HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. TH 52 Frontage Road Turnback � S' CITY OF ROSIIKOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 4, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: TH52 Frontage Road Turn Back AGEND,A SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson � AGENDA N City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Dir. �1'EM � � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 1993-117 and New AP Y: Resolution � � At the November 16, 1993 City Council meeting the TH52 corridor study was adopted by the City and became part of the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Guide Plan. Resolution "1993-117" is attached which adopted the study. At that meeting, it was discussed that through the proposed cooperative �greement with MnDat for safety improvements along TH52, the frontage road along the Koch side was to be extended northerly to 117th Street in Inver Grove Heights. MnDot would then turn back or release this frontage road to the two cities of Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount. The portion in Rosemount is approximately 1.21 miles in length after the proposed improvements are completed. The Council discussed at length the idea of having this frontage road turned back to the City. It should be noted that MnDot can release or turn back a street or highway to a lessor governmental agency when it seems apprapriate. In other words the City really has no choice in the matter. However, the Council as part of the resolution adopting the corridor study, introduced item number 3 in the resolution which stated that ��The_ frontage road shall not be the responsibility af the City of Rosemount and that in this respect the study is deficient. ° We had a meeting with MnDot regarding this statement in the resolution. They have told me that without the City of Rosemount's acceptance of the frontage road they will not go ahead with a cooperative agreement for the proposed project. This could delay the proposed praject two to three years. This project is a high priority, safety concern to many citizens, businesses, government entities and this should include the City of Rosemount. The fact is, is that safety concerns initiated the TH52 corridor study originally. Staff feels that the turn back of the 1.2 miles of frontage road to the City will not have an adverse affect on maintenance budget. Koch has snow plowed this frontage road in the past and has verbally agreed to continue this arrangement with the City of Rosemount. A formal agreement must be written up and adopted by both Koch and the City in the near future. MnDot has agreed to overlay the frontage road at their cost with the proposed project. Therefore, the Cit�}r of Rosemount will not have any maintenanee costs on this frontage road in the next five to ten years. In the future, overlays which improve the structural integrity of the road could be assessed to the benefiting property owners, in this case being Koch Refining. Qther small items of main.tenance will not cost the City a significant amount in the future. At some futixre date as more development occurs in the area, this road could be vacated by the City and "turned back° to Koch if proper City access is available. Attached is a resolution which was requested by MnDot and will keep the proposed safety improvements on track for construction in 1994. Staff recommends approval of this resolution. RECONIlyiENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY TO RELUCTANTLY ACCEPT THE TURN BACK OR RELEASE OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD ON TH52 FROM MNDOT. COUNCIL ACTION: 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE CITY RELUCTANTLY AGREES TO ACCEPT THE RELEASE OF THE TH52 FRONTAGE ROAD FROM MNDOT WHEREAS,the City Council along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Dakota County and the City of Inver Grove Heights determined that a Transportation Study was needed to study the Trunk Highway 52 Corridor and make recommendations to improve these transportation facilities,and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned about the future development of Rosemount and the transportation needs of its citizens, and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned about the safety of its citizens, and WHEREAS, a Consulting Engineer;for the Joint Task Force has prepared the Trunk Highway 52 Corridor Study and such Study has been accepted and put into the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan at its November 16, 1993 regulart�r scheduled meeting, and WHEREAS,the City Council did not want a certain frontage road outlined in the Study to become the responsibility of the City after release by MnDot, and as part of its resolution accepting the study made a statement to that affect. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: That upon the agreement of MnDot to structurally improve sai;d frontage road by the placement of a bituminous overlay at MnDot's cost and that upon an agreement with Koch Refining Co. whereby Koch Refining Co. will continue to be responsible for at1 snow plowing of said frontage road, the City will reluctantly accept the release of said frontage road by e,� MnDot. ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 1994. E. 8. McMenomy, Mayor � ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA �; RESOLUTtON 1993 - 117 ( i A RfSOLUTION RECEIVING THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 52 CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION STUDY WHEREAS, Trunk Highway 52 is a heavily traveled corridor and in the Concord Avenue to CSAH 42 area it has a higher than normal accident history, and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned about the safety of its citizens, and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned about the future development of Rosemount and the transportation needs of its citizens, and WHEREAS, the City Council along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Dakota Gounty and the City of Inver Grove Heights determined that a Transportation Study was needed to study the Trunk Highway 52 Carridor and make recornmendations to improve these transportation facilities, and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized that such a Study be completed, and WHEREAS, a Consulting Engineer for the Joint Task Force has prepared the Trunk Highway 52 Corridor Study and such Study has been presented to this Council for approvaL ;� NOW, THfREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: �� �� 1 . The Trunk Highway 52 Corridor Study is hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The Trunk Highway 52 Corridor Study shall become a part of the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The frontage road shall not be the responsibility of the City of Rosemount and that in this respect the study is deficient. / ADOPTED the 16th day of November, 1993. =� � �y�, 1�,' . �. :�-� �. , � E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Sus n M. �Wals , ity Cferk MOTION BY:_ Wiopermann SECONDED BY: Willcox � VOTE IN FAVOR: Willcox Wi ermann McMenom � y VOTED AGAINST: None PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR PREFERENCES: C?ption No. 1 - 40' wide, parking on south side Yes � - 40' wide, parking on north side Yes No < < Option No. 2 - 44' wide, parking on both sides Yes No Would you fike the overhead utilities to be relocated Yes No- �T ���� CCST � ���'''�`"'� •� or buried? ` . VUould you iike to have aecorative Iighting installed? Yes No_�i �Ir/��s Casr �j�°Qi�`'�`'`'`' C�mments: � c- c 68 780? E. Apach� Trail Mesa , AZ 8�207 �ecenher 3, 1993 City of Rosemount _ _ Nayo.r E.B. . I��ci�enomy and the Rossr�ount city co���l R�: Survey of. 145t11St. residents on street i.c�provement Council person: We did .. NOT RECEIVE THE SURVEY ��iI-iICH was to be presented to residents of the proposed 145th Street improvement. - Y1e feel we should be heard. This letter is in lieu of the absent survey which should have been s�nt to Eugenp and Helyn Duff 3135 1�$tn st. w. , �ox loz Rosemount, NN 55068 We wan-t to continue to have parking on BOTH sides of this section of the street. It would be totally unfair t� provide parking on one side in view of the number of homes and their close progimity to each other. ( nar.row lots) Also the safety f'actor is to be considered. Backing out o� one ' s driveway on this busy collector street into the immediate line of traffic is r.ot cnly hazardous bu�; suicide: : : U�'e feel sidewalks are presently in good condition but they can be altered if it will leave parking on both sides of this street. � ���e do not feel decorative liphting :i.s necessary. �he r�ain street (HHy 3) is wr�ere the t�ai.n downtown traffic cot�ld bene�it from such extravi�ance . n'0 underground ut�lities change . �his is a terrible expense to home owners on this segment of the stree�. .most of whom have only 60 amp ser�ice for electric which would have to be changed . at great expense to each indi�•idual property owner. We also feel that utilities should not be run to th.e rear of the property. Leave as is. Please consider this as our response to the survey which we did not receive , even though our mail is rautinan.y farwarded to us. , Jer truly yours, ��-'��• � ��