76,800 $p $76,800 Sanita Sewer Services $36,800 $0 $0 $0 $36,800 $0 $36,gpp Watermain $107,800 $0 $0 $107,800 $0 $0 $107,800 Water Services $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 $0 $0 $55,200 Storm Drafn $24,1 QO $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,100 $24,i 00 Street $680,000 $55,500** $0 $0 $0 $624,500 $G80�000 Street Li htin $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 Sidewaiks raiis $124,400 $0 $0 $0 �0 $124,400 $124,400 Overhead Utilitles 5,000 $0 $0 $p $p �,� �,� TOTALS $1,200,100 $55,500 $0 $163,000 $113,600 $868,000 $1,200,100 * Street Core Fund includes Mn/DOT State Aid Funds ** 37 Lots * $1,500.00�Lot = $55,500.00 (Revised Assessment Poitcy) J:\1438.80\CI V IL\MiSC\TABLBS.RS!'