HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.l. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report - O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Addition, City Project #253 , :,-• ; ., CITY OF ..ROSEMOIINT , ,.. • ., . . ,.. . . EXECIITIVE St7NIl2ARY FOR ACTION : CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 4, 1994 AGENDA ITEM; Receive Petition, Order AGENDA SECTION: Consent Feasibility Report, 0'Leary' s Hills 7�h and 8th' Additions, City ,Project `#253 �-.� ' - PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N � � „ City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Dir. ���`� ��ti" - ATTACHMENTS: Petition and Resolution APPROVED BY � The City has `received a petition for public improvements in the proposed 0'Leary' s Hills 7th and 8th Additions from the owners of the property, Parkview Inc. The developer has submitted a preliminary plat and this will be making its way through the platting proeess. At this time staff is asking Council to order the feasibility report for these last two additions in this sub-division. Staff has assigned this project to the consulting engineering firm of Short, Elliot, Hendrickson. This project has been designated City Project #253 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION T0 ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PETITION AND ORDERING THE FEASIBILITY REPQRT FOR 0' LEARYS' S HILLS 7TH AND 8TH ADDITIONS STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #253 . COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � A . � . . � _ ._ . � m�;, .. ��;_ .. . ._. , ��� . ,�... : m .s �... �._ . , . ,_ � _ ��. . : - RESOl.UTION:1994 - - , r. .;, A RESOLUTION RECEfVING PETITkON AND ORDER FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR O'LEARY'S HFLLS 7TH AND 8TH ADDITIONS STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT # 253 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and property owners of the proposed O'Leary's Hills 7th and 8th Additions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: (1) the aforesaid petition represents 100% of the owners of the affected property; (2) the property owner requests in the petition that the improvements be constructed and that the entire cost for their share less the City's share of the cost of the improvement be assessed against the property; (3} the aforesaid petition is approved and placed on file. (4) the City's Consulting Engineer is directed to prepare the neeessary Feasibility Report for the O'Leary's Hills 7th and 8th Additions Street & Utiiity Improvements, City Project #253. ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by. Voted in favor: Voted against: f'ro�{ �I zS� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT — PE'TITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEHENTS ( 1D0% Petition) , .� . ._ .F. .. , ., _ ,. ,. .,,. . _ _ .. , . To the City Council nf Rosemount, Minneaota: We, the undereigned, being the oWnere of all the real property legally described as followe: 0 'LEARYS HILLS SEVENTH ADDITION hereby petition the city council to undertake vithout e public hearing under Minn�sote Stetutes� Section 429. 031, the folloring improvemente to such property and agree to p�y f or all costs for the preparetion ot the feaeibility r�port for theee improvements in the event the improvemente are not ordered int X Sanitary_ SeNer X Walkways X Watermain �__ Streete X Storm SeWer . X Gurb b Gutter �_ Streetlights Other and to pay the entire eseessable coets ther�of aqainst our property encompessing ar ebutting eaid improvements besed on benefits received aithout regerd to cseh vsluetion. SiQnature of Ownerls) + Addrese petQ 1. _ �RKVIEW, �NC , 3480 UPPER 149th ST. WEST '�23-�3 .— 2•�i2' ` �� ROSEMOUNT , MINN 55068 3. 4. We aleo agree to guaranty payment for the preparation of pl�nc� and specificstions for the above petitioned improveme�nte in order that the plane and specifications may be prepared eimul.tAneou+�ly with the feaeibility report. For City Use Only Date Rec'd: �Z'23-73 gy;���_ To Council :�� • Property owned in �oint tenency should be eigned by esch orner. 10/88 � . Proi # Z,S� CITY OF ftOSEMOUNT PETITION FOR LOCAL IHPROVEMENTS t100% Petition) -. - �. .: : , , To the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesotas We, the undereigned, being the oWnere of all the real property legally described ae followss 0'LEARYS HILLS EIGHTH ADDITIQN hereby petition the city council to un��rtal;e Mj,t}�t���} R puhllc hearing under Minneeota Statutes. Section �47.9. 0�1, the fo.l ] ���rir►q improvements to such property and agreP to pay inr all cogts for the preparation of the feasibility report for these im�rovement� in the event the improvements are not ordered ins _.,�_ Sanitary SeMer X WelkWays X Wetermein , X Streets X Starm SeWer X Curb E. Gutter X Streetlights Other end to pey the entire essessable costs thereof a�ainst our property encompassing or abutting eaid improvements besed on benefita received without regard to cash valuation. Siqnature of Ownerts) • Addrese Date 1. PARKVIEt�?, zNC 3480 UPPER 149th ST. WEST � 2• ^ ' `�� � ROSEMOUNT, MINN 55068 ��a`j- , 3. 4. We alao agree to guaranty �syment for the preparation of planr� and specifications for the above petitioned improveme�nte in order that the plans and Bpecifications mgy be prepared eimultaneously with the feasibility report. For City Use Only Date Rec'd: �Z'�-�3 � BY� To Council: �`t-��'� * Property oWned in �oint tenanoy shauld be eigned by each oMner. 10/88