HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Renewal of Building Inspection Agreement with the City of Coates 1 � ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: Se�tember 20, 1994 Ageada Item: Renewal of Building Ageada Section: Inspection Agreement with CONSENT AGENDA Cit of Coates ' Prepared By: Ron Wasmund Ageada No: Community Development �Zc�A � 1, Director �.IYI t} Attachments: Agreement Approved By: Attached is the Agreement for building inspection services between Rosemount and Coates . The format is the same, but minor changes have been ma.de to the term of the Agreement. We have provided this service to Coates since my employ in 1985 . We have renewed the Agreement annually. This year I have changed the term to "run continuously subject to termination by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice." Amendments can be suggested by either party with written notice after execution of the Agreement. This Agreement has worked very well for both parties in the past. The limited activity in Coates has not impacted our schedule in the past. I have reviewed the changes with the Coates City Clerk and she sees no problems with it. I recommend approval of the Agreement. Recommended Action: A MOTION to approve the Agreement for building inspection services between the City of Coates and the City Qf Rosemount. City Council Action: 09/20/94.001 , Buildin Ins eCtion reement � p � C'ity o� Rosemount / City o� C'oates Z'HIS AGR��M�NT, made anc�. enterec�. into this clay o� September, 1994 by and �etween the City o�Coates, a mu.nicipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Coates"), and t�e C."ity o�Rosemount, a municipal corporation (�ereinafter re�errec�. to as "Rosemount"). WHEREAS, each o�t�e parties has �y appropriate action, authorized its o�icers to enter no t�is�reement. NOW, THEREFOR�, it is mutually a�reed by anc�. between the parties hereto that Rosemount will, upon request by the Coates City Cler�Z, provide its building inspector ta conc�.uct any inspection o�a building site within the territorial lixnits of Coates pursuant to the issuance o�a building permit by Coates. IT IS PURTHER AGREED, that in consic�.eration o�t�e services per�ormed by the Rosemount Buildin� Inspector, Coates will pay Rosemount ei�ht percent (80%) o�eac� builc�.ing permit fee collectec�. under the City of Coates �ee schedule, such payment to �e made on a serni-annual basis. IT IS �URTHER 1�GREED, t�at Coates will inc�;emni�y and hold Rosemount anc�. its builc�.in� inspector harxnless �rom any anc�. all claims, suites, clamages, costs, losses, expenses, including attorney's �eea, in any manner resu.lting or arising as a resu.lt o�this A�reement. IT IS FURTH�R AGR�ED, t�at the term o�t�is�reement s�all be continuous commencing �cto�er 1, 1994 subject to terxnination by eit�er party upon t�irty (30� days written notice served upon the other party. Amendments to this Agreement shall be made}�y review anc�. ne�otiation of written recjuest su�mitted �y eit�er party. IN`I'�STIMONY WHEREOF, each o�t�e parties �ereto has causec� this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its respective o�icers as of the date and year first above written. ATT�Es`r: CrrY o� RoSEMouNr Susan M. Wa s , City C' er E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF COATES Marge Karnic , C er /Treasurer Karen Mogen, Mayor