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Downtown Parking On Highway 3 ���Tq Minnesota Department of Transportation � Metropolitan Division Waters Edge Building 1500 West County Road B2 LOF Roseville,Minnesota 55113 582-1373 May 24, 1994 Ms. Maureen Bouehazd 3130 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ms. Bouchard: Subject: SP 1921-61, SAP 208-010-01 TH 3 in Rosemount Enclosed please find information you requested regarding the recent roadway improvement project through downtown Rosemount. -9/24/92 City resolution 92-95 requesting MnDOT participation in a project and expressing interest in the e�ension of a center left turn lane through the downtown area. -1/15193 City notification to BusinesslLandowners and Chamber members of a Jan. 27, 1993 informational meeting to discuss the roadway improvement project. -1/22/93 MnDOT request for programming change memo indicating that the City has agreed to stripe the downtown portion of TH 3 to a three lane section a.nd eliminate parking on a trial basis. -1/26193 City resolution 93-2 requesting the preparation of a Cooperative Agreement with MnDOT and a cover letter indicating the City is working with the downtown business group for a no parking resolution. -5117/93 City resolution 93-37 directing the installation of No Parking signs along both east and west sides of TH 3 thraugh the downtown area. -Cooperative Construction Agreement 7Q971 between the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Rosemount for State Project 1921-61. Please contact me if you have any questions. S' ely, � � � ''(�,� � ,� G g . Coughlin, . . Cooperative Agreement Engineer, Metro Division enclosures cc: Ma.ry Bieringer Project File An Equal Opportuniry Employer r orr ; . � Schelen ' '`' � September 24, 1992 Mayeron& Associates,(nc. 2021 Gast Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis,MN 55413 - 31-8i� Mr. Robert Brown FAx 33�-3so6 Plannin Eri ineel ' Engineers g g Architects Mn/DOT Metro Division - Oakdale � p�anners 3485 Hadley Avenue North S '�j� -� '��,.5 Surveyors Oakdale, Minnesota 55109 Re: Cooperative Agreement Request TH 3 in Rosemoum Safety and Capacity Tmprovement City Praject No. 239 OSM Project No. 484520 Dear Mr. Brown: Enclosed is a copy of Resolution 1992-95 requesting Mn/DOT Participation, an original Certificate for resolution which has the City Seal, and a copy of the Feasibility Report and cost estimate for the proposed improvements to TH 3 in Rosemount. The City is requesting that Mn/DOT fund the difference benueen the combination Right Turn lane/bypass lane (Alternative B) which is required by Mn/DOT's Entrance Permit and the center two-way left turn lane (Alternative A). A Preliminary estimate indicates this amount would be apprQximately $190,000. Tl�e project is planneci to be constructed in the spring to early summer of 1993. . ... `=The City'of Rosemount is:also interesteci in discu�sing-ar�. extension of a center left turn lane�through the do��vntawn area as part of this project. Please cail me at 595-56G6 if you have any questions. Tl�ank }�ou for your continued cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ) , !�,,_�,G ,��- ��� � ' Ronald B. Bray, P.E.� Manager, Transportation Departii�ent dad . . Enclosure cc: Bud Osmundson - City of Rosemount Brian J. Bourassa - OSM Cqu.J 0(+j+nrlunif�Lm�l��t•cr i ^ .i,;�..- �' . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - 95 . , A RE50LUT1ON REaUEST1NG A COOPERATfVE AGREEMENT PROJECT WITH TH� MWNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR lMPROVEMENTS ON STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY N0.3 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARMORYJCOMMUNtTY CENTER PROJECT GITY PROJECT #239 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rosemount has determined that safety improvements are required an State Trunk Highway No. 3 (TH3) from 143rd Street to Connemara Trail, and • WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has discussed the need for safety improvements on TH 3 because of increased traffic volurnes and left turn mavements, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has had a feasibility report prepared by Orr- Schelen-Mayeron and Associates which determine the improvements and estimated costs of the preferred alternative which provides benefit to the City and Minnesota Department of Transportation on TH 3, and WMEREAS, the City proposes to be the owner of a contract which will provide substantia! benefit to the traveling public with the construction of a center left turn lane and right turn lanes. NOW, THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED, the City of Rosemount requests thafi Minnesota Department of Transportation participate in the contract owned by the City for the safety improvements on TH 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota is wiUing to participate in a Cooperative Agreement project with the Minnesota Department of . 7ransportation and share the costs of the needed improvements. ADOPTED this 1 st day of September, 1992. ��,� E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: r . u an M. W h, City Glerk . Motion by: xlassen Second by: staats VOted in favOr: Wippennann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen Voted against: None , , ���w�sorq �__-����" �� Minnesota Department of Transportat7ion . ` ' � � OFFICE 11�'E1110�'�A.NDi'I.M ���� , TO : Merritt Linzie, Directar Ianuary 22, 1993 � ce of�ii h�o�rams � . • 612/593-8405. FROM : m Povich, Assistant Division Engineer Planning and Programming Metro Division SUBJECT: S.P. 1921-58 (1'�I 3) Request for Programming Change The groject as it exists is grogrammed for $477,000 and involves a mill and overlay for TH3 between 145th Street in Rosemount and TH149, a distance of 5.268 miles. The City of Rosemount has requested that we-extend the mill and over��y 0.270 miles to the limits of the mill and overlay completed recentty• BY pro g $477,000 over 5.268 miles this would indicate increasing the programmed amount by approximately $24,SQ0. The City of Rosemount has passed a resolution requesting Mn�DOT participation in � the construction of a three-lane section on TH3 between Connemara Trai.l and 142nd Street in Rosernount(0.716 miles). As a part of this construcdon the ciry has agreed to relocate the intersection of Dodd Road to Connemara trail, elirninating a severely skewed intersection. The city has also agreed to close three existing entrances to TH3 in this area. The cost of thisproposed project is estimated at $310,000 with MniDOT's share estimated to be $200,040• Additionally, the city has agreed to design and let the contract for the portion of our praposed overlay that lies south of their project limits(0.497 miles). The city has agreed to stripe this portion of TH3;as�� -a three-lane section, eliminating pazl�ng from TH3 in downtown Rosemount on a �� trial basis. These irnprovements will enhanee the safety and capacity of TH 3 in� Rosemount.r- In summary, Mn/DOT will be responsible for engineering and letting a contract for the mill and overlay of the northernmost 4.325 miles of this overall praject, at a , prorated cost of approlcimately $392,000. Rosemount will be responsible.for engineering and letting of a contract for the rniil and overlay of the southernmost 0:497 miles at a cost of approximately $45,000. Rosemount will enter into a cooperative agreement with Mn/DOT for the construction of 0.71b miles of three- lane section at an appro�cimate cost to Mn/DOT of $200,000• f , „f�.` .+ ^ . . ' � , . � . Please reprogram as follows: � S.P. 1921-58; Revise estimate to $400,000 Add S.P. 1921 Cooperative construction agr�ement, city letting T'H3 from Connemara Trail to Cambrian Avenue Reconstruction, and mill and overlay . Total contract estimate - $36Q,000 State funds $250,000 Local funds $110,000 If you have any questions about this project, please call Tom O'Keefe at 779-1210. cc: D. Durgin Rm 413 F. Marshall Rm 419 A. Schenkelberg/K. Kopitzke Rm 807 P. Schrader Rm 715 W. Crawford Rm 120 C. Siggerud Rm 120 G. Workman Rm 120 S. Vargas Rm 120 I. Maas Oakdale M. Lunceford Oakdale D. Elasky Oakdate � B. Brown Oakdale � 7. Caroon � Oaicdale � S. Thompson Oakdale T. O'Keefe Oakdale K. Jennings Oakdale ,� ! Ciry of Rosemount F�cecutive Summary For Action � CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 2, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: DOWNTOWN PARI�NG ON TH #3 AGENDA SECTION: DEPT. HEADS REPORT PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGEND�'��Q�.J� .i.� � � � � ..iY� 7r ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTTON APPROVED BY: LETTER FROM OSM • The Downtown businesses have been meeting to discuss the downtown street parking issue and would like to address the City Council this evening on the subject. On May 4, 1993 the City Council passed a resolution directing the installarion of "No Parking" signs on TH #3 (see atta:ched). The Council also agreed that after one year from the da.te of installation that this item would be reviewed. As a result we hired Ron a I d B. Br a y,PE of OSM to do a parking and traffic study of the area. Mr. B�r a y will be in attendance to present some preliminary findings, however, the report will not be complete by this meeting. There aze a number of rumors concerning parking in the downtown that hopeful can be aired and dispelled this evening. Parking is an important issue in the downtown. The current traffic and pazking study is underway, as well as staff beginning to work on downtown plans which will address these concerns in the planning process. , Recommended Action: Discussion only. Council Action: 1� T CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - 3 7 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PLACEMENT OF NO PARKlNG SIGNS ALONG STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY #3 BETWEEN CSAH 42 AND CONNEMARA TRAIL WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount is interested in the safety of its residents; and WHEREAS, the continued development in the City of Rosemount has produced high volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, vehicle parking along both sides of State Trunk Highway # 3 (TH #3) between Dakota County State Aid Highway 42 and Connemara TraiF does create a hazard. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount directs the installation of the appropriate "No Parking" signs along the east side of TH -�. #3 between CSAH 42 a�d Connemara Trail and along the west side of TH #3 between CSAH 42 to the entrance of the south parking lot of St. Joseph's Catholic --- Church and from 143rd Street to Connemara TraiL ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1993. �• �J , L �� E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: � �/ � S an M. W sh, City Clerk Motion by: W i I I c o x Seconded by: K I a s s e n Voted in favor: W � PPermann, McMenomy, Staats, K I assen, W i I I cox Votedagainst: None �.—:—_ os�►a� & � . A��$r�"• � . . . Jul� 29, J.994 �5 w yia���ard n�lnr�eapo�is,tvw s�ats-lzzs 612-595-5775 Mr. Bud �smundson �-�ao-7r�-s��s FAX 595-5774 Diroctar of Fublic Works E"g�t�rs A.rchiteczs C:1� Of�4S+�I120UAt Fianner5 2875 - 145th 5treet West s�,�,�yo� Rosemaunt, MN SSQ58 �e: T.H. 3lmprovements � Farking Tssue Dear Nir. Osmuz�dson: Th� following i� s recap of the decision making p�acess fo�r fihe parlua,g remawal on T.H. 3 for the impravement which nccurred in the £aIi of Z993. r The discussions began with Mu�Df�T during the summer af 5�92 Qvez� the improvemen�s required to T.�T. 3 for th� developmant of the Ar�m+�ry access, F�ut�ter meetings in Jul�t vf 199� with Mn/DU'T` �ncouraged the Ca.ty to pursue a coop�r�tiv� agreer�►ent effort using Mn/TyUT fiinding £or the impz�ov��nent of T.I�. 3 in Rosemount. 'T"his is t�e result of xugh amaunt of traffc vo�umes and accident rates which w�re reviewed an this ssction of roadway. Aloag with the prop�s�d improvexnents of T.H. 3 far the .Armor,y access, the Ci,ty was notified that MnJDOT prp�osed ta resurface the rnsdway in and thxaugb Rosemauat during 1993. ► Regular discussions vvere t�e�d at the City Cauncil zz�eetings 4n the Armnry devslopment, �,tcess and T.H. 3 imprc�venzen#� an a znonthl� basis during tho fa11 of 1932 th�'ough 1993. I]iscussfans w�th the �ity Cauncit inc�ud�d th� increased safety concenas at 145th St�e�t and T.H. 3, along wit1� l�ft turniug ma�v��ments thrnughaut tl3o dowatown area. �t w�s agreed that it was ta�m� ta Iank at an alte�native that wau�d address tbese �oneeras. �t was a,grecd �that parking wauld be xemdved and the lef� turn scen�r�.o, rvhieh zs now in place, wauld be stziped w�on �nstruction was complete in th� iate �alJ. of 1993. ,As part of t��.s decision, NinJDQT had agreed that the 1eft turn scenario and r�moval of parking cou.�d be on a ana �ear mini.mum tr�al basis. • Discussions w�xe heid cancurrently with tbre Downtown Scoping Coma�aitt�c in tha fall af 1992 and early in 1993. A meering r�►� lae�d b�twecn �ity Staff and tlae Scoping Committee in 3�uuary 1�93 to discuss the removal af paar�u.g. It was agreed t�hat tbis should be pursued, hawever, it was recognized as a very sensiti�e i�suc with the dawn#awa business people. �� r�sults of the me�ting was � recommemd�tion ihat a publi� info�matioa m�eting ba �zeld with the business auci properiy Qwners. Nc�tices were also glac�d in tbe paper "'I'�isw�ek" to p�omote interest in this m�eti.ng. A.pproximataly 821etters were sent to property awners a�d busin�ss pers+ons on 7anuary 12, ].993 advising them of the publ�c zmeeting and discussing the propasal irnp�rovem�nts. As a resu�t, �u�port was received £zam the Equal O}.�portun3t�F.lttplayer � oa �osstf �so � r�a � o : � o � � '� � 'Lo ... i ..� Mr. Bud asmundson July 29, 1994 P�g� Z Downtawn 5coping Committee �ar removal o�parking on a one year trial basi.s. After Council discussion and public discussion w�.�th the Downtowu S�qping Commixtee, business people and property owaers, is ravas agz�eed by the City Council in Resolution 19g3-37, on �ay 4 1993, to remo�e parkin.g aa T.H. 3 in downtown Rasemount. This resolution received unanirnous approval. Bids wcre apened on ruly 2S, 19�3. Consmzctian was campleted during tbe fa,U of 199�. ► BeC�uSe af concerns raised toward the end flf constn�ctian in Segtea�abe�r and Oct+�ber of 1993, several m��tings were h�Id with busines� peogle aad C�ity Staff. This resulted in a meeti.ng with Mn/T?�T staff in Novemb�r a� �.993 to discuss the �possibiLity of�u�tting parking back on T.T�. 3. Ma/Dl7T �ncouraged City Sta�f to reconsider this option as MnJD4'�"s pa�rticipation in the project wou�d decrease . r�rithout the one year irial basis as p�r �greem�a�t with t�he Cit�+ 4�Rc�semount. I� was agreed as a result of this meeta,z�g, that the City w�uld pursue altezaa.atives for improving o�£street ��rkiug to accommodate t�ose businesses comcern�d rath�r than dec�reasing the safaty az�,d jeopardizing fu�ading af T.H. 3. ► A me��ing was held with Mn/I]�T again on J'uue 23, 2994 to di�ctr.ss �arking i.ssues. It was cancluded, as a result of tlzis mceting, that the C�ity would hawe �SM pe�orrn a parking demaand survey far the dowr�tawn area to see if adequate parkiz�g cauld be prorvided on the curr�nt pa�r�img Is�t space. It was a1,sa agreed that accident information would be pravided by the �ity far analysis to se� if there �ad been i.�nprovement after the compl�tion of the project on aa a.zzte�im revi�w. Mn/I70T �as maintained that Che G`ity fi�lfill its agr��ment af a ane yea.r trial basis an the parking which wauld end in C�cta�bar o£ 1994, in order not to . jeopardiz� ih� fundia,g th�t has b�en cc�ntributed, If parking is r�i�tat�d on '�'.�. 3, Mn/D(7T requests tl�e left t�cirn lanes remaiu at the intezsection of 14�th iaa the dawnttn�m araa at a zninimum. ► Results o�ihe garkin� study and accid�nt review will: b� pr�sented to the Coun�il'. on Tuesday, August 2, 1994. Sincerely, 4RR-SCI�LEN-1VYAYER4N 8t A�Sc�C�A'1'ES, INC. � 1�.�,� ,� / Rona],d B. �ray, P.E, Manager, Trausportation Department c: Bab Browa - Mn/DOT �:��ttV�+1��t+ts\�ea�alz.�z�'Exsls�ao�.r�ea eaa �e� sstr r�+iso � �aso : � o fi. � .� � .Lo City of Rosemount . Fxecutive SummarY For Action C� C��JCII,NIEETING DATE: AUGUST 2, 1994 : DOWN'I'OWN P�G ON TH #3 AGENDA���ORT AGENDA ITEM DFPT• Ci Administrator �G # � Pg�p�tED BY: Thomas D. Burt, tY . ATTACE�TS : RESOLUTI4N APPROVED BY: , LETTER FROM OSM to discuss the downtown street parking issue The Downtown businesses have been meeting on the subject• and would like to address the City Council this evening of "No On May 4, 1993 tbe City Council passed a resolution cUrecting the installation Parking" signs on TfI #3 (see attached). The Council also agreed that after one year from 'on that ttus item would be reviewed. As a result B`eahixed w�be in' the date of mstallata and traffic study of the area• Mr. Bray,PEof OSM to do a par'king f��gs, however, the report will not be complete by attendance to present some preliminaz'Y this meeting. n�� Parking in the downtown that hopefizl can� � There are a number of rum p��g g o�t issue m the downtown. 'I'he c is an imp to work on downtown plans �. and dispelled this evening• as well as sta.ff beginning traffic and parlcing study is underway, rocess. , -_ which will address these concerns in the Plann�g p , � Recommended Actian: Discussion only• Council Action: __ ___ _____ lv1r. Bud Qsmundson July 29, 1944 Page 2 on a one year srial basis. town 5cop�� �ommittoe �ar remo�ral oa wi� Dowatavvn SCap�� Down ublic drscu �ed�y the C tY After Council discussion and F ro e owmer�, iL Was a� oit'T.H• � � Co�itt�e, business people and p p T� rovsl. Bids wcre esalut�on 1993-37, nn ��y � 1993, io rama�� P�'�� �ouncil in R � xesolution received unanimnus ��F �� 19�3- dovsmtown Rosemoun� teted during the � o ened on 7uly 26, 1993. Gonstructic�n was comp te�b�z and P ' ��s eople an-d G'it�' Sta�. use af �roncea� ra��d toward t�� �heid with b�on p CP ,� tb.e . 8��� s weze C3ctob�r of 1993, several mwith ltilin/�fJT st,a� i.n I�tt���mber o� 1���'�� Sta�f'� This resul,ted in a meeting I3+pT eneoura,g � assibility of�utti�ng p���bac�C vn T.�'I.3. M�� ro ect woul�d decrease p DC�'�'s pa,riicipatioa ia t� P � �£R�semount. I� reconsid�r this oF�i°n � �f �r agreem��t w°ith the CitY �ar tri,al basis as P �at the City'' wauld pursue alte�a�ves for �rithaut the one y � �eet�g. . w�s �,gr�ed as a result of this �ccammodate tho�e busin.esses concern�d rather i�nproving o£�s�reet park►n►g t° �o ardizin� f�d'u'g of T.H. 3. thaa do�reas�ng t�e safety and� P �.7Q'� ��� �n 7 u n e 2 3, 1g94 to �o u l d��� . A mee�.ing w a s h e l d w i t h 1 V�/ �l i a t t h e C�'r Y ��e for t he d o w n t or�rn area ta s���a�e d� issue5. It was c o n c l u ded, as a a.II d t °f this mae t i n g, t w a s 05 M pe r fo r m a p a r'� d e m ar�.i m g I�t s p a c e. I S� Lo see i f parking cauld be prrnrided or� the ��nt p the CitY far s.naly r4vided by rp'ect oa aa i:ate� that accident infarm�a�vementuafter the con�pl�tian o£ the p l there had been iznp �� �gr�ement af a one Y�� revie�v�v. M n/D 4 T l�a s m���ned tha►t th� ��Y �u ,��d o n w h i c h w a u l d en d �n C 7 c t o b e r o�£ 199�, ���' not ta trial basis �n the park�n� arking . '�o ardize the fundu�g tb�t h�s b�en coatnbut�d. �P t the intezsec�ion af 145th � p uests tk�e l�ft turn tanos �emain � � T.H. 3, 1vin/DQ'r req iz� the dawntowu area at a zninim�- . Resul�cs o�the parking study and accid�nt revicw vvi� be �resented to tbe Cau� on Tue5d2�y, Au�'`t Z+ 19�4. Sincerely, ORR-SGHELEN'�'�R4N � ASS4C�.ATES� Il''T�. . � ,�,�,� . Q f Ronald B. �ray� arcatian Dep�ent 1Vianager, Tra�.sp �; Bvb Brawa - Nin/�OT M:\�1i.'STNJg\SJP1T�9����ERS1�40729�iC3 : � t� fir � '� � 'Lf� �QSS�I Tt+ZSO � TlwtdSQ � CJd _ _ _ _ September 24, 1993 � To: The Honorable Mayor McMenamy, City Council Members and City Staff Below represents almost every business in Rosemount#hat is considered to be in our `downiown" area. Each of us feels quite strongly,for one reason or another, r�ery much oppased to your decision to ban parking on Highway 3. We are aif concemed about the way this issue was passed so quickiy and without much consideration for any of us. At this time, we are requesting you rescind your decision and have a new vote. Sincerely, : ����� �c , � � _ � � C�� ,� ����� / �o�oumk ex� `� �c�o` �-�, � �� ��,�,� C�. �-C� i �s�� �-� ^ �����u- . r- � � ��. ��-� . C',�������� �`'�/,��;�-� � �,� ��, _ �� f , � l� , ���-- � ��--��� �v r S �5 `! � � � � � � / l�1 � � f � i a�� ���a.���____ ) '�� � � �'` �k�.���e.cic�.�z-S , /!/��'�---l2o.sc�irloun/ _ ; . � September 24, y993 ' To: The Honorabie Mayor McMenomy, City Councii Members and City Staff :Below tepresents slmost ev�r�r business in Rosemount that�sconsidered to be in�our "downtown" ares. , E�ch df us fgeis quite s#rongty, foc one reason or another, very much opposed to your �decisiQn to ban�arking�n Highway 3. We are alt ccvncerr�e,d about the way this issue was passed so quickly and without muCh�onsideration for any of us. At this time, we are requesting you rescind your de�ision and have a new vote. Sincerely, AGRE�WBAN: DR. CAi LAS7 CALL DR. NELSON, DDS DR. BERGH AMERICAN FAMII.Y DAKOTA RH4AOS SCOUTER'S Jt�HNSON CHiROPRACTIG ROSEMOUNT CHIR(�7PRACTIC R4SEMOUNT FLORAL UNDECIDED: BIG DADDY'S NAC'A 8&J �AU7�SUPPLY, ING. MAIN AVE. VlDE4 EXECUTfVE CL�ANERS RATZI.OFF 6fi PRO-TUNE lMPRINT DAVE'S ROSEM(�UNT AUTU� BQpY MASTER TRANSMISSIt�N FLUEGELS ELEVATOR SHAMROCK ANtMAL HOSPITAI RUS�IIIOUNT SAW AND TOQL AVON OF ROSEM4UM' LARRY'S AMOCC7 DAKOTA GR/��/ING BEST VIDEQ ACE:HARDWARE � � � -.., �,,.��,�.:�.�:»;.,-�.., . ..,:,,..�,�t�-: � � September 24, 1993 _ ' To: The Honorabte Mayor McMenomy, City Council Members and City Staff Below represents almost every business in Rosemount that is considered to be in our "downiownM area. : EacM of us feeis qu�e strongiy, for one rea�n or another, very much opposed to your decision to ban parking on Highway 3. We are all concemed about the way this issue was passed sa quickly and without much consideration for any of us. At this time, we are requesting you rescind your decision and have a new vote. Sincerely, - � � ���� � ��� �;���' � ' ;��./l„�/�'v�'�� � �,,�"� c � . � �-�� � .�e>�G� 1 � �' � ,� `I � BUSINESS NAM �� � _ �._�__________ ADDRESS I��� �1 ��� �� � ���- ��. �-���� __.�___.�___.�.�__.���.�.__.��. � AGREE WITH TH� PARKING BAN ON HWY � , 1 t'JPPCJSE THE PARKING BAN taN HWY 3 ��,. 1 WAS WELL iNFORMEQ QN THIS iSSU� i D!D Nt'�T REGEIVE AMPLE No ���� 1 N 0► R MATi�N ON THIS ISSUE �-T �u ' -� � �_a�__�� SIG NATURE QF OWNER DAT E i i BUSINESS NAME L��`�.� � �L���.�.._ . _ ..._._.__.._.... A D D R E�S ����.� �� ��-�t � . _ ._..�._____�_�-�T�.__ .,�. � AGREE WlTH THE PARKING BAN :C"�N HWY � ` I CJPPt1SE THE PARI�ING BAN ON t�WY 3 ._____ 1 WAS WELL iNFtJRMED t3N THIS ISSUE � _ I D!D NC)T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N �� R MATIf�N QN THIS ISSUE ����� SIGNATU F O WER DATE i � B U S I N ESS NA M E� ���..�5..���r�� � A D D R E S S �� ��X �� `P..� o�.`� __�.__�._________��.�.____ ��� � AGREE WITH THE PARKiNG BAN CJN HWY 3 1 CJPPt�SE THE PARKING BAN 4N h�WY 3 . _____� I WAS WELL iNFQRMED �N THIS ISSUE � 1 D!D Nt)T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N �C� R MAT1t) QN THIS laSUE „ . � -�-�--�� SIG RE QF OWNER DATE i BUSINESS NAME__����o� _������ �'�:� A D D R ESS_.�����.��r����_���a���. ..�.._'.�..�... � At�RE E WITH TH� PARKi NG BAN C�N HWY 3 1 CJPPCISE THE PA � KI NG BAN C�N t�WY 3 . � _ � I WAS WELL INF4RMED CJN THIS ISSUE � _�.___ _ t DID NC1T RECEIVE AMPLE I N FC3 R MATIUN C)N THIS ISSUE ��Z� 3 SIG A OF OINNER DATE l � a � � �� � i E � � fj � �j 1 � i i . . . . . . , . . � � . � l � i B INE NAME � r. G� ��S u s s s � �.�.��/���-.____ ADDRE�Sf� �. ���..1���_ � � .�____ _.�______ ��� � ACR�E WITH THE PARKING BAN t�N HWY 3 � 1 4PP�SE THE PA � KI N G BAN C)N HWY 3 1 WAS WELL INFEJRMED C1N THIS ISSUE � i DID NfJT RECEiVE AMPL.E 1 N Ft� R M 1CJN t3N TH1� ISSUE � ���� --2 � �� SIGNA E i�F OWNER DATE , � BUSINESS NAME _ �i^���'� ���� _ --------f' �` ��� � ������� %��.1� A D D R E S S__.�_��.________.�T.��.___ �� ITH TH E : ____. � AG R�E W PARKING BAN C�P� HW�f 3 1 4PPC3SE THE PARKING BAN �N t�WY 3 � ____� I WAS WELL lNft�RMED �N THIS ISSUE t D!D N4T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N Ft� R MATI�N ON THIS 1SSUE � � ��-���° � � �'� �� ��� �l SIGNATU E t)F O�tNER DATE _ _ . _ . _ ,_ _ � �� ��-(�1��S l7ll`��1�, B U S I N ES S N A M E___��.^��.__.�_.�.�__ _ ���-C-� �r��--f- ���� ADDRESS_�W`��s _�.�____°_.�.�.�_____ ?� R�E WtTH THE � � a� PARKING BAN C1N HWY 3 t �PPt)SE THE PA R KI N G BAN �N HWY 3 � � 1 WAS WELL iNFQRMED t�N THIS ISSUE 1 DID N4T RECEfVE AMPLE i N FtJ R MATIflN C�N THIS I�SU� � � 3 ,� GNA R Q ER TE BUSINESS NAME �e �r� � _�����f�.���.GL.._____ ADDRESS __�.__�.______________--- ____ 1 AGR�E WITH TH� , PARKING 8AN C1N HW'Y 3 � I C}PPCISE THE PARKING BAN t)N t�WY 3 � � WAS WELL INFQRMED QN THiS ISSUE 1 D!D NC)T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N Ft� R MATIC3N 0►N THIS IS�UE , �� ��� SIGNATU OF OWNER DATE � i B U S I N E S S N A M E���,�E F_��_.��. -�- ADDRESS � _____--.—��o�,��".�?�___-- __._.. � AGREE WITH THE PARKING SAN C)N HWY 3 I C3PPC�SE THE PA � KI NG E3AN �N HWY 3 . _ � 1 WAS WELL iNF4RMED tJN TNIS iSSUE I DID Nt)T RECEIVE AMBL� I N FtJ R ATIC�N 4N THIS I�SUE , ` _ ���3 S G RE OF OtAINER DAT E I BUSINESS NAME ' � � _ � s ________ ADDRESS � ��.__.� � �- _ � T�.. ___ . -._. � AGREE W[TH TH� � PARKING BAN ON HWY � � I C3PPCJSE THE P ARKING SAN t�N HWY _ 3 -._._....- _ I WAS WELL INFQR MED t�N THIS ISSU� � _ t DID NQT RECEIVE AMP LE 1 N FC3 1� �p � tJN TH,IS ISSUE _ � . 3 IGNA F OWNER D E ' � V � �� ` , (J �1^L BUSINES� NAME d � � C� , �� �a ____�._�.__�..�.�__� ADDRESS � �r�� � sa�� ��-�-� �,�� : i __�._______.�____.��.____�. .,.��.,..�,,. � AG RE E WITH TM E PARKING BAN C�N HWY 3 � I CJPPC'3SE THE PA � KING BAN C�N �WY 3 . 1 WAS WELL iNFQRMEI� tJN THIS IS�U� � � .� 1 DID Nt)T` RECEIVE AMPLE I N FO► R MATI N ON THI� lSSUE � �� �� � � SI N U OF OWNER DAT E � 1 `� B U S 1 N E S S N A M E _�,__^_ _�.__.� .�_ ������ �� A D D R E S S__.�__�.____�_�_�..�----------- ...� � AGREE WITH THE PARKIN BAN C1N HWY 3 � � -- � � � THE PARKING BAN t)N I W�AS WELL INFtJRMED �JN THIS ISSUE ; f �� RE�EfVE AMPLE t N � MAT�CJN ON THIS ISSUE l � � �� 3 � v � , Z� � IGNATUR F OWNER D TE i BUSINESS NAME � G����ali�✓✓ G'���'I/� C _____�______.�.�__ ADDRESS �� �� C __.�__�._---__�__.�______ , �j " ...��...____. I AG REE WITH THE j PARKING BAN C�IU HWY 3 1 QPPt�SE THE PA R K1 NG �AN �N HWY 3 _ __.�__ I W,�►S WELL t N FQ R M ED C�N THiS iSSUE � _ 1 D1D NQT REGElVE AMPLE I N F4 R MATIC�N C)N THIS ISSUE �- � G G(2-,���� SIGNATURE QF OW R DATE i / ✓ ��� � �- � �� �� . �� . B U S i N E S S N A M E.��._A�___,��_�_ A D D R E�5 � �,����h s��/,��.��.�� �%��ti _..�.� ..� � AGREE WITH THE PARKiNG BAN O[� HWY � 1 C�PPC3SE TI�E PA � KtNG BAN aN �WY 3 . 1 WAS WELL iNF4RMED C3tV THIS iSSUE t DID Nt�T RECEfVE AMPL� 1 N F4 R MIo►TlON O�N THIS ISSUE GNATURE F OVYNER DA E � BUSINESS NAME.�����►► v� C��.���'s_ A D D R E S S.��.��.�.�?1.����_�.�____.�_ ......__ I AC REE WITH THE PARKING BAN C3t� l�WY 3 I CJPPC3SE THE PARKING BAN �N #�WY 3 , __._.__�___ 1 WAS WELL INF4RMED �QN THIS ISSU� �. _ 1 DID NC)T RECEIVE AMPL� i N Ft) R MATIC�N ON THIS ISSUE � - �� � 3 SI URE OF OW D T E i � ^ l � ��-- � B U S I N E S S N A M E_ 1_.�_�.__,�__�._.� �� ����, � � � ��� � � A D D R E S S�,�Z�.�.��..�_____�T.�_ __..�_ ��� � AGREE WITH TME PARKING BAN CJN HW�( 3 � �... I C)PPOSE THE PARK[NG _��..�.._. BAN UN HWY 3 . � 1 WAS WELL iNFtJRMED C�N THIS ISSUE 1 DID Nt�T RECEIVE AMPL.� 1 N 4 R MATI N ON THIS IaSUE _ �� �--- IGNATURE QF OWNER DATE B U S i N E S S N A M E____.� � _______ A D D R E S S_ t�.�.�.�_�..��a����..��.-__�. ..�. � AGR�E WITH THE PARKING BAN :t3N HWY 3 � 1 CJPPCISE THE PA � KIN� BAN C�N t�WY 3 .�._____ I WAS WELL iNFQRMED QN THIS ISSUE 1 D!D Nt3T RECEiVE AMPLE 1 N FO R MAT#ON t�N THIS Ia�UE I NATURE t)F W DAT E � �c��q , i B U S I N E S S N A M E _.�:��Re���ou�au�ro�v __�._ 14785 S.ROBERT TRAIL ppSEMOUNT;NW 5506� ADDRESS `61�''��� __.�__�.___-----__�.�_____ � I AGR�E WITH THE PARKING BAN fJN HWY 3 I C)PPC}SE THE PA R K1 NG BAN QN H1NY 3 _ � 1 WAS WELL iNFQRMED t�N THiS iSSU� � I DID N�1T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N FCJ R MATION ON THIS ISSUE � � � t � � �..�..�`? � �� � IGNATURf QF O ER DATE ,M P�s� �f l� ��� l�� B U S I N E S S N A M E.�____�..�.��,(�__.� a ADDRESS iu 8� � ����-� w��YT���4��Mw�����I�����w���.���MY��MAT�M/P�4r�������w� .,__..__ � AGR�E WITH THE PARKING BAN :C1N HWY � I �PP4SE THE PARKlNG BAN aN t�WY 3 � _ � 1 WAS WELL iNFORMED t)N THIS ISSUE :�� LE � 1 D!D NC�T RECEIVE AMP 1 N FO R MATIt�N 4N THIS IaSUE , �,,�� � °1 �2�1-�(.3 SIGNATURE QF OW R DATE , 1 � B U S I N E S S N A M E �,_ _�. .._.�__� A D D R E�S__.��____�______��.___.��. .__.__ � AC R�E WITH TH� PARKING BAN t�N HWY 3 1 t3PP�SE TI�E PARKiN� BAN 0►N l�WY 3 . _�____ I iNAS WELL INFQRMED QN THIS ISSUE f DID N4T RECEIVE AMPLE ; I N �t3 R MATIC}N 0►N THIS 1SSlJE � ��� : �_ SI N TURE WNER DAT E i `� ` B U S I N ESS N A M ES��vI��,�c:�..�..�..,L��.. � ADDRESS � ���� S� ��..��� __ �.�._____ ��72 _ __.__. � AGR�E WITH TH� PARKING BAN t")N 1iWY 3 � 1 4PPCISE THE PA � K1 NG BAN C�N HWY 3 . I WAS WELL tNFQRMED t�N THIS ISSU� � ��:�_ 1 DID Nt3T RECEiV� AMPLE ' i N FO R MATIC�N ON THIS IS�UE ,� ���-q3 _ , SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE i �e mou�� ci� ���\ B U S 1 N E S S N A M E__��.,.�._�._______�. ��c��o s� �z�.��- ��\ ADDRESS__��_ ____ __.�.�___��. � AC R�E WlTH TH� PARKiNG BAN CJN HWY 3 X PP�SE THE PA � KING � o BAN t�N HWY 3 � I WAS WELL INF4RMED CJN THIS 1$SUE I DID Nt�T RECEIVE AMPLE 1 N F� R MATI�N ON THI� IS�UE q�a� -�� � SIG TURE t�F OWNER DAT E i BUSINESS NAME�f��� � __ __________ ADDRESS >���s � � �� __�.___.�________�.��.___�. � I ACREE WITH THE PARK1 NG BAN ON HWY 3 1 OPP�SE THE PA � KING BAN �N HWY 3 1 WAS WELL INFQRMED C�N THiS ISSUE � I C31D Nt�T REGEIVE AMPL� 1 N C) R MATION ON TH1� ISSUE � , �y ���� �3 SIGNATURE QF OWNER DATE I . BUSINESS NAME ��� �' � .� .._..r `�'t`""S�..�..+ G C� ADDRESS � ��d �� ��-�� _...�__.��____ �_ .�_�.___�. ..��...____-.- I AGREE 1N'iTH THE PARKING BAN C3N HWY 3 X ��: 1 4PPCJSE THE PA � t����G BAN C�N HWY 3 1 WAS WELL INFQRMED t�N THI� ISSU� '� I D�ID Nt)1` f�ECE1VE AMPL� �t� R MAT#C�N C�N THIS ISSUE � � � � ''! E QF OIAINER AT E DAKOTA EN�RAVtNG � B U S I N E S S N A M E____����.�,,�__ ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 A D D R E S S c612j 322-�000 __�__�._________�.�_----. � � AGREE WITH THE P�4RKING BAN t)I� HWY 3 1 QPP4SE THE PARKING BAN ON t�WY 3 � 1 WAS WELL INFQRMED t�N THIS iSSUE i [3!D Nt3T RECEIVE AMPL� 1 N FO R MATI�N 0►N THIS ISSUE 2 � 9 SIGNATURE t�F OIAtNER D E BUSINESS NAME�.�3��������_�.�. A D D R E S S 1.�.�.�.�_.��.�.��.���.�.____�. � � � AGREE WITH THE PARKING BAN t�N HW''Y 3 � 1 QPP�SE THE PARKiN� BAN C�►N HWY 3 1 WAS WELL INF4RMED C)N THIS ISSU� � 1 [31D Nt?T REC�IVE AMPL� a 1 N Ft.? R MATIt�N ON THIS IaSUE _ ���. � � ER DAT E B U S i N E S S N A M E��_���'��������� ADDRESS %����' - __ ______�._.�__.�____��. ..�.._ I AGR�E WITH THE PARKING BA�V CJN HWY 3 I OPPOSE THE PA R KI NG BAN t�N HWY 3 . _ 1 W,AS WELL INFC)RMED t3N THIS iSSUE � �'� 1 DID N T E EIV AMPLE C� R C E I N FC) R MATIQN ON THIS ISSUE . 9' � SIG NATURE OF OW R DAT E ` .. , B U S 1 N E S S N A M E�.__.� _,�r►••�. �m,� � ' _ A D D R E S�,....._.G��S�S �o a b�� ___ �.�._�.___.� .._.. � AGI��E WITH TH� : PARKIN� BAN C1N HWY 3 I �JPPCJSE THE PA R KI NG BAN t�N HWY 3 _ ____ I WAS WELL INF4RMED C�N . THiS tSSU� � � ��. � . \1 _ I DID NC)T RE�EIVE AMPL� . 1 N Ft? R MATIt�N 4N THI� IS�UE z 3 SIG RE C1F NER AT E i � BUSINESS NAME � ��- ' _______�.__.� __.�_ A D D R E�S ��5�'� �S� �U��� ���,�--� __�.__�.____.�____.�.�_____ .-____�.,. 1 AG R EE WITH TM� PARKi NG BAN :t�N HW�f 3 1 C�PPOSE THE PA � KI NG BAN t�N I�WY 3 , I WAS WELL INFQRMED C)N THIS ISSUE � _ _ 1 DID NC1T RECEIV� AMPLE , 1 N Ft� R MATIt�N C)N THIS ISSUE ��� �.._� NA �QF ER DATE ' BUSINESS NAME - ' � ___%�.._ ,����__ ADDRESS_.�/.M.��ss _�. �.__ ....�.� _�:��_ ..,�,_.�..�.. � AG R E E WITH TH E : PARKiNG BAN t�N HWY 3 1 QPP4SE THE PA R KI NG BAN tJN HWY 3 _ I WAS WELL INFQRMED t�N . THIS ISSUE � %/� _ I D!D NQT RECEfVE AMPLE 1 N FC) R MATIDN t�N THIS ISSUE � ��a- SIGNATURE 4F OWNER DATE � � w�.. �� ! . . � FI .... �, � .-" BUSINESS NAME ;r� G _�._.��.�__�. .�___ _ � �. A D D R ES S � S-e. V��U(� � � � .�_.�_____�_.�_�.�.��___�. � �- �-. � �'o o�-- �-- .� t AGREE WITH THE PARKING BAN t)N HWY 3 1 QPPQSE THE PA � KI NG BAN t�N HWY 3 _ I W,AS WELL iNF4RMED 4N THIS ISSUE � 1 D!D NOT RECEIVE AMPLE i N F MATIC?N THIS # SUE ___ � _ � , �",� SI ATURE G1F OWNER AT E I , BUSINESS NAME�L�� e � �.'��,����:�..,,�, .�_.�_ _ A D D R E S 5����� �� � ��,��-�- i�� �.____.� ___.�_�..�___ ..�.._.�....�.�._.. � AG R�E WITH TH� PARKII�G BAN CJN 1�WY 3 .�., I 0PPt3SE THE PARKING BAN C,aN I�WY 3 , _ 1 WAS WELL iNFORMED QN THIS iSSUE � 1 D!D N�T RECEIVE AMPL� I 1� Ft� R MATION t3N THIS ISSUE � _ 9 � SIG NATURE QF OWNER DAT E ,„ . � . . PETITION I THE UNQERSIGNED WUULiD LIKE T4 HAV E PARKIHG ON HIGHWAY 3 RETURNED. N�A�.04.� ADDRESS F'HS�1.E_ �� / � �� 5 � � I� �12 _1�_ � '�_��LL����.�..I�L-�__i1.��_ � ,z � �- ��-���t=-- �- �--- ----'� �� �.�--�-------- _�:- , �� ���-c�__�:0 l��_� 3�''ti c��_�2 z-i s_t�_5 --3�— c��� _ --�L1.�.�t,�...L��� _�.�.�u1--='a�= i -_.:z�_.�z�����-' :�Z---�!�_�-��.-----�-�-- --=- ���� l�/.���'n-�'�-m__���' � �_------ _ �� t�z�— ------- —�U�-S w �35�---j-���3��.$'__�-� A . . �-���M�-----------���_���--�—`�Ss-�.�'o°1—�� � 3 C.�Zc� ��`�'" � .t'> ���.------ --------=-------�=--- ---y--- � �- �►�1��e�1�---���S 14�4_�S_Ca1.�_�-��_lQ 6�—_`�— ��-�'_` _K.1��-----�`��-Q����r._c�_R.S.�_���1�Z_3� � � 20�5 � �k � � � _ __------���.__�- --���.�� ��� ----.��-�-.��''�-��----�����_�� e�� _�tSy _�_L��s������''?-------�.��_o�l 3��c�� C.o��� S�C�s.��.��c�����e�e-�-_----��_��� � C`����s�.����_��s������=-----�-.�L�._'�� � �- �to yS� . ° S � � �.�-.�------ - --���-- - ----- w a _--�-_- , - ; � �33o c��ev� /����,�---��23 z��9 �� — -- =`="==--�G�zi Cc�►-T� �t-f/,o -----�Z�-��� �� �3 � PETITION I THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD LIKE TO HAV E PARKING UN HIGHWAY 3 RETURNED. � �LA.O�� A D D R ESS �HH.O N E ASaE. �n��e���__�l50 1�15�S��_�a 3-�'�1---��-- JUs��_�Tc�' ���� lr,c if,�G t�v t--�'—�-�� z 3�_,�¢_ 1��.� ��`���:��. �t,,.������r-- -=�1��`�.`---�-�`— . _ � . , — --� '-� .��._����%�=���_______'��3s`� _--�—�- �T � �� n � � 3��� v ��,�f� �2� - y7� � -� -.--- �.--�--------� -----------�=----�=e� ��� �_� _=�Z.�?3 ��_.:�---_����Z�_-� _���-- ,� �/U,-e�..�. 2,pz� �,�� ��, l�-�B� LI 23 `�Z'�� S O - -------------------------------------------- __ _���� ��o.��y��,���� ��3�� ---- --------�-- ---------------------���_-17�-- �. r �_ ` `" '� -� � �-_�--��t.�,r-_�����_ ,.���=���--y�=3--�.' . hs.� � � � — ---�`��—��-����.�������D_= . _ � __ ��_� � ��.�_-��'e� 5�-�' , � - .�.� 1��_s__ _ �-��-��� ���� _ ��r 1�.��':__��������������r - �- � ----- - --��a-S=i�(��=--�a��a�Z_ � �� _ _ Lfo�� �g� �� �.�G��r'_�����l� _���_ — — -.. ,_ � _ . --------------- ---�.---._.---- - — � �� ��---- �_�.3 _��� �_ � __1 ���� � ,��ss� ���__..���?1_�-,��� _ _-__—�a�--��-�`-� f 1 I _�` � � PETITiON '' 1 THE UNDERS�GNED WOULD LIKE TO HAV E �ARKING ON HIGHWAI� 3 RETURNED. N�►.11�E. A D DR ESS p i-�o nLf� AS� ��� e z � � a„�.� S �.�, c�-�o c� .�,,�� �� � �a _ `� _—�---- �-��------- - ' `� ���� _:l����u_ul;������`���`'t 2 ����.�..-- - - - ,��,� � _�����1�;��� �►-��b�_�� _ � ���.��_.��.�������1 3� ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------.--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------.--------------------------- ---------------.---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ , , PETITION I THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD LIKE TO HAV E P�4RKIHG ON HIGHWAY 3 RETURNED. �� A D DR ESS .P�iQ�LE_ �►� ----------------------------------------------- -------.------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- PETITION I THE UNDERSIGNED WCIULD LIKE TO HAV E PARKIHG ON HIGHWAY 3 RETURNED. '� �E_ AD ESS P�1S2�L� AS.� � -------.--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- � -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------.-- -------------------------------------------- -----�------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------.-- ------------------------------------------------ . ;�; ��.'�.,�,�' & ,� da�'�,=-� ,�_ � .. � � �.:t. . . . � . � . � � .. � . � . � . . . � .. . � . . .. . �� . �: . . . .. . : .. J:� ... . . . . . . .. . . . . 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Q D DR ESS P H O�LE_ A� S�z-��r �� �_�� o S -------���'— Z�� _—_ � 333s /c�3 '� L � - - -- -- -- -_���_�l�_1.��--- CS / ST °�� �S �`o���1��'_ �3�--��v ---(�------ —�---�— — �--- — — -- ,�/i � �c��''�� /f�Z� � " c�P 2 3-c���2 �� -�-f ------------- -------�'--- --- - _� � --��,� Gc>��"�-f- �a-3-t Z9"� � -- -- — --- --- -----------� � ��� j��� =---��_��-�--°=��� --.� ��������----- —`����o� c P� ----- 50��_ l��r� ��',�-33�S � � ������---------�'°��=���� --- =� — �� ---�-�sD /3.��c, st�' /�s,,,,t 3�z-��y�=-----�� � �0�(� L 3� 57 �l �'�3�2_I�3G1 __ �� ���----------�----- -- �,��.����,B�v.�..�_y.�..��a��__�� �.L���-1.— ���_r�o J�����%_a2 ��_� (�dh r` 'r,0�._��__���1�_ � -/i�__1�_ J �.���_l�?'_=����__�23��_3 � � � _ _�����-1������ - -�����-���_ � -�"�l� �°—��d--12s�`_�_ c�v__�c31'c-� o✓��T'S��S � � �ss���------- � — ��.�—�e�' —�`���1�T sl=`=�--���"���.�v�.��?'_ �f � ��a���,�.�_,,�2c�„�,�__5���� �� 3 �1�0 _ __�� �� -------- --- ����_�'=���- ---- ---- , . � f � R: S�d�iekn Mayerron& Assoc►ates,inc. � lgg3 300 Park Place Center 3�u� ' 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 Mr. Tom O'Keefe, Planning � 6�2-s9s-s��s Mn/DOT Metro Division - Oakdale F�$gs s��4 5 3845 Hadley Avenue North _ Engineers Archltects 4akdal8, MN 55109 Ptann�rs Surveyors Re: Cooperative Agreement T.H. 3 in Rosemount ' Safety and Capacity Improvement City Project No. 239 OSM Project No. 4845.24 and 4845.40 Dear Mr. O'Keefe; This letter follaws our letter of September 24, 1992 to Mr. Robert Brown and our conversations regarding expansion of the project limits to include resurfacing of T.H. 3 to just north of CSAH 42• Enclosed is a copy of Resolution 1993-2 requesting Mn/DOT partici u��n g92-95. Also Project No. 239. This resolut�on extends the previous linuts of Reso enclosed is a Certi�icate of Resolution 1993-2 with the City se nldicat s th ssamount would estimate for the expanded project. The preliminary estimate i be approximately $255,000. The ro'ect is planned for contract letting in May with completion � ch.wse:are�93. P 3 The construction plans should be subrnitted for State approval ln M�' Iesolution in the cunentl workin with the downtownbusiness group for a No-Parking � . Y _... , g�,.:������ �,_.. � resurfacing project area. I will keep you informed as we progressa Thank ou for your continued cooperation on this project and please call me if you have Y questions or concerns at 595-5666. Sincerely, ' ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. , � _ Ronald B. Bray, P.E. ' Manager, Transportat on Department c: Robert Brown - Mn/DOT Oakdale Bud Osmundson- City of Rosemount Brian Boura.ssa - OSM Equa1 Opportunity Employer _ _ _ . �► _ _ ._.. .._... ......_.. . C��KK�eOWO!' . . . . . . � . � . . . � . . --q � � . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MWNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - 2 A RESOLUTtON REQUESTtNC A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PR�JECT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP�RTATION FOR 1MPROVEMENTS ON STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY N0.3 lN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARMORYJCOMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT CITY PROJECT#239 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rosemount has determined that safety improvements are required on State Trunk Highway No. 3 (TH3) from Dakota County Road 42 to Connemara Trail, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has discussed the need for safety improvements on TH 3 because of increased traffic volumes and ieft turn movements, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has had a feasibility report prepared by Orr-Schelen- Mayeron and Associates which determined the improvements and estimated costs of the pref.erred alternative which provides benefit to the City ar�d Minnesota Departrnent of Transportation on TH 3, and ' WHEREAS, the City proposes to be the owner of a contract which will provide substantia! benefit to the traveling public with the construction of a center 1eft tum iane and right turn � lanes. .1 NOW, THEREFORE BE tT RESOLVED, the City of Rasemount requests that Minnesota Department of Transportation partieipate in the contract owned by the City for the safety improvements on TH 3. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota is willing to participate in a Cooperative Agreement project with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and share the costs of the needed improvements. ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 1993. � � � E. B. McMenom , Mayor � ATTEST: , y . �,c.a�r • �� � S san M. W- sh, City Clerk ; Motion by: McMenomv Second by: S���*� 3 Voted in favor: rlcMenom Staats Klassen Voted against: �one . v�ctv�n . . M 1l�ur�ou.�aro - �?�}� 6u:usa�`} s�6�i����� �� �l tJ �J ' �uoi�e��doo� �nah aa� no� ��eu,L Z�OZ-ZZ£ �� atu ��e� esea�d 'suo��sertb �v� aneu nQ� ;1 � �6u��2�w �t��, l� nol� Bu�aes uo ue�d �u� 3,�tdu�,/noh �uer,n 2� _'ualssn�siaunno suo�x��nb �o�dn�,�veda tt�y�.Au�uo3l��uasaad�an�y ;flnr�ar� Bu��a�u� �¢vot�ewao�u�ayz�.� ' �.zaadoad pu� ssautsnq unnoxunnap ��� u�.� �assa ppQ sEnn +a��iuw� Bu dC�uun�nopunnaa et�.L �ue £66 t� '9 haer�u�f va �.o�foaci src�� � .'FuRdilxs-ea- ��. �.1� elq�suac�sa� aq J�tUo p{r�+��n h��� ayl '�tlonn�ou sso� �s s�aa� ��.!� a��. �i uoti��nBs�u����usB��o ay� ax�(��q �an�a �nq 'Q�s� �o pa��a�i e ao} u�R�.�o Q�Pcz�uawc�aa ay� �2�. ff�3.�� � x �a� o� paa�6� :• so� au�.e uo�l�lnfi��.uo� a����.r�xu2����.�2 ��auf '�a��s g 1�l ol r�2a n�o�U��.���i� ��� s�� OC►Ntn�-:� �a�� vnna�.unno�'� us anss� �n:r�s��s e s� fiui��� � c� � P N1 saar���ato�d s�yl `�an�nno}.-t ' :_ •�.u2w�.s�nut �(�.�I_hasn t��t�+r+ s2�uenb2sur�� s�.i �U►�.uexa pue uo�do aua ���� a� eau�y� � �n sant5'uo�.da �u�d�a�.s s4yL �s�.s4� �taeuipxa�alxe er��onut 1�u�t� lnq 'ejn�n� a� u� papu�utuuo�aa �q u�� y�syM sa��.��}a�.1� -�2y2o aa2 ��a�,L S�az u�i xQa d��s��uno��iC1'�� h�az�w�xo.rdd� at� o� p��.aa(o,td �r 1C1t1 ��i�PUe�'�p'ja�se{�tt�an Qp{?'6 i ua sawr��on �I�.2��. e�{�, �s���al. ����p �S�32ne syl l�'��u�saaa •nnoaf �� anu��uoo o�. �u�a6 2�� � 'µ '� ��s� s� adr�ls-ea ol � t30 fi4ti�.1'�d }Ct U4t�EUtlU��2 �L�3,9.tIti�781 Fji10M UOj��I� ^�I� '��u}��isuo� ,Ys� ua��do pcsoa�s a�,� '� 'f� +�. unoq y�.nas 2uo pue ���t� s�to i�q p2�u���. au�i u�r� �,�.SZ a2a.�a� c�zpcm �,ea,��.s 8u��srxa oz ar►Q '�ve� p r�,u���nsvo� anp •1�.�� �y� o�. �sa� ou �.� � �ier�ny6�y ua � ��puauau�o�a.� sec� '6u�aaaut��� 1/��Q �u d � s a.� u� a n�.f�.� �u,o� r��.�� a��.s2n���.��toa� s�c�l �aa� ur�no�unnop at��.y�no�y�sSue� ���e�� ay�. ! i � � A � 'E �� `9 �Caenu�f uca =��u�r�� ��� a�� h� Pass�d senn l��u��a��y an��.���tSoa� ey�. �a u�isuedxa a����a a � �rnn��£Z ��N �ai�d o uo��.r,�pe�s�J. 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'�3'1 c,c,ro��..� -H�,� „�e��ana pu� �zbus„ 0�.�ututt�{d S�M ,t,QQNU1i '�o�pp� �� ' o�.�uc�outaso� ut x22a�S uX��b L , . •�.sa� �.��ioa� 0�4'�3t�€$ a�I� �° s�u�t�.�ana�dut; e���Q a.socru p^a�ltlbal t.jalyM `(14c3NW3 uci�.ezlQdsu���. �IZ �sr�uzE� pun3 916�`^ lO�Nil� ' a csn e tr�n �Yatosd st�{,� �a �us;�s�.xEd�a e3�sauuty� ��� y�snr+ �uaua�aa�ed s�ti����peu�i2�u�� �.o u�a�nt o�.��e2��.S p��tr 6 �� •��aro�a �a�u�� ��:unwc�oaJ����y ey�.� �- !. 1 �S , � a�er�n� �q h�us no� sy uz�o� (� '}�'�.� £ J��nnu�;y �un�;�e�.��� o�.s�.uaw�noltit,u�pesap�a set, lv..3 u� ,� -a��s h�cw��{_�t{I�s�3d �u�oux�sv� ur�o�.unn�p � 6na� � /�enny6�H�un.rZ�voje s�.�aw�no�dwt pasodo�d a4�ss��s�� o�.�tg�# J��' aya�� E6�� 'G� � � £# uo •w•d pp:L �� �u��.��cu �uo���w�o u� ��uav uc u� ua�.� c��p��.snur �» no�. -f�a�nue� '��psaup�1►,/1 ~� � i � � , G�Z 'C�N .i.���`Q�ic� a41.t� =�� � s�.�3iAt�n��a�� � A�InAH��N xnr4��ts �`� i33�Ni�J�1F3 A.LI� '�lt?'S�iM�1�5{3 Q�l$ �i11tC1l�� � �SO�`�3JSiNlYy�Y �+�edmr�,��++a 5���l�'1i34t'ii k1381��i� �'8 S��Nl1A,� fl�lSS3�1t1Sf18 .f�.�(10�35��i '{�.Z i „�nrn ti,a� m�ss tr++tl��'�' w�t�l!evs c��zt�x�si X�►d s�er��vrn�no� ,� �� Z�.S � G� ,��� ,tu�amt'�pW"8 p��vCB Jn±�9t�f�NS`�0 �� �tis�r£�'ULso) �7HGHd �a�►vw �`��f-..�'-'��� �w�d �7N!NNt� •��o ° �Q � � � � �: ,ua� .�:�.��i�r oj .� . � .�a ao x t19L acuew�au!wsuEn xB�Pu�aq�+al-�d , � . Z'd ' . . -'-- .__... ... .._ ..._.. ..._. . ..NW 'S'1dW WS0 8�:9Z, �'6�'SI^�Jd�� ; orr Schelen MaYeron& Associates,lnc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard May 17, 1993 Mi���us,�x ss��6-�a.�s 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Engineers Mr. Tom O'Keefe, Planning ATcnice�cs Planners Mn/DQT Metro Division sur�eyors 3845 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55109 Re: S.P. 1921-58 T.H. 3 in Rosemount No Parking Resolution 1993-37 City Project No. 239 OSM Project No. 4845.20 & 4845.40 Dear Nir. O'Keefe: Enclosed is the City Certi�icate of Resoiution 1993-37 with City Seal directing placement of No Parking signs along State Trunk Highway 3 between CSAH 42 and Connemara Trail. Please incorporate this into your files for the above project. - The City has agreed per Resolution 1993-37 to eliminate parking under the cooperative agreement for S.P. 1921-58. The City will re-evaluate this resolutian after a one to two year period to determine its effects on the community as per agreement. A final determination at that time will be made whether to eontinue tke No Parking Resolution. Tha.nk you for your continued cooperation on this project and please call me if you have any questions or concerns at 595-5755. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASS4CIATES, INC. ���-�� � Ronald B. Bray, P.E. - Manager, Transportatzon Department c: Bud Osmundson - City of Rosemount - Brian Bourassa - OSM Don Sterna - OSM Enelosure Equal OppoRunity Employer . V... •� . . . . � z�� a osevnoun� PHONE (672)423�4411 2875-745th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (672)4235203 Mailing Address: � Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassert James(Re�Staats Harry Wiilcox Dennis Wippermann C E R T I F I C A T E aQs Ar'srRA kOR � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � I, Susan M. Walsh, duly appointed, acting and qualified Gity Clerk of the Cifiy of Rosemount do hereby certify that ( have examined the City'of Rosemount records and � the Minutes Book of said City far the meeting of May 4, 1993, and hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution 1993-37, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PLACEMENT OF NO PARKING SIGNS ALONG STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY #3 BETWEEN CSAH 42 AND CONNEMARA TRAIL, is a true and correct copy of the City Praceedings relating to said Resolution. (N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed the sea! of said City this 7th day of May, 1993. � .�, � san �JI. alsh City Clcrk City of Rosemount Dakot� County, Minnesota �uer�l�ing's �omtng `UL�i �osemoun��� � . . . . .C J�rKYC�OA WPet . . � . . � . . . i � �. . � � . . . < CITY OF R�SEMOUNT � DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION 19�93 - 37 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PLACEMENT OF NO PARKING SIGNS ALONG STATE TRUNK HlGHWAY #3 BETWEEN CSAH 42 AND CONNEMARA TRAiL WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rosemount is interested in the safety of its residents; and WHEREAS, the continued development in the City of Rosemount has produced high volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, vehicle parking along both sides of State Trunk Highway # 3 (TH #3) between Dakota County State Aid Highway 42 and Connemara Trail does create a hazard. NOW THEREFORE BE (T RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount directs the installation of the apprapriate "No Parking" signs along th8 east side of TH #3 between CSAH 42 and Connemara Trail and a{ong the west side of TH #3 � between CSAH 42 to the entrance af the south parking Iot of St. Joseph's Cathoiic - - Church and from 143rd Street to Connemara Trail. ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 1993. �• rC.� . � E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: ; � � - � _ , Susan M. W sh, City Clerk , Y Motion by: W � � I c ox Seconded by: K I a s se n Votedinfavor; W� PPermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox Votedagainst: None ♦ Y-' � . . . . . . .. . . .. . i . STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT NO- PRE-LETTING . SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . 70971 SECTION COOPER.ATIVE COI�ISTRUCTI'ON AGREEMENT ' � � S.P. 1921-61 (T.H. 3=001) State Funds ORIGINAL Agreement between p,�IOUNT ENCUMBERED The State of Minnesota " Department of Transportation, and �3g�, 501. 67 • The Citv of Rosemount Re: State cost roadway construetion by the City on T.H. 3 from 1, 033 �p�T REGEIVABLE feet south of lawer 147th Street � to 1, 086 feet north of Connemara (None1 Trail - THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State-of . Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" and the City of Rosemount;�'Minnesota, � acting by .and � through �its City Council, � hereinafter referred to as 4the - City . : - - . ... _. . . . . .. , :.�_. . ;. .� ... _ _._ _:•, : _�.,.-.::;,_ . . _ . - � � PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE "I" � A reement No. 70971 Cit o� Rosemaunt Pre].iminar : Jul 13 1993 S.P. 1921-61 T.H. 3=001 State Funds Gradin and bituminous surfacin constructiorn erformed under a C't Go tract� with : 1oca�ed o T H. 3 fram 1 033 feet south o� lower 147th St eet to 1 086 feet north of Connemara Trail in the Cit of Rosemount I • . COMPUTATION FOR STATE COST PARTICYPATION IN CITX CONTRACT CON5TRUCTION � C = Total Co tract Amount 1 P = S�ate Cost Partici ation Percenta e � S = State Cost Partici ation Amount C x P - S 456 940 . 5 x 72 . 24� - 330 094 . 14 � STATE COST PARTIGIPATION Fram Com utation Above � � � 330 094 . 14 Constructian En ineerin �80 2& 407 . 53 Total State Gost � 356 501.. 6? 2 Conti ene Amount 25 000 . OD Amount to be Encumbered 381 501. 67 1 As described in the bod of the a reement (2) For the State's use only as described in the body of the agreement .. � - 1 - ' � � ' . � 70971 WITNESSETH: 1 WHEREAS the :City is about to perform grading, bituminous surfacing - and channelization canstruction and other associated construction upon,. along. and adjacent to Trunk High�,ray �No. 3 from Engineer Station ' 1536+42. 00 (1, 033 feet south of lower 147th Street) to Engineer . Station 1607+85. 81 (1, 086 feet north of Connemara Trail) within the � corparate _City limits .in accordance with City prepared plans, specifications andJor special provisions designated by the City as City Project No. 239 and by the State as State Project No. 1921-61 ' (T.H. 3=001) and State Aid Project No. 208-010-01; and ' WHEREAS the City has requested participation by the State 1n the costs"of `the grading, bituminous surfacing.,and channelization construction and other associated construction and associated construction engineering to be constructed under State Project No. 1921-61 (T.H. 3=001) ; and WHEREAS the State is willing to participate in the costs of the � grading, bituminous surfacing and channelization construction and other associated� construction at a niutually agreed upon composzte percentage as hereinafter set forth; and � WHEREAS the aforementioned composite percentage is based on estimated constructi.on quantities assignable to each party to �this agreeinent in accordance with the latest State policies, procedures and directives . multiplied by the State-approved City Engineer' s estimated unit prices; and WHEREAS the State is willing to participate in the costs of the - construction engineering associated with the State cost participation . �_ ..> . _. _ . construction as hereinafter set forth; and WFiEREAS Minnesota Statute section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes � the Gommissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and ' 2 � 70971 ' cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. � , IT IS, THEREFORE, MIITIIALLY AGREED Ag F,OLLOWS:' ARTICLE T - CONSTRIICTION BY THE CITY Section A. Contract Award and Construction The City shall receive bids and award a. construction contract. to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to concurrence by the State in that award, in accordance with State-approved City plans, specifications and/ar special provisions designated by the City as City Project No. 239 and by the State as State Project No. 1921-61 ° (T.H. 3=001) and State Aid Project. No. 208-010-01._ The contract construction shall be performed in accordance with State-approved City plans, specifications and/or. special provisions which are on . file in the office of the City's Engineer, and are made a part hereof by reference with the same force and e�fect as though fully set forth herein. - . Section B. Documents to bs Furnished to the�•State - �,-�_ _ -• . - The City shall, within 7 days of opening .bids for .the construction^ contract, submit to the State' s State Aid Agreements Engineer at Roseville. a certified cop� of the low bid and an abstract of aTl bids together with the City� s request for conc�rrence by the S.tate in the award of the. construction contract.. The City shall _not award _the -_ construction_ contract until the 5tate advises the ,-City .in .writing of - _ - its concurrence therein. , _. .. _ . . Section C. Cancellation of AQreement: - - - - . . . . , _ � _ .... _.. . _.. .._.._ --- _.___-.- :. Each party to this agreement. reserves the right. to withdraw- from. and. � cancel this agreement: within:. 30 days . after the :opening of bids� if = � either party. determines . any-o� all.bids to ,be-.unsatisfactory. � -�: . - �. Withdrawal from� or� cancellation of-the agreement.-.shall:, be. _. .�;,, ;.: . _ _ � 70971 accomplished by either party serving a written notice ..thereof. upon - ;, ;:. . the other. ` . _ _ � Section D. Direction, Su�ervision and Inspection of Construction The contract construction shall be under the direetion of the .City and under the supervision of a registered professional engineer; - however, the State cost participation canstruction cavered under this � agreement shall be open to inspection by -the State' s .Metropolitan Division Engineer at Roseville or his authorized representatives. The City shall give the State Aid Agreements Engineer five days natice of its intention to start the contract construction. ° Responsibility for the control �of materials for the State cost � participation �construction covered under._this _.agreement shall be,.on the City and its contractor and shall be carried out in aceordance � - with Specifications No. 1601 through and including No. 1609 as set� forth in the State' s current "Standard Specifications for Construction" . . Section E. Completion of Construction The City shall cause the contract constrtzction to be started and completed in accordance with the time schedule in the construction contract special provisions. The completion date for the contract construction may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the appropriate City official and the State Division Engineer' s authorized representative, for unavoidable delays encountered in the . performance thereof. S�ction F. Additional Construction, Plan Changes,� Etc _ The State shall not participate in the cost of any cantract construction that is in addition to the State cost participatiQn � construction covered under this agreement unless the necessary State funds have been encu.inbered �prior to the pezformance of the. additional 4 . 70971 . contract construction and the terms and conditions in the following paragraph have been met. All changes in the plans, specifications and/or special provisions for the State cost participation construction covered under this �. agreement and all addenda, change orders and/flr supp].emental - agreements entered into by the City and its contractor for, state cost • participatian construction covered_ under this- agreement. must be ." approved in writing by the state Division Engineer's authorized representative before payment is made by the State therefor.� . Section G. Comt�liance with Laws, Ordinances and Requlatians ° The City shall, in connectian with the award and administration of the construction contract and the performance of the contraet construction, comply and. cause its contractor to comply with all Federal, State and Local 1aws, including Minnesota Statute section 16B. 101, and all applicable ordinances and regulations. Section H. RiQht-of-Ray, Easements� and Permits : , t ._ _ . _ . : . The City shall, without cost or expense.to-the State, .,obtain all . rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and/or� any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the contract construction, and shall promptly furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for those rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and/or other permits and sanctions.. _ The City shall, within 90 days after satisfactory. completion .of .the City-owned utilities contract construction, submit to the Director of the State's. .Pre--Letting .Services Section� five copies,of. a permit •� _- - - - ------__._ _ . ---... . __ .. ..---- application, - including�:i'as built�� sketches,_for all CZty-owned . �tilities constructed upon and within the. trunk highway right-of-way. . Application. for permits shall .be. made �on State form. "Applicati.on .For:. . �, Utility Permit On-Trunk-Highway_ Right Of-Way" : (Form TP2525) .V _ : , � � . ' . . ._ . . .' . _ . _✓. .7;.� „__. t'i:.��i:.. ? . . � . �' : . ._. ._ . .� . •- -• 5 � y • a � ?.0971 ARTICLE II - BASIS OF PAYMENT BY THE STATE =•-- - - • 8ection A. SCFi£DIILE ��I" , - � . _ _ .. ..--• • A Preliminary SCHEDULE "T" is attached hereto and made a part hereof . . • by reference. - The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" includes a computation of. _.:. the State cost participation construction and the construction � � . :__ ' engineering cost share' covered under this agreement. Section B. State Cost Partici ation Construction - 72 .24 Percent shall be the Statets cost participation for all of the construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 3 from Engineer Station 1536+42 .00 to Engineer Station 1607+85. 81 within the corporate City limits under City Project No. ' 239 and State Project No. Z92I-61 (T.H. 3=001) and State Aid Project �� No. 208-010-01. :. . . _ _. _. ..: _ , - . . . . . Documentation tised in determining the State�s 72 ,24 Percent camposite percentage, EXHTBIT "Documentation", is on file in the office of the StateTs Municipal Agreements Engineer at St. Paul. A�`ter receipt and . review of the construction contract bid documents described in . .._ '�. . � Article I, Section B. of this agreement, the State cost composite percentage will be adjusted based on construction contract unit prices as described in Article IIT, Section A. of this agreement. Section C. Construction Enqineering Costs The State shall pay a construction engineering charge in an amount equal to 8 percent of the total cost of the State participation . construction cavered under this agreement. Section D:. Addenda Chan e Orders and Su lemental A reements The State shall share in the cost�s of construction contract addenc�a, .� change orders and/or supplemental agreements which are necessary to complete the State cost participation construction covered under this- agreement and which have been approved in writing by the :State _ _ Division Engineer's authorized representative. 6 � �o��i Section E. Sett].ements of Claims . : - The State shall pay to the City its share af the cost of any . � settlements of claims made with the City' 's contractor. All liquidated damages assessed� the City's contractor in connect�ion - with the construction contract shall result in a credit �shared by the State and the City in the same proportion as their total construction . cost share covered under this agreement is to the total contract � construction cost before any deduction for liquidated damages. ARTICI,E III - PAXMENT BY THE ST�1TE Section A. Estimate and Advancement of the Stat�' s Cost Share ' It is estimated that the State's share of the costs of the contract construction plus the 8 percent construction engineering cost share and a $25, 000. 00 contingency amount zs the sum of $381,501. 67 as shown �in the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" .� The attached PreZiminary SCHEDULE "I"--was �prepared using estimated unit prices and estimated quantities as contained in the plans�. Upon xeceipt and review of the construction-��contract�bid"documents "deseribed in�- . Article -I;-� Section B:�of-'this agreement;�'the State�'sha7.l.'then decide ` - whether� to_ concur in the City�s award` of��the� construction contract and, if- so, � prepare a Revised� SCHEDULE "I" based on construction contract unit� prices. The State cost composite percentage as described in Article II, Section B. of this agreement shall be . adjusted� in the� Revised � SCHEDULE "I" based on the construction contract unit prices and- estiinated quantities. The contingency � amount is provided to cover-- overruns of` the plans estimated � quantities of State cost participation' constructian andJor State— � appraved additional construction including construction engineering � _ _ -. .. .._ _. � . _. .. . . , . costs. . : ...� - --� -- _ _�: : _ .. _ __._� _ :__ : . .� , . . The Stat� shall •advance to� the��� City-�the--State's`�total� estimated cost � --- - � - -- - - share, less-'contingency amount-,�=as shown'� in-�the-`Revised'SCHEDULE� "I"=°- : . , .. __ _> . . ,^ , _ .. . . . : . __ after�the� followin conditioris �have beeri• inet'; - -� - � � - � � g•.. _.. __ �_ . . . _ _ ._. .... . _ . , . ,., .._. - - . .. ., -�. . �,__ ... - ,;r . . , . ._ _.. ._ . . . . . ..._ •. • --. .. ._ _ . . -. . .. . - - _ - - . - - 7 � � � 7�0971 l. Encumbrance by the State of. the State_'s_total_estimated�cost .: ._,y.,_ . share, including contingency .amaunt,�-^as: shawn .in the_Revised . .,- SCHEDITLE n I�� . :_ .. _ . . - _ _ _ . . , . . _..._ . ...- 2. Execution and approval of this agreement and the. state's - ._ . . - � transmittal of� same to the City along with a copy .of the Revised . SCHEDULE "I!'. and a letter advising .the City. of the State's . � � concurrence in the award of the construction contract. . • 3 . Receipt by the State of a written request from the City for the advancement of funds. The request shaZl include certzfication by the City_that_ the construction contract has been executed by all : necessary parties. , . �� � _ Whenever. it;:appears; the: cost of_the State participationMconstruction. .. covered under:_this agreement is about to exceed the current aznount of encumbered State funds, the City shall. notify. the State Division Engineer' s authorized xepresentative in writing prior to performance , of the additional . 5tate cost- participation constr.uction... __ _ . Notification shall �include an estimate in .the amount of additional funds �necessary to complete the State cost participation construction including construction engineering eosts and the reason(sj. why. the current amount encumbered will be exceeded. The State shall, upon its approval of the additional State cost participation construction, � submit a request for encumbrance of the necessary additional funds to the Minnesota Department of Finance. That action will have the _ . effect of amending this agreement so_as to include_ the .State' s share of the costs of the additional construction._ .. should the City cause the performance of additional contract construction which would otherwise qualify f.or State cost . � participation -covered under this agreement,_ but for. which .the .State • has not previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the .City�.s own.risk._.4 .The.City shall notify _ ., the state Division Engineer's authorized representative in writing of 8 � _ � 70971 • the additional..State cost participation construction. Notification shall include an estimate in the amount of additional funds necessary to cover the additional State cost participation construCtion including construction engineering costs and the reason(s) why the current amount encumbered was exceeded': If the State approves the � additional State cost participation construction, the City's claim for compensatian along with a request for encumbrance of the . necessary additional funds shall be submitted to the Commissioner of � Finance for review pursuant to Minnesota Statute section 16A.15, subdivision 3 , but no guarantee is made that. the claim will be approved by the Commissioner of Finance. If the Commissioner of Finance certifies the claim for compensation and the request for , encumbrance of the necessary additional funds therefor, that action will have the effect af amending this agreement so as to include the State's share of the costs of the additional construction. If the State determines that the submittal of a claim for compensation is warranted and it is deemed legally necsssary to � supplement� this agreement, _and if the claim: is approved and a . supplement to this agreement inrconnection.with the claim is prepared •- and processed, the first $3 ,�000.00 of the claim��will� not. be eligibie for payment. ' Section B. Records Reepinq and Invoicing by the CitY The State shall provide the City with a Payment Processing Package containing instructions, and samples of documents for processing final payment of the State. participation construction cost covered under this agreement. - �� � . The City shall keep records and aecounts that enable it to provide the State with the� followa.ng _prior to final payment by the State: - �� l. . Copies of y the City _contractor',s ,invoice(s) covering �all contract construction. . _ _ , � _ . 9 .. . � . : . , 70971. � . 2. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrant(s) or check(s) �' paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation � of the warrant(s) issued certified by an appropriate City official that final construction contract payment has been made.. • . 3 , Copies of all construction contract change orders and/or supplemental . agreements, which� include identification of the cost=� � participation for the work contained therein. This cost - • participation may be the same as the aforementioned State cost � - composite percentage, or may be a different State cost � participation mutually agreed to by the State and the City. - ° 4. A certification form attached to a copy of the Final SCHEDULE �. "I", both of which shall be provided by the State. The - •-- certification form sha11 be signed by the City� s Engineer in - � charge of the contract construction attesting to the following: � � . . � :h a. The satisfactor� performance and completion of all contract ' �=��. construction. in� accordance with-�State-approved City• plans,=�•=�� � � �specifications and%or- special provisionsy�' ` � • -�-� '-�-�-� '��`,u�� � � _ -__:��: b. The aeceptance �and approval of all materials furnished for �- -�- the State cost�`participation construction covered under this ;�: agreement relative ta compliar�ce of those materials to the � -"�' - State's current �'Standard Specifications for Construction"'. =�� � . ... ... - . . . . . ... .. � - � .. - _ ; ' ' _' . ... . .� . �. ., .. _ _.._ _ _. � ^, jv. c-. Full payment by the City to its contractor� for all contract �==� - � - , construction.` � _ ; . . : ... � _:s= � - - -� ._ �. _. . . ....,.. . ` .. . ._ . _ . .. � -.- _- ,. - ._ :_. ^�: 5. When requested by the Stata, copies, certif'ied by the City�s�= = ��� � Engineer, of material .sampling reports and of material =testing '= _ results. for the materials furnished fvr the State cost � � participationTconstructian �covered �under-`�thi:s��agreenient:� ��•-=�� �`:�� = � .. ._ . .- --_ . = _ _ - > . _ . _:::; __ �.::�,.���-:;� -__�:� a�`:' - _ -- . . . . -_ �•i� 10 . _ ...�s��:'= 70971 6. A- copy- of--the, "as built"y plan_ sent. to; the_ State's Divisian. :�, . . Engineer._.:. _ " , . ,. . � 7. A formal invoice . (original and signed): in. _the amount _due the City as shown in the Final SCHEDULE "I" . � As� provided by.Minnesota Statute section :168. 06, subdivision 4, .the. � books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City relevant to this agreement are subject. to examination by the contracting department or agency, and either the legislative auditor or the State auditor as appropriate. � Section C. Final Pavment bv the State Upon completion of� all contract construction, the. ._State shall prepare a Final- SC�iEDULE. .'fI" •based on the final contract construction cost and shall submit a capy to the City. .'The State cost composite percentage as described in Article II, Section B. of this agreement ; will not be adjusted based on the final quantities of. State cost y participation, �however, any construction� contract �change orders` �� � � � . and/or supplemental •agreements involving State cost participatiori;� as described in Section B. , paragraph 3 , of this articile, will be applied to the Final SCHEDULE "I" . If the final cost of the State participation covered under this agreement exceeds .the amount of funds advanced by the State, the State shall promptly pay the, difference to �the City without interest. . If the final' cost of the State participation covered under this agreement is 'less than the � . amount of funds advanced by the State, the City shall promptly� return the balance to the State without interest. Procedures .relevant to preparation of the Final SCHEDULE "I" and final -payment of the State participation. cost covered under ��this agreement are detailed in tY�e � Payment Processing Package, which the .state shall furnish the City. . Pur.suant to Minnesota Statute section 15.415, the City waives=��claim � for any amounts less than $2. 00 over the amount af State funds � previously advanced to. the City, and the State waives claim �for the 11 • 70971 return of any amounts less� than $2: 00 of those �unds advanced by �the State. . ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROV'ISIONS . - Section A. Replacement of Castinqs � ' The City shall furnish its contractor `with new castings�. and/or parts for all inplace City-owned. facilities constructed hereunder when replacements are reguired, without cost or expense to the State. Section_B. Mainteaance bv the City � Upon satisfactory completion of the roadway construction to: be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction . contract, the City shall provide for the proper maintenance of the City streets and a11 of the faeilities a part theraof, without cost or expense to the State.. Ma�intenance shall include, but not. be limited to, snow and debris removal, resurfacing and/or seal coating and any othar maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the roadways in a safe and usable condition. . � Upon satisfactory comp�etion of .the walkways.• construction..to be�-.:._- .. ., performed within� the corparate City limits under the construction contract, the City� shall provide for the proper maintenance of: the walkways, withaut cost or expense to the State. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, snow and debris removal and any other maintenance . activities� necessary to. perpetuate� the. walkways in a safe and usable condition.: _ .. . . • _ . . Section C.� Maintenance- by the State . . _. _ - Upon satisfactory completion of- the construction to be. performed within the. corporate Cit�r 1.imits under�;the constructian cont�act,:� the • State shall provide for the proper maintenance of_ the Trurtk.� Highway �. � No. 3 roadway and all: of the facilities- a_ par-C thereof,�-locat.ed: - -. _ � within the trunk highway right-of-wa _ ::�_ ,._,� ._: . . y' - .� •�` .. .. �.__ -' � _ , �,; � 12:" ' . _ . . . �os�a. Section D. ' Additzonal Drainaqe_;- . _._ ._ ;.. . ... . ... . ._ ... .... �.�..�. . . Neither party to this agreement shall d�ain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities to be constructed under the . construction contract, that was not included in.the drainage .for � . which the. storm sewer facilities were designed without first _ � obtaining permission ta do so from the other part�r.. ' The drainage _ areas served. by the storm: sewer facilities constructed under the, _ . . � � construction contract are shown in �a drainage area map, EXHIBIT - � - "Drainage Area" , which is on file in the affice of the State's � Division Hydraulics Engineer at oakdale and is made a part hereof by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. . � � Seetion E.- Claims :-. � _ . . The City at its� o�-n :sole cost and e�cpense shall. .defend,;.indemnify, ;:. -.`. save and.. hold harmless the .State and all of .its. agents, �officers and � employees of and from all claims, demands, proceedings, acti.ons or causes of action of whatsoever nature ar character arising out of or - by reason of contract construction,-:: construction 'engineering and/or - ' the City' s maintenance responsibilities covered under this agreement including an� action or claim which alleges negligence ot the State, its agents, officers and employees. All employees of the City and all other persons employed by the City in the performance_ of contract construction, construction engineering and/or maintenance covered under this- agreement shall not be . considered employees of the State_ Al1 claims that arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the employees� while so engaged and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or om�ission on the part of the employees while so engaged on contraet construction, construction engineering and/or maintenance covered under this. agreement -shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the State.. - .. _. � ' 13 • . , 70971 . Section �F. Nondiscrimination � � The provisions of Minnesota Statute section 181.59 and of any applicable ordinance relata.ng to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this agreement as if fully set forth herein. ' . Section G. Acireement AUproval ", Before this agreement sha11 become binding .and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of �State and City off icers as the law may provide in addition to the commissionar of Transportation or his authorized representative. , ' 14 ' . . 7D971 _ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this_ agreement by their. tt,. � _. _.,. . . :. . _ ..�: _ _._.__. ,. . authorized off icers. ,.. , _. . �" , .: •: __ ..... .. ._- - " - . . . ._ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF ROSEMOIINT ' � Recommended for approval: .. �_.� By �• ,C� . �C,, . ._. � _... /� /� Mayor ." _ :. _':._-. . � BY ���'� .G 7 J5�43 . ----_ __. _ _. ,� Dir ctor �Pr�-Letting Services Section . . Date � � � '� � � B - By. �� ��,,. Y : . �Divi ' Engineer ty Admi�a.strator � APProved: Date 0 �� - 9� � DEPARTME2IT OF ADMINISTRATION By � Sta e Design Engineer Approved: . Date �--C, C�3 _ . _ i�rigina! sicsnee' (Date of Agr ement) By �(�G 1'7 �993 (Authorized Signature) �; G�raid !. .:oyc� OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Date Approved as to form and execution: � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `. �� BY � ; Approved: � . A sis�t nt Attorney ral . , By � . , ;% 'r ze Si nature} ' � . . . ' . . j•` � . . . � Da�e - �. , . 15 _ __ _ . . - . .. �. .. ... :--...." .:. �..: . � . ... ... . ' e . � i�� � osemoun� . - - . : : ° : : ; , : : : _ ° , . . : � . : PHONE (612)4234411 . ' , . . ' � ; ? � � _ • 2875-745th Street WesG Aosemount,lufinnesota. . ' _ . • MqyOR FAX (612)42�5203 • : . . � . Maiting Address:: . : . ; . ' ; � Edward 8..McMenorny P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minneso(a35068-0510 • . COUNCILMHMBERS • � ' Sheeia Klassen . dames(Aed)Staats • Harry Wilicoz • , , Oennis 4Nippermann - . ' ADMINISTRATOfl _ C E R T I F i C A T E ' s�epr,�,���x STATE C}� MINNESOTA j __ COUNTY OF DAKOTA � )ss. ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT ). _ 1, Susan M. Walsh, dufy appointed, acting and qualified City Cferk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that 1 have exarnined the City of Rosemount records and the Minutes Book of said City for the meeting of August 3, 1993, �and hereby certify� that the attached copy of Resofution 1993-79, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JA COOPERATiVE AGREEMENT WITH MtNNESOTA :'�DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR TRUNK HIGHWAY #3 lMPROVEMENTS, CITY _PROJECT #239, S.P. 192'1-61, is a true and correct copy of the City Proceedings relating to - said Reso(ution. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seai of said City this � 4th day of August, 1993. � � "\ . . � - . I -. S san M. W sh _ City C1erk� .� - _ � . -_ � ..�: . _ �- . � City of Rosemount .� . - �- " Dakota County, Minnesota . Vv� 1�zn �s �omtn �C/L �osern �� I, � 9 9 � ouri�.. � . � � - t1..�,K�a.a. . , r C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT . DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION '1993 - 79 . � A RESOLUTION AUTHORlZlNG A COOPERATlVE AGREEM�NT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTM:FNT OF TRANSPORTATtON FOR TRUNK HfGHWAY��#3 iMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #239 � S,P.. '1921-61 BE IT RESOLVED, that the•City o# Rosemount enter into Agreement No. 70971 with the State. of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the foilowing purposes, to-wirt: To provide for payment by the State to the City of the State's share of the costs of the grading, bi�tuminous surfacing and channelization ,cor�struction and other , associated eonstruction to be performed upon, a{ong and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 3 from Engineer Station 1536 + 42.00 (1,033 feet south of Lower 147rth Street) to Engineer Station 1607 + 85.81 (1 ,0$6 feet north of Connemara Trail� in accordance with �ity-prepared plans, specifications and/or speciai pro'visions designated as State Project No. 1921-61 (T.H.3=00.1). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFD, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreement. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1993. . � ,� j�.c.. l��..�.� E. B. McMenomy, Mayor � ATTEST: . �san M. Ish, City Cierk Motion by: _ Wi�Qermann Seconded by: Willcox . . Voted in favor: Wippermann. McMenomv Staats Kiassen Wiilcox Votad against: None August 2, 1994 Ms. Cathy Busho City Council City of Rosemount 2875 W. 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ms. Busho, My name is Don Berg, and I am the Chairperson for the Local Union at Greif Bros: , Rosemount, MN: James Cassen and Mark Urbik are committee persons in the Union, Loca1 6-717 Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union. At our local union meeting last month, there were many questions about building next to the Greif Bros. plant. They were concerned that this may affect their jobs in the future. Many of the Union employees are long term employees, fifteen or more years. These employees would have a hard time finding other jobs. Some employees have bought houses and others have rented apartments in and around Rosemount just to be close to work. These employees are worried that if housing goes up around the plant that it may force Greif Bros. to close and move their plant. Because of the Union employees ' concerns on this matt�r, the Union Committee felt that we should write and address these concerns to the Mayor and Council Members of Rosemount. Yours truly, �� i����� �� , Don Berg � James Cassen �-�- Mark Urbik ���