HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. 1995 Landfill Abatement Program 1 � � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Coun.cil Meetiag Date: �tJtPri1b21" 20, 1994 Agenda Item: 1995 Community Landfill Agenda Sectian: Abatement Funding Application CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By: Ron Wasmund �� Ageada Nos Community Development ��`�nA # )� j Director i�� `t L Attachmeats: Application; Resolution. Approved By: d�!� The attached application will be submitted to Dakota County with your approval , Rosemount has submitted and received funding through this program since 1988 . The county makes these funds available to cities to help defray costs of administering a recycling program. They get 'the money from tipping fees at landfills in Dakota County. This years funding amount is $10, 332 . 00 . A budget' is attached. Although I've shown community share as a participating budget I am sure that we can administer the program on the money from the county. There will be some reduction in the level we promote. Knutson Services, Inc. has done our promoting and education in the past. We have received a special assistance grant which will provide for education in the elementary schools. Through our Joint Powers Agreement with Farmington we are represented by Lena Larson at monthly solid waste managers meetings. Lena also assists in report and application preparation. These abatement funds are an essential part of our program operation. Rosemount has a very successful recycling program, ranking nurnber one in Dakota County. Residents voluntarily recycle 53% of all waste generated. I encourage your support and recommend approval of the resolution. Recor�nended Action: A MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1995 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM. City Council Actior�.: 09/ZON4.002 � ATTACHMENT A 1995 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT FUNDfNG APPLICATION City/Township: RosEMourTT Date Submitted: AC�C1f@SS: 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 indicate Option your community chooses forevaluation Option 1 x Option 2 i. If this is a multi-community project, please list all parficipating communities and the lead community or agency for the project, and attdch a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement. � This is a solely operated program in Rosemount. II. Please provide a brief overview of 1995 abatem8nt activities; indicated whether � these are a continuation of existing programs expansion of existing programs; or � new programs: (If more space is needed use extra sheet.) This is a continuation of the same program initiated in Rosemount in 1988. Residents will continue to be encouraged to leave yard waste lie in their yards or backyard compost bin. Alternatively they will be allowed to take it to a Dakota County compost site. Al1 Rosemount municipal buildings will continue to have separate bins in place for collection of office paper, newspaper, glass, aluminum, plastic, and household batteries. All park facilities will continue to promote recycling by providing for separation of glass, aluminum, and plastic. 7 , III. Complete the following section for all applicable activities, whether a continuation or expansion of existing activities or new activities for 1995: A. Curbside Collection of Recyclables: 1. Number of households to be served: 3,396 2. Frequency of collection:weekly x biweekfy other 3. Number of Residential Recycling Haulers: 1* 4. Materials collected (mark all that apply): newspaper X mixed paper X food cans X beverage cans x glass -- x plastics x used oil x magazines x coRugated x Oth2f (S(JeCIfY� HOUSEHOLD/AUTO BATTERIES 5. Expected abatement from curbside: 500-�0o tons. 6. Drop off Center for Recyclable Materials: '� 1. For each drop-off center please provide: Ct. O(J@fC1tOf: KNUTSON SERVICES, INC. ' f�C�C�t'@SS: 2785. 160TH STREET WEST � ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 Days/Hours of Operation: MON-THUR: s:oo a.m. to b:oo P.�,. FRIDAY: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Materials Collected: SATURDAY: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. newspaper, office paper, glass, aluminum cans, food cans, used oil, household/auto batteries, corrugated cardboard, plastics, ferrous materials (white goods & tires b. Operotor: for a fee). Address: Days/Hours of Operation: Materials Collected: _ 2. Expected abatement from Drop Offs: 75-655 tons. *Rosemount contracts with one hauler for citywide service. We do not encourage nor prohibit other haulers from collecting recycling materials. 8 ` C. Multi Family Recyciing i. Total number of units served: 2so . 2 Total number of buildings served: lo 3. Frequency ofi collection/colleetion method{s} used (description): 4. Materials collected (mark all that applyJ: newspaper x mixed paper x food cans" x beverage cans x glass x plastics x magazines x cardboard x used oil x Oth@f (SpeClfy� AUTOMOTIVE & HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES 5. Ex ected abatement from multi famil units 45-655 tons. P Y D. Yard W�ste Program 1. Please provide a brief description of the community's role in yard waste collection. Rosemount residents are encouraged to leaee clippings and leaves in their=yard or take them to one`of the Dakota County compost sites. Residents must make:�_arrangements,.with their hauler to haye their_ ard_waste picked up curbside. They may alsa use the joint- op rated facili�y in I�akevi�le. �. Drop o �c.:omp ete the following only if this is a community owned/operated yard waste collection site). Location: Hours: Fees: - 3. Expected yard waste abatement in 1994. (curbside/drop off): 90 tons. 9 E. Describe any independent commercial/industrial recycling activities you will undertake in 1995 (this is not a required program). F. Describe your communities public education/promotional activities that wiU be underfaken in 1995 (applies only to communities chosing Evaluation Op#ion T�. - residential: a minimum of one writfien communications must be sent to each household in 1995. There will be two household mailings consisting of promotional information. It is likely that additional materials will be mailed or placed in the local newspaper. - community presentations: a minimum of 6 presentations must be made in �! 1995. The City, through a contractual agreement with our hauler, have prodided for the school presentations and educational programs to be handled by them. - commercial/in�ustrial: cttend one waste managernent assistance visit conducted by Coun�y staff, or attend one commercial waste reduction/recycling seminar if tfie businesses attending are in your community. G. Describe your community's in-ho�se recycling program and your comrnunity's procurement program. The City of Rosemount has had separate containers in municipal buildings for the separation and collection of high grade office paper, newspaper, and pop cans since May 1988. Separate containers were also placed in public parks for * trash and cans since the spring of 1988. As of September 1989, household batteries H. For cities over 5000 population, describe your community's waste reduction efforfs and how your communifiy's procurement policies make use of materials made from recycled products. Cities and townships with popuiations less than 5000 are not required respond to this section. *are collected from the City Hall as well as from all municipal buildings. In addition, phone books were collected in the spring and fall of 1990. These programs will be continued into 1995. 10 IV. Work Plan Dakota County wiii distribute any approved funding in two equal payments, provided �ornmunities meet specified development objectives. Please provids a work plan for 1995 and highlight the objectives to be met by the following da#es: o June 15 Current programs will be maintained. � Six community presentations will be completed by this date. At least one mailing will be sent ' to Rosemount residents. o Decembec 31 ii . � :�=V,,, . V. Budget - January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 County Community Share Share TOTAL Administrative Costs: Direct salaries $ 3,957 $ 4,000 $ 7,957 Direct Mileage $ 13Q $100 $ 23Q Direct Membership/Training & Subscriptions $ 200 -0- $ 200 Consultant Services and/or Temporary Help -0- S 3.000 S 3.000 Software -0- -0- -0- Other -0- -0- -0- Promotional Education: Printing Costs $ 4,075 $ 1,000 $ 5,075 Distribution Costs $ 1,970 $ 985 $ 2,954 Advertisements -0- -0- -0- Videos/Billboards -0- -0- -0- Promotional Items -0- -0- -0- Special Events (Displays, Performance fees, Etc. y -0- -0- -0- Other -0- -0- =0- SAecial Proiects: Please List Below . TOT�, $ 10,332.00 * $ 9,085 $ 19,417 Requested from County'`*. S 10,332.00 * Unexpended 1994 funds may not be carried over to 1995. ** Request may not exceed that amount shown on the Maximum Reimbursement Schedule - Attachment D 12 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1994- A RESOLIITION AIIT80RIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1995 LANDFILL ABATEQSENT PROGRAM ` D�HEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program Guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 1995 Landfill Abatement Program; and W�iERFAS, the City of Rosemount established and desires to ma.intain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW, THPREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 1995 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 1994. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 1993 DAKOTA COUNTY RESIDENTIAL ABATEMENT OVERVIEW CITY POPULATION* WASTE CURBSIDE YARDWASTE OTNER*** TOTAL**** GENERATION** TONS % TONS % TONS % TONS % APPLE VALLEY 37,035 17,532.54 3122.15 17.8% 3,100.46 17.7% 1,083.40 6.2% 7,306.01 41.7°/a B URNSVILLE 52,733 24,964.04 4103.09 16.4% 4,414.65 17.7% 1,542.62 6.2%0 10,060.36 40.3°/a EAGAN 51,068 24,175.83 4061.86 16.8% 4,275.26 17.7% 1,493.91 6.2°k 9,831.03 40.7% FARMINGTON 6,347 3,004.70 582.2 19.4% 531.35 17.7°k 185.67 6.2% 1,299.22 43.2% HASTINGS 16,027 7,587.26 1183.52 15.6% 1,341.73 17.7% 468.84 6.2% 2,994.10 39.5% INVER GROVE HTS 23,721 11,229.63 1338.81 11.9% 1,985.85 17.7% 693.92 6.2°� 4,018.58 35.8% LAKEVILLE 27,982 13,246.81 2322.41 17.5% 2,342.57 17.7% 818.57 6.2°� 5,483.55 41.4°� LILYDALE 502 237.65 18.48 7.8% 42.03 17.7°k 14.69 6.2°� 75.19 31.6°k ' MENDOTA 164 77.64 18.48 23.8% 13.73 17.7°/a 4.80 6.2% 37.01 47.7°k M E ND OTA HTS 9,926 4,699.01 1236.34 26.3% 830.97 17.7% 290.37 6.2% 2,357.68 50.2% :�-- ROSEMOUNT 9,750 4,615.69 1349.48 29.2% 816.24 17 7% 285.22 6.2°� 2,450.94 53.1% -�► SOUTH ST PAUL 20,295 9,607.75 1662.36 17.3°l0 1,699.04 17.7%0 593.70 6.2°� 3,955.09 41.2°� SUNFISH LAKE 436 206.40 40.83 19.8% 36.50 17.7% 12.75 6,2%0 90.09 43.6% WEST ST PAUL 19,286 9,130.08 1533.79 16.8% 1,694.56 17.7% 564.18 6.2% 3,712.54 40.7% RURAL 15,171 4,983.67 553.7 11.1°,6 1,270.07 25.5% 443.80 8.9% ' 2,267.57 45.5% TOTAL 290 443 137 497.05 23 127.50 16.$°!0 24 315.00 17.7% 8 496.45 6.2% 55 938.95 40.7% *POPULATION numbers are based on ihe 1992 population eslimate. **WASTE GENERATION numbers inciude only residential waste and are based on a Franklin and Associates Ltd. deiermination that 45% of Dakota County's waste generation is resideniial, and 55% is commercial. ***OTHER includes problem materials, misceilaneous ilems, and drop off materials. ****70TAL is ihe sum of CURBSIDE, YARDWASTE, and OTHER. � . . � . . . � � � . . . . 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