HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Approve Bills and Invoices { S CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVL SUb�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: BILLS AND INVOICES AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 3 . B. ATTACI�iENTS: BILLS AND INVOICES, MEMO APP VED Y: The following bills and invoices have been received for payment: l. Don Stodola Well Drilling (business park abandonment} $ 700 . 00 2 . John Wiley & Sons (SBA book) $ 76 . 86 3 . Springsted Inc. (services for business park/ CMC infrastructure bonds) $14,291. 15 4 . Northern Dakota Chamber of Commerce (Wasmund, Miller August meeting) $ 14 . 00 5 . American National Bank (Administration of 1993E bonds) $ 246 .50 6 . Metro East Development Partnership (Membership) $ 1, 000 . 00 7. Minnesota Department of Trade $ 160 . 00 8 . SEH Inc. (Final plat business park) $ 580 . 02 RECONIlKENDED ACTION: Motion to approve for payment bills and invoices as submitted. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: �' � � i il i --1 ` � � �., a i�n � rn , ; i�� i n , a) � -s=� i ��� i _> :l i :.+7 i �� i � , i'.1 ! i�l ! . . �:�1 i � y :, > � � ` � ��� � � ��i i ':a- I ��1 � f�� � ��`) Q i r7 i , �.y � i 1 -� C� i,) c? , ` -. � i i (ry '� Ui i � ' �y !� f i �) ({+ �_l Q't I (�i : ,.�I 1 f { i`) _? � � i � . - � (l � (i }� t_i , i C 1 i-' 1 7,� i (- -�-� �. . � � �� !-� �l� I -i i �i �n =3 i . i f (-�-� � Y t i r �1' ' .�) ,.� ( i i � , �;. � � .��' _{'' t C �7 l� � � . I i _� �.+) O � � � � � 1 I .:'_ i t -S i'.) Ci i i �� � f i1 i (r _� I =3 i, ; � 1 [a E F.= � , -: 1 .0 -:� t i E C7 I i:7 �, t-• �;.� t�) ' i i�i f —� I {��I 1 C�7 f- =S iY) Ct � � i f f'� �t -) ! (i i I 1�-i ! � V�• "i CU �`.) L�l. 'r j r� � (ji <i i t h� Q I I -: -�� .: I 1�1 i -S i.� h� f' F-' i i N �.) I tfi i f'• =S i-' Vl �: . i l �_ I i I � ) ! �t ��- tJ �. ,) i ]> �. i i "0 ! 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Date qi»iA4 Phone (612) 423-4411 NeW ❑ FAX (612) 423-5203 Rosemount, MN 55068-05i0 � �t�,. Si n ure � � Springsted � TO Public Finance Advisors 85 East Seventh Place Dept. Head Sig. $U1 t2 1�� if applicabie � St. Paul , MN 5b101-2143 � Administration Sic if applicable SOL1D SHADED AREAS FOR FINANCE USE ONLY Return Check to . s � s s � � • i • � s s 9/6/94 For Services Preliminary to the 403-48000-01-319 14,291.15 400 Issuance of $1,630,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1994A Minn. Tax Exempt Status No. 9757275 Fed. Tax No. 41-6005501 White:Vendor Copy Yeilow: Acccuntir,g Pink:File Gold:Department ppKprA 1301 Corporate Center Drive #116 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 612-452-9872 ��� MENDpTq y�COG PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS Z� �y�Z .t ' 1380 Corporate Center Curve•Suite ll6 � Eagan MN 55121-1200 �y� ������ ��aoF ���� ��a�C� G� C� �� i•i!a J r�hr� �'1 i :;1�r- DATE: �Y;c,r i i;. ,,c::j, s'_���y Q� �'��S�rr,G�t;�i� ACCOUNT NUMBER: ��?J'—i��{��(�. ��� � i .i .i_"'�.1%.L r� ��`� �s�-t AMOUNT DUE• ��-, � ':=�z ��� 1?C�S"r'ri�r11_i�iC a _Jii�y .J .i:tiL�—'i_'t�.L�x • - AMOUNT REMITTED: PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ;-�!�tr� �#n�C-_�?it=Lit?'� ��'e��?1�2"" �,�!'try ,� �� :+.' �ii�at'�_j i?��T�: L;; ;`,- ��;�,•�i?:'�z r��i�tUh�i �tJE; i�,s;�i YOUR CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT IS TAX DEDUCTtBLE AS A BUSINESS EXPENSE,NOT AS A CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION. ' A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L B A N K • S A I N T P A U L American National Bank and Trust Company Fifth and Minnesota Streets •St. Paul, MN 55101 MUNIC�PAL AGENCY SERVICES 612-298-8258 ���Q�� ' � . �,�'"� EXEWTIVE QiiIECTOR �INIT PORY AUTN�tITI Z8T3 Z4zTN S?REET NEBt ROlEil01111T INI SSOba 02-A444 R�IOIMIT !NI POItT AUTHORITY 93E T7768Z-8�-S 8/23/44 TAYAN.E i� 1� ast�o i�-i-� AONINI�iTRATIVE OFFICER� RECISTEREH VA�IIIC AGEt1t IIII�ICS f�ft PERIOD � 02I32/94 - OA/23/9� ------------ ------- �IPTI011 110. IhMB Rl1TE � ��..�_ ��--------------------- ----------- - - - - - - FEEB - - - - - - +�aFILE MAINTQIAqCE CNARCES++ At:C01J11T IMIMTENAMCE plAliGE 7 1.00 iQ0.00 fOR t�tE1�T FEE PERIflC FEE AOJUBT� Tt! f1INIMlIN aaPAYING JIGElIT FEES� INTERE8T qIEq�B t881lEn 4 .34 7'3.OQ FEE ADJUBTEp TO MINIMUN �IEGIS?ERm TMMSF�R ACTIVI71f FEESff CERTiFIGTEB IS�D 27 1.3Q 40.�0 CElttIFICATEB CJ111CatEo 31 .s0 i3.s0 - - - - - EIPEI�E8 - - - - - - a+POBTACE ANO IIISt�AII� ExPE118E8ff NAILIN6 fxPfMgE - PDSTACE � .SQ 2.00 Conferencc Cost: � � � � (inclucles all mcals,conference fecs ancl ma[erials). � ' HOW t0 RBgISt81' Two-Day Packagc(Wednesday&Thursday) � � � Tu rr�,ister For the I�lth .Annual Star Protiram Cc�nFc:rencc ❑ $130 per person � ; � ,� "Fmm the Ground l:p."pleasc compietc Section A of this Two-Day Package(Thursdav& Friday) � ; rc�,istration furm. �lail vour registratiun hy Sc�tember 9, - I . ❑ $130 c,r c.rson ; I�)9-t to DTED: P' P' , � T ree-Day P�icka:�e(Wednesday-Fridav) � , Tu re�ervc lucigin��,pi�as�complete Sc:cti��n B ��160 per person ; and mail separately to thc Ramada P(aza Hote( �� � � �linncapulis W�s[ in Minne[onka. If postmarked after September 9, 199d,$?0 additional. � • Please enclose the conference fee with vour reQistration. � $eCt10t1-A - Conferenee Registratian Make checks payable to: ; Name: ��" �linnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development � T���� �,������� �g'"+A��'��_ ' ,Xt���WlT � � Or�=anization/Communitv: Amount enclosed: � 1� � , ►9�r�t n�.T� � $ � .���«�,:.��g���r�t��.�- �k�s7 �Please check here if you would like to be billecl by invoice ; 1lail your registration by September 9 to: � ,' �'r�• ��—N'���'��" , � . i � $[dl[C: Otfice of Re;ional Initiatives ' � S`�b� - � Zip: - !�[innesota Department of Trade and Economic Development � � phune: �{��" �Z�� ��'3' Business and Cummunity De��elopment Division ; ; F��: �[)•- 4��` 4Z��j �UU 41etro Square � � ,�Pl�.isc check if ruu pr�fer ve,etarian meals � l�l Seventh Place East � � 1 ��c�ul�l al�u lik� tu rc!�ister the follu��in_inclivi�ual� from SL�P�uI. 3�1� »101-�l�h � � � m��or_�:iniz.itiun;c��mmunit��: Ouc�s'li��ns:1'lrtr.��e C�tll l-�4l)0-h�7-i�Yi�S��r � � � 61_'--'9h-�0�� F�a.c:hl?-'96-1?y0 � � � � Special\ational De�elupment Council t VDC) Ke�istratiun: I�}�� \D(��li�rci �uan an�i R��c�hing Lu:�n wi�rk�huE�s�rill he limit�cl tu hU E�erse�ns. R��1is(ration��ill bc:ztcccpW��n a first-come hasis. 1y'e ask that�rou onh re�,ister one persun per communit�. Name ol in�i�idual Re_ist�rina for VDC Micro Loan ancl Re��ol�im,Loan Fun�Workshop. � , , ' MEMO TO: Chair Ca.rroll Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, Miller, Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: September 14, 1994 RE: Metro East Development Partnership Membership At the September 6 meeting the port authority chairperson raised the issue of "what benefits does the city receive from membership in the Metro East Development Partnership. On September 12, Ron Wasmund, the city's community development director, and I visited the Metro East offices in downtown St. Paul. Metro East will provide, for the $1,000 membership fee, the following: • Computer access to over 1700 data. bases containuig information about American businesses. This includes Dun and Bradstreet reports, credit bureau reports, and clipping services. Technical information and lists of experts in various fields are available to businesses. • Mentoring of a maximum of 30 hours annually. Business executives from large east side corporations will visit with prospective Rosemount businesses to assist them in most everything from strategic planning to completion of a business plan to analysis of business location. • Referrals. Mini-RFP's are often sought by the Metro East Development Partnership for business locations of companies wishing to move. Rosemount responded to the GalaGen RFP, still a prospect for the business park. Additional printed information has been supplied to Chairperson Carroll. dw