HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.k. Set Speed Limit - 145th Street West . t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARF FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 4, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Set Speed Limit 145th Street AGENDA SECTION: Consent West PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA �Qr�.■ ! � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Dir. � � t��� # � ATTACffi�2ENT5: MnDot Letter and Authorization, APPR D Y. Resolution The City Council requested that the Commissioner of Transportation investigate and perform a speed study to determine a �'reasonable and safe" speed on 145th Street West from Diamond Path to Chippendale Avenue at its October 5, 1993 Council meeting. MnDot has recently completed that speed study and has determined that a "reasonable and safe" speed for that referenced street should be set at 40 m.p.h. According to MnDot personnel the current traffic speed and the lack of entrances onto this segmenti of 145th Street is the reason that the speed was set at 40 m.p.h. As the area on the north side of 145th Street, west of Shannon Parkway, and the area south of 145th Street, east of Shannon Parkway develops in the future, we ma.y request a new speed study to be completed, which could possibly alter this 40 m.p.h. speed limit. It is staff' s recommendation that Council adopt a resolution to set the speed limit as stipulated by MnDot. ,:: RECObIlKENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION SETTING THE SPEED LIMIT AS STIPULATED BY MNDOT T0� 40 M.P.H. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 . � CITY OF RQSEbiOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLIITION ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ALONG 145TI3 STREET WEST FROM DIAMOND PATH (CR 33) TO CHIPPENDALE AVENUE WHEREAS, the City has recently reconstructed 145th Street West from a rural to an urban section; and WHEREAS, State law authorizes only the Commissioner of Transportation to set speed limits along public streets and highways that don' t fall under the "Urban District° classification as defined in M.S.L. 169.01, Subdivision 59 ; and YPHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is concerned for safety of its residents living along and traveling this street. WIIEREAS, the City of Rosemount requested the Commissioner of Transportation to conduct a speed study on 145th Street West from Diamond Path to Chippendale Avenue; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Transportation has conducted such a study and its results are now known. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: The speed limit on 145th Street West from Diamond Path to Chippendale Avenue shall be 40 miles per hour. ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 1994 . E. B. McMenomy, Ma.yor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: ' > . , . �:. ;. . -: . ._ . ��NN�t4 �o yo Minnesota Department of Transportation � � OFFICE OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING �� � 1500 West County Road B2, Suite 250 � Roseville, MN 55113 � rOF TR November 17, 1993 (612) 582-1042 Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 - Dear Ms._ Walsh: As requested by City Resolution 1993-100, dated October 5, 1993, attached is authorization to erect the appropriate signs designating the reasonable and safe speeds on 145th Street West. Please keep t3us authorization in your permanent files, we have our necessary copies. Erection of signs shall be in conformance with the 1991 Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Note the contingency on the authorizations. This must be met before the regulatory speed limit signs aze erected or changed. Sincerely, ,, : i� �.i----- c-- � � � � � Michael J. ilen, P. . Assistant ffice Director, Traffic Engineering cc: �Bud Osmundson, City Engineer (Transmittal Only) An Equal Opportuniry Employer Printed on Recycled Paper . . � , . Mn/DOT 29213 (12-78) �,,,.,,� - ��,CP� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Page 1 of 1 Page LOCAL STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT AUTHORIZATION Road Authority City of Rosernount Date November 17, 1993 Road Name or No. 145th Street West Termini of Zone: From Diamond Path To Chippendale Avenue Date of Request November 10, 1993 Kindly make the following changes in speed limits on the above-referenced section. Changes authorized herein are in accordance with Minnesota Highway Traffic Regulztion Act, M.S. Chapter 169.14 and applicable subdivisions thereof. 40 miles per hour between the intersection with Diamond Path and the intersection with Chippendale Avenue. � . . b..�.. � . NOTE: The speed limits, described in tnis autiiorization, are authorized contingent upon curves and hazards being signed with the appropriate advance curve or warning signs, including appropriate speed advisory plates. The roadway described shall be reviewed for tr�c control devices impacted by the authorized speed limits before posting the signs. Warning signs and speed limit signs shall be in accordance with the Iviinnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. � � . (1) White - Road Authority Au � i ature ' (1) Pink - Central O�ce Traffic (1) Blue - District Traffic Engineer c for Road Authority use only Date traffic control devices changed implementing this authorization � Month-Day-Year Signature Title