HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Community Center Construction Budget Update � : . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE.,SUNIl+�ARY FOR A�TION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DA'I'E: February 1, 1994 AGENDA ITE��a: Community Center Construction AGENDA SECTION: Budget Update New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer; Community AGENDA NO. �„��.y� , 8. Center Manager ATTACHI�IENTS: Summary of Change Orders, APP D BY. Summary of Account Balances, Recommendations The completion of the�ommunity Center will require additional funds. An analysis of the construction contract, adding changes, as of January 7, 1994, is approximately$194,400 over the original contract. Funds set out to cover rema.ining payments for construction(with changes), architeclural,and furnishi.ngs payments, are not sufficient and will require additional funds. VJhy are we in this position? One reason is the many change orders that have been added to the construction contract. Since the sta.rt of the project some 233 change orders have been presented to the owners, totalling$194,400 of City share. VJith the help of Craig Weber, Project Manager for the Minnesota Facility Management Office, each change was identified and categorized. Out of this amount, $115,000.37 (59%) can be attributed to actual changes the City requested. The storm water-pond ($85,167) and the arena acceleration change ($28,587), contribute to the majority of the changes the City had total control of. Outside the control of the City were change�s due to poor design coordination or code requirements(41%). A summary of these categorized changes is attached. The amount of changes attributed to the Arena total$56,198. The second attachment illustrates the deficit with the construction funds. According to calculations from Jeff May, when including expenditures yet to pay far construction, azchitectural, and furnishings, the project will be in deficit in the amount of $333,841.07, not including the additional chan�e orders that hapnen from this date forward The following summarizes our recommendation for funding the deficit: After joint discussion with Ron VJasmund, Jeff May, and Dan O'Neil aiir recommendation for making up the deficit to date is to use a combination of master lease and cash on hand. That distribution is suggested as foliows: 1) Establish a master lease credit line of$98,000 with the lending institution offering the best rate. Purchase all items identified leasable with this financing line of credit. (see last attachment) 2) Transfer an additional$21,000 from storm core funds to lower the commitment for the storm water pond. This is consistent with previous authorizations by the Utility Commission and City Council: 3) Transfer $50,000 from the bonds paid up account. This is an area with unallocated fund balances. 4) Transfer the balance of$165,000 ($334,000 - $169,004) from CIP reserves. Minimizing the amount needed to be financed now and not affecting daily operation of the city. Any future construction change orders would also have to be made up from this CIP account. This account would then be repaid either from fizture excess commuxrity center revenues (if any) or increasing future levy amounts. RECObIl�iENDTD ACTION: Motion to balance Community Center construction budget authorizing transfers from funds listed above� and proceeding with establishing master lease account. � � �_y COUNCIL ACTION: ROS&HOUHT COHHUNITY CBATBR & NATIONAL GllARD ARHORY CHANGBS IN COHSTRUCrION COpTRAC4 � 1/9/99 HSABC BOADBD TOTAI, O�ner Poor Code Pending Apptoved Pending Approved PB�DI�G Requested CoordinationRequireQents CR�3 TRBB PROT6CTIOH 0.00 0.@0 914.09 419.09 919.90 919.09 0.90 8.66 CRg4 SKYI,IGH1' (172.81j (1i2,81) (1,382.50J (1,382.50� (1,555.31j (1,S5S.31) 6.98 9,@8 CRgS k'ATBR LIHB CHAkG6S 1,027.88 1,021.88 0.00 0.Q0 1,027.88 0.00 0.90 1,021.88 CRf6 STORHIfAPBR CHANGBS I,ifi8.15 1,168.75 0.@9 8,08 1,168.7� 0.80 0.00 1,168.15 CRB9 SLBVATOR HRNDRAIL (24.31) (24.31) (195.00) (145.00) (219.31) (219.3i} g.0� g,@g t CR%19 LIHP6LS AT SCIF 32.15 32.i5 0.08 0.00 32.15 0.00 32.75 0.@8 CRI11 &LBC LIGHP RBVISIOAS (115.44J 0.00 (923.59j Q.@9 (1,838.94� {1,83$.94) @,90 0.00 = CRg12 gLgC AP !ffiCH SHAFT 22.@0 12.00 0,@8 8.@0 22.80 0.80 22,8@ 8.08 CRg13 ARBflA ACCB�BRATIOH 0.06 0.09 28,587.09 28,597.69 28,587.80 28,587.00 0.0@ 9.00 4 CRI14 B1,6C COATROLS (133,12) (133,12) 9.@0 9.00 (133.12) (133.12) 0.08 0.90 ', CR%15 BRICK SUB5TITUTIOA {1,636.84� (1,930.84) (3,242.88j (3,242.as) (4,2i3.72j (4�273.72y 0.00 0.90 ' ' C&S18 CHANGB JOIST SIBg 45,50 45.50 143.14 143.14 188,6� 0.68 I88.64 0.09 CRS19 DBI,BT& l�CH CHAS& (69,63j 0.Q0 0,0g 0.00 (69.63) (69.63� 0.00 0.80 C&826 SPQRT FLOOR LOGO 0.08 0.09 1,24].88 1,247.@9 1,247.80 1,24i.@0 @.00 0.90 CR%21 A1iGLB f�SP VAULT 153.87 153.81 0.90 0.0A 153.87 0.60 9.99 153.81 C&g22 FIRB DhHPBR 46.25 0.60 9.80 9.@8 46.25 9.00 0.88 46.25 CR%23 CAAAG$ &I,BVATOR FUSB (31.63j (31.63) (253.@0� (253.@8) j284.63) (284.63j 0.00 9.00 ' CRI25 CH�18G6 COI,OR OR H84AL (215.38) (215.38J 0.@@ 0.00 (215.38) (215.38) 0.89 0.@6 CRI30 SiRUCTURB CLARIFICATIOA 876.00 816.00 0.00 0.00 816.00 0.60 876.89 0.00 CRI31 t@CH CLARIFICATIOH 97.13 0.8@ 0.08 0.08 91.13 0.00 97.13 0.00 CRg32 NBCH CLARIFICATI4A 34.75 0.00 @.00 0.00 39.15 0.00 39.75 0,09 CRg33 !ffiCH CLARIFICATIQR 133.25 0.00 0.09 6.@0 133.25 0.88 133.25 0.9@ CRI35 !ffiCH CLABIFICAPIOA 14.13 @.Q0 9.09 Q.69 14.13 9.00 14.13 9.QQ CRI36 t{�CH CI,ARIFICAPI08 302.13 0.00 0.00 0.99 362.13 9.80 302.13 0.80 CRg31 H&CH CI,ARIFICATIOR 14.13 0.90 0.00 0.09 14.13 @.00 1Q.13 0.90 Cflg39 !{BCH CI,ARIPICAPIOA 11.13 9.80 0.80 0.80 11.13 6.08 11.13 0.00 CR%40 FIRB DAHPBR 39.00 8.00 0.8@ 8.@0 39.80 0.09 0.09 39.@0 CR�42 BAHQUBf FL40R YINISH 0,98 0.88 (4,881.80� (4,881.80) (4,881.89) (4,881.00) 0,9@ 0.00 CR%43 DBLBTB &L6VATOR Si1KP 0.60 6.09 (1,069.90) 0.00 (1,069.0@� (1,869.00J 0.00 Q.0@ ' CRI44 IABBY BRICR 9,S@0,00 9,590.@8 0.06 9.08 9,50@.08 9,58@,08 0.00 0.80 CR%46 COD6 RBYISIOIiS 1,71fi.75 0.60 22,593.44 0.00 24,370.19 0.80 9.90 24,3)0.19 CR%47 ARHORY 6L6VA1'OR PIT 8@.15 0.80 � 9.68 0.08 80.15 0.8@ 8@.l5 0.00 . CRB48 189 B%PA�SION TAHR Q.99 9.6@ �33.66 9.00 .433.09 0.00 433.� 0.00 CRI49 SPOR�IGB SH6I,YIBG (32.38) 0.88 0.80 0.0@ (32,38) (32.38) 6.90 9.08 CR%5@ HISC BL�CTRICAL 751:43 751.43 (1,754.41� (1,i54.41j (1,002.98) (1,002.98) 6.08 9.Q@ ' CRI52 BIPABSIOA 10IS4 idORR 44.19 0.90 353.58 0.80 391.69 0.68 39i.69 0,8@ CBB53 RBLOCRP& ABU 563.13 - 0.00 9.@0 @.90 563.13 9.@0 563.13 @.90 CRg55 RBTAIBING POBD @.0@ 9,88 SS,161.88 85,161.@@ 85,161.80 85,167.0@ 9.80 9,89 : CRISi SOBSTITifTB DA!{PPAOOFI}lG (S1.31) (57.31) {180.28) (180.28) {237.59j (231.59) 0.09 0.0A CRI58 it04D D04A CRA�68 72.15 72.15 0.@0 9.06 12.75 0.@9 72,15 9.@0 CR%69 1,IGHP FI%TURB CHAAGBS 62.63 62.63 0.00 0.00 62.fi3 62.63 0.00 @.6Q CflS62 D&L6T6S IA ICB BRBBA 0,06 0.80 (38,939.60J (38,939.08) (38,939.88) (38,939.90J 0,69 9.68 t CRB63 D&L6TB YAPOR BARRIB$ (417.42) (417.42) (1,313.16f (1�313.16) (1,�30.58} (1,738.58) 9.90 0,00 CRY64 PRBCAST PLAIiR OP88I8G 22@.25 9.08 0.08 0.@8 228.25 0.98 228.25 6.@8 CfiB65 ApGLB I1T Pt,tIAK FLOOR 94.25 0.09 ' 0.�0 @.00 94.25 0.98 94.25 9.09 CRS66 C89866 FIPIp6 (813.50� 0.00 0,00 9,@8 (8i3.50) (8T3,50) 0,60 0.68 � CR$70'HI5C B�BCPRICAL CHAAGBS (95.37� (95.37� (3r729.04) (3,725.04} (3,$20.41} (3,829.41J 0.09 0.Q0 ' CRg11 lQSC BLBCTRICAL CNAAGBS (44.88y 0.08 9.08 0.86 (44.88} (��,88) 0,@8 0.8@ CR%13 Ai1DBD DOOR 1,IHTBL 0.00 0.8@ 721.00 9.00 727.90 721.00 9.09 0.00 KSABC BORDBD POTAI, OWner Poor Code Pendinq Approved Pending Approved PBHDING Requested CoordinationRequire�ents CRg7S RgVISIONS IN CBII,IHG 43.63 9.00 0.00 0.00 43.63 0.@0 43.63 @.00 CRg16 ADDBD BLBCTRICAL - RANGB 0.00 0.09 1,308.00 1,398.90 1,308.80 1,398.@9 0.@0 0.09 CRg71 �I,6CTRICAL - ARBA G D40R 435.25 0.@0 0.00 9.00 435.25 935.25 0.90 0.00 CRB18 BI,BCTRICAI, - SCOR6BOARD 0.09 0.0@ 1,431.00 1,431.90 1,431.00 1,431.00 0.90 0.90 CRt86 CHhNGB BRICK - ROOH H211 (64.15} (64.15) 0.00 0.00 (64.75� (64.15� 0.@0 0.00 CRg81 BAHQUBT PATIO GATBS 9.9@ 0.00 559.09 0.80 550.09 §50.09 0.80 0.00 CRg83 NISC �I,BCTRICAL 59.25 59,25 0.60 9.@8 59.25 0.00 59.25 B.0@ CR�89 H&CH R6UISIONS - B202 48.88 0.@9 0.90 9.@Q 48.88 0.00 48.88 0.00 CRg85 HISC SI,BCfRICt�L - BAN¢ 0.90 0,0@ 31.8@ 31.80 31.99 0.80 31.80 8.00 CRg86 SRYt,IGHT BRACING 113.62 113.62 0.00 0.00 113,52 0.00 113.63 9.@0 CRS87 SKOKS DBTBCfOR 21.12 21.12 169.@0 164.80 190,12 0.@8 190.12 9.08 CR%89 RB9ISB-ARBAA TOIbBTS 0.@9 0.00 881.00 9.00 881.00 881.90 @.40 0.00 ' CRg91 dQ�R & HARDKARB CHABGBS 44.63 0.09 9.00 9.80 44.63 44.63 9.@0 @.06 CR%92 CAANGB STBP FOOTING 235.15 235.75 6.@8 6.00 235.75 235.15 0.00 6.90 CRg93 CHANG6 BYBitASN SIB� (6.31) (6,31) 0.00 0.0@ (6.311 (6.31) 9.08 8.08 CR%96 KBCHAlIICAL CHAAGBS 115.25 0.99 0.Q0 9.0g 115.25 6.00 115.2� 8.00 CR%98 CBAAG6 CQLOR AR6NA BLOCP 0.08 0.08 (821.60� (821.80) (821.ee� �e2i.00) 0.88 0.00 ' CR%99 IKPORP FILL - DBLAY $.@0 0.90 11,025.90 $.00 11,9Z5.00 11,025.90 0.00 0.09 CR8102 RgVISB RRBBA I,IGBT SitITC 9.@0 9.80 (26.00) (26.69) (26.86� (26.08j 0.@8 0.80 ' CRI103 RBVISB ARBAA LIGHTIBG 9.99 0.00 521.90 521.09 527.09 0.00 527.00 0.00 ' CR%165 GRAVITY R04F V6t(TILATOR 302.25 8.9@ 0.00 0.60- 302.25 9.@0 302.25 9.8@ CR%106 STARTBR FOR HOTOR #22 (56.63) 9.00 @.00 0.60 (56.63� (�6.63} 9.00 0.09 CRt107 gLSC4RICAi, FOR DINNABLB 51.9@ 57.90 1,244.76 1,244.16 1,302.66 @.80 1,302.66 0.80 CRI109 AR&NA MATgR TRBA'P!ffiAT 0.@9 0.@0 2,382.99 2�382.00 2,382.90 2,382.06 9.99 0.60 ' CR%118 DOOR CHAAGBS 0.60 9.00 413,00 @.99 473.8@ 0.09 4i3.08 9.80 ' CRFIIi CH�AGS TYFB 8 LIGHT 123.43 123.43 683.59 683.59 807.02 0.99 801.02 9.00 CR%112 R04K RBYISIOBS (386.63� 9.00 0.00 9.@8 (3@6.63� (306.63J 0.@8 0.@@ CRg113 SAFBSY CHAIAS FOR 1,IGHTS 3i.18 @.@0 1,189.60 0.00 1�226.18 1,226:18 9.60 0.09 ' CRI114 CHABGB TIVOLI LIGHTIBG 38,38 30.38 9.@0 0.@9 39.38 0.06 36.38 0,08 CR%115 CA�IiGB PYPS A LIGHT 46.75 46.15 0.00 @.00 46.15 0.99 46.75 0.00 CR%I16 CHANGB STBBL ANGbB 34.12 34,12 9.09 9.@6 34,12 34.12 0.86 0.98 CR%117 ADD SURFACB COHBO LOCK 103.00 103.00 0.99 6,00 103.80 1@3.06 9.00 6.00 CR%118 QBLBTB OOOR I9 ARBHA 9.00 9.@0 (171.60� 0.08 (171,00} (1i1.0@) 0.0@ 9.@0 CRI119 HSCHAAICAL CONPLICT 1,028.50 1,928.50 @.00 0.00 1,@28.50 0.@0 1,028.50 9.@0 CRg128 ADD ACOlfSTIC CBIbIgG 0.08 0.00 1,142,68 0.80 7,142.00 i,142.@0 0.00 0.@9 CR�122 ADD CONDIIIT 33.63 33.63 0.@0 9.00 33.63 33.63 6.09 8.Q0 CR%123 6HSRGBNCY 1,IGHTS 782.25 0.00 0.@0 0.60 182.25 0.08 0.00 182.25 CR�124 SOUND CNAAG&S 57.88 0.00 1,62i.00 0.00 1,684.88 1,684.88 0.09 9.@0 CRS125 KITCH6fl QRAwINGS 14.15 0.00 387.83 9;0@ 481.98 0.00 901.9fl 0.00 CRI127 $I,BCi'RICA1, FOR HOTOR 23fi.25 236.25 261.00 261.00 991.25 9.00 491.25 0.08 CRgl28 ADD A�DIPORIUN DOORS 394.73 @.08 1,2Q1.i7 0.89 1,636.50 0.00 1,636.50 0.@6 CIt%129 ICB RINK SLAB CHAAGB 0.90 0.80 265.00 265.00 265.0@ 265.00 8,00 0,99 t CRg136 SC4R6 BOARD ROIiGH IN 0.@0 0.08 4,965,0@ ' 8.0@ 4,965.09 4,965.88 0.@0 9.69 ' CR%131 COHCBSSIOH l�CH & SLBCT @.09 0.0�b 4,930.00 0.00 4,939.@0 4,936.00 8.00 0.09 ' CRg132 CAANGB ARB�A f�tiDOX @.@0 0.08 3,644.00 0.08 � 3,644.@8 3,644.00 0.@0 0.00 ' CR8133 FIRB ALARH RBL(ICATIOH 115.88 0.0@ 0.@0 0.00 115.88 9.6@ 0.00 115.88 CR%134 l�CH DBTAILS A�I! 8 &32 363.38 0.80 0.00 0.@0 363.38 9,00 9.88 363.38 CR%135 ARBBA TOILBT D04RS 0.09 0.00 4,126.9� 0.00 4�126.09 @.00 4,126.00 0.00 ' CRF14S gAI,ARGB HSCB SHAAFT 68.63 0,08 6,60 0.@8 68.63 0.88 68.63 0.00 CR%146 HBCHAHICAL IH GYN 738.63 9.90 0.00 0.00 738.63 0.09 738.63 0.@0 C&%141 CHN9GI9G 4b8L6 0.00 @.60 4L08 @.0@ 41,@0 41.9@ @.09 @.80 CRg144 CHAHGB BOILBR SPACE SIZB @.@0 9.09 4,008.00 4,008.09 4,009.60 0.00 4�008.0@ 0.00 ' CRi151 ADD RSHOVABLB FBHCB 39.12 39.12 @.00 8.@9 39.12 0.08 0.00 39.12 CRI153 R&LOCAT& COHPRESSOR 129.28 0.09 406.71 9.00 535.99 @.60 535.49 0.00 CRI156 ACOUSTIC PApBL CHAAGBS (119.25) 0.08 @.80 0.08 (119.25J {119.25) 0.06 0.60 CRI157 PATIO D04R CHAHGBS 0.90 0.00 1,867.90 0.00 1,86?.00 0.00 0.00 1,861.00 HSABC BONDBD TOTA1, 4vner Poor Code Pending Approved Pending Approved PBNDIAG Requested CoordinatiopRequireaeats CRI158 SRICK SHAPB CflANGBS 0.00 0.00 (116,@0) 0.00 (176.00J (776.00) 0.@8 @.66 CRgl61 Bb&CTRICAi, CHAAGBS 64.09 0.09 0.@0 @.00 6Q.00 9.00 64.00 9.00 CR8162 AR6NA BNBRG6HCY I,IGklT 0.90 9.00 1,980.00 9.80 7,980.00 8.0@ 0,8@ 7,989,86 * CRg161 VBNDING ROUGH IN 9.00 @.00 113.60 @.90 173.90 713.00 0.00 9.00 CRB169 OFYICB ROOGH IN 0.00 0.00 6,SS9.@8 @,00 6,SS9.90 6,559.60 9.00 0,00 CRg119 GRBASB TRAPS 430.81 0.00 3,446.50 0.00 3,877.31 0.00 0.00 3,817.31 CRI111 CUI,VBRP AT ACCBSS R6AD 9.86 0.80 2,643.00 0.00 2,643.@0 2,643.80 0.00 9.00 CRI112 HISC H6CH CBARGBS 282.30 0.00 165.60 0.0@ 447.90 9.99 447.90 9.00 CR8173 CHANG6 T��B UU bIGHT 0.00 0,00 (l1L 00) 6.00 (771.00) (111.66J 0.@0 0.86 CR%176 ARHORY RITCHBA CHAAGB 98.50 6.09 0.@0 9.06 98.50 98.50 0.00 9.6@ CRg177 CH1�8G6 HOTOR STARTBR 319,@0 0.00 8.00 9.@0 319.90 9.90 319.80 0.@0 CR%183 SXITCKBS POR ARBRA �&ATB 0.00 0.00 3,fl52.00 0.00 3,852.00 0.@9 3,852.$0 9.00 ' CRgl85 PflONB KIRB I,ASBLIBG 553.25 0.00 0.09 0.09 553.25 553.25 0.98 9.80 CRg190 D&LBTB COHPUTSR XIRB 9.09 0.60 (8@3.00j 0.00 (803.6t�) (803.00) 6.00 9.90 CRI191 RBbOCATB AR6NA DOQR 9.80 0.00 145.0@ 6.80 145.0@ 195.0@ @.90 0.0@ CR%195 ADD PARRIHG LOT Cl1RB 14b.75 6.00 0.00 9.00 196.15 0.00 8.00 14'6.75 CR8197 OAK SAS6 IA flA�Q�BT 9.08 0.86 I,448.80 6.98 1,448.09 0,88 1,448.88 0.@0 CRB199 ARBBA RAIH bBAD�R 9.80 0,00 2,856.09 0.00 2,8§6.00 0.00 2,856.00 8.00 ' CR%204 BI,BACHBR SBALBR 0.00 0.@8 593.00 9.08 593.08 9,08 593.80 9.08 ' CR%219 ADD PIPIAG IASULATIOA 492.38 0.90 0.00 6.00 402.38 0.90 482.38 0.@0 CR%220 DQCt OPB8I6G IH ARBHA 76.50 0.@0 @.88 9,00 i8.56 @.08 18.59 9.80 C�221 ADD C4N➢BASATB PIPIAG 9,00 0.00 941.99 8.00 991.09 0.00 997.60 0.90 CRg222 RBD6SI6N AHI! 32 0.90 0.89 1,946.68 @.08 1,946.@0 0.80 1,996.08 0.88 ' CR%223 PIPIAG CHARGBS 0.90 0.06 1,146.00 9.08 1,146.80 9.0� 1,146.00 @.00 CR%224 �I6CHAHICAb CH�iiGBS 0.@0 9.00 149.88 9.@0 749.08 0.80 149.68 9.68 CRT225 PIPIAG & C4HHBCTI4NS CUH 7Q.25 9.09 0.60 0.00 74.25 @.09 14.25 9.00 CRI232 FIRB STABDPIPB 411.50 6.68 0.90 0.68 471.58 0.60 411.50 6.80 CR%233 FIR$ BgIP ARBAA 9.00 0.80 1,105.00 0.69 1,195.09 0.@0 1,105.00 0.06 Tatal 22,272.01 13,62i.@1 112,154.67 71,654.22 194,426,68 115,@08.31 37,338.69 42,087.63 4riginal Contract 1,199,169.98 1,190,169.98 3,146,000.00 3,146,090.60 Add Changes 22,212.01 13,627.81 112,154.61 71,654.22 HeW Contract 1,213,041.99 1,294,396.99 3,918,154.61 3,811,654.22 ' ANOUBT OF CHANGBS ATTRI8llt6D TO TH& ARBKA 21,154.00 + R6;NBURSB!(BpT PO RAAAA 3�,414.09 tOTAL AHT OF CHANGBS APTRI8UT60 TO T8B ARBN11 56,198.08 i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-0411 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Addressc Edward B.McMenomy ' P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Joan Anderson Cathy Busho James(Red)SWats Dennis Wippermann INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Ronald E.Wasmund DATE: January 14, 1994 TO: Ron Wasmund, Acting City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director RE: Community Center Construction Deficit' Shown below is a breakdown of figures used to calculate the deficit in completing the Community Center. $ 3,918,154.64 Total Contract with Change Orders as :of 1/7/94 - 2,777,928.61 Total Paid on Contract as of 1/7/94 $ 1,140,226.03 Still to Pay on Contract as of 1/7/94 + 3,262.44 Maximum due Architects as of l/7/94 + . 165,358.21 Projected'Non-Contract Expenditures ------ $ 1,308,846.68 Total Projected Expenditures as of 1/7/94 - 1,308,846,68 - 149,365.60 Deficit COH Balance - Fund 424(Community Center Constr) + 599,032.4$ COH .Balance - Fund 426(Tce :Arena Construction) + 318,017.54 COH :Balance - Fund 427(Other;Improvements Construction) ($ 541,162 26) Deficit before Other Funding Sources + 63,979.26 COH Balance - Fund 415(Armory`Storm Water Project} (Project Became Change Order on PCL Contract) + 143,341.93 COH Balance = Fund 222(Armory Contingency) (Actual Balance $243,341.93 - $100,000 Supposed to be Returned to CIP Fundj t$ 333,841.07) Remaining Deficit not Including Additional Change Orders Listed on the next page are possible sources of funds to use and explanations on how I came up with those numbers. �ver���ircgs �om.ing `(/l,�i CJ�osemounl�� � . ..� �,e � �. CIP FUND - #202 $ 485,000.00 12/31/93 Unaudited Unallocated Reserves - 50,000.00 Probable Encumbrance Requests from 1993 CIP Budget - 175,000.00 Budgeted 1994 Transfer to General Fund + 100,000.00 Planned Return of Funds from Armory Contingency ----------------- $ 360,000.00 Available Reserves + 25,000.00 1994 Budget in CIP for "Council Designated° $ 385,000.00 Total Available for Community Center Deficit If money is not returned from the Armory Contingency F'und, the Community Center Construction deficit would be reduced by $100,000, leaving an undesignated fund balance in the CIP Fund of $260,000. I would not recommend reducing this undesignated fund balance below $200,000. Therefore, an additional $60,000 could be transferred to reduce the deficit and the $25,000 set aside in the 1994 budget for °Council Designated" eould be utilized to reduce the deficit as well. This total CIP funding available to reduce the Community Center Construction deficit is $185,000. PAID-IIP DEBT SBRV BOND FIIND - #102 $ 63,000.00 COH Balance - 45,000.00 1994 Budgeted Transfer to General Fund + 82,OQ0.00 Funds that will be Available to this Fund after Debt Service Fund 326 is Paid Off 2/1/94 $ 100,000.00 Total Available for Community Center Deficit I would suggest using $50,000 from this fund, leaving $50,000 as a balance for unforeseen incidents. Also, the balance in this fund will grow slightly during 1994 as old assessments are collected that go to this fund. STORM WATER CORS FDND - #607 $ 21,000.00 Amount Owed to Complete the Armory Storm Water Project $85,000 Change Order to PCL Contract -64,000 Balance in Construction Fund(from page 1) $21,000 The total recommendations from above available to reduce the Community Center Construction deficit are $256,000. This leaves a remaining deficit of approximately $78,000. I would recommend taking these funds and any additional funds to use to cover change orders from the General Fund reserves. I would also recommend that in future budgeting processes that we make every attempt to budget to return these funds to the General Fund and to the CIP Fund reserves. � • One final consideration is the use of a master lease to purchase the equipment for the Community Center. This would dela�r the repayment of these costs so that they could be included in future budget years. We have had discussions with our consultants from Springsted and Briggs & Morgan and believe that we have approximately $98,000 worth of equipment expenditures still to be ma.de that would qualify under a master lease. By purchasing this equipment through a master lease, payments could be spread out over a 3 to 5 year period. By doing this, we would have to pay none of those costs up front(helping to maintain our fund balance) and in future years budget from $20,000 to $40,000 each of the years of the lease term, depending on the length of the lease. If Council wishes to pursue this option, they will have to pass a Resolution declaring their intent to issue this debt so tihat all of the items can be ordered now, allowing timely delivery to coincide with the opening of the Community Center for operations. • 1 .> ROSEMOUNT CO1��VIUNITY CENTER NON CONTRACT EXPENDITURES ICE ARENA Ice Arena Equipment $817.97 A.r�,na Tables & Wastebaskets 177.45 Skate Sharpening Machine 1,500.00 Air Testing Equipment 502.47 Arena Parts 500.00 Tools 2,300.00 lea.seable Total Ice Arena $5,797:89 CONCESSIONS Concession Equipment $14,717.00 Cash Registers 2,233.31 Concession Counters 2,575.85 Concession Tile 362.00 Concession Rough In 1,603.00 Other Concession 417.47 Total Concessions $21,908.63 OFFICE Telephones $1,527.46 leaseable Computers b48,23 File Server 22,321.00 leaseable Office Furniture 27,000.00 leaseable Total Office $51,496.69 OTHER F'LTRNLSHINGS Cleaning Equipment $10,000.00 leaseable Tables & Chairs 23,437.00 leasea.ble Fitness Equipment 12,000.00 leaseable Safety Equipment 250.00 Miscellaneous Equipment 500.00 Total Other Furnishings $46,187.00 OTHER NON CONTRACT EXPENDITURES Fire S igns - Material $1,400.Q0 Fire Signs - Core Drilling 154,00 Epoxy Paint Change 4,000.00 RAHA Reimbursement 34,414.00 Total Other Non Contract $39,968.00 TOTAL NON COIV7RACT EXPENDITURES $165,358.21 TOTAL LEASEABLE FUR1vISHINGS $98,585.46 < "::� � It is common occurance that construction projects finalize above the original contract amount. Most all construction projects contain contiguencies to cover unforseen expenses outside the contract. These unforeseen expenses come in the form of change orders and can be attributed mainly to three situations. One is changes that are specifically requested and controlled by the owner. Another situation exists where items needed to complete the project but were mistakenly left out by the Architect or the Architect' s contracted engineering firm. Simularlry, the last situation exists when code issues are sited by the local building officials, items left out of the contruction centract that are required in compliance by law. The report before you tonight summarizes the status of the Community Center construction project at a window of time .dating January 7, 1994 . This report indicates there are some 233 such change orders that have occurred since the start of the project, totaling $194,400 or about 4% of the City' s share of the projecto Out of this amount, $115, 000 can be attributed to changes that the City requested. There are two specific requests that contain most of this amount, the cost of accelarating the completion of the Arena from February 6 back to December 15 which amounted to $28, 587, and the cost of the storm wtaer pond which amounted to i $85, 000 . Outside the control of the City were unforseen changes I left out of the contract which I will categorize as due to poor design and coordination. In our project, the amount of these changes were identified at $37, 338 . The last category of changes identified as code issues, again that were unforseen, uncontolable, and left out of the contract, amounted to $42, 087. The City of Rosemount is now under the advisement of the City Attorney as to how to handle the the changes we had no control over, and have made arrangements with the State and Attorney General' s office to look into the matter. My opinion is that we will have little legal recourse if any to expect the Architect, Engineering firm, or Contractor to pay for the unforeseen changes. Compounding the situation of changeorders exceeding the contract, is an estimated deficit with the construction funds . According to Jeff May, when including change orders, architectural fees, and furnishings, our porject is short about $333 , 800 . This amount only includes change orders up to Janaury 7 and, does not include additional change orders that happen after this date. Examples of furnishings left to purchase include tables & chairs for the banquet room, office furniture & equipment, cleaning equipment, safety equipment, and others. These furnishings are summarized on the last page of your packet. For the most part, conservative - no frill expenditures have been planned in light of the situation we are in, but is still functional . Examples include reconditioned cash registered instead of new cash registers, office furniture which has lass components than the furniture currently located in City Hall, and a phone system which piggy backs on the City' s current system thus reducing numerous line charges. • �. b There are two solutions to our funding problem. One is to fiund the short fall out of City reserves . Another solution, recommended by staff, is to establish a master lease credit line of $98, 000 with a lending institution, and lease the remaining qualifying furnishings yet to be purchased. These furnishings are identified on the last page of your packet. Furthermore, transfer $21, 000 from storm core funds to lower the committment for the storm water pond, transfer $50, 000 from the "Bonds Paid Up" account, and transfer the balance of $165, 000 from CIP reserves. At this time, I would like ask the Mayor for permission to stop and call for questions and discussion. /�Of�S �TJLoh� `J r`m!oP c�'z rio`�e�' .2'�'9`�' ��