HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Public Hearing for Review of 1995 Budgets CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTI4N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 1, 1994 ' AGENDA REM: 1995 Budget and �evy Presentation AGENDA SECTION: , �� Pubiic Hearing PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Draft 1995 Budget Document APPROVED BY: Attached for your consideration is the 1995 budget, containing all af the budget documents and resolutions necessary for closing out the 1995 budget process. Tonight the budget will be presented and the public will be allowed to give their input. If necessary, a continuation hearing has been scheduled for December 8th and you will have to formally call for that continuation hearing prior to the completian of this evening's meeting. If you are comfortable that the public has been given ample opportunity to speak on the budget, you will close the public hearing tonight and no formal action will be taken. Then on Tuesday, December 6th, at the regular Council meeting, you will pass the three attached resolutions closing out your responsibilities in the budget process. Staff will then fill out the necessary forms and documents and file the necessary information with the County and the State prior to the deadlines that these agencies have set If you do not close the public hearing this evening, and the continuation hearing is held on December 8th, you will have to set a special Council meeting to pass the resolutions prior to December 20th, which is the fast day that Cities have to certify their levy to the County. This is a ' requiremsnt of Truth in Taxation that states that budgets and levies must be approved at a meeting subsequent to the budget hearing or the continuation hearing. City Administrator, Tom Burt, will give the formal budget presentation and I will be available to off#er support and answer any questions that Council or the audience may have. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council is comfartable that the public has been given ample opportunity to speak, the motion would be to close the public hearing. If Council feels additional testimony is required, the motion would be ta continue the public hearing to Thursday, December 8, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL ACTION: C ITY O F ROS EMOU NT - . � . _ ;: . � D ET B G 1 � U 99 ' 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY: �YOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $.s. �c�xo� CITYCOIINCIL�ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOAN ANDERSON CITYCOIINCILMED�ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATSY BIISHO , CITYCOIINCIL��ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JA�S "RED" STAATS CITY COUNCIL��ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DENNIS WIPPSRMANN CITYADMINISTRATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TH4MAS D. BURT , FINANCEDIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JEFFREY A. �Y I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/CITY CLERK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIISAN �ALSH ' DIRECTOR OF PARKS & R}3CREATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMES TOPITZHOF�R i, . . . . FIRE CHITF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOTT ARER I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POLICE CBIEF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELLIEL KNQTSEN PUBLIC �PORRS DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BtTD OSMLTDTDSON COb�+ItTNITY DEVELOPb�TT DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RON �ASMiJDTD BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES PARK & REC CO��iITTEE PORT AUT80RITY DAVE GILIIISON REVIN CARROLL MICHAEL ELIASON JOAN ANDERSON JO�T HOWARD CATHY BIISHO LINDA LADZIIN JO�i EDWARDS . JEFF MOSER E.B. MCMENOMY JERRY PIICIATY NORM MILLER TOM RELLER DENNIS WIPPERMANN pLAi�TNING COI�iISSION IITTLITY COI�IISSION MARK DeBETTIGNIES SHAD�N MtTLHERN DPILLIAM DROSTS JOffi�T OXBOROIIGH LORRAYNE INGRAM JOSEPH DPALSH PATRICR MCDERMUTT JAY TENTINGER BUDGETS ADOPTED: Geaeral Fuad December 6, 1994 5-Year CIP Program Fund December 6, 1994 - Iasuraace Fuad December 6, 1994 IItilities Funds (water, Sewer & Storm �ater) November 7, 1994 Port Authority Fund � November 1, 1994 Truth in Taxation Public Hearing December 1, 1994 ,I . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1995 CAPITAL 1MPR4VEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET{CIP), THE 1995 INSURANCE BUD6ET AND THE 1995 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF R4SEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 1995 will be in the amount of $4,611,749 for the General Operating Fund, the CIP Fund and the Insurance Fund; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Indebtedness total $815,337; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2,203,687; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that budgets for all Debt Service Funds totals $5,179,640; and WHEREAS the Cit Council has received the Port Authority, Utility Funds and the � Y , � Community Center budgets approved by the Rosemount Port Authority, the Utility Commission and the Community Center Commission. the total le Certified to the Dakota NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that �y County Auditor shall be $3,223,399; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci#y Council approves the 1995 General Fund departmentat budgets as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held December 1, 1995; and BE R FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the 1995 CIP Fund budget and the 1995 Insurance Fund budget as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held December 1, 1995. I � RESOLUTION 1994 - � ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 1994. : E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Waish, City Cierk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: - Vated Against: CITY AF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION LEVYING A TAX FOR CONSTRUCTit?N OF A STATE ARMORY BUILDING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has entered into an agreement with the Minnesota Army National Guard to construct an Army National Guard Armoty within the City of Rosemount. WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 193.145, Subdivision 2, provides in part, that' a municipality in which an armory has been constructed or is to be constructed hereunder may by resolutivn of its governing body irrevocably provide for levying and collecting annually for a specified period, not exceeding 40 years, a tax which, unless levied by a county, shall not exceed 0.00798 percent of taxable market value. II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount �I as follows: , �� � . , 1. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 193.145, Subdivision 2, there is I�'�, hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City a direct annual ad , valorem tax in the amount of 0.00798 percent of that taxable market value �, spread upon the tax rolls and callected with and as part of other general I property taxes in the City of Rosemount beginning in 1993 and continuing until all funding requirements for the constructian of the armary have been satisfied. 2. The proceeds of the levy shall be used for the purpose of funding the construction of a new state armory. 3. The obligation of the City to 1evy, collect, and pay over the taxes shall not be deemed to constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any provision of law or of its charter limiting its tatal or net indebtedness, and such taxes may be levied and collected without regard to any statutory or charter . provision limiting the amount or rate of taxes which such county or municipality is otherwise authorized to levy. 4. The Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minneso#a, together with such other informatian as the Auditor shall require, and ta obtain the Auditor's certifiicate that the tax levy has been made. ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 1994. � E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: a Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk ; ; Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA C4UNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - ' A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL TAX LEVY FOR FUNDING OF AN ARMORY - WHEREAS, the Minnesota Army Nationai Guard has selected the City of Rosemount as the location of an Army Nationai Guard Armory; and WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rosemount, by its Resolution No. 1990-24, � Armo within the Cit and li hment of an v the estab s Y h 20 199 0 a ro ed rY ado ted Marc , , pp p is desirous of seein this ro'ect completed; and , 9 p 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause (d) authorizes ��', 000 for taxes levied be innin in ' the City of Rosemount to levy an amount up to $95, 9 9 1990 for the purpose of acquiring an armory and to be senriced by the levy without regard to the limits on debt service and debt otherwise provided by Minnesota , Statutes, chapter 193 or 475; and ', WHEREAS, the Rosemount City Council has held the required public hearing and met I li notice re uirements for this s ecial levy a s set out in Minnesota Statute II ub c a p P 4 Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause {d). ' ' f he C it of n ilo t RE BE IT RESO LVED that the Ci Cou c y THEREFO � tY NOW, , Rosemount hereby authorizes a special tax levy to be levied in 1994 and collected in 1995 in the amount of $95,000 for the purpose of ineeting funding requirements for the construction of an Army National Guard Armary. ' ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 1994. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ', � � � , � ATTEST: . Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: � ; . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - 103 A RESOLIITION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1995 GENER.AL FUND OPERATING HIIDGET, 7.`SE 1995 C.I.P. BUDGET AND . THT 1995 LEVY REQIIIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOIINT WSEREAS the Cit Council of the City of Ros emount has determined , Y 995 will be in the t hat bud ets and sp ecial needs for the year 1 g und and the CIP amount of $4,481, 3 49 for the General Operating F Funds and WHEREP,S, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Project total $815, 337; and WSEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2, 073 , 287 . t the tot al Prelimina Le NOW, THEREFORE BE I T RESOLVED, tha z'Y v'Y certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $3, 223 , 399; and BE IT FtTRTIiER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of presenting the proposed budget and levy to the general public and to comply with Truth in Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota . State Legislature, and that the hearing sha11 take place on December l, 1994, at 7: 00 P.M. , in the Council Chambers at the City Hall; and II, HE IT FLJRTFiER RESOLVED, that if a continuation of that hearing is necessary it shall take place on December 8, 1994, at 7 : 00 P.M. AD�PTED this 7th day of September, 1994 . , �. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor � ATTEST: �'i��� '_ � . . . � . � �' � - - Su an M. W sh, City Clerk `� . . Wi ermann Seconded by: Anderson 4 Motion by• pp � Voted in favar: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy and Busho Voted Against : None � .i . � . � ,. � . . . . .. . .. TO: NORMA B. MARSH, COtTNTY AIIDITOR � ', FROM: CITY OF Rosemount , DATE: 9-14-94 , We have set the date for cur City public levy hearinq to be as follows: ' 12-1-94 Rosemount City Hall 7:00 P.M. (Date) (Time) 2875 I45th St. West ' Rosemount, MN 5�068 I� (Place) , The date set for reconvening the hearing, if necessary, will be: i 12-8-94 Rosemount City Hall 7:00 P.M. ' (Date) (Place) (Time� ' The "Notice of P=oposed Property Tax" sent to each taxpayer contains the II d or review a co of ' n about where to send comments an / PY � following informatio , your proposed budget. Please provide it as you want it to anpear on that � notice. � Name OR Title: Ci ty Admi ni strator , Address: 2875 145th Street West �, Rosemount, MN 55068 � Phone Number: (612) 423-441 I I�I se com lete and return this form with the enclosed Levy Certification II', Plea p worksheet. If you have any questions, please ca11 Margaret at 438-4390. II li SIGNED: II , ; ity lerk/Ad inistrator � • i THIS FORM MII3T BE RETIIRNED TO THE COIINTY AQDITOR HY SEPTEMBER 15 . 1994. O:1TT-93C I � LEVY CERTIF1CATtON WORKSHEET " Taxes Payable 19,�, Budget _ Pro e .l'ax Aids Other Certified � � e uirements A �,�A� Resources Lev II Ex enditure Cate o R . � (E=A�B-C-D 1. G eneralGovernment 4,481,349 384,888 $ 562,494 1,125,905 $ 2,408,06� 2. Bonded Debt 815,337 815,337 3. . 4. . . 5. 6. � , TOTAL $ 5,256,686 $ 384,888 $ 562,494 $ 1,125,905 $ 3,223,399 ' A- 8udget requirement: Expenditure approved at ihe annual budget meettng. 8.- LGA (Locai Government Aid) These alds can be us�d to reduce any budg�it1etem eevy emeints. To�help oiwnships in Items,or be deducted proportionallyt�om vy q C.• HACA (Hstd and Ag credit Aid) qualifying tor state road and bridge aid,it is to townshtp's advantage to minimi=e the deduction oi these aids irom the road and bridge levy. D- Othe�Resou�ces: Ali other resources that wlll be used to(Inance you mun felSeNeSs b a 9�t�ny othearecelpts andestate road t Natural Resources sids�Interests income�prio�year �9 and bridge ald tor townshlps. E.- CeNitied Levy: Levy certitled to the county auditor. Certitfed levies should be rounded to the nearest doila�. * Municipalltles that have voter spproval reterendum levles lor generai or special purposes,such as bonds�which were approved aiter Mey 31�1991 and iirst eHecttva after taxea payable year 1992 are a direct tax against market value and are not sub�ect to reduction by LQA snd HACA. . � ._ . _. _ ,_ _ Page One December 1,1994 REVENUE SOURCES � 1994 Adopted 1995 Proposed +/- 'I'yp� Budget Budget Difference Percentage Local Goverment Aid $380,794 �384,888 54,094 1.08% (Includes Equalization Aid Beginning 1994) Homestead 8t Agricuttural Credit Aid 5555,804 5562,494 $6,690 1.7.0°!0 Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 5265,850 E268.400 E2,550 0.96% Intergovernmental 5181,000 E270,500 $89,500 49.45% Charges for Services 5357,900 5370,275 $12,375 3.46% Fines and Forfeits $65,000 580,000 S15,Q00 23.08% Recreational Fees $63,100 $202,130 $139,030 220.33% Miscellaneous Revenues $62,600 $61,600 (51+000) -1.60% Transfets In $236,612 $3,400 ($233,212) ' -9856% : ______- -------------------- --------- Total Internal Revenues $1,232,062 51,256,305 $24,?A3 1.97% Levy Sources: Special Levies �554,868 5815,337 $260,469 46.94% General Levy �2,111,0'79 $2,408,062 $296,983 14.07% ----------- ------------------------ --------------- Total Levy 52,665,947 53,223,399 $557,452 2091% __------------ ---------------�------- --------------- TOTAL REVENUE SOURCES 54,834,607 55,4..7,086 5592,479 12.25% Page Two December 1,1994 FUNDING REQUIltEMENTS , � 1994 Adopted 1995 Proposed +l- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget 5134,807 596,500 ($38,30'7) -28.42% Administration Budget E231,202 $211,760 (579,442) -8.41% El�tion Budget SIQ570 55,800 (54,77U) -45.13% Finance Budget a143,110 5121,389 (521,'121) -15.18°l0 General Govemment Budget 5187,050 $221,000 $33,950 18.15% Communiry Development 5165,005 $322,300 $157,295 95.33% (Old Planning-Pius Building) Govemment Buildings Budget 573,278 $94,700 $21,422 29.23% Police Budget $899,226 $467,825 �68,599 7.63% Fire Department Budget $166,409 $181,300 $14,891 8.95% Public Works Operating Budget $1,039,517 $1,003,500 ($36,01'n -3.46% (Minus Building-PlusParks Maintenance) Paved Streets Budget $98,098 $99,900 $1,802 1.84% Unpaved 5treets Budget $57>951 SS7,200 ($751} -1.30% Ice&Snow Budget $24,223 $22,300 ($1,923} -7.94% Street Lights Budget 566,224 572,500 $6,276 9.48� Signal Lights Budget $7,201 58,600 51,399 14.43% Parks Maintenance Budget �65,920 563,300 ($2,620) -3.97�7"0 (Formerly in Park&Rec) ' Park&Rec Budget-General Operating 5255,943 • $581,700 E325,757 127.28% � (Minus Parks Maint-Plus Comm Center) �,; Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs $63,100 $67,675 $4,5'IS 7.?S% Other Financing Uses-Transfers $123,188 595,500 ($27,688) -2?48`�0 I , ---- -- -----------_______ ---_---------------- -- ------------------- TOTAL OPERATINGBUDGETS 53,812,022 54,294,749 $482,727 1?66% Five(�Year CIP Requirements �'179,717 5127,000 ($152,71'7} -54.60% Insurance Budget Requirements $188,000 5190,000 $2,000 1.06% Bonded Indebtedness $379,447 5631,610 $252,163 66.46`70 Certificates of Indebtedness $48,290 551,692 b3,402 7.04% tlrmory Anticipatory Levy(Value 7l13/94) 512�,131 5132,435 $4,904 3.86% '$95,000+($464,096,000 x.00798%)' ______________��_ M__________.__________ ________�__ ... TOTAL FUNDING REQUIREMEN'TS 54,834,607 55,427,086 5592,479 1�25% ________- __' '_____ ====s�==== �__-=__�__ ` ALLOCATi O N CJ F ESTI MATE D � 1995 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Insurance (3.5%) Park& Rec (12.0%) Gen'I Govt (19.8%) �� Debt-Armory (2.4%) Debt (12.6%} / ,, I CIP (2.3%) � �,�. Public Safety (21.2%) Public Works {26.2%) � I i I�` I . I' ��. IL ___ a 1994 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1995 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $2,091,062 ' 5-YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND $127>000 INSURANCE FUND � $190,000 ', TOTAL GENERAL LEVY Y F $2,408,062 �', � i BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS II G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1987A(Authorized-$303,092) $125,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1989B (Authorized-$89,527) $� G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991 A(Authorized-$0) $� G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992A(Authorized -$0) $� G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized-$102,039) $102,039 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized-$3,871} $� G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (Authorized$332,837) $� G.0.IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A(Authorized-$4,132) $4,132 G.O. IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS 1993B (Authorized-$184,993) $184,993 G.O. MUNICIPAL B�DG REFUNDING BONDS 19�3D (Authorized-$150,626) $150,626 G.O. BONDS 1993E (Authorized-$64,820) $�'�82� TOTA�BONDED INDESTEDNESS $631,610 CERTIFICATES OF IND EBTED NESS G.O. EQUIPMENTCERTIFICATES 1991C (Authorized$51,692) $51,692 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS $51,692 � PRINCIPQL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 + $464,096,000 x.00798%) $132,035 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $132,035 GRAND TOTAL 1994 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $3,223,399 TAX RATE - LEVY - EXPENDITURE COMPARISON YEAR 1992 1993 1994 1995 (EST) Operating Budget 3,237,716 3,585,633 4,000,022 4,294,749 I Totat Expenditures 4,134,672 4,429,363 4,834,607 5,427,086 Total Levy 2,748,113 2,913,401 2,665,947 3,223,399 %of Total 66.47% 65.77% 55.14% 59.39% Expenditure Levy Equals ' %of Total Operating 84.88% 81.25% 66.65% 75.05%0 Population(Estimates except 1990) 10,000 10,750 11,500 12,000 Levy Per Capita 275 271 232 269 Operating Budget Per Capita 324 334 348 358 City Tax Capacity 29.224 29.810 32.297 35.344 � City Share of Total Tax 25.3% 24.8% 25.7% 27.2% � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISUNS December 1, 1994 ` PAYABLE PAYABLE PAYABLE PAYABLE 1992 1993 1994 1995 City of Rosemount 29.224% 29.810%0 32.297% 35.344% Dakota County 25.536% 26.558% 27.474% 27.896% ISD #196 54.602% 60.188% 60.933% 62.081% Special Districts 6.139% 3.703% 4.964°!0 � 4.523% 115.501% 120.259% 125.668% 129.844% NOTE; For property taxes payable in 1989, taxes were determined by multiplying the gross tax capacity by the tax capacity rate, expressed as a percentage. This replaced the use of assessed value multiplied by mill rates. Beginning with taxes payable in 1990, net tax capacity has replaced gross tax capacity as the basis on which taxes are levied. TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON GROUPED BY GOVERNMENT UNIT �.7 O.fi �....�__.. �....._��..� _ ._._.....��. _�...�_..._ _.�._� 0.5 __. .�..._....__.�__.,..............,....�..._..�...�_.�._.___ ._.._ _._ ._.._.....__...__._�..�...__._.._�_�_..._�....._._._._. _.._._.._ 0.4 --__...._.__�..�_.._._....__.._...�_�...__..._.._. _._.��� _.��. �...�_._.__ .�...�_�_..�_�_�....�..___ _�_..._� 0.3 ._...�_. _._.— ...�... �_.._..__.�. ____ _--_- 0.2 _.�__..�__.�. .....,...._.�_ �_. �_____.. _____�..�__._. 0.1 .�__..__�....�.._�..._�. �.�...___.— � �..�_...�._..._.._..__..._...�......�.._.... - 0 City of Rosemount Dakota County IDS #196 Special Districts � 1992 � 1993 � 1994 1995 ti � �i 1995 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON . AS A % O F TOTAL RATE) � Speciai Districts (3.5%) ; ��" ''�'' '� City of Rosemount (27.2%) IDS #196 (47.8�10} Dakota County{21.5%) F _ _ ___ _ . : _. � __ � _._ . _. _ __ _ { .� 1994 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON AS A % O F TOTAL RATE) � Special Districts (3.9%) , � � City of Rosemount (25.7%} ' i�i i,' 1 i I II IDS #196 {48.5%} Dakota County (21.8%) a } �:1� . . � . . � . � . 1993 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON AS A % O F TOTAL RATE) � - Speciai Districts (3.1%) �+'�s� City of Rosemount {24.8%) IDS #196 (50.0%) Dakota County (22.1%o) j � , . II , �� 1992 TAX CAPAGITY RATE COMPARISON AS A % O F TOTAL RATE �� � ) � � . . , Special Districts (5.3%) I�, City of Rosemount (25.3%) '�, ID 1 47.3�o I S # 96 ( ) , Dakota County {22.1%o} I'I I � il _ I _ I _ . , REV ENUE INFORMATIO N WORKSHEET I December 1, 1994 � 1992 1993 ' 1994 1995 ADOPTED#'S ADOPTED #'S ADOPTED #'S PROPOSED#'S Special Levies $553,956 $612,270 $554,868 $815,337 General Levies $2,194,157 $2,301,131 $2,111,079 $2,408,062 Total Levies $2,748,113 $2,913,401 $2,665,947 $3,223,399 ! Local Government Aid $287,859 $296,512 $380,794 $384,888 ; Homestead Ag Credit Aid $0 $0 $555,804 $562,494 Internal Revenue $1,025,092 $1,219,450 $1,232,062 $1,256,305 � -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ' Total Revenues $4,061,064 $4,429,363 $4,834,607 • $5,427,086 ; T��( LEVY I N FO R MATIO N � BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS ) 2.5 . -. 2 .._ ...._._�����..�.�.._�..��.._._._._�.__�..._._._._.��_.��..........�.�..........�.__-__ _ 'i � 1.5 --__..�...�._....�_: _�� __._.�_..__........_. �.�_�.�......_._�._.:.._�.... c 0 � 1 .._ ___ ._��_ ._____________� _ _ 0.5 , .�........_.._._...� ��...��___. ...._��....,_._... ____._...___.. ..�_:...._..____ ........._..�...�_ ... 0 Special General LGA HACA Internal � 1992 � 1993 � 1994 1995 � :j 1995 T�►X LEVY I N FO R MATI Q N � AS A % O F TOTAL R EVE N U E ) , �-Special Levies (15.0%) tnternal Revenue (23.1%) ���,,,,,,� . I�� 1 . � �',il O HACA (10.4/o) LGA (7.1%) - General Levies (44.4%) k I �I. � � �L �I Ik- I I F I � 1995 T�1X LEVY I N FO R MAT10�1 ' BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS � ) 2.5 - 4�.= ��� � 2 � � � � ... 1.5 � N _ C ��. O _ ,_ � g _.._..._._..�__�_»_ ..... . �__. _.. �. 1 z� �� , 0.5 �� y. 3h't O Special General LGA HACA Internal � 1994 T��X LEVY INF�RMATIt�N A A % �F TOTAL R EVE N U E � S ) , Speciai Levies (11.5%) Internal Revenue (25.5%) � , , ,III ui111 1,i„��''' � . I��Ilil���f�jj�llpi�'�i . . . . . .. '�. HACA (11.5%} General Levies (43.7%) ' LGA (7.9%) � ' I ' '� I . �� _ �___. ,.�..,.._.,.,,.�.•--- ----._ . R ' i 'F , 13 � � . � . . � . . . li f� � . � . � � � . � � ��� �� . � . . . . . . � ,. III� . . � .. � .. . . '.,. C.. . . � . � � . . � � � . . '.,. I�'. . . . � � - � � . . � � �'. ' 1 4 T��C LEVY I N FORMATI�N 99 BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS �� � ) 2.5 2 ; ,-. 1.5 N C O , � ,.. 1 0.5 , 0 Special General LGA HACA Internat � i 1993 T��X LEVY I N F4 R MATI O N AS A % OF TOTAL REVENUE ) � Special Levies {7 3.8%) ', liiii!i�iiii\��0�\ ; Internal Revenue (27.5%) '�������� � � � � � 1;`�II i li�i .� . . . � � �IIj10` ' iu HACA (0.0%) LGA (6.7%) ' ' General Levies (52.0%) 1993 T�►X LEVY I N FORMATION � � BY DOLLAR AMC�UNTS ) 2.5 2 � 1.5 I c 0 � " 1 0.5 ,I il�i I` I `\' 0 Speciai General LGA HACA Internal II � _ _ . 1992 T��X LEVY I N FO R MATI O N AS A % O F TOTAL R EVE N lJ E � � Special Levies (13.6%) Internal Revenue (25.2%) %,���� I � � `11�I�1���l) . . . � u,��' � . �illii��l ��p�pliiilpil � . . ' . � �. � �... . � I i I . . . . ,. HACA {0.0%) LGA (7.1%) , General Levies (54.0%j ', L ------ ___ j ! ! 1992 T��X LEVY INFORMATIQN � BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS ) � 2.5 2 ,.� 1.5 � c 0 � ... 1 0.5 0 Speciai Generai LGA HQCA internal I I MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PROPERTY TAX DIVISION MAIL STATION 3340 ' I SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55146-3340 PHONE� C612) 296-5141 1995 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID NOTICE � JULY 28, 1994 k . . . � � , . . . ;+ CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL - BOX 455 ; ROSEMOUNT CITY OF 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ;� THE 1945 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FOR YOUR CITY IS $ 384,888 . ' FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE FACTORS USED IN THE CALCULATION OF YOUR GITY'S 1995 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID. SEE THE ENCLOSED LETTER FOR AN EXPLANATION OF� THESE FACTORS AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF YOUR CITY'S AID. 1. PRE-1940 HOUSING UNITS� 158 2. TOTAL HOUSING UNITS� 2,8b6 3. PRE-1940 HOUSING PERCENTAGE� 5.51 � 4. 1983 POPULATION� 5,790 5. 1993 POPULATION� 10,478 6. POPULATION DfCLINE PERCENTAGE- .00 % 7 . 1993 TOTAL CLASS 3 REAI PROPERTY MARKET VALUE� 5 84,288,799 8. 1993 TOTAL REAL AND PERSONAL MARKET VALUE� S 419,065,715 9. COMMERCIALiINDUSTRIAI PERCENTAGE� 20.11 '/. 10. TRANSFORMED POPULATION� 652.98 11 . C ITY REVENUE NEE D� S 220.89 �,If: j. 12. PAYABLE 1994 CITY NET LEVY� S 2,665,983 �; 13. PAYABLE 1994 CITY NET TAX CAPACITY� S 8,371,958 14. TAX EFFORT RATE� .254410 15. NEED INCREASE PERCENTAGE� .032221 i 16 . CITY AID BASE� S 379,500 17. CITY AID FORMULA C15X(11X5)-(13X14)) � $ 5,947 18. PRELIMINARY AID (16+17) � S 385,447 19. 1994 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID� 5 381,374 S 647 972 20. MAXIMUM AID� ► 21. 1995 lGA BEFORE REDUCTIONS CLESSER OF 18 OR 20) � S 385,447 22. REDUCTION FOR STA7E COSTS� S 559 23. REDUCTION RESULT7NG FROM ESTA�LISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT� S ' " 24. FINAL 1495 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER REDUCTIONS C21-22-23) � $ 384,888 . � . MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St.Pau1, MN 55146-3340 Phone: (612)296-5141 Fa�c: (6I2)297-2166 TDD: (612)282-2095 July 28, 1994 I TO: CITIES RE: NOTICE OF 1995 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID The amount of your city's 1995 local government aid has been determined and is shown on the enclosed notice. The notice also lists the factors used to determine your city's 1995 local government aid. Following is an explanation of these factors. 1. PRE-1940 HOUSING UNITS: This is the total number of housing units in your city that were constructed before 1940 according to the 1990 Federal Census. ' 2. TOTAL HOUSING UNITS: This is the total number of all housing units in your city(both vacant and occupied) according to the 1990 Federal Census. ' 3. PRE-1940 HOUSING PERCENTAGE: This is the result of dividing the total number of pre- 1940 housing units (line 1)by the total number of housing units (line 2), multiplied by 100. 4. 1983 POPULATION: This is the April 1, 1983 population estimate for your city as determined by the State Demographer. ' S. 1993 POPULATION: This is the April 1, 1993 population estimate for your city as determined by the State Demographer(for nonmetropolitan cities)or by the Metropolitan Council (for cities within the seven county metropolitan area). 6. POPULATION DECLINE PERCENTAGE: If your city's 1983 population(line 4)is greater than your city's 1993 population(line 5),this is the result of subtracting line 5 from line 4 and ' 's 1993 o u lation is eater't han i ti l i e d b 1 0 0. I f o u r c i line 4 mul � t h e d i f f e r e n c e b t Y P P dividin , P Y Y g Y . yaur city's 1983 population,your population decline percentage is zera ' 7. 1993 TOTAL CLASS 3 REAL PROPERTY MARKET VALUE: This is the total 1993 (taxes payable 1994) Class 3 market value of all commercial,industrial, and employment properties in your city,before any adjustments for fiscal disparities and excluding public utility � properties. These values are not equalized. • I continued... i An equal opportunity employer TDD:(612)297-2196 I', 8. 1993 TOTAL REAL AND PERSONAL MARKET VALUE: This is the total 1993 (taxes payable 1994)real and personal mazket value of your city before any adjustrnents for fiscal disparities,but after any limited mazket value adjustments. These values are not equalized. 9. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PERCENTAGE: This is the result of dividing your city's total Class 3 market value_(line 7)by your city's total real and personal market value(line 8), and multiplying the result by 100. 10. TRANSFORMED POPULATION: This is the result of multiplying your city's population (line 5),raised to the .3308 power,by 30.5485. 11. CITY REVENUE NEED: ; �f xour citv's ponulation is less than 2,500.your city's revenue need is the result of: a) 1.795919 times the pre-1940 housing percentage (line 3), plus b) 1.562138 times the commercial/industrial percentage (line 9), plus c) 4.177568 times the population decline percentage (line 6), plus d) 1.04013 times the transformed population(line 10), minus e) 107.475. If vour cit�s_po�ulation is 2 500 or greater.your city's revenue need is the result of: : a) 3.462312 times the pre-1940 housing percentage (line 3), plus b) 2.093826 times the commercial/industrial percentage (line 9), plus c) 6.862552 times the population decline percentage (line 6), plus d) .00026 times the city population(line 5), plus e) 152.0141. The city revenue need is then multiplied by the ratio of the most recent implicit price deflator for state and local government purchases to the 1993 implicit price deflator for state and local government purchases. (The March, 1994 and March, 1993 indices were used). For determination of 19951ocal government aid,this ratio is 1.023. _ , 12. PAYABLE 1994 CITY NET LEVY: This is your city's payable 1994 levy excluding your city's 1994 homestead and agricultural credit aid(HACA). If your city is located in the seven- county metropolitan area,the net levy for your city includes the fiscal disparities distribution levy. 2 ' ' 13. PAYABLE 1994 CITY NET TAX CAPACITY: This is your city s 1993 (payable 1994)` equalized net tax capacity. The net tax capacity excludes any tax increment financing(TIF) ' district value and any power line value. If your city is located in the seven-county metropolitan azea,the net tax capaciry excludes any fiscal disparities contribution value and includes any�iscal disparities distribution value. For cities that receive a TIF aid reduction,this value is adjusted by the amount of the city's payable 1994 qualified captured net t�capacity(see line 23 below). 14..TAX EFFORT RATE: This is the result of dividing the statewide total payable 1994 net levy for all cities by the statewide total payable 1994 equalized net tax capacity for ail cities. The ta�c effort rate is the same for all cities. 15. NEED INCREASE PERCENTAGE: This is the percentage that is needed to increase'the , total 1945 aid ior all cities to the amc,unt of aid appropriated for cities in 19�5. The need increase . percentage is the same for all cities,with the following exception: If your city transferred governmental funds to its sewer and/or water fund in 1992 or 1993 and the amount transferred exceeded your city's net levy for that taxes payable year,the need increase percentage is doubled. This exception is for calculation of 19951ocal government aid only. 16. CITY AID BASE: This is the total of your city's 1993 local government aid, 1993 , equalization aid, and 1993 disparity reduction aid. ' 17. CITY FORMULA AID: This is the result of multiplying the need increase percentage(line 15)times the difference between a)the city's revenue need (line 11)multiplied by the city's population(line 5) and b)the city's net tax capacity (line 13)multiplied by the tax effort rate'(line 14). 18. PRELIMINARY AID: This is your city's formula aid(line 17)plus your city's aid base(line 16). NT AID: This is the total amount of LGA our ci was 19. 1994 LOCAL GOVERNME y ty 'v in calendar ear 1994 before the reduction of state costs. certified to recei e Y , 20. MAXIMUM AID: For cities of the first class (Minnea�olis. St. Paul, and Duluthl: The maximum aid is limited,to the city's 19941oca1 government aid(line 19) increased by the aggregate percentage increase in aid for all cities from 1994 to 1995. For 1995,this increase is equal to approximately two percent For all other cities: The maximum aid is limited to 10 percent of the city's net levy for the taxes payable year 1994 (line 12)plus the city's 1994 local government aid(line 19), with the following exception: If your city transferred governmental funds to its sewer and/or water fund in 1992 or 1993 and the amount transferred exceeded your city's net levy for that taxes payable year,the rnaximum aid is limited to the sum of 20 percent of your city's net levy for the taxes payable yeaz 1994 (line 12)plus your city's 19941oca1 government aid(line 19). This exception is for 3 calculation of 1995 local government aid only. 21. 1995 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID BEFORE STATE COSTS: This is the lesser of your city's preliminary aid(line 18) or your city's maximum aid(line 20). ' 22. REDUCTION FOR STATE COSTS: Minnesota Statutes, Section 477A.014, Subdivision 4 ', provides for reductions in local government aid to finance certain state costs. All cities and towns I receiving local government aid in 1995 receive a reduction for state costs based on their prorated ', share of the following amounts: I, Calendar Year 1995 I� State Demographer $ 16,000 . S:ate A�.:diter(Ceti��rnmer.:Irforn:�*ien Div:siQn) 2??,�00 Department of Administration(IISAC) 205,800 Department ofEmployee Relatians (Pay Equity) 55,000 TOTAL $ 493,800 23. AID REDUCTION RESULTING FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TIF ' DISTRICT: Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399 requires that a reduction be made to local government aid(and, if necessary, to homestead and agricultural credit aid) if a reduction in aid results from the establishment of a tax increment financing district. If this provision applies to � ' your city, the amount of the reduction is listed here. 24. FINAL 1995 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER REDUCTIONS: This is the total ' ' S id distribution line 2I minus the reduction for state costs line 22 amount of your crty s 199 a ( ) ( ) and minus the reduction resulting from the establishment of a TIF district (line 23). NOTE: As of this date, any reductions to local government aid due to the establishment of a tax increment financing district{line 23 above)have not yet been determined. When these reduction amounts have been determined, our office will be sending out revisedlocal government aid certifications to those cities io wnich tnis reduction appiies. Your city's 1995 local government aid will be paid in two equal installments. The first half, installment will be paid on or before July 20, 1995, and the second half installment will be paid on ' or before December 26, 1995. Minnesota Statutes, Section 477A.014 provides that a governmental unit may object to the amount of aid that the Department of Revenue has determined for it. No objection may be raised later than 4 60 days after receipt of this notice. Such objection should be addressed to Michael P. Wandmacher,Director,Properiy Tax Division,Minnesota Department of Revenue,Mail Station 3340, St. Paul, MN 55146-3340. If you have any questions regarding this letter,please call me at(612)296-5141. Sincerely, • o� Larry L. Bewley Reseazch Analysis Specialist Fncl�sure .i I ��; � � . . . . ��..' . . . - � . . � . . i i.- 5 � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT Of REVENUE PROPERTY TAX DIVISION MAIL STATION 3340 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55146-3340 PHONE� (612) 296-1963 CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES PAYABIE IN 1995 AUGUST 10, 1994 CLERK TREASURER ' CITY HAIL - BaX 455 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 THE 1995 HACA FOR YOUR TAXING DISTRICT IS . . . . . . . . S 562,494 . THIS AMOUNT IS TO BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR LEVY�BEFORE CERTIFICATION TO YOUR COUNTY AUDITOR (SEE ENCLOSED LETTER) . THE FOILOWING IS A IISTING OF THE FACTORS USED IN THE CALCULATION OF YOUR 7AXING � DISTRICT'S 1995 HOMESTEAD AND AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AID. j , � � � � � � � � I � 1. 1994 CERTIFIED HACA� S 555,804 '; 2. ADJUSTMENT TO 1994 HACA� CA) S U �I 3. 1995 HACA BASE (1 + 2) : S 555,804 I 4. GROWTH ADJUSTMENT FACTOR� CB) S 0 5. FISCAL DISPARITIES ADJUSTMENT FACTOR� (C) S 6,690 6. NET TAX CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR� CD) S 0 7. COUNTY COURT CQST OFFSET� tE) S 0 8. 1995 CERTIFIED HACA (3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) � CF) S 562,494 (A) IF AN AMOUNT IS SHOWN, NUMBER BELOW EXPLAINS ADJUSTMENT� C1) ADJUSTMENT FOR PREVIOUS YEAR'S TIF MUNIGIPALITY AID REDUCTION. (2) FINAL ADJUSTMENT FOR PAYABLE 1993 ANNEXATION. C3) PAYABLE 1994 ANNEXATION ADJUSTMENT. (B) APPLIES TO COUNTIES ONLY. ITEM 4 = ITEM 3 X (1993 HOUSEHOLD COUNT / 1992 HOUSEHOID COUNT) . CC) SEVEN-COUNTY METRO TAXING DISTRICTS ONLY. ITEM 5 = C1994 DISTRIBUTION TAX - C1994 DISTRIB�JTION TAX X 0.97872)) . 0.9?872 = CPAYABLE loo�i CO?�MER.r.�aL/I�:y:;ST CLASS RATE OF 4.6� � PAYABLE 1993 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CLASS RATE OF 4.7%) . CD) ITEM 6 = 0 FOR ALt TAXING DISTRIGTS SINCE THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN CLASS RATES FROM PAYABLE 1994 T0 1995. (E) APPLIES TO GOUNTIES ONLY. PUBLIC DEFENSE COST REDUCTION, CLAWS 1994� CH.636, ART.11, SEC.1). CF) REFLECTS ANY ADJUSTMENT FOR PAYABLE 1995 ANNEXATIONS. MINNESOTA Department of Revenue PROPERTY TAX DIVISION Mail Station 3340 St.Paul, MN 55146-3340 Phone: (612) 296-3010 Fax: (bl2)297-2166 August 10, 1994 TO: COUN'TIES, CITIES & SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS RE: PAYABLE 1995 LEVY CERTIFICATION � Enclosed is the payable 1995 homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA) certification for your taxing district. The homestead and agricultural credit aid(HACA) amount certified for your taxing district on the enclosed form is to be deducted by you from your levy before certification to the county auditor. This is the same procedure that was used last year. The levy amount you certify to the county auditor will be used to calculate the initial tax rate for your district. Seven- county metro taxing districts please note that the county auditor will still reduce your certified levy by the fiscal disparity distribution tax before calculation of your initial tax rate. You are to deduct'HACA from your levy both in total and by levy purpose before certification. HACA may be deducted'entirely from one levy purpose, partially from a number of levy purposes or proportionately from all levy puiposes. There is no specified HACA allocation procedure to be followed other than to use HACA to reduce net t�capacity based levies only. If your taxing district has referendum levies that are based on market values, those market value based levies are not reduced by HACA. An example of a certified levy calculation showing the HACA deduction is on the back of this � letter. Most counties will provide taxing districts with a form to use in certifying payable 2995 levies that will follow the procedures outlined in the example. If the deduction of HACA results in a total certified levy after HACA of zero for payable 1995, your taxing district will not receive any payable 1995 HACA. The law states that HACA is not paid to a taxing district that does not levy. Please coordinate the certification of your levy with the county auditor so that no misunderstandings occur. In addition, at your taxing district's Truth in Taxation meetings this fa11, you should explain which levy purpose or levy purposes are being reduced by HACA for 1995. i ff you have questions concerning the calculation of your payable 1995 HACA, please call ' JeffLanning at (612) 296-1963. Sincerely, � �C_�!C.�J - -- Deb Votkert � Property Tax Coordinator �l(dSt}�'}�rtunity empioyer TDD:(612)297-2196 (over) County, City and Special T�xing District Certified Levy Calculation Example Taxes Payable 1995 Levy Levy � Before After Levy Purpase HACA HACA * HACA ** Net Taa Capacity Based Levies 1. General Fund $ 1,200,000 $ 450,000 $ 750,000 2. Debt 100,000 37,500 -62,500 3. Library 50,000 18,750 31,250 4. Road and Bridge 200,000 75,000 125,000 5. PERA 50,000 18,750 31,250 6. � 7. , 8. � 9. _ 10. Tota1 Net Tax Cap. Based Levies (Total l thru 9) $' 1,600,000 � _. '; 11. HACA (Certified by the Department of Revenue) $ 600,004: �� 12. Net Tax Capacity Based Levies After the F 'r Deduction of HACA(10 - 11) $ 1,000,000 , " Market Value Based Referendum Levies i 13. Debt $ 70,000 NA $ 70,000 �, 14. Other 30,000 NA 30,000 ' 15. Total Market Va1ue Based Ref. Levies (13 + 14) $ 100,000 NA $ 100,000 ', 16. Total Certified Levy (12 + 15) $ �1,100,000 �I'�, * HACA may be deducted entirely from one levy purpose or partially from a number of levy purposes. For purposes of this example, it has been deducted proportionally from all levy purposes. For this example, General Fund HACA=($600,000/$1,600,000)X$1,200,000=$450,000 ** Levy After HACA=Levy Before HACA-HACA For this example, General Fund Levy After HACA= $1,200,000 - $450,000=$750,000 NA - Not Applicable. HACA is only deducted from net tax capacity based levies. It is not deducted from market value based referendum levies � SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET I 1995 -----1992 -----1993 1994 --- (Proposed)- ------ ---- ------- Total Funding Requirements 4,061,064 4,429,363 4,834,607 5,429,086 I.ess:Internal Revenues 1,025,092 1,219,450 1,057,062 1,256,305 ! I.ess:Use of CIP Reserves 0 0 175,000 0 ' Equals:Revennes Needed 3,035,972 3,209,913 3,602,545 4,170,781 (City Ad justments-Subtractions) Local Government Aid(LGA) 287,859 296,512 380,794 384,888 (2) ' Homestead&Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA) N/A N/A 555,804 562,494 (2) , Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 2,748,113 2,913,401 2,665,947 3,223,399 (County Auditor Adjustments-Subtractions) Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy(Metro Area) 310,034 3112,808 314,358 312,157 (3) Certified Homestead&Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA) 448,063 525,257 N/A N/A Equalization Aid 82,692 82,973 N/A N/A Disparity Reduction Aid N/A N/A N/A N/A Spread Levy(Used to Compute Local Tax Rate) 1,907,324 2,002,363 (1) 2,351,584 (1) 2,911,242 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 4.98% 17.44% 23.80% (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers fmm County (2) 1995 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (3) 1995 Number Provided by Dakota County Audifor's Office-8/19/94 ,� Last Update-11J21/94 �: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOfl ESTIMATING PROPERTY TAXES(ISD#196 FIGURES) Market Value 68,000 72,000 110,000 150.000 Year 1993 1994 1995 Est 1993 1994 1995 Est 1993 1994 1995 Est 1993 1994 1995 Est Tax Capacity 680 680 680 720 720 720 1,480 1,480 1,480 2,455 2,280 2,280 Tax Capacity Rates: City 29.810% 32.297% 35.344% 29.810% 32297% 35.344% 29.810% 32297% 35.344� 29.810% 32.297% 35.344% County 26.558% 27.474% 27.896% 26.558% 27.474% 27.896% 26.558% 27.474% 27.896% 26.558% 27.474% 27.896% School District 60.188% 60.933% 62.081% 60 188% 60.933% 62.081% 60.188% 60.933% 62.081% 60.188% 60.933% 62.081% Miscellaneous 3.703% 4.964% 4.523% 3.703% 4.964% 4.523% 3.703% 4.964% 4.52396 3.703% 4.964% 4.523% Adjustment Tota) 120259°16 125.668% 129.844% 120.259% 125.668% 129.844% 120259% 125.668% 129.844% 120259% 125.668% 129.844% Property Taues: City 203 220 240 215 233 254 441 478 523 732 736 806 County 181 187 190 191 198 201 393 407 413 652 626 636 School District 409 414 422 433 439 447 891 902 919 1,478 1,389 1,415 Miscellaneous 25 34 31 27 36 33 55 73 67 91 113 103 Adjustment 8t8 855 883 866 905 935 1,780 1,860 1.922 2.952 2.865 2.960 � � ;re.•r:•4'r'yvn•:v:....•�.•:..,.y,.,...�. . ,..�'�.. 9.434%•;`:%�:�'s����;����..�..�r.'.'��:� Market Value 200,000 250,000 History of Actual Tax Capaciry Rates(Using ISD#196 Rates) Year 1993 1994 1995 Est 1993 1994 1995 Est 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Est Tax Capacity 3,705 3,280 3,280 4,955 4,280 4,280 Tax Capacity Rates: , , Ciry � 29.810% 32.297% 35.344% 29.810% 3229796 35.344% 22.001% 27.705% 29224% 29.810% 32.297% 35.344%{1) ' County 26.558°6 27.474% 27.896% 26.558% 27:474% 27.896% 21.061% 22.542% 25.536% 26.558% 27.474% 27.896%(1) School District 64.188% 60.933% 62.081% 60.188% 60.933� 62.081% 42.15046 48.559% 55.681% 60.188% 60.933% 62.08196(1) Miscellaneous 3.703% 4.964% 4.523% 3.703% 4.�4� 4.523% 3.009% 3.477% 5.060% 3.703% 4.964% 4.523%(7) . Adjustment Total 120259% 125.668% 129.844% 120.259% 125.668% 129.84446 88.221% 102.2834G 115.501% 120259% 125.668% 129.844% Property Taxes: City 1,104 1,059 1,159 1,477 1,382 1,513 Net Tax Capacity Percentages County 984 901 915 1,316 1,176 1,194 For Residentiai Homesteads: School Disnict 2,230 1,999 2,036 2,982 2,608 2,657 First$72,000 1.0 1.0 1.0 Miscellaneous 137 163 148 183 212 194 $72,000-$175,000 2.0 2.0 2.0 Adjustment Over$115,000 2.5 2.0 2A ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------- 4,456 4,122 4,259 5,959 5,379 5,557 (1) These Figures Supplied by the County 11-4-94 j GENERAL FUND REVENUES December 1,1994 , 1994 ADOPT'ED 1995 PROPOSED +/- TYPES BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE GENERAI.FUND REVENUES General Property T�es $1,831,362 52,281,062 �449,700 24.56% Licenses and Permits $265,850 $268,400 $2,550 0.96% Intergovernmental $1,117,598 $1,217,882 $100,284 8•97% Charges for Services $357,900 $370,215 $12,375 3.46% Fines and Forfeits $65,000 $80,000 $15,000 23.08% Recreational Fees $63,100 $202,130 $139,030 220.33% Miscellaneous Revenues $62,600 $61,600 ($1,000) -1.60% Transfers In $236,612 $3,400 ($233,212) -98.56% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $4,000,022 � $4,484,749 $484,727 12.12% I 1995 SUMM ARY OF REVENUES � GENERAL FUND '� � , � Misc Revenue (1.4%) � Intergovernmental (27.2%) � �� Gen'I Property Taxes {50.9%) Fines & Forfeits (1.8%} Licenses & Permits (6.0%) Transfers In (0.1%) Charges for Services (8.3%) Recreational Fees (4.5%) I �: ,� i- 1994 SUMMARY OF REVENUES GENERAL FUND Misc Revenue (1.6%) Intergovernmental (27.9%) Gen'I Property Taxes (45.8%) Fines & Forfeits (1.6%} Licenses & Permits (6.6%) Transfers in (5.9%) ' Charges for Services (8.9%) Recreational Pees (1.6%) _ i 3, � � E ;{ 1993 S U M MARY CJ F R EVE N U ES � GENERAL FUND Misc Revenue {1.6%) Intergovernmentai (12.9%) ' Fines & Forteits (1.2%) Licenses & Permits (6.7%) Transfers In (5.2%) Gen't Property Taxes (57.7%) Charges for Services (12.0%) Recreationai Fees (2.8%) 1992 SUMMARY OF REVENUES GENERAL FUND Misc Revenue (4.9%) Intergovernmental (13.4%) . . �`�I��� � . � . � Fines & Forfeits (1.5%) Licenses & Permits (6.7%) y Gen'i Property Taxes (57.2%) Transfers In (7.3%) � I 0 I�� � �II�IIII II 7IM�I. '��il III�III��III����II II li lij��l.�iV!I'i�IV1;�e . , . . Charges for Services (6.0/o) � Recreational Fees (3.0%) i Page One , 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments � ---------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------- 101 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $968,464 $1,090,326 $1,517,004 $1,968,905 From County I l0l 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes(I) $0 $0 $0 $89;000 Included in Debt Levy Figure ' , 101 31020 00 000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes(� $29,916 $20,184 $20,000 $20,000 Fmm County ' 101 31030 00 000 Mobile Home Taaces(I) $8,709 $8,388 $9,000 $9,000 From County 101 31040 00 000 Fiscal Disparities $310,034 $302,808 $314,358 $312,157 From County ' 101 31710 00 000 Gravel Ta�ces(I} $3,650 $3,520 $4,000 $4,000 From County ' 101 31810 00 000 Franchise Taaces(I) $21,642 $22,944 $25,000 $25,000 From Cable Company ' 101 32110 00 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses(L) $10,640 $11,919 $13,000 $13,000 , 101 32160 00 000 Licenses to do Business(L)` $7,360 $16,600 $15,000 $17,000 ' 101 32161 00 000 Licenses to do Bus-Kennels(L) $25 $0 $50 $100 101 32162 00 000 Licenses to do Business-_(L) $100 $100 $100 $100 Spiatball Permits I - 101 32180 00 000 Cigarette Licenses(L) $204 $200 $200 $200 ' 101 32210 Od 000 Building Permit Revenue(L) $233,815 $194,318 $194,000 $190,000 ', 101 32211 00 000 Coates Bldg Official Remib(L) $0 $355 $500 $54U , 101 32212 00 000 Minerat Extraction Permit(L) $0 $250 $0 $0 ', 101 32220 00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue(L} $12,991 $13,854 $10,000 $1Q000 ', 101 32230 00 000 Plumbing Permit Revenue(L) $26,492 $12,514 $10,000 $10,000 , 101 322A0 00 000 Animal Licenses(L) $1,908 $1,930 $1,500 $1,9(10 j 101 32250 00 000 Sewer Permit Revenue(L) $13,2b7 $11,430 $8,000 $8,0�� I 101 32255 00 000 County Recording Fee-City's(L} $170 $290 $100 $200 ', 101 32260 00 000 HVAC Permit Revnue(L) $35,368 $17,907 $1'1,000 $17,000 ! 101 32290 00 WO Other Non-Bus Lic&Permits(L) $402 $450 $400 $400 I 101 33401 00 000 L.ocal Government Aid{LGA) $312,363 $296,502 $380,794 $384,888 From State �i 101 33402 00 000 Hstd&Ag Credit Aid(HACA) $448,063 $525,257 $555,804 $562,494 From State 101 33403 00 000 Mobile Home HACA(I) $20,676 $21,977 $21,U00 $21,000 From StaYe I 101 33416 00 WO Police Training Reimbursement(I) $55,711 $59,618 $60,000 $60,d00 I 101 33416 00 000.1 Post Board Training Reimb $55,000 101 33416 00 000.2 State Aid(Tied to PERA) $5,000 101 33418 00 000 MSA for Streets-Maintenance(I) $21,555 $21,555 $22>000 $22,500 From State 101 33424 00 000 Equalization Aid $89,719 $82,973 $0 $0 With LGA Beginning in 1994 II 101 33630 00 000 Police Services Levy-ISD#196(I) $'7,968 $16,089 $18,000 $18,000 101 34103 00 000 Zoning&Subdivision Fees(C} $10,589 $11,591 $3,000 $S,d00 101 34104 00 000 Plan Checking Fees(C) $142,099 $120,607 $125,000 $125,000 65%of Building PermitFees 101 34105 00 000 Sales of Maps&Publications(C) $757 $349 $500 $500 101 34106 00 000 Deputy Registrar Fees(C) $24,164 $24,010 $25,OOd $25,000 101 34107 00 000 AssessmentSearches(C) $425 $1,473 $500 $1,000 101 34108 00 000 Admin Fees-Other Funds(G) $78,365 $138,566 $93,500 $128,875 101 34108 00 000.1 All Funds Except Construction $61,875 101 34108 00 000.2 Construction Funds ���� 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service(C) $2,083 $2,940 $1,500 $1,500 101 34110 00 000 Service Chg on Returned Chks(C) $190 $224 $200 $200 101 34111 00 000 Service L.00kup Check(Bldg)(C) $1,414 $1,543 $1,500 $1,500 101 34112 00 000 Utility Permit Application Fee(C) $1,200 $100 $200 $200 ' 101 34150 00 000 User Fees-USPCI(C) $0 $35,588 $80,000 $38,000 ' 101 34151 00 000 User Fees-Koch Bauxite(C) $0 $50,400 $12,000 $12,000 101 34160 00 000 National Guard Maint Fees(C) $0 $0 $0 $16,000 Pymts Fmm the NaYI Guard 101 34202 00 000 Fire Services-Burning Permits(C) $540 $620 $300 $400 101 34203 00 WO Accident Reports(C) $701 $754 $500 $600 101 34204 00 000 Day Care Inspection Fees(C) $195 $400 $200 $200 101 34206 00 000 Other Police Services(C) $55 $0 $0 $U 101 34207 00 000 Other Fire Protection Services(C) $6,110 $19,248 $11,000 $11,000 101 34207 00 000.1 U of M&Coates Contracts $9,000 101 34207 00 000.2 Other Fire Calls $2,000 101 34303 00 000 Mow Weeds(C) $405 $532 $500 $500 101 34305 00 000 Culverts&Accessories(C) $1,346 $700 $0 $� 101 34306 00 000 Other Highway&Street Rev(C) $4,361 $526 $1,000 $1,000 101 34407 00 000 City Share of Metro Sac Chgs(C) $2,859 $2,510 $1,500 $1,800 101 34721 00 000 Softball Revenues(R) $34,592 $3'7,308 $54,000 $37,500 101 34�22 00 000 Volleyball Revenues(R) $11,222 $11,711 $0 $9,700 101 34723 00 000 Playground Revenues(R) $12 $0 $0 $� 101 34724 00 000 Tennis Revenues(R) $792 $1,405 $2,000 $1,500 101 34725 d0 000 Tiny Tot Revenues(R) $9,110 $10,431 $0 $10,000 101 34726 00 000 Pom Pom Revenues(R) $3,115 $3,053 $0 $3,000 101 34727 00 000 Field Trip Revenues(R) $4,056 $2,688 $0 $2,500 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $2,981,967 $3,233,533 $3,626,710 $4,199,819 Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ' ------------- --- --------- --------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- 101 34728 00 000 Broomball Revenues(R) $2,046 $3,165 $2,100 $3,200 ' 101 34729 00 000 Skating Lesson Revenues(R) $750 $723 $0 $0 , 101 34730 00 000 Track&Field Revenues(R) $1,139 $2,055 $3,OOd $1,050 ' 101 34731 00 000 Soccer Revenues(R) $0 $5,630 $2,000 $0 ', 101 34732 00 000 Adult Basketball Revenues(R) $568 5735 $0 $750 ', 101 34733 00 000 Other Programs Revenue(R) $757 $785 $0 $600 ', 101 34790 00 000 Other Recreation Revenues(R) $30 $0 $0 $0 I 101 35101 00 000 Court Fines(F) $44,927 $6Q960 $65,000 $80,OW � 101 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments(n $32,�20 $4,606 $2,000 $2,000 101 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A(n $1,960 $482 $0 $0 101 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments(1� $21,�32 $24,051 $22,000 $22,000 101 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings(M) $4,868 $3,053 $3,000 $2,000 Checking Account 101 36220 00 000 Rents&Royalties(M) $2,780 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 US West Antenna Rent 101 36230 00 000 Contributions/Donations(M) $22,878 $26,964 $0 $0 101 36260 00 000 Other Revenue(M) $35,919 $8Q836 $35,000 $35,000 101 36260 00 000.1 City Insurance Refunds $25,000 101 36260 00 000.2 Miscellaneous $10,000 101 38080 00 000 Banquet Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $62,330 101 38081 00 000 Auditorium Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $21,700 101 38082 00 000 Gymnasium Fees(R} $0 $0 $0 $3,700 101 38086 00 000 Classroom Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $12,000 101 38087 00 000 Fitness Room Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $2,500 101 38092 00 000 Food Service(R) $0 $0 $0 $5,000 101 38150 00 000 Open Gym Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $6,400 101 38151 00 000 Fitness Program Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $1,000 101 38152 00 000 Jazzercise Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $1,800 101 38153 00 000 Gymnastics Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $7,200 101 38154 00 000 Karate Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $8,700 101 39101 00 000 Sales of Generat Fixed Assets(M) $225 $300 $0 $0 101 39203 00 000 Transfer from (1� $51,697 $21,734 $191,612 $3,400 Arena-Bldg&Grounds Maint 101 39207 00 000 Transfer from Port Authority(T) $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 101 39209 00 000 Transf from Bonds Paid Up(T� $70,592 $100,000 $45,000 $0 101 39310 00 000 Loan Proceeds(M) $52,500 $0 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS $397,888 $388,678 $373,312 $284,930 GRAND TOTALS $3,379,855 $3,622,210 $4,000,022 $4,484,749 INTERNAL REVENUES $1,251,212 $1,324,344 $1,232,062 $1,256,305 Grand Total Less: ______ ______ ______ ______ _____= AdValorem,LGA,HAGA &Fiscal Disparities Page Three 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 000 General Fund Admin Fees 101 34108 00 000.1 Fund Administrative Fees $0 $58,SOb $58,500 $61,875 101 34108 00 OOO.a Fund 102 $1,125 Paid-Up Debt Serv Bond Fund 101 34108 00 000.6 Fund 201 $5,625 Port Authority Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.c Fund 202 $2,250 5-Year CIP Program Fund I 101 34108 00 OOO.d Fund 203 $1,125 Capital Projects MSA Fund ' 101 34108 00 OOO.e Fund 204 $1,125 Severance&Retirement Fund ', - 101 34108 00 OOO.f Fund 205 $2,250 Park Improvements Fund ! 101 34108 00 Od4.g Fund 230 $1,125 Diamond Path Project I 101 34108 00 OOO.h Fund 301 $1,125 G.O.Community Center 1992C 101 34108 00 OOO.i Fund 303 $1,125 G.O.Municipai Bldgs 1986 101 34108 00 OOO.j Fund 304 $1,125 G.O.Equip Certificates 1991C 101 34108 00 OOO.k Fund 321 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1992A 101 34108 00 OOO.I Fund 322 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1993A 101 34108 00 OOd.m Fund 324 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1994A 101 34108 00 OOO.n Fund 325 $1,I25 G.O.Impr Bonds 1987A 101 34108 00 O(�.o Fund 327 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1989B 101 34108 00 OOO.p Fund 328 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1991A 101 34108 O(1 OOO.q Fund 329 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1991B 101 34148 00 OtlO.r Fund 330 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1992D 101 34108 00 OOOs Fund 331 $1,125 G.O.MSA Street Bonds,94C 101 34108 00 OOO.t Fund 381 $1,125 GA.Municipal Bldg 92E(P/A) 101 34108 00 OOO.0 Fund 382 $1,125 G.O.Tax Inc Bonds 1988A 101 34108 00 OOO.v Fund 383 $1,125 G.O.Bonds,93E&94A(P/A) 101 34108 00 OOO.w Fund 601 $5,625 Water Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOOx Fund 602 $5,625 Sewer Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.y Fund 603 $5,625 Storm Water Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.z Fund 604 $1,125 Water&Sewer CIP Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.aa Fund 605 $1,125 Water Hook-Up Core Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ab Fund 606 $1,125 Sewer Hook-Up Gore Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ac Fund 607 $1,125 Storm Water Core Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ad Fund 611 $1,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 94B 101 34108 00 OOO.ae Fund 612 $1,125 G.O.Water Bonds 1989A 101 34108 00 OOO.af Fund 613 $1,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 92B 101 34108 00 WO.ag Fund 650 $5,625 Arena Fund : --------------- --------------- - Admin Fee Breakdown Totais $0 $58,SQ0 $58,504 $61,875 $61,875 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES December 1,1994 1994 ADOPTED 1995 PROPOSED +/- CLASSIFICATIONS/DEPARTMENTS BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT Council $134,807 $96,500 ($38,307) -28.42% Administration �231,202 $211,760 ($19,442) -8.41% I Elections $10,570 $5,8(� ($4,770) -45.13% Finance $143,110 $121,389 ($21,721) -15.18% ' General Government $187,050 $221,000 $33,950 18.15% Communiry Development $165,005 $322,300 $157,295 95.33% Other Financing Uses-Transfers $123,188 $95,500 ($27,688) -22-48% i ------------------------ -------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $994,932 $1,014,249 $79,317 7.97% PUBLIC SAF'ETY Police $899,226 $96'7,825 $68,599 7.63% Fire $166,409 $181,300 $14,891 8.95% ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- TOTAL PUBLIC SAFET'Y $1,065,635 $1,149,125 $83,490 7.83% PUBLIC WORKS Public Works-Genera! $1,039,517 $1,003,500 ($36,017) -3.46% Government Buildings $73,278 $94,700 $21,422 29.23% Paved Streets $98,098 $99,900 $1,802 1.84% Unpaved Streets $57,951 $57,200 ($751) -1.30% Ice&Snow $24,223 $22,300 ($1,923) -7.94% Street Lights $66,224 $72,500 � $6,276 9.48% " Signal Lights $7,201 $8,6�t $1,399 19.43% Parks Maintenance $65,920 $63,300 ($2,620} -3.97% ' ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $1,432,412 $1,422,000 ($1Q412} -0.73% PARKS 8c RECREATION P&R-General a255,943 $581,700 $325,757 1?'7.28% P&R-Revenue $63,100 $67,675 $4,575 �.25% -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- TOTAL PARKS&RECREATION $319,043 $649,375 $330,332 103.54% ' -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- GRAND TOTALS-GENERAL FUND $3,812,022 $4,294,749 $482,727 12.66% ; : � . ' 1995 SU M MARY C)F EXP E N D ITU R ES GENERAL FUND Park & Rec (15.1%) � Gen'I Govt (25.0%) � ij�IIII`�1`I� 1 �� t\� .. . . . � iiiii1\i11��ii�liii�i�ilu�iiyi`p ly���l �1 Public Works (33.1%) Public Safety (2C.8%) 1994 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND Park & Rec (15.6%} . �i�ipii!piiii o���°��,� � � Gen'f Govt. (31��.�"f'�/O).� .. . . . i�p� � . � . � � . . . li�!li%��,Ij�pIll�pp� 11 . . � � . . . . � � Iliii�li,lj��l � !I . . . . . i li� 1�11 . . . Public Works (26.4%) Pubiic Safety (2fi.6%) 1993 S M MARY O F EXP E N D ITU R ES U GENERAL FUND Park & Rec (17.4%} Gen'I Govt (30.2%) I��yl1�'i�� ,�I i 1 i�1 . . ' �iJlll�lil\������i��li,�ii�iii�ll��ppiai�1 I Ilpi 1��� . . . . I li I 11 pi�1�I�I 1� i � � �p lil iu 0 Public Works (25.8%) Public Safety {26.fi%) ; ,� � � � � � �i ' ;i ,, ,i �' �;', I:; Y F EXPENDIT RES � 1992 S U M MAR 4 U G ENERAL FUND ��� Park & Rec (17.9%) �, ��I I f ������������u������ Gen'I Govt {31.4°/a) !,� . � . . .lili+llili4illillpllp1 i �II'I� i . � : . . I��pjj�lll�����i�lliii�i`i, lili� �i�lq .� � . �'. . ������li�4�pn` . . . .,� Public Works (23.5%) ', Public Safety (27.2%) ' i� �I , : � � � � � 4 b � �' � CITY COUNCIL � �• : �; ''� P4LICY DEVELOPMENT � � • Provides for the legislative and policy making activities for all of municipal I�'��_ government. I�'' • Pravides for the planning and control of all City expenditures through the adoption of the City's annual budget. • Provides for the definition of the Cit 's tax structure through the levying Y of taxes and approval of user fees and rate structures. ' � Provides for citizen input to policy making process by establishing, appointing and managing advisory commissions, ad hoc committees and community groups. GENERAL OPERATIONS • Provides funding for general government projects and needs such as: City Newsletter City Clean-Up Day Fireworks Display �'� Recycling Program Employee Education Program ,4' ' �,I : I- , Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL-41110- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund AccounY Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amaunt Budget Comments 101 41110 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $23,550 $23,738 $27,607 $27,000 101 41110 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $190 $0 $0 �0 101 41110 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $4,453 $8,426 $0 $� 101 41110 Oi 304 I,egal Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 101 41110 Ol 307 Management Fees 540,414 $92,483 $64>000 $27,000 101 41110 Ol 307.1 Newsletter �+�� 101 41110 Ol 307.2 Spring Cleanup ��� 101 41110 Ol 307.3 Fireworks �>� 101 41110 Ol 307.4 Recycling Contract-Knutson $14�� 101 41110 Ol 307.5 Senior Citizen's Center �+� 101 41110 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $1,968 $2,753 $4,000 $4,000 Education Reimbutsement 101 41110 O1 331 Travel Expense $817 $300 $300 $300 101 41110 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing $36 $(1 $0 � 101 41110 O1 369 OtherInsurance $0 $319 $500 $400 101 41110 Ol 369.1 Council&Committees $400 Accidental Insurance 101 41110 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $8,048 $7,490 $8,500 $8,40� 101 41110 Ol 4331 LMC Dues $5,250 101 41110 Ol 433.2 LMC-Amicus $0 101 41110 Ol 4333 AMM Dues $2,650 101 41110 Ol 433.4 NDCCDues $500 101 4ll10 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $397 $31 $100 $100 101 41110 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $2,528 $435 $2,300 $2,300 101 41110 Ol 437.1 Registration&Hotel-LMC $1>� 101 41110 Ol 437.2 Miscellaneous LMC Events $5� 101 41110 Oi 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $4,000 $4 $U 101 41110 Ol 598 Council Designated $18,926 $8,879 $10,000 $9,500 Contingencies 101 41110 Ol 601 Principal on Loans $0 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 101 41110 Ol 601.1 Plan Assistance-Comp Plan $11,775 Payment#3 of 3 101 41110 Ol 601.2 Plan Assistance-Airport $5,725 Payment#3 of 3 -------------- --------------- -------- PAGE TOTALS $101,626 $166,353 $134,807 $96,500 DEPART'MENT TOTALS �101,626 $166,353 $134,807 $96,500 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION • Provides overall management administration and coordination of activities in all City departments including: Community Development, Finance, Fire, Police, Public Works and Parks & Recreation. • Provides for preparation and overall management of the City's budgets. • Provides project management for projects not unique to and therefore not assignable to any other department. • Provides overall coordination of Ciry legal consultants. • Provides for the execution of all polieies as adopted by the City CounciL • Provides administrative and clericaf support to the City Council and Port Authority including the preparation, distribution and maintenance of City Council and Port Authority meeting documents. RECORDS MANAGEMENT • Pravides for the preparation and maintenance of official records for the City including: Council and Committee Minutes Preparation and posting of official notices Public information on ordinances, contracts and policies • Administers the collection, storage and dissemination of data. LICENSING • Provides for the issuance and renewal of all licenses issued for beer and liquor establishments. • Provides for the issuance and renewal of the Iicenses far the sale of cigarettes. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Page 2 , � • Provides for the issuance of solicitor's licenses for non-profit and � for-profit organizations. ' = • Provides for the issuance of licenses for pawn shops and pawn brokers. !, T AT N ' PERSONNEL ADMINIS R 10 • Provides central personnel services to all City government including the administration of personnef policies and procedures and of state and federal personnel regulations. ' • Provides for central administration of all City personnel benefits ' program s. 'I RECEPTION ' ; .} • Provides General GovernmendCity Hall reception administration. i PUBLIC RELATIONS • Provides for public relations and information activities to keep citizens informed of the City's activities. STAFFING • The department consists of six positions: City Administrator Rdministrative Assistant Administrative Secretary Econom ic Developm ent/Personnel Secretary Receptionist • There are na personnel changes recommended for 1995. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT-41320- ' December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------ --- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of I 101 41320 101 Salaries&Benefits $163,861 $201,608 $201,167 $197,360 Salary,Taaces,PERA&Benefits ', 101 41320 101.1 City Administrator $59,820 75%Gen'1 Fund-25%a P/A 101 41320 101.2 Administrative Assistant $54,200 i 101 41320 101.3 Administration Seccetary $35,505 ' 101 41320 101.4 Econ Dev/Personnel Secrefary $17,730 50%Gen'1 Fund-50%P/A I 101 41320 101.5 Receptionist $30,105 101 41320 102 Full-Time Ovectime $3,828 $3,354 $3,300 $3,500 101 41320 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 $0 $0 $0 101 41320 Ol 207 Training&Instructnl Supplies SO $550 $1,800 $1,600 101 41320 Ol 2091 Safery Committee $300 101 41320 Ol 207.2 Right to Know $1+� 101 41320 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $0 $195 $300 $300 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 41 304 LegalFees $0 $� $� � 101 41320 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $79 $84 $0 $0 101 41320 Ol 307 Management Fees $1,780 $10,140 $8,500 $3,500 101 41320 Ol 307.1 Labor Consultant $3,500 101 41320 Ol 307.2 Dept Head/Staff Training � 101 41320 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $2,262 $264 $12,000 $0 101 41320 O1 331 Travel Expense $691 $205 $300 � 101 41320 Ol 3311 State Conference-LMC $50 101 41320 Ol 331.2 State Conference-MCMA $50 101 41320 Ol 331.3 Personnel Workshops $1� 101 41320 Ol 331.4 ICMA Conference $400 101 41320 O1 339 Other Transportation E�enses $157 $211 $300 $� 101 41320 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $203 $0 $4 $0 101 41320 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $0 $0 $� 101 41320 Ol 352 General Notices&Public Info $0 $0 $0 $0 101 41320 Ol 353 Ordinance Publication $0 $1,662 $1,000 $1,500 Codification of Code 101 41320 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions $193 $75 $185 $900 101 41320 Ol 433.1 MCMA Dues $50 Ii 101 41320 Ol 433.2 MAMA Dues $50 101 41320 Ol 433.3 MCFOA Dues $1� 101 41320 Ol 433.4 IIMC Dues $50 101 41320 Ol 433.5 IPMA Dues $50 101 41320 Ol 433.6 ICMA Dues �� ' 101 41320 01 435 Books&Pamphlets $0 $500 $400 $300 101 41320 O1 435.1 FLSA Handbook $220 101 41320 Ol 435.2 Miscellaneous Purchases �� 101 41320 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $1,586 $2,425 $1,950 $2,200 101 41320 Ol 4371 Registration&Hotel-LMC $3� : 101 41320 Ol 437.2 Registration&Hotel-MCMA $200 101 41320 Ol 437.3 Personnel Conferences $400 101 41320 Ol 437.4 Staff(1)Each $2� 101 41320 Ol 437.5 Miscellaneous Seminars $1� 101 41320 Ol 437.6 Municipal's Banquet $�0 101 41320 Ol 437.7 ICMA-Registration&Hotel $�� 101 41320 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $48 $0 $0 $fl , -------------- --------------- ------------ PAGE TOTAL.S $174,688 $221,273 $231,202 $211,760 . DEPARTMENT TOTALS $174,688 $221,273 $231,202 $211,7b0 ELECTIONS GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE ' • Provides for the conduct of all Local, State and Federal elections. In 1995, the City will hold its municipal election in November. ', VOTER REGISTRATION � � • Provides for the maintenance and execution of procedures for voter registration. • SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT • Provides for the necessary supplies and minor equipment necessary to conduct the elections. CONTRACTED SERVICES • Provides for the maintenance agreement for service and repair of the ballot counters. STAFFING • Provides for the appointment of election judges to work at the City's five precinct polling places. :-<�.„. �' - --_ _ _ __ - ' Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS-41410- December1,1994 1994 1995 Qbject 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pmposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41410 Ol 103 Part-Time Salaries $7,795 $1,949 $6,000 $2,OOd Election Judges 101 41410 Ol 122 FTCA Contributions $310 a121 $392 $100 101 41410 Ol 125 Medicare Contributions $72 $28 $88 $100 101 41410 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 $2>122 $0 $2,3W $allots&Programming 101 41410 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies $405 5170 $200 5200 Election Purchases 101 41410 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $656 $52 $250 $100 Rolls for Election Judges 101 41410 Ol 2A2 Minor Equipment �0 $0 $200 $100 Ballot Machine Equipment ' 101 41410 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services $1,100 $0 $0 �300 Programming 101 41410 Ol 321 Telephone Costs $378 �0 $500 $300 Costs for Precinct Phones 101 41410 Ol 351 Legai Notices Publishing $3 $0 $0 $100 Election Publications 101 41410 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main $1,966 $0 $2,640 $0 101 41410 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $160 $80 $320 $200 Janitorial Services 101 41410 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases $1,000 $1,050 $0 $0 -------------- --------------- ------------- PAGE TOTALS $13,845 $5,572 $10,570 $5,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $13,845 $5,572 $10,570 $5,8(m _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ .,�.,�._ FINANCE DEPARTMENT '� GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • Provides for the fiscal management, processing and maintenance of all accounting transactions for a11 funds of the City, including budgetary controls, preparation of interim accounting reports and the Annual Financial Report. DATA PROCESSING - • Provides for evaluation of appropriate computer hardware and software on a continuing basis. • Coordinates efforts between departments to assure an integrated information system: • Acts as an in-house consultant providing technical assistance when possible, and if not possible, coordinating the procurement of outside technical assistance when needed. TREASURY • Fund Management - Collects and deposits revenues and manages the investment of idle funds. • Budgetary - Compiles historical and current expenditures and revenue data to facilitate budget preparation. • Bonding - Assists in the issuance, sale and recard maintenance of indebtedness. • Insurance - Maintains all records far property and worker's comp insurance requirements, handles all claims and prepares all documents for yearly renewals of policies. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 PAYROLL • Receives employee time cards, coordinates insurance, pay rates and other applicable payroll infarmation with personnel, prepares payroll checks, prepares all Federal and State required reports, prepares all employee withheld and employer promised obligation funds for disbursement to applicable arganizations, and prepares all reports as needed, both internally and externally. UTILITY BILLING • Coordinates the automated reading of all City water meters and the mailing and collection of all utility bills. Handles an the computer system, finat bills and new accounts. Fields and responds to utility billing questions and complaints. Compiles operating statistical information, which is available to other departments as needed. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE � Processes purchase orders prepared by all departments, checking for _ accuracy and matching with invoices and all other supporting documentation so payments can be made in a timely manner. Also, " prepares all checks and supporting reports that accampany each check run. Coordinates the review of bills by Council by providing applicable reports and supporting documentatian. . ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/CASH RECEIPTS • Prepares invoices for all departments for items/services that must be billed to outside sources. Maintains records that allaw for the timely collection of invoiced items/services. Receipts monies on a daily basis and deposits those monies daily in designated banking institutions. Maintains a systerrm that allows for the appropriate reporting of all monies collecfed within the accounting system. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 3 ; DEPUTY REGISTRAR • Maintains an office which handles vehicle license renewals, vehicle license transfers and DNR licensing transactions, consistent with the requir�ments of the State. FIXED ASSETS • With the implementation of a fixed assets system in 1993, are responsible far maintaining that system. This includes all additions, deletions and changes in the fixed assets for the City. Also, are responsible for the corresponding reporting requirements that go along with the system, including year-end information, insurance renewal information and mdividual department infarmation. MISCELI.ANEOUS • Handles all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator. STAFFING • In 1994, staff consisted of a Finance Director, two Aecountants, a Deputy Registrar, and a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. For 1995, no personnel changes are proposed. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT-41520- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 i 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41520 101 Salaries&Benefits $99,717 $108,733 $12A,160 $98,789 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 41520 101.1 Finance Director $48,470 75%-101;17S%-601;'7.5%-602 101 41520 101.2 Accountant $19,100 50%-101;17.5%-601;7.5%-602;25%-650 101 41520 1013 Accountant $0 70%-601;30%-602 101 41520 101.4 Deputy Registrar $16,050 54%-101;35%-601;15%-602 101 41520 101.5 DeputyRegistrar Glerk $15,169 101 41520 102 Full-Time Overtime $982 $2,191 $1,000 $2,000 101 41520 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $0 $84 $0 $0 101 41520 Ol 319 Other Professional Setvices $2,281 $1,800 $0 $0 101 41520 O1 331 Travel Expense $168 $106 $500 $1,000 101 41520 Ol 331.1 Finance Director $800 National Convention&Misc 101 41520 O1 331.2 Staff $200 101 41520 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $378 . $0 $0 101 41520 Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance $10,821 $9,534 $11,250 $12,500 101 41520 Oi 3911 Micro System Maintenance $4,2W 101 41520 Ol 391.2 Micro Software License $3,000 101 41520 Ol 391.3 General Network Support $4,000 101 41520 Ol 391.4 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint $800 , 101 41520 Ol 391.5 Miscellaneous P.C.Repairs $500 ' 101 41520 01 392 P.C.Qccessories&Supplies $1,496 $208 $1,000 $2,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 Ol 393 P.C.Hardware Purchases $5,956 $0 $0 $0 ', 101 41520 O1 394 P.C.Software Purchases $884 $4,601 $500 $1,000 ', 101 41520 Ol 409 Other Contractd R&M $225 $262 $300 $300 Cash Register Maint Contract ��, 101 41520 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $227 $509 $1,200 $700 141 41520 Ol 433.1 MDRA Annual Fees $150 i 101 41520 Ol 433.2 MGFOA-Finance Director $50 101 41520 Oi 433.3 MGFOA-Staff $100 101 41520 Ol 433.4 GFOA-Finance Director $150 101 41520 Ol 433.5 GFOA-Staff $200 101 41520 Ol 433.6 Magazine Subscriptions $50 101 41520 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $150 $150 $200 $200 101 41520 Ol 435.1 Accounting Related Books $1(HI 101 41520 Ol 435.2 Finance Related Books $100 - 101 41520 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $1,888 $2,453 $2,500 $2,400 101 41520 Ol 437.1 MDRA Conference(For 2) $200 101 41520 Ol 437.2 MGFOA Annual Conf-F/D $300 101 41520 Ol 437.3 MGFOA Annual Gonf-Staff $500 101 41520 Ol 437.4 GFOA National Conf-F/D $1,000 101 41520 Ol 437.5 Miscellaneous Seminars $400 101 41520 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $647 $170 $500 $500 Contingencies 101 41520 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases $2,222 $656 $0 $0 -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- PAGE TOTALS $127,663 $131,842 $143,110 $121,389 DEPART'MENT TOTALS $127,663 $131,842 $143,110 $121,389 _____ _____ ______ _____ �F I GENERAL GOVERNMENT � DUPLICATING & COPYING • Provides for maintenance agreements and expenses to operate copy machines at alt City facilities. Also provides for microfilming costs. PRINTED FORMS & PAPER • Provides for copy paper utilized by all departments and provides for forms utilized by the Finance Department. ENVELOPES & LETTERHEADS • Provides for letterhead utilized by all departments and for various types and sizes of envelopes. MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES • Provides for janitorial and miscellaneous supplies used at all City facilities. C?THf R OFFICE SUPPLIES � Provides for general office supplies utilized by all City departments. EC�UIPMENT PQRTS • Provides for the maintenance and rapair of general office equipment. OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES • Provides for purchasing from Dakota County an updated plat book which containes the legal descriptions and property identificatian numbers (PID) of all properties within the City. � I . _ _ _ . _ GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Page 2 ' AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICES ��, • Provides for the annual audit of the �ity's accounting transactions for all funds of the City and for the preparation of the Annual Financial Report. i Also provides for other services as required of the City's financial and accounting consultants. j LEGAL FEES • Provides for general legal and special legai services provided by the City Attorney or other law firms utilized by the City for such services. OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • Provides for the City's portion of the overall funds for the Fire Relief Association's retirement benefits. TELEPHONE C�STS • Provides for the rental costs of the City's telephone system, month ly service fees, long distance calls and miscellaneous installation costs. POSTAGE COSTS • Provides for postage costs for all departments and maintenance agreements for the postage machine and postage allocator. OTHER TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES • Provides for two-year renewals of City vehicle license plates, emission fees and duplicate plates, titles or tags, if needed. � GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Page 3 � f ,� k ` LEGAL & GENERAL NOTICES PUBLISHING � • Provides for the publication of legal documents from all departments except when publication costs are charged to specific projects. SPECIAL CENSUS • Provides for an accurate and current count of the City's population. The expected increase in population will result in a significant increase in State financial aid. LEASE AGREEMENTS • Provides for leasing of copy machines at City Hall, Community Center, Police Department and for leasing of fax machine at City HaIL Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT-41810- December•1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed i Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41810 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying $12,274 $10,247 $11,500 $12,400 101 41810 Ol 202.1 Microfilming $3+� 101 41810 Ol 202.2 Copying Costs $9,400 101 41810 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $6,025 $8,185 $9,150 $9,200 101 41810 Ol 2031 Copy Paper �+1� 101 41810 Ol 203.2 General Receipt Books $750 I! 101 41810 Ol 203.3 Purchase Orders $850 101 41810 Ol 203.4 Payroll Checks $1,100 '�: 101 41810 Ol 2035 A/P Checks $Z>200 101 41810 Ol 203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes} $1,200 101 41810 Ol 204 Envelopes&Letterheads $4,254 $2,085 $3,100 $3,100 101 41810 Ol 204.1 Letterhead $i+� 101 41810 Oi 204.2 Plain Envelopes $600 101 41810 Ol 204.3 A/P&Payroll Envelopes �� 101 41810 Ol 204.4 10 x 13 Tyvek Envelopes $754 101 41810 Ol 204.5 10 x 15 Tyvek Envelopes $350 10 947 $9 512 $8,000 $9,500 Janitorial&Misc City Hall Ol 41810 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Su lies $ , > 1 PP 101 41810 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $18,302 $21,280 $16,000 $16,000 General Office Supplies Ilr" 101 41810 Ol 212 MotorFuels $1� $� � $� 101 41810 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $178 $436 $1,100 $500 Gity Hall Equipment Repairs 101 41810 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $275 $0 $300 $300 F1ags I 101 41810 Ol 242 Minor Equipment $861 $0 $0 $� 101 41810 Ol 301 Auditing&Accounting Services $17,806 $17,933 $19,500 $19,000 '94 Audit&General Consulting i Ol 41810 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $2,281 $2,100 $0 $0 101 41810 Ol 304 Legal Fees $52,377 $60,810 $31,000 $31,000 General City Legal Fees II 101 41810 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $35,161 $26,327 $28,200 $26,000 Fire Relief Association , 101 41810 Ol 321 Telephone Costs $23,719 $28,5'73 $21,000 $30,000 Monthly Billings ! 101 41810 Ol 322 Postage Costs $11,667 $12,782 $12,000 $13,000 101 41&10 Ol 339 Other Transportation Expenses $824 $185 $1,000 $300 General Costs 101 41810 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $211 $0 $� � I 101 41810 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $1,199 $10,000 $3,200 Notices Costs-All Departments I� neral Notices&Public Info $0 $0 $1,200 $� I 101 41810 Ol 352 Ge 101 41810 O1 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $89 $229 $0 $4 101 41810 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $0 $35,000 Special Census 101 41810 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $8,000 $12+500 I, 101 41810 Ol 5801 Lease on Copy Machines $12,000 City Hall,Police&Comm Center ( 101 41810 Ol 580.2 Lease on Fax Machine $500 City Hall I� --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $197,436 $201,882 $187,050 $221,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS $197,436 $201,882 $187,050 $221,000 I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The newiy created Department of Community Development consists of the following divisions: BUILDING • Is responsible for providing building and fire code enforcement. • Is responsible for providing complete code administration including public consultation, plan review, permit issuance, report preparation, and code compliance inspections in the reas of building, plumbing, heating, sewer, electrical and fire. • Is responsible for providing environmental reviews and evaluations through interaction with county, state and federal agencies. CODE ENFORCEMENT • Is responsible for enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, specific sections of the City code and the development and enforcement of a property maintenance code. PLANNING • Is responsibie for coordinating interdepartmental staff review of all residential, commercial and industrial developments. Also, responsible for reviewing for compfiance with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. • Is responsible for providing recommendations to advisory Planning Commission and City Council on all deliberations conceming zoning, variances, site plan reviews, platting and special permits (interim use permits, mining permits, etc.). • Is responsible for drafting all development contracts in consultation with the Public Works Department and the City Attorney. • Is responsibte for providing assistance to City sponsored economic develapment and building activities pertainint to development review. • Is responsible for reviewing and approving all sign permits. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Page 2 • Is responsible for investigating complaints regarding code violations. , • Is responsible for maintaining Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances in I�', compliance with county, state and federal requirements (statutes and '�I rules). � • Is responsible for providing for the development of long range plans to guide the physical development of the community. • Is responsible for overseeing review of local plans by the Metropolitan CounciL • Is responsible for preparation of special studies as requested by the Planning Commission, City Council ar City Administrator. • Is responsible for monitoring #ederal, state and other governmental regulations pertaining to development to insure compliance. • Is responsible for monitoring regional activities affecting the City, including, but not limited to, land use, transpartatian, waste management • and sewer services. Includes active participation by departmental staff in various committees and organizations. • Is responsible for providing a staff liaison to the MVTA. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Is responsible for marketing the City and creating an interest in Rosemount based on the virtues af the City. • Is responsible for creating and coordinating the establishments of tax increment districts and other incentives necessary to compete with other metro cities for development trade. � Is responsible for coordinating the state, county and local approval processes to insure the proponent's requests are met in a timely fashian. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT-41910- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41910 101 Salaries&Benefits $121,887 $128,541 $126,055 $286,600 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 41910 101.1 Comm Deveiopment Director $34,200 50%Gen'1 Fund-50%P/A 101 41910 101.2 Pianner $49,300 101 41910 101.3 Assistant Planner $41,100 101 41910 101.4 Building Inspector $44,600 101 41910 101.5 Building Inspector $39,500 101 41910 101.6 Planning Secretary $40,000 101 41910 1019 Building Secretary $37,900 101 41910 102 Full-Time Overtime $3,083 $5,846 $6,000 $7,000 101 41910 99 103 Part-Time Sataries&Benefits $5,900 $4,038 $9,250 $14,000 101 41910 99 103.1 Code Enforcement Intem $9,500 101 41910 99 103.2 Planning Commission Membecs $4,500 101 41910 Ol 201 Office Accessories $0 $0 $0 $600 101 41910 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying $34 $0 $300 $300 Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance 101 41910 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 $0 $0 $1,000 Permit Forms 101 41910 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies $995 $207 $160 $400 101 41910 Ol 209 Other Office Suppiies $2,097 $� $0 $500 Special Pens,Galculator,Tags 101 41910 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $95 $0 $0 $0 101 41910 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $200 Film and I?evelopment 101 41910 Ol 241 Small Tools $0 $125 $0 $200 ', 101 41910 Ol 2A2 Minor Equipment $297 $412 $75 $200 ' 101 41910 O1 304 LegalFees $17 $42 $0 $� I 101 41910 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $0 $0 $65 $0 'i 101 41910 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $21,686 $8,763 $16,500 $2,000 101 41910 Ol 3191 Dakota Counry Property Data $1,500 � 101 41910 Ol 319.2 Plan Review&3rd Party Testing ' ' $500 101 41910 Ol 329 Other Communication Costs $0 $0 $0 $1,000 Celiular Phone&Pagers 101 41910 Ol 331 Travel Expense $187 $27 $450 $900 101 41910 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $0 $500 $0 101 41910 Oi 351 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $0 $1,600 $0 101 41910 O1 391 P.C.Maintenance $255 $0 $0 $0 101 41910 O1 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies $502 $0 $205 $100 101 41910 O1 393 P.C.Hardware Purchases $827 $0 $0 $0 141 41910 Oi 394 P.C.Software Purchases 5814 $255 $205 $1,500 GIS Support&S/W 101 41910 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $1,104 $814 $1,240 $1,600 101 41910 Ol 433.1 APA/AICP $310 101 41910 Ol 433.2 ICBO $94 101 41910 Ol 433.3 NFPA $9� 101 41910 Ol 433.4 North Star $9� 101 41910 Ol 433.5 Lake Country $90 101 41910 O1 433.6 ProfessionalSecretaries $180 101 41910 Ol 433.7 Trade Magazines $400 101 41910 Ol 433.8 Planner's Advisory Services $350 101 41910 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $286 $127 $300 $1,300 New Code Year 101 41910 Oi 437 Conferences&Seminars $1,450 $1,393 $1,800 $2,600 101 41910 Ol 437.1 State Bldg Official Conference $390 101 41910 Ol 437.2 State Bldg Code Seminars $150 101 41910 Ol 43'1.3 Lake Country ICBO Seminars $300 101 41910 01 437.4 Computer Training $500 101 41910 Ol 437.5 Clerical Seminars $300 101 41910 O1 437.6 NFPA Conference $400 101 41910 Ol 437.7 Gen'I Seminars(Motivational) $360 101 41910 Ol 437.8 State Planning Conference $200 101 41910 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $160 $262 $300 $300 Contingencies 101 41910 Ol 574 Office Equipment&Fumishings $359 �0 $0 $0 --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $161,633 $150,852 $165,005 $322,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS �161,633 $150,852 $165,005 $322,300 POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL • Provides for the protection of life and property and an atmosphere of community security through the deterrence of criminal activity by visible patrols; the enforcement of traffic laws and accident investigation; the apprehension of criminal offenders; and the delivery of other non- emergency community services. . COMMUNITY INVESTIGATION • Provides for the investigation of serious criminal incidents and the ' apprehensian of criminal offenders through the gathering, analysis and presentation of evidence and testimony. CRIME PREVENTION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION '� . �`� `", �j• ��erso s a��th ope t ethrou h develo tmentfand mplementationZofion of ,I p p p Y J p . comprehensive activities designed to anticipate, recognize and analyze � crime risks, and to educate and assist the general public, home and business owners in planning for the protection of persons and property. Provides drug education to elementary age children through the D.A.R.E. program. Participates in the studendpolice liaison program in the Rosemount Middle School and the Rosemount High SchooL �' ALCOHOL SAFETY ACTION PROGRAM � Provides for the reduction of alcohol related traffic accidents through the apprehenston of motor vehicle operations driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT • Provides for the overall administration of the Police Department, Included . is the preparation of information regarding pragrams, preparation of the annual budget, training and professional development,court case preparation and operational analysis. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 ANIMAL CONTROL • Provides for the enforcement of ordinance relating to the controi of animals including the apprehension of unleashed animals and to provide assistance in the recovery of lost and insured animals. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/CIVIL DEFENSE • Provides for the preparation of emergency plans which may be used in the event of any community disaster such as a major technical or natural disaster. STAFFING • The City of Rosemount must continue to monitor the expansion needs of the Police Department in our fast-growing community. Secretarial, - investigative and increased police liaison help are the areas of concern in 1995. The Police Depeartment has and will continue to file for both State and Federal grants to assist with the funding af these programs. �-:� ; ,; 9 � Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' SIGNAL LIGHTS&SIGNS-43170- ', December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 ' 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43170 Ol 226 Sign Repair Materials $4,091 $3,595 $3,405 $3,500 101 43170 Ol 2261 Sign Inventory 8c Replacemnt $2,400 101 43170 Ol 226.2 Street ID Signs $1,100 101 43170 Ol 227 Utility System Maint Supplies $0 $0 $533 $500 Bulbs,Lenses,Signs,etc. 101 43170 O1 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 $0 SO 101 43170 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $2,651 $3,707 $2,663 $4,000 Monthly Charges 101 43170 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main $0 $0 $500 E500 Repairs Due to Auto Accidents 101 43170 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 �lOd Gontingencies , --------- --------------- -------------- - PAGE TOTALS $6,742 $7,302 $7,201 $8>600 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS $6,742 $7,302 $7,201 $8,600 il;' Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS MAINT'ENANCE-45202- ' December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 ' 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments I � ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------�--------------- --------------- -------------- ---------___---------------------------- � 101 45202 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies $674 $1,354 $500 $Z00 I 101 45202 Ol 2051 General Drafting $1� i 101 45202 Ol 205.2 Film,Developing&Lamintng $1� I 101 45202 O1 208 Miscellaneous Suppiies $16,550 $0 $0 5100 I, 101 45202 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Products $2,$36 $12,580 $10,500 $12,800 !i 101 45202 Ol 216.1 Herbicides(Gedl Park Use) $2+� I 101 45202 Ol 216.2 Fertilizer $10,000 ' 101 45202 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $4,687 $3,582 $8,000 $S,U00 I 101 45202 Ol 219.1 Seed,Sod,etc. �Z�500 ! 101 45202 Ol 219.2 Red Rock,Sand,Gravei,etc $S>� 101 45202 Ol 219.3 $5� I 101 45202 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $7,465 $3,600 $4,500 $4,600 ' 101 45202 O1 221.1 Fence Repair(Non-Landscape) � ', 101 45202 Ol 221.2 LightingRepairs $5� , 101 45202 Ol 221.3 Irrig Repair(Non-Contract) $2,000 _ 101 45202 Ol 221.4 Misc/Split Rail,etc. $1,500 141 45202 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $6,403 $4,817 $3,250 $3,400 ' 101 45202 Ol 223.1 Paint,Brushes,Rollers,etc $1,400 101 45202 Ol 2232 Shingles,Boards,etc. $1,000 101 45202 Ol 223.3 $1,000 101 45202 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $5,623 $7,029 $3,500 $3,600 ' 101 45202 Ol 225.1 Trees,Shrubs,Sod,etc. $1,600 ', 101 45202 Ol 225.2 Timbers,Fence,etc. $2,�� 101 45202 01 226 Sign Repair Materials $0 $281 $0 $200 101 45202 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $1,819 $1,798 $1,750 $3,600 Paint,Ghalk,Bases,Field Dry 101 45202 Ol 241 Small Tools $6,516 $5,230 $1,500 $1,600 ', 101 45202 Ol 241.1 Hammecs,Wrenches,etc. �� , 101 45202 Ol 241.2 Saws,Drags,etc.(Larger) $1,000 � 101 45202 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $0 $2,500 $2,000 $0 I � 101 45202 Oi 303 Engineering Fees $264 $0 $1,000 $0 , ; 101 45202 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $123 $76 $150 $0 ', 101 45202 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $75 $0 $� � ' 101 45202 Ol 323 Radio Units $748 $212 $500 $St10 Cellular Phone Bills , 101 45202 Ol 331 Travel Expense $45 $13 $175 $100 101 45202 Oi 331.1 Seminars&Workshops $�� , 101 45202 Ol 331.2 $� 101 45202 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $782 $521 $500 $0 , 101 45202 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $?,954 $10,543 $16,000 $1b,000 141 45202 Ol 381.1 Skating Rinks $���� ', 101 45202 Ol 381.2 Softball Fields �+� ' 101 45202 Ol 381.3 Irrigation $3>�� ', 101 45202 01 381A $300 _ ', 101 45202 Oi 383 Gas Utilities $85 $295 $0 $500 101 45202 O1 384 Refuse Disposal $170 $360 $0 $0 � 101 45202 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main $5,696 $3,438 $4,000 $4,200 ', 101 45202 Ol 4091 Irrigation Repair $1,700 , 101 45202 Ol 409.2 Electrical Repair $2>� ', 101 45202 Oi 409.3 $500 ', 101 45202 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $0 $3,145 $5,000 $2,500 Equipment,Machines,eta , 101 45202 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $368 $450 $575 $400 " ; 101 45202 Oi 433.1 Membecships-MRPA $� ' 101 45202 Ol 433.2 Dues $1� ' 101 45202 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $97 $5 $425 $300 ' 101 45202 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $1,152 $802 $850 $500 101 45202 Ol 437.1 Seminars&Workshops $3� 101 45202 Ol 437.2 School&Tuition $200 101 45202 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $740 $334 $1,245 $200 Contingencies ', -------------- -------------- ----------- PAGE TOTALS $7Q875 $62,967 $65,920 $63,300 ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL.S $70,875 $62,967 $65,920 $63,300 PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and recreation is an essential service, one that can impact heaith, crime prevention, the environment, the economy, and the quality of life for Rosemount residents. ADMINISTRATION • Provides for overall planning, coordination, management of personnel, and administration of activities within the department of Parks and Recreation. This department provides a diversified range of programs for the residents of Rosemount. The long range planning, development and budget preparation of parks and coordination with other service agencies are ongoing activities. Administrative services also provide the residents of Rosemount an opportunity to reserve facilities and program registration. RECREATION • Provides the Rosemount resident a variety of recreational activities serving all ages. Program offerings are based on the needs of resicfents as determ ined and evaluated by the Parks and Recrea#ion Comm ittee. Coordination with other service agencies encourages a comprehensive, quality, and efficient base of programs. COMMUNITY CENTER • Provides for operation of a multi-purpose Community Center which offers facilities for recreational programs, banquets, meetings, events, theatrical productions, and seminars. The Community Center provides no cost services in the form of monthly meeting space, gym space for Independent School District #196 and Rosemaunt Area Athletic Association, and sponsorship of community events. The Parks antl Recreation Department provides ongoing preventive rnaintenance of the Community Center. a y I Page One �I 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ', PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT-45100- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Propc�sed : Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments �I ] ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- --------------- ----- ----------------------------- ------------- I All Salary Costs Indusrve of 101 45100 101 Salaries&Benefits $326,147 $354,233 $184,374 $253,700 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 45100 1011 Park&Rec Director $58,650 90%-101;10%-650 I 101 45100 101.2 Assistant Park&Rec Director $49,130 101 45100 101.3 Arena Manager $22,540 50%-101;50%-650 101 45100 101.4 Programmer $37,320 101 45100 101.5 Pmgrammer $37,320 101 45100 101.6 Rental Coordinatar $29,390 85%-101;15%-650 101 45100 103.7 3/4 P/T Secretary �i19,350 101 45100 102 Full-Time Overtime $9,945 $10,391 $1,042 $3,600 101 45100 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $41,759 $44,485 $40,802 $108>900 101 45100 103.1 P/T Receptionist $12,750 101 45100 103.2 Managets on Duty(M.O.D.'s) $35,000 101 45100 103.3 Building Attendants(Cleaning) $31,450 101 4510(i 103.4 P/T AV Techs $1,� 101 45100 103.5 Playground Recreation Leaders $16,000 101 45100 103.6 Warming House Attendants $12,'100 101 45100 Ol 207 Training&Instructnl Supplies $407 $471 $0 $0 : 101 45100 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies $675 $1,354 $500 $1,900 101 45100 Ol 208.1 Fitm&Developing $800 101 45100 Oi 208.2 Laminating&Posters $1,100 101 45100 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $1'77 $0 $0 $1,000 101 45100 Ol 2ll Cleaning Supplies $0 $0 $0 $2,500 101 45100 Ol 216 Chemicals&Chemical Products $0 $0 $0 $1,000 101 45100 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $2,605 $2,483 $2,000 $2,500 101 45100 Ol 2191 Arts&Crafts Supplies $1�� 101 45100 Ol 219.2 Recreation Equipment $1,000 101 45100 Ql 219.3 Rec Repair Supplies $500 101 45100 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $0 $1,500 101 45100 Ol 223 Buiiding Repair Supplies $0 $0 $0 $1,800 ' 101 45100 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $1,819 $1,199 $1,750 $1,500 Recreation 101 45100 Ol 265 Other Items for Resale $0 $0 �0 $500 101 45100 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $12A $77 $150 $300 Employment Physicals 101 45100 Ol 315 Special Programs $5,672 $11,155 $7,650 $5,800 101 45100 Ol 3151 Sunday Specials $1,700 101 45100 O1 315.2 Leprechaun Days .$100 101 45100 Ol 315.3 Halloween $500 101 45100 Ol 315.4 Ground Pounders(Running) $400 101 45100 Ol 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor,eta $1� 101 45100 Ol 315.6 Puppet Programs $5� 101 45100 Ol 315.7 Speciai Events(X-Mas,etc) $�� 101 45100 Ol 315.8 Adopt-A-Park Programs $1,000 101 4510d Ol 315.9 Miscellaneous Programs $5� 101 45100 Ol 31510 ADA Programs $� 101 45100 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $500 ADA Services 101 45100 Ol 331 Travel Expense $46 $13 $1'75 $200 101 45100 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $782 $522 $500 $500 General Emgloyment Ads 101 45100 Ol 349 Other Advertising $425 $1,247 $8,200 $8,200 101 451d0 Ol 349.1 Brochures $4,850 101 45100 01 349.2 Flyers $900 . 101 45100 Ol 349.3 Display Board $100 101 45100 Ol 349.4 Banners&Other $�� 101 45100 01 349.5 Yetlow Pages $1,550 101 45100 Ol 344.6 Special Marketing $5� 101 45100 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $0 $0 $0 $25,000 101 45100 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $0 $0 $0 $14,000 101 45100 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal $0 $0 $0 $4,900 101 45100 Ol 393 P.C.Hardware Purchases $0 $0 $0 $U 101 45100 Ol 401 Contracted Building Repairs $0 $0 $0 $1,800 101 45100 Ol 404 Contract Mach&Equip R&M $0 $0 $0 $1,800 101 45100 Ol 412 Building Rental $0 $0 $0 $17,000 Monthly Rent Pymts to Guard ' 101 45100 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $6,617 $7,000 $7,000 $8>500 101 45100 Ol 415.1 Portable Toilets $8,000 101 45100 Ol 415:L $500 -------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $397,201 $435,230 $?54,143 $468,900 Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEE'TS PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT-451�- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 45100 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $369 $451 $525 $1,000 101 45100 Ol 433.1 MRPA Dues $700 Minn Recreation&Parks Ass'n 101 45100 Ol 433.2 ASCAP Dues 5300 American Society of Composers, 101 45100 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $97 $5 $425 $0 Authors&Publishers 101 45100 O1 437 Conferences&Seminars $1,153 $803 $850 $1,100 101 45100 Ol 437.1 MIAMA State Conference $300 Minn Recreation&Parks Ass'n 101 45100 Ol 437.2 MRPA State Conference $800 American Society of Composers, 101 451� Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $8,860 $0 $0 101 45100 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $37,300 101 45100 Ol 601.1 MSABC Payment(2/1) $19,400 101 45100� Ol 601.2 Master Lease Pymts(2/1&8/1) $17,900 101 45100 Ol 611 Bond Interest � $0 $0 $0 $72,600 101 45100 Ol 6ll.1 MSABC Payments(2/1&8/1) $68>240 141 45100 Ol 611.2 Master L.ease Pymts(Z/1&8/1) $4,364 101 45100 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $800 MSABC Payments(2/1&8/1) PAGE TOTALS $1,619 $10,119 $1,800 $112,800 Gen'i Operating DEPARTMENT TOTAIS $39$,820 $445,349 $255,943 $581,700 " _ _ _ . _ _ _ Page Three I . 1995 BUD('iET WORKSHEETS PARKS R RECREATION DEPART'MENT-45100- December i,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Accaunt Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments , .._. �_-____-----______��--------- _-__ , 567,695 101 45100 81 Softball 531,030 538,723 554,000 536,475 101 45100 82 Volleyball 59,038 59,120 SO 59,350 101 45100 84 Tennis 5826 51,451 52,000 51,600 101 45100 85 Tiny Tois 58,887 59,688 SO 510,000 101 45100 86 Pom Poms 52,701 52,191 SO 52,800 101 45100 87 FieldTrips S2,722 S1,934 SO S2,100 101 45100 88 Broomball 51,968 52,820 $2,100 53,175 101 45100 89 Skating I.essous 5474 5652 SO SO 101 451�0 90 Track&Field 51,354 51,346 53,000 51,250 101 45100 91 Soccer SO 53,926 52,000 SO 101 45100 92 Adult Basketball 5117 SO SO 5400 101 45100 93 Other Programs 5488 5498 SO 5525 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTAI.S 559,663 572,349 563,100 567,675 567,6'75 ' 101 45100 81 103 Part-Time Salaries 53,503 58,218 S10,OW $9,000 I 101 45100 81 121 PERA Withholding 5102 5214 S300 5300 101 45100 81 172 FICA Withholding 5140 5295 S350 $350 , 101 45100 81 125 Medicare Witlrholding S47 5117 S50 $50 101 45100 81 219 Operating Supplies 511,789 58,985 512,000 511,000 I 101 45100 81 311 Officiatin Fees 512,901 S12,277 S17,000 $13,000 B 101 45100 81 319 Other Professional Services 52,548 52,015 56,000 52,500 I 101 45100 81 322 Postage Costs SO Sil SO S25 il 101 45100 81 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO $0 $150 i 101 45100 81 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main SO 56,602 $8,000 $0 �I 101 45100 81 415 Other Equipment Rental SO $0 5200 5100 , 101 45100 81 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO 5100 $� , 101 45100 82 103 Par[-Time Salaries S1,501 52,011 SO 51,400 ' 101 45100 82 121 PERA Withholding S43 $92 SO 5125 �li 101 45100 82 122 FICA Wiffiholding S60 5126 $0 Si25 I 101 45100 82 125 Medicare Withholding S20 S30 SO SSO i 101 45100 82 219 Operating Supplies 51,693 51,783 SO 52,000 101 45100 82 311 Officiating Fees 54,609 54,564 $0 $5,000 ', , 101 45100 82 319 Other Professional Services 51,110 5514 SO 5500 � . 101 4510(1 82 322 Postage Costs SO SO SO S25 I'i 101 45100 82 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO $0 S(1 SSU li " 101 45100 82 415 Other Equipment Rental SO EO SO S95 'I 101 45100 84 103 Part-Time Salaries 5163 51,159 51,500 51,400 101 45100 84 125 Medicare Withholding S10 Si3 $200 $50 I 101 45100 84 219 Operating Supplies S53 5279 5300 5150 101 45100 85 103 Part-Time Salaries 56,496 S5,348 S(1 S7,SOd 101 45100 85 125 Medicare Withholding S91 S75 $0 $100 II� 101 45100 85 219 Operating Supplies 5564 5396 SO $700 'I 101 45100 85 339 Other Traasportation Charges 5220 5578 SO SO I 101 45100 85 412 BuIIding Rental 51,516 53,291 S4 $1,700 101 45100 86 103 Part-Time Salaries 51,600 Si,346 S0 51,500 101 45100 86 125 Medicare Withholding S20 Si8 SO $50 'I 101 45100 86 219 Operaring Supplies 51,080 5827 SO 51,000 I 101 45100 86 339 Other Transportation Charges SO SO SO S200 101 45100 86 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO SO S50 , 101 45100 87 219 Other Operating Supplies SO 5159 SO S� ', 101 45100 87 339 OthetTransporta6onCharges 52,722 51,775 SO 52,000 , 101 45100 87 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO $0 5100 ' 101 45100 88 219 Operating Supplies S7L1 S56 S1Q0 S3U� ' 101 45100 88 311 OtficiatingFees 5735 51,122 SI,Q00 $1,300 , 101 45100 88 319 Other Professional Services 51,012 51,642 SI,000 51,500 i 101 45100 88 322 Postage Costs St1 SO SO S25 ' 101 45100 88 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO $0 SO S50 101 45100 89 103 Part-Time Salaries 5468 5624 S(1 S4 101 45100 89 125 Medicare Withholding S6 S9 SO $0 101 45100 89 219 Operating SuppGes SO S20 SO �1 ' - 101 45100 90 219 Operating Supplies 51,354 51,34G a�,soo a�,250 101 45100 90 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO �� a0 ' 101 45100 91 219 Operaring Supplies S(1 5386 S1SQ � 101 45100 91 311 Officiating Fees SO 53,540 51,850 SO 101 45100 92 219 Operating Supplies 5177 SO SO 5350 101 45100 92 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO SO S50 101 45100 93 219 Opera6ng Supplies-0ther Pmg 5488 5498 SO S500 101 45100 93 322 Postage Costs SO SO S0 S(1 101 45100 93 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO SO S?S SPECIALPROGRAMTOTAIS 559,663 572,349 `-- 563,1W 567,675 Gtand Total-ALL PARK&REC DEPARTMEN'I'S 5458,483 5517,698 S319,043 5649,375 ,� OTHER FINANCING USES - TRANSFERS GENERALJADMINISTRATIVE I s For 1995, the City Council has decided to use operating funds to subsidize the operations and debt obligations of the Ice Arena. >; � Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS OTHER USES(I'RANSFERS)-49300 December 1,1994 1994 1995 ObjecY 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 49300 Ol 710 Transfers SO $6,048 $123,188 $95,500 For Subsidy of Ice Arena 101 49300 Ol 710.1 To Arena Fund $95,500 Operations and Debt ------------- —_--__ PAGE TOTAIS $0 $6,048 $123,188 $95,500 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS $0 $6,048 $123,188 $95,506 i CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • Provides for specific funding of items, the nature of which are not considered °current" in their use or life expectancy. These items are , generally of a higher estimated cost than $500 and will have a life , expectancy of 3 years or greater. , • The source of funding for these expendi#ures is the general tax levy. �i Individual departments are designated for each item proposed for purchase in this plan. � ; I' 'I Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 5-YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND December 1,1994 -REVENUES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $297,000 $171,460 $279,717 $127,000 202 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $42,458 $20,318 $15,000 $10,000 202 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $1,409 $906 $1,000 $1,000 ' 202 362b5 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $61,250 $0 , 202 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $100,000 �1 -------------- ------------- PAGE TOTALS $340,867 $192,684 $456,967 $0 $138,000 FUND TOTAIS $340,867 $192,684 $456,967 $0 $138,000 -EXPENDITtJRES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 I 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 49002 Ol 317 Gen'1 Fund Administrative Fees $2,250, $2,250 $2,25Q $2,250 202 49002 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $250 $0 $0 $4 202 49002 Ol 510 Land Purchases $0 $(1 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 521 Building&Structure Purchases $98,422 $0 $0 $� 202 49002 O1 523 Building&Structure Purchases $37,549 $0 $0 $� 202 49002 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $12,747 $11,00'7 $5,000 $38,000 Decorative Lights on 145th St. 202 49002 Ol 531 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $60,830 $14,583 $43,000 $(1 202 49002 Ol 532 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $25,080 $0 $29,000 $0 202 49002 Ol 533 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $35,000 $10,000 $28,325 $0 202 49002 Ol 534 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $18,319 $29,999 $37,158 $0 202 49002 Ol 535 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $20,000 $0 202 49002 Ol 537 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $8,943 $0 $0 � 202 49002 Ol 538 Improvements Other Than Bidgs $10,639 $0 $0 $0 _ 202 49W2 Ol 540 Heavy Machinery Purchases $8,958 $2,428 $0 $� 202 49002 Ol 541 Heavy Machinery Purchases $18,184 $7,466 SO �1 202 49002 Ol 542 Heavy Machinery Purchases $0 $1,800 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 550 Motor Vehicle Purchases $40,000 $26,063 $28,000 $� 202 49002 Ol 551 Motor Vehicle Purchases $16,986 $0 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 552 Motor Vehicle Purchases $0 $0 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 553 Motor Vehicle Purchases $27,972 $0 $0 $� 202 49002 Ol 554 Motor Vehicle Purchases $11,089 $0 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 555 Motor Vehicle Purchases $22,878 $0 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 557 Motor Vehicle Purchases $0 $0 $0 $� 202 49002 01 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases $0 $0 $25,000 $0 202 49002 Ol 570 Office Equip&Fumishing Purch $5,857 $240 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 571 Office Equip&Furnishing Purch $0 $1,561 $0 $P 202 49002 Ol 572 Office Equip&Fumishing Purch $0 $500 �9 � 202 49002 Ol 573 Office Equip&Fumishing Purch $0 $1,049 $0 $� 202 49002 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases $0 $3,791 $1,800 �1 202 49002 Ol 581 Other Equipment Purchases $4,835 $3,850 $3,000 $� 202 49�2 Ol 582 Other Equipment Purchases $8,454 $5,545 $6,000 $� 202 49002 Ol 583 Other Equipment Purchases $2,049 $3,500 $0 $0 202 49002 Oi 584 Other Equipment Purchases $2,967 $1,097 $0 �► 202 49002 Ol 585 Other Equipment Purchases $8,'798 $3,200 $0 $� 202 49002 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases $24,302 $7,748 $20,�0 $0 202 49002 Ol 587 Computer Equipment Purchases $15,000 $13,912 $7,700 $0 202 49002 Ol 588 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $2>000 $0 $U 202 49002 Ol 589 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $3,884 $0 $� 202 49002 Oi 598 Council Designated $0 $0 $25>?34 $89,000 Armory I.evy Miscalculation 202 49002 Ol 710 Transfers $200,400 $0 $175,000 $� , --------------- ----------- PAGE TOTALS $728,358 $157,473 $456,967 $129,250 FtJND TOTALS $728,358 $157,473 $456,967 $129,250 NOT'E: 1995's Proposed Budget Includes$2,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount(Covered by Interest Earnings) 1995's Proposed Budget has a Total of$127,000 for the I.evy Amount ; : INSURANCE GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE , • Provides for the funding of the City's Worker's Compensation fnsurance ' and General Liability Insurance. Currently, both insurances are provided ' through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. This agency I allows the Cit to have thorou h, et affordable insurance. Y Y 9 i . � In 1995, we are setting up a separate Special Revenue Fund for II insurance purposes. The amount levied will be the same as it would have been if the Insurance budget would have been in the General Fund, as it has been in the past. But, this allows us to build a special fund for insurance purposes that will allow the City to move towards self-insurance, and ultimately, lower rates. Doing so will allow the City to operate more efficiently and save the taxpayers money without taking undue risks. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE FUND December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 49230 Ol 365 Worker's Compensation Insurance $82,624 $62,856 $90,000 $90,000 Annual Premium 206 492A0 Ol 369 Other Insurance $78,324 $79,986 $98,000 $100,000 General Liability&Auto PAGE TOTALS Y$160,947 $142,841 $188,000 $190,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $160,947 $142,841 $188,000 $190,000 _ _ _ _ _ _- PORT AUTHORITY ' ; , ADMINISTRATION � • The Rosemount Port Authority is the successor to the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA) and the Rosemount Econom ic Developm ent Authority(EDA). As such, the Port Authority is responsible for both redevelopment and econom ic development activities in the City. • In 1995, the Port Authority will concentrate its activities in two areas and their budget strongly reflects these two areas: • Redevelopment of downtown Rosemount • De�elopment of the Rosemount Business Park DOWNTOWN • In 1994, the Port Authority, through its seven member board of commissioners, did preliminary work in the downtown. Included was h • rf rt e En er into reement with a rivate develo e o t ed a p 9 p redevelopment of the Repairs Inc. site. • Disposed of the Old Post Office land remnant • Inititiated creation of a tax increment financing redevelopment district for the Carlson Tractor site. • Worked with private land owners for the beautification of the Fluegel Grain Elevator block. • Agreed to work in partnership. ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK • In 1994, the Port Authority initiated and completed the extension of infrastructure into the eighty acre first phase. Also, the Port Authority looked into the possibility of selling off the Business Park to a private developer who would then market the Park privately. Page One , 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS li PORT AUTHORIT'I'OPERATING BUDGET � -REVENUES- I November 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detaii Proposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 201 31050 00 000 Tax Increments $277,190 $336,451 $278,000 $285,000" f: 201 33100 00 000 Federal Grants&Aids $0 $0 $2Cr4,269 $0 Comm Development B1ock Grdnt �_' 201 36105 00 000 Principal on Notes $0 $4,044 $16,'717 $18,069 201 36105 00 000.1 Blake L/T'Note $9,359 201 36105 00 000.2 Loch L/T'Note $8,710 201 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $5,753 $6,447 $3>000 $3,000 Interest Earned on CD's 201 36211 00 OOQ Interest Earnings-Loch $54,342 $52,442 $51,926 $51,290 i.och L./'I'MoRgage Interest 'F 201 36212 00 000 Interest Eamings-Blake $50,771 $51,117 $53,697 $53,041 Blake LIT Mortgage Interest 201 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $1,953 $88? $1,OQ0 $250 Checking Interest&Misc 201 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $43,993 $85,490 201 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 �A 201 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $528,400 $0 $0 --------------- ------ PAGE TOTALS $390,009 $979,789 $712,662 $496,140 FLIND TOTALS $39Q009 $979,789 $712,662 $496,140 -EXPENDI'T[JRES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 201 46300 101 Salaries&Benefiu $30,616 $71,206 $73,222 $71,940 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 201 46300 1011 City Administrator $19,940 25%P/A-75%General Fund 's 201 46300 " 101.2 Comm Development Director $34,200 50%P/A-50%General Fund ' 201 46300 1013 Secretary $17,800 50%P/A-50%General Fund 201 46300 102 Full-Time Overtime $35 $829 $0 $500 201 46300 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $5,695 $6,094 $6,500 $25,200 201 46300 99 103.1 Port Authority Membecs ��5� ' 201 4630d 99 103.2 Economic Development Interns $18��� 201 46300 Oi 302 Architects'Fees $887 $0 $0 $0 201 46300 Ol 303 Engineering Fees $497 $36,139 $0 $15,000 201 4630d Ol 304 Legal Fees $7,261 $2,025 $21,600 $30,000 201 46300 Oi 307 Management Fees $1,697 $0 $0 $U ` 201 46300 Ol 311 Gen'1 Fund Administrative Fees $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 $5,700 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 201 46300 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $18,225 $22,669 $20,000 $35,000 Consulting Secvices 201 46300 Ol 331 Travei Expense $320 $913 $1,000 $1,000 Mileage Reimbursement 201 46300 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $1,563 $0 $0 $0 201 463(� Ol 349 Other Advertising $0 $0 $0 $12>004 201 46300 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $34 $400 $400 201 46300 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance $1,321 $1,669 $2,000 $2,000 201 46300 Ol 369 Other Insurance $0 $8,398 $0 $15,000 Property Insurance 201 46300 Ol 389 Other Utility Services $39 $27 $0 $5(YO 201 46300 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $519 $471 $2,000 $2,000 ProPOrganizations/Journals 201 46300 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $273 $246 $400 $400 201 46300 Oi 437 Conferences&Seminars $917 $1,920 $3,000 $3,000 Star City,Chamber,&Misc 201 46300 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges $94 $22 $250 $500 Contingencies 201 46300 Ol 510 Land Purchases $14,203 $541,986 $2b4,269 $0 1993-Business Park-$517,109 201 46300 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $20,000 $5,000 Business Park Development 201 46300 Ol 710 Transfers $171,000 $486,593 $292,396 $271,000 201 46300 Ol 710.1 8/1/95 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF $27,000 Interest Only 201 46300 Ol 710.2 2/1/96 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF $127,000 Principal&Interest 201 46300 Ol 710.3 8/1/95 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs $11,000 Interest Only 201 46300 Ol 710.4 2/1/96 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs $106,000 Principal&Interest - 201 463(� Ol 720 Transfers $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 _. --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- . PAGE TOTALS $310,785 $1,236,863 $712,662 $496,140 DEPART'MENT TOTALS $310,785 $1,236,863 $712,662 $496,140 j . . . � . . . .. . � j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ! � � GENERAL/ADMINiSTRATIVE � • Debt Service Funds are Governmental Funds set up to provide for the repayment of debt of the City. This debt is normally accomplished �I through the issuance of bonds secured by the full faith and credit of the City. Repayment of the debt is usually accomplished through the collection of special assessments; general levies of the City collected through property taxes; tax increment funds; core funds; transfers from Enterprise Funds(Revenue Debt Issues) and transfers from other areas. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ', DEBT SERV FUND 303-G.O.MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS,1986 '� -REVENLJES- ', December 1,1994 1994 1995 I 2992 1993 Adopted Proposed � Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments � ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------- 303 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $149,919 $150,444 $150,570 $0 I 303 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $0 $0 , 303 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $(1 ,� 303 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $1,109 $1,266 $0 $0 303 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $406 $466 $0 $0 �� 303 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $116,325 1986 Bonds Will Be Called In'95 303 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $� � � 303 3'7160 Od 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $t1 $0 303 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $� � � 303 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 � $� � 303 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $� $� � 303 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $� � � 303 39206 00 000 Transfer Fmm Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 303 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $(1 $� 303 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 303 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $151,434 $152,177 $150,570 $116,325 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 303-G.O.MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS,1986 -EXPENDIT'URES- _ 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 303 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 303 47000 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 303 470Q0 Ol 601 Bond Principal $70,000 $75,000 $80,000 $SS,OW 303 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $69,845 $65,530 $60,840 $29,200 303 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $456 $460 $1,000 $1,000 303 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 F[JND TOTALS $141,42b $142,115 $142,965 $116,325 E Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 325-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1987A -REVENUES. December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 325 31010 00 000 Curcent Ad Valorem Taxes $59,937 $92,132 $125,000 $125,000 325 36101 00 000 Principal-Speciai Assessments 5123,970 $164,187 $0 $0 325 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $4,978 $485 $0 $0 325 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments �102,589 $118,537 $0 $0 325 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $1,003 $600 $0 $(1 325 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $549,350 $520,000 ' 325 37145 00 000 Succharge on Wafer Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 325 3'7160 00 000 Penaities-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $(1 $�1 ' 325 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 `$0 $11 $0 325 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $62,034 $0 $0 ' 325 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $� I 325 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 325 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $(1 �I 325 39207 00 Q00 Transfer From PorrAuthority $0 $0 $0 $0 'i 325 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 325 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $(1 $0 $� I ----------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- I FUND TOTAIS $292,477 $438,575 $674,350 $645,000 - I 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 325-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1987A- -EXPENDITLJRES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------- 325 47000 Ol 317 Generai Fund Admin Fees $i',125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 325 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 325 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $495,000 $475,000 $500,000 $500,000 325 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $225,313 $199,663 $172,225 $142,850 325 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $474 $462 $1,000 $1,025 325 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $0 $955,939 $0 $0 FUND TOTAL.S $701,912 $1,632,189 $674,350 $645,000 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 382-G.O.TAX INCREMENT BONDS,1988A -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1943 Adopt� Proposed Fund Account Obj# Descriptiom Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 382 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes EO $0 SU $0 382 36101 00 000 Principal-Speoial Assessments $t1 $� $0 $(1 382 36102 00 004 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $� � � 382 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $78 $0 $Q 382 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $179 $59 $0 $0 382 362b5 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $U $(1 $0 382 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $U �4 $0 382 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 382 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $t1 $� 382 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 �� � $� 382 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 382 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 382 39206 00 a10 Transfer From Storm Con Fee.s $0 $0 $0 $0 382 39207 Od 000 Transfer From Port Authority 5171,000 $309,000 $173,000 $169,700 382 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $�1 $0 382 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 FIJND TOTALS $171,179 $309,137 $173,000 $169,700 1995 BUDGET WORKSI-IEETS DEBT SERV FUND 382-G.O.TAX INCREMENT BONDS,1988A -EXPENDITCJRES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- 382 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 382 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 , 382 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $85,000 $95,000 $100,000 $110,000 � 382 47000 Oi 611 Bond Interest $83,983 $76,010 $61,185 $57,575 ' 382 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $401 $468 $1,000 $1,040 I 382 47000 Ol '710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ' ' ----------------- --------------------------------- --------------- � F[JND TOTAIS $170,509 $172,603 $169,310 $169,700 � _______ _______ _______ _______ I ,n I Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEE'TS ' DEBT SERV FUND 612-G.O.REVENUE WATER BONDS,1989A I -REVENUES- � December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments . 612 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $� 612 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $141 $0 $0 612 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $� � 612 36210 00 WO Interest Eamings-Investments $215 $973 $0 $0 612 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $864 $4211 $0 $� 612 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 � � $� 612 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $47,543 $51,993 $45,000 $60,000 612 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $986 $1,361 $1,000 $1,000 612 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $� $0 � 612 39203 00 000 Transfer From $3,250 $0 $0 $0 612 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $130,000 $0 $111,057 $96,000 612 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 � 612 39206 00 OOU Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $A $0 �4 612 39247 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 612 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 612 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $U $0 $� � FUND TOTALS $182,858 $54,888 $157,057 $157,000 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 612-G.O,REVENUE WATER BONDS,1989A -EXPENDIT(JRES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------- 612 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 YeariyFee Per Policy F-3 612 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 612 4'7000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $20,000 $65,000 $70,000 $75,000 612 47000 Oi 611 Bond Interest $92,050 $87,�61 $84,932 $79,858 612 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $474 $462 $1,000 $1,017 ' 612 47000 Ol 710 Transfets $0 $955,939 $0 $0 FUND TOTAL,S $113,649 $1,110,287 $157,057 $157,000 , Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 327-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1989B -REVENLJES- December 1,1994 1994 1495 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Gomments 327 31010 00 000 Gurrent Ad Valorem Taxes $89,799 $88,089 $0 $0 327 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $373,594 $135,133 $0 $0 327 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $13,871 $414 $0 $0 327 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $48,771 $32,855 $0 $0 ' 327 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $798 $390 $0 $0 ', 327 362b5 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 SO $372,573 $308,000 '89B Bonds Will Be Called In'95 327 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $4 $� $� �I 327 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 , 327 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 I, 327 39203 00 000 Transfer From $130,495 $0 $0 $� �i 327 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $9,116 $0 $0 327 39205 W 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 327 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 �1 327 39207 0(1 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $� 32'7 39208 00 000 Transfer Fmm MSA Fund $0 $0 $U $(1 327 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $657,328 $265,997 $372,573 $308,OW 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 327-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1989B -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actuai Actual Budget Budget Comments • ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- 327 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 327 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 327 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $270,OW $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 32'7 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $152,545 $136,260 $120,448 $56,255 327 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $429 $471 $1,000 $620 327 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $509,498 $0 $0 FLJND TOTALS $424,059 $897,354 $372,573 $308,000 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 328-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1991A -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 328 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 328 3b101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $316,764 $67,605 $0 $0 328 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $393 5312 $0 $0 328 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $12,926 $16,680 $0 $0 328 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $3,218 51,031 $0 $0 328 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds a0 $0 $180,'I15 $174,200 328 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 328 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 328 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 328 39203 00 000 Transfer From $23,419 $38'7,770 $0 $0 328 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $344 $0 $0 $0 328 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 328 39206 00 000 Transfer Fmm Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 328 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 328 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $4 $0 $0 $0 328 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 ' F[JND TOTALS $357,064 $473,398 $180,715 $17�1,200 ' 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS II DEBT SERV FUND 328-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1991A I -EXPENDTTURES- II 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- 328 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 328 4'7000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 328 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $12Q000 $120,000 $120,000 328 47000 Ol 611 Band Interest $78,995 $64,710 $58,590 $52,230 328 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying AgentFees $386 $481 $1,000 $845 328 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 FIJND TOTALS $80,506 $186,316 $180,715 $174,200 ; Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEE'TS DEBT SERV FUND 329-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1991B -REVENUES- ' December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 329 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 � � � 329 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments �205,045 $26,395 $0 $0 329 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 329 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $704 $6,658 $0 $0 329 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $1,365 $294 $0 $0 : 329 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $45,255 $43,800 329 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 � � � 329 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $U $0 329 39202 00 000 Contribution Fmm Enterprises $0 $0 $� � 329 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $28,598 $0 $0 329 39204 00 �0 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $9,182 $0 $0 $0 329 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 329 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 � 329 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 � � � 329 39208 00 OOQ Transfer From MSA Fund $�1 � � � 329 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 ---------------- FLJND TOTALS $216,296 $61,945 $45,255 $43,800 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 329-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1991B -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ---- ------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------- ------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - 329 47000 Ol 31'1 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 , 329 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 329 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $3Q000 $30,000 329 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $9,193 $13,790 $13,130 $11,780 329 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $175 $354 $1,000 $895 ' 329 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ----------------- -- FUND TOTALS $10,493 $15,269 $45,255 $43,800 ��I II � Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FLJND 304-G.O.EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES,1991C -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Pmposed Fund Account Obj# De�'iption Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 304 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $51,776 $50,054 $48,290 $51,692 304 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 SO $U $� 304 3b102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 304 36210 00 Wd Interest Eamings-Investments $236 $2'74 $0 $0 304 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings �80 $40 $0 $0 304 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 S� 304 37145 0(1 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 304 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 304 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 �1 304 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $4 $0 $0 304 39204 00 000 Transfer Fmm Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 304 39205 00 000 Transfer Fmm Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $� 304 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 I�� 304 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 304 39208 Od 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 304 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 FCJND TOTALS $52,092 $50,368 $48>290 $51,692 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 304-G.O.EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES,1991C -EXPENDITURES- - 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted , Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Gomments ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 304 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 �1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 304 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $� � 304 47000 Oi 601 Bond Principal $40,Od0 $40,000 $40,000 $45,000 304 470W Ol 611 Bond Interest $9,485 $7,670 $5,990 $4,230 304 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $176 $176 $1,00� $1,000 - 304 470W Ol 710 Transfexs $0 $0 $0 $0 FLTND TOTALS $50,786 $48,9'71 $48,115 $51,355 i` Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 321-G.O.II�IPROVEMENT BONDS,1992A -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments I ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- I 321 31010 00 000 Cuaent Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 I�i 321 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $549,162 $0 $� I'i 321 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 � 321 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $0 $6,959 $0 $0 li 321 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $1,'7/2 $1,790 $0 $0 321 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds �0 $0 $252,296 $117,000 321 37145 00 000 Surcharge on WaterRevenues $0 $0 $0 $0 321 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 321 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 321 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $4,771 $0 $U 321 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $� $0 � 321 39205 00 000 Transfer Fmm Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 321 39206 00 000 Transfer Fmm Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 321 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 321 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $215,000 $0 $0 321 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 �1 $0 FUND TOTALS $1,772 $777,682 $252,296 $117,000 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 321-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1992A - -EXPENDITURES= 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Pcoposed - Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 321 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeariy Fee Per Policy F-3 321 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 321 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $215,000 $85,000 321 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $33,542 $35,171 $29,976 321 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $356 $1,000 $899 321 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 FLTND TOTALS $0 $35,023 $252,296 $117,000 _ __- __ _ _ _ _ _ � ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS a DEBT SERV FUND 613-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1992B .� -REVENUES- � December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed � Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Camments 613 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 613 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $0 $0 613 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 �� 613 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $4,395 $15,081 $0 $0 613 36215 (W 000 Iaterest Earnings $1,325 $1,430 $0 $0 613 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $U - 613 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 613 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 613 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $36,000 $54,000 $68,0(m 613 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $� � 613 39204 00 Q00 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 613 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 613 39206 00 000 Transfer Fmm Storm Con Fees $0 $36,000 $55,000 $69,000 613 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 613 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 613 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 I'I ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- FUND TOTALS $5,720 $88,511 $109,000 $137,000 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 613-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1992B -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments . ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- 613 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 , 613 4'7004 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $20,870 $0 $� �1 613 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $30,000 $60,OOU 613 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $77,207 $76,703 $75,075 613 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $440 $1,000 $800 613 47000 O1 ?10 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $20,870 $78,772 $108,828 $137,000 Page One I 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 301-G.O.COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS,1992C ', -REVENUES- ' December 1,1994 1994 1995 I 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 301 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $106,222 5103,877 $102,039 301 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $0 $� 301 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 301 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $241 $0 $(1 301 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $353 $296 $0 $U 301 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $4 $0 $� 301 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $(1 $0 S� 301 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $� 301 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $� $�1 � '; 301 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 SO $0 j 301 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 301 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $U $l1 $0 301 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 301 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $4 $0 $(1 301 39208 00 000 Transfer Fmm MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 301 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $353 $106,759 $103,877 $102,039 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 301-G.O.COMMUNTI'Y CENTER BONDS,1992C -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------- 301 4'7000 Oi 317 General FundAdmin Fees $0 $1,125 51,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 ' 301 47000 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 _ 301 47�0 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $20,000 $35,000 301 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $4$,698 $64>430 $63,055 301 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $202 $1,000 $1,0?A 301 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $�1 � � $� FIJND TOTALS $0 $50,025 $86,555 $100,200 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 330-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1992D -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 330 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $(1 330 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $164,892 $0 $0 330 36102 00 000 Penaities&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 330 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments SO $19,930 $0 $0 330 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $440 $2,289 $0 $0 330 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $76,607 $238,500 33Q 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $�1 330 3'7160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 330 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 330 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $45,992 $0 $0 330 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 330 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $29,300 $29,300 $0 $U 330 39206 00 0(m Transfer From Storm Con Fees $10,80d $10,800 $0 $0 330 39207 00 000 Transfer Fmm Fort Authority $0 $0 $� $0 330 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 330 39310 00 OW Bond Ptoceeds $90,397 $0 $0 $U FUND TOTALS $130,937 $273,203 $76,607 $238,500 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � DEBT SERV FUND 330-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1992D I -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Propased Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 330 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 330 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 330 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $165,000 330 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $55,862 $74,482 $71,389 330 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $208 $1,000 $986 330 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $�1 $� � � ----------------- --------------------------------- ---------------- F'UND TOTAI.S $0 $ST,195 $76,607 $238,500 . Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 381-G.O.MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS,1992E -REVENUES- ,'^j December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Gomments 381 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $8,665 $35,1'74 $0 381 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $� $(1 $0 381 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-SIA $0 $0 $(1 $0 381 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $4,346 $0 �1 381 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $888 $351 $0 $0 381 36265 00 000 Use of Resecve Funds $0 $0 $0 $3�OW 381 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues SO $� � $0 381 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $U $0 381 39202 00 WO Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 , 381 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $149,140 $0 381 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $Q $0 $� ' 381 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 �4 $0 381 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 38i 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $81,000 $120,000 $117,000 , 381 39248 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $U $�1 $0 381 39310 00 OW Bond Proceeds $186,125 $0 � $0 ' F'CJND TOTALS $187,013 $94,362 $304,314 $120,Od0 , 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' DEBT SERV FUND 381-G.O.MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS,1992E -EXPENDI'TLJRES- ' . 1994 1995 ,I 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Commenu ' _: ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- �I 381 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $1,125 $1,125 $1,1?S Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 lii 381 47000 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services $0 $0 $0 $0 381 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $65,000 $95,000 Balance of 1992E Debt: ' 381 470(R► Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $152,493 $202,217 $22,981 Arena&Other Improvements ' 381 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $349 $1,000 $894 Paid From Arena Fund& 381 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 Generai Fund ---------------- -------------------------------- ----------------- FCTND TOTALS $0 $153,967 $269,342 $120,000 Fage One ' 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' DEBT SERV F[JND 322-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1993A ', - -REVENUES- i December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments i 322 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $4,132 322 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $0 $(1 322 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $U $(1 �4 322 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments SO $2,87'7 $0 $0 � 322 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $0 $9� � � 322 362b5 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $25,078 $50,368 322 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $� � 322 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $� 322 34202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 322 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 $U 322 39204 � 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 322 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 322 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 322 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $U $f1 322 39208 00 WO Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 322 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $1,403 $0 $0 FUND TOTAI.S $0 $5,248 $25,078 $54,504 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 322-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1993A -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Sudget Budget Comments ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 322 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 322 47000 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services $0 $0 $0 $0 322 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $30,000 322 47000 41 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $22,953 $22,503 322 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $1,000 $872 322 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $a $0 $0 $0 FCTND TOTALS $0 $0 $25,078 $54,500 �I _______ _______ _______ _______ �� '�; , Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 323-G.O.IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS,1993B -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 323 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $184,993 323 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $0 $0 323 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 323 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $(1 $0 $t1 323 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $0 $37 $0 $0 323 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $1,340,407 323 37145 00 000 Suroharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $U $�1 323 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $0 $0 $�1 323 39202 00 000 Contribution Fmm Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $� 323 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $1,465,436 $0 $0 323 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 �0 323 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $4 $� 323 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $U $0 I 323 39207 00 000 Transfer Fcom Port Authority $0 $�► � � 323 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $11 $0 323 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $1,407,171 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $0 $2,872,644 $0 $1,525,400 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS i DEBT SERV FUND 323-G.O.IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS,1993B -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------ 323 4'7000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,125 Yeady Fee Per Policy F-3 323 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 323 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $1,470,000 Escrowed Refunding Bonds 323 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $53,660 $53,660 $35,330 Paid From an Escrow 323 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $615 323 4'7000 Ol 710 Transfecs $0 $0 $0 $0 FUND TOTAIS $0 $0 $53,660 $1,525,400 _ _ _ _ _ _ . Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 610-G.O.WATER RE�ENUE REFUNDING BONDS,1993C -REVENLJES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 610 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $U $�1 $0 610 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $� � � 610 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 610 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $0 $0 �1 � 610 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $0 S25 $� � 610 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $� $� � 610 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $�1 610 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $U $(1 $0 610 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 �1 '� 610 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 $0 610 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $4 $0 610 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $� $� � 610 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $� 610 39207 00 WO Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $4 610 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $Q $�" � 610 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $938,126 $0 $0 F[JND TOTALS --- - $0 $938,151 $0 $0 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 610-G.O.WATER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS,1993C -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------- 610 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $tl $0 $0 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 , 610 47000 Ol 319. Other Professional Services $0 $� $t1 � ' 610 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $0 �! 610 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $17,568 $42,160 $42,160 All Paid From an Escrow 610 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $� 610 47000 Ol 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 � F[JND TOTALS ~------- $0 $17,568 $42,160 $42,160 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS , DEBT SERV FUND 302-G.O.MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS,1993D -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 li 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed i Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 302 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes �0 $0 $0 $15Q626 302 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments SO $0 � � 302 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A � � � � 302 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 � � � 302 36215 W 000 Interest Earnings �1 $� � � 302 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $694,374 302 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revennes $0 � � � 302 37160 O(1 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $(1 $0 $0 $t1 302 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $(1 � � �� 302 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 $0 302 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 � � � i 302 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 302 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 302 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $� $0 � $� � 302 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $� �� $� 302 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $839,439 $0 $0 --------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- FUND TOTALS $0 $839,461 $0 $845>000 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 302-G.O.MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS,1993D -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed � Fund Account Ohj# , Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ' ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- --- 302 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,125 Yearly FeePer Policy F-3 302 4'7000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $� � $� 302 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $S1Q000 Escrowed Refunding Bonds . 302 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $33,453 $33,453 $16,726 Paid From an Escrow 302 47000 Oi 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $422 302 47000 O1 710 Transfers $0 $0 $4 $0 ----------------- FUND TOTALS $0 SO $33,453 $845,000 - Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' DEBT SERV FUND 383-PORT AUT'HORITY G.O.BONDS,1993E&1994A -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 ' 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ' ----- -------------------------------------_------__________---- ---------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- 383 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $64>82� 383 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $� $0 � 383 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $0 ii 383 36210 00 U00 Interest Eamings-Investments $0 $0 $0 $0 383 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $0 $12 $Q $0 383 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $27,003 $60,28� Capilalized Interest I 383 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 $(1 383 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $� SD $0 383 39202 00 000 Contribution Fmm Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39205 00 000 Transfer Fmm Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 383 39208 00 000 Transfer Fmm MSA Fund $0 $0 $U $Q 383 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $42,900 $0 $0 FUND TOTALS $0 $42,912 $?�7,003 $125,100 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 383-PORT AUTHORITY G.O.BONDS,1993E&1994A -EXPENDTTURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actua( Budget Budget Comments ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- 383 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 383 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 383 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $0 383 47000 Oi 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $24,878 $122,960 $33,170-1993E; $89,790-1994A 383 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $1,000 $1,015 383 47000 O1 710 Transfeis $0 $0 $0 $0 ----------------- -------------------------------- ----------------- FUND TOTAIS $4 $0 $27,003 $125,100 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 324-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1994A -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 324 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $� $0 324 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $0 $� $0 324 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $U $(1 32A 36210 00 WO Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $0 $0 $0 324 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings �0 SO $0 $0 324 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $84,600 Capitalized Interest 324 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $� �1 324 37160 00 000 PenaltiesSurcharge Revenues $0 $0 $� $0 324 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $0 324 39203 00 000 Transfer From $�1 � � � 324 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $� 324 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 324 392A6 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 324 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 32A 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 324 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $4 FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $84,600 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 324-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1994A -EXPENDIT'URES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- 324 470W Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 324 4'7000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 324 4700(► Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $0 324 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $0 $82,643 324 4'7000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $832 324 47000 Ol 710 Transfers � � $� � FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $84,600 I�, _ _ . _ Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 611-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1994B -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# IIescription Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 611 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $� 611 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $� $� � 611 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $4 $0 $0 611 36210 O() 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 $0 $0 $(1 611 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $0 $0 $� �1 611 36265 00 OOd Use of Reserve Funds $0 $� $0 � 611 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $U $0 611 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $(1 $0 $(1 611 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0 $0 $0 $8,500 611 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $� � $0 611 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $� �1 611 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 611 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $10,300 611 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority $0 $0 $�1 $0 611 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 611 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $� � $� FCTND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $18,800 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 611-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1994B -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 611 470Q0 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,125 YearlyFee Per Policy F-3 611 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 611 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal $� $0 � $� 611 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $0 $16,895 611 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $0 $780 611 47000 Ol 710 Transfecs $� �0 � $� FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $18,800 Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 33T-G.O.STATE AID STREET BONDS,1994C -REVENUES- December 1,1994 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 331 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO $A $U Sr0 331 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $U $0 $0 331 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $0 $0 $0 $(1 331 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments $0 $0 $0 $� 331 36215 O(1 000 Interest Eamings $0 $0 $t1 $0 331 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 $U $0 331 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues $0 $0 $0 � $0 331 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues $0 $U $0 $0 331 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises $0� $U $0 $� 331 39203 00 000 Transfer From $0 $0 $0 $� 331 39204 00 000 Transfer Fmm Water Hook-Up $0 $0 $0 $0 331 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Hook-Up $0 $� $0 $0 331 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Con Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 uthorit 0 $0 $0 $0 331 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port A $ Y 331 39208 00 000 Transfer From MSA Fund $0 $0 $0 $106,000 I 331 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 ' ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $106,000 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 331-G.O.STATE AID STREET BONDS,1994C -EXPENDITURES- 1994 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Proposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments , ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- ' 331 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 ' 331 47000 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services $0 $0 $0 $0 ', 331 47000 Oi 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 $65,000 � 331 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest $0 $0 $0 $39,052 331 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees $0 $0 $U $8?3 ', 331 470d0 01 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 I ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- F'UND TOTAIS $0 $0 $0' $106,000 I �I _______ _______ _______ _______ � � WATER OPERATING FUND GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues from water sales which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's wells, towers ', and distribution system. In 1995, $28,600 of the budgeted expenses are . ' items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority.' These items ; are marked with an (M) under the Comment section of the budget I worksheets. 'I , Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -REVENLJES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed ., Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Gomments 1 --------------- ------------~---------------__------- --------------------------- -------___ -------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------- � 601 36101 00 000 Principal-Speciai As.4essments $19,529 $22,118 $15,000 $15,000 601 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A $552 $820 �0 SO 601 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $13,358 $15,655 $13,000 $16,000 601 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $1,412 $1,102 $1,000 $1,000 601 36260 00 000 Other Revenue 5183 $0 $0 $0 601 37110 00 000 Residential Water Revenues $276,226 $253,963 $280,000 $320,000 601 37120 00 000 Apartment Water Revenues $35,440 $36,666 540,000 $50,000 601 37125 00 000 Institutional Water Revenues $10,999 $21,109 $15,000 $25,000 � 601 37130 00 000 Commercial Water Revenues $30,369 $26,211 $30,000 534,000 601 37140 00 000 Industrial Water Revenues $4,839 $4,602 $6,000 $5,000 601 37160 00 000 Penalties-Water Revenues $7,'733 $9,7'74 $8,000 $9,000 601 37165 00 000 Meter Maint Water Revenue �11,550 $8,900 510,000 SI0,000 601 37170 � 000 Other Water Revenues $10 $25 $0 $0 601 37180 00 000 Water Meter Sales Revenue $25,890 $20,519 $20,000 $20,000 �---------- ----------- PAGE TOTAI,S $438,089 $421,465 $438,000 $505,000 FtJND TOTALS $438,089 $421,465 $438,000 $505,000 i I : . _ _ _. . _ _ _- __- Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------- --- -------------------------------------------------- -------------_--_ _ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 601 49400 101 Salaries&Benefits $143,942 $135,820 $152,635 $147,500 Salary,Ta�ces,PERA&Benefits 601 49400 77 101.1 Public Works Director $22,610 35%-6d1;15%-602;50%-101 601 49400 77 101.2 Finance Director $11,310 17.5%-601;'7.5%-602;75%-101 i 601 49400 78 101.3 Accountant $6,690 17.5%-601;7.5%-602;75%-101 601 49400 78 101A Accountant 526,150 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 78 101.5 Accountant $11,215 35%-601;15%-602;50%-101 601 49400 78 101.6 Secretary $13,275 35%-601;15%-602;50%-101 601 49400 79 101.7 Maintenance $26,910 70%-601;30%-602 � 601 49400 79 101.8 Maintenance $29,340 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 102 Full-Time Overtime $5,380 �3,744 $4,200 $5,000 601 49400 78 102 ClericalO/T $2,� 601 49400 79 102 Maintenance O/T $3,� 601 49400 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $709 $3,333 $5,588 $26,700 601 49400 99 103.1 Utility Comm Wages(70%) $1,200 70%-601;30%-b02 601 49400 99 103.2 P1T Secretary $1Q500 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 99 1033 Maintenance Labor $15,000 100%-601 601 49400 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $394 $984 $1,400 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 203.1 Inserts $2,�� 601 49400 Oi 203.2 Water Bill Statements $1,� 601 49400 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $0 $0 $500 $500 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 601 49400 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $0 $0 $1,200 $1,500 For#'s 103,107&114 601 494dd Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives $0 $0 $500 $500 Oil for Pumps 601 49400 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Products $14,694 $12,978 $16,000 $16,000 Chlorine,Flouride,Polyphos 601 49400 Ol 219 Other Operating Suppties $942 $1,051 $1,000 $1,000 Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 Ol 220 Water Meter Purchases $39,933 $33,138 $46,Of� $46,000 601 49400 Ol 2201 For Replacements $21,000 $82 each Meters Only 601 49400 Ol 220.2 For New Homes $25,000 +CU Horns;2"Meteis 601 49400 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $908 $0 $3,U00 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 2211 Vehicles&Equipment $2,000 601 494M1 Ol 221.2 Well Motors&Misc Equip $1,� 601 49400 Ol 222 Tires $0 $0 $200 $200 Repaics&Replacements 601 49400 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials $574 $1,529 $1,000 $1,000 Patching from Breaks i 601 49400 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $82 $1,534 $600 $600 Topsoil,Seed&Sod ' ', 601 49400 Oi 227 Utility System Maint Supplies $1,112 $356 $1,000 $3,000 Raise 6 Hydrants Per Year , 601 49400 Ol 228 Meter Repair Materials $72 $0 $300 $300 Miscellaneous Meter Parts 601 49400 Ol 229 Othec Maintenance Supplies $3,122 $2,434 $9,300 $9,300 , 601 49400 Oi 229.1 Suppties for Hydrants $4,000 I 601 49400 Ol 229.2 Valve&Curb Boxes $1,300 GV Extensions 601 49400 Ol 229.3 Valve Replacements(2) $4,000 Sufficient for 2 Replacements 601 49400 Ol 241 Small Tools $ll0 $207 $250 $500 Wrenches,Shovets,eta 601 49400 Di 242 Minor Equipment $635 $364 $3,000 $3,000 60T 49400 Ol 242.1 Locator,GV Wrench $1,500 601 49400 Ol 242.2 GV Extension Wrench $1,500 601 49400 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $0 $164 $0 $� _ 601 49400 Ol 303 Engineering Fees $0 $0 $100 $10,000 601 49400 Ol 3031 Water Conservation Plan $9,000 Required by State(M) 601 49400 Ol 303.2 Miscellaneous Fees $1,000 601 49400 O1.304 Legal Fees $0 $0 $500 $500 601 49400 Ol 310 Testing Services $7,255 $13,159 $2,500 $18,300 601 49400 Ol 310.1 Bacteria&Water Quality $2,000 Radon , 601 49400 Ol 310.2 V.O.C.,Pesticides,etc. $1,�� 601 49400 Ol 310.3 CU-PB Testing $15,300 $5.21JConnection per Qtr(M) 601 49400 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees $2,997 $2,723 $3,000 $3,000 Gopher State One-Calt(M) 601 49400 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 60L 49400 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $2,005 $520 $3,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 319.1 Thaw Pipes,Check Leaks,etc. $1,500 601 49400 Ol 319.2 Supervisory Controls $1,500 - 601 49400 Ol 321 Telephone Costs $1,055 $185 $1,500 $1,500 Lines for Telemetry 601 49400 Ol 322 Postage Costs $1,842 $1,458 $1,500 $1,500 Billings with Inserts 601 49400 Ol 323 Radio Units $140 $1,328 $2,000 $2,000 Replace/Repair Radios 601 49400 Ol 331 Travel Expense $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 AWWA National Seminar 601 49400 Ol 333 Freight&Express Expenses $0 $0 $100 $100 Maii-in Repairs 601 49400 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $200 $300 $700 P(I"ecs&Pecsonnel Ghanges 601 49400 Ol 349 Other Advertising $0 $0 $500 $500 ----------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $233,528 $222,835 $2fi9,298 $316,325 Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ' November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 ' 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pmposed ', Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ', 601 49400 Ol 352 General Notices&Public Info $0 $0 $500 $500 Newsletters ' 601 49400 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance $3,603 $3,798 $4,0(10 $4,000 Water's Share of Premiums �, 601 49400 Ol 369 Other Insurance $10,458 $10,906 $12,000 $12,000 Water's Share of Premiums I 601 49400 Oi 391 P.C.Maintenance $0 $0 $300 $300 Gopher State One-Call(1Vn, 601 49400 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies $0 $0 $200 $200` 601 49400 O1 394 P.C.Software Purchases $98 $265 $750 $750 601 49400 Ol 395 P.C.Repairs $295 $0 $500 $500 601 49400 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm E1,986 $2,533 $1,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $126 $814 $200 �1>000 601 49400 Ol 416 Machinery Rental $0 $361 $600 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 421 Depreciation Expense $138,034 $296,816 $65,000 $0 CRP Items(See 530) 601 49400 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $192 $662 $500 $600 AW WA for 2 Membecs 601 49400 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $2b $34 $300 $300 Reference Materials 601 49400 O1 437 Conferences&Seminars $264 $425 $1,000 $1,50(l 601 49400 Ol 437.1 MN Health Department School $1,000 (M) ; 601 49400 Ol 437.2 AWWA Conference $500 601 49400 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 51,127 $1,234 $100 $1,000 DNR Annual Water Use(M) 601 49400 Ol 530 Improvements Other than Bldgs $0 $0 $0 $120,000 601 49400 Ol 530.1 Cameo&Lower 147th $50,000 Gate Valve&Services 601 49400 Ol 530.2 Rehab Well#3 $��� 601 49400 Ol 530.3 Water Tower#1 Maintenance $20,000 601 49400 OT 530.4 Water Tower#2 Maintenance $20,000 601 49400 Ol 560 Fumiture&Fixture Purchases $0 $332 $500 $0 601 49400 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $100 $600 File Cabinet,Chair 601 49400 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $3,500 $0 $0 601 49400 01 710 Transfers $0 $0 $10,000 $0 601 49403 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $(1 $28 $1,000 $1,000 601 49403 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $412 $810 $500 $500 ' 601 49403 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $1,000 $1,400 Independent Inspections 601 49403 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $7,169 $6,216 $7,000 $7,500 Pumping&Lighting 601 49403 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $506 $536 $400 $600 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49403 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $60 $0 $300 $300 RTU's,Pump Motor,eta 601 49403 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 601 49406 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $1,000 $1�000 601 49406 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $0 $39 $200 $200 601 49406 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services $0 $0 $100 $100 Independent Inspections 601 49406 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $402 $405 $6f10 $6� Pumping&Lighting 60i 49406 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $289 $303 $40(► $400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49406 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $489 $0 $300 $300 R'I'[J's,Pump Motor,etc. 601 49406 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 601 49407 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $500 ' 601 49407 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $0 $365 $300 $300 601 4940'7 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $500 $SW Independent Inspections 601 49407 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $11,014 $12,142 $9,000 $9,500 Pumping&Lighting 601 49407 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $0 $0 $0 $400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49407 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $543 $0 $600 $600 RTU's,Pump Motor,etc. 601 49407 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 601 49407 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $600 $600 601 49408 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $50 $1,000 $1,000 ' 601 49408 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $41 $47 $100. $1«1 601 49408 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $10,786 $12,331 $10,000 $10,000 Pumping&Lighting 601 49408 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $355 $328 $0 $400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49410 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $4 $1,000 $1,000 601 49410 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $110 $14 $1,000 $1,000 601 49410 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $0 $167 $100 $100 601 49410 Ol 321 Telephone Costs $290 $692 $0 $200 6d1 49410 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $0 $5,154 $5,000 $8,000 Pumping&Lighting 601 49410 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $55 $0 $5,000 $5,000 601 49411 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $1,000 $1,400 601 49411 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 -------------- --------------- ---------- PAGE TOTALS $188,730 $361,310 $150,350 $204,250 Page Thtee 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ; November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 ' 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments , 601 49415 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 5500 Touch-Up Paint ', 601 49415 Oi 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 53,000 $500 Tower Inspection I 601 49415 Ol 381 Electric Utilities �0 $0 5200 $200 ' 601 49415 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $673 $0 $500 $500 � 601 49415 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $2W $200 Contingencies 601 49416 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 5500 Touch-Up Paint �i, 601 49416 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $290 $0 $3,000 $825 601 49416 Ol 3191 Tower Inspection �� ' 601 49416 Ol 319.2 Cathodic Protection Services $325 �I 601 49416 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 51,102 $682 $200 5200 601 49416 Ol 409 OtherContracted R&M $0 $131 $500 $500 601 49416 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $200 $Z00 601 49416 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 Landscaping Around Tower ' ------------------------ ------------- --------------- -------------- � $2,065 $813 $11,800 $7,125 I ; FUND TOTAI.S $424,323 $584,958 $431,448 $52'7,700 ; � SEWER OPERAT(NG FUND GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues from sewer charges which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's lift stations and mains for the collection and treatment of sewage. In 1995, $1,500 of the budgeted expenses are items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority. These items are marked with an (M) under the Comment section of the budget worksheets. Also, $405,100 covers one line item of the Sewer Fund budget. This amount is for the charges paid to the � Metropolitan Council for the City's share of the operations and debt for waste water treatment plants within the metropolitan area. These charges, which cover approximately 50%0 of the Sewer Fund budget, are n w e flows into the Metro olitan Councii's Rosemount based o se ag p �� treatment plant. Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -REVENUE3- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 602 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $16,856 $22,677 $14,000 $15,000 602 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 5388 $729 $0 $0 602 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments 54,097 $�,572 $3,000 $5,000 602 36215 W 000 Interest Eamings $1,531 $1,248 $1,000 $500 602 36260 00 000 Other Revenue $5,220 $0 $0 $0 602 37210 00 000 Residential Sewer Revenues $339,822 $342,101 $380,000 $450,000 602 37220 00 0� Apartment Sewer Revenues $53,'768 $58,557 $60,000 $60,000 602 31225 00 000 Institutional Sewer Revenues $30,664 $40,962 535,000 $33,000 602 37230 00 WO Commercial Sewer Revenues $38,564 �334>351 $40,000 $40,000 602 37240 00 000 Industrial Sewer Revenues $7,6d4 $7,171 $7,000 $7,000 602 37260 00 000 Penalties-Sewer Revenues $9,931 $12,954 $10,000 $10,000 602 37270 00 OW Other Sewer Revenues S10 $0 $0 $� ---------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS $508,455 $528,321 $550,000 $623,500 FLJND TOTALS $508,455 $528,321 $550,000 $623,500 _ _ _ Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Gomments ------------- --- ------------------------------------------------_ -__--------------------- --- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 602 49450 101 Salaries&Benefits $61,688 $58,668 $65,415 563,500 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 602 49450 77 1011 Public Works Director $9,700 , 15%-602;35%-601;50%-101 602 49450 7'7 101.2 Finance Director $4,900 7S%-602;17.5%-601;75%-101 602 49450 78 101.3 Accountant $2,900 7.5%-602;17.5%-601;75%-101 602 49450 78 101.4 Accountant �11,250 30%-6b2;70%-601 602 49450 78 101.5 Accountant $4,850 15%-602;35%-601;50%-101 602 49450 78 101.6 Secretary $5,700 15%-602;35%-601;50%-101 ' 602 49450 79 101.7 Maintenance $11,600 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 79 101.8 Maintenance $12,600 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 102 Full-Time Overtime $2,306 $1,606 $1,800 $2,500 602 49450 78 102.1 Clerical O/T $1,000 , 602 49450 78 102.2 Maintenance O!T $1,500 ' 602 49450 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $304 $9,784 $9,938 $19,100 '� 602 49450 99 103.1 Utility Comm Wages(30%) $600 30%-602;�0%-601 602 49450 99 103.2 P(T Secretary $4,500 30%-602;'70%-601 I 602 49450 99 1033 Maintenance Labor $14,000 100%-602 602 49450 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $310 $0 $300 $600 Inserts 8t Water Bill Statements 602 49450 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $26 $0 $500 $500 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 602 49450 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $0 $0 $1,200 $1,500 For#'s 101,103,107&114 602 49450 Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives $0 $0 $300 $350 Oil for Lift Stations 602 49450 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Products $1,575 $372 $2,000 $500 Root Killer,Degreaser 602 49450 Ol 219 Other Operating Suppiies $140 $546 $500 $540 602 49450 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $2,000 $5,000 Pumps&Qther Equipment 602 49450 Ol 222 Tires $0 $0 $200 $500 For#114 602 49450 Ol 22A Street Maintenance Materials $171 $493 $1,200 $1,200 Patching from Breaks 602 49450 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $0 $125 $400 $400 Topsoil,Seed&Sod 602 49450 Ol 227 Utility System Maint Supplies $165 $0 $600 $1,000 Manhole Castings 602 49450 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $50 $0 $500 $500 Sleeves,Wyes,etc. 602 49450 Ol 241 Small Tools $122 $0 $250 $500 Wrenches,Shovels,etc. 602 49450 Ol 7A2 Minor Equipment $17 $364 $2,500 $3,000 602 49450 Ol 242.1 Tripod Replacement $2�«10 602 49450 Ol 242.2 Harness $5� 602 49450 Ol 242.3 Testing Equipment $500 602 49450 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $0 $164 $0 $0 602 49450 Ol 303 Engineering Fees $0 $0 $104 $6,000 I&I Study and Misc Costs 602 49450 O1 304 LegalFees $0 $0 $500 $500 602 49450 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees $1,428 $2,127 $1,500 $1,500 Gopher State One-Call(M) 602 49450 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 602 49450 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $500 $6,0� $6,000 602 49450 Ol 319.1 Televising $3,000 602 49450 Ol 319.2 Root Control $2,000 602 49450 Ol 319.3 Supervisory Controls $1,000 o Telemet 1500 $1500 Lines f r 602 49450 Ol 321 Tele hone Costs $1055 $185 $ , > rY P , 1 100 $ 1 100 BHlin s with Inserts - 602 49450 Ol 322 Posta e Costs $1842 $1458 $ , > S g � 602 49450 Ol 323 Radio Units � $0 $415 $1,400 $1,000 Replace/Repair Radios/Phones 602 49450 O1 331 Travel Expense $0 $22 $100 $100 602 49450 Ol 333 Freight&Eapress Expenses $0 $4 $100 $100 Mail-in Repairs 602 49450 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $144 $300 $300 P/T'ers&Peisonnel Changes 602 49450 Ol 349 Other Advertising $0 $0 $500 $500 602 49450 Ol 365 Workmeds Comp Insurance $1,542 $1,628 $3,000 $3,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums �' 602 49450 Oi 369 Other Insurance $10,458 $10,832 $12,000 $12,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums � 602 49450 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies $0 $0 $200 $2a1 602 49450 O1 394 P.C.Software Purchases $98 $360 $754 $750 602 49450 Ol 395 P.C.Repairs $0 $0 $500 $500 602 49450 Oi 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $841 $1,200 $500 $2,000 602 49450 Ol 415 OtherEquipmenYRental $126 $228 $200 $200 602 49450 Ol 416 Machinery Rentai $0 $34 $60t1 $2,000 ,i 602 49450 Ol 421 Depreciation Expense $0 $690,523 $65,000 $0 CRP Items(See 530) 602 49450 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions $0 $45 $500 $S00 602 49450 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $0 $0 $300 $304 Reference Materials 602 49450 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $0 $555 $600 $600 MPCA School&Miscellaneous 602 49450 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 _ $100 Contingencies -------------- ----------- PAGE TOTALS $89,888 $788,004 $192,178 $147,525 Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed . Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 602 49450'Ol 530 Improvements Other than Bidgs SO $0 $0 $254,0011 602 49450 Ol 530.1 Cameo Ave&I.ower 147th St $150,000 602 49450 01 530.2 Misc System Improvements $50,000 602 49450 Ol 530.3 Cambrian Reconstruction $50,000 602 49450 Ol 560 Fumiture 8z Fixture Purchases $0 $332 $500 $500 602 49450 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $100 $100 ' 602 49450 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $3,500 $0 $� 602 49450 Ol 602 Sewer Service Charges S29'7,564 $301,572 $380,000 $405,100 MWCC Charges , 602 49450 Ol 710 Transfers $0 �0 $15,000 $0 ' 602 49451 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 $100 ', 602 49451 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $500 ' 602 49451 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 �200 $200 ', 602 49451 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $448 $510 $500 $600 602 49451 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $3,036 $96 $200 $200. 602 49451 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 602 49452 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 $100 "' 602 49452 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $136 $0 $500 $500 602 49452 O1 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 $200 $200 602 49452 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $1,091 $1,487 $1,100 $1,100 602 49452 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $1,010 $55 $200 $200 602 49452 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 602 44453 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $43 $0 $100 $100 602 49453 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $500 602 49453 O1 229 Other Maintenance Supp(ies $1,613 $0 $200 $200 602 49453 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $791 $813 $800 $950 602 49453 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $0 $1,153 $200 $200 602 49453 Ol 439 OtherMisceltaneousCharges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies 602 49454 O1 219 Other Operating Supplies $4 $63 $100 $100 602 49454 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $495 $500 $S00 602 49454 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies ' $0 $0 $500 $S00 602 49454 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $864 $1,121 $1,000 $1,200 602 49454 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $0 $118 $200 $200 602 49454 Ol 439 Other Miseellaneous Charges $0 $0 $lOQ $100 Contingencies 602 49455 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 $100 602 49455 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $Si10 602 49455 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 $200 $200 602 49455 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $635 $1,052 $600 $1,100 602 49455 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $0 $0 $2A0 $200 602 49455 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 $100 Contingencies :: -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- PAGE TOTALS 5307,234 $312,367 $405,400 $666,450 FIJND TOTALS $397,122 $1,100,371 $597,578 $813,975 ; STORM WATER OPERATING FUND , GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • Previously, expenditures relating to storm water drainage for operations and maintenance were charged against the Public Works Department in the General Fund. During 1991, a Storm Water utility fee was approved within the Storm Water Enterprise Fund. Expenses relating to storm water drainage are being consolidated in this department to better manage an effective storm water management and water quality program for the community. In 1995, $97,500 of the budgeted expenses are items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority. These items are marked with an (M) under the Comment section of the budget worksheets. These mandated items comprise appriximately 30% of the Storm Water fund budget. ,II ,I Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILTTY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -REVENUES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 603 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments $0 $774 $0 $7,000 603 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $221 $5,176 $1,000 55,000 603 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings $496 $577 $1,000 $1,000 603 37300 00 000 Storm Water Utility Revenues $203,697 $2b3,762 $260,000 $286,000 603 3T360 00 000 Penalties-Storm Water Utility $3,546 $4,587 $4,OW $2,000 663•37370 00 000 Other Storm Water Revenues $4 $0 $0 $0 ------------- - t PAGE TOTALS 5207,964 5274,876 $266,000 $301,000 �f, FUND TOTAL.S $207,964 $274,876 $266,000 $301,000 'ii: _____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ,I.: i '.i � Page One 1495 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET November 7,1994 -EXPENSES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1992 1993 Adopted Detaff Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments � --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- --------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 603 49500 101 Salaries&Benefits $0 $0 $44,36d $49,2(i0 Sa(ary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 603 49500 78 101.1 Environmental Engineer $49,200 100%-603 603 49500 102 Full-Time Overtime $0 $0 $9,000 $9,000 " 603 49500 79 102.1 Maintenance Overtime $9�� 603 49500 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $52 $0 $0 $9,400 603 49500 99 103.1 2 P/'T'ers to Clean CB's/Culverts $9,400 100%-603 603 49500 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 $0 $500 $500 603 49500 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies $0 $0 $800 $800 Paper,Pens&Reproduction 603 49500 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies �65 $18 $1,000 $1,000 Stakes,Ribbons,Level,eta 603 49500 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $0 $0 $3,250 $3,500 603 49500 Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives $0 $0 $250 $300 603 49500 Ol 215 Shop Materials $0 $0 $200 $200 603 49500 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $610 $1,500 $1,500 603 4950(1 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $500 Fiitecs,Hoses,Lights,etc. 603 49500 O1 222 Tires $0 $0 $500 $500 603 49500 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials $361 $1,236 $1,500 $2,000 Blacktop&Gravel 603 49500 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $138 $284 $3,50(1 $4,000 603 49500 Ol 2251 Rip-Rap,Matting,Rock,etc. $3,000 603 49500 Ol 225.2 Black Dirt,Seed,Sod,eta $1�� 603 49500 Ol 226 Sign Repair Materials $0 $0 $550 $600 Advance Waming Sign Rental 603 49500 Ol 230 Equipment Repair Material $0 $75 $1,000 $1,000 Due to Breakdowns ' 603 49500 Ol 241 Small Tools $0 $0 $500 $1,000 Shovels,Rakes,Picks,etc. 603 49500 Oi 2A2 Minor Equipment $303 $0 $2,000 $2,000 Hose for Pumping Ponds 603 49500 Ol 303 Engineering Fees $0 $14,804 $1,500 $95,000 6U3 49500 Ol 303.1 General Services $5>� 603 49500 Ol 303.2 Storm Water Managemnt Plan $9QOOd (M) 603 49500 Oi 304 Legal Fees $0 $315 $1,500 $2,000 603 49500 Ol 310 Testing Services $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Water Quality Tests(M) 603 49500 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees $0 $0 $500 ' $500 3rd Party Inspection Program(M) 603 49500 Ol 317 Gen'I Fund Admin Fees $0 $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 603 49500 Ol 322 Postage Costs $900 $1,154 $1,500 $1,500 Billings&Info Mailings 603 49500 Ol 323 Radio Units $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 Replacements&Repairs 603 49500 01 331 Travel Expense $0 $0 $200 $200 603 49500 Ol 352 General Notices&Public Info $0 $0 $1,000 $1,004 Public Info Brochure 603 495� Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance $162 $774 $2,000 $2,000 Storm's Share of Premiums 603 49500 Ol 369 Other Insurance $0 $253 $0 $500 Storm's Share of Premiums 603 49500 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal $0 $0 $600 $600 Roadside Debris 603 49500 Ol 389 Other Utility Services $0 $0 $1,000 $1,004 Hazardws Materials Disposal 603 49500 01 403 Contracted R&M-0ther Impr $0 $2,982 $15,000 $25,006 603 49500 Oi 403.1 Dredging&Structure Repair $15,000 603 49500 Ol 403.2 Ditching $5,000 603 49500 Ol 403.3 Pumping $5�� 603 49500 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repair $525 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Repairs Sent Out 603 49500 Ol 416 Machinery Rental $0 $120 $5,000 $10,000 Backhoe,Lowboy,Pumps,etc. 603 49500 Ol 421 Depreciation Expense $0 $154,485 $0 $0 603 49500 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $5,148 $5,281 $6,000 $6,000 Vermiilion River WMO(M) 603 49500 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets $0 $0 $500 $500 Utility Information 603 49504 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $0 $75 $1,OW $2,000 603 49500 Ol 4371 Storm Water Management $1>� 603 49500 Ol 437.2 Hydrocad Training $5� 603 4950d Ol 437.3 Wetlands Training $500 603 49500 01 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases $0 $0 $450 $500 603 49500 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $1,000 $2,000 Pump 603 49500 Ol 586 ComputerEquipment Purchases $0 $i3OW $0 $1,000 Hydrocad Software 603 49500 Ol 710 Transfecs $0 $82>120 $54,000 $76,500 603 49500 01 710.1 1/2 of 1995 P&I Pymts(92B) $68,000 603 49500 Ol 710.2 1/2 of 1995 P&I Pymts(94B) $8,500 Interest Only for 1995 Payments -------------- ------------- -------------- PAGE TOTAI.S $7,655 $271,208 $172,485 $323,625 FIJND TOTALS $7,655 $271,208 $172,485 $323,625 . _ _ ICE ARENA ADMINISTRATION • The Ice Arena is administered by the Parks and Recreation Department. ; Scheduling and invoicing of ice are the main administrative duties in ice arena operations. The scheduling of prime time ice is coordinated with Independent School District #196 and Rosemount Area Hockey Association for practices, games, and tournament play. The Parks and �Recreation Department provides overall planning, coordination, management of personnel, and administration of ice arena activities. COMMUNITY USE • Provides recreational open skating for the residents of Rosemount as well as learn to skate and figure skating programs. MAINTENANCE • Provides ongoing and preventative maintenance of the ice arena building structure and mechanicaL Ensures ice is maintained at optimal efficiency. ; Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA OPERATING BUDGET ARENA REVENUES December 1,1994 . 1994 1995 Object 1995 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments $0 5300 650 36215 00 O(10 Interest Eamings $450 $300 650 38060 00 000 Prime Time Ice Fees $184,345 $169,200 � 650 380G1 00 000 Non-Prime Time Ice Fees $14,288 $24,500 650 38062 00 000 School District Ice Fees $4,320 $4,300 � 650 38063 00 000 Open Skating Ice Fees $7,200 $7,200 650 38065 00 000 Other Events-Ice Arena $'7,500 $7,500 650 38066 00 000 Advertising Revenue-Ice Arena $13,050 $13,1W 650 38067 00 000 Skate Sharpening Revenue-Arena $4,200 $1,000 650 38068 00 000 Ringette Ice Fees $4,950 $1,300 650 38069 00 000 Inline Skating Fees $21,736 $0 650 38090 00 000 Concessions-Community Center $19,800 $5,000 650 38091 00 000 Vending-Community Center $10,400 $10,400 650 38095 00 000 Pro Shop Revenues $4,500 $0 650 39201 00 000 Transfer Fmm General Fund $0 $95,500 To Subsidize Operations&Debt PAGE TOTAlS $296,739 $0 $339,600 FUND TOTAiS $296,739 $0 $339,600 Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA OPERATING BUDGET ARENA EXPENSES-45130- December 1,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 45130 101 Salaries&Benefits $62,599 $46,000 650 45130 101.1 Park&Rec Director $7,100 10%-650;90%-101 , 650 45130 101.2 Rental Coordinator $5,700 15%-650;85%-101 650 45130 101.3 Arena Manager $23,100 50%-650;SO%-101 ' 650 45130 101.4 Accountant $10,100 25%-650;50%-101;17.5%-601;7.5%-602 650 45130 102 Full-Time Overtime $1,767 $400 650 45130 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $39,003 $34,900 650 45130 99 103.1 Building Attendants $30,750 650 45130 99 103.2 Skateguard Attendants $4,150 650 45130 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying Costs $0 $500 ', 650 45130 Ol 207 Training&Instructional Sugplies $0 $100 ', 650 45130 Ol 208 Misceilaneous Supplies $500 $200 , 650 45130 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $300 $300 650 45130 Ol 211 Cleaning Supplies $6,000 $2,500 �, 650 45130 Oi 212 Motor Fuels $1,170 $1,300 650 45130 Ol 216 Chemicals&Chemical Products $600 $500 650 45130 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $240 $500 650 45130 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $1,800 $1,500 650 45130 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $4,800 $1,800 650 45130 Ol 241 Small Tools $300 $300 650 45130 Ol ?A2 Minor Equipment $3'75 $200 650 45130 Ol 260 Food for Resale $6,50(1 $0 • 650 45130 Ol 265 Other Items for Resale $1,350 $0 650 45130 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $0 $500 650 45130 Oi 317 General Fund Admin Fees $3,432 $5,700 Yearly Fee Per Po(icy F-3 650 45130 Ol 321 Tetephone Costs $1,125 $1,000 650 45130 Ol 322 Postage Costs $125 $500 650 45130 01 331 Travel Expense $165 $200 650 45130 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $500 650 45130 Ol 349 Other AdveRising $300 $0 650 45130 41 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs $500 � $0 650 45130 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance $1,746 $5,300 650 45130 Ol 369 Other Insurance $4,W0 $10,000 650 45130 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $22,500 $41,500 650 45130 Ol 382 Water Utilities $1,800 $0 650 45130 Ol 383 Gas Utilities $15,600 $14,000 650 45130 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal $3,974 $2,100 650 45130 Ol 401 Contracted Building Repairs ` $1,200 $1,200 650 45130 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip R&M $1,200 $1,200 650 45130 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $150 $300 650 45130 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $255 $600 MIAMA Dues 650 45130 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $178 $2(� MIAMA Seminars 650 45130 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $100 $300 ' 650 45130 Ol 450 Sales Tax on Purchases $1,556 $0 650 45130 4T 601 Bond Principal $0 $10,000 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 Ol 611 Bond Interest $72,954 $149,0� 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 Oi 621 Bond Paying Agent&Admia Fees $0 $800 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 Ol 710 Transfers $3,199 $3,500 To Gen'1 Fund-Maint Costs PAGE TOTALS $263,363 $339,400 � FLJND TOTALS $263,363 $339,400 :; DATE: August 29,1994 TO: Thomas D.Burt,Ciry Administrator ���■ � FAOM: Jeff May,Fnance Director SUBJECT:Opersting Items to Proposs as Possibie Cuts: t) 1 01-41 1 1 0-01�0'7.3 FirewoAcs tor Lap�ecttaun Oaps 58,000 2) 1 01-41 1 1 0-01 307.4 Recyciing Corttract-Knutson 330,000 � Totai Councii Cuts 536,000 � t) 101-41320-02-101 25%of AdminisVator Salary to P/A 519,940 A � Total Administratio�Guts 519,940 � 1) t Ot�1520-04-101 Bringirtg Deputy Reqistrar C1erk to F/T St 5.211 Total Rnanca Cuts St 8,211 t) 1 01-41 81 0-01 31 9.4 ADA ConsultaM �12.000 2) 1Ot-41 81 0-01-352 Minutes of Meetings 56,200 3) 1a1-41 81 0-01-530 Specisi Census 535,000 TaffiI General Government Cuts SS3,20� 1) 1 01-41 91 0-07-1 03 Code Enforcement Officar 52B,370 2) 101-4191 Q-01�51 legal Notices S1,600 Totat Community�evelopment Cuts 527,970 1) 10t-421 7 0-1 5-1a1 PatrolOtticer $40,B54 2) 1 01-421 1 0-21-1 d1 Bringing P/T Secretary to F/T 516,421 3) 1a1-421 1 0-01-2a6 New Mierofilming Program 55,000 4} 101�2110-01-560 New Chairs for O�ces 3i,000 Total Police Cuts 563,075 1) 10T-42210-99-7 03 Fire Calls,Training,eta(4 New Officers Oniy±!) 55,400 2) 1 01-4221 0-01 306 Testing 8�Recruitmertt for 4 Officers Oniy 53,400 3) 101-422t 0-01�08 Recluce Training Cioser to Aetual Figures 51,600 4) 101�i2210-01331 Nationa!Cortference 51,200 Total Firo Cuts St t,6�0 I 1) 1 01 115 1 0 0-1 0-1 01 Buiiding Attmndarrt(t/2 Caen'I and 1/2 Arena) 512,390 2) 1 01-45 1 00-1 1-1 03 P/T Receptioniat =11,336 3) S 01-451 00-01 349 Broehures for Advertising(8ack to 1994�gure) 57,800 Totat Aark 8�Rx Cvts 531,726 i} 101�5 202-01 3 02 Landscape Architec2 Worlc $1,000 2) 1a1�S202-01303 Yarious Park Engineer Work 51,000 3) 1 01-45202-01-41 5.2 Brtuh Hog for Carroiis Woods Si,300 4) 1 01-43202-01-41 3.3 WoodChiQperforCarrollsWoods 51,000 Totat Partc Mairttennnee Cuts S4,S00 . . � _._ . � ' i: Totai Generai Fund Proposed Cuis 5263,222 �� I DATE: August 31,1994 , � � TO: Thomas D.Burt.City Admi�istrato� ����� , � FROM: Jeff May,Finanee Dirocior I � Il SUBJECT:Opecating items to Propose as Possibie Cuts: 1) t01-41 1 1 0-01 307.1 Newsletter $7,000 � 2I 1 01-41 1 1 0-01 307.2 SQring Cteanup �_ �j� �/ I Total Councii Cuts 517,000 ��I 1) 101�1320-01�07.2 Departmerrt Head/Staft Training ���� II 2) 101�11320-01-437.2 MCMA 5100"� 3) 101�i1320-011i37.4 Staff(1) Each instead of(2) 5200'� ' Total Administratio�Cuts $800 j 1) 1 01-41 520-01�433.6 MagazineSubscriptions $200 J ' 2) 101�4152a-01-437.1 MDRA Confere�ce for 2(instead of 3) 51 p0'�- 3) 101�1520-01�37.2 Compute�Sympcsiums $500✓ ; Total Finance Cuts 5800 t) 1 01-41 81 0-01 31 9.2 City Maps $1,200 � ! 2) 1 01-41 81 0-01 31 9.3 Oiractory $1,000,/" Total General Govemment Cuts $2.200 i 1} 1 01-41 970-01-242 Mino�Equipment $100✓ �� Total Govemment Buiidings Cuts $�00 I 1) 1 01-431 00-01-21 5 Shop Materiais ��� '� Ili 2) 101�3100-01331 Travel Expense $��� '— ' 3) 101�3100-01341 EmpioymeM Advertising $7,000 ;�.-� I Totai Public Works Cuts E1,600 � -\ �' ) 1) 1 01-451 00-Oi-219.4 Other Supplies �00'i ` 2) 1 01-451 00-01 305 Employment Physicals $200�' 3) 101-�t5100-01�33 Dues$Subscriptions $400 �--y 4} 1 01-451 00-01-439 Corrtingencies 5500 ✓"' Total Park S Fiec Cuts 51,600 1) 101 jt5202-01-216.3 Herbicides for Carrolis Woods �1,000"' 2) 101�5202-01341 Employment Advertisi�g �0�✓ Total Park Maintenance Cuts 51,500 Totai Generai Fund Proposed Cuts 525,600 1) 1 01-41 81 0-01 S30 ,..Speeial Ce�us(Added Back ln) $35,000✓` Net to be Added 8ack In 59.400 " These ttems Cut in Septembec 7th Draft Because Employees Cut Previously ** 1) 101-�1910-01305 EmploymeM Physical(Code EnforcemeM Officer) 5100� 2) 1 01-41 91 0-01-341 Employment Advertising(Cade Enforcemerrt Offieer} 5500 � `,`� 3} 101�i2110-01-217 Clotfiing Allowance for t New Officer $500 , 4) 101�2110-01-306 Pe�sonnel Recruitment for 1 New Offieer 52,000 ;' _ - � MEMORANDUM DATE: November 29, 1994 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: 1995 Budget Issues ' Contained below are issues that you wanted me to address for your presentation of the 1995 budgets at the December 1 st budget hearing. 1) Items making up the $482,727 increase in the General Fund Expenditures a) $280,211 For Salary Increases $112,625 increase in P/T wages 49,300 for Planner hired in 1994(new position) 16,420 for making P/T Police Secretary F/T ' 22,540 for Arena Manager(all from Fund 650 in 1994) 29,390 for Rental Coordinator(all from Fund 650 in 1994) 49,936 for 3% salary increases for all F/T employees (Attached is a spreadsheet showing the changes by department for all funds from 1994 to 1995) b) $ 35,000 (101-41810-01-530) For Special Census c) $ 9,000 (101-41810-01-321) For added phone costs d) $ 12,000 (101-42110-01-319) For additional dispatching costs e) $ 10,000 (1 01-41 940-01-381, 383 & 384) For increased utility costs f) $ 10,000 (101-41940-01-401) For 2 new garage doors for City buildings g) $ 7,000 (1 01-431 00-01-221) For increased costs for parts & repairs h) $ 9,000 (101-43160-01-381) For additional street light electric costs ' i) $185,100 (1 01-451 00-01- ) For Park & Rec items rela#ed to the � ' Community Center not in 1994's General Fund Budget ' These items total $557,311 dollars which is more than the $482,727 listed above. Other areas had cuts to offset these increases and others. I just listed the larger dollar items that had increases. __. _ ___ _ .. _ . _ _ _� .: . ii�2s�sa � `�, S1�r1/�t� 07:47 PM Salary Comparisons From 1994 to 1995 1� � �M�a� � r � � T � , 101 201 601 602 603 650 Totals �� I� ---------------- -------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- � ' � � Council � 1995 27,000 27,000 1994 27,607 27,607 increase(Decrease) (607) {607) Administration 1995 197,360 37,740 235,100 ' 1994 213,167 73,222 286,389 Increase(Decrease) (15,807} (35,482) (��,289) Finance 1995 98,789 55,365 23,900 10,100 188,154 1994 124,160 44,215 18,949 0 187,324 Increase(Decrease) (25,371) 11,150 4;951 10,Y00 830 Community Development 1995 295,850 59,4Q0 355;250 1994 135,305 6,500 141,805 Increase(Decrease) 160,545 52,900 213,445 Polica* 1995 793,425 793,425 1994 745,072 745,072 Increase{Decrease} 48,353 48,353 Fire(PiT Fire Marshal&Volunteers) 1995 124,200 124,200 1994 118,901 118,901 Increase(Decrease) 5,299 5,299 Public Works(And Park Maint) 1995 832,900 118,835 58,700 58,600 1,069,035 1994 862,525 114,008 56,404 44,360 1,077,297 Increase(Decrease) (29,625) 4,827 2,296 14,240 (8,262) Park E�Rec 1995 362,600 70,800 433,400 1994 225,176 299,827 525,003 increase(Decrease) 137,424 (229,027) (91,603) Grand Totals 1995 2,732,124 97,140 174,200 82,600 58,600 80,900 3,225,564 1994 2,451,913 79,722 15$,223 75,353 44,360 299,827 3,iQ9,398 Increase(Decrease) 280,211 17,418 15,977 7,247 14,240 (218,927) 116,166 *Police Figure Does Not Inciude$8,500 for a CSO for 1995 i . � ie` . � . . . . . .. . . . . .. �. . . .. .. .. . �� . � . � . . � . . . . . � . . . .. . � � . Rasemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristin Franck,being duly sworn, an oath says that she is an authorized ' agent aud employee of the publisher of the newspaper,known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts which are stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as am )The printed �� � �..� �, which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week for successive weeks; it was first pnblished on Friday, the `� day of �l�l,�k�?�19�u and was thereafter printed d ublished on veCy Frid y, ,to and i�Cluding Friday, the ��day of _ ___ � , 19�'� ; and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ac�owledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: a�aerst��C�,m�,cn f c�1� By���'����,�,`� Titie:Typesetter Subsc 'bed and sworn to before me on this S�day of v 19 � - � Notary Public AFFIDAVTT ..• �.. CONNlE E FIFAREK .�� � Hotary Public-M�nnesota .� Oakota C:ounty �� My Comm Exv 5�15-96 Rosemount American Legion. Landing, � featuring �houses Reserve yonr meal no later t6an 11 decorated in various ethnic a.m. �c�day before by caIIing 953- tradiflons. Call 423=7663 for cost 5665.Drop-ih bowling begins ai 1 and carpooling information; - � p:m: at Ciry Limits Lanes in registration is required. _ - Rosemount. , Hand-and-Foot •Friday,Dec.9-Drop-in bowling . �',- • , ,.=.;. , games will be played at 1 p.m. at begins at 1 p.m. at the Apple - . ��; ' the center. Valley Bow1,14917 Gatreu Ave. - � , �T , �, °k �: •Thursday, Dec. 8 - The annual .: 4 �'' B _ . -. A ,. � �� �. �� r � r . � .. - .: - q . .: , ' . � a ,t` ,������ , : . , , : � ,.:: �, ` 7 ' '. ._ _,: ` x x , , , � � $ �` {3 t� . , . . . •. . , �- . . . . r � -gfi•'�•�.a ,�" �, °`�,�. q3` i:: .. �. . . . . . . � . ,� '�^ "� �`'��,`� s . . . . . _' � ,�r � F " :. a,t: , �:_ � � �Notice Of �n� ���v �--� �_`��� ��� �� �' �� � t ' Proposed Pro e� ;T�axies�� rti� � � i 4 _. k� . �. - ..�,:x �.I�.���+rS-k ";�t�:," �,��4 „ .- .: �._ � : n �� ;.:_ �} �� * " v �«w . � _� y, a - t 4� �i t '4�._ �' _ .. k�. ;i��.� � - '- i . .': _ � . ' .� � �� � ^•,. fi$ ' ' :.i . .:. ..-,, . ' . ,� . : The Rosemount c�ty council will hold a pnblic�hesring on i bud�et'�` .. .'�" - :< a,] ' and;t�n the am[ount of property taxes i�.�,��� _� to collec��.,p ��or the.oosts of se�vices the,c�ty�will �� .�.,� �yh�' _ ;� � .-� � �_ , . �.:���=w,..�r� ���,R � ��3� 5 �. ���.' . 4 . � . :'��`45:� _}'.�„t�Y r a�r c, /'� �. ti. � � 1 Y.r'�a . �s'�' *{ Y � _ . —�-�___ - - ' / _ i - �``���'�"0w,�� � � '�` �, �.`�e... - ` Attend t�ie Public Hearing' �`~_��� �� � �shared �ei . ; §� ��' �� Pekinesef d � � �.��� � �� �� �� � - .. � _- , _ _ .,_ ,s . .; _ ,� �-ye..�* � - „ s m ' r� x � k �share her fi �` , -�., ��� _a r � ' , � .�������_ . - b �`also her:do � ; �� �.�� _ �- , '" �, � � - �- �� �' ��, ' � All Rosemotint cesidents are invited to attend tlie pubL�heaiing,of the: � .� ,�. ��� - � ` and Mrs. C eity conncii to �express their`opinions on the bud et and,on-.the �.� <�� g - � � Hen�rietta ; prnposed amount of property t�es on: � r,. � �F ��-� �. : control her, _ ,, - ' � fi =:�:" foster mo _ . . _ . . , , . . � . . .. . ; � . .� . .- . . . . �. � . ....� p�.�• . . ..'- < ' _ � � � • � � Thursday,December�1;at 9:00 p:m: � � � _ �� _ �_ �� . : Rosemount City Hall : : ` _ : 2875 - 145th Street West,.;., . _.. : .. , . - � ��n Rosemount" � _ . ��� =� . .. � y , . � , _ .� � � � : . �, . � � ��� �� . � � �.. � , � ���� � . � �., , . , , , _ � . . . . ��-. � , .. -�� �'. .. -, f = � s' ,. , _ � , I � � ; � - . ,. . . y, . � �.VVe ve�� Got..�� �{ ��� . , B A M � ., . . ,, .. '~~�..:� "`:"'..�,� ': OPENi M-F 4 am i � � � �, �:�� �u� � �Sat tii�pm;Sun:7 a �,�� ,:� . � - . �:�63-S�i � � �,�,...,. , : ,� �� 212 Oak St �� . -.,_: r .::� . �. , .,: , ., ',.; ;�.. �.a�k'� �a.�� ^,'��es.,�` _ a . y x � .� , . : :'�` � � � .�h, : -x ,„ ., . . .. ..', "`e�'"Y� sa"" r�z . � �x� . . .. . . . . ". :,x �. '�" .. . - . , . ��- x�.-..:L *a -_�,...i.¢*,� '� „ . < 9�f�. s '.. . . . . �'� 't� {�'a,:t L a,:h •�.::., .. .... Join us for coffee at South Suburban Terrace �� � � ::::z f.���.��>�.,>::>:::><:::::::<>:::::::<:::::,<.: � � � ..� �-__ .,,:. � ��' s ><:�<:�: < : ..:.....:..:: ��.. . _ - :.�...>::.::::::..::::::>:�>::>�:;:::<. "•r- .s.,�� ,.�w: .:<- x ;>;f::i:?E.:.:.::,:.:::<.:,.: .;..,....... ,and take home a momento'. of our visit�- a . �- � .�:#�: h�` � . . . :�. Y ;;: , : ��.. :..... ; . ,...........: ......,.. ,. . �E�.� :-;. ..� . ...:..::.:>::::.:........;:.. ,. . , v , :, . ...:.:.:..:r:;:«:.:,:::;<<::<:::<.:>:::>:::: . . ;:�,,,w.�,r:f�...i�..,. s,o4 '`',t7ri.�..wh,"a!;alm.�.a. 'y''?.:+:::;,�;;v�SS:�iX�::::%<t't%.<:::�[t<�. handsome unpr�nted coffee cup. ' ' .. .�- � , � �» ��-. } .. ' R -. � . ,.. '.M:n...e .�'�'i�Y � .. �.. ' ,.. ... , . .,y . . �v-�.... i { � . . . . . , .. � \. � .'b. ' . . . . . �� �W�-.� 9%{ti>.+i}:G:�::y;�::ji:�:;i:iii'i';'j�: � ;e'aaz'+.. .h v'•:�.'�T::...,. S We hope it will be a friendly reminder of the f•= _ ,.�~-. :<::;;:::;:;:;:�>.<. _ ,. , ` retirement lifest le ou deserve and . . •_ -:_ , �- ',�h���. �. <;:�.;:<::.;>;:::;;:;::;:;.:.;;:::;;.. ., ...� I� .' .,.� :::�.:�:�.:{::.:�;:�;�� 3..... _''..._..__..4 . . S � � . . .. . . . 1�-�,�V l.�l� �- -�p �2 ��.,���v � �o � �� a�- ��?�-j--� l a��e; �--- 1995 PROPOSED BUDGET , ' , �' �_ I� ' , . � Notice Of � Proposed Property Taxes The Rosemount city council will hold a public hearing an its budget '_ and on the amount af property taxes it.is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services the city will provide in Y995. - �- � Attend the Public Hearing � All Rosemount residents are invited to attend the public hearing of the city council to express their opinions on the budget and on- the proposed amount of property taxes on: Thursday, December 1, at 7:00 p.m. �I Rosemount City Hall � 2875 - 145th Street West '��, Rosemount - ' , , ' l.J 1995 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARIS�N , (AS A % OF TOTAL RATE) 'i Special Districts (3.5%) , City of Rosemount (27.2'/0) � -�--�r.. ��:.�� ISD #196 (47.8%) �"���"�'�,��`��'� � Dakota County (21.5%) � � � uSD ES?D aer(s)� ffinal !larket Yalus P'oe I994 Tuss� 4 75,500 82aaI !larket Valus for 1995 Tues� g �9,Z00 � �� Propecty Iacrease Property Zax or Percent Budqet Heariaq Tax For Proposed Decrease oF Iacrease Dates and I994 Foc I995 Ovar I994 or Decrease Locations UNTY OF DAROT� 5 217.59 S 24I.Z? S 23.68 10.9 X DEC�THIIt 13, 1994 7�,00 59a W. SWY 55 DAROTa CCIIHTY �ARDROCM ASTI2IGS, MN 55�33 438-4576 OSEriOUNT S 255.15 S 305.37 S 50.22 19.7 X 7:00 Pri DEC 1 ITY ADMZNISTRATOR bi0SF1'lOU:tT CITY SALL 875 145TIi ST Si• COQNCIL GHAriBIItS flSEClQUNT, !iH. 287 5 145T3 � it 23-4411 ROSr."'NSat3HT, Cl2i. 55063 H DIST 196 7�00 Pri :IOv 29 CcSS REFERE'tDA DIAriOND PATH �, g Z.78 S 2.86 S .0a 2.9 X ELEME�TaRY AIHING SCHaOL 14445 DIAPSOND PATH �g, S 478.59 S 533.SZ S 54.93 11.5 x ROSII20Q2iT, liH. IR SUPPaRT S��ICsS SSa68 300L DISTRICT #196 ROSEMOQNT, MN• 423-7713 I SP�CIaI. T.1}{IHG DISTRICTS DEC�'SHER S. 1994 5�00 CIEIRar SYECIAL. TAX PiE�RS P11R.�C CE'iTRE DIST�ZICIS: S 33.99 S 33.57 S -.4Z -1.2 X 230 E�52 FIFTH STRF.�: !lE.�RS PAAK Cr2iTRE 230 EAST FIFTH STREET SI. PAQL, l'SH 55101 � I�I SP£CIAL SA}CIHG DISTAIGTS� "SE�TZNG REgQI12ED I FISCaI. DISPARITYa S .00 S .�0 S NA x1► X 2i0 �E T , TAX INCRE?lE2iT c S .00 S .00 S �il� �iA ,L' 1t0 ClE..GTING REQUIRED OTH�t DISTRIC?S� g 4.68 S S.Z7 S .59 12.6 x xa (�.=IHG REQUIRID � IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed ' 1994 Property 1995 Property 1995 Property Increase ln Taxes Increase In Taxes Taxes On Taxes On Taxes On If No Growth With Growth Impact of Growth $75,500 Value $75,500 Value $79,200 Value In Value In Value In Value -------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- - City Share ofTaxes $255 $279 $305 $24 $50 $26 Gounry Share of Taxes $218 $220 $241 $2 $23 $21 ISD#196 Share of Taxes $481 $490 $536 $9 $55 $46 Special Taxing Districts Share of Taxes $39 $36 $39 �$3) $� � ------•----------------------------------- ------------ -------------------�------ ------ ----•----- $993 $1,025 $1 121 $32 $128 $� Proposed Proposed 1994 Property 1995 Property 1995 Property Increase In Taxes Increase In Taxes Taxes On Taxes On Taxes On If No Growth With Growth impact of C3rowth _ $155,500 Value $155,500 Value $160,200 Value In Value In Value In Value ------------•-------------- ------------------------------------------------- --- ------ City Share of Taxes $772 $B45 $878 $73 $106 $33 County Share of Taxes $658 $667 $693 $9 $35 $26 ISD #196 Share of Taxes $1,456 $1,484 $fi,542 $28 $86 $58 Speciai 7axing Districts Share of Taxes $117 $108 $112 ($9) �$5) �4 -------------- $3,003. ----------------$3,104- ---------------'$3,225 $101 $222 $121 � DKTA CO ASSESSOR' S OFFICE � 1 612 423 Sc03 / � W�� 1 1�29%:--� . l� . ''�'''+,. � M���� ' ,� i., � ��MI�M� �a . . . . � '� 1 ��?�.�.� „• �,�,�29/9� AC'�'I�VE �,�,��� PI�aL�OSED TA� INQt?IRY PROPERTY ID : 34 03800 �3c� 14 XINPN047 11 : 54 : 12 FROP .CLA S ; CaMMERL PR� S 1.8 G1 C�9 OWNER ; 1994 1995 �ST IMATED NiARKET VAZ.,UE 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 2 7 8 , 10 0 . L I M I T�T� MARRET V�I�UE 2 3 0 , 0 0� 2'7 8 , 10 0 . � 94 PAID 95 PROPOSED II�/DECR�A�E % HEARINGS DAKOTA �GU�t7"'Y.: . : ` �6 8 . 8 6 $4�.4 . �.2 3 4 5 . 2� 5 01 . 4 7 : O Q �'M D�C 13 ROSEMOUNT . ., �� , , $80 . 7�k 5524 . 1.5 4�3 . 41 54� . 2 7 : 00 PM DEC 1 II �C�I DIST 196 °� . �� . �XC�SS REk'� ; : . . $0 . $e $4 . 92 � . 04 459 , 1. 7 : 00 PM Nt�V �9 REMAIN SCHC ;�` $151 . 45 $915 . 74 7C4 , 2� 504 . � .. � �;� SP�CZAL TAXIN M�TRO : . . �1.0 . 77 $57 . �2 46 . 85 435 . 0 5 : 00 PM NaV 29 F'ISCAL DISP . . .� : $� , � �5 . �8 $4 , 345 . 92 �50 . 64 24 . 7 �T/A TAX zNCREME :� � $7 , 683 . 3� $� , 421 . 68 738 . 34 9 . 6 N/A. OTHER DISTR .� . $1. . 48 �9 . 0'5 ? . 57 511 . 5 N/A TOTAL,S : � � � �11 , 482 . SO $�.4 , �93 . ZQ 3 , 210 . 4Q 28 . 0 , , ; . . . . � .�'..� � . 11/29/= �� 1 � DKTA CO ASSESSOR' S OFF I CE -� 1 b12 423 5203 (�.� � �'� ��#��� � , , � , . : . �.,�'�.�� . , ;i, - ����� ,- . _ ,ra�_ 11 29 / 94 ACTIVE ...�: ° PRQPUSED '�AX INQUTRY �ftOPER'I'Y ID : 34 03700 O10 32 S18PG�Q� � 11 : 55 : 0� PR.QP CLAS� : R�S NaN-HST COMMER� PRE OWNER : . 1.994 1995 � ' EST IMA'T�I7 MARKE'�' '�ALLTE �0 5 , 5 Q 4 1.2 2 , 8 O d : . � � L IMITED MARKET VALUE 1 C}� , 5�4� H�1�.INGS ' 1 0 p . 94 P�3I� �5 PRdP�S�D Z1�T�DECRE�S� n�1K0'Y'7�, C C�CJ I�T Y �. : _ $8 1 . 2 8 $�.7 2 . $� 91 . 5 8 �.�,2 . 7 7 : 0 0 PM DE C 1� MOL7NT ` .: ; �' $95 . �7 $218 . 78 �.Z3 . �1 129 . 6 7 : QQ PM DEC 1 �O�E : � , l ...�. . �- . SCH DIST 196 f . S REF� :� $�. . 03 $� . 0� 1 . a2 99 . 4' 7 : 00 PM NOV 29 EXCES ;_ R�MA.IN SCHO_:,� `.. , . ��78 . 72 $� 82 . �� 203 . 5� 113 . 9 _ .,. SPECIAL TAXZN �' . . � �1� . � c� $24 . 05 ��. . 36 89 . 5 5 : 00 PM NO'tl' 25 METRO : . , , . . FISCAL UI�P '; � $858 . 00 $?92 . 62 -65 . 38 - �4 . 2 N/A 'Y'1�X INC�t�ME � . $� , 517 . 14 $� , 160 . 62 �356 . 5� aTHER DISTR -r� $1 . 75 $3 . '77 2 . 02 1.�5 . 4 N/�1 TOT1�L5 : -� $3 � 745 . 88 $� , 7�6 . 98 11 . 10 0 . � � , , . � . ' - 11i�Si�-,� DKTA CO ASSESSOR' S OFF I CE -� 1 612 423 5203 �� � -�. < <� W � ��_ l_._� � � �� , . �.� ,� •:�� � . y„ 11/28 �94 �,�TZVF PROPOS�D TAX INQLTTRY ��bPE�TY ID : 34 7Q900 010 0� XZNPN0�4 12 : 3 3 : 2 0 PROP ..rLA�,� : COMM�i�L �RE S�8 G1� (7WNER : , I �.9g�4 199�', ES'TZ MAT.�I� M��.R.KE'Z' VAL,UE 4 S� , �a 0 4 81. , 2 0� Z,TM X'z'�I� MARK�T �TA�U� 4$2 , 9 0 0 4 81 , 2 0� �� PAID 9 5 ��t(7�OSED ZN/DEC�t�.F�SE % HEA�.TrTGS T�A.KO'�A �(�UNTY , $l 5'7 . $3 �7 F� . 0 9 6 0 2 . 2 6 3 81 . 6 ? : 0 0 PM I7E� 1.� ,R�7SEMOUN''r ` ��85 . 0� �$96� . 0� 777 . 00 4�.� . 9 7 : Qb PM DEC 1 .SCH DIS'T 1�ti EXG��� R�FE . $2 , 0� $� . 04 7 . �� 349 . � 7 : Q0 PM NOV 2� REMAII� S�HO :; $347 . 13 $�. , 680 . 80 1. , 333 . 67 3 $4 . 2 SF'ECTAL �'AXYZ1 . METRO : $�4 . G6 ��05 . 7'� 81 . 11 328 . 9 S : OO PM NOV 29 FI�CAL L�iSP $a , 00�. . 74 $7 , �72 . 0� - �9 . 72 � � . 4 N/A 7yAX rN�R�ME �1? , �3 � . 2G �����.5 , 450 . �.� - 2 , �86 . 12 - 12 . 4 N/�, OTHER D2ST�. � �3 . 39 ' $16 : 60 1� . Z�. 389 , 7 N/A TOTA,L�S : � $�C , � S$ . 08 $26 , 9�G . 5� �98 . �� 2 . 3 . . . . , � � INDS?L PxY! C� , �' �' Owaer(s)� ffinal Market Value For 1994 Taxes� S 153,600 ' � Fiasl Market Yalue for 1995 Taues, g 171,200 " ROSEMOUNT t!N 55068-4910 �. acrease ert I ProP Y � , Property Tax or Perceat Budqet Hearicq Tax For Proposed Decrease of Increase Dates and • 1994 For 1995 Ovar 1994 or Decrease Locatlons COUHTY OF DAKOTA $ 1,066.74 S 1,247.62 S 180.88 17.0 X DECEMBER 13, 1994 7�00 1590 W. HWY 55 DAKOTA COUHTY BOARDROOM . HASTIHGS, MN 55033 438-4576 ROSEMOUNT S 1,250.86 S 1,579.27 S 328.31 26.2 X 7�00 PM DEC 1 � CITY ADMINISTRATOR ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 145TH ST W. COUHCIL CHAMHERS ROSEMOUNT, MN. 2875 145TH ST SI � 423-4411 xOSEMOUNT, MN. 55068 SC�i DIST 196 ' 7�00 PM NOV 29 ` EXCESS REFERENDA DIAMOHD PATH TAX� S 13.64 S 14.83 S 1.19 8.7 x EI.EMEHTARY REMAINING SCHOOL 14445 DIAMOND P11TH . TAX� S 2,346.30 S 2,758.95 S 412.65 17,6 x ROSEMOIIHT, MN. ' DIR SUPPORT SERVICES . 55068 SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 ROSEMOUNT, MN. 423-7713 ' SPECIAL TAXIIIG DISTRICTS DECEMBER S, 1994 5�00 . METRO. SPECIAL. TAX MEARS PARR CENTRE DISTRICTS, S 166.65 S 173.62 S 6.97 4.2 X 230 EAST FIFTH STREE.T � MEARS PARK CEHTRE � 230 EAST FIFTH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 SPBCIAL TAXING DISTRICTS� EISCAL DISPARITY� S 2,122.34 S 2,435.82 S 3b3.48 14.8 X NO MEETI2{C REQQIRED TAX INCREMENT� S .00 S .00 S NA NA x NO MEETINC REQIJIRED OTflER DISTRICTS� $ 22.93 S 27.25 S 4:32 18.8 x NO MEETING REQOIRED � Totals (excludinq S 6,989.46 S 8,237.26 S 1,247.80 17.9 X S ecial Assessments Estimated Percentage Increase in 1995 Minnesota Personal Income 4.5x . . � 1995 T�►X LEVY I N FO R MATI O N AS A % OF TOTAL REVENUE) � Special Levies (15.0%) Internai Revenue (23.1%) // / ,„\' �/ \� \\� // HACA (10.4%) :� .:�::: LGA (7.1%) ;�����'�� . General Levies (44.4%) . io Page One December 1,1994 REVENUE SOURCES 1994 Adopted 1995 Proposed +/- 'I'yp� Budget Budget Difference Percentage I.ocal Goverment Aid 5380,794 a384,888 54.094 1.08% (Includes Equalization Aid Beginning 1994) Homestead 8c Agricultural Credit Aid 5555,804 5562,494 56,690 1.20% Intemal Revenue Generated: Liceases aad Permits 5265,850 S268,400 52,550 0.96% Intergovemmental 5381,000 5270,500 589,500 49.45% Charges for Services S357,900 5370,275 $1�75 3.A6% Fmes and Forfeits 565,000 ES0,000 $15,000 �.OS% Recreationai Fees 563,100 5202,130 $139,030 22033% Miscellaneous Revenues 562,600 361,600 ($1,000) -1.60% Transfers In $236,612 E3,400 ($233,212) -98.56% ' _--_----------- ------------------ ------------------- --------------------- Totai Internal Revenues 51,232,062 51,256,305 5:4,243 1.97°l'0 Levy Sources: 554 868 $815,337 $260,469 46.94% S iall.evies S , P� 14.07% General Levy 52,111,079 52,408,062 5296,983 _.____�____------- ---------- ------- ------------ Totai Levy $2,665,947 $3,223,399 $557,�152 20.91% -------------------- ------------------------ --------------- TOTAL REVENUE SOURCES $�t,834,607 55,427,086 $592,d79 1?25% i , I � Page Two Decembec 1,1994 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS 1994 Adopted 1995 Proposed +/- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget 5134,807 596,500 (538,30� -28.42%' Administration Budget a231,202 E'Lll,'160 (514,442) -8.41% Election Budget 510,570 55,800 (54,770) -45.13% Fnance Budget $143,110 5121,389 (E21,721) -15.18% General Government Budget 5187,050 S221,000 533,950 18.15% Community Development E165,005 5322,300 5157,295 9533% (Otd Planning-Plus Building) Govemment Buiidings Budget 573,2'78 594,700 521,322 29.23% Police Budget 5899,226 $967,825 $68,599 263% Fire Department Budget 5166,409 �181,300 $14,891 8.95% Public Works Operating Budget 51,039,51'7 S1,003,500 ' ($36,017) -3.�36% (Minus Building-Pius Parks Maintenance) Paved Streets Budget 598,098 $99,900 $1,802 1.84% Unpaved Streets Budget $57,951 $57,200 ($751) -1.30% Ice&Snow Budget $24,223 $22,300 ($1.923) -7.94% Street Lights Budget �6G,224 $72,500 $6,276 9.�38% Signal Lights Budget $7,301 $8,600 $1,399 19.�33% Parks Maintenance Budget $65,920 $63,300 ($2,620) -3.97% (Formerly in Park&Rec) Park&Rec Budget-General Operating $255,943 5581,700 $3?5.75'7 127.28% (Minus Parks Maint-Plus Comm Center) Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs 563,100 $67,675 $4,575 7.25% Other Financing Uses-Transfers 5123,188 $95,500 {$27,688) -�?•48`yo ------------ ---------------------- ----------_ TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS 53,812,022 $4,294,749 $482,727 12.66% Fve(�Year CIP Requirements 5279,717 5127,000 ($152,71'n -54.b0% Insurance Budget Requirements 5188,OOd 5190,000 $2,000 1.06% Bonded Indebtedness $379,447 5631,610 5252,163 66.d6% Certificates of Indebtedness E48,290 551,692 E3,402 7.04% Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 7/13l94) 5127,131 5132,035 bl>904 3.86%a '595,000+(546�1,096,000 x.00198%): ----------- --------------------- ------------ TOTAL FLJNDING REQUIREMENTS 54,834,607 SS,d27,086 S592,�79 1�?S% _____'____ __________ �_________ __________ I , , y FUNDING REQUIItEMENTS City City December 1,1994 City Taxes on a Taxes on�a Percentage Taxes on a $110,000 Home $110,000 Home 1995 Proposed Of TotaI $110,000 Home $523(Yearly) $523(Yearly) Departments Budget Funding $523(Yearly) $43.60/Monthly $1.43/Daily Council Budget $96,SOQ 1.78% $930 $0.78 $0.03 Adminisuauon Budget $211,760 3.90% $20.41 $1.70 $0.06 Election Budget $5,800 0.11% $OS6 $0.05 $0.002 F'inance Budget $121,389 2?A% $11.70 $0.98 $0.03 General Govemment Budget $221,000 4.07% $2130 $1.78 $0.06 Community Development $322,300 5.94% $31.06 $2.59 $0.08 (Old Planning-Plus Building) Government Buildings Budget $94,700 1.74% $9.13 $0.76 $0.02 Police Budget $967,825 17.83% $93.27 $7.78 $0.26 Fire Department Budget $181,300 3.34% $17.47 $1.46' $0.05 Public Works Operating Budget $1,003,500 18.49% $96.71 $8.06 $0.26 (Minus Building-Plus Parks Maintenance) . Paved Streets Budget $99,900 1.84% $9.63 $0.80 $0.03 Unpaved Streets Budget $57,200 1.d5% $5.51 $0.46 $0.02 Ice&Snow Budget $22,300 0.41% $2.15 $0.18 $0.01 Sueet Lights Budget $72,500 1.34% $6.99 $0.58 $0.02 I Signal Lights Budget $8,600 0.16% $0.83 $0.0'7 $0.002 Parks Maintenance Budget $63,300 1.17% $6.10 $0.51 $OA2 (Formerly in Park&Rec) Park&Rec Budget-Creneral Operating $581,700 10.72% $56.06 $4.67 $0.15 {Minus Parks Maint-Plus Comm Center) Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs $67,675 1.25% $6.52 $0.54 $0.02 Other Financing Uses-Transfers $95,500 1.76% $9.20 $0.77 $0.03 TOTAL OPERAT�TG BUDGETS $4,294,749 79.14% $413.88 $3450 51.13 Five(5)Year CIP Requirements $127,000 234% $12.24 $1.02 $0.03 Insurance Budget Requiremenu $190,000 3.50% $1831 $1.53 $0.05 Bonded Indebtedness $631,610 11.64% $60.87 $5.07 $0.17 - Certificates of Indebtedness $51,692 0.95% $4.98 $0.42 $0:01 Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 7/13/94) $132,035 2.43% $12.72 $1.06 $0.03 •$95,000+($464,096,000 x.00798%)' TOTAL FUNDING REQLJII2EMENTS $5,427,086 100.00%� $523.00 $43.60 $1.43 • Loc h Pharmac & G �fts v 2975 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 (612) 423-2261 Dear Councilperson, November 29,1994 Once again I find myseif having to write a letter to you in leu of appearing in front of you because of work confiicts. f would have liked to come to Thursday December 1 st meeting to talk about our property taxes. Our county taxes are proposed to increase by 381 .6%. City taxes by 419.9%. School district taxes by 349.8% and 384.2%. special taxing districts by 328.9%. Our total taxes per year has now increased to $26,956.52. I can no longer be quiet about this. This tax load compounded by the fact that our business suffered the last three summers because of the great , inconvenience caused by street work on 145th and Diamond Path is placing ', a great financial hardship to us. Add to this the over $3000.00 tax on the , parking lot shared by the Blake building. It's just too much. Without some � kind of relief soon we may find ourselves in a position where running a i business in Rosemount can not be continued. I really don't know what else to write other than to ask you to do the best you can in keeping our taxes as reasonable as you can. i believe that I sometimes government believes it is easier to tax businesses than residential because there will be fewer people complaining. I hope this isn't reality. A business can only absorb so much. If all businesses were working on a level field it would be different. With the advent of major malls in which the large tenants have to pay no rent and mail order and catalogue sales, local businesses paying higher local taxes find it very difficult to compete and thus stay in business. At the same time I'm � excited about the increase in building that is occuring. I'm hopefui that this will not distract from the businesses in the older portion of the shopping district but in fact will help all Rosemount businesses. Once again I must also mention that I sincerely believe we need on street parking on Highway 3. Thanks for your consideration. :�.;,,�y;,..� f �, � ,�'�+^ � ;�,r�-; / �^` �'���� K'• ...�i'ci�` �`�M�� ,�Ja}'�}�:. �_ ]' �4L �7�,, \\ -��t 5��� y ~' � /�'.� � � \ � ^ � 5 . ' . ��` ���!��� - . 4 �'� . �' � .._ tl.� . .�. +� . . . i. / . f• �;., �� ;�... � . � . �.'�._- ��t, .� 1^.+'t � �'S' � � i �. ' � .. ' , "..._.__. . ,r ; � 1 -f� ' . . , . ���.: , : ..� ' ,- - � .� ` � . , ! x .� � �t,.r �:w nr • . .: i�:.. ��',�t � ��.� . � i� . ^ �. . . . '�� `:a... f ��I � . �� . . . '?• �'� � 'r� .�.'� �ds.' ��� .. ��'� � .� . <- �� .a.�..fi � . _ . � � �:.� i..�\ ...._ � .. ' ... . . . r, . - 1 . . . - �'�.�- r „r� . ... . .�.., . .�.....�<.` ,. `Kr�- . ...,,�.,,:_., � . .-� ..�-^'`- ' .. r'µ,ti'.,� . Jr.�. �`7�. w�,�r,,.,, ��... , . ..:_.�..� .�.._.._..�..,_ ......a��. .. � . �+ .: : . AI+� _ . .. :r. : . b ! ' _ . . ' { ' .- �.T �.� ... b, . ...;. ... . .� _.:. .. . "'��-.:i,+,�•... ..:.....,..,�.... _ . � w...--�^" . � . .� . ... � ��. � ._... .... .._.._..«._�. . . •�� � � �� � � • - . • r. .� November 25, 1994 R�C�!VE�` Rosemount City Administrator GU 2 31994 2875 145th St . W. � Rosemount, NII�i 55068 CITYU� n�....,.�..,.:, Dear City of Rosemount; I am writing to you about my property tax statements . (copies � enclosed) As you can see the tax on my residence has increased 16 .10 in two years . In addition, taxes on my business property increased 17 . 9% in one year. (copies enclosed) THIS IS RIDICIILOIIS! ! It is time for taxing authorities to stop spending and start downsizing. The private sector has been downsizing for 4 years . Ask anyone in the private sector, business owners and employees, and they will tell you what a challenge this has been. In the last election, voters spoke loud and clear, less Government, less taxes . You now have the support of voters to cut the budget in all areas with no sacred cows . Now that you have our support, are you willing to muster the political coverage to make the necessary changes? If you do the state and the nation wi11 prosper and excel . However, if you continue in the same direction you will drive us into economic ruin that will take years to recover from. Napoleon Aill, author of the "Law of Success° and "Think and Grow Rich° said it best, "What the mind of man can conceive, and believe, is what it will achieve" . He also believed that from every problem comes equal or greater opportunity. The Problem: Higher taxes and more Government The Opportunity: Voter support to make the necessary changes . My friendly counsel to our elected leadership would be, don' t make excuses for the problem because the voters won' t listen. Instead grab hold of this opportunity and start working now to offer some solutions to the problem. If you do, I believe citizens will respond in kind and demonstrate mutual respect, trust and tolerance. The choice is yours . Sin r ly, � �''' �z�.�L.1.�-.�. � Larry � Knutson P.S . Enclosed is an editorial I thought may interest you. GARBAGE and RECYCLING COLLECTlONS Since 1961 Pnnted on rerycled paper with soy ink. • An Equal Opportuniry Employer � .- . .. . . . .. .� . .... �..�nr�.ro.-.r..e.�,.mt.�vxav+.;wn:..-y�.rt�ne.avi��aiea�+ertv:i,rta-�,m; �:r.•ir.:.�.�er ��� ��•�-a:u:r:�.•�� � t�ow �01�o.wnsize C�overnment � � "..N e fr�+�i f1Ri�tP+c W��'r�r y ,f2�4 ! � ) � � �r'i+'�r'1,yj'l��yi�l Ei�fA'l��t� 4 �l�flJ�f��1� (I;�r�f �! t � � '-+' '�`w,'.�,^�j; �'{BY.TOHN O'LEARY h --1 .�„ , 5'.���r �47f W� i�..�.°. �>t �� .7 � . y . . ,, . � �. �' �� ars ru�ho��rg�s;�`�o,�ernmcnts run on money f In•,the 1970s , ; , ,� �.��,,OPE�an�,�he>�b,�q�l embargo'squeeied America s supply� �; �;�t� of,chea�fuels so��ve`.g�nc up our gss guiilers and switched to+ , �smaller,`'�nore�'„et�'ic��enf car�"�Last�week;the electorate shut,down the� , ��taz�p,u�m,4p�—�'and'�polit�ciansiw�ll ha've taswitch to�a:$maller;'more� �etficient.�odelofgovernsnei�t'�',�,a,�rvsg� , "� ' "`�� � , : t ;`�„OLt,c,o,�i�rsc;�manyaskeptics tdoubt i;Repubhcansh��� ' � t �� ;caq,�c.livcr on thci[promiscs In��Vashmgton;;.thc,;� �;� � ;, • ,'otd,.�gu�cd is�s�ying�theF•Republican Congress � r ' ' �' cannot possibly cut taxes wrthout�boosting the �, H• tfederaGbudg�tdeficu�w;�.���,.lr.-�.����,`' e` � � ¢r � F A .� !�On���he�state�levelt;Connecticut,Gou -Lowcll_��� ,:` " 'a ?Weicker+rcpresenis th�,conventional,wisdom'.��He i� �.: � . ;��� �scoCfed�at Gov,elect��John�Rowiand s proniise ' �=�'' � ' ;:'Ehmmate�the,mcome t.�x��Yeah' whcn clephants tly' Incomc tax '.provide�Y,one four,t�h�.of„all�$tatc�revenue and;thc statevs alrcady�s , ;alook�ng.a�a defi�c�t_o�f�$430 mxll�oni�n ncxt year scbudget?�,r �t`r : ' i '�'�In.fact�federaltand state�governments c�n�dehver;nceded'scrvices; �fordess money;providcd iliey ha,ve thc`will and.;th aimaginsu�n,Thc t _ 'model tt►e compet{Gve�government r,'eyolution,sweeping the n�tiods� 'ciues'under�mayors�of both'parties'�'��-w�**f���'r * `f�"' • � , _ . . ..S ��1{�.ftf�'4w�;t flk. � .te�r(' frt� >�.� �t � i.t.,, t ���. _�.. f ;� � � . . ��,�The�;concept,�;underly{ng�competitive �governmen['"is simple � ,� �monopolies�^don'[�,wort�y.�.very"+well:' Wlicrever,_practical, .public ,agenc�es,should bandon mo opolistic arr�ngcmenta ind encouragc� ,j '�`�K h�.l[r�i2��c.f�. i i�a �r� t.� � .Competl[ton�,,,�w-t.-r. �.: ,.,� ., - r , .� :i � ��aMayor,,Stephen�Goldsmith'of4tndianapolis�,whasfzest�blisl�ed!'[he, ! ;most�ggres�}ve,+qmp�etitivc�governnienGprogram in t�hc country:H�� , `has�shifted over 60 ser,vices into thc,marketplace.A pnvatc�Grm'is� ''now'dom`'th'e`c t's� ii�rofilin�n for�61%less than�what it used to� �cosDthe cug Muri��G�pal ppnUng co�s[s'ljave dropped 47%� ' �; i rx"•r Ch }';�+i^��a�'' ,tPiatk � � .�tltH u N;.tt 1 1 , v Overall'annual�s avmg?from�competitionrare est�mated at $28 s , 'million'6%`of the city�s$474 mil(ion budgct , �,+.+�r 1 r �u u f r ,� ,s.,� �r�� +.�v*��'�i3�K►1+ra�s�ti;��d�t in' u ,a; v: , +',. ,� ;:u�i�'he;dlfference�sm tlone�of�pnybl�c��st prrvate„buc,of monopoly� 5 .'� �vs compeUtion hCity�unias haye�cocnpeted against private companics� ;i. ifor�cijy�contracts4a�nd,�'wg�ri%generaGngisav�ngslof�aNleast 25%;,in� :'+ ,: ,�thosc unit+,�C��pe,t�t�on�is,t�heafundam'cntal>aspec[of ch.�ngc for.�,�i ,• , crty thaf�s successful to�stay,successful says Goldsmith . � ��� ���;:t�t`i�n vl;C�a'��'�cau�n�,x�1F���R�rM�r i�, 1 1 ::.f roti� �� ' ' Com eUt�on can1�tso hel�turn a c�ty around��When:Dcmocr�t Ed . ���c de�l�wa�s�tecteNqmayo�i�ot�'`rPhiladelQh�a,in a1991�,Athe c�ty,hed; �ra�sed,taxes;19;times�n,tl�e;pre�r�ous decade�yeC f�ced�a;$208 m�llion' _ ±budgetshortfall�obLgmg'�tto.��cepti�tateoscrsight'oPj�tsfinanas.�. � . � � . Y�,.,�.«9.�y'x�5ir7 Siti t'�r /6 � . . . � . . �w�usmesse� er�fle�ngM nd;thF�c�ty s�.population had dropped� ;�20°o�n 2�ea as...A4�[he swa,mett�me;;tlie�mumcipal�wonk:.(orcc got up; a' .` ztQ52.days�ofGrayea���oluding�l�gDnyandL',iqcoln+sB�r�hday ,,` ; � ; � �` ! �^' t �'• � � ' .,a Rendell atso turned to;the compehqve�model,,contracUng,�out'forR Y; ' i :., ,,, ,sr.wk��r �,�..• , � .. . :.. .. .: ; ' .,t ,'; . � _�amtor��l seryices•�and�,streethmamtenance�Savmgs have averaged, ;,40°lf�yto;�50°(o;#,�Yn�addilion,'the��competition has'�improvcd'_the' kprpductivrty,�iof�;city�;wo���crewsw,tSavmgs`'th�at}wercn t"possiblc i �� titbefoie�u�denlyrmatenalize�;whcn,yqu put a,secy�cc out to bid,,4 says� � � Lmda.M otrisop, the'fornierRd�recto�of Philadcphias'compeut�ve� . � .. - . �S �r * ���' •t,rraS�.�...c �i � ,�a�}kq f i�YS`ti 1�Ytth i�'�4 ?. � ,'I . � � . : ��°tr��c��°ygRp�Q�r�m�d���t�`�� �� �s �" ' j f ' , ..�,l�ayors Richard �ley o���Gh�cago;�nd Rudolph Guiliani of New I .� . .K •..� . . . � �.,,. .�� .� � ;Yo�k4a,�c�ISoi,uu�ng�com�etytion to mcrcase producuv�ty;Ncw York� ,. : trash colleCtorsiezte ded their4routes�hy°20%Gwhen faced w�th the j I ;h, !v . �. y,y�.*v�.• ' s�5a�;'�t� rd�i�'� � , s :.� ,r , i Jprosp�ct'o,fpnr�aCccqmpetipon`� , �q1 �.l,�,rat r a���,< <'` � ,.�.: ..„�,,w.:�.r1lS�:ver{�f.. .��,, �, � 9r "i' �c � n s don•t.come unlcss a ma or.or cit 'mana r Ofcouiscsuch av Y 6 5 Y . . . u h��.���p•a c r:-n,µ.� B . ' '�is�illi wg�t�o;f ght�for��h�emw Eo.r�ezampler a`n'ew study,b'y,�the Rcason` ;�oundationtfo,�pd;that{Los Angeles`�could�s�'vc�up,to;$,1?Oiimllion� � ,per�year3byAturn`�m6i.toTcompeju�.�uv,�rgovernmcnt for,�usi,$cv,en, � � � � i.SCI�ICCS'������ x�{rp1.'1�"�r,��yrt�i;��Yt�ti�.}SSi4�L�9�L a��.{h1 ii �._: � . . . ;�� K.,�a �NIu���t�YY t�E¢.IL r d 1:'s .. � ,A Thel.pro�osal�^{ar�er,no�radtcr�`expc�iqientY:�othcr.cities;�havc� ,. jcpn�tra�t�d,�o�u�th�se�,f�rrl��c�s�or y4ar's SBut Mayor Richard Riordan� . •;�has�t�mustg�wd�wl�,e,�g��sio�',�to,c}iampionrch�ngainythe1face;ofl ;� . : Nst�ro���bl��ic-.�empioyh;i��ion opp�,o�siuon y��j•�'�� f,�;tr;�� ��- ;j:' � . ; I�i�,V�ce;Presidept'Ai Gore s�National Pcrformancc Review Fontamcd' ' S`plenty�of�Sound�rhetonc�aboutr�therdyn�cptcs;of;thc m.�cl.ctpl�cc ; ' b4tthis�Remventmg G`vFrnment'propo�als'fail�d io foliow�throu6h; � . . . �'V' n��� ��!(;��� tF{ .e..�iu� r. vl el .� . . . � t�l�}1SPCCI�ICS L 5�'��� �;��{f�L� A�t�x�t�i �:r. il�m'�`, � F: tt�?^�''��J�;��-'�� t .[Z4.f� �, I" ' � '�LIlrRepubl4cans failyto,�foliow'.tlirough,�on thcir�:promiacs;.to� ' ' Ydown'size'go�ernment`�the�reason'; tll be a simdar lack of political � . . . �a � �r � .J�. ,..1 S4 b a 4Y; 4m i� ,�� wa . i �.r .i' . . � . willpo�ycr��y datm�s��4ion,'� 3 0� _I�i h1� �LL".; .�� f !� .�. � , • �,v��1s the�mayors:havc�sho�n fgovcrnmcnt can do nio�c forlcss,�byi ; 4urnmg fioas�d�.mtnctAhing as''Arm�;c�nc.in�as'appl�p�c;comp�ution" '' :1 � � � / .w�f�lL4Y.i,tV�t�'�r�51-71:.d{�'' FM,-•, .. .'. , : � ..� . . . .. . � � � � . � . . .T, 'Ly^h(r.���"^J:,�T^r���,l.��.` :��F.�?a nr<.c ��.� �.A�a�,.i�.u�3• i. . , . . �; .'Inhri'�n'l,�nr�,•:;�,��;��rrrt �li.,...,,,��t � �i.. .:r '�,,,;•r ,..r,:: YOUR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX FOR 1994 '`: ��'I,Saa,�'S N�'T!�,��i,BT&Fr ��D� �12T,�'A�"' 7he eaounts of proparty tsr shown belor ara bainQ praposed by yoar couaty, citq or�tornship, school� district,� � � . � end �etropoliteq apeciaL Caxinp districta. 10 69000 020 O1 SKY VIEW OHner(s): 2 1 Final Macket Yalue for 1993 Taxes� S 164,500 Final MackeC Value Eor 1994 Taxes� $ 171,100 LARRY F KNUTSON RSSD HSTD 4920 DODD RD fhe merkeC veluea abovs ara ftnal ersd ere Qot • subjecC EAGAN MN 55123-2115 for the upcominq badqet hearinys. fhey vere � discussed at Che boacd of equalizatioa heariaps he1d. � . earliar [his year. fha linel aerke[ velue for 1494 teres osy reflecC a reducCfon under Che nev liai[ed � � . . . nerket value Zew. Your ccuaty botrd of commissior.srs, your school Lot�l amounts of property tar_ 7eur couaty, board, and your city council (if you live in a school district, city qr township, and city) and the metropolitan special taxing metropolitan special taxing districts will districts Nill hold meetings soon to decide on collect from you in 1994 if they approvn the the amount of property taaes to collect in 1994 property tax amounts they are noH considering. for services they provide. 71ny upcoming referendums, 1eqa1 judgements, The count board, cit council, and metro olitan natural disasters, and special assessments Y Y P could result in increasinq thase amaunts. special taxinq districts will also discuss their proposed budqet for 1994 and the school The amounts shown below for other special district t►ill discuss its hudqet for the taxinq districts -such as Hatershed districts- current school year. The discussion Hill are the totals for all other special taxinq describe the increases or decreases of the districts in Hhich your property is located. total budqet, includiaq employea salaries,and No meetinq is required for these districts. benefits and the costs of consultants and�other independent contractors for the prior year, Your county commissioners, school board current year, and the proposed budget year. members, city couacil (if you live in a city), and the metropolitan special taxinq districts The first column of fiqures below shows the invite you to attend their meetinqs at the 1993 property tax you paid to your county, times and places shown beloH to express your school district, city or toHnship, and special opinions on"the proposed property tax amounts taaing districts. for 1994. If you cannot attend the meetinqs, The secoad column of fi res below shows the Y°u may send your comments to the addresses � listed below in the left hand column. Property Increase Property Tax or Percent Budqet Hearing Tax For Proposed Decrease of Increase Dates and 1993 For 1994 Over 1993 or Decrease Locations COUNTY OF D11KOT11 � 682.56 $ 739.79 $ 57.23 8.4 X ��00 PM DEC 14 1590 W. HWY 55 D7IKOTA COUNTY ' H7ISTINGS, MN 55033 BO]►RDROOM ', 438-4576 ', E71G11H $ 524.87 $ 599.90 $ 75.03 14.3 X T:00 PM DEC 7 OFFICE OF EAG71N MUNZCIP7►L II CITY CLERK CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB AD. 3830 PILOT KNOB RD. E71G71N, MN. 55122 EaC71N, MN. 55122 681-4600 , SCH DIST 196 EXCESS REEERENDII 7:30 PM NOK 30 Tl1X: $ 79.54$ 9.45 $ -70.09 -88.1 X DI7IMOND P11TH REMI►ININC SC800L ELEMENTI►RY ' TAX: $ 1,467.29 $ 1,629.34$ 162.05 11.0 X 14445 DI7IMOND P11TH DIR SUPPORT SERVICES ROSEMOUNT, MH. SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 55068 ROSEMOUNT, MN. 423-?713 SPECS7IL T7IXING 5:00 PM NOV 29 DISTRICTS: $ 80.03 $ 115.43 $ 35.40 4�},2 z MEJIRS P71RK CE2iTRE METRO. SPECIIIL. 230 EJ1ST FIETH STREET T117t DISTRICTS.: t7£l1kS P11RIC CENTRE 230 E71ST HIETH STREET ST. P]IUL, MN 55101 SP6CI71L TJ►XING DiSTRICTS: I FISC7IL DISP7IRITY: $ .00 $ .00 $ NA NA X NO MEETING REQUIRED T11X INCREMENT: $ .00 $ ,00 $ NA NA X NO MEETING REQUIRED " OTHER DZSTRICTS: $ 14.49 $ 15.91 $ 1.42 9.8 X NO MEETING REQUIRED ! TOT1►LS (EXCLUDING $ 2,848.78 $ 3,109.82 $ 261.04 9.2 X SPECIAL ]1SSESSMENTS) �I • seducCiau uadar Che aev�liaiCsd�eorkat value Iar. IISD lISZD Owner(a)� _ Hinal Narket Value Bor 1994 Taxes, S 171,100 LARRY F KNUTSON Biaal Market Yalue for 1995 Tauas� g 178,900 4920 DODD RD SAINT PAUL MN 55123-2115 . Property Inerease � Property Tax or Peresat Budqet Haarinq Tax Bor Proposed Dscrease of Increana DaCea and 1994 For 1995 Over 1994 or Decrease LocaGions COUNTY OB DAROTk S ?44.21 S 798.05 S 53.84 7.2 X DECEMBEA 13, 1994 7,00 1590 il. HNY 55 DAl(OTA COONTY BOARDROOM , HASTINGS, !IN 55033 438-4576 6AG11N $ 598.49 $ 636.71 S 38.22 6.4 X 7�00 PM D6C 7 GFFICE OF EACAN MUNICIPI►L CITY CLERK CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOH RD. 3830 PILOT XNOB AD. EAGAN, MN. 55122 fiAGAN, MN. 55122 ' 681-4600 SCH DIST 196 7�00 PM NOV 29 EXCfiSS REFERBNDA DIAMOND PATH TAX� S 9.51 S 9.49 S '.02 -.2 x t�LEMENTIIRY ' • REMAINING SCHOOL 14445 DIAMOND PIITH TAX� S 1,636.90 S 1,964.78 S 127.88 7.8 X ROSEMOUNT, MN. DIR SUPPORT SERVICES �_ 55068 ' SCHWL DISTRICT q196 ` ROSEMOUNT, MN. � 423-7713 SPECIBI. TAXINC DISTRICTS DECEMHER 5, 1994 5�00 METRO. SPfiCIAL. TRX MEARS PARA CEMTR6 � DISTRICTS� $ 130.05 S 125.64 S -4.41 -3.4 X 230 EAST BIFfH STREhT lfEARS PARtf CENTRE 230 EAST FIETH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 SPECIAL TAXINC DISTRICTS� FISCAL DISPIIRITY� S .00 S .00 S NA NA X NO MEEPING REQUIRED TAX INCREMENT� S .00 S .00 S NA NA x NO MEETING RfiQUIRED OTHER DISTRICTS� S 16.00 S 17.43 S 1.43 8.9 x NO HEETING REQUIRED Totals (excludtaQ S 3,135.16 S 3,352.30 S 216.94 6.9 X . Special Assessmenta) � � . . Estimated Percentage Increase in 1945 Minnesota Personal Income 4.SX r��'��TI!'FSa�����'�;��, �,G�,'��.� !�!2� AIx��,�""� ��,e. .. �._ f.�.��� , �.-�a., I ' � reduction undar Che new ItnjCad sarkat . vtlus Iaw. , ' INDSlL PRIt OWner(s)i � Hioal Market Valus Hor 1994 Taxes�$ 153,600 • LARRY F KNUTSON Fin�l Market Value for 1995 Taxsa� S 1T1,200 14345 BISCAYNE aVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4910 . Property Increase Property Tax ar PercanC Budqet 8sarlcQ . Tax For Proponed Decrsase of Increase Ddes acd 1994 Hor 1995 Over 1994 or Decrease Loeationa CAUNTY OB DAKOTA S 1,066.74 S 1,247.62 S 380.88 17.0 X DHCII9BfiR 13, 1994?�00 1590 M. HWY 55 DAXOTA COUNTY HOARDROON BASTINGS, I1N 55033 438-4576 flOS[itlOU!(T $ 1,250.86 S 1,579.17 $ 328.31 26.2 X 7�00 PM D6C 1 - CITY ADMINISTRATOA ROSEMOUNT CITY Hl1LI. 2875 145TH ST W. CAUNCIL CHAMHERS � ROSEMOUNT, HN. 2875 145TH ST W 423-4411 ROSEMOONT, MN. 55068 SCH DIST 196 ' 7i00 PN NOV 29 ` EXCESS REEERENDA DIAMOND PATH TAX� $ 13.64 S 14.83 $ 1.19 8.7 X II.EMENTARY REMAININC SCHOOL 14445 DIAMOMD PAT& TAX� $ 2,346.30 $ 2,758.95 S 412.65 17.6 X ROSEMOUNT, MN. DIA SUPPORT SERVICES 55068 SCHOOL DISTRICT N196 ROSEMOUNT, MN. 423-7713 SPECIAL TAXING DISTAICTS DECF1lHER 5, 1994 5�00 METR0. SPECIAL. TAX MEARS PARK CF.NTRfi DISTRICTS, $ 166.65 S 173.62 S 6.97 4.2 X 230 EAST FIFTH STRfiEf M6ARS PARK CENTRfi 230 EAST FIFTH STREET ' ST. PAUL, MN 55101 SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS� FISCAL DISPARISY, S 2,122.34 5 2,435.82 S 3}3.48 14.8 X NO P1E6fING REQQIRED TAX INCREMEltT� $ .00 S .00 S NA NA X NO MEETING REQUTAED OTHER DTSTRICTS� S 22.93 S 27.25 S 4.32 18.8 x NO MEfiTING REQUIRfiD a,,. Tot�ls (excludinq S 6,989.46 S 8,237.26 S 1,247.80 �7.9 x .Special 1lsaesaments) � \ � Estimated Percentage Increase in 1995 Minnesota Personal Income 4.Sz 3� ��' ���,� ` ��� �!����,5,�hTG����P�1-�,.,t�,�� ��-=�� ��.� �^:_�,., �� ' . I