HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Development Activities in Carroll's Woods . • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 20, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request From Ron Jacobson To Suspend AGENDA SECTION: Development Activities in Carrolls Woods. O�.D Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NQ��� � Community Center Director � �l � ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Ron Jacobson APPROVED BY: Ron Jacobson, Rosemount resident, has requested an appearance before City Council'regarding the development activities in Carrolls Woods (see attached letter). I have spoken to Mr. Jacobson about these issues in the recent past. I have indicated to Mr. Jacobson that the Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee and the Parks and Recreation Committee have planned, for quite some tnne, the construction of a trail linking the Woods to the Shannon Hills Addition in the Southwest corner. These committees have followed appropriate procedures in their planning and the constxuction of the new trail appears to follow,direction from the Master Plan. I will be prepazed to address all five of Mr. Jacobson's issues. I strongly recommend to follow through with the construction of the proposed trail as planned in a tunely fashioned. Our target date for the completion of tlus trail is October 31, 1994. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motian to continue construction of the proposed Carrolls Woods' trail, as planned by the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee. COUNCIL ACTION: Septembex 15, 1994 Rosemount City Council Rosemount, Minnesota Dear Council Members: The changes to Carrolls Woods Nature Area which have occurred and which are scheduled for the near future do not seem to be consistent with the purpose of the woods. I respectfully request that the Council review the way the woods are managed and that the Council temporally suspend development activities in the woods. Some recent findings are the following: 1. There does not exist a contour trail map of glanned new trails which were to be dug in this fall and that the apparent planned alignment is at variance with the map in the master plan 2. The City apparently has not submitted such a trail map proposal to the State for prior approval as required by the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program which provided Rosemount with funds in 1975 to purchase the land 3. There does not appear to be developed written policy of - care for the woods, ex. what to do when a log falls down over a trail 4. One purpose for the gark is passive recreation; yet there continues to be organized active recreational use of the park such as the halloween event which has precipitated changes to the park which are not in its best interest such as the use of crushed rock on the "halloween trail" which changes the pH of the surrounding soil and affects plants and the ecological system of the park 5. Trail width is much greater in places than six feet as per master plan ' Carrolls Woods Nature Area is the jewel of Rosemount and needs tender loving care for it to maintain and appreciate in value. ' Management of the waods consistent with its purpose is needed. Sincerely, ��- Ron Ja bson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Y. � STAtE Oi tJV U�J���/�� DEPARTNIENt QF NaTURAI RESOURCE5 50� LAFAYETTE ROAD • ST. PAUL, MlNNESOTA • 551 SS-40� !?NR (NFORAtATION � t612}1f4�iS7 � - September 19, 1994 Mr, Jim Topeitzhoffer Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount City Hall P.O, Sox 510 Rcsemount, MN 55068 Dear Jim, This letter is a follow-up to our meeting last Friday regarding plans fcr the Carrolls Woods Nature Area. as we di�cuss�d, the state has an interest in the develapment of th� Carroll� Woods area because of the inv�stment of state arid federal funds in the park throuqh previous grants. We were invo�ved with some of the discussians which led to the development of a master plan for the park, and have commenter� in the past on the appropriateness of certain proposala in re2ation to the terms of the grant agreBments. � In regard to some of the current issues or propo5a2s re2ated to Carrolis Woods, here are my thoughts: ij Southwest �ntry - Thia entry seems appropriate to serve the needs of the immediate neiqhborhaod to the w�st. The trail realignment and r�moval will provide a more circuitous route throuqh the park, thereby diseouraging use �s an eastjwest transpo�tat�.on corridor. Efforts to encourage access throuqh the northeast entry shou-ld be contfnued. If the property ad�acent to the north e»d of the park is acquired, it �hould serve as an additional entry po�nt from the north. 2) Trail removal/reroutinq - It seems agpropriate to remove the sectian of eastiwest trail in the south end of the park and the portion of the trail sub�ect to periodic floodfng near the ponds. 3) Trai2 width - As we discussed, the clty should mave toward a six foot 'treadway for traila where feasible. This is sncauraged in the master plan. An eight foot treadway may b� acceptable where required 'for access or safety purposes. AM EOUAI OPPORTUNtTY EMPLOYEA , , < 4j Trail surface - A compacted cru�hed agg�egate surfaca fs consistent with the master plan and should be acceptable as lonq as it �►eets ADA standards. As �tated in the master plan, there may be soms portions of the trail where woods chip� may be used inst�a►d of a�ggregate. Paved trail� do nat seem to be appropriate and are »ot called tor in the master plan. 5j "Haunted Woods" - As discussed in tha pian, the city should monitor the Haunted Woods proqram to ensure that it is »ot having a negative impact on the park's natural character, The cfty should fnvestigate the possibility cf movi�y the function ta another site, if teasible. � 6) Rtmoval of trees - Ren�oval o! trees that have fallen �cross a trail, diseased tree�, and nuisance veqetation (such as buckthorn} is appropriate. The rtaster plan deals extensively �rith v�getatian management questions. Thank� for the opportunity to review p2ans for th� park. Z think the city has developed a good ma�ter plan that should provide guidance for future decisions. I welcome any qu�stions you may have regardinq the city�s qrant obligations and appreciate yaur` offer to provide periodic updates on the park. Sincerely, G�,/E 1/�f � Wayne Sames, Supervisor Loca1 Grant Programs � . Chanqe� In � GARR�L�S �t�C�DS N�TURE AREA BACRGROUND - The City of Rosemount Manages the Woods and make`s changes to it as approved by the State of Minnesota. A ` Master Plan developed by the ' City Council in 1991 and the terms o£ the State of Minnesota' s Outdaor Reereation Grant � Program used by the City in 1975 to get funds to buy the 40 acres west of Rosemount High School are the two basic guidance documents for the Woods. The City Council is responsible for compliance to these documents. � . ISSUBS - A few of the issues follow: a � 1. Recent and proposed changes to the Woods appear to be at - variance with the Master Plan, they appear to have proceeded without State approval, and they are not even recorded on planning maps (new west path, limestone� . - 2. The use of crushed limestone on the nature trails means - that the soil pH will change and the ecological system will be affected. 3:. Apparent lack of commitment to the passive recreation and nature use of the Woods is a gray area and needs to be addressed. Organized active recreation events in the i�Toods violate the purgose of the Woods. �... 4. There is concern that logging in the Woods is changing -�- " the Woods more to a New York Central park than a Waods Nature Area. � . 5. Trail width is too wide and exceeds Master Plan of six feet. No roads are permitted in the Woods as per original Grant. -- - . ACTION R$QUBSTSD - The City Council has been asked to review the way the Woods is managed and to suspend development � activities in the Woods pending the outcome of the review. Professional management practices are needed as well as - . policies which cover all activitiss in the Woods. ! ,.` MSBTING DAT'S - The action reques�ed has been placed on the City Council' s agenda for Tuesday evening, September 20 , 1994. �"" Please call City Hall at 423-4411 for the Carrolls Woods �' agenda item time. Citizen input is most important at this - meeting. Also, a call to the Mayor and/or the Council - persons before the meeting is a good idea. ` OTHER MBETINGS - Citizen advisory committees are meeting on Monday night, 9/19 at the City Hall and include the Carrolls Woods Committee at � 6 : 00 PM and the Park and Rec Committee at 7:30 PM. It is possible that these committees will make - recommendation to the City Council. Citizen input is welcomed at these meetings. � ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Please call Ron Jacobson at 423-2117 . TI�E TirT��DS NEED YaU aN TUESI��Y