HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of September 6, 1994 Regular Council Meeting ROSEM4UNT �G.��MEEING � � �� � t EIV! � �r t1 SEPTEMBER 6� 1994 , � ��►� suant to due call and notice thereof a reg�� rn��g of the Rosemount City Council was Pur 994 at 7:36 p•m• � the Council Chambers at City duly held on Tuesda.y, SePtember 6, 1 ga,ll, 2875 145th Street West. Staats, e meeting to order with Councilmember�F de=e Ci� Mayor McMenomy called th resent were City Attorney e�ann present. �S� P Community Busho, and Wipp �eer/Public works Director OsmuadF�>C�ef A1�er. Admin�-strator Burt, City Eng Assistant Planner Pearson, an Development Director W�smund, or McMenomy led the grouP in the Pledge of Alle$iance. May for Dr. adding Item 6. e. Land Transfer to Port Aute of Minnesota. Additions to the Agenda included ouncements for National I-eagu dministrator Burt asked to pull Item 6. e. Appo�t Downtown Walter-Hansen DevelopAment and Item 11. Ann Cit�es Congress. City Scoping Committee. Director Osmundson introduced M�'k oT�e. He was City Engineer/Public Wor�ks�ark p ' eerin Technician• reviously worked at the City of Engm g welcomed bY CitY Counc�l and staff• o f�d to residential others, Inc. requested time to comment on the rezoning reviewed an article in the Grief Br lant. Mark Mooney, Plant Manager, surrounding their industrial P � a light industrial plant with simil� �ucumstances. Au st 19, 1994, Sun Current regar gect many noise compl�ts and issues of safety• � Mooney told the Council they could exp S�ond by wiPPe��' �'yes: rove the Consent Agenda.• MOTION by McMenomy to app S None. - Wi ennann, McMenomy, s�ts, Busho, Anderson. NaY � � s on the Dayid Bechtold grievance. it Attomey I-eFevere briefly reviewe fo Sa a�T v��g C y LeFevere pr��� it in resolution form N �,�AKIl�G F�INGS OF FACT, McMenomy to adopt the RESOLU'TIO �CE OF DAVID BECATOI.�`' MOTION by DECISION IN '�E G� yWi ermann• Nays: CONCLUSION5, A� es: McMenomy, Staats� Busha, Anderson, PP Second by Anderson. y None. - e rezoning necessary for the combination of land lained th Inc. plans'a Assistant Planner Pearson exp b the railroad and the former S�'eS n��tihe 14800 block.� 'The Planning formerly owned Y asoline sales on Highway 3, convenience store and g lat and recommends the rezoning• Commission approved the final P ��,pI,AT t A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE p�t One MOTION by VJippermann to adop PLAT ONE and authorize the execution of the S�ts�Ayes: sta�ts, FOR KW� T� reement. Second by Subdivision and Flanned Un�t`Development Ag None. Busho, Anderson, Wippe��� McMenomy. Nays: pgD1NANCE AMEN�ING CE B-45 � IN�CE which provides for OTION by Wippermann to adopt ORDLIN T ZONING 4RD M CITY OF ROSF.M� ORDINANCE B - ROSEMpUNT CITy pROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING `:� the rezoning of Kwik Tri p SE��� 6� 1994 Ayes: Busho P �t One to C-3 Highway Service Commercial, , Anderson, Wippe��� McMenom S�cond by Staats. y, Staats. Nays: None. City Engineer/public works Director Osmundson gave a recomm Litterer as Civil En ' This decision was made after review' endation to hire Dougias mterviewin �eer. g eight appiicants, and then havin �g f�Y applications, Litterer is from Rock Isla.nd I g second interviews with two applicants. 11�Ir, , llinois, but he has formerly working in our metropolitan area. MOTION by Staats to authorize the ` beginning on October 3, 1994 subject to he paM�g f h S Litterer as Civil Engineer drivers license check. Second b Busho. Pre employment physical and Staats, Busho. Nays: None. y AYeS: Anderson, Wippe��� McMenomy, City Adminis�tor Burt presented the Fire Service T of the task force and what their focus should be, ask Force's motion concemin recognize both facilities and personnel issues to be�e �onon was as follows: g the role We recommend the mission sta.tement be ex �d "Where as we major factors to the fire delivery system. service; 2) personnel and operational issues P � to reflect consideration of: 1 Council consensus was that the Fire De �� City Council c�irection was reque ted. bulance pa.rtment now addresses these two issues with a regular review and the mission sta.tement originally set forth d Service Task Force. efines the goals of the Fire MOTION by McMenom to reaff Y irm to the Fire Service Task Force the ori ' Sta.tement and charge them with 1 size, location, and the abilit of t e f�.e deUation of the current fire sta.tion with e pect�o its the present time and in the future, 2 P�ment to deliver services from this facility at ) an exploration of the multi-concept versus the main station approach to fire service delive the City of Rosemount; 3 �' �d the appropr�teness and effectiveness of ea.ch for ) an evaluation of the most appropriate locations(s) for the fire service faciiities at the present time and in the future; 4) a determinatio future space needs of the fire department, 5) a review of the n of the present and available to the city, and the a ro nateness and cost effectivene sUo�ndin 6) the dissemination of informa lo and �ucatio g mechanisms City's fire service needs and the most n of the citizens of Rose o nt s�t Sm� and City Council also d' aPpropnate mea.ns to accomplish meeting tho etneedS, u-ects the Fire Service Task Force to provide an update or formal presentation to City Council in October, 1994. Second b Bus McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Ariderson. y hO• Ayes: Wl Nays: None. PPermann, Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearin for Z ' Accessory Structures. g °�ng Ordinance Text Amendment: The recordin Mayor McMenomy noted the procedure used for ublic file. � S�re�' noted that the Affidavits of Published and posted Notice w�gs ere on Assistant planner Pearson noted that the Planniu Co a Zoning prd��ce Text Amendment that would all w for fle �as recommended approval of accessory buildings on properties under twenty acres and situated west of��g of detached based on minimum standards. . Akron Avenue . s: 2 , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 MOTION by Wippermann to close the Public Hearing for the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Accessory Structures. Second by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt ORDINANCE B-46, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE for the regulation of detached accessory structures in the Rura1 Residential and Agriculture Districts west of Akron Avenue. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. City Engineer/Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the request for Council approval of the plans and specifications for the Biscayne Avenue Improvements, City Project 249. This will allow staff to proceed with the bid process and will allow the project to proceed in phases if needed. The railroad crossing improvements can not be assessed to the property owners. In order to qualify for Sta.te Aid specific requirements need to be met. The National Guard Maintenance Facility to be built north of Knutson Rubbish has had a schedule change which may change the project time table. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLiTTION RECEIVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS/AUTIiORIZING ADVERTI5EMENTS OF BIDS FOR BISCAYNE AVENUE STREET AND UTILITY IlVII'ROVTII�NTS, CITY PROJECT 249 which may be continued until spring. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Busho, Andersan, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the request from Charles Stauffer to acquire ten feet from a neighbor's lot which will allow him access to the rear of his lot. There are no additional lots or parcels created and therefore the procedure is exempt fram the platting requirements. Planning Commission recommends its appr�val. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMMON , BOIJNDARY LOT RELOCATION REQIJEST FOR CHARLES STA + + + . Second by Staa.ts. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staa.ts, Busho. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson explained the request from U.S. I3omes, Inc. to make a "land swap" of .15 acres with the Kelley Trust to enable them to plat three lots in the Country Hills Eight Addition. No rezoning is required. The Planning Cornmission approved this August 9, 1994. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR COIJNTRY HII..LS EIGHT�i ADDITION subject to an approved grading and utility plan and to authorize execution of the Country Hills Eight Addition Development Contract. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. Community Development Director Wasmund reviewed the City land transfer needed for ; development on Highway 3 across from St. Joseph's school playground. This involves park 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS - �. REGULAR MEETING SEPTFIVIBER 6, 1994 property which would be developed into a parking area shared by the parks and an office building to be built through the Rosemount Port Authority redevelopment program. The actual transfer to Mr. and Mrs. Walter-Iiansen will take place when a development agreement is reached. The transfer from the City to the Port Authority will take place as soon as documents are drafted. MOTION by Wippermann authorizing staff to proceed with the preparation and execution of title documents to transfer land to the Rosemount Port Authority in regazd to the development by Mr. and Mrs. Walter-Hansen for an office building. Second by Busho. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wipperma.nn. Nays: McMenomy. Councilmember Anderson reminded City Council of the National League of Cities Conference to be held in Minneapolis, December 1 - 4, 1994. The City Administrator noted that funds were budgeted for 1994 attendance. Council will consider attending. MOTION by Wippermann to adjoum the meeting. Second by Anderson. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary ATTEST: Thomas D. Burt City Adrninistrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1994-30. 4