HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Approval of September 6, 1994, Regular Meeting Minutes � f RO5EMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDING5 REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on September 6, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Cha.ir Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, Miller and Wippermann present. Staff present included Executive Director Burt, Community Development Director Wasmund, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, and port authority attorney Charlie LeFevere. Chair Carroll added HRA Housing Items under 4.C. and Motel Development under 4.D. The Metro Ea.st Development Partnership invoice was pulled from the Bills and Invoices item as the requested background information was not available. Item 3.C., Approval of past Closed EYecutive Session minutes was pulled from the consent agenda so that a separate vote could be taken on them. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the consent agenda with the deletion of the Metro Ea.st Development Partnership invoice and item 3. C. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the past Closed Executive Session minutes of January 19 and February 8, 1993. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Anderson, Wippermann, Edwards. Nays: 0. Abstain: Carroll, Busho, Miller. Economic Development Coardinatar Miller provided a progress report on the redevelopment of the Repairs Inc. site. Miller advised that development agreement issues should be resolved and the agreement drafted by the September 20 meeting date with a fall back date of October 4. Miller explained that even if the agreement was not completed until October 4, the project should remain on track with no delays. He also advised that the building plans and the tax increment plan are mostly complete and as soon they are complete a value of the building will be determined so that the amount of tax increment can be determined. Hansen is still projecting construction start-up this fall. Discussion ensued regarding the enforcement of item l.d.v. Commissioner Busho questioned what recourse the city would have if Dr. Walter-Hansen did not comply with this provision. Staff explained that this provision could also be covered under the city's "pooper scooper" ordinance and therefore would be an ordinance violation if not complied with and consequently a misdemeanor. Commissioners directed Dr. Walter-�Iansen and staff to resolve this issue when discussing other provisions of the agreement. Commissioners requested that samples of building materials be made available to them before approval of the project and construction begins. Commissioners were advised that Walter-Hansen has paid $2,500 up-front money for city administrative costs. Miller advised that after the development agreement is signed the property would be conveyed to Dr. Walter-Hansen, the plat would be filed and construction would begin. Commissioner McMenomy requested that attorney LeFevere review the documents and sequence of events as explained by Miller. Chair Carroll moved item 4. C as the next agenda item to accommodate Dakota. County HRA staff waiting in the audience. . ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 Community Development Director Wasmund advised that Kari Gill and Diane Nardquist were present to offer an upda.te on the senior housing project. Ms. Gill advised that Peoples Natural Gas has ascertained that the gas line can be relocated at a cost of $10,000. Ms. Gill then presented drawings of a 40-unit three-story plan and a 40-unit three-story/two story plan and advised that the three-story building can be built within the e�sting budget. She explained that the three-story/two- story combination plan would require more money to build because of the larger foundation. Additional land would not be required, however, for the three-story/two-story plan. Ms. Gill also advised that the appraisal process has begun and those appraisals should be in soon and offers will be made in the near future to the affected property owners. Commissioners requested copies of the drawings and the HRA staff agreed to provide them. The senior housing tour, scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, was briefly discussed and plans were made to visit the West St. Paul site first and then the project in Hastings. Economic Development Coordinatar Miller updated the board on the progress of the infrastructure construction in the business park. Miller advised that water will be to the properties by Friday, the rough grade is done, the pond grading is done, grass seed is in, the storm sewer is 90 percent complete, and work has begun on the sanitary sewer line crossing County Road 42 to the CMC property. Infrastructure construction should be complete by the end of September if the weather cooperates. Miller requested that the commissioners consider what to do with excess sail now being stored on the property. Discussion ensued regarding how to proceed with finishing the bike path and roadways. Public safety issues regarding the bikepath intersecting with the railroad crossing were considered. It was decided that a base course of asphalt should be put on the roads and the bike path should be seeded at this time. Staff was directed to contact Dave Simons of SEH for a general idea of how much income can be generated from the excess soils. Staff was also directed to talk to Parks and Recreation Director Topitzhofer and the Park Board to advise them of the port authority's decision regarding the bike paths. Chair Carroll addressed the letter from Central Group Companies explaining their decision to withdraw their motel proposal. Carroll questioned whether the commissioners desired to discuss the issue since staff had invested a substantial amount of time on the project and Economic Development Coordinator Miller was requesting direction from the board. Executive Director Burt advised that there are still three groups actively looking to locate a motel in Rosemount and all are seeking TIF assistance. Commissioners questioned whether the city should take a more active role in securing a motel project for the city. Staff explained that the three proposers are dealing with private land owners, land that the port authority does not control, and therefore has no control over the outcome. Staff was directed to contact motel proposers that have previously showed interest, advising them of the city's continued interest in attracting a motel to Rosemount. Staff was also directed to continue contacts with Central Group Companies, in case their situation should change. Discussion regarding the Tax Increment Financing Fee policy ensued. Commissioners considered amending the policy to clarify the amounts of surplus TIF the city could retain with development agreement approval. MOTION by McMenomy to approve policy PA-1, TaY Increment Financing Fee policy. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll, Edwards, Busho, Miller, McMenomy. Nays: 0. . � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTIIVIBER 6, 1994 Commissioner Edwards voiced concern regarding the board's tendency to debate policy and then arbitrarily attempt to create policy on the spot. Commissioner Edwards suggested that, in an attempt to reduce the occurrence of this, commissioners should call staff before the meetings, ask questions, and discuss with them any issues they may have. Renee Stevenson advised the board that she had requested permission to listen to port authority closed session meeting audio tapes and, per city staff, had been advised and expected a list of those ta.pes to be on the agenda tonight for the board's review and action. After receiving legal counsel from attorney LeFevere, the board concurred that the closed session ta.pes should not be made available to the public. MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p:m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary