HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Fire Department Semi-Annual Report t ":., � . � � . � . � . . � . . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIbmlARY FOR ACTION CITY CpUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE DEPARTMENT SEMI-ANNZJAL AGENDA SECTION: REPORT CONSENT PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGEND,A �� � � � ATTACI�IENTSz SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT APPROVSD BY: This item is the presentation of the semi-annual report to the city council. This report is submitted in written form to provide the council with information as to what has transpired in the first six months of 1994 . Any questions which the council would have after reading the report could be answered or explained in more clarity at the council meeting. RECOI�IlMSENDED ACTION: None. COUNCIL ACTION: R4SEMOUNT F1RE DEPARTMENT SEMI - ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 1994 Respectfully Submitt�ed �y Scott Aker, Fire Chief City of Rosemount INTRODUCTION In response to suggestions that were made the format of this report has changed. This and future reports will be more statistical in nature. MEMBERSHIP A breakdown of the number of inembers that the fire department has had over the past years is indicated below. 1 988-----38 1989-----40 : 1 990-----3g 1991 -----33 1992-----3C, 1993-----35 1994 Current-----30 1994 Potential-----38 1995 Goal-----46 The testing process is currently underway to add eight new members prior to the close of 1994. The 1995 goat is based on the proposed budgeted amount, and current recruitment predictions. EQUIPMfNT / CONDITfON The fire department currently has thirteen (13) vehicles. Specific information on each vehicle is Iisted below. V e h i c l e Model Year Condition / Status Aerial 3580 1972 Poor, Chronic mechanical trouble Pumper 3582 1962 Poor, Restricted use since 1991 Pumper 3581 1978 Very Good, Some rust Pumper 3583 1986 Excellent Grass Rig 3592 1989 Excellent Grass Rig 3594 1991 Excellent Tanker 3595 1973 Very Good Hose Truck 3596 1992 Excellent Rescue Truck 3590 1990 Excellent Rescue/Utility 3591 1978 Good Officer Vehicle 3599 1989 Excellent Officer Vehicle 35'98 1990 Excelient Safety Trailer 1994 (Under Construction) EMERGENCY CALLS A detailed breakdown of calls was not included in this report. It would be the same as the one you are receiving on a monthly and weekly basis. If you would like a complete packet of the monthly reports one can be provided to you. Total Calls by Year 1982 163 1983 187 1984 215 1985 217 1986 189 1987 264 1988 269 1989 270 1990 330 : 1991 3$4 1992 355 1993 396 1994 Emergency Calls January 1 ----- July 31 Total Calls----------260 (7 months) Mutual Aid Received ----- 4 Times Mutual Aid Given ----- 9 Times Fire Calls ----- 130/260 (50 %) Medical Calls ----- 130/260 (50 %) The next page is a year-to -date report and breakdown on these 260 calls. ������������ � � �__-_-____�_�� ������������ . - ��������_�__ ' _ ' ' - �������___�_ • ' ��������_-_-_ � �I,������-_____��0 ' • ���������____�i'� � ' • ��������___� ___�_-__��__� ' • ' ��������-►�1����_� _ � ' '- ��������____� ' ' • �• �������_�_�_ . � - . • . -. �������____� � � � �������_�_-� ' . . � � � . � ____�-�_-___ ������������ . - . �������-__-- �� � - ���n����_�a�_ • - ����■�����___ __�__���____ � �m���a�������� � . . . - � . . �������—�_�_ , - • in������____� . . . - .� � - . . �������■��_—_ � . - - . . �������_�__� . - � � - � �������_�____� ,, , —�_��t—_---�t— ���������������� . - . - �������_____ i • - �������-__�_ ___-_-_--_-_ . . � ������������ �������_____ �������___-_ ��������____ � �____-___�__�� � � � ��m��������� � ' . . �������000�0- 'LS1�1 RESPONSE TIMES A wealth of information is availabie this year on fire department response times, as a large amount of data was compiled and given to the Fire Department Task Force. They requested data from 1992, 1993, and 1994. The information contained here represents 1994 information. Turn-Out Time + Travel Time = Response Time Turn-Out Time = The amount of time it takes to get a vehicle on the way to an emergency call. Calculated from the time firefighters are paged to respond to an emergency call, until the first vehicle leaves the fire station. ( Home to Station ) Travel Time = The amount of time it takes to reach the scene of an emergency call. Calculated from the time the first vehicle leaves the fire station, until that first vehicle arrives at the emergency. (Station to Emergency) Response Time = The amount of time it takes to get firefighters to the scene of an emergency. Calculated from the time firefighters are paged to respond to an emergency call, until the first vehicle arrives at the emergency. ( Home to Station to Emergency ) In looking at models developed by other cities ( Apple Valley, Eagan, Burnsville ) it is evident that over-all firefighter response times which fall into-tt�e five (5) minute range are the acceptable practice. It has been noted several times since 1987 that the citizens of Rosemount are experiencing response times in excess of what would be considered acceptable. The next several pages graphically display that information. , .. First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time � Statistics . Ali Cails: 'Response Time' Information Average Response Time 8 Minutes, 58 Seconds Minimum Response Time 2 Minutes Maximum Response Time 18 Minutes Range of Response Times 16 Minutes Mode of Response Times 10 Minutes Median Response Time 9 Minutes Firefighter Respo�se Times: All Calls N 22.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 19.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , b 17.6 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , e 1 S.4 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 13.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . , f 11.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8.8 a 6.6 . . . . : • : : . : . . . � 4.4 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 2.2 OA � ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Minutes to Respo�d � a Calls � •' I First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time � Statistics Ail Cails: 'Turn-out Time' Information Average Turn-out Time 5 Minutes, 40 Seconds Minimum Turn-out Time O Minutes Maximum Turn-out Time 11 Minutes Range of Turn-out Times 1 1 Minutes Mode of Turn-out Times 7 Minutes Median Turn-out Time 6 Minutes Firefighter Turn-Out Times: All CaNs 26.0 N . . . . . . , , u 23.4 b 20.8 . . . . . . . . . . . : e 18.2 f . . . . . . . , 15.6 f 13.0 , , , , • • • . . . 10.4 � 7.8 . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . � 5.2 . . . . � . . . . . . . . , s 2.6 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 Minutes to Respond o Calls First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time Statistics All Calis 'Travel Time' Information Average Travel Time 3 Minutes, 16 Seconds Minimum Travel Time 1 Minutes � Maximum Travel Time 12 Minutes Range of Travel Times 11 Minutes Mode of Travel Times 2 Minutes Median Travel Time 3 Minutes Firefighter Travel Times: All Calls , SO N . . . . . . . . . . . . � 45 . . . , . b 40 . . . e 35 � . . . . . . . . . . . • 30 . . . . . . . , , 0 25 f . . . . . . . . . � 20 . . . . • • . . , . a 15 . . . . . . . . 1 �� � . . . . . . . . . . s 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minutes to Respond o Calls • .. r First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time . Statistics Calis West of Akron Ave: 'Response Time' Information Average Response Time 8 Minutes, 13 Seconds Minimum Response Time 2 Minutes Maximum Response Time 14 Minutes Range of Response Times 12 Minutes Mode of Response Times 10 Minutes Median Response Time 8.5 Minutes Firefighter Response Times: West of Akron N 18.0 , . . . . . . . . . . , u 16.2 b 14.4 , , , , , . . . , . , , , , e 12.6 � . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 . . . f 9.0 , . . . . . , , , , , 7.2 � • . . . . . . . . . ; 5.4 , . . . . . . . . . � 3.6 , . . . . . . . . . . , s 1.8 - 0.0 . . . . . . � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 Minutes to.Respond o Calls First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time � Statistics Ca11s West of Akron Ave: 'Turn-out Time' Information Average Turn-out Time 5 Minutes, 36 Seconds Minimum Turn-out Time 0 Minutes Maximum Turn-out Time 11 Minutes Range of Turn-out Times 11 Minutes Mode of Turn-out Times 5 Minutes Median Turn-out Time 5 Minutes . Firefighter Tum-0ut Times: West of Akron 22A N . . • • . . . . . � 19.8 , . . . . . . . . . ' m 17.6 b . . . . . . , , . e 15.4 . � . . . . . . . . 13.2 f 11.0 . . . . . . . . • 8.8 � 6.6 . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . � 4.4 . . . . . . . . . , s 2.2 0.0 � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Minutes to Respond o Calls First Truck With Firefighters, Response Time Statistics Calls West of Akron Ave: 'Travel Time' Information Average Travel Time 2 Minutes, 35 Seconds Minimum Travel Time 1 Minutes Maximum Travel Time 7 Minutes Range of Travel Times 6 Minutes Mode of Travel Times 2 Minutes Median Travel Time 2 Minutes Firefighter Travel Times: West of Akron ` 50 N . . . . . . . . � 45 b 40 . . . • : ' . e 35 • � . . . . . . . . 30 - ° 25 . . . . . . , f • . . . . . C 20 , . a15 . . . . . . . . I 10 � . . . . . s 5 0 • • • • �` . . � � 2 3 4 5 6 7 Minutes to Respond o Calls .t . . . � � .. � . . . . With the mission statement of the Fire Department Task Force in mind and the areas that the City Council has directed the Task Force to study, 'their recommendations will have significant impact on future Fire Department response times. THE RO5EMOUNT FIREFIGHTERS As usual, whenever I have_ the opportunity, I like to stress the fact that the services that the Rosemount Fire Department provides is possible by the combining of individual talents and the dedication of each and every one of its members. This highJy dedicated group of indi�iduals require very Iittle leadership or motivation to accomplish their duties on the emergency scene, which they are daily called upon to do. They respond day and night under the worst possible conditions, Ieaving their families for ` extended periods of time, to provide this service to the citizens of Rosemount. Anyone would be very proud to be in the position that l am, as Fire Chief. As Fire Chief I am often the recepient of the numerous comments, and letters praising the efforts of the Rosemount Fire Department. As the contact person for the Fire Department I am often referenced in newspaper articles and the like but, the firefighters themselves are the ones who deserve al1 the credit. GOALS Most of the goals of the Fire Department, as you have seen over the years " _ and by the nature of the service that the Fire Department delivers, are reoccuring goals each year. The goals for 1994, that were presented earlier, are attached with somewhat of an indication of the status of those goals: The Fire Department will soon begin the process of identifying its 1995 goals. Rosemount Fire Department Goals 1994 GOAL STEPS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHMENT STATUS OF GOAL IMPROVED FIRE SERVICE Monthly Traing Ongoing, Continually changing to meet current demands Outside Training Ongoing, Budgeted, Encouraged Inter-Departmental Training Severai summer drills, Ongoing Facility Location Under study by Task Force Training/Education Facilities Under study by Task Force Firefighter Fitness Use o#Community Center Under Consideration by the City Council Number of Firefighters Eight to be hired in 1994, Eight budgeted 1995 Equipment Aerial/Pumper budgeted 1995 FIREFIGHTER SAFETY Training Ongoing Firefighter Fitness Use of Community Center Under Consideration by the City Council Equipment Aerial/Pumper budgeted 1995 Monthly Safety Meetings Implemented 1994, Ongoing PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION Appointment of Public Fire Education Person Done in March 1994 Expanded School Curriculum In Progress Open House Held 1993, Planning Stage for 1994 Demonstrations Ongoing Tours Ongoing Fire Education House Under Construction News Articles Ongoing RESPONSE TIMES Facility Location Under study by Task Force Fire�ighter Location Under study by Task Force Opticom Installation Budgeted 1995 Firefighters Future recruitment within 2 minutes of station STATION REPAIRS Small, Labor Related Repairs In Progress MaJor Repairs Budgeted 1995 . CONCLUSION Again, as 1 have indicated in the past, should there be an instance or situation where Council feels that it would like more information , please feel free to contact me. I would welcome any input, suggestions, criticisms, or questions you may have.