HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.q. Designation of Official Newspaper , , CITY OF ROSEI�OIINT E%ECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 4, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT NEWSPAPER PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA ��� � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT �J � ATTACHMEIJTS: LETTERS �"! Attached are three letters from local newspapers who are bidding to publish the City's legal notices for 1994 . It had been my intention to recommend that the City continue using the "Dakota County Tribune" since its subsidiary paper, the "Rosemount ThisWeek" will publish the City's monthly newsletter and city council minutes for 1994. City Attorney Mike Miles rendered a legal opinion that the City must designate the "Rosemount Town Pages" as its legal paper since its office is located in the city. Before 1994, the "Rosemount Town Pages" did not qualify as a legal paper. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the City Council designate the "Rosemount Town Pages�� as its legal newspaper. Mr. Heikkila also submitted a bid for publishing the city council minutes. At the last meeting Council approved that the minutes be published in the "Rosemount ThisWeek. " Even though Heikkila's bid per column inch �or the minutes is lower, it should be noted that "Rosemount ThisWeek" has a distribution of approximately 3600, and "Rosemount Town Page" has a distribution of 1200. I also think it is important to keep all the city's communications (newsletter and minutes) in one newspaper. I, therefore, recommend that the minutes continue to be published in the "Rosemount ThisWeek. " RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO DESIGNATE THE "ROSEMOUNT TOWN -PAGES" AS THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT OFFICIAL LEGAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE YEAR 1994. COIINCIL ACTION: , , . . . , �� ' � Ros e��o unt fio wn Pa es 14450 South Robert'h�ail Rosetnount,Mn 5506$ (612)322-1881 . To: City of Rosemount From: The Rosemount Town Pages As of January 1, 1994 under Minnesota State Statue, the Rosemount Town Pages will be a legal newspaper and qualify as the City of Rosemount's Official Newspaper. As such, we will enter a bid for$5.00 per column inch to publish the City of Rosemount's Legal Notices in the Rosemount Town Pages. We notice the city is currently being charged $6.67 per column inch to have it's legals published in the Dakota County Tribune. We will be saving the city nearly 25% in it's estimated$7,2001ega1 notice expense. As the designated official newspaper for the City of Rosemaunt, the Rosemount Town Pages would like to submit a bid to publish the Ciry Minutes at a cost of$4.50 per column inch. We see the�ity is currendy•paying Rosemount ThisWeek $5.63 per column inch. Again, we would be saving the city money, in this case over 15°k on an estimated$8,000 a year. Alnng with saving the city and it's taxpayers money,it will also be helping a local downtown business that is actively involved in the communiry. Thank You for considering the Rosemount Town Pages, '+� 0 Doug Heikkil Publisher ' CC: Mayor City Council Sue Walsh t�■�� ��� �� ..."�'� Heikkila Publications, Inc. � .aubtishcrs of: The Parmington Indepaidmt&Zhe Rosea�amt Town Pages P.O. Box I92 Farinington,MN. 55024 To: City of Rosemount From: Heikkila Publications lnc. it is Nereby affirmed: (a) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper is printed in the English language, is printed in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 1,000 square inches. (b) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper is issued weekfy, 52 weeks per year. (cj The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper averages 40%0 of its printed space to paid advertising material and public notices. The balance of printed space is given to news of local interest, sports and Community events. (d) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper has a paid circulation of 1200, and distributes up to 1200 without charge to residents on the Rosemount Post Office delivery. (e) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper is based at 14450 South.Robert Trail, in Rosernount, Minnesota. (f) A copy of each issue of the Rosemount Town Pages is mailed directly to the state historicaf society. , ._.. (g) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper is available to anyone who is a paid subscriber, or is distributed to them free of charge. {h) The Rosemount Town Pages Newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditidns for over one year immediately preceding date of notice of publication. ' (i) The Rosemount Town Pages publishes a second-class statement of ownership and circuiation, sworn to by the Rosemount U.S. Post Office and a copy of same will be filed with the secretary of state before January 1, of each year. ��, . �� a� �t3 � ���..._ J / Doug Heikkila �• Pria�ities in Desi � • - . , • � G�'�,.n a*� Official Necaspapez; S�ne changes have been made in the section of the statute describing the . priorities w}tich'mu.st be follawed by municipalities �ien desi o�ficial newspaper for �heu p��,;c r�tices. The new riori �t�g � as follchrs_ P 'ty order is a• Whe�e nnre than one qua�.ified newspal�r has its }rs�c�wn office of issue loc�ted w.zthi.� the baundaries of tt� muni.ciPalitY ox' local public corpozation, then the public body has auth�rity to designate whi�.��ex one of thsse n�wsoapess it be?ieves bss�. In s� cases, of course, � public body will be r�a_u.ired to let bi�s, but tha� is rx�� requirea zn ;.h.is statute. � b. zt there is onl o� 3�own o�tic� 0 1ssue i�o.c�t�ed���P� whi.Gh has its . l.ocal publa,c co �icina�;�y o� � ;� desi �ration, then that newspaPex' �st ba gnated. c. �n �h�re is no uua2zfied r�wspaper with its �-, o�fice oi issue 3ocated with.i.n the bou�z�es of the municipality or local public aorporati.an, but �th�re are o:�e or mare aualified n�wspapaxs k�th a secondaxy of��ce within the bciundaries, then one af the news�pa�s W3.� the seconda�*y ofti.ce shall be desiqnat�d, d. R'hen �.h,Axe is no qualif�ed n r �Pe-� withi.n the mu.`�ici�ality or loca� public c�mora±�.on, nr�r ane wi�n a �'��^W?'"4 n�rir;�. �+-ti;ar� �t]V ��lift.� I18Wa�'l.�3I�'...T' Of ci�noral . �� ....-..,��-...�..5� il.t��. ..... ! size r.o �raller thz�z 8 poin�, as follavs: "�na?ysis^o7 r � (Cit ) :rn�n.iciga]. liGuar s�-..ore "'' o�erations fcr (Yea_.r ' c. The state.Tr�.rit miast b� wrizten zn clear and easi3v wzderstandable Ianguage, ar�.�st conta.in the fol�os�n.;.ng ?nfa_��:on: '�otal sales, cost o� sales, gross proiit, profit as p�rcent af sales, operating e�penses, apera�ing - inc�t�, contxibutions to and frcgn ot.her �n3s, c��i'-.a� outl�y, in�erest paid, and debt retire�. The s-�ecific �orm is as prescribed by th� St��e ��ditvr. e• Sbecial ion: The city has the optian of zncoxporating the Iiquor store financial statement into th� g�eral published city financial state�nents, as described in rnuY+b�x a above. '�he p�-�.rticular fozm and style af this incoz�orat�on will be as prescribed by the Sta�e Audw.tor. 6. i�siG�tion of �.he Cr=�icial New �; � o_*z3.y fornial procedti:re required oT cities in order to estab�ish the official newspap�x directs that �he counci3 must, :'anriva,lly at its first meeting of the year, designate a legal r�wspaper of genexal circe�lation in the city as its official ne�wsraa�er, in whi.ch shall be uublished such orc�.nazices an� other matters as ar� requ,ised by law tA Jae s� ---• published and such other zr�at�ers as the council may �e�n ,,,J ac�risable a�d in the puhlic i.ritere�t to h.a��e �lis�w� in t.�is �1'L''w�". � (l.+�in?-,.^_.cn�-� Ci��.,.:_..� n'7-, c�� � .. - . . � T'HIS WEEK N�WSPAPEI�S DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE, INC. December 9 , 1993 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount , MInnesota 55068 To the Mayor and City Councilmembers: We would like to serve as the official legal newspaper for the City of Rosemount. As the leading publication in this area, we feel it ' s important to provide our readers with the cities legal notices in addition to the news stories , feature stories and photographs of local events that we offer each week. The Dakota County Tribune has been an official newspaper for many years , so readers and businesspersons are well-acquainted with where to find these important legal not�ces. We have also served as the legal newspaper for the Cities of Apple Va11ey, Burnsville, Eagan and Savage as well as the local school districts. Our staff is very experienced in helging �he cities place their iegal notices properly. I�s we have dor.e in the past , legal notices would also be reprinted �ree of charge in Rosemount and Apple Valley Thisweel: ( 16 , 644 copies) our total circulation newspapers. Please note that the rates qucted on the enclosed bid form are the �same as last year, with no �.ncrease in cost to the city. If you have any questions , please feel free to call. Sincerely, Carol Haverland Legal Department enc. (612) 894-1111 P.O. Bax 1439 1525 E. Highway 13 Burnsville, MN 5�337 . . . . • ` ' QUOTATION FORM No. of Lines Per, Column Inch 10 Printed Characters and Spaces Per Line . Averaqe 45 Total Characters and Spaces Per Column Inch AveracTe 450 Per Line Cost . 67. 7G � Per Column Inch_Cost �� �� Dakota Countv Tribune , Inc. Newspaper Bv Carol Haverland ,;::_ � December 9 , 1993 Date Cc*-�mznts: ii;an}: �:'CL' �Gz' vour consideration. MINNESOTA ��U�� PUBLICATIONS Sun•Current Sun•Post Sun•Sailor December 29, 1993 City Council _ City �f R�seme�.izi* 1.i67 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Council Members: Please consider the Sun-Cunent as the city of Rosemount's afficial newspaper for the year 199� at your January organizational meeting. The rate structure for legals effective January 1, 1994 will be: 1 column width: $0.79 per line - first insertion ($8.69 per inch) �0.44 per line - subsequent insertions ($4.84 per inch) ? column width: $1.54 per line - first insertion ($16.94 per inch) �0.$9 per line - subsequent insertions ($9.�9 per inch) Notarized affidavits on each of your publications will be provided. ?i'[innesota Sun Publications will accept legal notices on diskettes. Your IBM or compatible personal computer makes it easy for you to subrnit legal notices produced with WordPerfect, Wordstar �r ;��IS ���ord �vord-processing programs. Files saved in ASCII are also acceptable. As this represents as cost- ef�ective and efficient method for us to produce the copy for publication, we will offer a l�% rate discount on aIl notices submitted on diskettes. We recommend that other municipai departments coordinate their leQai notice nuhlishing needs with the cit_y clerk's office as well. All leRal ads should be sent to our Bloomin�ton office by Thursday noon preceding our `'�jednesda�- publications. In order to expedite our service to you, please direct your legals to the attention of Meridel Hedblom, Minnesota Sun Publications, 7831 East Bush Lake Road, Bloomin�ton, MN 5�439. Far your c�nvenience our fax number is 896-4754. Thank you for considering the Sun-C�rrent Rosemount as your official newspaper for the ensuing year. We are honored and pleased to serve you and look forward to a mutually beneficial worlting relationship with the city of . Si cerely, �UV / Donald W. Thurlow Publisher Bioomington Qffice:7831 Eas;Bush Lake Road • Bloomington, MN 55439 • Ph: (612) 896-4700