HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Parks and Recreation Ordinances 1 + CITY OF RdSEMOUNT EXECUTiVE SUMMARY FOR ACTt4N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARKS AND RECREATION ORDINA(�CE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA ����A � � DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRE�;TOR PARKS AND RECREATION Iyi � ATTACHMENTS: APPR ED BY: UPbATED COPY OF PARK ORDINANCE SHORT SUMMARY OF ITEMS IN ORDINANCE This past �rear, staff of the Parks and Recreation Department reviewed the present Parks and Recreation Regulations contained in Titie 4, Chapter 3 of the City of Rosemount Ordinances. Other cities were contacted fo�copies of their ordinances for referencs in this review process. Concerns af the Parks and Recreation Department relating to park hours, glass restrictions in the parks, etc., were addressed by the staff and the Parks and Recreation Committee. Although the Parks a�d Recreation Committee fslt that a good job was done in updating the ordinance we know that there is always room for improvement. Our goal is to review the ordinance and to update i# on a regular basis. A summary explanation of each of the areas of this ordinance is attached. If you do have any specific questions to an area of the ordinance, please contact my office at any time prior to the councif ineeting on February 1, 1994. This ordinance was reviewed by the City attorney. With the support and vote of the Parks and Recreation Committee, these ordinances are presented to you for approvaf. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt Ordinance No. XVL, 27, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 3, PERTAINING TO PARKS REGULATIONS AND SUBSTITUTING A NEW ORDlNANCE THEREFORE. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: . . - - ... — -----•-- Pa�� cooEs GENERAL SUMMARY OF CODES SUBMITTED DECEMBER 9, 1993 APPROVED FOR BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 15, 1993 COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUESTED ON DECEMBER 21, 1993 SECTION 4-3-7: Purpose and lntent. Gives statement of general purpose of the codes sectian deafing with parks. SECTION 4-3-2: Defin':tions. Gives definition of liquor, motorized vehicle, and city park for uses in the code. SECTiON 4-3-3: Park Hours. Defines the hours that the parics are open for public uses along with specified variance frorn those hours. SECTION 4-3-4: 'Special Uses/Park Reservations. Makes statement about general uses of parks and the impact that a park reservation has on pa�k uses. This is a new section to #he oark codes. • SECTiflN 4-3-5: Vehicle Use/Parking Regulations. Gives a generai summary of allowed parking areas and defines areas in parlcs where vehicies area allowed. This was under Section 4-3-3 in gresent �ark codes. SECTiON 4-3-fi: Fire. Describes the uses and cantroiling af fires with grilis and the exclusion of other types of fires. This is a new section to the aark codes. SECTION 43-7: Litter. Explains the manner in which trash must be disposed. This is a new � section to the oark codes. SECTION 4-3-8• Personal Property. Relates to storing and leaving personal property on park areas. This is a new section to the nark codes. SECTION 4-3-9: Protection of Property, Structures, and Natural Resources. Details the protection of plants, structures and wiidlife in park areas, and restitution for damages. This is a new section to the �ark codes. ' SECTION 4-3-10: Liquor Restriction. Detaiis authorized areas, times, and restrictions related to liquar. This does include the sale and cansumption of fiquor, This was under Section 4-3-5 in the present oark codes Several ctarifications were made. SECTION 4-3-11: Animals. Gives gene�al information as to proper cantrot of an animal and respansibility for animal feces. This is a new section to the vark codes and is in con'unction with Titte 7 Chaotar 4 of the citv codes. , SECTION 43-12: Golf. States the exclusion of any part of the golf game from our parks. Thi i a new section to the oark codes. SECTION 43-13: Restraoms. Pertains to the use and care of restrooms by park patrons. This is a new section to the oaric codes. SECTION 43-14: Public Sales. Identifies the restrictions far the sate af inerchandise in parks. • This is a new ection to the ark c des. Park Codes Generai Summary of Codes Page 2 SECT{ON 4-3-15: Posters and Advertisements. Detaiis the limi#ations of promotions in the park areas. This is a new section to the aark codes. SECTION 4-3-16: Glass. States the resiriction of glass from the park areas. This is a new sectian � �o the oark codes. SECTION 4-3-17: Weapons Prohibited. In conjunction with Titfe 7, Chapter 5 of this cod8, identifies the restrictions of firearms in the paric areas. This is chanaed s^m�what from tf�e wav it is written under Section 4-3-4 in the v{esen�k park codes. SECTION 4-3-18: Violations and Penalties. Lists the rationale for and the penaities assaciated with violations of'the park ardinance. Th�s is under Section 4 3 7 of #he aresant nark codes. . � dL•�t s\codesum.jan94 4-3-1 4-3=2 CHAPTER 3 � PARKS, REGULATfONS' ^ SECTION: 4--3-7: Purpose and intent � 4-3-2: Definitions 4--3-3: Motorized Vehicies Prohibited � . 4-3--4: Weapons Prohibited � 4-3-5: Liquor Restrictions = 4-3-6: Park Hours and Parking Regulations � `�-`3-6-1: Purpose and Intent 4-3-6 2: Definitions 4-3-6-3: Park Hours 4-3-6-4; Vehicie Use in Parks 4-3-=6-5; . Parking on Brazil Avenue Within Erickson Park 4--3-7: Penalty • � , 4-3-1: PURPOSE Ah�D INTENT: The purpase of this Chapter is to provide far the proteciion of life, property and to prevent public nuisances in the City parks. This Ghapter is intended �to provide reasonable regufatian for the use of motorized vehicles, weapons and possession and/ar consumption of fiquor in City parks. 4-3-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Chapter, terms defineti ' herein shall have the following meanings ascribed to th�m: � MOTOR{ZED Any motor vehicle,.whethar designed for, used or VEHICL.ES � . capable of use for trave(, lodging, spart, � amusement or recreation, whether or not eligible to be licensed for use upon streets and highways, including but not iimit�d to automobiles, buses, � trucks, tractor trailers, tractors, motor bikes, motor scaoters, trail bikes, mini-bikes, motorcycles, go- karts, hover craft, snowmobiles, all-ter�ain vehicies � or dune buggies. � 1. Park and Recreation Committee provisions are contained in Titfe 2, Chapter 2 of this Code. 4-3-2 4-3-6-2 ' LIQUOR . Any-beverage capable of inducing intoxication, inciuding but not fimited to 3.2 beer and wine. C(TY PARKS Any land owned by the City of Rosernount and '. designated as a park by the City Councii by �-�:� separate resolution. (Ord. XV1,13, 7-5-?7? �-_ 4-3-3: MOTORIZED VEHICLES PROHIBITED: Operation or use af motorized vehicles within City parks, except upan roads or trails specifica(ly oesignated for such use, sha[l be unlawful. � . � 4-3-4: WEAPOI�IS PROHIBITED:' The use or possession c: any weapon within City parks shalf be unlawful. {Ord. VIl.3, 6-7-?7� 4-3-5: LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS: A. Possession and Consumption Restricted: The pos essian and/or . cansumptian ��of fiquo� in any City park shall be prohibited with the '- _ exception of the park located adjacent to the City Ha(! and Erickson Park. _ B. Haurs of Use: Passession and/or consumption of fiquor will be a!lowed � in these parks between the hou�s of ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and ten "„ o'clock (70:00) 'P,M. with special permit. . _ C: Obtaining Permit: A permit for the possession and/or consumption of liquor in these parks duri,�g the hours a(lowed may be obtained from the City Council. The individual/group to whom this permit is issued must have it in #heir possession while possessing and/or consuming (i�uor in the parks. (Ord. XV1.13, 7-5-77; amd. 1983 Code} 4-3-6: PARK HOURS AND PARKING REGULATIONS: 4-3--6-1: PURPOSE AND TNTENT: The purpose of this Seetian is to — promote and protect public health; safety and general welfare. � ' • 4--3-6-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpase of this Section, the terms ' defined herein shall have the following meanings ascribed to them: ' . . �j PARKS � Any land designated as park land within the City, --�'' � incEuding any roadways ar parking areas within said park iand. ' � . � . 1.� Firearms regutations are contained in Trtle 7, Ghapter 5 of this Cade. 4-3-6-2 4-3-6-5 � VEHICLES Any conveyance on wheefs or track� whether motor-powered, animal-drawn or self-propetled. The term shail inciude a trailer of any kind or � . description. . 4-3-6-3: PARK HOURS: - A• Closing Hours: Except as otherwise provided, parks shaii be closed between the hours of ten o'clock t70:00) P.M. and six o'clock t6:00) A.M. of the following day, and no person shali be upon park property during these hours. B. Exceptians: � 1. Persons shall be a{Iowed upon park property after closing hours if they have a permit from the Rosemount Park and Recreation � Department. 2. Erickson Park shall be closed at eleven o'ctock (11:00) P.M. rather . than ten o`clock (1Q:00) P.M, 3. The City Council may by resofution modify the closing hours as it may deem appropriate. . 4. City personnel may be in the parks at any time if acting in the course � of th.eir official duties. • � 4-3-6-4: VEHICLE USE IN PARKS: .. _ A• No person shall operate or park a vehicle within a park except on duly specified rights of way or parking !ot areas. • B. No person shall operate or park a vehicle within a park during hours when the park is closed unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Park and Recreation Department. C• Except as authorized by permit issued,.by the �;osemount Park and Recreation Deparcment, no person shall park a vehicle within a park unless the persan is'a patron of the park at that time. � 4-3-6-5: PARKING ON BRA,ZIL AYENUE� WITHIN ERICKSON PARK: No person shall park a vehicle on the east side of Brazil Avenue within Erickson Park, unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Park and Recreation Department. (Ord. X(1.9, 2-15-$3) � . 4-3-7 4-3-7 � , 4-3-7: PENALTY: Any person,who shaii vio(ate any provision of this Chapter shall be dee►�ied guilty of a misderneanor and upon conviction thereof shafi be punished by a fine not to exceed five hu:�dred dailars {$500.OQ} or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety i90) days, ar both.. (Ord. XV1.13, 7-5-77; amd. 1983 Code) .+� • . _ � � • . . i � � � FLU,EGEL P10YNIHAN TEL No . 1612�S8a777 Jan 13 ,0� 15 �54 No .014 P .01 � Ol'tI3TNANCE �0. ��'tj,'�,,""' �� CZTY Ok' ROSEMOUNT DARt7T'A CC?UNTYr MINNES�'t'A - An ordinance Repealing Title 9 , Chapter 3 , Pertaining to Parks , Regtllations and Substituting a New Oxdin�nce Ttier�for. 'x'he new City Council of the City of �zas�maunt, Minn�sota� ordains as follows : SECTZON z : Tit�l� 41 Chapter 3 of the Ordinance of the City o� Rosemount, is hercby repeal<�,d. SECTION II ; The :�oX��wi�g ordinance is �nacted a.�1 �].ace oi t}1e ardi.nance r�pealad i,n SecLion I : Chapter 3 PARRS, REGUI.l�.�'IONS S EC'P I ON: ' 4-3-� . Furpase and zntent 4-3-z : Definitions 4-3-3 : Park Hours 4-3-4 : City Park Resexva��.on5 4-3-5 : vehicle Use/Parking itegulatians 4-3-6 ;. Fire 4-3-� : i�xtter 4-3-8 : P�rsanal Property `�-3-� � ProtecLi�n o� praper�.y, SLructures and Natura;l, Resourees 4-3-10 : AlcUh�l 4-3-11 : ArLimals 4-3-� ?_ : Go1f 4-3-13 : Rest Rooms 4-3-14 : �ublic Sa�,es 4-3-15 : Posters and Advertisement� �-3-ls � Glass 4-3-Z7 : Weap�ns Prohibited � 4�3-18: violati�ans�Pena�.ti�s 4-3-1 : �'URPOSE .AND INTENT: The purpose o� this Ch�pL•�r is to provide f.px� the x��gWt�ted use of and t:h� �rotection vf life and prp���rLy .i.n t�r Un City Parks . 4-�-2� Dr:r'.lN�'i'1UN5: p�$t-ItTMbrandfaxtransmittaimemo7B71 �+o�payesr "` -� Yo �rom M!� �� L. -� � , c�. �. DepL Phonetl FeX+Y Fax+� . FLUEGEL MOYNIHRN TEL No . 16124389777 Jan 13 ,04 15 �57 No .015 P .O1 �IQUOR: A beverage �capable of. �.nducing xn�oxication, including but not limited to 3 . 2 beer, wine and wine coolers . MOTORIZ�D VEHICLES: - Any motor veh�cle, whether des�.gned for, used ur cap�ble of use �ar trave?., lodg�ng, sport, amusen�ent oz recreati.on, whether or not eligibl� to be licensed for usc upon streets or highways , including but not limi��d to aut.�n�aY�il�s, buses, truck, tracLor trailers, tractors , motor }�xkes , motar scooters, mini bikes , trail bikes, mo�.arcycles, go- karts , hovex craft, snowmobi].es, all-t�rr'�iin vchzcles or c�uite k�uqgies . CITY PARK: Ariy land awned by the t:iLy of Rosemount and dc:�.iynated as a park by the Ci�y Council by separate r.esolution. (Qrd . XVY . 13, 7-5-77 ) 4-3--3 : PhR.K HC?URS: A. Clos�,ng Hours: Ex�ept as otherw�.se provided, parks shall be �;�as�d between L-he hours ot �en o'clti�:k { 10: �0 ) P.M. a;zd six o'clock (6 : b0) A.M. of the ta].lowing day, and no �erson shall be upon City Qark prap�ri.y c3uring these hours . B. Excepti.ons: 1 . Persons shall be allowed upon Gity Park propeity after closing h�urs i.f they tieve a permit �rom the Ros�mount Par}�s csn<:l Recrca��Qn Department. 2 - Ezickson Park shall be closed at eleven o'clo�k (11 :00) P.M. rather t}ian Len o' cldck ( 1.0 : 00 ) P.M. 3 . The La.ty Council max by resolutz�t� n�adify the c�osing hours as it may c�een� appropr5ate. '� . City pexsonnel may be y.n the parks at any timG if acting in the coursc of their of.ficial duties . 5 . Cit�y Personnel may assign speca.al hours o� use by po�tzng at park site,. 4-3-'4 : CITX PARIC RESERVATION5: No person or group shal ) have exclusi.ve use �f �ll c,r any �or.t�.on �f a paxk unles5 Lriey have fiZ�st re5ervcd the pr�perty w�.th the Yar.ks and Re�:rca�ion Depart_m�ni: and � pxocured a pexmit. Ur►less an exclusive use pex-mi.t is procured, use af L•he park prap�rt�y will be an f,irst cc�me, £irsi� servcd basis. FLUEGEL PIQYNIHAN TEL No . 1b124389777 Jan 13 ,OA 15 :58 No .016 P .Ol 4�3-5 : VLHICLE US�/F'ARK�NG REGULAT70NS : A. Use of motorized vehicle, �.nclnding o�eration and parka.ng, wiLhin City Parks shall be unlawful except upon roads ar trails specifiaally designated far such use . B. No person s:��ll operate or park a motorized vehi.cle within City P�rks during hou�'s when the park is cic�sed unless aut�naxized by permit iSsuPd by the I�c:�s�mc,unt P��;ci.s and R�c�'eation Depaxtment. C. No person shall park a motari�ed vehicl� within City �arks un�ess �hat person a,s a patran af the park at that time or unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosentount Yax'ks and ReCx.'eation D4�az i.tnent. D. No person shall park a mvi.ox� zed vehicl� v�� Lh� East side df Bra��,]� Avenu� within Er�.ckson Park, unl��s authorized by permit �ssued by the Rosemount Par.ks and � R�creetion T7e�artment . (Urd. XII . 9, 2-15-$3) 4--3-6 : FihE: A. No pe�son shall ignize a fire in ��ly City Pdrk exce�it in barbecue grills pzovided . Charcoal fires are peniiit�eci �.n barbecue grills on�y, NO woQd �ires allowed . B. Na p�rson zgnitir�g or attending a fire shal.�. leave thc area before the fire has been cornpl.etely extinguisheti . C. C�ty personnel upan autharization of th� C� ty Firs Marshall axe able to i.gnite fir�s with t.:�� usp of various c:c�rnbustibJ � materiala . 4-3-? : LI�'TER; �to persan shall litter any C1�ty Park vr arty Zake, poncl ar water course wxthin or dr.aininq in�a a Git� �;�r:k with any . forrn of tzash or waste maLez.a,al . Such tr.ash �r waste matexial sllall be deposited in t}i� �r.����r receptac�es when provided; wher.e receptacles ar4 i��� �rovided, all trash c�x� waste material shall �e caxried away fxom thc: area by th� person respansi�le tc�r its presence. 4�.3-$ : Y�ttSUt+}AL PROPE�t'1'Y: Nd p�r�on sh�ll l�ave or stc�rc: �>rL-sonal i�rop�z:ty wit:hin any City park without wr5.tten pezrni ssion frc�m �he Parks and R�Greation De��3rLmenL. 4-3--9 : pROTFG�'ZON OF PRC1PEFt'.t'Y, STRUCTURES 11.ND NATUKA�� RESOUKCES: A. Damaqinq or rPmovir�Q nropertv prohib9.ted . Nv pFr.sr�n shall w�.l.�.fully de��ce, vandalJ.2e or otfic�z-wi.se cau5�: destx;uction to Ca.ty Park ��rc�per�y. . FLUFGEL MOYNIHRN TEL ho . 16124389777 Jan 13 ,04 15 �54 No .014 P .�2 F3. F�ow�rs . Tr�es and Shrubs . No �er5an shall wil.lfull.y and without authority cut , p].uCk or otherwis� 1M�Ur� any flowers, shrubs , tir�es or other p�,ant material growing in or around any City Pa�k . No ��rson sha�.� ��ntroduce any form of vegetation with�n a park without permission from the Paxks $nd Recreation i�epartment . C. Bixd ox Animals . No persUn shall w,i��.fully and without authorl.ty kil1, trap, hunt, pursue ar in any manner d.isturb or interfere with any speci�s �f wildlife in any City Park without pe�'mission from the Parks and Recreatzon Department. No person shall release any insect, fish or animal in �ny City Park w5_thout p�rmission from the Parks anClitecreation Depaxtm�nt. D. Restitiut,�.� . In addition to othPr penalties, any per.son violating th� �rovisions of Lhis Section shall make restitution to the Par.ks and R�crec�tian C���arLment for the full value of the darnaged caused, a Tzcluding, but not li�niLed �.o, t}ie c:Ust �f rc�pairs , repJ:ac�mQnt and labor. 4-�-10 : Z,,xQU01� R�STRICTIONS: A. Possession and Consumntion x'esLriCted, The posSCssion and/ox Gonsump�Cion of liquar in any city �ark shall be prohibi.ted �xcept as prov�,ded in 4-3-10 8. B. Use In Ericksan Park: I3�er, wine and wane Coolers may };�e �v�s�s��:d �r consumed in F.r_ickson Park wiLh thG exception of Erickson CommuniLy Squa�e I�r.ea during the follawi.ng hours: betwe�n eight o'cl.ock { 8s00 ) A.M. and eleven o'c,lock ( 11 : QO } P .,M. on Monc3ay Liiryugh Saturd�y, ana between twelve o' clock { 12 : 00 ) P.M. until e].evPn o' r_lock ( 11 : 04) P.M. on Sunday. C . Sal� of Liauor in Erickson �ark : With the approval of the Gity Counc��. , zt 1i.cense may be issued fUr the sale o:E 3 . 2� malt liquor only in Er.ickson Park, with th� exception of the Erickson Corttmunity Squar.e Ax�a, during the hours for poss�ssion and consumpLioi�, authar.�.�ed by 4-3-10 s above . If a liccnse is assued, it must b� E'sost�a in a c�r�spicuous �lace .i n L•hc premisses sellir�g Lhe 3 . 2� malt liquor. 4-3-11 : ANYMAY,S:' A• P_ ro���r R�straint . A dog nr c:�t is cans i der•c d LO }�e under x�esLr.ai.n�. �n CiLy Ydrk prapsrfiy only wh�n it a.s contralled with the use of a leash nc� l�nger tha�� t;cn fe�t ( 10' ) ar when it is under voice or s�gnal oommand ti Fur[tier cl�teilti t�f thc animal orcii»3nec at�e cort[ained in Tillc:'l, {::h1�t(c.r -t of[ltia �escle. rL�JtI�CL f�lU'i'IVltiHP� � t.L fv'U . 1b1L�4,i�3'�r� ('f ,7dr1 1.� � U� 1.`i •��� �10 .(�14 F' .UJ . in the exercise areas designated by •.he C�.ty. B. �'eces Removal . All persons in contral of an animal on City 1'ark property shall have in his/her po�session at all tim�s apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and,"�r a bag �'ax pr.oper disposal of feces . The person in control of an anS.mal. is responsibl� �or pickinq up hislher animal ' s feces and dispbsing of it I Yz-operly . C. Prol�er Control . N� �ers�ri stia�.l permit a dc�g or c�th�r animal ta distur.b, harass or iriterfe=� with ar �ndanger any visitor ox' visitor's property. No person shall tether and leave unattended any dog ar animal �o a tree, p�ant, building or. C�.t�y �axk equ�pment . D. S ec: �1 Events . No anima�s under human control shall be allowed on the Carrolls Woods txa�ls dur.�.ng the Kosemount Parks �nd F�er.x•eatJ on sponsoz-ed Hallowe�n Haunted Woods event, exce�t lead dogs for the sight impaired persons . 4�-3-12 : GOLF: No person sha].1 play the game of golf or engage in putting, practice swinging or the striking of any golf balls �,n any C.iLy Qark . 4-3-13 : R'�ST ROOMS : Every person shall. coopera�e in maintaining resLrooms , washrooms and oth�r sani.tation faci,�a.t�,es in �3 neat, orderly and sanitary con�.ition. No p�rsan shall use the restrooms and washzooms d�signed and d�sz.gr►ated far. members af the �ppasite sex, except, for children whn may be , accompanied by an adult when deemed appropriate. 4-3-14 : PUBLIG SALE5 : No person shall ex�ase or �ff.er fc�r salc, rent or hire any a�ticle or thing or �onduet �ny commercial enterprise w�.th�.n a City Park unless that p�rson has obtained a permi,t from the Parks and Recreatian Department . 4-3-15 : 1�OST'ERS AND ADVFRTISFMENTS: �.. No person shall post, glue,, Lack or otherwi5e affix any sign, placax'd, �dvertisement ar other �.nsc��.ptaori whatsc��ver ta puhlic properLy wiLhin any City Park. 13. No ��rsqn sh�ll distribute or disseminate �.PaP]Qt�s, pamphlets �r other. wr.x�.i.en or. pr.i.nted material , or usG loudsp�akers or ather am��li.tXing systems, in ariy City Y�r.k without a permit from the F�arks and Recreation DeparLm�nt. � FL.U�GEL M�YNIHAN TEL No . 161�4389777 Jan 13 ,04 15 � 54 No .014 P .04 �}-3-1,6 : GLASS I�o person shall bring glass cantainers af any kind into any City Parks , includ�ng but not be lim5.ted to bev�rage containers, drinking qlass��, etc . � 4-3-17 : W�A�ONS PROHIBITED: ' The ��se or possession af firearms, as defined in 't'itl� 7 , GhapLer 5 �f this Code, witihin the Gity Parkb is prahz.bS.ted, except tha use of archery equ.fpmen�, in design�:,ted archcry ranges . 4�3�18 : ViOLATIONS/P�NALTIES: Any person who sha21: v�ol.aLe any pzovS.sion of this Chapter shall be dc�m�d guilty of a misdemeanar and upon canvictian thereof shall b� punj.shed by a fine to exceed seven hundred dollars ($70d . 00 ) ar by im��risonment not to exceed n,znety { 40 ) days , or both. {Ora.XVI . 13, 7-5-77; �md. 1983 Code) SECTION III: This ozd�.nance sha�l be effectiv�e immEdiately upon its passagL and publication. AdopL•ed this 18th Day of Januar.y, 1994 . CX7'Y O� �tOSH:MOUNT �; . �3. MCMeriOmy, Mayor Attest: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Nublashed th.i s day of , 1994 , �.n t=}�e Rosemount Trwn Paaes . ��"'"'" ` ' t�'irc Arm rcgula�it�ns arc u�nt:�inccl in TitIc7, C:h:j�i�r i nf�his ct�dt:.