HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. D.A.R.E. & Police Liaison Services Agreement . � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E%ECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTIONz D.A.R.E. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT NEW BUSINESS - PREPARED BY: AGEND��� � � � ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE ATTACHMENT3: APPROVED BYz I.S.D. 196 AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGREEMENT The State Legislature passed a bill in 1991 authorizing school districts to levy property taxes in the amount of $1.00 per capita for the purposes of assisting funding of the D.A.R.E. and Police Liaison programs. Again this year, I.S.D. 196 has entered this program and has authorized $6, 683 . 00 to the City of Rosemount for part of the City's cost of the D.A.R.E. program and an additional $13, 212.00 to provide 16 hours of police liaison service split between the two secondary schools during the school year 1994-1995. The contract was drawn up and approved by the School Board an April 25, 1994 and, if the City of Rosemount agrees to the contract, the monies wi11 be paid in twa equal installments due now and on January 3, 1995. Officer Robideau is scheduled to provide D.A.R.E. training during the school year 1994-1995 and will be able to provide 16 hours per week of police liaison service between the secondary schools. RECOMMENDED ACTIONs MOTION TO APPROVE THE D.A.R.E. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 WHEREAS AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE D.A.R.E. INSTRUGTION AND POLICE LIAISON SERVICES. COUNCIL ACTION: � INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 14445 DIAMOND PATH WEST ■ )OEL A. SUTTER ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068-4]99 DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES (612) 423-7713 FAX (612) 423 7787 July 25, 1994 Nir. Tom BuR City of Rosemount 2875 West 145th Street Rosemount,Minnesota 55068 Dear 1YIr.Burt: We recently sent you three copies of the annual D.A.R.E. and Police Liaison Services Agreement for the 1994-95 school yeaz, as approved by our school board on Apri125. Vt�e have since : discovered an apparent inaccuracy in the agreement. The first sentence in point 3'of the agreement reads, in part,as follows: "The Ciry agrees to provide a state certified police officer to perform an average of 16 hours per week police liaison services to each of the School District's secondary schools for the purpose of...." Our intent had been to require an average of at least 16 hours a week of services total between the two secondary schools, or an average of 8 hours per week per schooL Despite the confusing wording of the agreement, we will only expect an average 16 hours of police liaison services total from your department,unless one or more of the schools agrees to provide additional payments in exchange for a higher level of service. - I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Please call me if you have any questions. �''ncereiy, (.�. J 1 A. Sutter xc: �utsen,Rosemount Police Department John Haro, Superintendent Dan Kaler,Director of Secondary Education 196 SERVWG APPLE VAILEY, BURNSVILLE, COATES, EAGAN, lNVER GROVE HEIGHTS, LAKEViLLE, ROSEMOUNT, AND EMPIRE ANQ VERMIIUON TOWNSHIPS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 14445 DIAMOND PATH WESf ■ 10E1 A. SUTTER ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068-4199 DIRECfOR'OF SUPPORT SERVICES (612) 423 7713 FAX (612) 423 Z787 . July 6, 1994 , Mr. Thomas Burt City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear 1VIr. Burt: Enclosed are three copies of the annual D.ARE. and Police Liaison Services Agreement for the 1994-95 school year. This agreement was approved by our school board at their April 2S meeting. However, we dela.yed in sending the agreements on ta the ciries because of intemal discussions about potential changes in the allocation of funds. We are now ready to move ahead with the agreements. As you may know, we receive a dedicated property tax levy of$1 per capita,which can be used only to purchase services (primarily D.ARE. and police liaison services)fram our local iaw enforcement agencies. In past years, we have allocated all ofthe available funds'for D.A.RE. programming in our elementary schools and police liaison services at our middle schools. The funding has been allocated to each of the five cities in which our schools are located, based on a formula that takes into account the number of schools and the enrollment in the D.A.RE. Pr��- This past year, we heard increasing concerns from staff at ow high schools and others about the need to improve police liaison efforts at our three high schools. Therefore, we made a decision to allocate a portion of the funds for high school police liaison programming. This reduced somewhat the funding available for D.ARE. and middle school police liaison services. The attached table shows how the funds will be allocated among the five cities. For 199495, Rosemourn will receive $19,845 to grovide services at the four schools locaxed in Rosemount, as shown on the attached table. Your police department should coordinate the provision of services with the principals at each of the schools, as they have done in the past. I also am aware that at least one of the secondary schools in Rosemount is considering supplementing these funds with additional funds from their budget, in order to recieve a higher level of liaison services. If such an agreement is reached, the funding would be provided separately from the funds covered by this agreement. 19f � SERVING APPLE VALLEY, BURNSVILLE; COATES, EAGAN, INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, LAKEVILLE, ROSEMOUNT, AND EMPIRE AND VERMILLION TOWNSHIPS Mr. Thomas Burt July 6, 1994 Page 2 Please have your ma.yor and city clerk sign a11 three copies of the agreement, retain one for your files, give one copy to your police department, and return one copy to my office. if you have any questions about the attached agreement, please give me a call. Sincerely, �.J( Jo A. Sutter Director of Support Services Enclosure xc: John T. Haro, Superintendent, Independerrt School District 196 suppserv/dareagmts/5-6 � j D.A.R.E. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT: SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 196 AND QTY OF ROSEMOUNT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and between SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (hereinafter "School District") and CTTY OF ROSEMOITNT, a Minnesota municipal � corporation, (hereinafter "City"). RECITALS WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the School District's participating elementary schools within the City consist of the following schools: Rosemount Elementary and Shannon Park; and WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the School District's participating secondary schools within the City rnnsist of the following schools: Rosemount Middle�School and Rosemount High School; and WHEREAS, the parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §275.125, Subd. 6j. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Caty agrees to provide a police officer who is a state c�rtified peace officer and certified D.A.RE. instructor to instruct a 17-week per semester curriculum of drug abuse resistant education C`D.A.RE.") in the School District's elementary schools. 2. The School Disirict agrees to pay the aznount of$6,683.00 to the City as and for the City's costs incurred in teaching the D.A.RE. program for the School District. 3. The City agrees to provide a state eertified police officer to perform an average of lb hours per week police liaison services to each of the School District's secondary scho�ls for the purpose of assisting in the establishment and trained coordination of a cooperative community approach among the School District's schools, students, parents, police and other community resources to address the needs of the students and oommunity.members. The City's police liaison services shall include, but not limited to: - a. Frevention of delinquency; b. Protection of life and property; and c Law enforcement. 4. The School District shall pay the City the amount of$I3,212.00, as and ' for the City's police liaison services to the School District. u�i�`��a�°�°�s�.�.,r�-�-s+� 5, T'he parties agree and acknowledge that the police officers who are assigned to provide D.A.RE. instruction and police liaison services in the schools are, and will continue to be, members and empioyees of the City and its police departr�ent. The officers shall operate under the direct administration and supervision of the police department but will work in cooperation with school administrators to further mutually agreed goals involving the police departmenf, schools and students. The officers shall not have disciplinary authority within the schools. 6. The amount to be paid by the School District as specified in Paragraphs 2 and 4 herein shall be payable in two equal installments due on July 15, 1994 and january 3, I995. 7. 'This Agreement is effective for the 1994-1995 school year; upon the expiration of the 19941995 school year, this Agreement shall automatically terminate. This Agreement dated this �"day of 1994. SCH DISTRICT NO. 1%: CITY DF ROSEMOUNT: , y: Donald R Westerhausen, Sr. By: Ed McMenomy, Tr- I�: �az��n Its: Mayor � 2 - By Hamann Rolan By: Susan Walsh Its: Clerk Its: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) - ) ss. COUNTY OF .,�� ) pn this��'day of 1994,before me a Notary Fublic within and for said County, ?ersonally ap ared DONALD R. WESTEKHAUSEN, SR and bAR e -R�;7.�AND, to me personally known, who each being duly sworn y , did say that th�=v are the Chairperson and Clerk of School District No. 196 and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said School District by authoriry of the School Board and said Chairperson and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the School District. :�.....�......�......._........,....� HARRiETT N. EVANS = � '/' NOTARY PUBLIG-(ti"iNt�1t-S.OTA � DAK07A COUt�tTY �ry comm. �r.s seot. t4. ��aa Notary Public .�.........« s.00a�e s..�.�n�►nB.s..�s-zs�n isD iye waa a a.i� . STATE OF 1��SNIIVNESOTA ) • ) ss• COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 1994,befo�e me a Notary Public within and for said County, personallY aPPeared ED Mc11�NOMY, jR. and SUSAN WALSH to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn,each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Rosemount, the municipality named in the foregoing instrurnent, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Notary Public a�`i�s waa:"�d°�s�.�.�s-� ` INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Proposed D'�stribution of Funding from Police Services Levy 1994-95 Schooi Year Proj. Enrollment Totai Add'l.funds CITY 5th Secondary DARE Liaison Funding 1993-94 from schooi Schooi Grade School Fur�ing Funding from Levy Funding budgets APPLE VALLEY Cedar Park 126 Diamond Path 114 Greenieaf 169 Highiand 120 Southview 141 Westview 134 Scott Highlands 1,253 Vailey Middle 1,420 Appie Vaile Hi h 2,184 iry ota s � , , , . BURNSVILLE Echo Park 175 $4,516 $4,516 $4,551 EAGAN Deerwood 85 Glacier Hilis 82 Northview 100 Oak Ridge _ 125 Pinewood 131 Thomas Lake 86 Woodland 1 Q5 Dakota Hiils 919 $4,408 Black Hawk Middle 974 4�408 Eagan Hi h 1,964 8•81 s rty ota s , , , , � � LAKEVILLE Parkview 86 $2,219 $2,219 $3,260 ROSEMOUNT Rosemount Eiem. 115 Shannon Park 144 Rosemount Middle 1,104 Rosemount Hi h 2,303 ity ota s 2 ,4 7 6, 3 13,212 19, 95 16,24 DISTRICTTOTALS 2,048 12,121 '$52,846 $52,846 $105,692 $102,035 $17,632 DARE Funding-$25.80 per 5th grade student, based on projected enroilment Police Liaison Funding-$6,605.75 per secondary schooL Revised 3/28/94